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Index to Volume 58 ALISAUSKAS, R.T. (See HENDRICKSON, C.J.) CLARK, R.G. (See BROOK, R.W.) AMSTRUP, S.C., DURNER, G.M., STIRLING, I., and CLUFF, H.D. (See TAYLOR, M.K.) McDONALD, T.L. Allocating Harvests among Polar Bear COLE, T. (Book Review) Sold American: The Story of Alaska Stocks in the Beaufort Sea. 58(3):247-259. Natives and Their Land, 1867-1959, by Donald Craig APORTA, C. (Book Review) Watching Ice and Weather Our Mitchell. 58(3):308-—309. Way: Sikumengllu Eslamengllu Esghapalleghput, by Conrad CSONKA, Y. (See KRUPNIK, I.) Oozeva, Chester Noongwook, George Noongwook, Christina Alowa, and Igor Krupnik. 58(4):432-—433. DALY, C. (See SIMPSON, J.J.) ARMSTRONG, A.R. (See SMITH, A.C.) DAMAS, D. (Obituary) Richard Slobodin (1915-2005). 58(4):438-439. BABALUK, J.A. (See STEPHENSON, S.A.) DARWENT, C.M. (Book Review) Hunting, Fishing and Animal BAKKEN, V., and MEHLUM, F. Wintering Areas and Recov- Husbandry at the Farm Beneath the Sand, Western Green- ery Rates of Briinnich’s Guillemots Uria lomvia Ringed in land: An Archaeozoological Analysis of a Norse Farm in the the Svalbard Archipelago. 58(3):268-275. Western Settlement, by Inge Bgdker Enghoff. 58(1):85-87. BARR, W. (Book Review) 14 Months on Franz Josef Land, by DELGADO, J.P. (Book Review) Mountie in Mukluks: The Mykhailo Ivanychuk. Edited and translated by Gloria K. Arctic Adventures of Bill White, by Patrick White. 58(4): Atamanenko. 58(1):78-79. 434-435. . (Book Review) Nimrod: Ernest Shackleton and the DICK, L. (Book Review) Red Serge and Polar Bear Pants, by Extraordinary Story of the 1907-09 British Antarctic Expe- William Barr. 58(4):431-—432. dition, by Beau Riffenburgh. 58(2):221-—223. DOVE, C.J., HARE, P.G., and HEACKER, M. Identification of ———. (Book Review) Encyclopedia of the Arctic, edited by Ancient Feather Fragments Found in Melting Alpine Ice Mark Nuttall. 58(4):426-—428. Patches in Southern Yukon. 58(1):38-43. BARRY, S. (See THOMAS, D.) DRAPER, D. (See STEWART, E.J.) BEAUCHAMP, B. (Commentary) AINA at 60: Leaping To- DUERDEN, F. (CD-ROM Review) Relations between Tradi- wards a Bright Future Hand in Hand with a New Generation. tional Knowledge and Western Science: A Northern Forum 58(4):ili-iv. Held at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, 7 March 2003. BERG, J.S. (See SIMPSON, J.J.) Conference report by Mary McGuire; technical production BEYERSBERGEN, G.W. (See LATOUR, P.B.) by Mark Valcour. 58(3):309-310. BLAKE, W., Jr. (Book Review) Innocents in the Arctic: The DURNER, G.M. (See AMSTRUP, S.C.) 1951 Spitsbergen Expedition, by Colin Bull. 58(4):425 —426. DYKE, A.S. (See WOLKEN, G.J.) BLAKE, W.., Jr., HOWARTH, P.J., and WOO, M. (Obituary). S. Brian McCann (1935-2004). 58(2):225-226. EAGLETON, M. (See HOBBS, R.C.) BOCKHEIM, J.G., and HINKEL, K.M. Characteristics and ELLIS, S.C. Meaningful Consideration? A Review of Tradi- Significance of the Transition Zone in Drained Thaw-Lake tional Knowledge in Environmental Decision Making. Basins of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. 58(4):406-417. 58(1):66-—77. BODENHORN, B. (Book Review) The Whales They Give ENGLAND, J.H. (See WOLKEN, G.J.) Themselves: Conversations with Harry Brouwer, Sr., edited by Karen Brewster. 