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Arie Crown Hebrew Day School would like to congratulate our very own Ms. Stacy Daybook ... PDF

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Preview Arie Crown Hebrew Day School would like to congratulate our very own Ms. Stacy Daybook ...

PARSHAS VAYEIRA 14 Cheshvan 5778 November 3, 2017 Arie Crown Hebrew Day Luach School would like to Friday, November 3 Candle Lighting Time: 5:22PM congratulate our very Shabbos, November 4 own Ms. Stacy Daybook, Shabbos Parshas Vayeira beloved 2nd grade Sof Z’man Kriyas Shema: 10:01AM teacher, for being Upcoming Events honored as one of the Sunday-Sunday, October 29-November 5 H a r t m a n F a m i l y Conference Sign-Up Online Foundation Educators of Sunday, November 5 the Year. We are proud 8B Jewish History Presentation 9:00AM and lucky to have you as 7B Jewish History Presentation 10:10AM an inspirational teacher for our Arie Crown students. Mazel Tov Tuesday, November 7 7B (Sherman) Visit to Holocaust Museum on this well deserved honor and we wish you continued success in your efforts to educate our students for years to come. Wednesday, November 8 7B (Nadoff) Visit to Holocaust Museum Wednesday, November 8 RE-REGISTRATION AND REGISTRATION COMING SOON! P/T Conferences (see attached schedule) Thursday, November 9 Save the date for Arie Crown 2018-19 registration! 7B (Schwartz) Visit to Holocaust Museum Registration for all current families - November 15, 2017 Tuesday, November 14 Registration for all new families - November 27, 2017 P/T Conferences (see attached schedule) An email link with registration instructions will be sent out soon! **New This Year** Hot Lunches: Refer a new family to our Preschool program and receive $100 off Monday, November 6 Hamburger Tuesday, November 7 Pizza your 2018-2019 school year tuition. Wednesday, November 8 Schnitzel Please contact [email protected] for more details Thursday, November 9 Baked Potato Friday, November 10 No Hot Lunch Arie Crown Hebrew Day School is affiliated with the Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago, a partner in serving our Jewish Community supported by the JUF/Jewish Federation of Chicago. PARSHAS VAYEIRA 14 Cheshvan 5778 November 3, 2017 4th Grade News By Adina Berkovitz, Rochel Gertz, Rivky Belsh In Mrs. Dubovick’s Kittah Daled, we went to Mrs. Reiss’s class for the first time and we learned a “Mama Rochel” song and made a project for Rochel Imeinu’s yahrtzheit. We did our second project this year also. We made a stained glass project of Rochel Imeinu’s Kever. We also started Perek Bais in Chumash. We made a wheel of events in Navi and we are learning lots of new songs. We all did nicely on our first Chumash test! We are learning a lot in Chumash! We’re having a lot of fun in fourth grade! Have a good Shabbos! 5th Grade News By Mrs. Dubovick Mrs. Dubovick is so proud of her Talmidos from last year who are now in 5th grade! The following girls completed their entire summer homework packet this past summer: Aviva Goldman, Aliza Goldstein, Dalia Kalutzky, Meira Safirstein, Hadar Simkovich, Meital Wittlin They waited very patiently for their personalized Siddurim to come in. What a special prize worth waiting for. May you daven from these Siddurim for many years to come. I’m so proud of you girls! Hatzlacha in 5th grade! PARSHAS VAYEIRA 14 Cheshvan 5778 November 3, 2017 2nd Grade News By Mrs. Abrams and Mrs. Allswang The second grade girls have been learning about the three different types of communities: urban, suburban, and rural. They explored the things that make each community 2nd Grade Girls working with special and spent time friends from the other class comparing how they are the together on a fun review of same and different from each our social studies unit on other. As a special culminating communities Mrs. Kirsch’s 4th Grade Girls’ class enjoyed their first activity, the girls were privileged Art Appreciation lesson and project. to hear from the mayor of Lincolnwood, Mayor Barry Bass. Mayor Bass is an Arie Crown grandfather and father to Mrs. Marisa Loebmann, an Arie Crown teacher. Mayor Bass told the girls all about the election process, what he enjoys about this job, and the many things that he does to help this suburban community. The girls listened so beautifully to Mayor Bass and asked very insightful questions, keeping in mind the things that they learned about communities. We are so grateful to Mayor Bass for taking the time from his busy schedule to provide our girls with this amazing opportunity. After Mayor Bass