Are You Anticipating the Redemption? also Torah in the Negev• An Open Letter to Arye Dulzin The Fraudulent "Yizkor" Books • Second Looks THE JEWISH BS ERV ER in this issue ... Are You Anticipating the Redemption? Rabbi Avrohom Pam 3 Poem, Avraham Yeshayahu Rotbard 7 "Dear Mr. Dulzin" an open letter . . . .8 Streams in the Desert, Yaffa Ganz . 10 How Not to Write a "Yizkor" l JOk Chaim Shapiro . 18 Revelation and Search, A. Scheinman . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Books in Review My Jewish Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 The Study and Practice of Judaism . 33 Juvenile Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN Postscripts 0021-6615) is published monthly, except July and August, by the The Sixth Knessia Gedolah .42 Agudath Israel of America, 5 Noted in Sorrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 00 Beekman Street, New York. N.Y. 10038. Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription Second Looks at the Jewish Scene $9.00 per year; two years, $17.50; When Charity Begins at Home, Bernard Fryshman .. 47 three years, $25.00; outside of the Thank You, Elie Wiesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 United States, $10.00 per year. Single copy, $1.25 Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Printed in the U.S.A. RABBI N ISSON W OLPlN f"- -Je;l;haOb;erver --, Editor ubscrlbe The Editorial Board Renew I 5 Beekman Street/ New York, N.Y. 10038 I • DR. ERNST BODENHEIMER Chairman or GIVe II DOneYear$o9 .T0h0re e Years only 0$T2w5o.0Y0e ars$17.50]I RABBI NATHAN BULMAN Now RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS I Send Magazine to. I JOSEPH FR!EDENSON l l ::::~s RABBI MOSHE SHERER and .................... ........ ........ .. .. •·······• SAV E I THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not I City..... State/Zip.... . ........... ... . ......... 1 assume responsibility for the I From·. 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National Introspection An eminent Rosh Yeshiva through the windows, and "maitzitz min hacharakirn" - "Remember the days of old, examines the implications peering through the cracks. understand the years of every The former type of hash generation" (Devarim 32:7). of the question gacha can be likened to a father The fruits of historical reflec who sends his children out to tion are three-fold: It gives one that every man play, and stands by the window an understanding of the general to watch over them. Whenever course that the generations have must ultimately answer the children look up from their followed; it helps one better play, they see their father comprehend our present situation; and it offers insight observing them. The father derives pleasure from see into what the future holds in store. ing his children, and the children in turn are secure in All three of these play a role in helping us yearn for the knowledge that their father is keeping watch over the yeshu'a - or in broader terms, the ge'ula, the ulti them. This is "mashgiach min hachalonos." mate redemption. The latter, more subtle form is that of "peering The ge'ula - the culminating redemption that will through the cracks." This can be compared to a father put an unequivocal end to our millennia of suffering whose children so misbehave that he banishes them and wandering, and eliminate all evil from the world - from his house. In such an instance, the father does not will openly demonstrate G-d's intervention in the stand conspicuously by the window to keep an eye on affairs of man. them. When the children turn toward the house, they do not see their father, and it appears to them that no one is looking or cares about them. In truth, though, the Two Forms of Providence father is constantly watching them through a tiny aper Surrounded as we are by the darkness of go/us, we ture, to make sure that no harm befalls them. might find it difficult to see G-d's hand directing our The same is true, says Rabbeinu Saadia Gaon, with affairs. First, then, we must take into account a basic the Divine Providence over the Jewish people. G-d is tenet of our faith; that the Divine Providence guides all watching over His nation constantly without interrup that transpires in our world - particularly, the fate of tion. Only when we follow His precepts and doctrines, Kial Yisroe/. This hashgacha (Providence) manifests however, do we readily discern the hashgacha - itself in two ways, one obvious, the other subtle. Both through the miracles and wondrous deeds that He per are described by Shlomo Hamelech in Shir Hashirim forms for us, such as those that our ancestors witnessed (2:9): "Mashgiach min hachalonos" - watching with their own eyes. By contrast, when our conduct is not consistent with G-d's will and we suffer punishments and trage Rabbi Pam, Rosh Yeshiva of Mesi/ta Torah Vodaath, Brooklyn, dies, it may appear that G-d is no longer interested in delivered these remarks at a gathering of Torah Vodaath alum11i. This our welfare and has abandoned us. In truth, G-d never essay was