58(2):216—217. FERGUSON, S.H. (See TAYLOR, M.K.) BORN, E.W. (See TAYLOR, M.K.) FLEMING, M.D. (See SIMPSON, J.J.) BRAVO, M. (See KRUPNIK, I.) FORBES, B.C. (See MESCHTYB, N.A.) BRONSON, J.E. (See NOBLE, B.F.) FURGAL, C.M., POWELL, S., and MYERS, H. Digesting the BROOK, R.W., and CLARK, R.G. Breeding Season Survival of Message about Contaminants and Country Foods in the Ca- Female Lesser Scaup in.the Northern Boreal Forest. 58(1): nadian North: A Review and Recommendations for Future 16-20. Research and Action. 58(2):103-—114. BROWN, R.J., and McINTYRE, C. (Letter to the Editor) New Prey Species Documented for Northern Pike (Esox lucius): GAGNON, A.S., and GOUGH, W.A. Trends in the Dates of Ice Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). 58(4):437. Freeze-up and Breakup over Hudson Bay, Canada. 58(4): BURN, C.R. (See McCOY, V.M.) 370-382. BURROWS, J.A. (See STEPHENSON, S.A.) GILLIS, E.A., MORRISON, S.F., ZAZULA, G.D., and HIK, BUTCHER, M.K. (See NOEL, L.E.) D.S. Evidence for Selective Caching by Arctic Ground Squir- rels Living in Alpine Meadows in the Yukon. 58(4): CAMER.RD.,O SMNITH,, W .T., WHITE, R.aGnd G.RIF,FIT H, 354-360. B. Central Arctic Caribou and Petroleum Development: Dis- GINNS, J. (Book Review) Taxonomy, Ecology and Distribution tributional, Nutritional, and Reproductive Implications. of Hygrocybe (Fr.) P. Kumm. and Camarophyllopsis Herink 58(1):1-9. (Fungi, Basidiomycota, Hygrocybeae) in Greenland, by CHAULK, K., ROBERTSON, G.J., MONTEVECCHI, W.A., Torbjgrn Borgen and Eef Arnolds. 58(2):217-—218. and RYAN, P.C. Aspects of Common Eider Nesting Ecology GOMBAY, N. The Commoditization of Country Foods in in Labrador. 58(1):10—15. Nunavik: A Comparative Assessment of its Development, Applications, and Significance. 58(2):115-128. 456 Index to Volume 58 ALISAUSKAS, R.T. (See HENDRICKSON, C.J.) CLARK, R.G. (See BROOK, R.W.) AMSTRUP, S.C., DURNER, G.M., STIRLING, I., and CLUFF, H.D. (See TAYLOR, M.K.) McDONALD, T.L. Allocating Harvests among Polar Bear COLE, T. (Book Review) Sold American: The Story of Alaska Stocks in the Beaufort Sea. 58(3):247-259. Natives and Their Land, 1867-1959, by Donald Craig APORTA, C. (Book Review) Watching Ice and Weather Our Mitchell. 58(3):308-—309. Way: Sikumengllu Eslamengllu Esghapalleghput, by Conrad CSONKA, Y. (See KRUPNIK, I.) Oozeva, Chester Noongwook, George Noongwook, Christina Alowa, and Igor Krupnik. 58(4):432-—433. DALY, C. (See SIMPSON, J.J.) ARMSTRONG, A.R. (See SMITH, A.C.) DAMAS, D. (Obituary) Richard Slobodin (1915-2005). 58(4):438-439. BABALUK, J.A. (See STEPHENSON, S.A.) DARWENT, C.M. (Book Review) Hunting, Fishing and Animal BAKKEN, V., and MEHLUM, F. Wintering Areas and Recov- Husbandry at the Farm Beneath the Sand, Western Green- ery Rates of Briinnich’s Guillemots Uria lomvia Ringed in land: An Archaeozoological Analysis of a Norse Farm in the the Svalbard Archipelago. 58(3):268-275. Western Settlement, by Inge Bgdker Enghoff. 58(1):85-87. BARR, W. (Book Review) 14 Months on Franz Josef Land, by DELGADO, J.P. (Book Review) Mountie in Mukluks: The Mykhailo Ivanychuk. Edited and translated by Gloria K. Arctic Adventures of Bill White, by Patrick White. 