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Preview Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 2001: Vol 155 Index

ARCHIVES CC UC PEDIATRICS & ADOLESCENT MEDICINE www.archpediatrics.com Index to Volume 155 January through December 2001 Editor Frederick P. Rivara, MD, MPH Seattle, Wash Associate Editors Abraham Bergman, MD Dimitri A. Christakis, MD, MPH Seattle, Wash Alain Joffe, MD, MPH Baltimore, Md Editorial Manager Suzanne Shuey Seattle, Wash Statistical Consultant Peter Cummings, MD, MPH Seattle, Wash Editorial Board Lewis A. Barness, MD, Tampa, Fla David Lewis, MD, Palo Alto, Calif Leona Cuttler, MD, Cleveland, Ohio Howard Markel, MD, PhD, Ann Arbor, Mich Carolyn DiGuiseppi, MD, MPH, Denver, Colo Donna G. Nativio, PhD, RN, Pittsburgh, Pa Claibourne I. Dungy, MD, lowa City, lowa Vaughn I. Rickert, PsyD, New York, NY Laurence Finberg, MD, San Francisco, Calif David Schonfeld, MD, New Haven, Conn Gary L. Freed, MD, MPH, Ann Arbor, Mich Phillip M. Sherman, MD, FRCPC, Toronto, Ontario Enid Gilbert-Barness, MD, Tampa, Fla Gary A. Smith, MD, DrPH, Columbus, Ohio Frances P. Glascoe, EdS, PhD, Nashville, Tenn Walter W. Tunnessen, Jr, MD, Chapel Hill, NC Richard E. Kreipe, MD, Rochester, NY Beverly P. Wood, MD, Los Angeles, Calif Gregory L. Landry, MD, Madison, Wis Andrew M. Yeager, MD, Pittsburgh, Pa Harold P. Lehmann, MD, PhD, Baltimore, Md AUTHOR In this index in alphabetical order are listed names of authors of all articles and letters. Full citation is given under first author only; reference is made from joint authors. Names which begin with a prefix are entered under the prefix. The month is given as a two-letter notation in parentheses. Note: Because of at ypographical error in pagination, the February 2001 issue ends with page 212, while the March 2001 issue begins with page 321. A Barker L see Deuson RR Brizendine E see Orr DP Barksdale EM Jr see Stanford A Brodovicz KG see Deuson RR Abelson HT: Complexities in recognizing and treating iron Barone SR: Differentiation of adenoviral infection and Brodsky NL see Hurt H deficiency anemia, 332 (Mr) Kawasaki disease (letter) 97 (Ja) Brooks A-M, Byrd RS, Weitzman M, Auinger P, McBride Abramson D see Ross G Barthel M see DiScala C JT: Impact of low birth weight on early childhood asthma Adamkiewicz T see BeiterJL Jr Bartlett SJ, Kolodner K, Butz AM, Eggleston P, Malveaux in the United States, 401 (Mr) Adams RJ, Fuhlbrigge A, Finkelstein JA, Lozano P, FJ, Rand CS: Maternal depressive symptoms and emer- Brosco JP: LivingstoJnM , Weiss KB, Weiss ST: Use of inhaled anti- gency department use among inner-city children with Brush With Death: A Social History of Lead Poisoning (Book inflammatory medication in children with asthma in man- asthma, 347 (Mr) Review) 975 (Au) aged care settings, 501 (Ap) Bartlett SJ see Crespo CJ Weight charts and well-child care: how the pediatrician be- Adamson RH: Soft drinks: a safe refreshment (letter) 200 Barton LL: Differentiation of adenoviral infection and Ka- came the expert in child health, 1385 (De) (Fe) wasaki disease (letter) 96 (Ja) Bross DC: Treatment of Child Abuse: Common Ground for Men- Addy CL see Dowda M Basco W see Solomon B tal Health, Medical, and Legal Practitioners (Book Re- Aguel F see Bertocci GE Bates DW see Kaushal R view) 860 (Jy) Agurcia CA, Rickert VI, Berenson AB, Volk RJ, Wiemann Bauchner H see Tien I Brown DR see Patrick K CM: Behavioral risks and life circumstances of adoles- Bawle EV see Kaddu R Brubakk A-M see Burgess GH cent mothers involved with older adult partners, 822 (Jy) Beach RK see Stevens-Simon C Bruckman D see Davis MM AAAAAiililttaanaddamkknisrrncoeeeedmwdrennnne ooet :’ r rf a s MoMt mKolEi,hSi,shde, Wen s tWOa,soihBllhRo npetEsneosrhh Dsoueew e fno sllnfae w(aeatie l dnrCc eptid tp MhDaetos,eJneroMi r cGawDs)ys,dL oFt, d Aoarn aRt,xioine o?Bn1n 3W rwggr9Mlail e0he tl1l avta(1lee(nltol6oDedei:1n et o s tl)nEle S(AereL)Ot sL,o JrcsAJ G)or:4o K:n :1v se 8eAPL a redorldwvw(neieoM asaicrrt gfan)rhaGet itmdLci ,i :n l giayn8 dP 7vefUi7dooSn irc aca(cctocAhhrmyiiuilel:)c-- BBBBBBBeeeeeeelilccecSopltchkdfuikaeh eeenlrreeriri l ttrr ismJS m veOALDaaenHJ fn nCt, fs J sOreesse,ecKedee K m:ete dS Pi aCoiv HInCBhemnunsaunaaoretetegbnetnr zse a a- s mnv,YWMRA eHae,oeDnMKn lu4 o,t f9nBuM 6 igsD s Loc I(faC Mk Alhes pdati)imoc brklolEiel, sa cscS eelrClir Rna p, at ihGAne: d eaaSmnmudekb ricgpeuerwteniadcnciycez to oudreTss-, BBBBBBuurrrrcryuVc(uuhasnhAagmicoonpn mmskne)hoa r uKoc nFnrSGi ia dSslc ss e esEkeeTee,e p e r LSYSRsoPoJoteeb:suberi lt auaje uIlunPmsdG-gaesseDCrhv nea etbnRmilNtySf deJ i pc Nar SKteA iv,oen n tViaevnred h uclmhsialtnd aghFeeCam,le tnhV te crarloeof, o vp4se6y-2- Allan MJ see Klein JD fat necrosis of the newborn, 1381 (De) Burgess GH, Oh W, Brann BS