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ARCTIC JBER paratroopers jump north of the Arctic Circle TOUGH during Operation Spartan Pegasus Photo story, A-3 JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON’S SOURCE FOR NEWS A W RCTIC ARRIOR February 28, 2014 www.jber.af.mil Volume 5, No. 8 703rd AMXS RAPTOR RESCUER Airman found dead JBER news release Air Force Staff Sgt. Samuel Davis, aero- space maintenance craftsman, 703rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, was pronounced dead at his off-base residence Sunday by civilian emergency responders. The circumstances surrounding his death are being investigated by Air Force Office of Special Investigations and the Anchorage Police Department. Next of kin have been notified. Davis, a 33 year-old native of Spencer, W. Va., joined the Air Force in April 2001. He arrived at JBER in November 2011. His previous duty stations include Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., and Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio. “Sam will be missed,” said Air Force Maj. Michael Bliss, 703 AMXS commander. “He was a great member of the Air Force family. His family is in our prayers.” A memorial service was hosted yesterday at JBER-Elmendorf. 3rd ASOS Airman dies on JBER Airman 1st Class Daniel Underwood, 525th Aircraft Maintenance Unit assistant dedicated crew chief, checks an F-22 Raptor for JBER news release leaks, damage and security at the 525th Fighter Squadron Feb. 21. Underwood earned the Pacific Air Forces Aviation Safety Well Done Award for extinguishing a fire on board a Raptor Feb. 4. (U.S. Air Force photos/Airman 1st Class Ty-Rico Lea) Air Force Staff Sgt. Darian Miller, Non- commissioned officer in charge, Knowledge Airman saves Operations Management, 3d Air Support Operations Squadron, was pronounced dead Feb. 18. $149 million The circumstances surrounding his death are being investigated by the Air Force Of- fice of Special Investigations. F-22 Raptor Miller, a 38 year-old native of Marion, S.C., joined the Air Force in September 1994. He attended basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas, and ar- By Air Force Tech Sgt. Vernon Cunningham rived at JBER in August 2011. Some of his JBER Public Affairs awards include the Air Force Commendation Medal and Air Force Achievement Medal. An Airman with the 525th Aircraft Main- A memorial service was hosted yesterday tenance Unit earned the Pacific Air Forces at JBER-Elmendorf. Aviation Safety Well Done Award Feb. 14 Thousands for putting out a fire on an F-22 Raptor at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, Feb. 4. ramp up for PACAF Aviation Safety Well Done Awards are presented for outstanding airmanship or support to aircrew, which Alaska Shield, prevents or reduces the impact of a serious Airman 1st Class Daniel Underwood, 525th Aircraft Maintenance Unit assistant dedi- flight mishap. Airman 1st Class Michael cated crew chief, checks the left main weapons bay components of an F-22 Feb. 21. Underwood, 525th AMU assistant dedicated Arctic Edge crew chief, has been in the Air Force for less coming in and did his duty marshalling it to “He quickly reacted, grabbed the Halon than two years and was put in for the award its parking spot, sometimes called an “F-22 bottle and put out the fire, saving a $149-mil- due to his quick thinking during the hazard- garage.” lion aircraft,” Franzen said. ous situation. Air Force Master Sgt. Joshua Franzen, The flight chief said he was very im- By Tech. Sgt. John Gordinier Raised in Saginaw, Texas, Underwood 525th AMU Tactical Aircraft Maintenance pressed with Underwood’s actions to save ALCOM/JTF-AK Public Affairs looked to the military for his future. flight chief, said Underwood was assisting the Raptor’s critical systems. He said the jet “I was hoping for a stable job, something an F-22 with parking when the incident made its next sortie as scheduled. It happened in 1964 and it could happen that I knew I could count on,” he said. “I occurred. “I never thought I would do something again; a massive earthquake causing destruc- wanted education, and I hoped and am hop- “Underwood was getting the aircrew out like that,” Underwood said, stating he was tion, tsunamis, and utilities and communica- ing I can make a career out of it.” of the seat, had the boarding ladder up, and surprised when he received the award. tions failures. For the 50th anniversary of After joining the Air Force and getting was assisting aircrew with baggage when “When it happened, I basically acted the 9.2 magnitude earthquake, thousands through his training, Underwood was as- he looked under the aircraft and noticed the on instinct,” he said. “It felt like it was of local, state and federal personnel will signed to JBER. right main landing gear brake had caught part of my job. This jet was prevented participate in a cooperative exercise called Feb. 4 was a regular day “at the office” fire,” Franzen said. from taking heavy damage and costing the Alaska Shield March 27 to April 3. for Underwood, who performed his daily The flame was roughly six inches high, Air Force money. We still have it and it is The exercise scenario will mirror a situa- tasks as normal. He got notice of the F-22 Underwood said. still flying.” tion similar to the events of the Great Alaska JBER civil engineers garner high honors Earthquake of 1964. The federal support of this exercise is known as Exercise Arctic Edge 14, which provides an opportunity for U.S. Northern By Air Force Staff Sgt. Blake Mize Squadron engineer technician, the Defense “Like so many of our fellow Air Force Command, Joint Task Force - Alaska and JBER Public Affairs Meritorious Service Medal. engineers, this deployment asked us to ex- supporting military units to practice emer- The three civil engineers distinguished pand on our skill sets and take on new chal- gency response procedures in conjunction The 673d Civil Engineer Group recog- themselves while on separate deployments lenges,” Kallevig, of Sidney, Mont., said. with federal, state and local agencies. nized three Airmen Feb. 19 for exceptionally to Afghanistan during 2012 and 2013. “I am truly proud of the progress we made If a state disaster occurs, when can DoD meritorious service in support of Operation While deployed, Kallevig was hand- during the deployment and how well we assist? Enduring Freedom. picked to be the officer in charge of Regional represented the engineers in our command.” During natural disasters, DoD assets are During an early-morning ceremony Training Center-Herat and was responsible During his time in Afghanistan, Rice, employed to assist civil authorities only upon on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Air for the safety and accountability of 120 from Boise, Idaho, served as an EOD team request and this support is called Defense Force Col. Anthony Ramage, 673d CEG U.S., coalition and civilians at an Afghan leader on more than 60 EOD missions and Support of Civil Authorities. commander, presented Air Force 1st Lt. National Police training center. He was also completed 16 post-blast analyses. He led The DoD maintains many capabilities Josef Kallevig, 673d CEG executive officer, the Infrastructure Transition Advisory Group multiple demolition operations, destroying and resources that can be made available and Air Force Staff Sgt. Scott Rice, 673d site leader at Regional Support Center-West. more than 7,000 pieces of foreign unexplod- upon request of the governor of a state or Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance According to his BSM citation, Kallevig’s ed ordnance and eliminating 7,272 unser- territory, said Col. Kevin Masterson, U.S. technician, Bronze Star Medals and Senior leadership was instrumental to the success Airman Andres Fossi, 673d Civil Engineer of RC-West. See HONORS l A-3 See TRAINING l A-3 REMOTSUC LATSOP Inside Fur Rendezvous spirit is downtown: B-1 Secretary of Defense talks budget gnihsilbuP DegIarAohcnPA Plans call for possible Afghanistan exit .............A-2 Secretary of Defense Chuck Continue to serve in the Air Force Reserve ............A-2 Hagel outlines Fiscal Year Base golf program adjustments planned .................A-3 2015 budget proposals, talks egatsoP .S.U DTS-TRSRP Birth Announcements ...............................................B-4 possible force reductions SSWRCE Housekeeping manager’s labor of love ....................B-4 Page A-2 A-2 News & Commentary February 28, 2014 Hagel outlines Fiscal Year 2015 budget By Nick Simeone longer becomes involved in large, prolonged out there.” Among other proposals in the budget American Forces Press Service stability operations overseas on the scale of The proposed budget also envisions a request: Iraq and Afghanistan. 