58(4): Atamanenko. 58(1):78-79. 434-435. . (Book Review) Nimrod: Ernest Shackleton and the DICK, L. (Book Review) Red Serge and Polar Bear Pants, by Extraordinary Story of the 1907-09 British Antarctic Expe- William Barr. 58(4):431-—432. dition, by Beau Riffenburgh. 58(2):221-—223. DOVE, C.J., HARE, P.G., and HEACKER, M. Identification of ———. (Book Review) Encyclopedia of the Arctic, edited by Ancient Feather Fragments Found in Melting Alpine Ice Mark Nuttall. 58(4):426-—428. Patches in Southern Yukon. 58(1):38-43. BARRY, S. (See THOMAS, D.) DRAPER, D. (See STEWART, E.J.) BEAUCHAMP, B. (Commentary) AINA at 60: Leaping To- DUERDEN, F. (CD-ROM Review) Relations between Tradi- wards a Bright Future Hand in Hand with a New Generation. tional Knowledge and Western Science: A Northern Forum 58(4):ili-iv. Held at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, 7 March 2003. BERG, J.S. (See SIMPSON, J.J.) Conference report by Mary McGuire; technical production BEYERSBERGEN, G.W. (See LATOUR, P.B.) by Mark Valcour. 58(3):309-310. BLAKE, W., Jr. (Book Review) Innocents in the Arctic: The DURNER, G.M. (See AMSTRUP, S.C.) 1951 Spitsbergen Expedition, by Colin Bull. 58(4):425 —426. DYKE, A.S. (See WOLKEN, G.J.) BLAKE, W.., Jr., HOWARTH, P.J., and WOO, M. (Obituary). S. Brian McCann (1935-2004). 58(2):225-226. EAGLETON, M. (See HOBBS, R.C.) BOCKHEIM, J.G., and HINKEL, K.M. Characteristics and ELLIS, S.C. Meaningful Consideration? A Review of Tradi- Significance of the Transition Zone in Drained Thaw-Lake tional Knowledge in Environmental Decision Making. Basins of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. 58(4):406-417. 58(1):66-—77. BODENHORN, B. (Book Review) The Whales They Give ENGLAND, J.H. (See WOLKEN, G.J.) Themselves: Conversations with Harry Brouwer, Sr., edited by Karen Brewster. 58(2):216—217. FERGUSON, S.H. (See TAYLOR, M.K.) BORN, E.W. (See TAYLOR, M.K.) FLEMING, M.D. (See SIMPSON, J.J.) BRAVO, M. (See KRUPNIK, I.) FORBES, B.C. (See MESCHTYB, N.A.) BRONSON, J.E. (See NOBLE, B.F.) FURGAL, C.M., POWELL, S., and MYERS, H. Digesting the BROOK, R.W., and CLARK, R.G. Breeding Season Survival of Message about Contaminants and Country Foods in the Ca- Female Lesser Scaup in.the Northern Boreal Forest. 58(1): nadian North: A Review and Recommendations for Future 16-20. Research and Action. 58(2):103-—114. BROWN, R.J., and McINTYRE, C. (Letter to the Editor) New Prey Species Documented for Northern Pike (Esox lucius): GAGNON, A.S., and GOUGH, W.A. Trends in the Dates of Ice Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). 58(4):437. Freeze-up and Breakup over Hudson Bay, Canada. 58(4): BURN, C.R. (See McCOY, V.M.) 370-382. BURROWS, J.A. (See STEPHENSON, S.A.) GILLIS, E.A., MORRISON, S.F., ZAZULA, G.D., and HIK, BUTCHER, M.K. (See NOEL, L.E.) D.S. Evidence for Selective Caching by Arctic Ground Squir- rels Living in Alpine Meadows in the Yukon. 58(4): CAMER.RD.,O SMNITH,, W .T., WHITE, R.aGnd G.RIF,FIT H, 354-360. B. Central Arctic Caribou and Petroleum Development: Dis- GINNS, J. (Book Review) Taxonomy, Ecology and Distribution tributional, Nutritional, and Reproductive Implications. of Hygrocybe (Fr.) P. Kumm. and Camarophyllopsis Herink 58(1):1-9. (Fungi, Basidiomycota, Hygrocybeae) in Greenland, by CHAULK, K., ROBERTSON, G.J., MONTEVECCHI, W.A., Torbjgrn Borgen and Eef Arnolds. 