IV, Brubakk A-M, Allison DB: Hold the cola alarm (letter) 201 (Fe) Belongia EA see Martin DL Stonestreet BS: Effects of phenobarbital on cerebral AAAlmmpaeeertsrao tg eS DHC,cR o Gsneassere euc miPpaaWt-totCioeoolnnnf t rCeAaAr n ads boF,n eP anfriaacgtuuar esR : (Claetrtbeor)n at2e00d (bFeev)- BBBeeelnncoesutnocetnk AtPDo1, b saGescieec deo d DiMaunivsgines kr soS vSRi,iLn t zBa i npnesdCS i aHtJr:i c Idpernatcitfiiccea, tio3n2 (oJfa ) adoles- Butebplflrefoeruo msdaiC otCnu,f:r leova wa nsn yevsodetnelearomt caeiVtstoi,yoc r ta7 rf2te3Jev Hri: e( JweSe,tn) e dr6oo4ti1rd as c(Jhfeeo)ra lo titsius ctmieodniian gw itihn Amir J set Nussinovitch M; Sela R Berenson AB see Agurcia CA Butz AM, Pulsifer M, Marano N, Belcher H, Lears MK, Anagnostakis D, Mandyla H, Damianos D: Cerebrospinal Berenson AB, Wiemann CM, McCombs S: Exposure to vio- Royall R: Effectiveness of a home intervention for per- fluid protein concentration in full-term neonates (let- lence and associated health-risk behaviors among ado- ceived child behavioral problems and parenting stress in ter) 618 (My) lescent girls, 1238 (No) children with in utero drug exposure, 1029 (Se) Anand KS, International Evidence-Based Group for Berger LR, Kuklinski DM: When smoke alarms are a nui- Butz AM see Bartlett SJ Neonatal Pain: Consensus statement for the prevention sance: a call to action, 875 (Au) Byrd RS see Brooks A-M and management of pain in the newborn, 173 (Fe) Bergman AB: Byrne WW: Melding fields of care (letter) 739 (Je) Anand KS see Narsinghani U Curtailing youth smoking. 546 (My) Ancheta R see Shrier LA Why is sun protection in children virtually ignored? 874 € Ancona K see Nitu M (Au) Andersen RE see Crespo CJ Cabana MD, Rand CS, Becher OJ, Rubin HR: Reasons for Anderson V see Jameel A Bergman AB see Rivara FP pediatrician nonadherence to asthma guidelines, 1057 (Se) AndrewsJS see Gielen AC BBeerrtmoaccni SG: EM, elPdiienrgce fiMeCld,s oDfe ceamree r (leEt,t eAr)g ue7l4 0 F(:J e) Computer Cabana MD see Clark SJ; Davis MM Ankfoorlaat ioPn,, M5a2n1w a(nAip ) S: Spontaneous neonatal gastric per- sabiumsuel,a ti1o0n0 8 of( Sset)a ir falls to investigate scenarios in child CCaalkfiars MK Js esee e RePiastlrii cIk K AAAAAAAAtztvstuutaeehkigad(irn r inruaMi hepng srPanrose,)tMM ,ef or yJ dKWfn Mni e 6, c lsP8 tFes lS7iMeesMeA Zv ee r ae e(Smso JssieHuaeeeemeB)etene g;or i i edosZmlPSceAo u iocLlkncrhT:D seMr,ak l Me ffelRcKf oiArtelre -i mderJoMsi aun tncn,S ri JeJn pDgB1t, 1o 7cgM9oue cnic (eaJcrlea )r FrpAyh:ia nrgyP negbrifyto yirosmua tnichne, ch3i3lo0-f BBBBBBBBBeiillileissxaanars(jtclccnnthM uaekksdrorlrd aDp)d gnS iS HCLmEd :sLJeP Oes REnee Js, e tPse s Rs?ieeFee erN Deoes ao a reB(cwvCedlKeBe ii leeotnstcelMsaCtu lkmaetmAciirerRi nk ) tnLni ti tshMn1ksICeJ 1y r ,7 a D6DpI$P Ay a (rOkfcoe)rr DoPwHn: Msesyenndtreormiec: cay srtu,s h+ 1t3o CCCCCCCCaaaaaaaarrrlrsnmd(lttritealpereeeseenyedbrrtsckrn ie t eea- eal,E nPPrB nRl)i Ho J:n h,ks Ue 9serNA aRfee6aelSeB oe sstoz o emh (SendeoF,Jstt -aOa revaoit)ee Ren na a eegs snlidKcu Fds t e,fol hP fixNeL ni L FeuHcel“Itti RonP rweEirsino cetittrsin,u okg rn G e l sSsooe,tfwe a -tBtuiohLsenge, lce Me oo5 mSn0eKMt8 , h ”(f WAampefi)brl oeimer s :t hJe:p rcCeohvviael-r- B Bogteifni edD La,s aKnreamuisce bJyP ,r oSuetriwnien ts crJeRe:n iOnug tcionm ean oifn ncehri-lcdirteyn cliidneinc-, Cawpkerwteolnlic GmDu,s cuLlaacrs ond ysAtGr,o phKyr,i s8e5m3a n( JyT): Progressive hy- Babl FE, Cooper ER, Kastner B, Kharasch S: Prophylaxis 366 (Mr) Certain LK see Farrell MH against possible human immunodeficiency virus expo- Bogle M see Casey PH Chambliss CR see BeiterJ L Jr; Petrillo TM sure after nonoccupational needlestick injuries or sexual Bohlke K see Davis RL Chan-Yeung M, Dimich-Ward H, Ferguson A, Manfreda assaults in children and adolescents, 680 (Je) Bond S see Ivascu NS J, Watson W, Becker A: Asthma, breastfeeding, and hy- Bachur R, Harper MB: Reliability of the urinalysis for pre- Boner AL see de Benedictis FM poallergenic formula (letter) 204 (Fe) dicting urinary tract infections in young febrile chil- Borowitz SM, Saulsbury FT, Wilson WG: Does informa- Chandra S see Guo Z dren, 60 (ja) tion collected during the residency match process pre- Chen R see Davis RL Bailey B see Gauvin F dict clinical performance? (letter) 421 (Mr) Chernoff R see lreys HT Bailey L see King JL Borzekowski DLG, Rickert VI: Adolescent cybersurfing for Chesney RW: Impact of medical school loans and the prom- Baker C: Necessity lor statistical precision (letter) 619 (My) health information: a new resource that crosses barriers, ise of loan repayment on entry into a pediatric academic Baker PC, Nelson DS, Schunk JE: Addition of ceftriaxone 813 Jy) career, 1296 (De) to oral therapy does not improve outcome in febrile chil- Boye ME