5-percent reduction in the Army National • The Army will cancel the Ground Com- WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary “An Army of this size is larger than re- Guard and Army Reserve. bat Vehicle program; Chuck Hagel has proposed cuts in military quired to meet the demands of our defense “While it is true that reserve units are • The Navy would be able to maintain spending that include further reductions in strategy,” Hagel said. “It is also larger than less expensive when they are not mobilized, 11 carrier strike groups, but any steep future troop strength and force structure in every we can afford to modernize and keep ready.” our analysis shows that a reserve unit is cuts could require mothballing the aircraft military service in the coming year as part of But he said the smaller force still would roughly the same cost as an active duty unit carrier USS George Washington; an effort to prioritize U.S. strategic interests be capable of decisively defeating when mobilized and deployed,” • Half of the Navy’s cruiser fleet, 11 in the face of reduced resources after more aggression in one major war Hagel said. ships, will be placed in reduced operating than a decade of war. “while also defending the In addition, the Army status while they are modernized and given a At a Pentagon news conference Mon- homeland and supporting Guard’s AH-65 Apache at- longer lifespan; day detailing President Barack Obama’s air and naval forces en- tack helicopters would be • The Navy will continue buying two proposed Pentagon budget for fiscal year gaged in another theater transferred to the active destroyers and attack submarines per year; 2015, Hagel called the reductions – includ- against an adversary.” force, while Black Hawk • The Marine Corps will draw down from ing shrinking the Army to its smallest size The budget request helicopters would be about 190,000 to 182,000, but would have to since before World War II and eliminating an calls for special operations transferred to the National shrink further if sequestration returns; entire fleet of Air Force fighter planes – “dif- forces to grow by nearly Guard, part of a broader • An additional 900 Marines will be de- ficult choices” that will change defense insti- 4,000 personnel, bringing realignment of Army avia- voted to securing U.S. embassies; and tutions for years to come, but are designed to the total to 69,700, a reflection tion designed to modernize • The Defense Department is asking leave the military capable of fulfilling U.S. of the asymmetrical threats the the fleet and increase capability. Congress for another round of base closings defense strategy and defending the homeland nation is likely to face in the future, Within the Air Force, the de- and realignments in 2017. against strategic threats. Hagel said. fense budget calls for saving $3.5 billion Hagel said most of the recommendations Under a Pentagon budget that will shrink The restructuring and downsizing are by retiring the A-10 Thunderbolt II fleet and in the budget were accepted by senior mili- by more than $75 billion during the next in line with a two-year budget agreement replacing it with the F-35 Lightning II by tary officers. Addressing reporters alongside two years – with deeper cuts expected if the president and Congress worked out in the early 2020s. him, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman sequestration returns in fiscal year 2016 – December, which limits defense spending “The A-10 is a 40-year old, single-pur- of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the spend- Hagel and other senior defense and military to $496 billion. But Hagel warned that if pose airplane originally designed to kill en- ing plan reflects a balancing of the military officials acknowledged some of the budget the budget for fiscal year 2016 returns to the emy tanks on a Cold War battlefield,” Hagel while ensuring it remains the world’s finest. choices will create additional risks in certain steep, automatic spending cuts imposed by said. “It cannot survive or operate effectively “It reflects in real terms how we’re reduc- areas. sequestration, “we would be gambling that where there are more advanced aircraft or air ing our cost and making sure the force is in Some of that risk, Hagel said, is associ- our military will not be required to respond defenses.” the right balance,” Dempsey said. ated with a sharp drawdown in the size of to multiple major contingencies at the same In addition, the service also will retire Dempsey and Hagel will testify on the the Army, which the proposed budget calls time.” the 50 year-old U-2 surveillance plane in budget before Congress next week. Law- for reducing to as low as 440,000 active duty Asked to define that increased risk, a se- favor of the unmanned RQ-4 Global Hawk. makers will have the final say on spending Soldiers from the current size of 520,000, nior Defense Department official expressed Hagel warned much deeper cuts in Air decisions. while ensuring the force remains well trained it simply. “If the force is smaller, there’s Force structure and modernization will be “This is the first time in 13 years we will and equipped. less margin for error,” the official said. necessary if sequestration is not avoided be presenting a budget to Congress that is not The cuts assume the United States no “Let’s face it – things are pretty uncertain in 2016. a war footing budget,” Hagel noted. Plans call for possible Afghanistan exit American Forces Press Service reporters, White House officials that any post-2014 U.S. mission provide [Department of Defense] next several months will provide said Obama is leaving will be smaller in scale and personnel with critical protections various options for political leaders WASHINGTON — President open the possibility ambition.” and authorities after 2014,” the in the United States and NATO,” Barack Obama informed Afghan of concluding a bi- Soon after, De- secretary said. Hagel said in his statement. “And President Hamid Karzai Tuesday lateral security fense Secretary He also commended the ef- during this time, DoD will still that because the Afghan leader has agreement with Chuck Hagel forts of Marine Corps Gen. Joseph continue planning for U.S. par- demonstrated it is unlikely he will Afghanistan released a state- Dunford Jr., commander of U.S. ticipation in a NATO-led mission sign the bilateral security agree- later this year. ment express- forces and the NATO-led Interna- focused on training, advising, and ment on a U.S. military presence “However, ing his “strong tional Security Assistance Force assisting Afghan security forces, as in Afghanistan beyond this year, he the longer we support” for the in Afghanistan, and other military well as a narrowly focused coun- has asked the Pentagon to ensure go without a president’s de- leaders to provide flexibility to terterrorism mission.” it has adequate plans in place to BSA, the more cision. the president as the United States The United States will consult accomplish an orderly withdrawal challenging it “This is a pru- works to determine the future of closely with NATO allies and ISAF by the end of the year should the will be to plan and dent step, given that the U.S. presence in Afghanistan. partners in the months ahead, he United States not keep any troops execute any U.S. mis- President Karzai has “As the United States mili- added, noting that he looks forward in Afghanistan after 2014. sion,” they added. “Fur- demonstrated that it is un- tary continues to move people to discussing U.S. planning with In a summary of the Obama- thermore, the longer we go without likely that he will sign the bilateral and equipment out of the Afghan NATO and ISAF defense ministers Karzai phone call released to a BSA, the more likely it will be security agreement, which would theater, our force posture over the in Brussels this week. Continue to serve with the Air Force Reserve By Air Force Master Sgt. repeat Basic Military Training, tinue their service with the Reserve Shawn Jones and those who remain in the same Component. Air Force News Service career field do not require technical Airmen should be aware the school training. recruiting process is somewhat Force management programs “When regular Air Force Air- different from when they joined will push many Airmen out of their men transition into the Reserve, the active-duty Air Force. Having full-time active-duty positions, but everyone wins,” said Air Force Lt. experience is helpful, but Airmen that doesn’t mean they have to give Gen. James Jackson, commander must work with a recruiter to find up the retirement plan or the other of Air Force Reserve Command. the best positions. hard-earned benefits. “We are doing our absolute best to “Reserve units love fully quali- Transitioning into the Air Force retain as many of these fine Airmen fied Airmen who can hit the ground Reserve allows Airmen to con- and our investment in them. running,” said Air Force Col. Steve tinue to serve their country while “The Airmen retains the ben- Fulaytar, commander of the Air providing benefits such as tuition efits of continued service, the Force Reserve Command Recruit- assistance, the Post 9-11 G.I. Bill, Reserve gets experienced Airmen ing Service. “But finding the best reduced-cost health insurance and who can contribute immediately positions for new recruits takes the opportunity to continue work- and the nation retains a valuable time, so they can help themselves ing toward a military retirement asset for national security,” Jack- by contacting a Reserve recruiter