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Arendt and Heidegger: The Fate of the Political PDF

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Arendt and Heidegger This page intentionally left blank Arendt and Heidegger THE FATE OF THE POLITICAL • DANA R. VILLA • P R I N C E T O N U N I V E R S I T Y P R E S S P R I N C E T O N , N E W J E R S E Y Copyright1996byPrincetonUniversityPress PublishedbyPrincetonUniversityPress,41WilliamStreet,Princeton,NewJersey08540 IntheUnitedKingdom:PrincetonUniversityPress,Chichester,WestSussex AllRightsReserved LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Villa,DanaRichard. ArendtandHeidegger:thefateofthepolitical/DanaR.Villa. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0–691–04401–5(CL:alk.paper).—ISBN0–691–04400–7(pbk.:alk.paper) 1.Arendt,Hannah—Contributionsinpoliticalscience. 2.Heidegger,Martin,1889–1976—Contributionsinpoliticalscience. 3.Politicalscience—Philosophy. I.Title. JC251.A74V55 1995. 320′.092′2—dc20 95–13293 ThisbookhasbeencomposedinGoudy PrincetonUniversityPressbooksareprintedonacid-freepaperandmeettheguidelines forpermanenceanddurabilityoftheCommitteeonProductionGuidelinesforBook LongevityoftheCouncilonLibraryResources PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmericabyPrincetonAcademicPress 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 (pbk) • TO MY PARENTS • A L F R E D V I L L A A N D V I R G I N I A B A R R E T T V I L L A This page intentionally left blank • C O N T E N T S • PREFACE xi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xiii ANOTETOTHEREADER xiv LISTOFABBREVIATIONS xv INTRODUCTION 3 TheProblemofActioninArendt 3 PARTI:ARENDT’STHEORYOFPOLITICALACTION 15 CHAPTER1 Arendt,Aristotle,andAction 17 I.AristotleandArendtontheSelf-ContainednessofAction 17 II. Applying the Criterion: Arendt’s Descriptions of Labor, Work, and Action 25 III.TheIdeaofa“Self-Contained”Politics 36 CHAPTER2 ThinkingActionagainsttheTradition 42 I.TeleologyversusSelf-Containedness 42 II.TheAntipoliticalQualityofAristotelianPraxis 49 III.AutonomousAction:PoliticsasPerformingArt 52 IV.Arendt’sCritiqueoftheModernTurntoWillandHistory 59 V.Conclusion:BeyondAristotleandKant 77 CHAPTER3 Arendt,Nietzsche,andthe“Aestheticization”ofPoliticalAction 80 I.Introduction 80 II.NonsovereigntyandthePerformanceModel:Arendt’sAnti-Platonism 82 III.TheDisclosiveNatureof“Aestheticized”Action 89 IV.LimitingtheAgon:DifferenceandPlurality,Perspectivismand Judgment 99 PARTII:ARENDTANDHEIDEGGER 111 CHAPTER4 TheHeideggerianRootsofArendt’sPoliticalTheory 113 I.Introduction:TheOntological-PoliticalStakesofArendt’sTheoryof Action 113 viii • C O N T E N T S • II.TheAbyssofFreedomandDasein’sDisclosedness:ThinkingFreedominIts WorldlinessandContingency 117 III. Heidegger’s Distinction between Authentic and Inauthentic Disclosedness andArendt’sAppropriation 130 CHAPTER5 GroundlessAction,GroundlessJudgment:Politicsafter Metaphysics 144 I.TheSecondLevelofAppropriation:TheDialecticofTranscendence/Every- daynessandArendt’sOntologyofthePublicWorld 144 II.BeingasAppearing:Post-NietzscheanOntologyandtheEvanescenceofthe Political 150 III.TheProblemofGroundlessActionandJudgment 155 IV. The Tradition as Reification: Productionist Metaphysics and the With- drawalofthePolitical 166 CHAPTER6 TheCritiqueofModernity 171 I.Introduction:ArendtandHeideggerasCriticsofModernity 171 II.Heidegger:TheMetaphysicsoftheModernsandtheSubjectificationofthe Real 175 Self-AssertionasSelf-Grounding:The“Inauthenticity”ofModernity 175 TheWilltoWillandtheConquestoftheWorldasPicture 178 TechnologyasaModeofRevealing:The“BrinkofaPrecipitousFall” 182 III.ArendtonModernity:WorldAlienationandtheWithdrawalofthePolitical 188 ModernWorldAlienationandtheSubjectificationoftheReal 188 FromHomoFabertotheAnimalLaborans:Instrumentality,Technology,andthe “DestructionoftheCommonWorld” 193 IV. A “Rejectionist Critique”? Thinking the Present from an Arendtian Perspective 202 PARTIII:THECRITIQUEOFHEIDEGGER’S PHILOSOPHICAL POLITICS 209 CHAPTER7 Arendt,Heidegger,andtheOblivionofPraxis 211 I.Introduction 211 II.Heidegger’sConceptofthePolitical 212 TheDevaluationofCommunicativeActionandthePublicSphereinBeingand Time 212 ThePoeticModelofDisclosureintheWorkoftheThirties 219 The“OblivionofPraxis”inHeidegger’sLaterWork 224 III.Arendt’sHeideggerCritique:TheUnworldlinessofthePhilosopher 230 • C O N T E N T S • ix CHAPTER8 Heidegger,Poixsis,andPolitics 241 I.TheAmbiguityofHeidegger’sContributiontotheOblivionofPraxis 241 II.PoliticsasPlasticArt:TheProductionistParadigmandtheProblemofHei- degger’sAestheticism 246 III.Art,Technology,andTotalitarianism 253 IV.QuestionsConcerningTechnology—andtheRethinkingofAction 260 V.Heidegger,Arendt,andtheQuestionof“Faith”inHumanAction 267 NOTES 271 BIBLIOGRAPHY 313 INDEX 323

Theodor Adorno once wrote an essay to "defend Bach against his devotees." In this book Dana Villa does the same for Hannah Arendt, whose sweeping reconceptualization of the nature and value of political action, he argues, has been covered over and domesticated by admirers (including critical theoris
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