see Langkamp DI Child Health Accountability Initiative see Kini NM dren with urinary tract infections, 135 (Fe) Boyett T see Johnson K Chintagumpala MM see Porea TJ Balestracci KMB see Horwitz SM Boykan R see McFee RB Chiou VM see Shrier LA Ballew C, Kuester S, Gillespie C: Boyle R see Jospe N Cho S, Moore SP, Fangman T: One hundred three con- Beverage choices affect adequacy of children’s nutrient in- Bradford BJ: Pediatric counseling of parents who smoke (let- secutive patients with anorectal malformations and their takes, 154:1148 (No); correction, 155:620 (My) ter) 857 Gy) associated anomalies, 387 (My) Necessity for statistical precision (letter) 620 (My) Brandenburg N see Stang P Christakis DA: Banjerjee AK see Vasishta RK Brann BS IV see Burgess GH Parental smoking cessation counseling, 15 (Ja) Bank DE see Yen KL Bratton SL see Alander SW; Gauvin F Systematic reviews: a critical first step, 636 (Je) Barker KN see Kaushal R Brenner RE see Dame ( Christakis DA see Juul-Dam N; Rivara FP ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/VOL 155, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 1394 Clark SJ, Cabana MD, Malik T, Yusuf H, Freed GL: Hepa- Deuson RR, Brodovicz KG, Barker L, Zhou F, Euler GL: Freed GL see Clark SJ; Davis MM titis B vaccination practices in hospital newborn nurser- Economic analysis of a child vaccination project among Freed LH, Webster DW, Longwell JJ, Carrese J, Wilson ies before and after changes in vaccination recommen- Asian Americans in Philadelphia, Pa, 909 (Au) MEH: Factors preventing gun acquisition and carrying dations, 915 (Au) DeVet KA see Ireys HT among incarcerated adolescent males, 335 (Mr) Clark SJ see Davis MM DeWitt T: Can we train a lifelong learner? 637 (Je) Freedman SB, Marrocco A, Pirie J, Dick PT: Predictors of Claudio L see Flores G Dick PT see Freedman SB bacterial meningitis in the era after Haemophilus influen- Clements DA, Zaref jl, Bland CL, Walter EB, Coplan PM: DiClemente RJ see Smith K zae 1 (De) Partial uptake of varicella vaccine and the epidemiologi- DiFranza JR: State and federal compliance with the Synar Frieden IJ see Sharma V cal effect on varicella disease in 11 day-care centers in Amendment: federal fiscal year 1998, 572 (My) Frisbee SJ see Kini NM North Carolina, 455 (Ap) DiGiulio GA see Luria JW Frohna JG: Evidence-Based Pediatrics (Book Review) 1279 Cogen MS see Haleman TL DiMauro S see Shanske AL (No) Cohen BA see Goyal S$ Dimich-Ward H see Chan-Yeung M Frohna JG, Park SM, Gopal S: Diagnosing bacterial men- Cohen HA see Sarrell EM DiScala C, Barthel M, Sege RD: Outcomes from television ingitis after the Haemophilus influenzae vaccine: still a Coleman C see Nitu M sets toppling onto toddlers, 145 (Fe) challenge, 1307 (De) Colin M see Strauss RS DiScala C see Moskowitz H Frongillo EA Jr see Alaimo K Collaborative Home Infant Monitoring Evaluation Study Dombkowski KJ see Davis MM Group see Hunt CE Donnelly BW: Fuentes-Afflick E see Flores G; Pérez-Stable EJ Conover-Walker MK see Nowak-Wegrzyn A Asthma, breastfeeding, and hypoallergenic formula (let- Fuhlbrigge A see Adams RJ Constantine N see Peralta L ter) 203 (Fe) Cooper ER see Babl FE Tolerauon for the Boy Scouts (letter) 1391 (De) G Cooper WO, Hickson GB: Corticosteroid prescription fill- Dorenbaum A see Wolf LE ing for children covered by medicaid following an emer- Dorfman DH, Kastner B, Vinci RJ: Dental concerns unre- Gaichas AM see Reid SR gency department visit or a hospitalization for asthma, lated to trauma in the pediatric emergency department Galliani CA see Haleman TL 1111 (Oc) barriers to care, 699 (Je) GarbarinoJ : Violent children: where do we point the fin- Coplan PM see Clements DA Dorfman DH see Tien | ger of blame? 13 (Ja) Corneli HM see Skokan EG Dosa NP see D'Alessandro DM Garcia-Contreras F see Amato D Couch SC see Kaistha A Dowd MD see Alander SW; Omran HA Garg A see Woolf A Coyne-Beasley T, Schoenbach VJ, Johnson RM: “Love Dowda M, Ainsworth BE, Addy CL, Saunders R, Riner ‘W: Gauvin F, Bailey B, Bratton SL: Hospitalizations for our kids, lock your guns” a community-based firearm Environmental influences, physical activity, and weignt pediatric intoxication in Washington state, 1987-1997 safety counseling and gun lock distribution program, status in 8- to 16-year-olds, 711 (Je) 1105 (Oc) 659 Je) Duggan A see Ladinsky M Gauvin TR see Patten CA Craven C see Prosen T Duggan AK see Pusic MV Geaghan S: Primary bone lymphoma: diffuse large B-cell type. Crespo CJ, Smit E, Troiano RP, Bartlett SJ, Macera CA, Daker G, Lentze MJ, Zielen S: Endogenous endophthal- 409 (Mr) Andersen RE: Television watching, energy intake, and obe- mitis, 1169 (Oc) Geukens J see Dame C sity in US children: results from the Third National Health DumlerJ S see Whiteford SF Ghalib