originally published in Hebrew in HAMESIVTA, a journal forsakes us - even in the darkest hours of go/us - He of Torah thought and novellae. Matis Blum, a student in the Beis Hamidrash of Mesifta Torah Vodaath, prepared for publication both merely veils the hashgacha under the cloak of natural the Hebrew and English versions of this essay. events and phenomena. The prophet describes this rela- The Jewish Observer I April, 1980 3 ,' tionship when he says: "Behold You are the G-d who died in the land of Canaan on the road, only a kivra of hides; the L-rd of Israel who saves" (Yishayahu 49:15). land before Efras ... I buried her on the path to Efras, Even when G-d conceals His actions under the guise of which is Beis Lechem" (Bereishis 48:7). Rashi reports natural occurrences, He is constantly performing acts of more of Yaakov's conversation: salvation on our behalf. But not until Moshiach has I am imposing on you to take me for burial into come will we be able to look retrospectively at the the Land of Canaan, even though I did not do as annals of our history and discern the hand of G-d much for your mother - I did not even take her to throughout our existence. nearby Beis Lechem to bury her. I know that in your heart you have misgivings. Know, however 1 that I buried her there by the command of G-d so Sowing the Seeds of "Ge'ula" she might help her children in the future, when How difficult it is to be aware of G-d"s involvement Nevuzaradan will take them into captivity. For in our salvation while we are suffering! In many places, when they pass along that road, Rachel will come Chazal (Rabbis of blessed memory) emphasize the con forth and stand by her grave and weep, beseech tinuous, albeit unseen providence that G-d exerts over ing mercy for them, as it is said (Yirmiyahu Kial Yisroel. For example, the Mid rash interprets in just 31:15): "A voice is heard in Rama (the sound of such a manner the juxtaposition of two seemingly un weeping) - Rachel weeping for her children and related portions of the Torah - one, dealing with the G-d replied to her, 'There is a reward for your selling of Yoseif; the other, the incident of Yehuda and work,' says the Lord ... 'for your children will Tamar. return to their territories."' Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachman began: "For I The Almighty had prepared the remedy more than a know the thoughts that I am thinking about you, thousand years before the tragedy ... It was impossible says G-d, thoughts of peace, and not for evil, to for Yoseif - the brilliant, foresighted viceroy of Egypt give you future and hope" (Yirmiyahu 29:11). - to comprehend his father's treatment of Rachel, his The tribes were occupied with selling Yoseif. beloved wife - why he did not give her a proper burial; Reuvain was involved with his sack cloth and and, as Rashi says, Yoseif bore a grudge against his fasting (to repent for. the incident regarding father for this. Bilha). Yehuda was searching for a wife. And Imagine Yoseif's feelings at the time that Yaakov while all of this was taking place, G-d was creat disclosed the reasons for his action to him - that by ing the light of Moshiach (that came from the burying her on the roadside, he insured that her de union of Yehuda and Tamar). "Before the birth scendants would return home from exile and thereby pains she delivered ... " Before the birth of the safeguarded the future of Kial Yisroel. He undoubtedly first oppressor of the Jewish people (Pharoah), the thought: How could I have been so blind as to question final savior had already been determined. my father's motives for even one moment! In addition to offering an insight into the working of the hashgacha, the Midrash teaches us another Mortals - Creatures of Hindsight important lesson: While mere mortals perceive occur rences while they are taking place, through myopic Our perception, our intelligence, and our prescience vision, from an isolated vantage point G-d views all are of absolutely no significance when compared to events in history concurrently, and weaves together those of Yoseif Hatzaddik. We surely cannot fathom the seemingly unrelated, insignificant incidents, to create meaning behind events if he, in his time, could not ... through them the light of Moshiach. When depressed by unrelieved suffering or dismayed by inexplicable events, we should at least benefit from Yoseif's lesson: What strikes us as the very worst may The Remedy Before the Affliction well be preparation for the very best. And then, some The sure knowledge of G-d's omniscience, day in the future, we will understand G-d's wonders in unbounded by place and time-His ability to provide retrospect, and we will be able to express our apprecia remedies in advance of the affliction - should provide tion for them. As Yeshayahu prophesied: In the time of us with hope even in the midst of darkness. Our short the redemption, Bnei Yisroel will say: "Hashem, you comings are such that we do not always respond with are my G-d, I will extol You and praise Your name, for the trust that this