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EnergyPolicy38(2010)7884–7897 ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect Energy Policy journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/enpol $ Modeling the potential for thermal concentrating solar power technologies Yabei Zhanga, Steven J. Smithb,n, G. Page Kyleb, Paul W. Stackhouse Jr.c aUniversityofMaryland,JointGlobalChangeResearchInstituteandDepartmentofAgriculturalandResourceEconomics,SymonsHall,Room2200,CollegePark,MD20742,USA bPacificNorthwestNationalLaboratory,JointGlobalChangeResearchInstitute,5825UniversityResearchCourt,Suite3500,CollegePark,MD20740,USA cNASALangleyResearchCenter,21LangleyBoulevard,MS420,Hampton,VA23681,USA a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Articlehistory: In this paper we explore the tradeoffs between thermal storage capacity, cost, and other system Received22December2009 parametersinordertoexaminepossibleevolutionarypathwaysforthermalconcentratingsolarpower Accepted3September2010 (CSP)technologies.ArepresentationofCSPperformancethatissuitableforincorporationintoeconomic Availableonline28September2010 modeling tools is developed. We also combined existing data in order to estimate the global solar Keywords: resource characteristics needed for analysis of CSP technologies. We find that, as the fraction of Solar electricity supplied by CSP technologies grows, the application of thermal CSP technologies might CSP progressfromcurrenthybridplants,toplantswithamodestamountofthermalstorage,andpotentially Thermalstorage eventoplantswithsufficientthermalstoragetoprovidebaseloadgenerationcapacity.Theregional and global potential of thermal CSP technologies was then examined using the GCAM long-term integratedassessmentmodel. &2010ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. 1. Introduction CSP plants either need backup auxiliary generation or storage capacity to maintain electricity supply when sunlight is low or not Concentratingthermalsolarpower(hereafterCSP)technology available. All existing commercially operated CSP plants are hybrid isapotentiallycompetitivepowergenerationoption,particularly plants (Kearney and Price, 2004). They generally either have a in arid regions where direct sunlight is abundant (Emerging natural-gas-firedboilerthatcangeneratestreamtoruntheturbine, EnergyResearch(EER),2006).TheroleofCSPwillbedetermined or an auxiliary natural-gas-fired heater for the solar field fluid by its cost relative to other electric generation technologies (Kearney and Price, 2004; National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NationalRenewableEnergyLaboratory(NREL),2007a).Although (NREL),2005),althoughotherfuelssuchasbiomasshavealsobeen previous studies have projected future CSP costs based on used.ThishybridstructureisanattractivefeatureofCSPcomparedto assumptions for technology advancement and the effect of othersolartechnologiesbecausetheauxiliarybackupcomponenthas economies of scale and learning curves, few studies have a low capital cost and can mitigate intermittency issues to ensure consideredthecombinedeffectsofintermittency,solarirradiance systemreliability.Theadditionofthermalstoragewouldallowbetter changesbyseason,anddiurnalandseasonalsystemloadchanges useofavailablesolarenergyandwouldfurtherreduceintermittency (Blairetal.,2006).Becausethegenerationofasolarplantvaries issues and potentially lower overall generation costs. However, the overadayandbyseason,theinteractionsbetweenCSPgenerators cost-effectiveness of adding solar storage depends on the tradeoffs andothergeneratorsintheelectricsystemcanplayanimportant betweenstoragecapacity,costandotherCSPsystemparameters. roleindeterminingcosts.Ineffect,CSPelectricitygenerationcost CSPtechnologieshavebeenexaminedpreviously.Perhapsthe willdependonCSPmarketpenetration. mostdetailedlong-termanalysisofthistechnologyisthatofBlair etal.(2006)whouseda spatiallyexplicitmodelto examinethe potential penetration of CSP in the United States. A number of technologiescompeteonaneconomicbasistosupplyelectricity $This manuscript has been authored by Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific demand. Their model uses CSP capacity factors for each solar Northwest Division, under Contract no. DE-AC05-76RL01830 with the US resourceclassandtimeslicethatareconstantovertime.Hybrid DepartmentofEnergy.TheUnitedStatesGovernmentretainsandthepublisher, backupoperationonlowirradiancedaysdoesnotappeartohave by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Governmentretainsanon-exclusive,paid-up,irrevocable,world-widelicenseto been explicitly considered. Fthenakisa et al. (2009) have con- publishorreproducethepublishedformofthismanuscript,orallowotherstodo sideredacombinationofsolartechnologiesaspartofananalysis so,forUnitedStatesGovernmentpurposes. of the feasibility of supplying a large fraction of US energy nCorrespondingauthorat.Currentaddress:nowattheWorldBank. demand using solar energy. CSP is included in this analysis, Tel.:+13013146745;fax:+13013146719. although it appears that fixed capacity factors may have been E-mailaddresses:[email protected](Y.Zhang),[email protected] (S.J.Smith),[email protected](P.W.StackhouseJr.). usedtomodelCSPoutput.CSPthermaltechnologiescanalsobe 0301-4215/$-seefrontmatter&2010ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2010.09.008 Y.Zhangetal./EnergyPolicy38(2010)7884–7897 7885 usedforprocessheat,butthispotentialisnotconsideredfurther three technologies. The parabolic trough is currently the most inthispaper(TriebandMu¨ller-Steinhagen,2008). matureandcommerciallyavailableCSPtechnology(EERE,1997; The interaction between CSP generation and the rest of the SargentandLundy,2003).Thistechnologyusesparabolictrough electric system along with changes in seasonal and daily