58(2):217-—218. and RYAN, P.C. Aspects of Common Eider Nesting Ecology GOMBAY, N. The Commoditization of Country Foods in in Labrador. 58(1):10—15. Nunavik: A Comparative Assessment of its Development, Applications, and Significance. 58(2):115-128. 456 INDEX ¢ 457 GOUGH, W.A. (See GAGNON, A:S.) KULLMAN, L. Wind-Conditioned 20th Century Decline of GRIFFITH, B. (See CAMERON, R.D.) Birch Treeline Vegetation in the Swedish Scandes. 58(3): 286-294. HAMILTON, T.D. (Book Review) Wind as a Geomorphic Agent in Cold Climates, by Matti Seppala. 58(1):79-80. LAAKE, J. (See TAYLOR, M.K.) HANSEN, K. (Book Review) Eastern Arctic Kayaks: History, LAIDRE, K.L. (See HOBBS, R.C.) Design, Technique, by John D. Heath and E. Arima, with LARIVIERE, S. (See HENDRICKSON, C.J.) contributions by John Brand, Hugh Collings, Harvey Golden, LATOUR, P.B., MACHTANS, C.S., and BEYERSBERGEN, H.C. Petersen, Johannes Rosing, and Greg Stamer. 58(4): G.W. Shorebird and Passerine Abundance and Habitat Use at 430-431. a High Arctic Breeding Site: Creswell Bay, Nunavut. HARE, P.G. (See DOVE, C.J.) 58(1):55-65. HARINGTON, C.R. The Eastern Limit of Beringia: Mammoth LEGAT, A. (Book Review) Upside Down: Seasons among the Remains from Banks and Melville Islands, Northwest Terri- Nunamiut, by Margaret B. Blackman. 58(1):80-81. tories. 58(4):361 —369. LOOMIS, C. (Book Review) Exploring Other Worlds: Margaret HARTERY, L. (Book Review) Lives and Landscapes: A Photo- Fox, Elisha Kent Kane, and the Antebellum Culture of Curi- graphic Memoir of Outport Newfoundland and Labrador, osity, by David Chapin. 58(3):317-319. 1949-1963, by Elmer Harp, Jr. Edited and introduced by LUTSEL K’E DENE FIRST NATION (See KENDRICK, A.) M.A.P. Renouf. 58(2):219-220. ———.. (See LYVER, P.O’B.) HEACKER, M. (See DOVE, C.J.) ———. (See PARLEE, B.) HENDRICKSON, C.J., SAMELIUS, G., ALISAUSKAS, R.T., LYVER, P.O’B. (See KENDRICK, A.) and LARIVIERE, S. Simultaneous Den Use by Arctic Foxes LYVER, P.O’B., and LUTSEL K’E DENE FIRST NATION. and Wolves at a Den Site in Nunavut, Canada. 58(4): Monitoring Barren-Ground Caribou Body Condition with 418-420. Denésoliné Traditional Knowledge. 58(1):44-—54. HIK, D.S. (InfoNorth) IPY 2007-08 and the Resurgence of Northern (& Polar) Research in Canada. 58(1):98-99. MacDONALD, J. (Book Review) Ugalurait: An Oral History of ———. (See GILLIS, E.A.) Nunavut, compiled and edited by John Bennett and Susan HIELS,.S. (See JAY, €.V.) Rowley. 58(4):429-—430. HINKEL, K.M. (See BOCKHEIM, J.G.) MacDONALD, R. (InfoNorth) Challenges and Accomplish- HOBBS, R.C., LAIDRE, K.L., VOS, D.J., MAHONEY, B.A.., ments: A Celebration of the Arctic Institute of North America. and EAGLETON, M. Movements and Area Use of Belugas, 58(4):440-451. Delphinapterus leucas, in a Subarctic Alaskan Estuary. MACHTANS, C.S. (See LATOUR, P.B.) 58(4):331-340. MacLAREN, I.S. (Book Review) Writing Geographical Explo- HOVELSRUD-BRODA, G. (See KRUPNIK, I.) ration: Jamaends t he Northwest Passage 1631-33,b yW ayne HOWARTH, P.J. (See BLAKE, W., Jr.) K. Davies. 