should inspire in us. An exchange You have performed wonders. The plans that You between Yaakov and his son Yoseif illustrates the formulated far in advance have been fulfilled com limitations of the vision of even the greatest of mortals, pletely. The preparations that You made for the ge'ula and yet how - in spite of this and in spite of depressing so many generations in advance are finally coming to circumstances - hope is always justified: fruition." And even though we could not fathom the When Yaakov summoned Yoseif to his death bed to meaning of these events as they were unfolding, we elicit his promise that he bury him in Eretz Yisroel, now stand in awe, seeing how these events have led to Yaakov said: "When I came from Padan [and] Rachel the coming of Moshiach. 4 The Jewish Observer I April, 1980 II. Awaiting Moshiach Every Day return revenge upon My oppressors and repay My enemies ... Looking forward to the redemption, and hoping for The Ohr Hachaim explains, "When G-d will judge Moshiach is more than a healthy attitude, and a proper His nation . .. ,"when G-d takes account of the terrible outlook on life. It is a basic obligation. In fact, when a persecutions that His nation suffered, and when He sees person is brought before the Heavenly Tribunal to give the terrible afflictions that the righteous have been an accounting for all of his wordly deeds, one of the forced to endure - those who were killed, burned, and first questions he is asked is: "Did you anticipate the had their flesh torn from them - for the sake of the yeshu'al" (Shabbos 3Ia). The Rambam (Hilchos tzaddikim who suffered so, G-d will have compassion Melachim 11:1) states it as an imperative: "Whoever and end the galus. does not believe in Moshiach or does not await his Look at the indescribably terrible sufferings and arrival not only negates the validity of the prophets, but persecutions that the last generation has endured! We also denies the authenticity of the Torah and Moshe have every reason to believe that the day when their Rabbeinu." blood will be avenged is not far off. Not only must we believe that Moshiach will even The Ohr Hachaim continues: G-d must hasten the tually come, but we must constantly anticipate his ge'ula for yet another reason: when He sees that the imminent arrival, much as one anxiously awaits an tzaddikim are powerless to admonish those who defy upcoming event in the immediate future. We dare not G-d, that there are no longer great men among Bnei think: "True. Moshiach will eventually come, but this Yisroel with the powers of prophecy and ruach ha will undoubtedly occur in the far-distant future. Who kodesh to lead the masses ... This is what is meant by knows how long it will take until the world will be "and they are neither governed nor strengthened." worthy of his arrival ..." This aspect of the prophecy has also been more than In fact, the Rambam treats this expectation as an realized in our days. For certain, G-d cannot delay in integral aspect of his thirteen principles of faith: "I redeeming us! As Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev believe in the arrival of Moshiach ... ," continuing cried: "Ribbono Shel Olam -Master of the Universe with: "I will await his arrival every day." This anticipa -redeem your nation quickly: if you wait much longer, tion is as crucial as the general belief. His delay until You may not be left with a nation to save. ..." now should not discourage us, for as the prophet The Midrash (Shir Hashirim 2:8) states that when Malachi promised: "And suddenly the Master whom Moshe came to the children of Israel telling them that you are seeking will come .. ." (Malachi 3:1). He can they were about to be delivered from bondage, the arrive suddenly, at a moment's notice, if it will be the people asked: "'How can we be redeemed? We are not will of G-d. worthy!" He replied, "Since G-d wants to save you, He will not take note of your evil deeds. Instead, He will look at the righteous among you, such as Amram and Is There Hope for Us? his Beis Din (court) and their righteous deeds." G-d surely expects us to earn our redemption, and In our times, too, G-d may consider the deeds of the according to many indications an immediate redemp many tzaddikim and Torah scholars in our midst and tion seems to depend on almost-impossible conditions: bring the ge'ula in their merit. The Tanna D'Bei Eliyahu (Chap. 16) relates Moreover, G-d promised us through His prophet how a disciple once asked Eliyahu when all of Yechezkiel that even if we do not repent on our own, He Yeshayahu's prophecies concerning Moshiach will inspire us to turn our hearts toward Him, as He coming will be fulfilled. Eliyahu replied: "If Bnei said: "And I shall cast upon you pure waters and you Yisroel would repent sincerely, out of love of G-d, shall become purified ..." (Yechezkiel 36:25). He would immediately rebuild the final Bais Hamikdosh and shower them with eternal love." III. The Wheels of Time - in High Gear Since we are so far from this lofty attainment, how can we dare