shapedmirrorreflectorstofocusthesun’sdirectbeamradiation irradiance make analysis of this technology challenging. This on a linear receiver located at the focus of the parabola. A heat paper examines these relationships and develops a new metho- transfer fluid circulates through the receiver and returns to a dologyforrepresentingthermalCSPtechnologiesthatcanbeused series of heat exchangers in the power block where the fluid is in aggregate economic models. Most current analyses of this used to generate high-pressure superheated steam. The super- technology are static, in that economic, and often technology, heatedsteamisthenfedtoaconventionalreheatsteamturbine/ assumptions are constant over time and penetration level, generator to produce electricity (EERE, 1997). We focus on this althoughseasonaleffectsareoftenconsidered.Therepresentation technologyanditscharacteristicsinthispaper,althoughmostof developedhereallowsadynamicrepresentationofthistechnol- ourinsightswouldalsoapplytopowertowertechnologies. ogy to be incorporated into long-term economic analysis. Three ForCSPplantswithoutthermalstorage,aminimumirradiance applications of CSP technologies are examined: (1) CSP as level is required for operation. We have assumed a minimum intermediate and peak (I&P) load power plants without thermal irradiance level of 300W/m2 (Kearney and Price, 2004). For CSP storage, (2) CSP as I&P load power plants with thermal storage, plant system efficiencies, we assume constant optical efficiency and(3)CSPasbaseloadplantswiththermalstorage. (e ),heatcollectorelementthermalloss(Loss )(W/m2),solar OPT HCE We begin in Section 2 with a description of our analytic field pipingheat losses (Loss ) (W/m2), turbine gross efficiency SFP approach, including the temporal analysis periods and seasonal (e ),andelectricparasiticloss(Loss ),whichmeansthat turbine parasitic solar irradiance data used in the analysis. Section 3 provides these parameters do not vary with irradiance level. These resultsforthethreeCSPapplicationsoutlinedabove.InSection4 parameters are used to formulate the relationships among solar these results are embedded within a long-term, integrated output,solarfieldsize,anddirectirradiancelevel,asexpressedin energy-economicmodel,includinganewdatasetofglobal,solar the following equation,1 where Asf is the collecting area of the resourcedataapplicabletoCSPanalysis,toexaminethepotential solarfield: roleofCSPtechnologiesintheglobalenergysystem.Weconclude Output ¼Output ð1(cid:2)Loss Þ withadiscussion. net gross parasitic ¼e AsfðDNIe (cid:2)Loss (cid:2)Loss Þð1(cid:2)Loss Þ ð1Þ turbine opt HCE SFP parasitic 2. Methodologyandassumptions Inthefollowingsections,wewillfirstdetailthemethodologies 2.1. Overview andassumptionsusedforthecasewhereCSPservesasI&Pplants withoutthermalstorageandthendiscussthecaseswiththermal storage. Any long-term analysis of energy systems must strike a balancebetweentechnologydetailandtractability.Manymodels thatexaminetimespans25–100yearsintothefutureoperateon 2.3. Costcomponents anannualaveragebasisoftenin5–10yeartimesteps.Inorderto facilitatetheinclusionofCSPtechnologieswithinsuchlong-term To calculate the electric generation cost for a CSP plant, we analysis, the methodology used here first examines CSP plant needtoconsidercapitalcosts,variablecostsofrunningthesolar operationanditsinteractionwiththeelectricgridusingseasonal component,andvariablecostsofrunningthebackupcomponent. average irradiance and electric load distributions, split into ten Eachofthesecomponentswillbediscussedbelow.Fundamental timeslicesdesignedtocapturekeytemporalfeatures.Theresults tothisanalysisaretheloadcurveforelectricitydemandand its are then aggregated to the annual scale appropriate for use in relationshiptosolarirradiance,whicharedescribednext. long-term analysis. CSP technologies are considered in two categories: plants supplying intermediate and peak power, and 2.4. Systemloadcurveandclassificationoftimeslices thosesupplyingbaseloadpower. This approach provides a level of detail appropriate for long- Electric system load, usually measured in megawatts (MW), term modeling while incorporating key considerations such as referstotheamountofelectricpowerdeliveredorrequiredatany changing daily irradiance and load patterns by season. We specificpoint orpoints on a system. A system load curve shows considerthesesimplificationsreasonableasappliedtolong-term theloadforeachtimeperiodconsidered. analysis exercises. More detailed analysis, such as those per- Electric system load can be classified as base load and formedwithhightemporalresolutiondispatchmodels(Lewetal., Intermediate and Peak (I&P) load. While these divisions are 2009), would be warranted for shorter-term planning. Such somewhatarbitrary,thesecategoriesareoftenusedinmodeling analysis would also, for example, be able to examine in greater and serve to capture the difference between plants that operate detail the hourly and daily correlations between load and CSP aroundtheclockandthosethatoperateonlyduringsomeorallof plant output, as well as correlations between CSP output and the day and evening. In principle, base load is the minimum other renewable resources. These considerations are, however, amount of power that a utility must make available to its somewhat less important for CSP plants as compared to, for customers and I&P load as the demand that exceeds base load. example PV or wind plants, since the CSP hybrid mode can Thus base load power plants do not follow the load curve and providefirmpowerregardlessofsolarirradiancevariations. generally run at all times except for repairs or scheduled maintenance. I&P generation must, in aggregate, follow the load 2.2. CSPtechnologies 1ThisfunctionalformisfromtheSolarAdvisorModel(SAM)developedby Three different types of CSP technologies have been devel- NREL,inconjunctionwithSandiaNationalLaboratoryandinpartnershipwiththe oped: (1) parabolic trough, (2) power tower, and (3) parabolic USDepartmentofEnergy(reference:personalcommunicationwithSAMsupport dish.Thereexistsignificantdesignandcostvariationsamongthe staff). 