58(1):81-82. HUFFORD, G.L. (See SIMPSON, J.J.) MAHER, P.T. (Book Review) The Horizontal Everest: Extreme Journeys on Ellesmere Island, by Jerry Kobalenko. 58(1): INTIHAR, M.R., and STEWART, R.E. Extratropical Cyclones 83-84. and Precipitation within the Canadian Archipelago during MAHONEY, B.A. (See HOBBS, R.C.) the Cold Season. 58(2):162-—174. MANSEAU, M. (See PARLEE, B.) McCOY, V.M., and BURN, C.R. Potential Alteration by Cli- JAY, C.V., and HILLS, S. Movements of Walruses Radio- mate Change of the Forest-Fire Regime in the Boreal Forest Tagged in Bristol Bay, Alaska. 58(2):192-—202. of Central Yukon Territory. 58(3):276—285. JEFFRIES, M.O. (Book Review) Frozen Oceans: The Floating McDONALD, T.L. (See AMSTRUP, S.C.) World of Pack Ice, by David N. Thomas. 58(2):215-—216. McINTYRE, C. (See BROWN, R.J.) JOHNSON, S.R. (See NOEL, L.E.) McLOUGHLIN, P.D. (See TAYLOR, M.K.) JOHNSTON, M.E. (See STEWART, E.J.) MECH, L.D. Decline and Recovery of a High Arctic Wolf-Prey System. 58(3):305-—307. KANKAANPAA, P. (See MESCHTYB, N.A.) MEHLUM, F. (See BAKKEN, V.) KATAPATUK, B. (See TSUJI, L.J.S.) MESCHTYB, N.A., FORBES, B.C., and KANKAANPAA, P. KENDRICK, A., LYVER, P.O’B., and LUTSEL K’E DENE (InfoNorth) Social Impact Assessment along Russia’s North- FIRST NATION. Denésoliné (Chipewyan) Knowledge of ern Sea Route: Petroleum Transport and the Arctic Opera- Barren-Ground Caribou (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus) tional Platform (ARCOP). 58(3):322-—327. Movements. 58(2):175-—191. MESSIER, F. (See TAYLOR, M.K.) KINGSLEY, M.C:S. (Letter to the Editor) ‘Arctic’ or ‘arctic’? MISHLER, C. (Book Review) In a Hungry Country, by Simon IOI Seh. Paneak; edited by John Martin Campbell. 58(3):316-—317. KNIGHT, C.W. (See SHARRATT, B.S.) MONTEVECCHI, W.A. (See CHAULK, K.) KRUPNIK, I., BRAVO, M., CSONKA, Y., HOVELSRUD- MORRISON, S.F. (See GILLIS, E.A.) BRODA, G., MULLER-WILLE, L., POPPEL, B., MULLER-WILLE, L. (See KRUPNIK, I.) SCHWEITZER, P., and SORLIN, S. (InfoNorth) Social MURRAY, A.M. (Book Review) Fish Otoliths from the Sciences and Humanities in the International Polar Year Paleocene (Selandian) of West Greenland, by Werner 2007 —2008: An Integrating Mission. 58(1):91-—97. Schwarzhans. 58(2):218-—219. MYERS, H. (See FURGAL, C.M.) 458 e INDEX NIEBOER, E. (See TSUJI, L.J.S.) SMOL, J.P. (InfoNorth) Tracking Long-Term Environmental NOBLE, B.F., and BRONSON, J.E. Integrating Human Health Changes in Arctic Lakes and Ponds: A Paleolimnological into Environmental Impact Assessment: Case Studies of Perspective. 58(2):227-—229. Canada’s Northern Mining Resource Sector. 58(4):395 —405. SORLIN, S. (See KRUPNIK, I.) NOEL, L.E., JOHNSON, S.R., O7DOHERTY, G.M., and SPLETTSTOESSER, J. (Book Review) Journey to the Ice Age, BUTCHER, M.K. Common Eider (Somateria mollissima v- by Gil Dewart. 58(2):220-221. nigrum) Nest Cover and Depredation on Central Alaskan STEPHENSON, S.A., BURROWS, J.A., and BABALUK, J.A. Beaufort Sea Barrier Islands. 58(2):129-136. Long-Distance Migrations by Inconnu (Stenodus leucichthys) NORTON, D.W. (Book Review) Bent Props and Blow Pots: A in the Mackenzie River System. 