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AreLitoria aureaeggs more sensitive to ultraviolet-B radiation than eggs of sympatricL. peroniiorL. dentata? PDF

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Preview AreLitoria aureaeggs more sensitive to ultraviolet-B radiation than eggs of sympatricL. peroniiorL. dentata?

Are Litoria aurea eggs more sensitive to ultraviolet-B radiation than eggs of sympatric L. peronii or L. dentata? T. F. van de Mortel and W. A. Buttemer Department of Biological Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, New South Wales 2522. ABSTRACT Global declines in amphibian populations in often pristine habitats have led to suggestions that a ubiquitous agent might be involved, such as increased Ultraviolet-B (ZB(t32G nrn) radiation due to ozone depletion. The Green and Golden Bell Frog Liioria aurea, has suffered marked population declines and is presently listed as an endangered species in New South Wales. The effect of UV-B levels on hatching success in L. aurea and two sympatric species which have stable populations (L. deniata and L. peronfl was tested at two elevations (sea-level and 600 m) and under three UV-8 treatments: 1) unfiltered sunlight, 2) sunlight filtered for UV-8, and 3) sunlight filtered for smaller wavelengths. Hatching success was significantly higher under the UV-Bblocking treatmentthan under the unfiltered treatment in a repeat experiment involving one L. autea spawn (p = 0.01 7), but was not significantly different in the primary experiment involving three L. aurea spawns (p = 0.749). There were no significant differences between elevations or interactions between treatment and elevation in any species. There was a significant diierence in survival between species (p = 0.001). with 46% of L. aurea surviving vs 76% each of L, deniata and L peronii The lack of a coherent trend in hatching success suggests that UV-B inadiance is not affecting survival in the egg to tadpole stage of L. aurea. INTRODUCTION in the Antarctic (springtime increases of 500% have been recorded), and in the southern Amphibian population declines have been hemisphere where short-term increases of UV-B documented in Australia, the USA, South radiation of 12% were recorded after the breakup America, Canada, and Europe (Barinaga 1990; of the polar vortex sent ozone-poor air over Czechura and Ingram 1990; Phillips 1990; Australia (Lubin and Frederick 1989; Blumthaler Blaustein and Wake 1990; Wake 1991; Tyler and Ambach 1990; Roy et al. 1990; Beaglehole 1991; Osborne 1994; Pounds and Crump 1994; and Carter 1992; Luhin et al. 1992; Kerr and Treneny et al. 1994). Many of the amphibian McElroy 1993; Blumthaler et al. 1994a). The population declines have been in montane latter sites have levels of industrialization which areas, and at sites not subject to severe habitat are insufficient to produce compensatory disturbance such as National Parks and World amounts of tropospheric Os or atmospheric Heritage Areas (Fellers and Drost 1994; pollutants (Bruhl and Crutzen 1989; Liu et al. Richards el al. 1993). The declines are species 1991). Any increase in UV-B irradiance is of specific; stable and declining species may be concern as UV-B is strongly absorbed by deoxy- members of the same genera, and coexist in ribonudeic acids (DNA), damaging DNA by the same area (e.g., Lib& dmtata and L. aurea linking adjacent thymine nucleotides (Lloyd in New South Wales), indicating increased 1993). susceptibility on the part of some species due to behavioural, ecological or physiological There is some experimental support for the differences (Wake and Morowitz 1991). hypothesis that increases in UV-B levels may he responsible for some amphibian declines. The global nature of the declines led to Blaustein et al. (1994) conducted an experiment suggestions that the cause of the declines involving two declining and one stable frog may be a ubiquitous agent such as increased species. Eggs from each of the three species Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) (280-320 