K see Peralta L and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994, 360 (Mr) Durham JK see Hunt CE Giannetta J see Hurt H Croghan GA see Hurt RD Gibson M see Stanton BF Croghan IT see Hurt RD CroomJ : Piracetam study: poorly designed and misinter- Gidding SS see Benuck I preted (letter) 1176 (Oc) Ebbert JO see Patten CA Gielen AC, Wilson MEH, McDonald EM, Serwint JR, Crossett LS see Wang LY Edwards CC see Seid M Andrews JS, Hwang W-T, Wang M-C: Randomized CrossonJE see Fox RE Eggleston P see Bartlett SJ trial of enhanced anticipatory guidance for injury pre- Crosswell HE, Stewart DL: Pulmonary interstitial emphy- Eichmann D, Engler S, Oldigs H-D, Schroeder H, Partsch vention, 42 (Ja) sema in a nonventilated preterm infant, 615 (My) CJ: Congenital esophageal duplication cyst as ar are cause Gieron-Korthals M: Cummings P see Rivara FP of neonatal progressive stridor, 1067 (Se) Cerebral Palsies: Epidemiology and Causal Pathways (Book Cunningham G: Is public health ready for genetics? an Eichmann D see Riepe FG Review) 622 (My) unanswered question (letter) 1175 (Oc) Elfenbein DS, Emmanuel PJ: Aneurysmal dilation of cere- Localization of Brain Lesions and Developmental Functions Curtis Js ee Ozuah PO bral arteries associated with HIV infection, 849 (Jy) Mariani Foundation Pediatric Neurology Series: vol 9 (Book Elliott MN see Mangione-Smith R Review) 742 (Ve) D EllnerJ see Girard JM Gilbert-Barness E: Preventive Management of Children With Emans Sj see Shrier LA Congenital Anomalies and Syndromes (Book Review) 424 Dahshan A, Poulick J, Tolia V: Pernicious anemia and Emmanuel PJ see Elfenbein DS (Mr) gastric atrophy in an adolescent female with multior- Enaharo M see Siegel DM Gildengorin V see Pérez-Stable EJ gan problems, 609 (My) Engler S see Eichmann D Gillespie C see Ballew C D'Alessandro DM, Dosa NP: Empowering children and fami- Engmann C, Kakish M, Truding RM: Pill esophagitis, 729 Girard JM, Kwan-Gett T, Levy M, EllnerJ : Boy Scouts of lies with information technology, 1131 (Oc) Je) America policy on homosexuality (letter) +17 (Mr) D'Alessandro DM, Kingsley P, Johnson-West J: Readabil- Erickson SJ, Robinson TN, Haydel KF, Killen JD: Weight Glascoe FP: Are overreferrals on developmental screening ity of pediatric patient education materials on the World and happiness (letter) 525 (Ap) tests really a problem? 54 (Ja) Wide Web, 807 (Jy) Erickson SJ see Romero AJ Goggin N, Macarthur C, Parkin PC: Randomized trial of Dame C, Hausser 1, Geukens J, Brenner RE: Ehlers- Eriksen E see Davis RL the addition of ipratropium bromide to albuterol and cor- Danlos syndrome—classical type, 1275 (No) Euler GL see Deuson RR ticosteroid therapy in children hospitalized because of an Dami D see Anag kis D acute asthma exacerbation, 1329 (De) Danilenko DR see Ramsey PS Golub H see Hunt CE Davis MM, Bruckman D, Cabana MD, Clark SJ, Gomez C see Sheth SN CDoonmsbtkruocwtsikvei usKeJ , oKf ermapcee ra ndA R,e thRniucsihtty onv arJiLa,b lFers ee(dl etGteLr:) FFaarnreglml anMH ,T Cseere taCihno LKS, Farrell PM: Genetic counseling and Gonzalez-del-Rey JA see Luria JW 973 (Au) risk communication services of newborn screening pro- Goodman E see Shrier LA Davis RL, Kramarz P, Bohlke K, Benson P, Thompson RS, grams, 120 (Fe) Gopal S see Frohna JG MulloolyJ ,B lack S, Shinefield H, Lewis E, Ward J, Marcy Farrell MH, Farrell PM: Is public health ready for genet- Gottlieb RP see Jospe N SM, Eriksen E, Destefano F, Chen R, Vaccine Safety ics? an unanswered question (letter) 1175 (Oc) Goyal S, Cohen BA: Lichen striatus, 197 (Fe) Datalink Team: Measles-mumps-rubella and other Farrell PM: Metabolic Diseases: Foundations of Clinical Green M see Mclntire SC measles-containing vaccines do not increase the risk for Management, Genetics and Pathology (Book Review) Green RJ see de Benedictis FM inflammatory bowel disease: a case-control study from the 621 (My) Greenbaum E see Nussinovitch M vaccine safety datalink project, 354 (Mr) Farrell PM see Farrell MH Greenbaum R see Lobaugh NJ Davis RL see McPhillips HA Ferguson A see Chan-Yeung M Greenberg L: Award Winning Clinical Teachers Teach Davy L see Johnson K Feudtner C: Child advocacy and robust community- Literature-Based Ambulatory Teaching Methods (Book Dawson A see Isbister G centered research, 438 (Ap) Review) 98 (Ja) de WroiBiledlsni eaodmni sc gtriLo,sw tMhe:Fd Mlr,ee ysu TlteHs:p eoErf f af eArc,tas n dGoorfme ie2z nei dn hRacJlo,en dt rBooclonlreetridc otsrAtiLeal,-, FFFilinenikbseehlresgrt eiLGn Rs e JesA e eRs ievGea rreAae dnaFemPs s DSR;J Wang V GGrreepeeonrnaeblse ragrDt Se,Rr y Fsleteeh iesFrhlemoror meGse Rt:eG r Acfcourr aucsey ino f ian fnaontnsi,n va3s7i6 ve( Mrt)e m 1248 (No) Flick L, Vemulapalli C, Stulac BB, Kemp JS: Influence of Grewal SS: World Health Organization