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Coastal and Estuarine Studies Series Editors' Malcolm J. Bowman Christopher N.K. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 49 Walker O. Smith, Jr. and Jacqueline M. Grebmeier (Eds.) Arctic Oceanography: Marginal Ice Zones and Continental Shelves American Geophysical Washington, DC Series Editors Malcolm J. Bowman Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794, USA Christopher N.K. Mooers Division of Applied Marine Physics RSMAS/Universityo f Miami 4600 RickenbackerC swy. Miami, FL 33149-1098, USA Editors Walker O. Smith, Jr. Graduate Program in Ecology University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996 Jacqueline M. Grebmeier Graduate Program in Ecology University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37996 Library of CongressC ataloging-in-Publication Data Arctic oceanography : marginal ice zones and continental shelves / Walker O. Smith and Jacqueline M. Grebmeier (eds.). p. cm.- (Coastal and estuarian studies; 49) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-87590-263-4 1. Oceanography--Arctic Ocean. I. Smith, Walker O. II. Grebmeier, Jacqueline M., 1955- III. Series. GC401.A755 1995 551.46'8(cid:127)c20 95-9541 CIP ISSN 0733-9569 ISBN 0-87590-263-4 Copyright1 995 by the AmericanG eophysicalU nion,2 000 FloridaA venue, NW, Washington, DC 20009, U.S.A. Figures, tables, and short excerpts may be reprintedi n scientificb ooks and journals if the source is properly cited. Authorizationto photocopyi temsf or internalo r personalu se, or the internalo r personalu se of specificc lients, is granted by the American GeophysicalU nion for librariesa nd other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, providedt hat the base fee of $1.00 per copy plus $0.10 per page is paid directlyt o CCC, 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923. 0733-9569/95/$01. + .10. This consentd oes not extend to other kinds of copying,s uch as copyingf or creatingn ew collectivew orkso r for resale.T he reproductiono f multiplec opiesa nd the use of full articleso r the use of extracts,i ncludingf igures and tables, for commercialp urposesr equiresp ermissionf rom AGU. Printed in the United States of CONTENTS PREFACE ............................................................................................ vii Satellite Remote Sensingo f the Arctic Ocean and Adjacent Seas Jose(cid:127)no C. Comiso .................................................................... 1 Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions in the Marginal Ice Zones of the Nordic Seas Peter S. Guest, Kenneth L. Davidson, James E. Overland, and Paul A. Frederickson .......................................................... 51 Small-Scale Physical Processesin the Arctic Ocean Laurie Padman ........................................................................ 97 New Insights on Large-Scale Oceanography in Fram Strait: The West Spitsbergen Current ß. ... (cid:127)"(cid:127) Gascard, Claude Richez, and Catherine Rouault .... 131 Chemical Oceanography of the Arctic and its Shelf Seas Leif G. Anderson .................................................................... 183 DOC Storage in Arctic Seas: The Role of Continental Shelves John J. Walsh ....................................................................... 203 Biological Processeso n Arctic Continental Shelves: Ice-Ocean-Biotic Interactions Jacqueline M. Grebmeier, Walker O. Smith, Jr., and Robert J. Conover .................................................................. 231 Resolved: The Arctic Controls Global Climate Change Richard B. Alley .................................................................... 263 EPILOGUE ........................................................................................ 285 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS .................................................................. PREFACE The Arctic Ocean is the least understood ocean on Earth, and yet its importance to the world's oceans and climate is immense. For example, it has been suggested that the Arctic is the region most likely to be affected by increased atmospheric temperatures which might occur as a result of anthropogenic releases of green- house gases. It also plays a critical role in global oceanic circulation, in that it modulates the formation of deep water in the North Atlantic via ice export. Despite its pivotal role in global processes,t he Arctic remains poorly understood. This volume is an attempt to highlight and