plan. son added. as soon as possible.” Airmen with active-duty expe- Airmen who are ready to sepa- The in-service recruiter at Joint Air Force Master Sgt. Benjamin Waxenfelter, 477th Aircraft Mainte- rience are especially valuable to rate don’t have to wait until their Base Elmendorf/Richardson is Air nance Squadron Production superintendent, checks forms on the portable maintenance aid prior to signing the exceptional release and Reserve units because they already original enlistment or commission Force Master Sgt. John Venable, handing the aircraft over to the F-22 Raptor pilot during the Reserve understand the Air Force culture is complete. The Palace Chase pro- who may be reached at 552-3595. Unit Training Assembly weekend Feb. 8 at JBER. The UTA provides and don’t require as much training gram enables Airmen to separate More information is available at an opportunity for all the Reservists assigned to the 477th Fighter as an inexperienced recruit. from their active enlistment or www.afreserve.com and www.face- Group to come together and train one weekend a month. (U.S. Air Experienced Airmen do not commission as long as they con- book.com/airforcereserve. Force/Tech. Sgt. Dana Rosso) Value your service: Answering the call By Air Force Master Sgt. Ambrose mance Report ratings, decora- tinct from each other. Careerism on the uniform. It is all about your Vietnam, but I am no more a hero Randolph tions, awards and promotions to often involves doing something, service. than anyone else who has served 673d Aerospace Medical Squadron the higher echelons of rank as the such as a task or a project, merely There are some who will sepa- this country.” only hallmarks of a great military for what it will do for you and rate after four or six years of ser- Promotions, decorations, quar- My favorite line in the Air- career. Those people, however, are your career. vice as a senior airman, and there terly and annual awards have their man’s Creed says “I have answered missing the bigger picture. Service, on the other hand, are some who will go above and place in our Air Force. But your my nation’s call.” For me, that line Promotions and other career is different. Merriam-Webster beyond and retire with 30 years of service to your country should sums up what being an Airman accolades are worthwhile endeav- defines service as “a helpful act,” service as a chief master sergeant. never be undervalued by any in the United States Air Force is ors, and there is nothing wrong and a “contribution to the welfare However, when it is all said and of those things. Your honorable ultimately all about: service. with striving to achieve them. of others.” In other words, your done at the end of the day service act of service in and of itself One of the highest honors we They help to highlight exceed- service should be selfless, not is simply service and sacrifice is is a praiseworthy achievement have as men and women in uniform ingly great performance and help selfish. simply sacrifice. and in many respects is the only is the honor of serving our country. to distinguish you from the rest of Do not get me wrong. I am not A quote by Airman 1st Class hallmark that matters when it Sadly, this simple yet uncommon the pack. However, if you are not telling you you should avoid trying John L. Levitow, the lowest- comes to defining your military act is sometimes undervalued by careful in how much prominence to advance your military career ranking Air Force Medal of Honor career. some when it comes to defining a you give to those achievements, while you serve your country. The recipient, sums up the meaning This goes out to all who serve, great Air Force career. you will ultimately reduce your point of my message is to remind of service excellently. He said, “I all who served yesterday, and Some people have a tendency service to mere careerism. you why you are really here and have been recognized as a hero all who will serve tomorrow. to overly view Enlisted Perfor- Careerism and service are dis- what it really means when you put for my ten minutes of action over Thank you. Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson/ ARCTIC WARRIOR JBER Public Affairs Director 673d Air Base Wing Commander Capt. Angela Webb (USAF) Col. Brian P. Duffy (USAF) Deputy Public Affairs Director Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson/ The Arctic Warrior is published by Wick Communica- available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, Bob Hall tions, a private firm in no way connected with the Department color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, 673d Air Base Wing Vice Commander of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit Col. William P. Huber (USA) of the Army, under exclusive written contract with the Joint factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Public Affairs superintendent Base Elmendorf-Richardson Public Affairs Office. To advertise in the Arctic Warrior, please call (907) Senior Master Sgt. Michael Hammond This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized pub- 561-7737. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson/ lication for members of the U.S. military services. Contents of by the Arctic Warrior staff. 673d Air Base Wing Command Chief the Arctic Warrior are not necessarily the official views of, or Editorial office and mailing address: JBER Public Command Information Chief Chief Master Sgt. Kevin L. Call endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense, the Affairs, 10480 Sijan Ave., Suite 123, Joint Base Elmendorf- Jim Hart Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army. Richardson, AK 99506; telephone (907) 552-8918. The appearance of advertising in this publication, includ- Send emails about news stories and story submissions Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson/ ing inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by to [email protected]. Arctic Warrior staff 673d Air Base Wing U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department Deadline for article and photos is 4:30 p.m., Monday, for David Bedard - editor Command Sergeant Major of the Air Force, the Department of the Army, or Wick Com- the week of publication. Articles and photos will be published Chris McCann - community editor munications of the products or services advertised. on a space-available basis and are subject to editing by the Arc- Command Sgt. Maj. Eugene J. Moses Staff Sgt. Blake Mize (USAF) - staff writer Everything advertised in this publication shall be made tic Warrior staff. Submission does not guarantee publication. February 28, 2014 News A-3 TOP OF THE WORLD Paratroopers with Chaos Troop, 1st Squadron (Airborne), 40th Cavalry Regiment, move to their assembly area after parachuting into Deadhorse, Alaska, Feb. 25 as part of the Spartan Brigade’s training for rapid insertion into any environment in the Pacific. This is the first time the Spartan Brigade has conducted operations north of the Arctic Circle. (U.S. Army photo/Sgt. Eric-James Estrada) ABOVE: Paratroopers with 1st Squadron (Airborne), 40th Cavalry Regiment, jump into Deadhorse, Alaska, Feb. 25. (U.S. Army photo/Sgt. 1st Class Jason Epperson) LEFT: A paratrooper with Chaos Troop, 1st Squadron, 40th Cavalry Regiment, moves to the assembly area after para- chuting into Deadhorse, Alaska, Feb. 25 as part of the Spartan Brigade’s training for rapid insertion into any environment in the Pacific. The Arctic Circle, running parallel to a 66° 33′ 44″ latitude, is the southernmost latitude in the Northern Hemisphere where the sun can remain continuously above or below the horizon for 24 hours. (U.S. Army photo/Sgt. Eric-James Estrada) JBER plans adjustments to base golf program Plans follow munity, which represented approximately 65 centers, Child & School Age Care, library Base, Kansas. percent of the players during the past three services, Outdoor Recreation centers, and At JBER, the base leadership conducts years. other youth programs. These core programs quarterly Non-Appropriated Fund Council detailed trend That popularity notwithstanding, golf are often eligible for appropriated fund meetings with mission partners from across courses in the Anchorage area, including support; however, these may also rely on the installation. During NAF Council meet- JBER’s, are seeing a long-term downward non-appropriated funds during periods when ings, all MWR programs, to include JBER’s analysis trend in rounds played. For its golf activity, appropriated funds are not available. golf program, are reviewed for their usage, JBER has seen an 11-year net loss – with Enhancements to the JBER MWR pro- cost efficiency and performance. more than a $1.9 million net loss during the gram include other opportunities such as “By reducing our excess capacity and past three years and more than $2.2 million auto hobby, arts and crafts, an aero club, potentially consolidating our golf operations, JBER News Release during the past five. and recreational activities such as golf. we are confident we can reverse the adverse With an estimated capacity of 115,000 However, such offerings must rely on cus- effect to our MWR