7886 Y.Zhangetal./EnergyPolicy38(2010)7884–7897 curve.Forpurposesofthecalculationdescribedherebaseloadis to operate the CSP plant, which we take to be days with irra- consideredtobeaconstantdemandduringnight-timehoursnot diancebelow3000Wh/m2/day(oranaverageof300W/m2overa otherwisedetailedbelow(Table1). 10-hour solar day, Kearney and Price, 2004). We then use this Becausethe system load curve and CSP electricity outputare information to adjust NREL’s annual direct normal irradiance correlated and both are sensitive to time of day and season, we (DNI)hourlymeandatatoobtainanestimateofhourlymeanDNI divide the year into specific time slices and then use these to value for each month for days during which the CSP plant is depictthesystemloadcurve.Wefirstdefinethreeseasonsbased operational (Zhang and Smith, 2008). Fig. 1 shows the hourly onirradiancelevelsasfollows:(1)summer,thethreecontiguous mean DNI for CSP operational days in Daggett Barstow by months with the highest irradiance level; (2) winter, the three season. The annual average daily DNI for operational days is contiguous months with the lowest irradiance level; and (3) 7.75kWh/m2/day. spring/fall.TheclassificationoftimeslicesispresentedinTable1. Because the CSP solar output profile closely follows solar The definition of the time slices are chosen for computational irradiance, we approximateCSP outputas solar irradiancetimes convenience to resolve both the load curve and solar irradiance an average net conversion efficiency as described in Eq. (1). For curve,althoughtheexactdefinitionsarenotcriticalotherthana simplicity, we idealize daily solar irradiance as an isosceles requirement that the summer peak should be identifiable trapezoidsymmetricaboutsolarnoon,asillustratedinFig.2.The as this is a key time period. The assumed system load curve, average daily irradiance, in kWh/m2/day, is the area of ABFE in denoted as AveSysLoadi, is estimated using data from California Fig.2. (CaliforniaEnergyCommission(CEC),2003)andisshownlaterin Givenaveragedailyirradiance,noonhours,anddaylighthours, Table3. we can obtain the maximum irradiance level. We use solar irradiancedatadescribedaboveandobtaintheleast-squaresfitto the hourly mean DNI data by varying noon hours. Once these 2.5. SolarirradiancedataandCSPsolaroutput parameters are determined, we can calculate the daily CSP operationaltimedenotedasHour ,thelineCDinFig.2,which CSP solar output depends directly on solar irradiance levels CSP isdefinedbytheminimumoperatingirradiancefortheCSPplant (duration and intensity),solar field size, and system efficiencies. (MinIrradiance),assumedtobe300W/m2. Solar irradiance data is from the National Solar Radiation Data Base (NSRDB; National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 2007b) and we use Daggett Barstow, California, as an example locationtoillustrateouranalysis.WeusetheNRELsolardatato Irradiance (kw/m2) calculatelowDNIDays, whichrepresentsthenumberof days ina season during which there is not sufficient direct sunlight Table1 Hournoon Classificationoftimeslices. A B MaxIrradiance Slicei Classificationoftimeslices 1 Summermorning(5:00–5:30) 2 Summerdaytime1(5:30–9:00) D Hour C 3 Summerdaytime2(9:00–14:00) MinIrradiance CSP K 4 Summerpeak(14:00–17:00) 5 Summerevening(17:00–24:00) E Hourdaylight F Time of the day 6 Wintermorning(6:00–10:00) 7 Winterdaytime(10:00–17:30) Solar noon 8 Winterevening(17:30–23:00) 9 Spring/falldaytime(5:00–19:30) Fig.2. SimplifiedanalyticCSPsolaroutputprofilebytimeoftheday(nottoscale). 10 Spring/fallevening(19:30–22:00) Thetrapezoid is defined by the maximum irradiance during the day (MaxIrra- diance),daylighthours(Hourdaylight)andtheparameternoonhours(Hournoon). Fig.1. DaggettBarstow(lat(N)34.87,long(W)116.78)hourlymeanDNIforCSPoperationaldaysbyseason,2005. Y.Zhangetal./EnergyPolicy38(2010)7884–7897 7887 Table2 Table3 Example calculation of key solar geometry parameters by season for Daggett CSPsolaroutputcapabilityandoperationalhoursbytimeslice:DaggettBarstow Barstow. withasolarmultipleof1.07. Averagebyseasons Summer Winter Spring/fall Timeslices Ri(%) Houri AveSysLoadi (%) CSP CSP Hournoon(hour) 9.6 6.6 7.4 Summermorning(5:00–5:30) 0 0.0 45.5 Hourdaylight(hour) 14.0 10.6 12.3 Summerdaytime1(5:30–9:00) 93 3.2 59.2 DailyIrradiance(kWh/m2/day) 9.2 5.9 8.0 Summerdaytime2(9:00–14:00) 107 5.0 85.7 MinIrradiance(kW/m2) 0.3 0.3 0.3 Summerpeak(14:00–17:00) 106 3.0 96.8 MaxIrradiance(kW/m2) 0.8 0.7 0.8 Summerevening(17:00–24:00) 94 1.2 99.4 HourCSP(hour) 12.3 8.8 10.5 Wintermorning(6:00–10:00) 78 1.9 68.8 lowDNIDays 2 21 15 Winterdaytime(10:00–17:30) 89 6.9 63.5 Winterevening(17:30–23:00) 0 0.0 67.7 Spring/falldaytime(5:00–19:30) 100 10.5 64.3 Table2providesanexamplecalculationofkeysolargeometry Spring/fallevening(19:30–22:00) 0 0.0 59.4 parameters by season for Daggett Barstow. We have implicitly assumed that the variance in solar radiation over time can be Wecan definea convenientindicator of CSP solar generation adequately described by the combination of seasonal irradiance capability by time slice as Ri, the ratio of average hourly CSP curves for CSP operational days and the lowDNIDays parameter. output for time slice i over the CSP capacity (denoted as We do not consider shorter-term variations in output, thereby Capacity ) as shown in the following equation. Capacity is implicitly assuming that these can either be absorbed as part of CSP CSP themaximumoutputfromtheCSPgenerator grid operation or offset with operation of the hybrid backup capacity of the CSP plant. Further, when backup