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Are We Still On For Tonight- Dating During the Zombie Apocalypse PDF

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Preview Are We Still On For Tonight- Dating During the Zombie Apocalypse

Are We Still On For Tonight? Dating During the Zombie Apocalypse by Evelyn Lafont Are We Still On For Tonight? Dating During the Zombie Apocalypse Copyright © 2012 Evelyn Lafont. All rights reserved worldwide. Text cannot be distributed without prior written permission of the author, with the exception of brief, attributed quotations on web and print media. For questions or permission of usage, please email [email protected] This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance herein to real people or places is purely coincidental. Kindle edition: February 2012 About the Book Not everyone who survives the zombie apocalypse should. ---- Rachel Finnikin was prepared for a lot of things. She was prepared to marry a rich doctor. She was prepared drive a luxury vehicle. She was prepared to be a rich lady of leisure. She was not prepared for the zombie apocalypse to effectively cancel her first date with Dr. Dream-Come-True. Rachel isn’t one to let something as ridiculous as a horde of savage undead ruin her chance of a dream future. Instead, she allows her underlying ruthlessness to seep out as she works to survive the zombie apocalypse with every hair in place AND make it to the restaurant by 8 p.m. But will the doctor? ---- This novella is approximately 16,700 words. That translates to a 50-60 page book. Join The Hussy List To Get Free Books! To receive free novellas and short stories via email, you need to be on The Hussy List. Get details on EvelynLafont.com/free-stuff/! Chapter 1 “No. No way. No. I cannot believe this!” I stared down at the jagged edge of my once-perfectly manicured index finger and felt my brain squeeze tight in frustration. “You sonofabitch. Do you know how much this manicure cost? How long it will be until I can find an experienced manicurist who is alive and able to fix it?” At the sharpness of my tone, the flesh-eating cadaver stopped moaning and reaching around the chair I held between us. Even dead, he could tell he’d really messed up. But his pause was short-lived and he immediately began trying to chomp down on my head again. “Oh, no you don’t, John. You are not going to get away with this.” I looked to my right and saw the umbrella rack along the wall we derisively called Executive Row—an outlying region of real-walled offices lining the main corridor that allowed the executives in charge of this part of the cubicle-dense office to oversee their employees in cubicle land. Conveniently, it held an umbrella that one of these people-munching bastards must have brought in a few hours before the world fell apart. I grabbed for it while keeping the wheeled office chair between John and me, not once taking my eyes off his cloudy-eyed, gnawed on face. After some blind groping, I felt the wooden surface of its handle. I closed my hand around it, raised it up with the sharp metal side pointed down, and thrust deep into John’s eye and through the optic nerve hole. He dropped like a bag full of last season’s Manolos while the resulting explosion of eye goo and blood spatter added a Pollock-esque design to the umbrella’s dark blue polyester surface. “That’s better than you deserve, John,” I lectured, wiping my hands together and holding up my ruined manicure as evidence of my former manager’s misdeeds. “I should have made it last longer.” I pushed the chair aside, stepped over John’s blood-covered chew toy of a body, and craned my neck to look down the hallway on my right. All clear—time for me to leave. Unfortunately, I was paying so much attention to the hallway that I missed the stealthy movement of the now-undead office assistant, Mary, as she reached for my unguarded left shoulder. It wasn’t until I heard the shlocky suction sound of Mary stepping on John’s head, crushing his jaw and getting her foot stuck in the bile from his wet, mutilated mouth that I even knew I was in danger. I turned and watched as she struggled to free her foot from John’s face. She’d be stuck for a couple of seconds, so I crept backward into her office to look for an instrument to use for her final death. It was ironic that John and Mary were now trying to eat me since, like me, they had been among the survivors. Apparently, we were immune to the biological warfare chemical sprayed by … well, I don’t know who the hell sprayed what the hell. What I do know is this: I came to work on Thursday, as I would any other day, except that I came looking really, really hot. I had a date later that night and no time to change between work and meeting the young doctor who’d be buying my arugula dinner salad at Le Boeuf Grande, the exclusive, new French eatery by the water. I wore a little black dress with a Hermes scarf and a small red jacket, intending to remove the jacket and scarf for the date so my cleavage would be properly displayed. In