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Argumentation Schemes PDF

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ArgumentaStcihoenm es DOUGLAS WALTON l' i1v1r ir soI )Wf'i 1' 11i 1/ JI'I{ CHRIS REED Univrorfsi/t)yr mdn• FABRIZIO MACAGNO Catll' wniltilf'nroiM fl_)'i lmr U CAMBRIDGE .., UNIVERSITYP RESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CambridgNee.wY orkM.e lbourneM,a driCda,p eT ownS,i ngaporSeil,o P aulDoe,l hi CambridgUen iversiP!rye ss 32A venuuef th e Americas, NewY orkN,Y 1oo 13-2743 ·U SA www.cambridge.org Informatoinot nh itsi twwlwe.:c ambridge.org/g7Ho521723749 © DouglWasa ltoCnh,r iRse eda,n dF abrizMiaoc agn2ooo !! Thipsu blicaitsii oncn o pyrigShutb.j etcots tatutoeryx ct>ption andt ut ht"p rovisioofrn esl e\c"aonltl ecltiicveen saignrge emenL,, nor eproductioofan n yp anm ayt akpel acwei thout thtw•r iuepenr mis..�ioofCn .a mbridgUen iversiP!rye .ss Firsptu blish2e0d0 8 Printiendt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica A ralam:lororgfl or t hpubilsic aliisOflava ilable from theB ritiJs.hi brary. J.ibronfry ConpsCast alogingi nPl wlicalDiOfla ta WaltoDno,u gla.N�. Argumt·ntascthieomne sI DouglWasa ltuCnh,r iRse edF,a brizMiacoa gno. p. em. Includbeisb liographriecfaelr enacnedis n dex. ISBN9 7!!-o-51l1-87gg<71- (hardba)c-kISBN 971H1-521-72374"9 p(bk.) 1.R easoningI..R eedC,h risI.I M.a cagnFoa,b riziIol.lT .i tle. BC:I77·W321070 !1 16!H:Ic�o�2 �o�oo7o45337 ISBN 97lH1-52t-!!g7g<1-7 hardback ISBN 97!!-o-5:11-j23pia4p"9e rback CambridlgJen ivePrsrie!yhs.a �sn o responsfiobri lity thtp•e rsisteonrna ·c curaocfty JRfUo re xtemaolr third-pIanrt!}'e rnWeetb s ilrl'esf errteoid n t hipsu blication andd oenso tg uamnteteh aatn yc onteonnts uch Webs itits·u,sr wil l remain, acocrua rpaptmep riatt'. Contents Acknwoledgments pagex i Intrdouction 1 BasiTco olisnt he Sotaftt heAe r t 7 1.I ntrodAucrguimenntga tiSocnhemes 8 2.A rgumentfrom PosittKoin oonaw n Edxp ertop inion 13 J.C ritiQuesctailo ns 15 4·E nytmnneh .S�c,heme. �a,n Cdri tiQuceadli ons 18 5·A 1gumntDli aagrmmiTnogo ls 21 6.I ntrodAruaciuncga ria 24 7· Problems tboe Solved 30 8.H owA reS cheBme.i�n ding? 34 9· DirectiAoIn s for 38 1 o. WMeree Go from Herl' 40 2 Schemefso Arr gmuenftrm o AnaloCgy.ls asfiiciaotn, anPdr ceednet 43 1.T hl' oCftas heDrue g -SniffingD og 45 2.A rgument fromA nalog)as' T reatienLogid c Textbooks 48 J·I Asrgu ment from AnalogyD educortl invdP.u rtivP? 53 4· TheS chemesf orA rgument from nAalogy 55 5·A. rgumentfrom AnalolUgya D ifPasiblPForm oAfrgu mmt tlo 6.A 11:U77umtfrosm Classijimtion 66 7·A rgumtmtBsa. �oendR ulP.