oral rehydration de Tornyay R: Melding fields of care (letter) 741 Je) grandmothers and other senior caregivers on sleep posi- solution in pediatric practice: a comment on the meth- DeAcfinonrge e plaaipnsedr sC,tD h,e1 1iR6n ods(iFeveni)db uearlg pRaNt,i enStm—itbhy teJ M:t oG ebendosmiidec: mae dcial-l FlotLri,eo snL auGms,be edF rutbeyyn tAeGfs,r- iAcLfaanfr lai AcmMke, r iEPc,a acCnha treitrnef ran-Lt,Ps o,Rk ar1am2so3 s1 O,(G NooCm)l eazud ioF, Griofdfiotlho gJyL (sleeet teMro) sk1o3w91i tz( DeH) Deckelbaum RJ see Kaistha A Mendoza F, Valdez RB, Zamb RE, Greenberg R, Grossman DC: Deeds BG see Peralta L Weitzman M: Why ethnicity and race are so important American Indian Health: Innovations in Health Care, Promo- Deemer E see Bertocci GE in child health services research today (letter) 1178 tion, and Policy (Book Review) 1180 (Oc) Deitch A see Heim M (Oc) Computer simulation: a powerful tool for injury control, 992 Del Mar C see Pirozzo S Ford CA, Best D, Miller WC: Confidentiality and adoles- (Se) DeLago CW, Spector ND, Moughan B, Moran MM, cents’ willingness to consent to sexually transmitted dis- Grosten R see Lueder GT Kersten H, Smals L: Collaboration with school nurses: ease testing (letter) 1072 (Se) Guendelman S, Pearl M: Access to care for children of the improving the effectiveness of tuberculosis screening, 1369 Forscher CA: Clinical Challenges of Paediatric Oncology (Book working poor, 651 (Je) (De) Review) 98 (Ja) Guess SJ see Hunt CE DeLeon MA, Johnson A: Blastomyces dermatitidis, 91 (Ja) Fortenberry JD see Orr DP; Petrillo TM Guevara JP, Young JCC, Mueller BA: Do protective fac- Dell S, To T: Breastfeeding and asthma in young children: Fox RE, Crosson JE, Campbell AB: Total anomalous pul- tors reduce the risk of hospitalization in infants of findings from a population-based study, 1261 (No) monary venous return, 193 (Fe) teenaged mothers? 66 (Ja) Dent CW see Wang LY France EK: Counseling parents to quit smoking: little evi- Guo Z, Chandra S: Pulmonary microvascular platelet throm- Derleth DP see Ramsey PS dence of long-term success (letter) 858 Jy) bosis, 737 (Je) Destefano F see Davis RL Franz CE see Mangione-Smith R Guyer B see Minkovitz CS ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/VOL 155, DEC 2001 WWW.ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 1395 Johnson RM see Coyne-Beasley T Kuklinski DM see Berger LR Johnson-West J see D'Alessandro DM Kulaylat NA, Narchi H, Tunnessen WW Jr: Amyoplasia con- Hack M see Taylor HG Johnston K see Orr DP gentia, 407 (Mr) Haleman TL, Cogen MS, Galliani CA: Balloon cell nevus Josephson GD see Sheth SN Kupperman N see Wang V of the conjunctiva, 93 (Ja) Jospe N, Kaplowitz PB, McCurdy FA, Gottlieb RP, Harris Kwan-Gett T see GirardJ M Halfon N see Regalado M MA, Boyle R: Third-year medical student survey of of- Hampers LC see McNulty JE fice preceptorships during the pediatric clerkship, 592 L Hamvas A see Zafar N (My) Hannon PR, Willis SK, Scrimshaw SC: Persistence of ma- Jovtis E see Powell EC Lacson AG see Cawkwell GD ternal concerns surrounding neonatal jaundice: an ex- Juarez-Reyes M see Pérez-Stable EJ Lacson AG, Washington K, Tuite G, Nuttall R: Intracra- ploratory study, 1357 (De) Junkins EP Jr see Skokan EG nial plasma cell granuloma, 851 (Jy) Harman JS, Kelleher KJ: Pediatric length of stay guidelines Juul-Dam N, Brunner S, Katzenellenbogen R, Silverstein Ladinsky M: World Health Organization oral rehydration and routine practice: the case of Milliman and Robert- M, Christakis DA: Does problem-based learning im- solution in pediatric practice: a comment on the meth- son, 885 (Au) prove residents’ self-directed learning? 673 (Je) odology (letter) 1391 (De) Harper MB see Bachur R Ladinsky M, Duggan A, Santosham M, Wilson M: World Harrington K see Smith K K Health Organization oral rehydration solution in US pe- Harris MA see Jospe N diatric practice: a randomized trial to evaluate parent sat- Harrison D: Is research on newborn circumcision ethical? Kaddu R, Bawle EV, Tolia V, Tunnessen WW Jr: Bannayan- isfaction, 154:700 Jy); correction, 155:1310 (De) (letter) 618 (My) Ruvalcaba-Riley syndrome, 87 (Ja) Lahr MB: Universal newborn hearing screening (letter) 421 Harvey B: Melding fields of care (letter) 740 (VJe) Kaistha A, Deckelbaum RJ, Stare TJ, Couch SC: Over- (Mr) Haslam RH see Lobaugh NJ restriction of dietary fat intake before formal nutritional Lam-Kruglick P see Klonoff-Cohen H Hausman C see Schindler AM counseliag in children with hyperlipidemia, 1225 (No) Lamberty G see Flores G Hausser I see Dame C Kakish KS: Serum magnesium levels in asthmatic children Landau D see Torchinsky MY Haut PR see Stein SL during and between exacerbations, 181 (Fe) Landt M see Wong M Haydel KF see Erickson SJ; Robinson TN; Romero