finished speaking, the classes played a fun game together working with partners from the Mrs. Glickman's 3rd Grade Boys working on their cursive other class letters. So far, they have learned the letters "c", "a", "d", "g". and they They finished all of the "magic c" letters and this week they tested their learned the letter "h". They love it! knowledge about all that they learned. It was a really fun day! 8th Grade Girls explored writing this week at 2nd Grade Girls with Mayor Bass of Lincolnwood The American Writers Museum PARSHAS VAYEIRA 14 Cheshvan 5778 November 3, 2017 5th Grade News 5th and 6th Grade News By Ms. Worch By Ms. Worch The 5th grade Last week, the 5th and 6th Grade Girls' Language Arts girls in Ms. classes joined together for a very special Writing Worch's class Workshop session. The current unit is focused on started their Narrative Writing. After brainstorming, outlining, Social Studies drafting, writing and editing their essays, the fifth unit on graders were ready for some final edits from the more American experienced narrative writers in the sixth grade. What a History. As an beautiful scene to witness the sixth graders using their introductory skills and experiences to provide guidance to the fifth activity, graders! Thank you to Mrs. Spiliopoulis and Mrs. Wagner for accommodating and supporting the scheduling of this activity, and to Ms. Wexler for students coordinating the writing units at Arie Crown. brought to class a collection of items from their own lives. They then discussed some ways in which future historians might use these items as primary and/or secondary sources to glean information about our current culture. Mrs. Oberlander's 3rd Grade Girls learning science about how flowers are pollinated from Mystery Science. They got to make the flowers and pipe cleaner bees. PARSHAS VAYEIRA 14 Cheshvan 5778 November 3, 2017 PIZZA FRIDAYS!! GENERAL STUDIES UPDATES ACHDS Student Council presents... PIZZA LUNCH FRIDAYS!! (Kindergarten thru 8th Grade) Pizza lunch dates are: There are so many wonderful things happening in the November 10, 17 afternoons at Arie Crown! December 1, 8, 22, 29 We are looking forward to seeing you at Parent/ and January 5. Teacher Conferences on November 8th and 14th. On each night, we will have a table set up in the main hallway by the front office. You will be able to pick up Click here for more information and to order your children’s MAP scores for Reading and Math. In or visit www.ariecrown.org. addition, we will have Writing Workshop pieces DEADLINE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6 available for parents of 3rd and 6th graders to take home. We are excited for you to see how much their Running Club News writing has improved over time! 8th grade papers By Mrs. Margolin will be sent home closer to the end of the year. Congratulations to the nearly 40 girls who pushed We have already had a number of field trips this year. themselves this past spring to run harder and faster each Our 8th grade girls visited the new American Writers week for ACHDUS Runners. The girls ran a minimum of Museum, the 6th grade boys measured water two miles each week and several girls ran up to six miles samples at the pond, and the 4th grade boys traveled each week. Thank you to junior coaches Molly Heifetz, to the Planetarium. The 7th graders prepared for their Adina Margolin, Naomi Cohen, Michal Bechhofer and trips to the Holocaust Museum with special history Daphna Feinberg! and geography lessons with Mrs. Coomer. If you have any questions about the General Studies program, please contact Mrs. Swann at [email protected] or on extension 606. PARSHAS VAYEIRA 14 Cheshvan 5778 November 3, 2017 BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB MAP TESTING SCORES The Arie Crown PTA wishes a very Happy Birthday to Reading and Math MAP tests for grades 1-8 were the following birthday book club participants for completed before Sukkos. Parents can pick up October: printouts of their children's test scores at fall conferences. TAG CHICAGO AT P/T CONFERENCES Arie Crown is proud to partner with TAG Chicago in Yosef Goldberg—8B offering private consultations during our Fall Mani Ida—Kindergarten Conferences this year. Rabbi Eric Goldman of TAG will be available to meet with parents to discuss technology All of the students are so excited to be the first to and safe internet use in your home and on your check out the books that were purchased in their children. To reserve your slot please email Rabbi honor and donated to the Arie Crown Library! To Goldman directly