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Arctic searching expedition [microform] : a journal of a boat voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea in search of the discovery ships under command of Sir John Franklin : with an appendix on the physical geography of North America PDF

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Preview Arctic searching expedition [microform] : a journal of a boat voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea in search of the discovery ships under command of Sir John Franklin : with an appendix on the physical geography of North America

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J ARCTIC / SEARCHING EXPEl JOURNAL OF A BOAT-VOYAGE THROUGH RUPERT'S LAND AND THE ARCTIC SEA, )^ IN SKAKCH OF THE DISCOVKRY SHIPS UNDER COMMAND OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN. WITH AN APPENDIX ON THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICA. , BY SIR JOHN RICHARDSON, C.B., F.R.S. INSPECTOR OF NAVAL HOSPITALS AND FLEETS, KTC. ETC. ETC. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. L PUBLISHED BY AVTHOBITT. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. 185L I i c V. i 'i 1 NOTICE. In the Indian nameswhich occur in the following narrative, u is to be sounded like oo, in "moon;" y« as "yule," or like "you ;" and » as in "ravine." '/l , I -! London : Spottibwoodes and Shaw, New-Street-Square. u CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Page Route assigned to the Expedition undei- command of Sir John Franklin. Names of the Officers. Erebus and Terror. Date of its sailing. Last Letters. Sir John Franklin's last Official Letter. Last Sightofthe Expe- dition. Sir John Ross proposes a Search. Discussion ofVarious Opinions offered respecting the Fate of the Expedition. Flans of Search adopted. Main Objects of the Overland Searching Expedition. Instructions from the Admiralty - • - - - 1 CHAP. IL ^ Overland Searching Expedition. Routes through the In- terior. Hudson's Bay Ships. Pemican. Boats. Boat Party leaves England. Arrives at Winter Quarters. Volunteers. Mr.John Rae appointed to theExpedition. The Author and Mr. Rae sail from England. Land at New York. ProceedtoMontrealandLaChine. Canoe- men. Saut Ste. Marie. Voyage to the North. Reach Cumberland House - - - - - 32 CHAP. in. Pine Island Lake. Silurian Strata. Sturgeon River. Progress of Spring. Beaver Lake. Isle a la Crosse Brigade. Ridge River. Native Schoolmaster and his Family. Two Kinds of Sturgeon. Native Medicines. Bald Eagles. Pelicans. Black-Bellied and Cayenne Terns. Cranes. Frog Portage. Missinipi orChurch- IV CONTENTS. ( ! Page HI ill River. Its Lake-like Character. Poisonous Plants and Native Medicines. Athabasca Brigade. Sand-fly Lake. The Country changes its Aspect. Bull-dog Fly. Isle ^ la Crosse Lake. Its Altitude above the Sea. Length of the Missinipi, Isle h la Crosse Fort. Roman Catholic Mission. Deep River. Canada Lynx. BuffaloLake. MethyRiverandLake. Murrain among the Horses. Burbot or La Loche. A Mink. Methy Portage. Join Mr. Bell and his Party 75 CHAP. IV. Clear-Water River. Valley of the Washakummow. Portages. Limestone Cliffs. Shale. Elk or Atha- basca River. Wapiti. Devonian Strata. Geological Structure of the Banks of the River. Athabasca Lake, 4 or Lake of the Hills. Meet Mr. M'Pherson with the Mackenzie RiverBrigade. Send Home Letters. L'Es- perance's Brigade. Fort Chepewyan. Height of Lake Athabasca above the Sea. Rocks. Plumbago. Forest Scenery. Slave River. Rein-Deer Islands. Portages. Native Remedies. Separate from Mr. Bell and his 'A\ Party - - - - - - - 116 CHAP. V. Pyrogenous Rocks. Rate of the Current of Slave River. Salt River and Springs. Geese. Great Slave Lake. f\ '>. Domestic Cattle. Deadman's Islands. Horn Moun- tain. Hay River. Alluvial Lignite Beds. Macken- I xi zie's River. Marcellus Shale. Fort Simpson. River oftheMountains. RockyMountains. Spurs. Animals. Affluents ofthe Mackenzie. Cheta-ut-Tinne - - 147 \. CONTENTS. CHAP. VI. I'ngc Rock by the River's Side. Shale Formation. Fort Nor- man. Tertiary Coal Formation. Lignite Beds. Fossil Leaves. Edible Clay. Spontaneous Combustion ofthe River Bank. Hill at Bear Lake River. Hill at the RapidonthatRiver. Forest. Plants. Birds - 181 CHAP. VII. Peregrine Falcon. The Rapid. Ramparts. Hare Indians. Fort Good Hope. Hares. Kutchin. Their Contests A A with the Eskimos. Fatal Dance. Hare Indian devoured by a Brown Bear. Vegetation. Narrows. Richardson Chain of Hills. Fort Separation. Cache ofPeraican and Memorandum. Alluvial Delta. Yukon River. Rein-Deer Hills. M'Gillivray Island. Harri- son Island. Termination ofthe Forest. Sacred Island. Richard's Island. Point Encounter - . - 205 CHAP. VIII. Enter the Estuary of the Mackenzie. Interview with the Eskimos. Remarks on thatPeople. Winter-Houses near Point Warren. Copland Hutchison Bay. Flat Coast with Hummocks. Level Boggy Laud. Mirage. A PartyofEskimosvisit us. PointAtkinson. Kashim. Old Woman. Old Man. Young Men. Cape Brown. Eskimos. Russell Inlet. Cape Dalhousie. Sabine Xema. Liverpool Bay. Nicholson Island. Frozen CHfFs of Cape ]\Iaitland. Rock Ptarmigan. Eskimo Tents. Harrowby Bay. !^aillie's Islands. River of the Toothless Fish or Beghula.Tesse..Es.kimo of Cape Bathurst. Their Summer and its Occupations. Shale Formation ofthe Sea-Coast - 236

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