operation is HourlyCSPOutputi Ri¼ solar 8i: ð4Þ estimated we assume non-operational days with low irradiance Capacity CSP (lowDNIDays) are equally distributed across the seasons (see Section 2.7). This assumption could easily be relaxed with Table3presentstheratioRiandCSPoperationalhoursforeach improveddataonsolarirradiance(seeSection4.2). time slice using Daggett Barstow data, together with the assumed averagesystemloadasapercentageofthemaximumsystemload 2.6. ElectricityoutputfromtheCSPsolarcomponent for each CSP operational time slice (denoted as AveSysLoadi ) for CSP comparison. Although the solar output mostly overlaps with the ElectricityoutputfromtheCSPsolarcomponentisdetermined systemdemand,thecorrelationisnotperfect.The highestthreeR not only by the irradiance level, but also by CSP market ratiosoccurduringsummerdaytime2,summerpeak,andspring/fall penetration. We define CSP market penetration as the ratio of daytime while the three highest system load periods are summer totalCSPoutputwithinagivenregiontothetotaloutputfromall evening, summer peak, and summer daytime 2. While there is a I&P load plants. CSP output includes output from both the solar substantialoverlapbetweenpeakdemandandpeakCSPoutput,the component (denoted as CSPOutputsolar) and the backup system mismatchthatdoesexistimpactsCSPcostsasshownbelow. (denotedasCSPOutputbackup),or As part of this calculation we determine the optimal solar multiple by minimizing the levelized cost of generation (see CSPOutput¼CSPOutput þCSPOutput ð2Þ backup solar below).Thesolarmultipleistheratioofthesolarenergycollected at the design point to the amount of solar energy required to To calculate the actual CSP solar output (CSPOutputsolar), we operate the turbine at its rated gross power (Kearney and Price, first determine the potential CSP solar output (denoted as 2004).Ahighersolarmultipleincreasestheplantcapacityfactor PotCSPOutputsolar). Potential CSP solar output depends only on butalsoincreasescapitalcost. the solar resource and system efficiency, while the actual CSP Notethattheoptimalsolarmultipleinthiscaseis1.07,thusthe solar output is also determined by system demand. Because the Rratiocanbegreaterthan100%forcertaintimeslices.Theactual potentialsolaroutputcanexceedtheI&Ploaddemandforcertain outputcannotbegreaterthantheratedcapacity,whichmeansthe periods, without thermal storage this excess solar output is excesssolaroutputgreaterthantheratedcapacitywillbewastedif assumed to be dumped due to the inflexibility of conventional thereisnothermalstorage.Theoptimalsolarmultiplefoundhere base load generators. A similar issue with respect to the large- issmallerthanthatinsomeotherstudies(KearneyandPrice,2004; scale deployment of PV is discussed in detail in Denholm and Price, 2003) due to our assumption of optimal system operation Margolis(2007),whonotethattheabilitytopartiallyde-ratebase insteadofafixedseasonalCSPoutputprofile. load generation could allow a larger contribution from inter- TocalculateactualCSPsolaroutput,we need toconsiderthe mittentrenewables. interaction between the CSP plant and the rest of the system. PotentialCSPoutputistheareaofABCDinFig.2timesthenet SinceCSPplantsinthiscasearedefinedasI&Ploadpowerplants, system conversion efficiency. In order to calculate the potential wedeterminetheI&Ploaddemandforeachtimeslice(denotedas CSP output for each time slice (indicated by superscript i), we EDemandi )astheaverageI&Ploadtimesthenumberofhoursin I&P calculate the average hourly CSP output (denoted as agiventimeslice,asdescribedinthefollowing: HourlyCSPOutputi ) and the CSP operational time (denoted as Houri )foreachsotlaimr eslice,asshowninthefollowingequation: EDemandiI&P¼ðAveSysLoadi(cid:2)GenerationbaseÞHouri 8i: ð5Þ CSP PotCSPOuputi ¼HourlyCSPOutputi Houri 8i, ð3Þ solar solar CSP Similarly, we calculate the I&P load demand for each CSP where the hourly CSP output is solar irradiance for that hour operational time slice (denoted EDemandCSPi ¼EDemandi I&P I&P times the CSP system electric generation efficiency and i ðHouri =HouriÞ),whichisthedemandduringthefractionofeach CSP represents the time slice (Table 1). We have defined the time timeslicethattheCSPplantisoperational.Becausesupplymust slices in such a way that for certain time slices CSP will not be always equal demand, EDemandCSPi is also the maximum I&P operational for this location. These times include summer output that CSP can produce for each CSP operational time slice morning,winterevening,andspringandfallevening. (denoted as MaxCSPOutputi). Any additional output that CSP 7888 Y.Zhangetal./EnergyPolicy38(2010)7884–7897 produces will be wasted. Therefore, the actual CSP output from Table4 the solar component for each time slice can be calculated as BaselineassumptionsforcalculatingCSPLEC(in2004$). follows.Thiscaseassumesnothermalstorage,anassumptionthat Variables Value isrelaxedinthefollowingsection: (PotCSPOutputi ifPotCSPOutputirEDemandCSPi Capitalcostperunitofinstalledcapacityassuming1.07 2801 CSPOutputi ¼ solar I&P solarmultiple(c)($/kW) solar EDemandCSPIi&P otherwise FixedO&Mcost(OMfixed)($/kW-year) 47.87 ð6Þ VariableO&Mcost(OMvariable)($/mWh) 2.72 Priceoffossilfuelnaturalgas(Pricegas)($/MMBtu)(HHV) 4.65 2.7. ElectricityoutputfromtheCSPbackupcomponent Gas-to-electricityconversionefficiency(Efficiencygas–electricity) 0.32 Lifetimeoftheplant(n) 30 Capitalchargerate(CCR)(%) 9.38 Because the net conversion efficiency of gas-to-electricity in a hybrid CSP plant is lower than the efficiency of stand-alone gas turbines due to parasitic loads such as heaters and heat transfer consideration of environmental externalities or subsidies. LEC is fluidpumps(NationalRenewableEnergyLaboratory(NREL),2005; an appropriate general comparison metric with respect to other LeitnerandOwens,2003),underoptimaloperationoftheelectric