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Arif Masud: Advanced Computational Methods and Non-Newtonian Blood Models for Blood-artery ... PDF

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Advanced Computational Methods and Non-Newtonian Models for Blood-artery Interactions in Patient Specific Geometries Arif Masud JaeHyuk Kwack Soonpil Kang Blue Waters Symposium, June 13, 2016 Research Highlights Developing advanced numerical methods for cardiovascular biofluid dynamics •  New Generalized Oldroyd-B models for viscoelastic fluids" •  New Class of Stabilized FE methods for Non-Newtonian fluids" •  Application to CF-VAD assisted flows in diseased Carotid artery to assess progression of disease and risk of stroke" •  Blood-artery interaction models (hypertension)" •  Intracranial hemodynamics during high levels of +Gz accelerations" Developing tools for Automated Geometry Reconstruction •  Java & Python codes to extract geometry from MRI, CT-Scans" •  Codes for processing patient models for 3D printing" Collaborators: •  Prof. Bill Gropp, University of Illinois" •  Mark Vanmoer, NCSA" •  Dr. G. Bhatt, Heart Institute, Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, IL, USA! 2 " Shear-rate Dependent Constitutive Models Viscosity vs. shear-rate Shear-stress vs. shear-rate Constitutive relations for viscosity: (a) Newtonian model: η(γ):= η (b) Power Law model: η(γ):=µγ n−1 (n−1) (c) Carreau-Yasuda model: η(γ):+=− η +(η η )(1 (λγ)a) a ∞ 0 ∞ 3 Incompressible Shear-rate Dependent Fluids Governing Equations ρv +⋅ρ∇v −∇v ⋅ =∇+σ (v) Ω p× ρf in ]0,T[ ,t v ∇⋅v= 0 inΩ × ]0,T[ v =Γg × on ]0,T[ g σ ⋅=n (σ−(v) ⋅=pI) n h Γ × on ]0,T[ v h v(x,0) =Ωv × on {0} 0 • σ = 2η(γ)ε(v) := viscous stress tensor v •γ = 2ε(v): ε(v) := shear rate The Standard Weak Form v v Find v ∈= Ω(H1( ))nsd a∈nd= pΩ P∩ CΩ0( ) L∀2( ),∈ s.t. w ∈ and q P 0 ρ(w∇,v )++⋅ρ∇(w−,v∇=⋅ v) ( w,+σ (v)) ( w, p) ρ(w, f ) (w,h) ,t v Γ h (q,∇⋅v)= 0 4 The Variational Multiscale Method v(x,t) = v (x,t) + vʹ(x,t); w(x) = w(x) + wʹ(x) 1 2 3 1 2 3 { { coarse scale fine scale coarse scale fine scale •  vʹ : Piecewise polynomials of sufficiently high order, continuous in space but discontinuous in time Modified variational form ρ(w + wʹ,v )+ρ(w + w+ʹ+,(∇⋅v∇+v+ʹ) +(v vʹ)) ( (w wʹ),σv( v ʹ)) ,t v −(∇⋅(w+ wʹ), p)= ρ(w+ wʹ, f +) (w+ wʹ,h) Γ h (q,∇⋅(v + vʹ))= 0 •σ (v + vʹ) = 2ηεv( +v ʹ) ε•v (v +εvʹ) =εv( )+ ( ʹ) v •η is a function of the shear-rate from the coarse-scale velocity field 5 (Hughes CMAME 1995); (Kwack & Masud Comp Mech. 2014) Nonlinear Stabilized Form Embed fine-scale solution in the coarse problem: ρ(w∇,v )++⋅ρ∇(w,−v∇∇⋅+v⋅) ( w,2ηεv( )) ( w , p) (q, v) ,t ⎛⎛ρ(−∇v ⋅w +(∇⋅v )w + v ⋅∇w)⎞ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎛−ρv −ρv∇+⋅∇⋅v 2η εv( )⎞⎟ −+⎜∇⎜ η∇(⋅Δ+( w) w) ⎟,τ ⎜ ,t ⎟⎟ = ρ(w, f )+(w,h) ⎟ + ∇ ⋅ −∇ ⎜+⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 2 η εv( ) p ρf ⎟ Γh ⎝ ⎠ ⎜⎜+∇η⋅((∇⋅w)1+∇w)+∇q ⎟ ⎟ ⎝⎝ ⎠ ⎠ •  Smooth variation of shear rate over element interiors ð non-zero gradients of the viscosity field •  Additional contributions to the stabilization terms •  These terms are important for obtaining optimal convergence for higher-order elements 6 Implementation Strategy and Performance of the Code -  Mesh partition employing a “ghost” node approach - METIS library to partition the mesh - Balanced work load - Unbalanced communication pattern - PETSc to solve the system of equations - Implicit Method with Newton-type strategy - Generalized alpha method for time integ. - Most part of the computations are done at the element level - Degradation of scalability due to - Communication unbalance - “Ghost” nodes Blood Flow in Carotid Artery Inflow: Common Caro,d Artery 8 Blood Flow in Carotid Artery D = 7.38 mm D = 4.10 mm D = 7.97 mm 9 Blood Flow in Carotid Artery D = 7.38 mm D = 4.10 mm D = 7.97 mm 10

Application to CF-VAD assisted flows in diseased Carotid artery to assess progression of disease and risk of stroke. • Blood-artery interaction models (hypertension). • Intracranial hemodynamics during high .. Contemporary HPC Architectures, Jeffery Vetter editor. Sitka. Publications, November
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