hope that the advent of Moshiach is im The very factors that breed confusion or despair minent? Nonetheless there is hope. point to reasons for hope. The swift, cont using rush of The concluding portion of Parshas Ha'azinu deals events today are a case in point. with that time when Bnei Yisroel will be among the The Chofetz Chaim likened the impact of the events nations like a solitary sheep among seventy wolves, and taking place in our time to the impressions of a the entire world will oppose them. The Torah says: stranger who visits a Jewish village on a Friday after "When G-d will judge His nation with punishments, noon. He feels the excitement in the air, and sees the and will usher in a new era for the sake of His servants, hustle and bustle of the people running to and fro; it is when He will see that the power of their enemies is obvious that Shabbos is approaching. Our age is similar becoming ever stronger over them, and there is no one to this, said the Chafetz Chaim. If we but take note of saved nor strengthened." Immediately after this, the the unnaturally swift pace of events, it becomes Torah says: "See now that I - I am the one ... I will obvious that the ge'ula must be imminent: Matters that The Jewish Observer I April, 1980 5 ·' in the past had taken hundreds of years to culminate our tefillos that He send Moshiach. G-d treasures our now take place in a short span of time. World powers tefillos. lt is up to us. As Yeshayahu said: "Over the rise and fall; fortunes are made and lost; individuals walls of Yerushalayim (which were destroyed) l have experience meteoric rise and then disappear - all within appointed guards - all day and all night - constantly. incredibly short spans of time. The wheels of time are they are not silent." (Who are these guards?) "You, who geared to a frenzied pace - apparently because G-d is mention G-d (and cry out to Him to rebuild Yerusha anxious to prepare the world for the coming of layim). do not be silent! Do not give Him respite until Moshiach, who will herald the beginning of "the era of He re-establishes (the city) and makes Yerushalayim the Great Shabbos." the praise of all the land ..." (62:6-7). A disciple of the Chafetz Chaim described to me how his rebbe constantly cried to G-d and The Last Surge of Strength begged him to send Moshiach. He demanded the The proliferation of immorality and corruption in ge'ula.saying: "Ribbono Shel Olam. du hust doch the world would surely seem to be reason for despair. tzu gezogt, du hust doch tzu gezogt (But You Yet here, too, the Chafetz Chaim found an indication of promised us ... You promised us ... )." the imminence of the ge'ula. This is consistent with a Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev once natural phenomenon: When a creature or a force is on observed a simple Jew whose tefillin accidentally the threshold of destruction or extinction, it gathers fell to the ground. The man hastily reached down strength for just several moments before it dies out for to pick them up from the floor, wiped off the dust, ever. The night's darkest hour is the one immediately kissed them, and gingerly placed them back in preceding daybreak . ... Before a candle burns out, its their bag. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak raised his eyes flame shoots up one final time - higher than it had ever heavenward and cried out: ··Ribbono Shel Olam ! reached the entire time it was burning . ... Very often a Look down from Your lofty abode: see how a deathly ill person appears to be regaining strength and simple Jew treats his tefillin? how he honors and to be on the road to recovery, while in truth he is exert cherishes them? But behold Your tefillin - the ing his final ounces of strength before his demise ... Jewish People - are lying on the earth for close to And so it is, says the Chofetz Chaim. in regard to the two thousand years! Why don't you pick them pervasive presence of immorality and corruption. up, kiss them and restore them to their proper Zecharia had prophesied that when Moshiach finally place? Don't Chazal say that G-d's tefillin are comes. " ... (G-d) will remove the spirit of impurity inscribed with the words: "Who is like Your from the land" (Zecharia 13:2). The unprecedented nation Israel a singular people in the world?" power these forces of evil have shown in recent years - Why should Your tefillin be treated any worse infinitely more so than during the time of the Chafetz than all other tefillin ... ? Chaim - indicates that they are mustering their final energies before their ultimate obliteration. Intensifying Torah Study (May I add that I have often thought that the crea tion of the United Nations - hardly a blessing to us We must heed the advice of Rabbi Eliezer. When Jews in recent years -actually has its place in the asked, "What can one do to be spared the suffering that scheme of things as a harbinger of ge'ula. lt is providing will precede Moshiach?" Rabbi Eliezer replied, "He the basis for a precise historical record of the hostility should occupy himself