generators within the same market segment (e.g. intermediate- system, CSP backup generation would be used only after stand- peakorbaseload),becausehybridCSPplantsprovidefirmelectric alonegasturbinesorotheravailablecapacityhasbeendispatched. powerasdoconventionalfossilplants.Thecostoffueltosupply Here we assume that all other I&P load capacity not otherwise auxiliarypowerisincludedinourdefinitionofLEC.Theeffectof meeting load demand is available for backup and will be fully tax and other financial incentive policies can be considered by dispatchedbeforetheCSPbackupmodeisdispatched.CSPbackup choosinganappropriatediscountrate(ZhangandSmith,2008). generation would, therefore, likely be needed not only when the The cost for CSP generation varies as a function of market electricityoutputfromtheCSPsolarcomponentislowduetolow penetration. To calculate CSP LEC we calculate backup fuel use irradiance, but electric demands remain relatively high and non- and total CSP output at each CSP market penetration level and CSPcapacitycannotmeetdemand,suchassummerevenings. thenusethefollowingformula(EEL,1999)tocalculateCSPLEC. UnderthisassumptionthecalculationofCSPoutputfromthe The baseline economic assumptions used are shown in Table 4 backupcomponentisstraightforward.Foreachtimeslice,wefirst and are taken from Kearney and Price (2004) and National findthecorrespondingI&Pload,andthencomparethiswiththe RenewableEnergyLaboratory(NREL)(2005).TheLECis aggregatedoutputlevelfromtheCSPsolarcomponentandnon- CCRIþOMþF CSP plants. If there is a deficit, the CSP backup mode will be LEC¼ ð8Þ CSPOutput dispatched to make up thedeficit. The output usingCSP backup modeistherefore whereCCRisthecapitalchargerate;Iisthecapitalcost;OMisthe 8EDemandi (cid:2)CSPOutputi (cid:2)Capacity Houri, annualoperationandmaintenancecosts,whichcanbecalculated >>>><ifEDemanI&dPi (cid:2)CSPOutpsuotlair (cid:2) nonCSP as OM¼OMfixedCapactiyCSPþOMvariableCSPOutput; and F is the CSPOutputbiackup¼>>>>:C0apoatchiteyrnwoniCsIS&ePPHouriZ0 solar faðConsSnsPuiOlaulftupeexulptbenancaksutepu=srEafflofircgifaeusne.cly,Tgwhase-heliecficthxricecitdyaÞn,cwhbaehrecgraeelcPruralitaceetegadcshiaosssteFhne¼pfPorrriicceethgoaesf ð7Þ calculationsinthissectionareequivalenttoasimplerealinterest rateof8.6%withacapitallifetimeof30years,avaluesimilarto thatusedinotherstudiesofrenewableenergy. In addition, when CSP plants are not operational due to low Fig. 3shows howCSPLEC changeswithCSP marketpenetra- DNIdays(lowerthan300W/m2)orhighwinddays(greaterthan tion for our example location in Barstow. In addition to the 35mph) (Kearney and Price, 2004), the CSP backup mode is baselinescenario,scenarioswith80%ofbaselinecapitalcostand neededtoprovideoutputfortheCSPplant.Weassumethatthe 50% of baseline capital cost are presented. Assuming idealized backupamountforeachtimesliceistheaverageCSPoutputfor systemdispatch,costsareconstantatlowpenetrationlevels.This thatseason.ThetotalannualoutputfromtheCSPbackupmodeis impliesthatsubstantialCSPcapacitycouldbeconstructedbefore thesumofbackup outputateachtimeslicedue tosolar supply significant cost increases due to intermittency are encountered. deficitandthebackupoutputduetolowDNIdays. Notethat,whileafixednaturalgaspriceisusedinthisillustrative High wind days are relatively rare in most locations so we calculation, the cost of auxiliary fuel can be endogenously ignorethiseffectandonlyconsiderlowDNIeffects.Forexample, calculatedifthisrepresentationisembeddedinadynamicmodel for a windy site with an average wind speed of 7.75m/s at a asdemonstratedbelow. heightof50meters(windresourceclass5),windspeedsgreater As CSP generators supply a larger portion of I&P power than 15.65m/s (35mph) would occur only 4% of the time demand CSP LEC increases due to two factors: increased wasted assumingaRayleighdistributionforwindspeed.Theoccurrence solar output and the costs of purchasing natural gas to fuel ofhighwindwouldlikelybelowerthanthisatgroundlevel.For increased backup operation as shown in Fig. 4. The addition of manylandlocationstheoccurrenceofhighwinddayswouldbe thermalstoragetothissystemwouldmitigatethislossofoutput evenlessthanthisvaluesincelandwindspeedstendtopeakat andalsoallowareductioninoperationofthebackupsystem.This nightwhentheCSPsolarfieldisnotactive. will potentially decrease CSP LEC, depending on the cost of the thermalstoragesystem.ThefollowingtwocaseswillexamineCSP applicationswiththermalstorage. 3. CSPcostandperformance 3.1. CSPasI&Pplantswithoutthermalstorage 3.2. CSPasI&Pplantswiththermalstorage ThecentraldeterminantofCSPtechnologydeploymentinthe The addition of thermal storage provides a buffer to smooth long-term will be electric generation cost. We consider here variable solar output to better match the I&P load curve. While the levelized energy cost (LEC) of CSP generation without thermalstoragesystemsarenotinoperationaluse,suchsystems Y.Zhangetal./EnergyPolicy38(2010)7884–7897 7889 Fig.3. CSPLECasafunctionofCSPmarketpenetration—CSPasI&Ploadpowerplantswithoutthermalstorage. 