fund while still provid- Following a thorough review of histori- rounds per season between the three base tomer demand if they are to remain viable, ing an attractive seasonal activity to service cal trends, the Joint Base Elmendorf-Rich- courses, the past three years have seen because they are not eligible for appropriated members, our civilians, their families, and ardson and 673d Air Base Wing commander an average of 54 percent of the available fund support. These offerings, designated as members of our local community,” said Air announced intentions to make adjustments to rounds go unsold. The declining trend began non-appropriated fund, “Category C” MWR Force Col. Brian Duffy, JBER and 673 ABW the installation’s golf program, which may more than a decade ago. In 2003, the JBER activities, must be self-sustaining – meaning commander. “We remain greatly apprecia- include consolidating base courses from courses sold approximately 75,150 rounds. they must generate sufficient revenue to pay tive of the support we get from the people of three to two. By 2013, that total had dropped to 47,092 operating expenses and recapitalize equip- the greater Anchorage area, but with figures This study began more than a year ago rounds. ment and ideally contribute to the installa- as drastic as these, it’s imperative we take when JBER officials assessed that the instal- This decrease in use and loss of revenue tion’s overall MWR Fund. swift action to align our MWR program lation’s program may have excess capacity. directly affects the bottom line of JBER’s The proposed adjustment to the golf with customer demand and in a manner best JBER hosts three of the four 18-hole Morale, Welfare and Recreation Fund – program is not a unique situation. Air Force supportive of our installation’s population.” golf courses in the greater Anchorage area. which supports programs and activities wide, 19 Category C MWR facilities were JBER officials will provide additional The base’s three courses have a combined enhancing readiness for service members, closed in 2013, including the golf course information on this analysis and the proposal 54 holes and are open to the military com- civilians, and family members assigned at Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla. In recent on March 5 and 6 at 6:00 p.m., each night, munity and the public. The courses have to the base. Core activities offered under years, courses have closed at Offutt Air at the Moose Run Golf Course Clubhouse at been a popular attraction to the local com- JBER’s MWR program include fitness Force Base, Neb., and McConnell Air Force 27000 Arctic Valley Road on JBER. From HONORS l A-1 ments from English to Dari and to get something out of it,” Fossi, branch of the military who, while The Defense Meritorious Ser- vice versa. He was responsible for a Hackensack, N.J., native, said. serving in any capacity with the vice Medal is awarded for non- viceable U.S. military munitions. the translation of more than 500 “The way I see it, I was just doing armed forces of the United States, combat meritorious achievement Among his many responsi- documents, including military- my job. So it feels good to get the distinguished themselves by he- or service that is incontestably bilities while in Afghanistan, Fossi, related technical manuals, laws, recognition and know the things I roic or meritorious achievement exceptional and of magnitude that who was an airman first class at government relations, engineering did actually mattered.” or service, not involving participa- clearly places the individual above the time of his deployment, man- policies, technical specifications According to the Air Force tion in aerial flight, in connection his peers while serving in one of aged 12 Afghan interpreters who and legal documents. Personnel Center, the Bronze Star with military operations against an the assignments for which the transitioned mission-critical docu- “I wasn’t doing those things Medal is awarded to those in any armed enemy. medal has been designated. From TRAINING l A-1 and planning to name a few, he statuses simultaneously, federal forces in achieving common ob- built ahead of time so you know added. Civil authorities only ask and state. The state governor can jectives in response to a disaster, what your immediate actions are Northern Command liaison officer for assistance when local and appoint a DSC for his or her state Masterson said. The DSC promotes going to be, who you can expect to Joint Task Force - Alaska. If an state resources and capabilities are with approval of the secretary of synchronization between the two to see, and you’ve worked with incident occurs that exceeds or is exhausted because DoD assets are defense. In state status, the DSC separate chains of command to them before. anticipated to exceed state, local or expensive. is a member of the state chain of achieve objectives more effectively “Exercises like these also give tribal resources, the federal govern- “The federal military is very command and, on their behalf, ex- and efficiently. us the opportunity to react to a simu- ment may provide resources and expensive, so they are the last in ercises command of assigned state There are many benefits for lated disaster in a joint effort to save capabilities to support the response and the first out,” Masterson said. National Guard forces. In federal personnel participating in Alaska lives, relieve human suffering and upon approval from the Secretary “When there is no more lifesaving status, the DSC is a member of the Shield and Arctic Edge. test our recovery efforts,” Master- of Defense. or serious property damage to be federal chain of command and, on This large-scale exercise will son continued. “JTF-Alaska, State “DSCA is bringing military prevented, or when local and state their behalf, exercises command reinforce working relationships and and local agencies have a long-term forces to bear, not in an offensive agencies have the ability to sustain of assigned federal military forces. partnerships, Masterson said. When commitment to train and to exercise capability within the U.S., but in a life, DSCA will stand down.” Currently, there are three that a disaster strikes it is the worst time together. Practicing our interoper- support capability after a disaster,” DSCA is a unity of effort ben- have the training in the State of to exchange business cards. ability in recovery of a simulated Masterson explained. efit and during the exercise another Alaska, Masterson said. For this “If you know people you are natural disaster allows all of us to During DSCA, resources and unity of effort benefit will be exer- upcoming exercise, one will be going to be working with ahead test and refine our plans and proce- capabilities can include logistics, cised – the dual-status commander. chosen to be the DSC. of time, you will know their pro- dures so that if a real disaster takes command and control, search A dual-status commander is A benefit of DSC is the unity cedures, processes, routines and place in Alaska, we will be better and rescue, emergency manage- typically a senior National Guard of effort between state National reporting methods,” he explained. prepared to react, provide support ment, medical, communications officer who may serve in two Guard forces and federal military “You have those relationships and work together.” Briefs & Announcements A-4 ARCTIC WARRIOR February 28, 2014 Disposition of effects ter is located on the first floor of regarding this program. General Corps is accepting ap- rolled in the family health, pedi- Air Force 2nd Lt. Amber Evans, the People Center, Building 8517 At JBER-Richardson, visit plications for the Funded Legal atrics, flight medicine and internal 673d Security Forces Squadron, is and will be open Monday, Tuesday, the Housing Management Office, Education Program and Excess medicine clinics are eligible to authorized to make disposition of Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m. Building 600, Richardson Drive, Leave Program until March 1. participate. personal effects of Senior Airman to 3 p.m. and Wednesday 8 a.m. to or call at 384-3088 or 384-7632. The FLEP is a paid legal stud- Patients need to show a mili- Katrina M. Jackson, 673d SFS, noon. Walk-in service is available ies program for active duty Air tary identification card and provide as stated in Air Force Instruction but customers having an appoint- Veterinary hours change Force commissioned officers and information, including name, so- 34-511. ment take precedence. The Veterinary Treatment Fa- is an assignment action with par- cial security number, birthday and Any person or persons having Taxpayers will need proof cility is operating on winter hours. ticipants receiving full pay, allow- email address. claims for or against the estate of of identity (military ID); social Though the VTF primarily ances and tuition. The enrollment specialist will the deceased should contact Evans security cards and birth dates for works on military working dogs, FLEP applicants must have be- enter the information and patients at 552-6523. all dependents; last year’s federal the facility also provides services tween two and six active duty ser- will receive an email which con- income tax return; wage and earn- for active duty Soldiers, retirees, vice (enlisted or commissioned). tains a link and instructions for Disposition of effects ing statements from W-2s, W-2Gs, National Guard and Army Re- The ELP is an unpaid legal completing the process. Army 1st Lt. Justin Kelley, 1st and 1099-Rs; interest and dividend serve Soldiers on active orders studies program for Air Force Battalion (Airborne), 501st Infan- statements; bank routing and ac- (greater than 30 days), and their officers, and participants do not JBER’s Attic try Regiment, is authorized to make count numbers for direct deposit; dependents. receive pay and allowances, but re- Joint Base Elmendorf-Rich- disposition of personal effects of amounts paid to day care provid- The VTF is capable of provid- main on active duty for retirement ardson’s Attic, located in building Sgt. Okan M. Cetinbag, 1-501st ers; and day care providers’ tax ing care for most routine services, eligibility and benefits purposes. 