AJ Kakish M see Engmann C Lane PA, Nyquist A-C, O'Meara OP, Quinones RR, Thilo Healthy Steps Evaluation Team see Minkovitz CS Kakkar N see Vasishta RK EH: Does information collected during the residency match Hegyi T see Siciarz A Kakkar N, Vasishta RK, Marwaha N, Marwaha RK: Shwach- process predict clinical performance? (letter) 420 (Mr) Heim M, Deitch A, Marchvic C, Azaria M: Synovial chon- man-Diamond syndrome: a syndrome of pancreatic in Langkamp DL, Hoshaw-Woodard S, Boye ME, dromatosis, 1069 (Se) sufficiency and bone marrow dysfunction, 611 (My) Lemeshow S: Delays in receipt of immunizations in Herman-Giddens ME, Wang L, Koch G: Secondary sexual Kang M see Ryan S low-birth-weight children: a nationally representative characteristics in boys: estimates from the National Health Kaplan CP see Pérez-Stable EJ sample, 167 (Fe) and Nutrition Examination Survey III, 1988-1994, 1022 Kaplan KM: Weight and happiness (letter) 525 (Ap) Lantos J, Mukherjee D: Witches, pubertal development, and (Se) Kaplowitz PB see Jospe N “minimal risk” 1195 (No) Hiatt M see Siciarz A Kapuniai LE see Hunt CE Lara M see Flores G Hickson GB see Cooper WO Karaskov V see Lobaugh NJ Lasner H see McFee RB Higman SM see Minkovitz CS Kastner 5 see Babl FE; Dorfman DH; Tien I Laude TA see Sharma V Hill LM see Prosen T Katz B see Orr DP Lawrence RA: Breastfeeding support benefits very low- Hoerlein M see Solomon B Katzenellenbogen R see Juul-Dam N birth-weight infants, 543 (My) Hoffman RP see McCarthy AM Kauffman RE see Lowry JA Laws MB: Race and ethnicity in biomedical and health ser- Hogge WA see Prosen T Kaushal R, Barker KN, Bates DW: How can information vices research (letter) 972 (Au) Holtzman NA: Is public health ready for genetics? 117 (Fe) technology improve patient safety and reduce medica- Leah CE see Seid M Hook EW III see Smith K tion errors in children’s health care? 1002 (Se) Lears MK see Butz AM Hopkin RJ see King JL Kearns GL see Alander SW Lee H-C see Lee Y-] Horwitz SM, Balestracci KMB, Simms MD: Foster care place- Kelleher KJ see Harman JS Lee PA see Reiter EO ment improves children’s functioning, 1255 (No) Kellerman AL see Ash P Lee SK, Normand C, McMillan D, Ohlsson A, Vincer M, Hoshaw-Woodard S see Langkamp DL Kemp JS see Flick L Lyons C, Canadian Neonatal Network: Evidence for Howard R see Sharma V Kemper AR: Universal newborn hearing screening (letter) changing guidelines for routine screening for retinopa- Hsu K, Moore T: Tuberculous pleural effusion, 1173 (Oc) 422 (Mr) thy of prematurity, 387 (Mr) Huang C-Y see Lee Y-] Kemper AR see Davis MM Lee Y-J, Liu H-C, Lee H-C, Tzen C-Y, Huang C-Y, Yang T-L: Hughart N see Minkovitz CS Kemper Kj, Wornham WL: Consultations for holistic pe- Multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B syndrome, 845 Jy) Humiston SG see Schaffer SJ diatric services for Inpatients and outpatient oncology pa- Leger M-M see Nambiar S Hunt CE, Durham JK, Guess SJ, Kapuniai LE, Golub H, tients at a children’s hospital, 449 (Ap) Lehmann HP: Evidence-based medicine journal club: what's Collaborative Home Infant Monitoring Evaluation Study Kersten H see DeLago CW it all about and what's in it for me? 639 (Je) Group: Telephone subsidy: an effective incentive for suc- Kett! PA see Kostinsky S Lehmann HP see Solomon B cessful participation in home memory monitor study, 954 Kharasch S see Babl FE Lehoullier PF see RoseJ (Au) Kieffer P see Zafar N Lemeshow S see Langkamp DL Hurt H, Malmud E, Brodsky NL, Giannetta J: Exposure to Killen JD see Erickson SJ; Romero AJ Lensing S see Casey PH violence: psychological and academic correlates in child Kilpatrick SJ see Wolf LE Lentze MJ see Duker G witnesses, 1351 (De) Kim Y see lreys HT Lesko S see Woolf A Hurt RD, Croghan GA, Croghan IT, Patten CA, Beede SD, King JL, Naber JM, Hopkin RJ, Repaske DR, Bailey L, Leslie ND see King JL Wolter TD: Promoting adolescent smoking cessation is Leslie ND: Antenatal corticosteroids and newborn Levine LJ see Klein JD worth the effort (letter) 420 (Mr) screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 1038 (Se) Levy M see Girard JM Hurt RD see Patten CA Kingsley B see Mannino DM Lewis E see Davis RL Huston SJ: After the foster children, 881 (Au) Kingsley P see D'Alessandro DM Linderkamp O see Sergi C Hutcheon RG see Jalou H Kini NM, Robbins JM, Kirschbaum MS, Frisbee SJ, Linton LS see Seid M Hwang W-T see Gielen AC Kotagal UR, Child Health Accountability Initiative: Lipper EG see Ross G Inpatient care for uncomplicated bronchiolitis: com- Liu H-C see Lee Y-J parison with Milliman and Robertson guidelines, 1323 Livingston JM see Adams RJ Inkelis S see Wang V (De) Lo B see Wolf LE International Evidence-Based Group for Neonatal Pain see Kirschbaum MS see Kini NM Lobaugh NJ, Karaskov V, Rombough V, Rovet