0.15 0-Hour 0.14 1-Hour h) 0.13 2-Hour W 3-Hour k 0.12 4-Hour 04$/ 0.11 56--HHoouurr 0 0.10 2 C ( 0.09 LE 0.08 P 0.07 S C 0.06 0.05 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%100% CSP Market Penetration-Fraction of I&P Generation Fig.5. CSPLECasafunctionofCSPmarketpenetration—CSPasI&Ploadpower plantswiththermalstorage(correspondingoptimalsolarmultipleisinTable5). Fig.4. PercentageofCSPoutputlossoverthetotalCSPoutputandfractionofplant Table5 electricityproducedbythebackupsystemvs.CSPmarketpenetration. Optimalsolarmultiplebythermalstoragehour. Hoursofstorage 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 are being developed and could be commercially viable in the future. In terms of methodology, the key addition to the Solarmultiple 1.07 1.15 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.55 1.65 calculations presented above is that for each time slice, thermal storage can potentially be used to store the solar output that: exceeds generation capacity due to an oversized solar field, exceeds the I&P demand at a specific time, or is below CSP addedtotheplantasthenumberofhoursofpowergenerationat operationalrequirements(irradiancelevellowerthan300W/m2). rated(turbine)capacitythatcanbedrivenbythestoragesystem. Storedsolaroutputthencanbeusedatanylatertimeslicewhen Fig. 5 shows the results of CSP LEC as a function of CSP market irradiance is not available or low, particularly in evenings. We penetration by the number of hours of thermal storage. The assume the order of dispatched capacity is: CSP solar output correspondingoptimalsolarmultipleispresentedinTable5.The directlyfromsolarfield,heatenergydrawnfromthermalstorage, shape of CSP LEC versus CSP market penetration is primarily otherI&Pcapacity,andoutputfromtheCSPbackupcomponent. driven by increased proportions of wasted solar output, as Wefurtherassumethatanyleftoverthermalenergyinstorageat illustrated in Fig. 6. The share of backup operation is relatively the end of the day will be wasted. While there may be stable in this case due to availability of stored solar output. At circumstances where some energy that remained stored could penetration levels above 70–80%, depending on the amount of beusedthefollowingday(ifthestoragetechnologyusedallowed storage,costsbegintoincreaseassomesolaroutputiswastedin this),thisassumptionhaslittleimpactontheresultssincewasted seasonswheretotalCSPcapacityexceedsI&Pdemand. thermalenergyissmallforsystemswiththermalstorage. From Fig. 5, we can see that thermal storage extends the Forthermalstoragecostsweassumeafixedcostof$140/kW market penetration threshold where CSP LEC starts to increase. andavariablecostof$23/kW-hourstorage,derivedfromNational This is perhaps the largest benefit from the addition of thermal Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (2005). In addition, we storagesystems.TheadditionofthermalstoragealsoallowsCSP assume that fixed O&M costs increase to $58/kW-year(National plantstooperateintotheeveningwithoutusingbackupfuel.The Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 2005) for units with valueofthiscapabilitywilldependontherelativecostofthermal thermal storage. We denominatethe amountof thermal storage storageandnaturalgas(orbiomass)fuelatanygivenlocation.In 7890 Y.Zhangetal./EnergyPolicy38(2010)7884–7897 Fig.7. CSPLECbythermalstoragehourwithoptimalsolarmultipleand50%of baselinecapitalcost—CSPasbaseloadpowerplantswiththermalstorage. numberofstoragehoursorthepriceratio.We,therefore,findthat Fig.6. PercentageofCSPoutputlossoverthetotalCSPoutputandfractionofplant for base load CSP operation the primary factor controlling electricityproducedbythebackupsystemvs.CSPmarketpenetration—CSPasI&P competitivenessisCSPcapitalcost.ThenumberoflowDNIdays loadpowerplantswith6-hourthermalstorage. is also a factor, particularly if natural gas (or biomass) prices increaseinthefuture. addition,thermalstoragecanreduceCSPLEC(Fig.5),becausethe addition of thermal storage acts to leverage fixed costs (e.g. 4. THEpotentialglobalroleofCSP generatorandturbine)byincreasingthesolarmultiple.However, thesebenefitssaturateataboutfivehoursofstorage. 4.1. Long-termmodeling 3.3. CSPasbaseloadplantswiththermalstorage ThepotentialcontributionofCSPelectricgenerationtechnol- ogies will depend first on the cost of CSP electric generation, Inthissection,weexaminethecasewhereCSPplantsoperate which has a strong dependence on the quality of the solar asbaseloadgenerators.WeassumethattheCSPoutputinwinter resource.TheroleofCSPwillalsodependonelectricitydemand, is maintained year-round as base load generation. Since DNI is the cost of other electric generation technologies, and environ- higher and daylight hours are longer in summer and spring/fall mentalincentivessuchasapriceoncarbon.Inordertoexamine than in winter, CSP generates additional I&P electricity in these thesequestions,therepresentationofCSPtechnologiesdescribed seasonsinadditiontobaseloadelectricity.Therefore,CSPplantsin above was implemented within the GCAM (formerly MiniCAM) thiscasereceiverevenuesfromservingbothbaseandI&Ploads. integratedassessmentmodel. Intermsofmethodology,thekeyfeatureofthiscaseisthatin While the results above were derived for one specific location, winter,thedailysolaroutputissmoothedthroughthermalstorage we can generalize these findings by noting that the cost and to provide steady base load electricity, while in summer and performance of CSP technologies depends largely on just two spring/fall,inadditiontoprovidingbaseloadelectricity,theextra location-specific parameters, the number of low DNI days and the energysuppliedbytheadditionalsolarirradianceavailableinthese averageirradianceonoperationaldays.TheinflectionpointsforCSP seasonscanbeusedtomeetsomeoftheI&Ploaddemand.Dueto I&Ptechnologieswhereincreasedcostsareincurred(Figs.3and5) the relatively small share of CSP I&P load supplied from these dodependonthedetailedloadandirradiancecurves.Thishaslittle plants, no solar output will bewasted due to exceeding I&P load impactonoursimulationresults,however.Thefinalstepbeforewe demandandtheCSPgas-hybridbackupgenerationisonlyneeded canimplementaglobalanalysis,therefore,istoestimateglobalsolar duringlowDNIdays.Thus,theimpactofCSPmarketpenetration resourceparametersasdescribedinthenextsection. onLECisnegligibleforaCSPsystemoperatingasabaseloadplant. Because base load CSP plants sell electricity to both I&P and 4.2. Globalsolarresourceestimate baseloadmarkets,insteadofanLECwecalculateandequivalent quantity: the breakeven base load electricity price at which Operational day DNI and the average annual number of low