8515 off of 20th Street, is open Inf., as stated in Army Regulation identification numbers. including vaccination and sick call. ELP applicants must have on Tuesdays for paygrades E-1 638-2. Appointments can be made by The VTF is open Monday to between two and ten years active to E-4 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Any person or persons having calling the JBER-R tax center at Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and duty service. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Wednesdays for claims for or against the estate of 384-1040 or JBER-E tax center at Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, email paygrades E-1 to E-6 from 10 a.m. the deceased should contact Kelley 552-5839. Alternatively, customers For more information and to Air Force Capt. Megan Mallone at to 2 p.m., and the first Saturday of at (210) 705-9689. can make an appointment with one make an appointment, call 384- [email protected]. the month for all paygrades from of the unit tax advisors, who may 2865. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Disposition of effects be able to complete tax returns at AFAS Scholarship For more information, call the Army 1st Lt. Bryan Under- his or her workplace and forward Priority placement The Air Force Aid Society will Attic at 552-5878. wood, 6th Engineer Battalion, is it to the tax center. The Priority Placement Pro- accept applications for the Gen. authorized to make disposition of gram and Executive Order 13473 Henry H. Arnold Education Grant Richardson Thrift Shop personal effects of Sgt. Jose M. Rental Partnership provide non-competitive appoint- until March 7. The JBER-Richardson Thrift Pasillas, 6th Eng., as stated in Army The Rental Partnership Pro- ment for spouses of active duty ser- Eligible family members will Shop, located in building 724, Regulation 638-2. gram at JBER is available to all vice members, including full-time have an opportunity to receive up Quartermaster Drive, is open Any person or persons having eligible active-duty members and National Guard and Reservists, to $2,000 to fund their college edu- Monday through Thursday from 10 claims for or against the estate of consists of two options. who are relocating to accompany cation. To apply, please visit www. a.m. to 2 p.m., and first and third the deceased should contact Under- The first option, RPP Plus, their service member during a per- afas.org/education-grants. Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. wood at (919) 610-9054. includes utilities and sometimes manent change of station. Consignments are accepted cable costs providing an easier The program allows spouses to MiCare registration Tuesdays and Thursdays. JBER tax centers open budget with a set rental payment register for Department of Defense MiCare, the online personal For more information, call the Active duty members, reserv- year round. positions and to be considered for health record and secure messaging Thrift Shop at 384-7000. ists, retirees, and their family The other option, RPP 5 Per- jobs offered internally. Spouses application, has been available to members can receive free tax re- cent below market, saves the are matched against potential posi- patients and medical group staff at Arctic Watch turn assistance and preparation at member five percent off the rental tions, which meet their qualifica- Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson The JBER Antiterrorism Of- JBER’s tax centers until April 15. fee that other tenants pay however tions and preferences. since 2011. fice encourages all personnel to Volunteers are trained to pre- utilities are paid for by the tenant. Job placement will vary with Patients can take advantage of be vigilant against threats and pare 1040 EZ and 1040 tax returns, Both options are made avail- each individual. The spouse re- the ability to communicate with report suspicious activities to and can provide advice on military able with no deposits or fees to the mains eligible for a maximum of their primary care clinicians online. iWatchArmy at 384-0824 or Eagle specific tax issues, such as combat member with the exclusion of pet two years from the date of the PCS Registered patients also have Eyes at 552-2256. zone tax benefits and the effect of fees as applicable. orders and are in the program for access to electronic records, allow- the Earned Income Credit. Volun- This program is designed one year. ing them to view and maintain their Quartermaster Laundry teers are also trained on how to deal to provide active-duty military Military spouses who have health records. The Quartermaster Laundry, with the Alaska Permanent Fund personnel, enlisted and officers, never filled a federal position can Once registered, patients have located at 726 Quartermaster Road, Dividend. accompanied and unaccompa- now register for PPP. This program the ability to participate in the cleans TA-50 gear for free and is All tax returns done through nied with affordable off-base had previously been limited to study by completing a short series open Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. the tax centers are forwarded housing. spouses on a current federal ap- of surveys during the course of the to 4:30 p.m. electronically to the IRS, and by An allotment must be executed pointment or had a former federal next year. selecting direct deposit, taxpayers under either option of the RPP for position in the past. This provides an opportunity Giant Voice testing can receive their refunds in as little the rental payments which is made Military spouses can register for all active-duty, retired and de- Giant Voice mass notifica- as one week. directly to the landlord resulting in at the Civilian Personnel Office at pendent patients to have an impact tion system testing occurs every The JBER-Richardson Tax a more trouble free transactions. JBER-Elmendorf or the personnel on shaping the future of Air Force Wednesday at noon. If the an- Center is located on the third floor JBER-Elmendorf members can office at JBER-Richardson. The health services. nouncement is difficult to hear or of Building 600 and will be open see RPP officials at the Capital JBER point of contact is Brenda To register, visit the Military understand, please call 552-3000. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Asset Management Office, Build- Yaw at 552-9203. Treatment Facility, where enroll- If the announcement is difficult Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and ing 6346, Arctic Warrior Drive, or ment specialists are available in to hear or understand in any base Thursday from 1 to 8 p.m. call at 552-4328 or 552-4374 for JAG law school programs each primary care clinic. housing area, please contact JBER The JBER-Elmendorf Tax Cen- further information and assistance The Air Force Judge Advocate All beneficiaries who are en- at Facebook.com/JBERAK. COMMUNITY February 28, 2014 ARCTIC WARRIOR Volume 5, No. 8 LEFT: A musher encourages his dogs in a sprint race in Anchorage Feb. 22. Dog sled sprint races are a fixture of the annual Fur Rendezvous, a tradition since 1935. Downtown streets are filled with snow for the events, which draw locals as well as tourists from around the world. (U.S. Air Force photo/Steve White) RIGHT: While carnival rides are a sign of sum- mer in the Lower 48, they’re a sign of the Fur Rondy in Anchorage. (The lights are more dramatic when it actu- ally gets dark in the evening.) BELOW: Soldiers of the 56th Engineer Battalion pull an “outhouse” in a race down 4th Avenue. From left to right: Capt. Stephen Austria, Cpl. Matthew Schaul, Sgt. Brian Sullivan, Staff Sgt. James Klecka, Staff Sgt. Kyle Ashley and Sgt. 1st Class Chad Price. (U.S. Air Force photos/Staff Sgt. Sheila deVera) ABOVE RIGHT: Members of the 477th Fighter Group participate in the annual outhouse races during the 79th anniversary of Alaska’s largest winter festival. Since 1935, Fur Rondy has represented the pioneering spirit of Alaskans, offering wild and wacky fun for all ages, offering more than 20 official cultural and sporting activities. ABOVE: A local resident watches his dog kiss Bill, Gentle Giant of Alaska, Feb. 22. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Sheila deVera) LEFT: Alaska residents participate in the 79th anniver- sary of Alaska’s largest winter festival ‘Fur Rendezvous’ located in downtown Anchorage during the first weekend of the winter carnival Feb. 23. The 10-day Fur Rondy offers more than 20 official cultural and sporting activi- ties, the Anchorage community hosts nearly 50 “Rondy Round Town” events, offering wacky winter fun for all ages. This year’s Fur Rondy runs through March 2. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Sheila deVera) BELOW: Fur – coats, wraps, earmuffs, and trooper hats – is the order of the day. Hats made with mounted wolf, coyote or bear faces are popular, as are tails, as below. (U.S. Air Force photo/Steve White) Matters of Faith B-2 ARCTIC WARRIOR February 28, 2014 True friends are there for each other – no matter what Commentary by Chaplain (Capt.) We will meet and know many different times may be rare, but they are lifelong experiences as you have endured yourself. James Duran people in our lives. Most of them may sim- friends, close, personal and truly a great Thirdly, a friend is someone who can 17th CSSB Chaplain ply be acquaintancess or colleagues. Some, blessing. keep us out of trouble. They help us live up though, might be friends. One Bible story which depicts a friend- to our potential. It was in 2011 when on a deployment to Of these, there may be only a few that ship in detail is that of Jonathan and David They inspire us to do the right things, not Afghanistan, that I was the busiest. we would consider close friends. (1Sam.18:1). things that will bring us disgrace. It was so hectic that my flight hours had I have two friends that I can truly count When we read this story, it reminds us We need a friend who can guide us away exceeded of that the battalion commander on for any situation that comes my way. friendship can be built. from trouble and support us as well as take and sergeant major. These friends are true comrades that There were certain things that could have a stand with us. There were times when I would return stand out during testing of trials and those destroyed their bonds, but instead, it made That’s a true friend indeed. In the book from a forward operating base con- them stronger. of Proverbs, chapter 18, the psalmist calls ducting a religious service and found Their friendship can illustrate some such a person “a friend who sticks closer there wasn’t enough time to unpack ways we want to emulate. that a brother” (Prov. 18:24). my rucksack before I was off to First, a friend should be someone A true friend is like a trusted sibling. the next FOB that needed chaplain we can share our experiences with. They are like a brother that is willing to support. When Jonathan’s father, Saul, knew fight our battles with us and for us if need There were more than 60 flights, the people of Israel loved David more be. They don’t go against us or take up sides which included memorial services, than him, he sought to kill David. with the enemy. religious services and counseling But Jonathan’s love for his friend A meaningful friendship is one that im- sessions. David only grew more. pacts you for life. I also had the responsibility to care Many times he interceded for David Much can be learned from the friendship for my unit. with his father, and he never wanted of Jonathan and David. Each had accom- I was blessed to have dedicated anything in return. plished great achievements, relying on God Christians to fill in for me while I was Friendship should never come with for victory. traveling. a price. This friendship has been recorded in When was there enough time to It contains a commitment we have the Bible for us to learn and know that we decompress? towards one another. too can have that kind of relationship with Of course, there were outside Secondly, a friend is someone who Christ. resources to visit and we always seek can identify with our concerns. God is ultimately the one who can God for guidance, but there are times Both Jonathan and David were heirs bring us through difficult times and never we need a close friend to communicate to the kingdom – Jonathan by birth and break his relationship with us – even with. David by decree of God. when it feels like there is no end to our A friend is someone we can confide It could have easily been a battle problems. and trust in, and with whom we can between of them, but they showed their It reminds me of the picture of the close share our hopes and dreams. loyalty to each other and to God’s plan relationship between God the Father and A friend is there not only through for their lives. Jesus Christ. the good times, but also the bad times, It is much easier to relate to some- They desire to have that same close per- David and Jonathan. (Air Force illustration/Chris someone who will not desert you. one who has gone through similar sonal relationship with every human being. McCann) F O R C E http://www.elmendorf-richardson.com S U P P O R T Did you know..... S Q UA D R O N You can view the JBER673FSS facebook page even if you don’t have a facebook account? Stop by and see us! www.facebook.com/JBER673FSS All Ranks Club BLDG.9387 (cid:1) 384-­761P9P RR EE SS EE NN TT SS February 28 9 p.m. -‐ Close TAhlel BFirraen Pciht ies sa onf AMllil iRtaarnyk as rCel uwbelcomed (cid:15)(cid:34)(cid:33)(cid:1)(cid:36)(cid:29)(cid:34)(cid:31)(cid:1)(cid:18)(cid:29)(cid:27)(cid:39)(cid:20)(cid:32)(cid:33)(cid:1)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:27)(cid:27)(cid:24)(cid:20)(cid:32)(cid:1)(cid:29)(cid:28)(cid:1)(cid:1) P P (cid:17)(cid:28)(cid:19)(cid:1)(cid:25)(cid:29)(cid:24)(cid:28)(cid:1)(cid:34)(cid:32)(cid:1)(cid:21)(cid:29)(cid:31)(cid:1)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:27)(cid:20)(cid:32)(cid:6)(cid:1) (cid:27)(cid:34)(cid:32)(cid:24)(cid:18)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:30)(cid:31)(cid:24)(cid:37)(cid:20)(cid:32)(cid:1)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:21)(cid:34)(cid:28)(cid:2) OO s y (cid:14)(cid:29)(cid:1)(cid:9)(cid:29)(cid:35)(cid:20)(cid:31)(cid:1)(cid:9)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:31)(cid:22)(cid:20) a d i r F T T (cid:15)(cid:31)(cid:24)(cid:37)(cid:20)(cid:32)(cid:1)(cid:21)(cid:29)(cid:31)(cid:1)(cid:8)(cid:20)(cid:32)(cid:33)(cid:6)(cid:1)(cid:16)(cid:29)(cid:31)(cid:32)(cid:33)(cid:1) (cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:13)(cid:29)(cid:32)(cid:33)(cid:1)(cid:10)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:24)(cid:22)(cid:23)(cid:33)(cid:21)(cid:34)(cid:26)(cid:1)(cid:15)(cid:11)(cid:38)(cid:32) (cid:4)(cid:19)(cid:31)(cid:20)(cid:32)(cid:32)(cid:1)(cid:17)(cid:30)(cid:30)(cid:31)(cid:29)(cid:30)(cid:31)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:33)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:36)(cid:5) (cid:10)(cid:11)(cid:1)(cid:10)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:1) (cid:30)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:36)(cid:24)(cid:28)(cid:22)(cid:1)(cid:33)(cid:23)(cid:20)(cid:1) (cid:10)(cid:29)(cid:29)(cid:31)(cid:1)(cid:15)(cid:31)(cid:24)(cid:37)(cid:20)(cid:32)(cid:1) (cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:33)(cid:20)(cid:32)(cid:33)(cid:1)(cid:23)(cid:24)(cid:30)(cid:1)(cid:23)(cid:29)(cid:30)(cid:1) (cid:7)(cid:26)(cid:26)(cid:1)(cid:14)(cid:24)(cid:22)(cid:23)(cid:33)(cid:1)(cid:12)(cid:29)(cid:28)(cid:22)(cid:2) (cid:17)(cid:26)(cid:26)(cid:1)(cid:28)(cid:24)(cid:22)(cid:23)(cid:33) TT HH GG I N I N D J S T A R T S A T 7 P . M . LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/JBERCLUB Contest Contest Bldg. 655 384-7619 All Ranks Club Community Happenings February 28, 2014 ARCTIC WARRIOR B-3 Through March 5 March 7 Trhough 11 March 27 Trhough 30 For more information, visit The Addams Family Alaska Aces vs. Condors Alaska Sportsman Show alaskazoo.org. Chapel The weird and wonderful The Aces take on the Bakers- The Sullivan Arena and Ben family of Charles Addams come field Condors in ECHL action. Boeke Arena host this annual event Protestant Women of the to life in this hot new musical com- Sullivan Arena hosts the show- which offers demonstrations, clin- Chapel meetings services edy. You can check up on Uncle down at 7:15 p.m. Friday and Sat- ics, activities for kids, ranges and Women are invited to meet Fester, Lurch, and Wednesday at urday nights and 3:05 p.m. Sunday. much more. If you’re looking for with Protestant Women of the Atwood Concert Hall in the For information, visit alas- outdoor gear, this is the place to be. the Chapel. Bible study happens Alaska Center for the Performing kaaces.com. Free shuttle service is provided Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. at Soldiers’ Catholic Mass Arts. from the University Center and Chapel on JBER-Richardson. Showtimes vary and matinees March 8 Northway malls. For more information, email Sunday are available. IditaZoo For information, visit great- [email protected] or 9 a.m. – Soldiers’ Chapel For more information, visit Meet mushers and their dogs alaskasportsmanshow.com. call 384-1461. 