honor of the momentous doctor date, I’d treated myself to a manicure and blow-out at my favorite salon the day before. Sometime around ten, while on the phone with a client in London, I realized that the normal noise of office life—calculator and keyboard clicks, muted conversations, doors opening and closing, staples stapling, and papers shuffling—had been replaced by the sound of airplanes. Dozens of them. It’s no surprise to have airplanes in the area since there is a small private airport nearby, but these planes were so loud and so close that I couldn’t hear my client. Then, the phone line began to crackle. I mentioned to him that I was having trouble hearing him due to an abundance of planes in the area and weirdly, he said that he was having the same problem on his end. The hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention as I wondered if there was a terrorist attack commencing on my little city in Florida and London. I looked above my cubicle wall at the floor to ceiling windows facing the city to get a glimpse of the imminent disaster. Instead of open sky, the area was filled with different types of airplanes. I glanced around and saw everyone on the eighth floor standing slack-jawed in their cubicles, staring toward the windows. I heard a splat and turned my head from my coworkers in time to see a viscous, green-tinged fluid hit all the windows simultaneously. I dropped the phone and stood, trying to look beyond the planes surrounding the building, and saw billowing clouds of green infusing the air, falling all over the city. It was like our ocean side metropolis was being readied to play Oz’s Emerald City. The silence in the office around me was ominous, as was the continued splat of the liquid hitting the building. Then, one by one, most of the people around me began coughing. I grabbed my throat, readying myself to fall into a hacking, phleghmy fit like everyone else, but whatever was making them cough wasn’t affecting me, Mary, John, or Eloise in the department next to ours. I looked around, unsure what to do, and made eye contact with Mary. “What do you think that green stuff is?” she asked, as if I would know more than she did, even though I was standing in the same building, watching events unfold at the same pace. “Does it matter? It can’t be good,” I said, drawing my eyebrows together and pointing out the coughers as an illustration of the ensuing not-goodness. She ran into her office and got the first-aid kit—an OSHA-required box that held bandages and rubbing alcohol but, as far as I knew, no cough syrup or antibiological warfare serum. She started walking around the office, asking the coughers if they needed anything—water, soda, coffee. None of them could answer her or even bothered to indicate that they heard her. I was about to search my desk drawers for cough drops when it got worse. Much worse. One at a time, the coughers began disappearing from sight, falling to the floor, twitching and tearing at their throats. Soon the air was filled with the sound of hissing, scratchy, desperate breaths. I turned to see my cubicle mate, Tony, beginning to dig his fingers into his neck as if performing his own emergency tracheotomy. As all the coughers finally dropped to the floor, it made those of us unaffected even more nervous and obvious, since we were the only ones left standing. Looking over the expanse of low, gray cubicle walls, I made eye contact with each of the unaffected, finding my own expression mirrored in theirs—totally frightened and unsure what to do. We were frozen. John looked confused. He kept taking his hands out of his pockets, furrowing his brow, pointing at the ceiling and opening his mouth, shaking his head, closing his mouth and putting his hands back in his pockets. Mary was definitely not going to accept what was happening and distracted herself with the mundane…like first-aid kits. Soon, the air grew heady with the scent of copper as my coworkers bled out from their failed alternative breathing plans. I briefly wondered if I should call the young doctor to make sure our date was still on, but decided to wait until everything settled down before I made a personal call. At this point, there was really nothing left for us to do but survive until we could get to safety. After seeing how many planes were in the sky and how much of the green liquid they had spit out, I assumed that “safety” was going to have to be a relative term. I looked down and considered trying to help Tony. He had blood bubbles coming from his throat—a situation I really didn’t know how to fix. I mean, it’s one thing to walk him through opening a client account in our new system and a whole ’nother to help open his throat to challenge the traditional breathing paradigm. Mary cried loudly, running from desk to desk, picking up every phone and tapping the hang-up buttons over and over again, screaming that she needed to call emergency services. It was spooky listening to the rattled breaths of the infected combined with the clicking of buttons and