58(1):21-—25. Pioneer Remembers Bush Flying, by Rex Terpening. STEWART, E.J., DRAPER, D., and JOHNSTON, M.E. A Re- 58(3):311-313. view of Tourism Research in the Polar Regions. 58(4): 383-394. O’ DOHERTY, G.M. (See NOEL, L.E.) STEWART, R.E. (See INTIHAR, M.R.) OLSON, W.M. (Book Review) Coming to Shore: Northwest STIRLING, I. (See AMSTRUP, S.C.) Coast Ethnology, Traditions and Visions, edited by Marie SUTHERLAND, C. (See TSUHI, L.J.S.) Mauzé, Michael E. Harkin, and Sergei Kan. 58(3):310-311. ———. (Obituary) Frederica de Laguna (1906-2004). 58(1): TAYLOR, M.K., LAAKE, J., MCLOUGHLIN, P.D., BORN, 89-90. E.W., CLUFF, H.D., FERGUSON, S.H., ROSING-ASVID, A., SCHWEINSBURG, R., and MESSIER, F. Demography PANAYI, D. (See SMITH, A.C.) and Viability of a Hunted Population of Polar Bears. PARK, R.W. (Book Review) A Prehistory of the North: Human 58(2):203-—214. Settlement of the Higher Latitudes, by John F. Hoffecker. TEDROW, J.C.F. (Arctic Profile) The Keys Project in Northern 58(4):428-—429. Alaska, 1951-53. 58(4):421-—424. PARLEE. B., MANSEAU, M., and LUTSEL K’E DENE FIRST THOMAS, D., and BARRY, S. Antler Mass of Barren-Ground NATION. Using Traditional Knowledge to Adapt to Eco- Caribou Relative to Body Condition and Pregnancy Rate. logical Change: Denésoliné Monitoring of Caribou Move- 58(3):241-246. ments. 58(1):26-—37. TOBER, S. (Book Review) Northern Exposures: Photographing POPPEL, B. (See KRUPNIK, I.) and Filming the Canadian North, 1920-45, by Peter Geller. POWELL, S. (See FURGAL, C.M.) 58(3):313-314. TSUJI, L.J.S.. WAINMAN, B.C., WEBER, J.-P., SUTHER- ROBERTSON, G.J. (See CHAULK, K.) LAND, C., KATAPATUK, B., and NIEBOER, E. Protecting ROSING-ASVID, A. (See TAYLOR, M.K.) the Health of First Nation Personnel at Contaminated Sites: RYAN, P.C. (See CHAULK, K.) A Case Study of Mid-Canada Radar Line Site 050 in Northern Canada. 58(3):233-—240. SAMELIUS, G. (See HENDRICKSON, C.J.) SCHLEDERMANN, P. (Book Review) Maps, Myths, and Men: VIRGL, J.A. (See SMITH, A.C.) The Story of the Vinland Map, by Kirsten A. Seaver. 58(1): VOS, D.J. (See HOBBS, R.C.) 84-85. SCHWEINSBURG, R. (See TAYLOR, M.K.) WAINMAN, B.C. (See TSUJI, L.J.S.) SCHWEITZER, P. (See KRUPNIK, I.) WEBER, J.-P. (See TSUJI, L.J.S.) SHARRATT, B.S., and KNIGHT, C.W. Dissipation of Bromide WHEELERSBURG, R.P. (Book Review) The Sami People: and Metribuzin Affected by Tillage and Crop Residue Man- Traditions in Transition, by Veli-Pekka Lehtola, translated agement in Subarctic Alaska. 58(3):260—267. by Linna Weber Miiller-Wille. 58(3):314-316. SIMPSON, J.J., HUFFORD, G.L., DALY, C., BERG, J.S., and WHITE, R.G. (See CAMERON, R.D.) FLEMING, M.D. Comparing Maps of Mean Monthly Sur- WOLKEN, G.J., ENGLAND, J.H., and DYKE, A.S. Re-evalu- face Temperature and Precipitation for Alaska and Adjacent ating the Relevance of Vegetation Trimlines in the Canadian Areas of Canada Produced by Two Different Methods. High Arctic as an Indicator of Little Ice Age 58(2):137-161. Paleoenvironments. 58(4):341-—353. SMITH, A.C., VIRGL, J.A., PANAYI, D., and ARMSTRONG, WOO, M. (See BLAKE, W., Jr.) A.R. Effects of a Diamond Mine on Tundra-Breeding Birds. 58(3):295 —304. ZAZULA, G.D. (See GILLIS, E.A.) SMITH, W.T. (See CAMERON, R.D.)

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