capitalanoperatingcostsoftheCSPplantaremet.Weassumethe DNI days were estimated using data at a one-degree spatial ratioofI&Ptobaseloadelectricpricesis2,basedonCAwholesale resolution from the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- market data from Energy Information Administration (Energy tion(NASA)SurfacemeteorologyandSolarEnergydatasetrelease Information Administration (EIA), 2008). Using this assumption, 6.02 (e.g. Chandler et al., 2004). Neither of these quantities are the breakeven base load electricity price for CSP is around available directly from this dataset, so an estimation procedure $0.065/kWh,which is notcompetitive withcurrent prices. If we wasusedwherebysolarpropertiesonnon-operationaldayswere assumecapitalcostscanbereducedto50%ofthebaselinevalues estimated using correlations between the ratio of clear-sky to (Table 4), the breakeven base load electricity price is in about total ground radiation and the necessary parameter in the US $0.04/kWh, which is competitive. Fig. 7 presents the breakeven National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB). The methodology baseloadpriceforCSPasafunctionofthermalstoragehour.The usedforthiscalculationisgiveninAppendixA. sensitivity to the ratio of I&P load over base load price is also shown. The lowest CSP cost occurs at 10–11 hours of thermal storage, although CSP LEC is not very sensitive to either the 2Seehttp://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/sse/. Y.Zhangetal./EnergyPolicy38(2010)7884–7897 7891 Fig.8. EstimateofthenumberofdayswhereDNIfallsbelow3000W/m2. Table6 NumberofdayswithDNIo3000W/m2foreachsolarclassbyregion. Region NumberoflowDNIdays Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class6 (o4.5kWh/m2/day) (4.5–5kWh/m2/day) (5–6kWh/m2/day) (6–7kWh/m2/day) (7–7.5kWh/m2/day) (47.5kWh/m2/day) USA – 187 126 101 71 58 Canada – – 181 – – – WesternEurope – – 117 103 68 61 Japan – 190 171 124 58 – AustraliaandNZ 188 181 124 54 40 34 FormerSovietUnion – 186 98 75 151 128 China 174 156 162 89 85 82 MiddleEast – 186 43 31 22 13 Africa 175 107 62 30 18 14 LatinAmerica 154 136 88 45 46 43 SoutheastAsia 166 132 98 48 22 60 EasternEurope – 173 155 107 78 – Korea – – 138 – – – India – – 16 53 153 111 TheestimatednumberoflowDNIdaysfortheglobeisshownin the global map. Since regions poleward of 451 are generally not Fig.8.Thelightshadedregionsinthefigureindicateareaswherethe well suited for CSP power, these areas are excluded from this numberoflowDNIdaysislessthan100daysperyear,whichisa studyandhavelittleimpactontheresults. roughindicatorofareaswellsuitedforCSPtechnology.Thenumber Akeyfeatureofthesolarresourceinmanyworldregionsisits oflowDNIdaysisanimportantindicatorofthequalityofthedirect geographic concentration. In the United States, for example, the solar resource. The Middle East and North Africa have the highest highest quality solar resource is found in the southwestern quality resource, where we estimate that there are very few days portionofthecountry(e.g.Blairetal.,2006).Forthecalculations where a CSP plant cannot operate. Note that these estimates are presented here, we make a conservative assumption where we averages over relatively large regions. Specific locations in these treat each solar resource class as a separate sub-region for areascanhavepropertiesthatdifferfromlarge-areaaveragesdueto purposes of estimating CSP technology characteristics and para- localmeteorologicaleffectsthatimpactcloudcover.Foruseinthe meters such as the fraction of system load supplied by CSP. We model calculation we aggregated the resource estimates into six make the assumption that each solar resource class is spatially categoriesbasedontheaverageDNIlevel(Table6).Onlyareaswith continuousenoughthatwecantreatallloadswithinthatregion lowDNIdays o200wereincluded,sinceareaswherethemajority together. This is generally true for the higher quality solar of days are cloudy would not be suitable for CSP technology resourceswhereCSPhasthemostpotential. deployment.Forestedandcroplandareasareexcluded. Eachofthe14GCAMregionsisdividedtosixgeographicsub- regions, with the resource classifications and the area of land in 4.3. ThepotentialroleofCSP each resource class shown in Table 7. The current SSE uses different irradiance to DNI parameterizations poleward of 451 We now combine the representation of CSP technologies than between 451N and 451S which produces a discontinuity on developedinthefirstportionofthispaperwiththesolarresource 7892 Y.Zhangetal./EnergyPolicy38(2010)7884–7897 Table7 Areaforeachsolarclassbyregion. Region Area(km2) Class1 Class2 Class3 Class4 Class5 Class6 (o4.5kWh/m2/day) (4.5–5kWh/m2/day) (5–6kWh/m2/day) (6–7kWh/m2/day) (7–7.5kWh/m2/day) (47.5kWh/m2/day) USA – 264 2773 113,541 227,257 168,091 Canada – – 380 – – – WesternEurope – – 8569 12,655 12,207 10,648 Japan – 1824 850 145 0 – AustraliaandNZ 369 14 6608 289,338 850,751 3,843,693 FormerSovietUnion – 115 197,911 267,215 17,612 9805 China 943 1014 11,829 726,966 479,398 439,120 MiddleEast – 277 5212 304,777 970,911 1,498,909 Africa 49 8121 362,691 1,455,713 2,080,459 5,225,091 LatinAmerica 956 3431 39,001 77,048 134,637 83,467 SoutheastAsia 15,459 36,239 65,507 160,462 162,515 11,717 EasternEurope – 156 450 93 56 – Korea – – 1339 – – – India – – 35,142 51,337 20,002 18,071 Fig.9. FractionofUSelectricloadsuppliedbyCSPtechnologies. Fig.10. FractionofloadsegmentservedintheUSregionwithhighresourcesuitability estimatesdevelopedaboveinordertoevaluatethepotentialrole (mostofinlandCalifornia,Nevada,Arizona,NewMexico,andsouthwestUtah). ofCSPtechnologiesintheUSandglobalenergysystem.TheCSP representation above was implemented in the GCAM integrated assessmentmodel.AbriefdescriptionoftheGCAMmodelanda Fig.10showsthedynamicsofCSPinthismodelforthoseUS description of the implementation of CSP technologies in the regionswiththehighestresourcesuitability(ourclasses5and6, modelareprovidedinAppendixA. whichareinthewestandsouthwestoftheUS).Notethatthese Fig.9showsGCAMmodelresultsforCSPmarketpenetration results must be interpreted with some caution since neither in the US under a reference case scenario derived from Clarke electricity supply and demand within each sub-region nor etal.