nm) radiation were exposed to one of three treatments: due to decreasing ozone (03) levels (Carey 1) unfiltered sunlight, 2) sunlight filtered with a 1993; Blaustein et al. 1994). As a result of 100% UV-B blocking filter, and 3) a control anthropogenic chlorofluorocarbon emissions, filter which transmitted 80% UV-B. The hatch- global stratospheric O3 levels have declined in a ing success of the stable species did not improve nearly linear fashion from 1979 to 1991 when UV-B irradiance was blocked, however, (Herman and Larko 1994), with decreases of hatching success almost doubled in the two 46%p er decade at mid-latitudes, and 1&12% declining species when the UV-B blocking filter per decade at higher latitudes. Lately, the rate was in place compared to those under unfiltered of decrease has accelerated (Gleason el al. 1993). sunlight. A proportional improvement in hatch- UV-B increases are not equivalent globally, ing success in the declining species was noted but are most notable in montane areas (1.9-5.3% when the control filter which blocked 20% UV-B per year with peak pulses of 37% above normal), was in place. Damage to DNA is a normal 150 Austraiian Zoologisi 30(2) May 1996 Table 1. Location, elevation and characteristics of the field sires used lo study hatching success in Lifoh oureo, L. denlalo and I-. peronii under rhrec UV-B treaunents in Decetnher 1994 to Februarr 1995. - ~ Warer Site name latitude and Elevation temperature pH (abbreviated) Lonritude lmi 1"C.i ln = IOI* in = 3)' Uni. of Wollongong 1.5OS.52'E,3 4'24's Duck pond l (DPI) Uni. of Wollongong I5V52'E. 34'24's Duck pond 2 (DP2) Boranical Gardens, 150'52'E. 34-24's Wallongong (BG) RHP Refractory, 150'55'E. 34*19'S Thirroul (T) Kobenson. Dam I (RI) l5O036'E, 34-35's Kobertron, Dam 2 (R2) 15Oo36'E,3 4-375 Robertson, Dam S (RS) l5O03G'E,3 4-375 Robensan. Pam 4 (R4) 150'3G'E. 34'37's consequence of exposure to UV-B radiation in popnlations appear to be stable: L. dentala and all living organisms, however, the extent of the L. permii. If the findings of Blaustein el al. (1994) damage is limited by photoreactivation repail- were applicable to the Australian amphibian enzymes such as photolyase (Blaustein el al. population, we would expect hatching success 1994). An assay of photolyase showed that levels to improve when egg exposure to UV-B levels were three to six times lower in the frog species was reduced either by decreasing the altitude of which showed signs of populational declines. the site of exposure or by filtering the UV-B wavelengths. Accordingly, the null hypotheses The Green and Golden Bell Frog Litona aurea tested were: 1) hatching success would be has suffered both marked range reduction and equivalent at lowland and elevated sites rvithin population declines over the past 20 years each species, and 2) reduced exposure to UV-B (White 1995). It has disappeared &om elevated radiation would not increase hatching success. sites in the Northern Tablelands and Southern Highlands of New South Wales, and contracted METHODS to a small number of populations found mostly - . . around large ~o~ulaticoenn tres such as Svdnev. Sites Wollongong, and Newcastle (Osborne ' 1990; Field experiments were conducted at eight Daly 1995; White 1995). The animal is now sites in the Illawarra and Southern Highlands listed as an Endangered Species in New South regions of New South Wales, Australia. All sites Wales (White 1995). By contrast, the popula- were located rvithin the known range of'L, aurea tions in Victoria appear to be stable (Gillespie (Cogger 1992). The four coastal sites were 1995). located between Thirroul and Wollongong and Given that UV-B irradiance increases with were situated at elevations ranging from 3-30 m elevation (Blumthaler el al. 1994), that UV-B above sea-level (Table I). The sites in the levels decrease in industrialized, urban environ- Southern Highlands were located 10 km south- ments (Bruhl and Crutzen 1989; Liu el al. 1991), east of Robertson at 560-590 m elevation. that UV-B levels have been shown to have Depending on the aerosol content of the increased in southern Australia (Atkinson et al. atmosphere and the ground albedo (reflectivity), 1989; Roy el al. 1990), and that L, auwa -w hich a difference in altitude of 500 m should result lay their spawn in shallow water often highly in an increase in UV-B irradiance of 4-14%, due exposed to sunlight (pers. obs.) - have to the decrease in the solar path length through disappeared from montane areas (Osborne the atmospheie (Blumthaler- el al. 1994). 