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NCLEX-PN Certification Exams NCLEX-PN Certification Exams Lorna Aliperti AnARCOBook ARCOisaregisteredtrademarkofThomsonLearning,Inc.,andisusedhereinunderlicense byThomsonPeterson’s. AboutThomsonPeterson’s ThomsonPeterson’s(www.petersons.com)isaleadingproviderofeducationinformationandadvice,withbooksand onlineresourcesfocusingoneducationsearch,testpreparation,andfinancialaid.ItsWebsiteofferssearchable databasesandinteractivetoolsforcontactingeducationalinstitutions,onlinepracticetestsandinstruction,andplanning toolsforsecuringfinancialaid.ThomsonPeterson’sserves110millioneducationconsumersannually. Formoreinformation,contactThomsonPeterson’s,2000LenoxDrive,Lawrenceville,NJ08648; 800-338-3282;orfindusontheWorldWideWebatwww.petersons.com/about. COPYRIGHT©2003Peterson’s,adivisionofThomsonLearning,Inc. ThomsonLearning™isatrademarkusedhereinunderlicense. Previousedition©2001 Dedication Forhercommitmenttoherstudentsandthenursingprofession,thisbookisdedicated toVeronicaK.Casey,RNC,MA,IBCLC,FormerDirector,LPNProgram, J.M.WrightTechnicalSchool,Stamford,CT. Fortheirhelp,IwishtothankKathyBullock,ChristineAliperti, MelanieAliperti,andMargaretMaher. Ialsowanttothankmyhusband,Alphonse,forhis unfailingloveandsupport. ALLRIGHTSRESERVED.Nopartofthisworkcoveredbythecopyrighthereinmaybereproducedorusedinanyform orbyanymeans—graphic,electronic,ormechanical,includingphotocopying,recording,taping,Webdistribution,or informationstorageandretrievalsystems—withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher. Forpermissiontousematerialfromthistextorproduct,submitarequestonlineatwww.thomsonrights.com Anyadditionalquestionsaboutpermissionscanbesubmittedbye-mailtothomsonrights@thomson.com ISBN0-7689-1411-6 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 07 06 05 SecondEdition Petersons.com/publishing Check out our Web site at www.petersons.com/publishing to see if there is any new information, revisions, or corrections to the content of this book. We’ve made sure the information in this book is accurate and up-to-date; however, content may have changed since the time of publication. Contents How to Use This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 UNIT 1 Basic Nursing Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Nursing Process ................................. 5 Charting........................................ 6 Role of the LPN/LVN............................. 6 Legal Principles of LPN Practice.................... 7 Illegal Behavior.................................. 9 Professional Organizations......................... 9 Risk Management................................ 10 Ethical Principles ................................ 10 Pain Management ................................ 11 Nutrition ....................................... 11 Nutritional Assessment............................ 13 Therapeutic Diets ................................ 14 Infection Control................................. 16 Review Questions ............................... 18 UNIT 2 Nursing Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Vital Signs...................................... 24 Hygiene........................................ 25 Mobility........................................ 25 Feeding the Patient............................... 26 Elimination—Bowel .............................. 27 Elimination—Urinary ............................. 28 Hot and Cold Therapy ............................ 29 Wound Care .................................... 29 Asepsis ........................................ 30 Collecting Specimens ............................. 31 Care of the Dying................................ 31 Review Questions ............................... 33 UNIT 3 Pharmacology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Drug Legislation................................. 37 Drug Names .................................... 38 Drug Actions.................................... 38 Drug Metabolism (Pharmacokinetics) ................ 38 Drug Forms..................................... 39 Nursing Responsibilities in Medication Administration .............................. 40 Drug Interactions................................. 41 Legal Aspects of Drug Administration ............... 41 vii VIII [ CONTENTS Routes of Medication Administration ................ 41 Calculation of Medication Dosages.................. 43 Drugs That Require Specific Nursing Actions or Considerations............................... 44 Review Questions ............................... 45 UNIT 4 Maternal Newborn Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Basic Concepts .................................. 48 Anatomy ....................................... 48 Physiology...................................... 50 Childbearing .................................... 50 Maternal Changes During Pregnancy................. 52 Signs of Pregnancy............................... 54 Antepartum Care................................. 55 Labor and Delivery............................... 59 Postpartum...................................... 65 Newborn ....................................... 70 Review Questions ............................... 74 UNIT 5 Pediatric Nursing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Basic Concepts .................................. 81 Nursing Care of Sick Children...................... 81 Child Development............................... 83 Development of the Toddler........................ 84 Development of the Preschooler (3–6 years)........... 86 School-Age Years (6–12 years)..................... 87 Adolescent Development (12–20 years) .............. 88 Respiratory Disorders............................. 89 Gastrointestinal Disorders.......................... 92 Genitourinary ................................... 94 Endocrine Disorders .............................. 96 Cardiovascular................................... 