Set in New Orleans at the turn of the 21st century, this continuation of the highly acclaimed Night People provides a stark, eccentric, and wholly original plunge into the dark and grimy world of just revenge, as it vividly tracks the lives of individuals intent on making a profound difference in the world before they are willingly or forcibly removed from it.
"[Arise and Walk is] more colorful than a car wreck and as absurdly comprehensible." —David Lynch
"Barry Gifford is laconic and intense, apocalyptic and hilarious: always, however, wonderfully readable. With his new book Arise and Walk, I am once again seduced by his Gulf Coast Louisianans, true vessels for our dreams and nightmares, at once real and marvelous." —Jose Yglesias
"Gifford nails it down—his books are more fun than nearly any around. If my people ever met Gifford's they'd get along great." —Elmore Leonard
"Arise and Walk is Barry Gifford's funniest and fastest yet. Surely this book should place him in the front ranks of contemporary comic novelists." —Al Young
"Barry Gifford is a stylist in the manner of Tom McGuane and Joy Williams, with the heart of Raymond Carver. Gifford's sense of life takes him back to life itself as it is lived now."—Jim Harrison
"Gifford’s night people are a strange mix of utter weirdness and bedrock humanity, rampant eccentricity and absolute individuality. Some things in life are beyond analysis, and Barry Gifford is one of them." —Booklist
"(Barry Gifford's) consummate skills give us reflecting images and themes in quick, bright strokes that linger on the retina... The talk comes from the hot dark of the innards, reminding us that the world is ’wild at heart,' and that we fear and love it that way." —Katherine Dunn