1990) whilst remaining in urban environments All sites were artificial bodies of water: four (White and Pyke 1996), it was decided to test the Sarm dams, one siltation dam at an industrial hypothesis that UV-B was adversely affecting site, and three ornamental ponds in the grounds L. aurea populations. of public institutions (Table 1). Six of the sites contained Typha damingemis as the main aquatic We conducted an experiment similar to that vegetation. All sites received unrestricted sun- of Blaustein et al. (1994), but included sites at light between 1100 h and 1600 h. approximately 600 m altitude in addition to low altitude sites to see if there was an elevational Experimental Design gradient in the effects of UV-B. Hatching success under three UV-B treatments was monitored, At each site a raft was constructed of'aluminium, comparing L. aurea with two species whose with plastic drainage pipes serving as a pontoon. May 1996 Australian Zoologist 30(2) 151 Each raft con~ainedn ine perspex boxes (40 cm was housed in individual polystyrene boxes w x 40 cm 1 x 7 cm h) with 1 mm2 fibreglass containing water and some aquatic weed or mesh bases. A muslin insert was laid on top of grass (Daly 1996). The boxes were tilted at an ! the mesh to prevent eggltadpole losses. At each angle to provide a range of water depths. site there were three treatments for each of Spawns were collected from the boxes, counted three species. The treatments were 1) unfiltered and transferred to the experimental boxes. i I sunlight, 2) sunlight filtered to remove UV-B, Spawns were kept in pond water in plastic and 3) sunlight filtered to allow 80% transmission containers during transfer. of UV-B. The UV-B blocking filter was made of Eleven pairs of L. dentata were collected at Mylar and the control filter was polyethylene. Helensburgh on the 2111195. Eight amplecting The transmissivity of the filters was evaluated pairs of L. permii were collected between 2111 1/94 before and after the experiments using a Carey and the 2/2/95 (four provided by G. Daly). The 17 ~~ectrophotometeTrh. e Mylar blocked 100% duration of amplexus for both species was less i of UV-B between 280 and 315 nm. Ten per cent than eight hours. ! of UV-B irradiance was transmitted at 320 nm. The polyethylene filter allowed 80% transmission Statistical Analysis of UV-B whilst new, however, after three 1 months in the field it allowed about 50% trans- An arcsine of the square root transformation mission of wavelengths between 280 and 320 nm. was carried out on the data to yield a normal ; One-hundred-and-fifty freshly laid frog eggs distribution (Zar 1984). A two factor ANOVA from each of 3-10 spawns from different was used to test the effect of elevation and treat- amplecting pairs were placed in each box (Table ment on each species. A Bonferroni test and 2). The number of eggs from a given spawn Tukey's multiple comparison test were carried were equivalent in each box. The boxes were out on the data to determine which means were placed on the rafts to a depth of 2 cm. Tadpoles significantly different from each other. Percentage were counted and removed daily until all eggs survival for the three species was compared via either hatched or died. The experiments took a single factor ANOVA, as differences in hreed- place between January and February 1995. ing times and possible differences in UV-B Water temperature, turbidity, and pH were exposure made use of a three factor ANOVA measured at all sites during the course of the inappropriate. All variance statistics