at [email protected] or call sign up your child for the birthday book club, visit the 646-784-7266. We strongly encourage all parents to parent home page on ariecrown.org. take advantage of this opportunity. LOOKING FOR BASKETBALL COACH BOOK FAIR! The Arie Crown 7th/8th grade girls' basketball team is Mark your calendar! looking for an assistant coach to work with Mrs. The Arie Crown Fall 2017 Scholastic Mashiach this year. Typically it will be a twice-a-week Book Fair is coming soon! commitment, with 2 practices and/or games per Wednesday, November 8th and week. Playing and some coaching experience is Tuesday, November 14th needed. If you are interested, or you know someone during Parent/Teacher Conferences! who might be, please contact Mrs. Hainsfurther, team coordinator, at [email protected]. Don't forget that you can see all the information about the Scholastic Book Fair and even order books BAR/BAS MITZVAH CALENDAR through our Scholastic Book Fair web page which is accessible through the ACHDS website As a convenience for parents, the Arie Crown PTA keeps a Bar/Bas Mitzvah Calendar where families can www.ariecrown.org under the tab “News and Announcements." The books will be delivered to submit the time and dates of their planned simcha. ACHDS (free shipping) and will be distributed to your Submitting your simcha date to the calendar helps to avoid conflicts with other Arie Crown families. child after the book fair is over. If you have a Bar or Bas Mitzvah planned, please go Limited volunteer positions are available the week of to the parents’ home page of the school website to wish lists and conference nights. For more submit your date. Please allow a few days after information or to volunteer, contact Michelle submission for the information to be recorded on the Levinson at [email protected] or Robyn calendar. Cohen at [email protected] PARSHAS VAYEIRA 14 Cheshvan 5778 November 3, 2017 The Arie Crown Family would like to extend a Mazel Tov Shuls, kosher grocery stores and restaurants. For more to: information, call 773-295-4300 Available immediately. Births 1600 square foot, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom 1st floor *Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Albom and Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Reich apartment with eat in kitchen and separate living and on the birth of their grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs. Ari dining room areas. Central air and heat and storage (class of ‘03) and Malka (class of ‘06) Reich. space available. Access to spacious workout room and *Rabbi and Mrs. Reuven and Meira (class of ‘96) coin operated laundry on premises. Indoor parking Gottesman on the birth of their daughter. Mazel Tov to available. Located in the heart of Rogers Park, close to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Michael Gottesman shuls, kosher grocery stores and restaurants. Available and Dr. and Mrs. Edward Loew. December 1, 2017. For more information, call 773-295- *Mrs. Linda Glickman Kirshner and Mr. and Mrs. Michael 4300. Kirshner on the birth of their granddaughter, born to Please join No Shame On U on Sunday night, November Noson Aharon (class of '99) and Chana Kirshner Of 5th, at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Skokie for our 3rd Yerushalayim. Mazel Tov to the great-grandparents, annual event featuring Brian Cuban, brother of Dallas Rebbetzin Lee Glickman and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mavericks owner and Shark Tank Shark Mark Cuban. For Kirshner. more information and registration, please go to *Rabbi and Mrs. Elisha Prero on the birth of their www.nsou2017.eventbrite.com or contact Miriam at granddaughter, born to Noah and Ayelet (class of ‘07) [email protected]. Isaacs. Mazel Tov to the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dordek. Skokie Community Kollel’s Besamim Sunday program for Engagements/Weddings girls in grades 3 through 5 begins Sunday, November *Mr. and Mrs. Heshey Lichtman on the recent marriage of 5th. This exciting weekly program offers arts & crafts, their daughter, Shifra (class of '05), to Yoni Netkin of Los games, pizza and prizes. Besamim meets every Sunday Angeles. Mazel Tov to the grandmother, Mrs. Rhoda from 11:00 to 12:15 pm at the Skokie Community Kollel, Fefferman. 3732 Dempster St., Skokie. We are looking forward to Bar/Bas Mitzvahs another exciting year! Can’t wait to see you! *Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. DeAngelis on the Bas Mitzvah of All boys are invited to the TNT Program at the Skokie their daughter, Gavi. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Mr. Community Kollel, 3732 Dempster St. Skokie, Saturday and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Night Father & Son Learning Opening Session! Kalcheim. November 11th! Motzie Shabbos at 7:00 pm. Guest speaker Rabbi Shmuel Oren, Skokie Community Kollel. 2 *Mr. Zachary and Dr. Amy Herman on the Bar Mitzvah of slices of Pizza! Fries! their son, Shimon. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Mr. Frances Herman and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aronson. NORTHWESTERN VS. CREIGHTON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 8 p.m. at ALLSTATE ARENA! Keshet and Northwestern University Basketball invite the community Community Announcements to Keshet Buddy Basketball at the Allstate Arena and to experience Big Ten Basketball! Keshet Buddy Basketball We read about Hachnosas Orchim and Bikur Cholim in will play at halftime of the game on the court! Tickets are Parshas Vayeira. These two mitzvos exemplify what the just $15. Use promo code Keshet at NUSPORTS.COM/ Arie Crown Family is all about! Everything you did; GROUPS. For additional information please contact Heidi cooking, calling, visiting, and sending cards, was done Friedman at 847-205-0274. from the heart with such love and care! Thank you to the Rabbeim, Moros, parents, and students. We are truly the Bnei Akiva Snif will meet this week for Chevraya Alef (3rd- best family around! I will always remember your kindness. 6th grades). This Shabbat, from 3:30-5pm. In WRP at With love and gratitude, Miriam Weine. Yeshurun, 3050 W. Touhy and in Skokie at the Lishka, 3740 W. Dempster. There will be prizes, snacks and Extra large 3.5 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom, 2nd floor plenty of fun! And announcing our Regional Za”ch apartment with large living room and dining room. Shabbaton in Cleveland – November 17-19 for 7th-8th Access to workout room and coin operated laundry on grades. Go to www.bneiakivachicago.org/shabbaton for premises. Storage space available. Indoor parking full information and registration. available. Located in the heart of Rogers Park, close to P a r s h as Vayeira 14 Cheshvan, 5778 November 3, 2017 Pre Nursery Nursery Kindergarten EC Calendar November 7 Early Childhood campus vision and hearing screening November 8 Parent/Teacher Conferences At the main campus November 12 Early Childhood Open House 1:00-2:30pm Shoshana Safirstein Early Childhood Director [email protected] Avraham Aveinu visits to teach the yeladim all about the Mitzvah of Hachnasas Orchim! The Pre-Nursery yeladim explored different types of transportation in conjunction with Parshas Lech Lecha! The yeladim enjoyed sorting vehicles by whether they travel on land, water, or air; singing, dancing and acting out transportation songs; painting with the wheels of different vehicles; creating a camel for Avraham's travel to Eretz Canaan; and following a pictorial recipe to make trail mix for their own (real or imaginary) travels! Early Childhood practices the Mitzvah of Hachnasas Orchim in honor of Parshas Vayeira! Everyone had the chance to welcome other friends to their classrooms for treats, games, and other fun activities to enjoy with their guests! In K108 we learned that Avraham served his guests (3 malachim) a meal which included butter. To experience how butter was probably made in Avraham's time, we made it the old fashioned way. We poured cream into containers which were passed around, each child shaking as hard as possible. We noted the change in the consistency of the liquid during the process. It took about five minutes until we noticed changes and about ten minutes until the cream solidified into a spreadable consistency. Yeladim identified differences between a liquid and solid, i.e.; a liquid can be poured but a solid cannot. They observed that the butter began as a liquid and ended up as a solid. Crackers served with fresh butter was a great morning snack! Chug a Chug a Choo-Choo! The yeladim take a ride on the Skokie Swift in honor of Parshas Lech Lecha. This was a great way to end our transportation exploration!

your 2018-2019 school year tuition. Please contact [email protected] for more details . If you have a Bar or Bas Mitzvah planned, please go to the parents' home page of the school website to *Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Albom and Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Reich on the birth of their grandson, born to Mr.
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