synthesize some of the recent advances in our knowledge of Arctic oceanography and includes topics that will interest physical, biological, chemical, and geological oceanographersa s well as atmo- spheric scientists. That the Arctic is so poorly known relative to other oceans is not surprising. It is largely ice-covered throughout the year, with only some of its continental shelves becoming ice-free in summer. Its ice is mostly multi-year and very thick, making penetration into the deeper portions impossible except by the most powerful ice-breakers. However, in recent years new technologiesh ave been applied to the Arctic, and our understandingo f the physical, chemical, biological and geological processesw hich occur within it is rapidly increasing. Satellite sensorso bserve the Arctic continually, allowing us to follow ice circulation, storms, and openings in the pack ice that had never been observed previously. Moorings, ships and buoys now can withstand many of the rigors of the Arctic, and observations of the water column and seabed are becoming more common. Finally, because of its impor- tance to global processes, studies of the Arctic are attracting scientists not only from Arctic nations but from nations around the world. Arctic oceanographyt ruly has become an international effort. Approximately 30% of the surface area of the Arctic Ocean is occupied by its continental shelves, and hence the impact of the shelf area on the deeper regions of the basin can be expected to be greater than in other oceans. Shelves also are thought to play a major role in the production of the Arctic's shallow permanent halocline, one of its unique features. They are also heavily impacted by seasonal riverine discharges, and hence potentially can be influenced by fiver-borne sediments, nutrients and pollutants to a greater extent than in other ocean basins. Furthermore, the shelf region is covered and uncovered seasonally by ice, and hence the rates of biogeochemical cycling are greatest there. Shelves also are frequently the sites of marginal ice zones, which have been the focus of a substantiala mount of research in the Arctic in the past decade. Marginal ice zones also occur in deep regions, such as the Greenland Sea. Regardlesso f their depth, marginal ice zones have been shown to be highly dynamic regions with regard to their physics and biology. For example, they can generate fronts, jets, and eddies, have unusual vortex pairs, and be the sites of intense biological activity (due to upwelling and downwelling) and material transfer. Their roles in the ice dynamics and biogeochemical cycles of polar systems are still being re-evaluated. The purpose of this volume is to present both new results from recent studies in the Arctic, in particular the marginal ice zone and the Arctic' s continental shelves, as well as to synthesize a variety of multidisciplinary studies which have been recently conducted. It is not intended by any means to be all inclusive, and readers can consult other volumes for treatment of the various sub-disciplineso f Arctic oceanography which have not been treated in detail. We hope that the papers included in this volume prove to be stimulating to Arctic researchersa nd non-polar oceanographers alike, and that they point the way towards potentially significant research directions in the coming decades. The editors would like to thank our colleagues( who are too numerous to mention by name) who reviewed these papers under short deadlines and whose excellent jobs insured the quality of the contributions. Partial support during the prepara- tion of this volume was provided by the Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation to both of the editors. Walker O. Smith, Jr. JacquelineM . Grebmeier Universityo f 1 SatelliteR emote SensingO f The Arctic OceanA nd Adjacent Seas Josefino C. Comiso Abstract Many of the large-scales urfacep hysicala nd biologicalc haracteristicosf the Arctic Ocean and adjacents easc an bestb e studiedw ith satelliter emotes ensingb ecauseo f the vastness of, adversew eatherc onditionsa, nd long periodso f darknessin the region.S cientifica ppli- cationss pecifict o the polar regionsa re discussedin termso f the informationa ffordedb y variouss ystemsp, assiveo r active,a ndb y the microwavei,n frared,a nd visiblep ortionso f the electromagnetics pectrumI.n the sea-icer egion,t he key parameterso f interesta re ice concentrationi,c e type, surfacea nd ice temperaturei,c e velocity,i ce extenta nd area, snow cover,a nd melt coverageI.n the openw ater region,t