presented experiment (Table 1). The water at all sites are standard errors, and sample size is denoted contained t30 mglL of dissolved solids. as n. Four small pilot experiments were carried out RESULTS in November-December 1994, to deal with field problems. The results of these experiments are not reported here. The L, aurea experiment was carried out twicp. The second experiment used The snout-vent lengths of L. aurea males were identical methods to the first, except it was 61 to 75 mm (mean 67.6 f 1.5 mm; n = 10) carried out with only one spawn (Table 2). and t+h at of females 66 to 84 mm (mean Observations of animal sizes were recorded in 75.7 1.9 mm; n = 11). Litolia dent+at e males order to contribute to the knowledge of the were 39 to 43 mm in length (mean 40.8 0.4 mm; species. n = 10) and females were 42 to 46 mm (mean 44.0 f 0.4; n = 10). Lilolia fwonii males were + Table 2. The dates of UV-B experiments and the number 46 to 60 mm in length (mean 53.7 1.3 mm; of $pawns per experiment forLi6- Zureo, L. denlnb, n = 11) while females were 56-71 mm long 2nd I.. Lwmii. (mean 63.1 f 1.9; n = 8). Date experiment No. Spawns Species commenced per experiment Spawn Sues LItona aureo# l 611195 3 Liloria aurea spawns ranged in size from 4 124 Litmia denlata 2111195 10 + Lilwioperonii 2611195 5 to 6 178 eggs (mean 5 109 328; n = 5), while Liloria aurea#2 I312195 1 those of L. dentate consisted of 238 to 1881 eggs + (mean 755.8 196.7; n = 8), and those of #experiment no. L. peronii contained 490 to 1 869 eggs (mean Collection of Spawn 1 078.8 ? 177.2; n = 8). Thirteen amplecting pairs of L. aurea were Hatching Times collected on four occasions between 25/12/94 and 1212195 at a site in Port Kembla. The Of those eggs which hatched, 86% of L. aurea duration of amplexus ranged from eight hours eggs hatched in two days, while 11% took three to three days, although five pairs of L. aurea days and 3% took four days to hatch, when the which had not spawned after three days were mean water temperature was 24.0 ? 0.5"C released still in amplexus. Each amplecting pair (n = 26). The percentage of L, denlata eggs 152 Australian Zoologist 30(2) Table ). Two factor ANOVA for the effects of treatment and elevation on hatching success in three frog species: Litoria aurea, L. dentata and,L . peronii. *significant at 0.05. Species Source df F-test P value L. aurea*l Elevation I 0.84 0.40 Treatment 2 1.30 0.31 Interaction 2 l.4l 0.28 L. dentata Elevation t 3.4 I 0.1 2 Treatment 2 0.30 0.75 Interaction 2 0.26 0.78 L. peronii Elevation I 0.30 0.6r Treatment 2 1.43 0.28 Interaction 2 0.33 0.72 L. aurea*2 Elevation I 0.66 0.45 Treatment 2 5.89 0.02* Interaction r.74 0.22 o 100 o o (, (, 5 80 o E) .E 60 t a o 40 o I UV-Bb lockinfgil ter E) G E! Controfli lter 20 c o E Unfiltered (, o o. 0 DP1 DP2 re T R1 R2 R3 R4 Si te Fig. 1. Percentage hatching success amongst Litoria aurea eggs when I50 eggs were exposed to sunlight (a) filtered to remove UV-B; (b) filtered to remove wavelengths smaller than UV-B; and (c) unfiltered. For a key to the sites see Table l. which hatched were 5470,I g%,27%,0.5% and 13% and 38% respectively, with one site 0.17o on days two, three, four, five and nine showing equal hatching success between the respectively, when the mean water temperature UV-B blocked treatment and the control filter was 20.5 t 0.4"C (n : l2). Sixty-two per cent of (Fig. 3). L. peronii eggs hatched in three days, 38% took four days and 0.06% took eight days to When all sites were combined, the greatest hatch, when the mean water temperature was number of L. aurea tadpoles hatched under the 23.4+ 0.4'C( n :22). control filters, l.l times that for the UV-B- blocking filters and 1.2 times that for the Treatment Effects unfiltered treatment. Total hatching successw as marginally better under the UV-B-blocking There were no significant differences in filters amongst" L. dentata and L. peronii. hatching successb etween treatments for any of the three species tested in the first experiment An additional experiment carried out in (Table 3). Amongst L. aurea, hatching success February 1995, although using only one L. aurea was greatest under the UV-B-blocking filter at spawn, showed similar results to the January 50% of sites, under the control filter at 38% of experiment which used eggs from three spawns. sites and under unfiltered sunlight at 13% of Hatching success was still greatest under the sites (Fig. l). The corresponding values for l,. UV-B-blocking filter at 50% of sites,b ut the sites dentata were 25Vo, 387a and 25Vo respectively, at which this occurred differed from those in with one site showing equal hatching success the previous experiment. Hatching successw as between the unfiltered treatment and the treat- significantly higher under the UV-B-blocking ment with the control filter (Fig. 2). Amongst L. filters than under the unfiltered treatment peronii, the corresponding values were 387o, (p: o.ol7). May 1996 AustralianZ oologis3t 0(2) 153 o 100 o o o .J = 80 o E) .= 60 -tr o tG 40 I UV-Bb lockinfgil ter o E Controlfilter E'' (E El Unfiltered 20 c o o o o- 0 DP1 DP2 M T R1 R2 R3 R4 Site Fig- 2. Percentage hatching success amongst Litoria dentata eggs whan 150 eggs were exposed to sunlight (a) filtered to remove UV-B; (b) filtered to remove wavelengths smaller than UV-B; and (c) unfilterid. For a key to the sites see Table l. o 100 o o () o = 80 o E) .5 50 .(C, o I UV-Bb lockinfgil ter s 40 E Controlfilter o E) B unfiltered o 20 tr o o o o. DP1 DP2 re T R1 R2 R3 R4 Site Fzg. 3. Percentage hatching success amongst Litorin peronii eggs when 150 eggs were exposed to sunlight (a) filtered to remove UV-B; (b) filtered to remove wavelengths smaller than UV-B; ind (c) unfiltered. For a key to the sites see Table l. Elevation Effects In the second L. aurea experiment, hatching success was 37Va at coastal sites us 42% at There were no significant differences in elevated sites.T he difference was not significant hatching successb etween the elevated and coastal (Table 3). sitesf or any of the three species( p > 0.1) when all treatments were combined (Table 3). Forty- eight per cent of L. aurea eggs survived to the Species Effects hatchling stage at the coastal sites,z s 43% at the elevated sites, but under the unfiltered treat- Overall survival to hatchling stage differed ment, survival to hatchling stage was 1.I times significantly between species( p : 0.000t). Only higher at the elevated sites than at the coastal 46% of L. aurea eggs survived to hatchling srage sites( Fig. 4). Survival to hatchling stagew as 83% as opposed to 75.97o and 76.4% for L. dentata us 69Vof or the coastal and elevated sitesa mongst and L. peronii respectively. This represenrs L. dentata, and 74% as 79% for L. beronii. There 1.7 times as many hatchlings for both L. dentata were no significant int-eractionsb etween elevarion and l,. peronii compared to L. aurea (Fig. 5). and treatment for any of the three species Total survival amongst L. aurea in the second (Table 2). experiment was only 40/o. 154 AustralianZ oologis3t 0(2) May 1996 100 o aa o(, 80 o = et, ttl 60 c = I UV-Bb lockinfgil ter (, G E Controlfilter E 40 @l Unfittered o CD o C o (, 20 o G 0 Coastal HighlandGoastal Highland Coastal Highland L. aurea L peronil L dentata . Fig. 4. Percentage hatching success at coastal (3-30 m) and elevated (560-590) sites for Litorin aurea L. dentata and L. peronii. o 100 o o o (t : 80 o .Esl 60 E o (E t 40 o El G 20 tr o (, o o- 0 L. aurea L. dentata L. peronii Species Fig. 5. A comparison of total percentage hatching successb etween liloria aurea, L. dentata and L. beroni when sites and treatments were combined. DISCUSSION significantly reduced survival under the unfiltered treatments seen in the second L. aurea If the UV-B hypothesis is to be supported, experiment, however the presence of the control one would expect survival to the hatchling stage filters ensured that greater survival under the to be greatest for L. aurea under the UV-B- experimental filter would not be misread as a blocking filter, and lowest under unfiltered sun- UV-B effect