(2007).CSPplantcapitalcostswereassumedtodecreaseata separate peak, intermediate, and base load markets were rate of roughly 0.6% per year. This represents a reference explicitly modeled, although some of these simplifying assump- technology case with continued incremental reductions, but tions will be addressed in future work. However, the impacts of without the type of focused research effort that would result in increasingCSPpenetrationdoreflectthedynamicsderivedearlier morerapidcostdecreases,forexampleasassumedinonerecent in this paper. By mid-century CSP is providing the majority of analysis(NREL,2007a). intermediate and peak demand in these regions. The CSP The largest role for CSP for the first half of the century is to contribution peaks at about 70% due to the cost of operating supplyintermediateandpeakloads.Inthenear-term,CSPplants hybridmodeandlostoutputthatwouldbeincurredbeyondthis without thermal storage are competitive as their penetration is point.ThefractionofbaseloaddemandsuppliedbyCSPsteadily not sufficient to suffer penalties due to lost solar output or increasesovertimeascostsfall.After2050mostofthegrowthin increased backup mode operation. As penetration increases and CSPoutputisduetoadditionalbaseloadgeneration. I&Pplantswiththermalstoragearefullydeveloped,thesebecome Fig. 11 shows CSP generation by world region while Fig. 12 the preferred option as thermal storage allows these plants to showsCSPgenerationasafractionoftotalelectricgeneration.All serveahigherfractionofI&Ploadwithoutincreasedoperationof regions show some level of CSP generation. At very low thebackupmode. penetration levels this is a result of the logit sharing algorithm As CSP technology costs fall, CSP becomes more competitive usedinthismodel(ClarkeandEdmonds,1993),whereevenhigh forbaseloadgenerationaswell.ThepotentialforCSPbaseloadis costoptionshavesomemarketshare.TheMiddleEast,India,and ultimatelylargerduetoalargermarketsegmentandtheabsence Africa have the highest penetration rates, with the higher ofsignificantpenaltiesathigherpenetrationlevels. penetrationinIndiaisduetosomewhathigherelectricityprices Y.Zhangetal./EnergyPolicy38(2010)7884–7897 7893 Fig.11. TotalCSPgenerationbyregion. Fig.12. FractionofregionalelectricloadservedbyCSP. inthisregionmakingCSPcompetitiveeventhoughlowDNIdays oftotalcost,inregionswithexceptionallygoodresourcessuchas are relatively large (Fig. 8). A second group of regions with the Middle East, and 7–8% in the US Southwest. Later in the moderatelylargefractionsofCSPincludeLatinAmerica,Australia century backup costs can increase significantly, often reaching and New Zealand, South and East Asia and the United States. 20%oftotalcostsintheUSSouthwest.Thisincreaseisduetotwo Alloftheseregionshaveareasthatcontaingoodsolarresources. factors.First,CSPcapitalcostsareassumedtofallovertimewhile In all the above cases, an additional assumption of enhanced theneedforbackupoperationdoesnotdecrease.Second,backup transmission infrastructure (not assumed here) would allow a inthesescenarioswasassumedtobesuppliedbyeithernatural larger expansion of CSP technologies. The remaining regions gasorbiomassandthecostsofbothofthesefuelsincreaseover (Former Soviet Union, Europe, Canada, Japan, and Korea) have thecenturyinourreferencecase.Ifamoreaggressivedecreasein relatively poor resources for CSP, although as indicated in these CSPcapitalcostsovertimewereassumed,thefuelcostsforhybrid results there are some locations where CSP generation may be backup operation would be an even larger fraction of the total competitive. generationcostforCSPtechnologies. CSP supplies 4% of US electric generation in 2050 in this TheCSPtechnologyassumptionsusedhereimplicitlyassume scenario. For the only comparable published study on this time significant water use for the steam turbines, largely for cooling scale,thecentralcaseofBlairetal.(2006)resultsinaCSPcapacity (SargentandLundy,2003;DepartmentofEnergy,2008).Restric- 55GWin2050,orabout2.75%oftotalUSgenerationcapacity.On tions on water use in the arid regions that often have the most an aggregate level, the representation developed here produces appropriate solar resources for CSP would change the net plant resultsbroadlycomparabletothemorespatiallyandtemporally efficiency and costs assumed here if dry-cooling technologies detailedrepresentationinBlairetal.(2006).Thecontributionof wereimplemented.Power-towerCSPplants,whichhavealower CSP technologies is much larger here than the aggregate solar efficiency penalty for dry cooling due to their higher operating technology included in a previous version of the same model temperature, could become the preferred option in these situa- (Clarke et al., 2007), where only 1% of US electric demand was tions (Department of Energy, 2008). Hybrid cooling systems suppliedbysolarin2050. wouldallowevenparabolictroughplantstooperatewithonlya FuelcostsforhybridbackupoperationonlowDNIdayscanbe fewpercentlossinoveralloutput,albeitwithamodestincrease asignificantportionoftotalgenerationcosts,particularlylaterin in cost (Department of Energy, 2008). Power tower plants with thecentury.Inearlytimeperiods,backupcostsareverylow,2–4% much higher operating temperatures might some day allow the

Concentrating thermal solar power (hereafter CSP) technology is a potentially resource class and time slice that are constant over time. Hybrid.
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