�C la.uaijnidm tions 70 8.A 71:U men tfro m Precedent anPmdr tiAmrgulm mt .fromA nalogy 72 9·T hCeas eo ft h[)rug-eS niffinDgo Agg ain 75 1o . Conclusions 8o \" vi Contmts 3 Knolweed-glReatPerdta,ci caanlOd,t hSechre mes H7 I.A gur7711'11frto.mK� no tvlt'd�e H7 2. PracReastoincianl� 94 3· Lack-ofKnotvAlergudmgem ts 9H Argumfmromt Cso nusenecqes 100 4· 5· Feaarm Dia ngerA ppeal� 102 6.A. rgummtfsrom A tlemaPt.ari\u (JpfJOsvli tPs 160 7·P leasf orH elpn daE xcuses 1H0 8.C ompiotsiaonDndi vi.A�rguimnzotns 121 9· SiPfJ1'1'lY SlopeA rgumenL� 141 Io . AtatckiVnerbgaC lim sificaatinSodln i PPSt'T)lop'eA rgummL� 171 4 Arugmesnf troGmen eralAlccye ptOepdi nniso, Commimtent,C haaanrcdt er 121 I.A rgumentfsrom P opularop inion 122 2. Variaonftt hesB asiFcorm 142 3·A gurmentfro m Co,.mmitment 132 4·A rguments from Inconsistency 136 5· EthoAtrguimenct s �0 6.C ircumstanAtdiH aolm inem .. -:_ 14.....7.... . 7·A gurment. froBmi as 154 8.A dH ominSemtm tetgieReosb uatP erosnAalta tck 1o6 CausAarulgm eanttiSochnem es 136 5 I.T hProeb lem ofC ausation 146 2. Argumen t. froCma utsEoef e ctf 186 3. Argumentfr omE ffetcoCt a use 196 4.A rg"U ml'nlfro m Correlatitoon CausP 173 5·C aseisnP oint 175 6.C ausAargulmen tatiaotn Sotfaa ngIe Tisv eastotini g 178 7· CausaAls sertioDnsfee asasi bk 1H1 8.T owaarS dsy tem ofA naylsainsCd lm sifiration 14H 9· DiakctiBcaasylie Maaonntk dlso f C ausaAlgur mentation1 68 6 SchemeasnE dn thmyemes 19H I.I ntrodctiuno 109 2. PreliminDairys cusosfti hoen Problem 191 3·A D educCtaisvee 149 4· LimiotnoasfDt eiducAtnaiylvsPi s 196 5·U soefA rgumentatiSocnh ernpsi nA naylsis 199 6.U soefS chernpisnA naylziWmkn gA gurments 202 Contmts vii 7·L imitaotfSi cohnerTU'ss 206 8.D iswssoifCaso ens 201 9· ThAetri tbutPrioobnle m 213 /0.T hDei alecCtoimcpaoln omftte hE ntlTTII'tTIlI' �MVachine 261 i Atatkc,Re buat,lta nRde ufattion 220 I.A ttacQkuisentgii,on ,nRg Pbtutgi,an ndRR futnig 221 2. Olrler TheoorifRee fsu tation 230 3·N nverT heorioef. sRe futation 283 4·A rgumentatSicolterTU'ns a ndC ritiQcUaPtl.im so 24:� 5·T owarPrda gmaa tiTch eoryof RR jittation 24i 6.D iffenmt Kinodsf opf 1osition 251 7·I nternaalndE xertrwlRe filtation 259 8.A CaseS tyuo df CnoemRdhe ibt utlas 263 9·T hePro blem ofA rgument from opopsites 26i ro. Probleambso Curitt iQctatlt' .adnidReo fnust ations 271 8 TheH istooryfS chemse 2i5 I.A ristoonttle h 1e0f Jics 276 2. Cicero 282 3· Boethiu.s 248 4·F roAmbe lrad tthToe hi ertentChen tury 289 5·F ourtehm-tOmutryL ogic 294 6.T opicisnt heRm aissnacaend t hPeo rtR oyaLlo p;ic 2g6 7· Modern TheoorifSe csh nnes 300 8.C ondusions 3°4 9 A UsesCr o'mpnediuomfS chemes 308 I.A rgument fromP osittoKi noown 3°9 2. Argument fromt xpertop inion 301 3· A.rgumfrmotm