he correspondinpga rametersa re phy- toplanktonp igmentc oncentrations, urfacet emperaturew, ind velocity,d ynamict opogra- phy, internal waves, eddies, and wave propagationc haracteristicsS. ome atmospheric parameterss ucha s water vapor, liquid water, precipitation,a nd cloud cover are also of interest.T he strengthsa nd weaknesseso f the variouss ystemsa re considereda nd sources of errorsa nd ambiguitiesa re pointedo ut. Synergistict echniquesu, sings everals ensorsin concert,a re alsod iscussedb ecauseth eyp rovidea meanst o obtaina more accurateo r com- plete characterizationo f the Arctic Ocean and adjacents eas.W hile existing systemsa re alreadyp rovinge ffectivenessn, ew systemsp lannedf or the next decadew ill evenb e more versatilea nd shouldu shera new era of a comprehensivaen dc onsistenct overageo f Earth's systemsi,n cludingt he Arctic system. Introduction The moste ffective( andp erhapso nly) way to studyl arge-scales urfacep hysicala ndb iolog- ical characteristicosf the Arctic Oceana nd its adjacents easi s throught he useo f satellite Arctic Oceanography: Marginal Ice Zones and Continental Shelves Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Volume 49, Pages 1-50 This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. Published in 1995 by the American Geophysical 2 SatelliteR emote Sensingo f the Arctic Ocean remotes ensingt echniques[O nstotta nd Shuchman,1 990; Comiso, 1991; Thomas,1 990; Carsey,1 992]. The power of remotes ensinga s appliedt o the polar regionsh asb eend is- cusseda ndd emonstrateidn severapl ublications[Z wally et al., 1983;P arkinsone t al., 1987; Gloersene t al., 1992]. Mounted on satellitep latforms,s ensorsp rovidet he synoptica nd temporal distributionst hat are neededi n many environmentalp rocesss tudies,a nd the spatiala nd temporalo bservationc onsistencayn d detail requiredf or climate-changes tud- ies. Sensorsa lsop rovidet he meansf or extrapolatingo bservationfsr om shipsa nd surface stationsa nd for evaluatingth e global( aso pposedto local) impacto f mesoscalep rocesses. A dominanta specto f theA rctic Oceana ndi ts adjacents easi s their sea-icec over.A lthough it is just a thin sheet( a few meterst hicko n the average)c omparedt o the deptho f the ocean, thei ce covero ccupiesa vasta reaa ndi s knownt o havea profoundin fluenceo n thep hysical, chemical,a nd biological characteristicso f the ocean. In particular,t he ice cover alters surface ocean salinity through brine rejection where ice is formed and through the introductiono f low-salinity water in the melt regions.I t is also an effectivei nsulating interfaceb etween the ocean and the atmosphered uring winter, and a good reflectoro f radiationd uringt he summer.S ea ice modifiest he oceand ynamicallyd ue to friction at the ocean/iceb oundaryl ayer. Furthermore,s ea ice suppressesth e penetrationo f sunlight neededb y marine life during photosynthetipc rocessesa nd impedest he mixing effect of wind. Also, in the middle of the ice pack are surfacef eaturesl ike leadsa nd polynyas,t he occurrenceo f which alter the heat, humidity, and salinity fluxes and the ventilationa nd circulationc haracteristicos f the underlyingo cean.W hile processesin the ice covered portiona re uniquea nd important,p rocessetsh at continuallyo ccura t or adjacentt o the ice edge shouldn ot be overlooked.T he marginali ce zone, a very activer egion that includes the ice edge,i s the site where interactionsb etweent he ocean,i ce, and the atmospheraer e mosti ntenseA. lso, abouth alf of the winteri ce coverd isappearsd uringt he summerm, ainly in the continentals helfr egion,w herep lanktona nd otherm arine life go throughm assive seasonavl ariations.W ithout the aid of remote sensing,m any of these and other Arctic processecsa ng o undetectede, speciallyin winter,w heni ce is moste xtensivea ndt her egion is in near-total darkness. The various geophysicalp arametersi n ice-coveredr egions that can be derived from satelliter emote-sensingd ata are sea-icec oncentrationi,c e type, ice velocity, physical surface temperature,s now cover, surface roughness,c loud cover, and surfacem elt conditions [Gloersen and Salomonson, 1975; Thomas, 1990; Massom, 1991; Comiso, 1991]. In the adjoiningi ce-free areas,t he correspondingp arametersa re phytoplankton pigmentc oncentrationc,l oud cover,s eas urfacet emperatureW, indv elocity,t opography, precipitationa, ndw avep ropagationc haracteristic[sW ilheit andC hang,1 980;W entze t al., 1986; Baker and Wilson, 1987; Apel, 1987; McClain et al., 1993]. No singles