an increasingly frantic, “Hello? Hello? I need 9-1-1!” as Mary tried to reach a world that was likely caught in the same cycle we were. John walked away from the window and grabbed Mary’s arm to calm her down. She freaked out and hit him in the head with a receiver. Of all the weird things I’d seen this afternoon, that really took the cake. For some reason, seeing a supposedly normal person hit another was worse for me than any weird cough- inducing mystery gas or self-administered tracheotomies. I looked away from John and Mary and the blood dripping from John’s forehead, and glanced back at Tony. The bubbles in his throat had died down to a running stream of blood and his chest was no longer moving. Because he was dead. I looked at Alex in the cubicle across from mine and saw that he looked the same as Tony. They were dead. All dead. I grabbed a plastic bag I’d brought for my morning granola, emptied it, put my fingers inside it and reached my hand down to Tony’s blood-soaked neck, searching for a pulse. There was none but I couldn’t tell if that was because he was really, really dead or because the plastic bag was interfering. I wasn’t about to touch him without some protection, so I shrugged and dropped the bag, which fell on top of Tony and left a smear of blood on his new, polyester work shirt. I started to rise when his hand suddenly lifted from the floor and grabbed my wrist with viselike strength. Relief washed through me. He’s alive, I thought. But fear clenched my belly as he started to pull my hand toward his mouth. Which was open. And making chewing motions. I struggled to get my wrist out of his grip, but Tony wasn’t giving it up. He kept bringing it closer and closer to his drooling mouth. Just as his teeth grazed my skin, I snagged a letter opener from my desk and stuck it in his arm. He didn’t even pause in trying to bite me and since no blood flowed from his wound, he didn’t even lose his grip. Time for a rematch. I pulled the letter opener out of his wrist and was aiming for his cheek when I accidentally rammed it into his right eyeball. I heard a crunch as it slipped easily through the eye and into the back of his socket. That apparently did the trick. His hand went limp, the loss of tension sending me backward onto my ass. Not wishing to remain at eye level with the newly departed and revenant, I scrambled back like an awkward crab, jumped up, and looked around. I could no longer see any survivors, but I sure heard a lot of moaning. And lip smacking. The hungry kind. Then, heads began popping up, making the office look like a life-sized whack-a-mole game. I watched as my obviously dead coworkers, their necks ravaged, rose and looked around. But it didn’t seem like their milky, unfixed gazes were actually seeing. Instead, their heads were cocked, as if listening to a high-pitched frequency, like a dog whistle for the undead. Their noses twitched as though they could smell, too—though who knows how people who can’t breathe are able to smell. I joined them in looking around the maze of cubicles and made eye contact with Eloise. She looked like she was about to shout something across the department. I slowly lifted my finger to my lips and shook my head. I turned to find John and Mary but they’d disappeared. I heard movement behind me and knew that Alex had risen as well. I struggled to make my breathing quiet, which is not the easiest thing to do when you are right in the middle of a nightmare. My back started to feel very warm as I imagined Alex sneaking closer to me and getting ready to bite. But I didn’t need to worry, because with an audible crack, the heads of my former coworkers simultaneously turned toward my department and looked at the small alcove to the side of Mary’s office. As one, they ran past me, their movement lifting the hairs on my head. It was like watching a pack of women who saw the next season’s handbags being put out at Macy’s. They ran together, organized and tight, right to the alcove where, apparently, John and Mary were hiding. Because Mary had hurt John, he was bleeding, and I guess the undead coworkers smelled it. I turned slowly, trying to remain undetected, and watched as they descended upon my as-yet still-alive coworkers. The zombies (yeah, let’s go ahead and get that word out of the way) surrounded them and began … there’s no delicate way to put this … feasting on this lo-carb snack. John and Mary tried to fight back, but from their position, they were at an extreme disadvantage. I couldn’t say that wasn’t fitting since the jerks had run away to hide and left me as zombie bait. I couldn’t see exactly what was happening because cubicle walls were in my way, but from the crunching, slurping, and chewing noises drifting through the air, it didn’t sound good. Not knowing when I’d get another chance, I decided to take advantage of the zombies’ focus on John-and-Mary fricassee and get out of the building. As I was about to sneak away, Eloise, the kindly call center grandmother, freaked out. I don’t blame her, really. She