with Torah and the performance and bias of nations of the world against the Jewish of good deeds' (Sanhedrin 98b). These words apply to People. Thus, when the ge'ula will come and the other all of us regardless of our specific role in life. nations will claim to have looked out for the welfare of Our yeshiva students who study Torah may be Bnei Yisroel during their history, their very own likened to the Ner Maaravi, the westernmost light in records will contradict their claims (see Avodah Zora the Menorah in the Bais Hamikdosh. lt burned all day, 2a). Moreover, the conduct of the members of the and all the other lights of the Menorah were kindled by United Nations demonstrates beyond any doubt that its flame. Those bnei Torah who are able to devote their we Jews cannot rely on alliances or treaties with other lives exclusively to the pursuit and dissemination of nations; instead we must put our faith in our Father in Torah are kodesh kedoshim. But the rest of us surely Heaven. This recognition, too, is mentioned as a condi must realize that parnosa - earning a living - is but a tion for Moshiach's coming.) means to an end, not an end unto itself; and that all Jews must set aside time to study for Torah study. "The soul of man is the light of G-d" (Mishlei 20:27). Every IV Our Responsibility to Bring Moshiach: Jewish soul possesses a boundless potential. and each Demani:ling It person is obligated to use the wick of Torah to draw the What must we do in advance of the ge'ula? ls there maximum light from his neshama, and thereby realize anything we can do to hasten its coming? that potential. We must plead to G-d with all our hearts through And just as the westernmost light was used to 6 The Jewish Observer I April, 1980 kindle the other lights, so too must bnei Torah use the to do chessed. They would thus arouse G-d's glow of their Torah to ignite the flame of Yiddishkeit in attribute of chessed, and with its ultimate chessed the heart of their estranged brethren. The more one He would deliver them from bondage . ... And spreads the light of Torah, the closer does the ge'ula this is exactly what took place, draw near. And the more involved one is in Torah, the The Yerushalmi (Sanhedrin 11) explains that G-d more secure he is in his role in welcoming Moshiach. said to Israel: My children, if you see that the store house of merits of our Patriachs and Matriachs has been diminished, go and involve yourselves with chessed, as Increasing Acts of Chessed it says, "For the mountains will move, and the hills will Intensifying our efforts to perform chessed not only sway" (Yeshayahu 54,10). "The mountains" refer to protects a person from the pre-Messianic suffering, it the merits of the Avos; "the hills" to those of the also plays a major role in hastening the final redemp lmahos - but "My chessed shall not move from you tion, just as it did in our first golus, in Egypt. , , . says the Compassionate one - G-d," When involv The Tanna D'Bei Eliyahu (Chap. 23) says that ing oneself in charitable pursuits, one not only brings the Jews in Egypt had made pacts with one benefit to the recipient of the chessed, but all of Kial another to reciprocate acts of kindness with each Yisroel gains, for Moshiach's coming is that much other. The Chafetz Chaim explained that when closer. the Jews could see no reprieve from the harsh With increasd dedication to Torah, tefilla, and decrees of Pharoah, they decided to emulate the chessed, we may anticipate the imminent Ge'ula way of G-d who is the epitome of kindness - and Shleima, and plan our lives accordingly. ~1'. Jews An Indigenous bronco ride both American Pastime nations and time through history. Analogously getting . severely Borrowed To bucked and tossed every now and then, Poetically Portray but always the Universal holding on for dear life. Role of the Jew until, the time when material power Avraham and, the illusion of physical might as symbolized Yeshaya Rotb ard by c•7tt.iii• that wild beast of a horse, will be subdued by the power of spirit and the .truth of moral right, as symbolized b that rough-riding Jew , . , Av raham -Yishayahu Rotbard is an Arhe'rica'n Who lives in Jerusalem. -His poetry has-appeared in previoUs_ issues of Y mysterious cowboy THt JtwlSH -OastRVtR. The Jewish Obsprver I April, 1980 7 An Open Letter to Mr. Arye Dulzin Mr. Arye Dulzin, Chairman prison state. Isn't it a point of pride to Israel that it can The Jewish Agency grant visas to Jews in distress, and they no longer need Jerusalem, Israel apply to states like Surinam? And then, you should find joy in the vast chessed being done by H!AS, JDC, and now-Project RISE, among others. Put these activities in Dear Mr. Dulzin, the proper perspective and then worry about how to I have been reading that you are deeply disturbed increase aliya figures. Taken in their own context, by the constantly mounting rate of Jews leaving the unclouded by bitterness and frustration, solutions to Soviet Union that are choosing America instead of that problem can be found. Israel as their