Witness Testimony 310 4·A gurment fromP opulaopr inoin( andS ubpteys) 311 5·A rgument fromP opulaPrra ctice 3'4 6. rguAmentfr omf.X ample 341 7·A rgumen tfr omA. nalogy :1�5 8.Pr acticRPaaslo ingnfromA nalogy 316 9·A rgume nfrto mC ompiotsion 316 10A.gur mentfr om Division 3'7 II. Argument from opposointsi 3'7 /2.Rh etoricAarglu mentfr omOp positions 318 13.A rgument from Alternatives 318 viii Omtents 14.A JgUmnzt from VerbalCl assaifitcion 319 15 ·A JgUment from DefinittioVo erbna lC lassification 319 16.A JgUment from Vaguenesosfa V erbalC lassification 320 17 ·A rgument from ArbitrarionesfasV erbalC lassification 320 18.A JgUment from InteracotAfi ctao nn Pders on 321 19.A rgument from Values 321 20.A rgument from Sacrifice 322 21.A rgument from tehGro up anIdt Msembers 322 22.Pr actiRecasaolni ng 323 2J.T wo-PersoPrnac ticReaaslo nign 325 24.A JgUmentfro m Waste 326 25 ·A JgUment from SuknCo sts 326 26.A JgUmentfro m lgnuranec 327 27 ·f.,'p isemticA rgumentfro m Ignoranec 328 28.A JgUmentfro m CausetEoJJect 328 29 ·A rgumenfrotm CorrelatitooCn au.rie 328 JO.A JKUment from Sign 329 J1 .A bducetA irguvmen tatSicohnem e 329 J2 .A JgUmentf romf. videcnet oH ypao the.�is 331 JJ .A rgument from Cosnequences 332 J4·Pr agmatAiJgUcm entfro m Atlernateisv 333 J5·A rgumentfromT hreat 333 ]6A. JKUmenl froFme aArppe al 333 J ·7A 'JrUmenl from Dangt!TA ppeal 334 ]8.A rgumentfro m Neefdo r Help 334 J9·A JgUmentfrom Distress 334 40.A JgUmnzt from Committmen 335 4I .E thoAtJgUimcen l 336 42.Gen eric AdH omiemn 336 4J ·Pr agmatiIcn cotnnescyi s 336 44·A 'JrUmenlfrom IncsoisntenCto mmitment 337 45 ·C ircumsnttaiAadHl o minem 337 46A. rgumentfro m Bias 338 47 ·B iaAsdH omiemn 338 48.A rgumentfrom Gradualism 339 49·Sip lpny SlopAergu ment 339 50.Pr ecedeSnltip/ mSylop l'A rgument 340 51. SoriteSslip pny SlopP AJgUment 34° 52.V erbaSl lipperyS•l opAergu mn�t 341 5 ·JF ullS lippny SlopeA rgu,umt 341 C,ontents ix 54·A JgUmentf orC -osnitutttilt'-RCulalei ms 342 55·A JgUment fromR ules 343 56.A JgU11Umt for Eaxnc tepinoaCasle 344 57·A rgu mentfro m Precl'drot 344 58.A JgU mentfro m Pleaf orE xcuse 345 59·A rgument froPmer ception 345 6oA. JgUment fromMem ory 346 10R efinitnhgCe l asfisciatoifSoch ne mse 347 1. A ProposeGeneradl Systemf orC lassifiactioofSnc hemes 348 2.C lassificaotAfid Ho onm iem nSchemes 351 3·C lassifyinteghS uybptsoe fA dH omiemn AJgUments 357 4·C omplications 360 5·C ocnlu.�inso 362 I IF omraliSzhcienmgse 364 1. ThDeef easibMleo duPso neFnorms o fS chemes 364 2.S chemiensA ML 367 3.E lemtmts ofaF ormaliwtoifSo cnh emes 369 4·F ormalizatoifSo cnhem eisn t hCearn eatksS ystem 371 5.F ormaUyM odelnigt hCeri ticQuesatli ons 373 6.T hAe JgUmen tI ntercahneg ormaF t 375 7·T hRee .