97 Hematopoietic Disorders........................... 99 Neurological .................................... 101 Musculoskeletal.................................. 102 Cognitive and Sensory Disorders.................... 106 Skin Disorders................................... 106 Growth and Development.......................... 107 Review Questions ............................... 108 UNIT 6 Psychiatric Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Basic Concepts .................................. 114 Personality and Self Concept....................... 116 Anxiety ........................................ 117 Anxiety Disorders................................ 118 Assessment and Treatment......................... 120 www.petersons.com/arco NCLEX-PN Certification Exams CONTENTS [ IX Destructive Coping: Disorders of Abuse and Dependence................................. 122 Affective Disorders............................... 124 Thought Disturbances............................. 124 Pharmacological Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders .... 125 Review Questions ............................... 126 UNIT 7 Neurologic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Basic Concepts .................................. 130 Central Nervous System........................... 130 Peripheral Nervous System......................... 132 Neuron......................................... 133 Neurological Assessment .......................... 133 Disorders of the Neurological System................ 135 Review Questions ............................... 144 UNIT 8 The Sensory System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Basic Concepts .................................. 149 The Eye........................................ 149 Disorders of the Eye.............................. 150 The Ear ........................................ 153 Disorders of the Ear .............................. 154 Review Questions ............................... 156 UNIT 9 The Endocrine System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Basic Concepts .................................. 159 Endocrine Glands ................................ 159 Endocrine Disorders .............................. 160 Pancreas........................................ 164 Review Questions ............................... 167 UNIT 10 Gastrointestinal System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Basic Concepts .................................. 172 Digestive System ................................ 172 Patient Assessment of the GI System ................ 176 Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System.............. 176 Liver .......................................... 185 Gallbladder ..................................... 187 Pancreas........................................ 188 Review Questions ............................... 190 UNIT 11 The Urinary and Renal Systems . . . . . . . 194 Basic Concepts .................................. 194 Anatomy and Physiology .......................... 194 Urinary and Renal Assessment...................... 195 Urinary and Renal Disorders ....................... 197 Review Questions ............................... 201 NCLEX-PN Certification Exams www.petersons.com/arco X [ CONTENTS UNIT 12 Hematologic and Immune Systems . . . . . 204 Basic Concepts .................................. 204 Physiology of the Blood........................... 204 Physiology of the Immune System .................. 206 Disorders of the Hematological System............... 208 Disorders of the Immune System.................... 210 Review Questions ............................... 212 UNIT 13 Oncology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Basic Concepts .................................. 215 Cancer Diagnosis ................................ 216 Cancer Treatment ................................ 217 Nursing Care.................................... 219 Review Questions ............................... 220 UNIT 14 Integumentary System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Basic Concepts .................................. 222 Skin Structure and Function........................ 222 Skin Assessment................................. 223 Disorders of the Integumentary System............... 224 Review Questions ............................... 232 UNIT 15 The Respiratory System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Basic Concepts .................................. 235 Anatomy and Physiology .......................... 235 Diagnostic Tests ................................. 238 Respiratory System Disorders ...................... 239 Review Questions ............................... 244 UNIT 16 Reproductive System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Basic Concepts .................................. 246 Anatomy and Physiology of the Male Reproductive System .................................... 246 Anatomy and Physiology of the Female Reproductive System..................................... 247 Assessment ..................................... 247 Disorders of the Male Reproductive System........... 248 Disorders of the Female Reproductive System......... 251 Other Reproductive Disorders ...................... 256 Review Questions ............................... 259 UNIT 17 The Cardiovascular System . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Basic Concepts .................................. 262 Cardiovascular Anatomy........................... 262 Cardiac Physiology............................... 264 Blood Composition............................... 265 www.petersons.com/arco NCLEX-PN Certification Exams

online resources focusing on education search, test preparation, and financial aid. NCLEX-PN Certification Exams provides you with a review of the content of Dressings of Immune-Compromised Patients or Burn Patients.
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