destination. What started as an insignifi Yes, I also am concerned about solutions to this cant trickle in 1971 became an alarming 15% in 1973. problem. It may surprise you, Mr. Dulzin, but I happen And now, as many as 90% of the Jews leaving the Soviet to agree with you-that it is a problem. Preferably these Union on Israeli visas are changing their minds and opt Jews should go to Israel, for they are less likely to ing for America. assimilate and intermarry in Israel than in America. As head of the Jewish Agency, you find this defeat ing-even tragic. These Jews should be completing their And Now, Some Advice trip as originally charted, instead of abandoning the Jewish State which so desperately needs new settlers. And now, if I may, I would like to offer you some So you've condemned BIAS (for paying to bring these advice. As a first step in convincing Russian Jews to Russian emigrants to America) and the philanthropic accept our solution, stop calling them names. They are federations (for helping them get adjusted to American not "Noshrim"-dropouts. Their first and primary con life) for complicity in undermining the welfare of Israel. cern was to get out of the Soviet Union, and if doing so You have even gone so far as to ask Prime Minister required claiming Israel as their destination when their Begin to bring up the issue in his recent Camp David hearts were elsewhere, so be it. We may be disappoint meetings with President Carter, and request of America ed, but we cannot hurl blame at them. There is nothing not to grant these Russian Jews refugee status and all wrong with using any means at their disposal to get out the special benefits that go with it. of Russia. This, Mr. Dulzin, is shocking. Indeed, these last Indeed, let us find out why they are not motivated actions reflect desperation on your part. When did Jews to complete their journey to the Holy Land, and work actually consider telling a non-Jewish government not from there. to help Jews get settled in the country of their choice? (I True enough, just about all of their predecessors hesitate to make such an odious comparison, but your eight-ten years ago went to Israel and-for the most proposal sounds too much like the worst "indifference" part-stuck it out. But first of all, these pioneer refuse of World War II ... an echo of those whose priorities niks did have some feelings for Eretz Yisroel, no matter seem to say: Our emphasis must be on building a state how vague and undefin~d-feelings that most of the rather than the rescue of people.) present-day immigrants lack. After all, where should In any case, I was appalled that you fail to take into they get it from? "V'sechezenu eineinu .. leTzion" account that these are Jews who are in a desperate situa never crossed their lips. The newpapers? The Soviet tion. First and foremost, you should take pride in the press barely mentions Israel-and when it does, it is as fact that Israel is instrumental in saving them from a "/sraelski Primitivski." B The ]eu1ish Observer/ April, 1980 One client in the New York office of Agudath still reach them in Ostia, Italy (near Rome), where the Israel's Project RISE presented his credentials to the Russian immigrants are interred until their papers for counselor: he is an experienced agronomist. "/ America are processed. Feed them Kosher food. Make don't see anything for you in your line-unless them feel like Jews. Select shlichim that behave like you want to move to Des Moines, Iowa." Jews. And then project Israel to them as a Jewish home "Are there Yidden there?" land. They can still change their minds and select Israel "Not many to speak of." once again. "Then-no! I have children. I brought them Finally, Mr. Dulzin, find the largesse of spirit to be here for Yiddishkeit. I could have stayed in Minsk concerned about the Soviet Jews who do come to as well as go to Des Moines." America. Celebrate the fact that some of them are being "Why don't you consider Israel? You'll get a reached by Orthodox Jews. Celebrate, encourage, and job, an apartment. Your children will have good support their endeavors. Some are undergoing bris schools-" millah and are actually enrolling their children in "Israel? Never! There's no water there-only yeshivas! So what if they or their children may be in tears." America for keeps. Think about it: At least they are "Why do you say that?" remaining Jews .... And then, there is still a chance "/ know . ... Please don't mention Israel to that their children or their granchildren might opt for me. Let us talk about New York opportunities." Eretz Yisroel. So even in your book not all is lost. Moreover, the letters from Kiryat Shemone and Beer Sheva back to the folks in Kiev and Odessa have Most sincerely not been redulant with the glories of living in centers (Rabbi) Nisson Wolpin, editor where Yiddishkeit throbs, where a person is finally The Jewish Observer aware of being a full-fledged Jew in a Jewish State So-they reflect-why not America? ABBA EBAN, on the t9pic ofAmetican Keep the Promise, Mr, Dulzin charities withholding