�eaProjrecchtf orDev eloping Faorma l System 378 8.S chemesi nD ialoguf' 382 9·S ummary ofte hD ialecStyisctemaA lSD 388 1 o.A Worked f.xampolefa D ialoguei nA SD 389 1 1. Conclusions 392 12Sc hemeisn C ompuetrS ytsmes 393 I. Schemeisn A raucaria 393 2.S chemienAs rguMed 397 3·S chemRisn C ompenidum 400 4·S chemf'isn Ra toinale 400 5·S chemeisnN atuLraalgun age AJgUmentation 4°5 6.S chemeisn I nteragenCtom muniaction 408 7·S chemiensA utoma&taesdoi ngn 41 1 8.S chemesi nC omJfUtmawtlAi pplicnsa tio 412 9·C onculsions 414 Biibogrlaphy 417 Index 431 Acknowlgemdents ChirRse ewdou lldie t kot hkat nhLee vrehuhenT ntsatn,Dd o uWga lotn woulldie t kot hatnhkSe o ical cSecasin eHdnu mainiteRse scehaC ronu­ ciolfC anafdorar ,e asrecghr ato;nt os uppaoj riotn rte asrecphrj oect, ArgmuenattiSochne meisnN ataular nAdr fitciiCaolmm uniciaotTnh.e reesacrhp orjechta tdh aei mosfd eevlopicnlssgafii catoifso hcne mse a anbdu iladc ionrgpo ufns a taulr luaangegex ampFlaberisz.Mi aoc agno woulldie t kot hatnhkCe a thUonliivce rosfMi itlyfa orn r ae ascrehg arnt thsautp oprtheidws o rokn t hgera ntp n�jewchtii lnre se ideantc et he UnisvieortyfW inneigpi n2 004a ntdh Seo icaSlci ecneasn Hdu manesi ti ResearCconhuc oifCl a nafdoras upptf oorrh isse ncdov siittoW inniepg in stmuhmee orf 2 006. ChirRse eadn Ddo uWgal twoonu lldie t ko tthhafenol klw oinjgournlsa anpdu bleisrfs rohp emrissiotnorp ernitma tefrrioaml f otlhlweoni ga rti­ clesm,o diinfif eondnC :hr iRse ed Daonudgs Wl aalotn," Dgiraamming, ArugmeanttiSochnem esa nCd riticQauels tioinnAs n,y"oWh 11oe H a.a� VU.w: TheorCectmitcrailtb touh tSeit ouondAfJyrgu mentatioendF,.a r nHs.v an EemreenJ,.A n thoBnly,a C ihralreAs.W ildl,aa nrAd. F arnicsScnao ek Heknemnas( oDredcrhKltu:w re2, 003)1,5 9-21.1M atrieaflr opma ges 198-203o ft hpiasp aeprp esi anrC hapt1e s,ret cio4:nm aterfrioaml page1s96 -207a ppeairnsC haptre1 ,s ecti6o.n ChirRse eadn Ddo ugsl Walato"noT,w aradF sor maaln Idm lpemteend ModeolfA rgunmatetioSnc ehmeisnA genCto mmnuiacti,o"in nA rgu­ mentatiionMn u lti-SA.gnzvts etdemsI.,ya dR ahwanP,a vlMooasr itainsd, ChirRse e(deB lriSnp:nr gei,r2 005),1- g3o.C hapt1e,0sr e tcio5·ni s tankf eropma sro tft hpiaspr em; atiaelfrr opma g2e-6s2 7o f tphaipse r appesi anCr haepr1t ,1s etocin2 :m atieafrlr opma g2e-4s25 a ppesi anr Chap1t 1es,ret cio·n 3 xi xii Acknowledgments Dougsl Waalotna ndC hriRse de," ApipclatoifoA nrsgm ueniton SchemeisnA, rgu"m entatainoldnt. A .pptl icaProtcieoendsoi:nft gsilL 4 tCho n­ fermcoeft hOl'n taSriooc ifeottreh)' S tuodfyA rgummlati(oOnS SA2)oor , edH.a nVs.H anesnC,hr iospthWe.rT