10:30 a.m. – Chapel 1 anchorageconcerts.org. as the Alaska Zoo celebrates the (Elmendorf) state sport of dog mushing. Learn ongoing Night at the Fights SaTurday about the history of the Iditarod Wildlife Wednesdays Boxing matches happen every Monday through Friday Iditarod Ceremonial Start and “race” through checkpoints The Alaska Zoo Gateway Lec- Thursday night at the William A. 11:40 a.m. – Soldiers’ Chapel The Last Great Race kicks off at the zoo. Or get hands-on with ture Hall hosts lectures beginning Egan Civic Center. Get your box- Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- with the world-class mushers and mushing equipment or crafts. at 7 p.m. each Wednesday, focus- ing fix; doors open at 6:30 p.m. and day and Friday dog teams downtown on 4th Ave. The festivities start at noon; ing on a different wildlife research fights start at 7:30. 11:30 a.m. – Chapel 1 for a cermonial first run. kids’ story time starts at 2 p.m. topic. These lectures are aimed at For information, visit thursday- (Elmendorf) The Iditarod actually starts For more information, visit an older audience, such as uni- nightfights.com. If being ringside Thursday from Willow. This is also your op- alaskazoo.org or call 341-6463. versity students or adults with an isn’t enough, email jimpatton@gci. 11:30 a.m. – Hospital Chapel portunity to secure a spot in a sled interest in science. net to fight in a “grudge match.” basket for next year. March 9 Trhough 14 Partners include fish and game Confession For more information, visit Hands-on Spring Break authorities from Alaska. Model railroading 30 minutes before Mass at the iditarod.com. The Anchorage Museum hosts Lectures are free through April The Military Society of Mod- chapel in which Mass is being this activity series from 2 to 4 p.m. 9, and coffee and tea are always el Railroad Engineers meets at celebrated, or anytime by ap- Iditarod Day daily. Keep your kids engaged us- available. 7 p.m. Tuesdays and 1 p.m. Sat- pointment. Call 552-4422 or The Alaska Native Heritage ing their senses – making slimy For information, call 341- urdays in basement Room 35 384-5907 Center hosts this multicultural gak, experimenting with color 6463 or email slhartman@alas- of Matanuska Hall, 7153 event celebrating the Iditarod from vision, and putting your sniffer to kazoo.org. Fighter Drive. Anyone interested Religious Education 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. the test. in model railroading is invited. For Catholic Religious Education For information, visit alas- For information, visit anchor- AER scholarships information about meetings, work Sundays at 1 p.m., Elmendorf kanative.net or call 330-8000. agemuseum.org. Army Emergency Relief is tak- days, and shows, call 552-4353, Chapel Center ing applications for scholarships. visit www.trainweb.org/msmrre or Try Hockey For Free day March 11, 13 and 15 Scholarships are available email [email protected]. Protestant Sunday So your kid wants to try hock- Alaska Aces vs. Colorado for children, spouses and other Services ey. Problem is, he’s never skated, The Aces take on the Eagles at dependents of active duty, retired Borealis Toastmasters and you don’t want to shell out Sullivan Arena at 7 p.m. Tuesday and deceased Soldiers. Conquer your fear of public Liturgical Service money on gear just to discover he and Thursday and noon Saturday. Applications and instructions speaking with Toastmasters. 9 a.m. – Elmendorf Chapel 2 hates it. The Aces are 21-7-1 this season are available at aerhq.org. This safe, friendly club Traditional Service Ben Boeke Ice Arena hosts this and have allowed only 55 goals – For information, call 384-7478. helps build confidence through 9 a.m. – Elmendorf Chapel 1 event, beginning at noon, at which the fewest in the ECHL for this speeches, presentations, feedback Collective Service certified coaches help kids get out season. Hap Arnold Grants and listening in a supportive en- 11 a.m. – Soldiers’ Chapel on the ice and experience the game. Catch the action. For informa- The Gen. Hap Arnold Edu- vironment. The club meets every Gospel Service Equipment is provided; just tion, visit alaskaaces.com. cation Grant Program is taking Thursday in Room 146 of the BP Noon – Elmendorf Chapel 1 bring your potential Bobby Orr. applications through March 7. building from 7 to 8 p.m. Contemporary Service For information, visit tryhock- March 20 These $2,000 grants are giv- For information, call 575-7470. 5 p.m. – Elmendorf Chapel 1 eyforfree.com. Rebuilding after the quake en to dependents of Air Force Geology professor Kristine members. Wired Cafe for Airmen Religious Education March 7 Crossen discusses the 1964 earth- For eligibility information, or The Wired Cafe at 7076 Fight- Protestant Religious Education Portland Cello Project quake in terms of geology. to fill out an application, visit www. er Drive, between Polaris and Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m., This epic live show can make The 9.2 quake was the stron- afas.org/education-grants. Yukla dormitories, has wireless Soldiers’ Chapel. Free dinner the most dedicated symphony fan gest ever in North America, and Internet access and programs followed by 6:30 p.m. classes nod his head to hip-hop covers or a vastly altered portions of the Zoo Lights throughout the week for single for all age groups. guest jam band doing 19th-century Anchorage Bowl. Important deci- Thursday through Sunday of Airmen living in the dorms. Russian compositions. sions made in the rebuilding affect each week, visit the Anchorage There are also free homestyle Naturally, cellos rule the day Anchorage today. Zoo and enjoy the lighted parade meals Fridays at 6 p.m. about an animal species, followed starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Alaska Learn more at the Anchorage of animals. Then check out the real For information, call 552-4422. by meeting animals mentioned in Center for the Performing Arts. Museum starting at 7:30 p.m. animals under canopies of lights. the story, starting at 10:30 a.m. For more information, visit For more information, call Shake off the dark of winter Storytime for Toddlers Mondays at the coffee shop. anchorageconcerts.org or call 929-9201 or visit anchoragemu- from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. during Pre-school-aged children For information, email camp@ 263-2787. seum.org. February. can join zoo staff for stories alaskazoo.org. e e n t s & a c t i v i t i e s V Check out the January Alaskan Adventurer Free  Movie  Night  at  the  Talkeetna  Theater All Ranks Club Texas February 28 Free Birds - 6:30 p.m. BLDG. 655 Bullet - 9 p.m. 384-7619 Hold ‘EM BBBllldddggg... 999444999777 (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) 555555222-­-­-­888555222999 Scan with your smart phone’s QR Reader and go straight to www.facebook.com/thearcticchill Weekly Prizes: FREE for Members Talkeetna Theater Call 552-8529 $5sca n fwioth ryo urN smaort npho-neM’s QRe Rmeaderb aned rgos straight to ww$2w5.fa, c5e0bo &ok .c7o5m /VJBiEsRa6 7G3iFfStS Cards Bldg. 7122 Fighter Drive for more info JBER-Elmendorf 12 Weekly Rounds Top 9 Qualify Every Week for Tournament JBER OUTDOOR RECREATION S G T NOWMACHINE UIDED OUR ...... WILLOW:  March  15,  8  a.m.  -­  5  p.m.  $150 PETERSVILLE:  March  7  &  29,  7  a.m.  -­  5  p.m.  $185 SSnnaapp!! IDITAROD  RACE:  March  2,  8  a.m.  -­  5  p.m.  $150 Sign  up  at    JBER-­E  ORC,  Bldg.  7301 Trips  depart  from  JBER-­R  ORC,  Bldg.  794 SSHHOOWW    UUSS    YYOOUURR sseellffiiee Bring  cold  weather  gear  and  lunch. Helmet  and  transportation  included.  Inappropriate  attire  will result  in  non-­attendance. All  trips  must  meet  minimum  signup  requirements and  are  subject  to  change  due  to  weather  conditions. HOW TO ENTER WIN THESE C T C USTOMIZED OURS AND LASSES Call  us  and  let  us  know  when  and  where  you  want  to  go! Requires  advance  notice  and  meet  mimimum participation  requirements. F ISHING We  have  everything  you  need  for  Ice  Fishing and  all  the  other  kinds  fishing  that  will  soon  be  starting. We  sell  AK  State  Fishing  Licenses  and  King  Stamps. We  also  have  fishing  gear  and  tackle  for  renting! Outdoor Recreation Center | JBER Elmendorf | Bldg. 7301 | 552-2023 http://www.elmendorf-richardson.com Birth Announcements B-4 ARCTIC WARRIOR February 28, 2014 Feb. 10 was born 19.25 inches long and weighing 7 A son, Harley James Higley, was born A daughter, Abigail Lane Beckstrom, A son, Graysen Jax Varner, was born pounds, 1 ounce at 7:44 a.m. to Air Force 20 inches long and weighing 8 pounds, 12 was born 21 inches long and weighing 8 20.5 inches long and weighing 7 pounds, Staff Sgt. Jillian Ann Noe Salazar and ounces at 8:37 a.m. to Katie Renice Woerz- pounds, 10 ounces at 3:48 a.m. to Katie 11 ounces at 5:18 a.m. to Air Force Master Air Force Staff Sgt. Richard II Melchor Higley and Spc. Ryan Allen Higley of the Beckstrom and Pfc. Maxwell John Beck- Sgt. Stephanie Cynthia Varner of the 673d Salazar, both of the 673d Medical Support 2nd Battalion, 377th Parachute Field Artil- strom of the 2nd Battalion, 377th Parachute Air Base Wing and David Karl Varner II. Squadron. lery Regiment. Field Artillery Regiment. Feb. 11 Feb. 14 Feb. 18 A son, Grayson D. Yates, was born 22 A daughter, Aurora Rose Atkins, was A daughter, Olivia Lucille Barrale, was A son, Kason Adrick Mayton, was born inches long and weighing 8 pounds, 11 ounes born 20 inches long and weighing 7 pounds, born 20 inches long and weighing 8 pounds, 20.5 inches long and weighing 8 pounds, to Kacy Leigh Yates and Petty Officer 3rd 15 ounces at 3:58 a.m. to Army 1st Lt. Sarah 8 ounces at 3:11 p.m. to Ambra Nicole Bar- 7 ounces at 9:39 a.m. to Stephanie Diane Class Joshua Daniel Yates of Coast Guard Lynne Atkins. rale and Spc. Eric Vincent Barrale of the Mayton and Spc. Daniel Blake Mayton of Sector Anchorage. 