J, Bryson Anand KS Klein JD, Levine LJ, Allan MJ: Delivery of smoking pre- S, Greenbaum R, Haslam RH, Koren G: Piracetam therapy Iranpour B see Rose J vention and cessation services to adolescents, 597 (My) does not enhance cognitive functioning in children with lreys HT, Chernoff R, DeVet KA, Kim Y: Maternal out- Klein JD see Attia MW Down syndrome, 442 (Ap) comes of a randomized controlled trial of a community- Klein N see Taylor HG Lobaugh NJ, Koren G, Rovet J, Haslam RH: Piracetam study based support program for families of children with Klerman LV see Stevens-Simon € poorly designed and misinterpreted (letter) 1177 (Oc) chronic illnesses, 771 (Jy) Klonoff-Cohen H, Lam-Kruglick P: Maternal and paternal Long B see Prochaska JJ Isbister G, Whyte I, Dawson A: Pediatric acetaminophen recreational drug use and sudden infant death syn- Longwell JJ see Freed LH poisoning (letter) 417 (Mr) drome, 765 Vy) Loveless V see RoseJ Ivascu NS, Sarnaik S$, McCrae J, Whitten-Shurney W, Knapp JF see Omran HA Lowry JA, Jarrett RV, Wasserman G, Pettett G, Kauffman Thomas R, Bond S: Characterization of pica prevalence Koch G see Herman-Giddens ME RE: Theophylline toxicokinetics in premature new- among patients with sickle cell disease, 1243 (No) Kolodner K see Bartlett SJ borns, 934 (Au) Koren G see Lobaugh NJ; Taddio A Lowry R see Wang LY Kostinsky $, Bixler EO, Kettl PA: Threats of school vio- Lozano P see Adams RJ lence in Pennsylvania after media coverage of the Col- Lueder GT, Grosten R, Smith M: Retinoblastoma present- Jacobs RF see Narsinghani L umbine high school massacre: examining the role of ing as pseudoiritis and secondary glaucoma, 319 (Ap) Jalou H, Hutcheon RG, Sanz A: Tuberous sclerosis, 89 (Ja) imitation, 994 (Se) Luria JW, Gonzalez-del-Rey JA, DiGiulio GA, McAneney Jameel A, Wadowski S$, Orentlicher R, Anderson V: Tho- Kotagal UR see Kini NM CM, Olson JJ, Ruddy RM: Effectiveness of oral or nebu- racic actinomyces, 1171 (Oc) Kozyrskyj AL, Mustard CA, Simons FER: Socioeconomic lized dexamethasone for children with mild croup, 1340 Jansson E: Aluminum factor (letter) 202 (Fe) status, drug insurance benefits, and new prescriptions for (De) Jarrett RV see Lowry JA inhaled corticosteroids in schoolchildren with asthma, Lyden MR see Shrier LA Joffe A: Improving human immunodeficiency virus testing 1219 (No) Lydston DD see Patrick K for adolescents, 761 (Jy) Kraemer HC see Romero AJ Lynch MJ see Stretesky PB Joffe A see Rivara FP Kramarz P see Davis RL Lyons C see Lee SK Johnson A see DeLeon MA Krause JP see Bogen DL Johnson K, Davy L, Boyett T, Weathers L, Roetzheim RG: Kravitz RL see Mangione-Smith R M Sun protection practices for children: knowledge, atti- Kriseman T see Cawkwell GD tudes, and parent behaviors, 891 (Au) Krug SE see McNulty JE Macarthur C see Goggin N Johnson KB: Barriers that impede the adoption of pediatric Kuester S see Ballew C Macera CA see Crespo CJ information technology, 1374 (De) Kuhithau KA, Perrin JM: Child health status and parental Madlon-Kay DJ: Home health nurse clinical assessment of Johnson KB see Pusic MV employment, 1346 (De) neonatal jaundice: comparison of 3 methods, 583 (My) ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/VOL 155, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 1396 Malik T see Clark SJ Moore H-L: Race not always useful in final analysis (letter) Parente K, Mercado-Deane M-G, Brummund T: Inca bone, Malley R see Wang V 973 (Au) 731 Ve) Malmud E see Hurt H Moore SP see Cho S Park MK, Menard SW, Yuan C: Comparison of ausculta- Malveaux F] see Bartlett SJ Moore T see Hsu K tory and oscillometric blood pressures, 50 (Ja) Mancini AJ see Stein SL Moorman JE see Mannino DM Park SM see Frohna JG Mandelberg A see Sarrell EM Moran MM see DeLago CW Parker PH see Bishop PR Mandyla H see Anagnostakis D Moskowitz H, GriffithJL ,D iScala C, Sege RD: Serious in- Parker S see Zuckerman B ManfredaJ see Chan-Yeung M juries and deaths of adolescent girls resulting from inter- Parkin PC see Goggin N Mangione-Smith R, McGlynn EA, Elliott MN, McDonald personal violence: characteristics and trends from the Partsch C-J see Eichmann D L, Franz CE, Kravitz RL: Parent expectations for antibi- United States, 1989-1998, 903 (Au) Patrick K, Sallis JF, ProchaskJaJ ,L ydston DD, Calfas KJ, otics, physician-parent communication, and satisfac- Moughan B see DeLago CW Zabinski MF, Wilfley DE, Saelens BE, Brown DR: Mul- tion, 800 (Jy) Moyer RP: Sexual orientation is not the issue (letter) 1390 ticomponent program for nutrition and physical activity Mannino DM, MoormaJnE , Kingsley B, Rose D, RepaceJ : (De) change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents, 940 (Au) Health effects related to environmental tobacco smoke ex- Mueller BA see Guevara JP Patrizi A see