ind,Ja .lA nethoBnly,a R iarplh H. . Jnosho,an ndRo bretC .P itno( Widns,oC ranaCdDaR :O M, 021)0. Maetiraflr opma gge-1so oft hpiaspr (e htes etci"oePnd gaogy)"a ppes ar inC hapt1es,re t cio4n;m atefrrioapmla g2es-4 25a ppes arCihn ap­ te1r1 , s etcio$ no thmeart efrrioatmlh piasp aeprp esi anCr haepr1t , setcio1n2,sa, n 3d· Dougsl Waalotn aCnhdri Rse de," ArmgeunattiSochne emsa nd EnthymemSe_sv,n"tA hnll' n.ttn-nl'a:t JioounranflaoE lrp istl'Mmeothlodogy. ­ o/taJnJOdP' h iw.osfSo cpihen_1cv4e 5( :w:;o)3:3 -9370.C hapRt iebsra sed onm atefrrioatmlih psa pre,b uth saib ten em odifiteosd u tihtne ee ds oft hbeo ko. ChirRse eadn Ddo ugWlaasl to"Arn g,umeantitoScnh eemsi nDi laog,u"e inDi.u ensu.atn dt hSl'e afrorcC ho mmoGnr ouPrnodr:le igse ncofth 7eht C on­ . .feorfenth ul'O ntaSriooc ifl'otlri)' Sll' t uodfyA rgummtat(iOoSnS A2),0 07 edH.a nVs.H anesnC,h irospthWe.rT indaJl.eA ,n thoBnalyi,Ra r lph H .o.J hnso,an ndRo berCt.P in(tWoid ns,oC ranaCdDaR :O M,2 001) . Pa'Iro Lft hpiaspr ae ppeasret cio8n-1s o 1fC hap1t e1r . as Figeu 1r.01in C hapt1oe ,s re tcio2n,o irgniayl alpepaerda sF ig­ uer 61. in tbhoeo bky D ougsl Waatlno,A dH ominAemrgu ments (uTcsaolos:Ua nivetryos fAi lambaaP re1sn s9R,)2 ,6 0. Figeu 1r.02i nC hapt1e,r0s etcio3n·o irginayla lppeareFdig ­as uer 6.2in the byhD oooukgs l Waatlno,A d HominAemrgu ments (Tcuasolso:aU nivseirotyfA laabmaP ers,1s 998)2,61 . Firgeu1 .29o irgnialalpyp eaartte hdUe R I..< http/:co/m epndium. open.auck/.conepndi-uamrhge-mscehtsm.l>. Figeu1 r.211o irgnialalpyp eeadar t< httpIo :p/el nea.roenpnc. a .ku/file./p2h8/p2k4amp1/8 1381138I(1 Ma n_yPoin_eufenr_dG_ 17318025241131486739<>56_g0ultnie.h>t.m l Figeu 1r.221 orgiinya lpalpearaetdt hUeRI. .< htt/pY.:ki/.i atuhsink. com/Walotn>. Thea utshw oourladlo sl iet kot haHnekrn yP rakfkores nmt iulating discusosndi osoenrlsley ae tdi ssauneSdsco t.tJ ascf oorcb ommeonntJ; ChapHtd eurir ngs cdsuiisoonfts h seu j�eocfat r ugmenrteuf tatainodn rbeutit.naaJ ln uya2 r00a5tt hUeni vrseyio tfA roinzaT.hy ew oulldie t ko thaDnakc, Glio ddefnor c ommeonntJ;C hapst ea3rn 8d. I np airctu,l ar Godde'ndse t·adai nledtx tseiencv ommenatyrw aesn omrosulhyep lfutlo makirneigvs itooCn hsa p8t.Wet rw� o ulliedt k ot hkaR ntiaC ampeblflor comopsnigt hiedn eaxn Adn ahMiedli iafknor hwdip tphr oreoafidgn.

This book provides a systematic analysis of many common argumentation schemes and a compendium of 96 schemes. The study of these schemes, or forms of argument that capture stereotypical patterns of human reasoning, is at the core of argumentation research. Surveying all aspects of argumentation sche
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