aid from Rus If you want to change the content of the letters sian immigrants who leave the home, Mr. Dulzin, keep the promise: Make the Russian immigrants' aliya an uplifting experience. Use the Soviet on fsraeli-bound visas, but Ulpan there for more than lessons on "how to read change for the USA: Maariv." Fashion it into an introduction to being a Jew/ Judaism/Jewish living/Jewish homeland .. ·. Instead of weeping over the largesse of HIAS, NYANA and the I hope that Israeli leaders vvho wish to obey an American government, compete with it. Give these integral Zionism, free· of• any· Canaaniflsh em· people decent jobs in their fields of expertise ... And ph~sis, should think again, and liberate American then-most important: Set these people up in housing Jewish leaders frpm a pressure that goes against near religious population centers. Take a page from the every l.raternal ahdhumane impulse. In any case Christian missionaries' handbooks-they bring their this ls a theme dn which American Jews have a prospective clients to an ancient synagogue long before rigllt, and perhaps a duty, to assertthelr indepen' they even mention "New Testament." Why not risk dent judgement: exposing them to old-time Yiddishkeit, if even for his NothinQ coold. be more tragic than to e.mbark torical perspective? A land is meaningless; a language is on a policy that wou.ld cause division between meaningless; give the people a Torah-basis for appreci Am.erican Jews and. each other, between Ameri· ating both, and then both will assume meaning beyond ca~ and Hussian Jews, between Israel and the anything your klittah (absorption) centers ever experi Jews of .the two main diasporas, lfwe separate our enced:At "best" your new olim will gain an under disapproval of the dropout process from our standing of their common heritage. At "worst," they humane duty .to those Involved, these discords might like it and become attracted to it. But at least they can still be .avoided. will understand why Israel is more than just another Aliya is a unique and a translateable idea. But It pseudo-Socialist state, and decide to remain. is totally incompatible with any concept of coer· Then you will see a shift in attitude in Soviet emi cion. If it lacks the voluntary impulse it becomes grants. Pravda and Izvestia will not change, but the drained of its nobiUty. Nor ls there much prospect content of the mail to the folks back home will. The .of durability in a sojourn in Israel engendered by message will have an uplift to it, inviting others to fol the pressure of deprivation imposed. by a do.cila low instead of repelling them. but reluctant Americo. Jewish <lecision. Tile moral In addition, I would not give up on those who chose implication is intolarable. !.T. America during the short stop-over in Vienna. You can The Jewish Observer I April, 1980 9 The wilderness and the dry places it"ii i:::l1~ Ci1VW'' shall rejoice; ;i;iy 'nm and the desert shall be glad .n'?l!Jn~ ni~m and blossom as the lily. (K-;i'? 1;i'YlV') ... for water has gushed forth 0'0 i;;oJ 1YpJl '~ ... in the wilderness, .;iJiYJ C''?nl1 and streams in the desert. (1·;,';> 1;J'YlV') "Water" refers only to Torah. were often brought to their respective development THE NEGEV towns and moshavim directly from their port of entry. Despite the high expectations of the founders of the Relative poverty, meager educational and employment State of Israel, the Negev, on the whole, remained a cul possibilities, and a large dosage of boredom were (and tural, industrial, and most definitely, a religious, often still are) the lot of many of the Negev's inhabi backwater. The city of Beer Sheva, thanks in great tants. degree to the University of the Negev, is an exception to Although the general rise in the Israeli standard of this rule -but only as far as culture and industry are living these past thirty years, which has touched every concerned. And even Beer Sheva cannot in any way party of the country, has brought an abundance of compete with Israel's three big cities - Jerusalem, Tel material goods to the Negev, Torah is still in short Aviv, and Haifa. supply in this region. The Sephardi communities that For many complex reasons, the development of the originally came to the Negev (as well as to other parts of Negev has lagged sadly behind the development of the Israel) represented a huge reservoir of Jewish law and rest of the country. Populated primarily by Jews from custom. But their contact with industrialized, 20th cen North Africa, the original immigrants to the Negev tury society was traumatic, and the old values, the old ---------···----- ways were often exchanged for a dubious "modernity." Mrs. Ganz, a native of Chicago who has been living in Israel for the Nonetheless, a large number of first and second genera past fifteen years, is a regular contributor to a number of Jewish pub tion Sephardim remained highly traditional. lications. Her "Return to the Calif" appeared in the Sept. '79 JO. This applies not only to the Negev, but to all of The Jewish Observer I April, 1980