rather than an effect of simply light, with the control filter ranging somewhere having a cover over the treatment. in between. This was not the case. On a site-by- site basis, hatching success for L. e,u.reaw as Transmission of UV-B was reduced from 80% greatest under the UV-B-blocking filter at only to 50Vo in the control filters over the period of 50Vo of sites, while the total number of hatchlings the experiment, but one would still expect to see was greatest under the control filters when sites a difference in survivorship between the UV-B- were combined during the first experiment. blocking and control filters when 50% UV-B was being. transmitted. the first l. aurea .Also, Predation and fouling of unfiltered treat- experiment was carried out with new filters in ments by water birds may account for the early January, and the results were similar to May 1996 AustraliaZn oologist3 0(2) 155 the second L. aurea experiment in mid-February and was conducted with the permission of the when the filters were older. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Authority No. 1292. As a cautionary note, we were unable to measure field UV-B levels, so there is no REFERENCES guarantee that levels were high at the time of the experiment. The weather was cloudy during Atkinson, R., Matthews, W., Newman, P. and Plumb, R., 1989. Evidence of the mid-latitude impact of Antarctic the first L, aurea experiment, which tends to ozone depletion. Nahm 340: 290-93. reduce UV-B levels when the cloud cover is complete (Mims and Frederick 1994), however, Barinaga. M.. 1990. Where have all rhe froggies gone? the skies were free of cloud during the second Science 247: 1033-34. L, aurea experiment. Beaglehole, D. and Carter, G., 1992. Antarctic skies. 1. Diurnal variations of the sky irradiance, and UV effms Another key feature of the UV-B hypothesis of the ozone hole, spring 1990. J Geophy~R. es. 97(D2): is that one would expect survival to be greater 2589-96. at coastal than at highland sites, as the amount Blaustein, A. and Wake, D., 1990. Declining amphibian of ultraviolet radiation received should be populations: a global phenomenon? Trends Ecol. Euol. higher at the elevated sites. No trend, significant 5(7): 203-04. or otherwise, was noted in survival between Blaustein, A,, Hoffman, P., Hokit, D., Kiesecker, J., Walls, coastal and elevated sites. This may reflect the S. and Hays, J., 1994. UV repair and resistance to solar fact that an increase in elevation of 500 m UV-B in amphibian eggs: a link to population declines? should result in an increase in UV-B of 444% Proc. Natl Acad. Sd., USA 91: 1791-95. (Blumthaler et al. 1994). Such a rise by itself may Blumthaler, M. and Amhach, W., 1990. Indication of not be enough to perturb suwivorship, unless increasing solar ultraviolet-B radiation flux in alpine UV-B levels were already near the species limit regions. S&%c 248: 20608. of tolerance. Blumthaler, M., Amhach, W., Silbernagl. R. and Staehelin, J., 1994a. 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Decline of anurans in narional parks in western United States. Sccad Wmld Thanks to Jim Mauger, Rene Tummers (BHP Congress of Hmpelolqgy: Abflrocls. p. 85. Refractory), the management of Wollongong Botanical Gardens, and the University of Gille~so,i e.. G . R.. 1996. Distribution. habitat and conservation status of the Green and Golden Bell Frog Lit- aurea Wollongong for permission to use their property (Lesson 1829) (Anura: Hylidae) in Victoria. Awl. Zool. as experimental sites; and to Ken Russell for 30(2): 195L207. statistical advice. I am grateful to Tony Hulbert Gleason, J.. Bhartia, P., Herman, J., McPeters, R.. Newman, and David Ayre for advice; to Ross Goldingay, P., Stolarski, R.. Flynn, L., Labow, G., Larko, D., Seftor, and Garry Daly for advice and assistance with C., Wellemeyer, C., Komhyr, W., Miller, A. and Planet, field work; and to Leah Morgan for assistance W., 1993. Record low global ozone in 1992. Sriencc 260: with field work. 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