started screaming and ran down the side of her department, toward the common area. The zombies, including those busy eating Mary and John, stopped what they were doing and turned toward the powerfully tempting noise of fresh, free-range food. Then, as if sharing a form of silent communication, they ran after her. With Eloise as their new distraction, I mistakenly assumed the coast was clear. I grabbed my purse and sneaked away from my cubicle toward the main artery of the floor—and the elevators. What I didn’t know was that those of us who were seemingly immune to the effects of the gas were only immune while we were still alive. And that’s how John caught me off guard. I was walking slowly—slinking is a better word—past the supply area. I’d reached the doorway to Mary’s office when John, his neck bloody and chewed, cords of sinew and muscle draped over his shoulder like a useless scarf, his right forearm missing, caught up with me and grabbed my shoulder. I whipped around, knocking his uncoordinated, newly zombified body back, and grabbed a wheeled office chair that had been pushed into the corridor. I put the chair between us and John bumped into it at the perfect time to ruin my nail, for which he got the very serious punishment of umbrella to the eye. Now it was Mary’s turn to try and eat me. And I no longer had a convenient office chair to push between us. I backed into Mary’s office, reaching behind me as I worked my way to her desk. She had disentangled her foot from John’s mouth, and although her Mary Janes were now covered in gore, bits of bone, and a few of John’s teeth, she was once again moving toward me. For a moment, I was transfixed, staring at her shoes. She loved those things, and the squeaking noise they made each time she stepped onto the linoleum in our kitchenette didn’t seem to bother her at all. Covered in body mush, she sure had found a way to stop the annoying squeaking. She wasn’t moving as quickly as most of the first wave of zombies, but I didn’t know how much time her learning curve would give me. As I patted around her desk in search of an object to prolong my life while hastening her death, my wrist brushed against her glass candy jar. God, I hated that thing. Usually she kept hard candy in it, stuff that was easy to walk away from. But it seemed like every time she heard I was going on a diet, she would suddenly fill it with chocolate. The most passive-aggressive weight-loss sabotage ever. I picked up the large glass jar in both hands and cracked it over her head as she closed the distance between me and her mouth. The bitch’s hard-as-hell head broke the jar and she was showered in Jolly Ranchers as she blinked her milky eyes and paused from the force of the impact. Only broken shards remained, the largest of which I held in my hand. Quickly, without letting myself get too squicked out by it, I jammed the glass in her eye, since that move had been working so well for me this morning. She crumpled onto a pool of shiny, multicolored hard candy. Resenting Mary’s passive-aggressive attempts to ruin my weight-loss efforts were one thing (and if I was honest about it, I’d already paid her back months ago by pouring sugar in the no-carb lemonade mix that she stored in the office kitchenette), but killing her wasn’t as cathartic as I thought it might be. I gently tugged my Hermes scarf over my nose to block out the sweet, stale smell of old hard candy mixed with the coppery stench of blood and turned around to look for a weapon I could carry with me through the building. I opened her middle desk drawer and found a steak knife, the most important tool in an Atkin’s dieter’s office arsenal, a letter opener, and a Swiss army knife that she used to cut her nails at her desk while taking calls. I scooped up all three and put the letter opener and Swiss army knife in the pocket of my blazer. That left me armed with the steak knife, whose serrated edge still had bits of meat lodged in it from Mary’s last low-carb lunch. I was about to close the drawer when I noticed a folder that said “Annual Raises.” I took out the folder and looked at the paper inside. It was a list of all the people in my branch—all men except for me—their salaries and the raises they were going to get at the annual review. Although I was new to the area, I was not new to the company, so I should be receiving a raise, too. I wanted to see what it would’ve been. Naturally, I found that not only did I make less than all the men in my office—some with less experience than me—but I was also approved for a much lower raise than the others due to my consistent tardiness, tardiness that was often caused by my investment in looking like marriage material every day, something Mary and her round-toed shoes would know nothing about. I kicked Mary in the head one more time. Women have to stick together—that she would try to keep me underpaid for coming in late when my male coworkers never showed up on time made me want to kill her all over again.

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