425th Brigade Special Troops Battalion the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 501st Infantry Feb. 12 (Airborne). Regiment. Feb. 21 A daughter, Trinity Renee Casas, was A son, Jeremy Lee Saitnowski, Jr. was born 21 inches long and weighing 9 pounds A son, Angelo Arturo Garcia, was born Feb. 19 born 22.5 inches long and weighing 8 at 3:33 a.m. to Tabetha Renee Casas and 19.5 inches long and weighing 7 pounds, 4 A daughter, Charlotte Iris Acostinho, pounds, 15 ounces at 1:30 p.m. to Amanda Pfc. David Alan Casas of the 3rd Battalion ounces at 12:54 p.m. to Elisa Ribeiro Garcia was born 18.5 inches long and weigh- Rae Saitnowski and Sgt. Jeremy Lee Sait- (Airborne), 509th Infantry Regiment. and Sgt. Arturo Garcia of the 3rd Battalion ing 6 pounds, was born at 6:17 p.m. to nowski of the 2nd Engineer Brigade. (Airborne), 509th Infantry Regiment. Bobbie Nicole Agostinho and Sgt. Bryan A daughter, Sadie Jo’ Cathey, was born Pereira Agostinho of the 95th Chemical Feb. 22 20.75 inches long and weighing 7 pounds, 11 A son, Ethan Amias Donshay Holliness, Company. A son, Pedro Alonso Chavez III, was ounces at 4:50 p.m. to Chelsey Joe Cathey was born 21 inches long and weighing 7 born 21 inches long and weighing 6 pounds, and Airman 1st Class Justin Chad Cathey of pounds, 3 ounces at 12:03 a.m. to Army A son, Alexander Blake Chaney, was 9 ounces at 12:54 a.m. to Ericka Ann Chave the 381st Intelligence Squadron. Staff Sgt. Monica Lynn Holliness of the 56th born 20 inches long and weighing 7 pounds, and Sgt. 1st Class Pedro Alonso Chavez Jr. Engineer Company and Sgt. 1st Class Eddie 9 ounces at 3:25 p.m. to Natasha Johann of the 1st Squadron (Airborne), 40th Cavalry A daughter, Aunalysia Chareunvong Donshay Holliness of the 164th Military Chaney and Army Staff Sgt. Robert Christo- Regiment. Ford, was born 20.5 inches long and weigh- Police Company. pher Chaney Sr. of the 109th Transportation ing 7 pounds, 9 ounces at 7:37 a.m. to Linda Company. A daughter, Peyton Alexis Riley, was Ford and Air Force Staff Sgt. Matthew Brian Feb. 17 born weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces at 1:42 Ford of the 53rd Combat Communications A daughter, Gwen Lyn Blyth, was born A daughter, Alyssa Joy Madsen, was a.m. to Ashlea Nicole Riley and Air Force Squadron. 19 inches long and weighing 6 pounds, 2 born 23 inches long and weighing 9 pounds, Staff Sgt. Alex Raymond Riley of the 3rd ounces at 2:13 a.m. to Keli Lyn Blyth and 14 ounces at 12:26 p.m. to Lauren Renee Operations Support Squadron. Feb. 13 Army Capt. Edward K. Blyth of the 3rd Bat- Madsen and Sgt. 1st Class Eric Scott Madsen A son, Josiah Eli Bright, was born talion (Airborne), 509th Infantry Regiment. of the 6th Engineer Battalion. Feb. 23 21inches long and weighing 7 pounds, 9 A son, Caleb Elkanah Hayes, was born ounces at 6:17 p.m. to Jasmine Nicole Bright A son, Waylon Alan Graham, was born Feb. 20 21 inches long and weighing 7 pounds, and Sgt. Ja’son Tyell Bright of the 3rd Bat- 19.5 inches long and weighing 7 pounds, 7 A son, Hunter Wayne Scott, was born 19 11 ounces at 5:12 a.m. to Amanda Ma- talion (Airborne), 509th Infantry Regiment. ounces at 1:33 a.m. to Kerri Renae Graham inches long and weighing 8 pounds, 5 ounces rie hayes and Sgt. William Cody Hayes and Pfc. Nathan Gordon Graham of the at 5:25 p.m. to Emily Elizabeth Scott and of the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 501st Infan- A daughter, Robyn Olivia Noe Salazar, 725th Brigade Support Battalion (Airborne). Patrick Wayne Scott. try Regiment. Housekeeping manager treats lodging quality as a labor of love By Air Force Staff Sgt. Robert Barnett Benton didn’t always work JBER Public Affairs in housekeeping, but she said her background pays off. Dorene Benton cut open box after box in a warehouse “My background is in on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. The boxes were filled banking,” she said. “I think with linens, and the 673d Force Support Squadron house- accounting helps me with this keeping manager meticulously inspected them. job because there are numbers The last thing she wanted was to give the military guests to keep track of. How many are staying in JBER lodging substandard sheets. She had several checking out? How many are pallets of boxes to go through and needed to inspect them coming in? I have to figure out all, but to Benton, the mission is worth the hard work. how much time to spend per “Our main mission is to support the military members unit because we have to keep and their families when they are traveling,” Benton said. up with Air Force standards. “We provide the best possible lodging for people who are I have to look at the financial on a temporary duty assignment or are moving, or when we side of it, too, because of per- have availability for space-available travelers who might sonnel and budget.” need a place to stay for a couple nights.” The housekeeping man- Benton manages more than 50 employees in 25 of the 31 ager said she is used to military lodging facilities on JBER. While much of what her team culture – and that enables her does is visible, most people might not realize how much to better serve those who serve. Dorene Benton inspects boxes of linens in a warehouse on Joint Base Elmendorf- they do to keep guests comfortable, she said. “I love the military life,” Richardson, Alaska, Feb. 20. Benton manages more than 50 employees in 25 out “We’re the ones clearing the sidewalks and paths from the native of Melbourne, Fla., of 31 lodging facilities on JBER. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Robert Barnett) the parking lot when there’s snow,” she said. “We pick up said. “It’s all I’ve known. My in the summer when there are cigarette butts and other trash father and grandfather were military; my husband’s military. there. They keep us going.” around the building. When you walk inside and there’s a nice I’ve never served, but I’ve lived around Air Force and Navy Benton’s passion continues to drive her. smell and a clean floor, that’s us. We’re the ones keeping the bases basically my whole life. My siblings don’t have that “I want to say thank you to our guests, just thank you,” place beautiful. Most of our job is visible; we’re all about experience. It makes me appreciate it when I see all the hard she said. “All those comment cards – we actually read pleasing our guests, that’s what we’re here for.” work that service members do every day.” through those. Most of them are positive and we really ap- Sometimes keeping guests comfortable can mean antici- “[Dorene]’s phenomenal, definitely a team player,” preciate that. If there is something that we need to be doing, pating needs – like in springtime, when Alaskans are melting said Heidi Payton, 673d FSS lodging manager on JBER- politely let us know. There are so many regulations we need in the heat but it’s still “cold” to people from Outside. Richardson, and a native of Shenandoah, Iowa. “She puts to follow, and our budget is limited, but as long as it’s within “We have to make sure we have plenty of blankets; dur- everything she has into the job. She makes it a top priority. our limits, we’re happy to do it. ing Red Flag we get a lot of people from other countries and Housekeeping is the eyes and the ears of lodging. No one “We appreciate that we’re given the opportunity to serve the Lower 48 that aren’t used to the cold,” she said. “When person can be in all the buildings at once. Housekeeping the ones who serve for us. That’s the biggest thing for me; civil engineering shuts off the heat [in spring], we have to plays a vital role. They’re out there with the customers taking I couldn’t run those miles or carry all that heavy stuff, but offer extra blankets to keep them warm. We have to make care of them from check-in to check-out, keeping an eye on maybe I can give you a soft pillow and a blanket. Maybe I can sure they are good quality and meet Air Force standards.” all our rooms and the buildings. They make it happen out make that a little bit better. We so appreciate the military.” February 28, 2014 Arctic Warrior A-5 A-6 Arctic Warrior February 28, 2014

(U.S. Air Force photos/Airman 1st Class Ty-Rico Lea). Airman saves . ranking Air Force Medal of Honor recipient, sums up the troop strength and force structure in every In the book of Proverbs, chapter 18, the psalmist calls.
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