ensorc an provided ata for all theseg eophysicapl arametersa, nd the accuraciesin the determination of someo f them may be marginal.N ew sensorsw ith improvedc apabilitiesh ave been launchedr ecently and even more versatileo nes are expectedi n the near future. The accumulationo f long-termd ata setso f parametersi,n cludingi ce concentrations, urface temperaturec, loud cover,a nd phytoplanktonc oncentrationw ould providea n invaluable resourcefo r Arctic- andE arth-sciences tudiesT. his chapterp resentsa review andu pdateo f presenta nd future Comiso 3 The Arctic EnvironmentsPhysicala nd Radiative Characteristics Remotes ensingd ataa re mostu sefuli f observablecsa n be consistentlya nd reliably inter- pretedi n termso f geophysicapl arametersT. his requiresa goodu nderstandinogf what a sensomr easuresa ndw hatp hysicalp ropertyo f the surfaceo f interestis beingo bservedF. or example,i t is importantt o recognizet hat over seai ce, visibles ensorso bserves urface( i.e., skin) propertieso nly while microwaves ensorss ees ubsurfacec haracteristicsO. n the other hand, over ice-free ocean, the reverse is true. In the case of sea ice, microwave radiances may comef rom the snowc over,t he snow-icei nterfaceo r within the ice itselfd ependingo n the wavelengtho f the radiation,t he type of ice, and statea nd deptho f the snow cover.I n the openo cean,a lthought he surfacei s opticallyt hick for long wavelengthsi,t s radiative andb ackscattecr haracteristicms ay be considerablya lteredb y thep resenceo f foam andb ig waves.T o completelyu nderstandth e physicsb ehindt he observationsa, combinationo f field measurementasn d radiativet ransferm odelingi s needed.T he physicala nd electrical characteristicso f the different surfaces relative to the sensor should be measured, and the propagationc haracteristicosf radiationa t differentw avelengthsa ndp olarizationw ithin the media should be understood. Efforts in this directionh aveb eenc onductedin the last severaly earsi n the Arctic region (e.g., Marginal Ice Zone Experiment,S easonalI ce Zone Experiment,a nd Lead Experi- ment).T he stateo f the art in measurementosf remotes ensingp arametersa t high latitudes is summarizedb y Hallikainen and Winebrenner[ 1992] in the microwaver egion, and by Steffene t al. [ 1993] in thev isiblea ndi nfraredr egionsA. lso, modelings tudiesin the micro- wave,i nfrared,a ndv isibler egionsh aveb eenp erformeda t differentl evelso f sophistication [Funga nd Chen, 1981;T sanga nd Kong, 1981; Ulaby et al., 1981-86; Grenfell, 1983; Per- ovick, 1989], while studieso f the fundamentapl hysicala nde lectricalp ropertieso f seai ce haveb eenu ndertaken[A ddison,1 969;V ant et al., 1978;W eeksa ndA ckley, 1982; Stogryn, 1985;T uckere t al., 1992]. In somec asest,h e surfacea nds ubsurfacper opertiesa re soc om- plex that correcti nterpretationo f data may be difficult even with models.I n this section, key observableisn theA rctic andt he environmentacl onditionsth atd irectlyr elatet o remote sensingd ataa nd theiro bservationaal ccuraciesw ill be discussed. The Sea-Ice Cover The Arctic sea-icec overc onsistso f two main componentst:h e perenniali ce covera nd the seasonailc e cover.T he perenniailc e cover,w hichc onsistso f predominantlmy ultiyeari ce floes,o ccupiesa largef ractiono f theA rctic Ocean'sd eepr egionsd uringt he summerT. he seasonailc e coveri s thatw hichc omesa ndg oesw ith seasona ndi s normallyl ocatedi n shal- low and shelfw aters.I t is alsoc onvenientto divide the winter ice packi nto outera nd inner zones.T heset wo zonesh aved istinctc haracteristicse,a chh avinga uniquer ole in the phys- ical andb iologicalp rocesseisn the region.A erial photographssh owingt he outera ndi nner zonesa re showni n Figures 1a and lb, respectivelyA. s shown,t he outer zone is a very dynamicr egion where ice floes are distinctlys eparateda nd fragmentedb ecauseo f the influenceo f wavesa nd atmosphericfo rcing,w hile the inner zonei s an almostc ontinuous ice sheet,e xceptf or the occasionapl resenceo f leadsa nd 4 SatelliteR emoteS ensingo f the Arctic Ocean ' "a) OuteZr one MIZ b) Inner Zone Figure1 .P hotographosf Arctics eai ce in (a) theo uterz onea nd( b) thei nnerz onei n theF ramS trait on May 20,

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Volume 49.The Arctic Ocean is the least understood ocean on Earth, and yet its importance to the world's oceans and climate is immense. For example, it has been suggested that the Arctic is the region most like
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