Ricci G posure in children in the United States: data from the third Mukherjee D see LantosJ Patten CA, Ames SC, Ebbert JO, Wolter TD, Hurt RD, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 36 Mulberg AE see Sentongo TA Gauvin TR: Tobacco use outcomes of adolescents treated Qa) Mullooly J see Davis RL clinically for nicotine dependence, 831 (Jy) Manwani S see Ankola P Murray JC: Unending string, 1193 (No) Patten CA see Hurt RD Marano N see Butz .M Mustard CA see Kozyrskyj AL Pavan MH: Marchvic C see Heim M Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Parents’ Guide (Book Re- Marcuse EK see McPhillips HA N view) 528 (Ap) Marcy SM see Davis RL Gross Motor Skills in Children With Down Syndrome: A Guide Margolin JF see Porea TJ Naber JM see KingI L for Parents and Professionals (Book Review) 206 (Fe) Markowitch W see RoseJ Nair P see Schuler ME Pearl M see Guendelman S Marrocco A see Freedman SB Nakagawa TA, Skrinska R: Improved documentation of reti- Peddecord KM see Seid M Martin DL, Bertrand JR, McKegney CP, Thompson LR, nal hemorrhages using a wide-field digital opthalmic cam- Peralta L, Constantine N, Deeds BG, Martin L, Ghalib K: Belongia EA, Mills WA: Congenital syphilis surveil- era in patients who experienced abusive head trauma, 1149 Evaluation of youth preferences for rapid and innova- lance and newborn evaluation in a low-incidence state, (Oc) tive human immunodeficiency virus antibody tests, 838 140 (Fe) Nall KC see Petrillo TM Uy) Martin L see Peralta L Nambiar S, Léger M-M, Singh N: Sharps injuries in a pe- Pérez-Stable EJ, Juarez-Reyes M, Kaplan CP, Fuentes- Marwaha N see Kakkar N diatric teaching hospital: a shared responsibility (letter) Afflick E, Giidengorin V, Millstein SG: Counseling smok- Marwaha RK see Kakkar N 1277 (No) ing parents of young children: comparison of pediatri- MMaasseisnt asg’Ml iG sueiTedL e: R iC(chBciiol odkGr enR evWiietwh) Tr1a3u9m2a t(iDce ) Brain Injury: A Par- NNaarrsccyhhmii p tHH:o, mNSsea onnt(aoltesat lteM r,h) yTp1 e0r7m4a g(nSee)s emWiwaW: Jmro:r Peh acla uses and moPrige- PércAeifzafn-lsiS ctkaa bnlEd,e fMaiEmlJil,ls ytJ euipanhr yesSziG-c:iR aenPysee,ds i a2t5rM i,c( JaKc)ao pulnasne liCnPg, oFf upeanrteenst-s Maziah W see Menon BS mentovascularis, 191 (Fe) who smoke (letter) 857 (Jy) MMMMMMMMMMAMMMMMInca cccccccccccccfIBzPFCADDnlCGKG(P(arCMCinruieenaoMsBoonuueleoaetrstirryneorscnneigryci mh d)ceateo teaanrnnnd heabho kn(ehellenenyRone t oBsn y JdBdlBdy y fr oJ ,oR a So Ls MTsgSesEFpCkmATeEy eivBA CELCA,e eo eMo cMisos Pu M dM s,aekeesR ytd eGMssee leI wiMelkieiee Jres v)nvsce neecra eRsea eBS rid g:F eesnBsiee:M reoe Jec Mc e7 nc woialoreuHca4rM nh)GRonseo eLeA 2aenv,i mkegpasumM ar ngeNsanlserRi:soLtN8sliS( taiin iBoa6ineJeohton av 1sennAwNFn ni g en) n ee o- LJeeSvnB-M(CD-AroCW eorA JS ,oLu fSrCeyB mil rs ) m sH li cecHi,aewaheto tcnriobhMftdhclor iafh do to,zrmkhsnR eu,tRa in r nf1 tofe 1hf H ef9 enREo 7eaBrPse cl: ,sfk tf a(,phPo yNa Rrrsrotuo t6)R bmi0 eF(eco3flrnite eopsrtia(mtetnetM negriycJi) oe) nAn a 4 MdS1oAeLi9-n-: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNaaaioueeaouyuootttrrrulvsqswsmaamkrwPNtiulcssssrusli:neayeamaa oihi lpoiiaidcptnnnlnkaneiniPnnsnc tikttMdlra g-nreot ooor i ,grclhelnvWn dvuiC H o DRaovSacu iizEe m AnSA a ltrtMmat gIse-DsClis inucrrcJnemer,Cee RadLcelhsehse Ieo nz,ya ty Ce Uo n ssc nci ey ,s s9neesPeMKtt LMt eene6eoCau iu,s1ilaSe ef5B ht oe lt0 cc uo caeienuLaB6sGEshAf LtklsOoeKeymi3(a,omr e adee,elzm RAsr oab nie n r aCluumhofdi d(Je eotCyn)S oSoaoubSCt f en CoAleKnpP hina lsh)eCblG PN oCCnr iac ishMhaAee vs A cPhlciPiB uemooa RedlRlO,nroambn d Rd l -tn l eJsH W esaCT HeEaec av,eaNaClroaa al n,Aekibrrlt d,lisectmhl cT hrh noiR p4u e cFas8rrnae,sMNn1eJnln e Kdsees,edAc t,: V ( snh w oAHsaoH(olWprloenuuroe)eoldnmvktms so t iu:aa,eltd K nrntz)S Ws 7 :C R9W hB8DDAf0L,i 5ee:r el5Jv Tvomd (reiemFi J:lkl (eoycj ovo)roaty Aapprdr)hleh---e e- PPPPPPPPPPPPPeeeeiiooiiiolttrrersocrngamodCsfRetrrrrruoslhiiefeereeeniemiicz eeeitatrmeeedlldnsnebzc cetaredlnWi l eotbJon hcoib aM iaBaJJ l tMseE hnJr , Gs wDreuyMS, r gaCf Ci,iT eTJNc,s,Am olo a n t Mso sMhsr 1tp Dehseaesrs u F1,kaees tereewae(Mlap3irn eeli geweiciOEupN7 ernoe o oturnWoL s, F elscMethrtK YrhPeol oitoeieaB k(dutoCinemrewwc nnerO:Ph m ,hcuabetrror tc ooi arhionolte-ry)etoniSCtinJaomilneg YWks la:Ahc tFc vebi reo:e i i,Jcha,ce esSs us b as eAiSMur hrmn eesSC ryMa B D¥morege aE hronD sSGeun-i y txKli -k: i dlgcEPi opinARn Maobidl wCito e Jlinla nE-,asAhsnoD t ?bw gse utr,dSUa iarisur:o i utrtce enpmlea1 tc CdRes ps0hhhidhatsai d9- ftsihiannli7wuataePnfmasda elurt eguenb oid rydsm (adgyil miiwsOa ,chadiioaecMhn ttinis)zo)erMa a,pt s1e uimg :irgi0 cdt8nonan e19 o4cfrgc76mCs7aPoP rt t3ntrRe iumhrbt ai,in(celeas(cac Se,t (mlgJst e -uAyi oi )Nob)su5can caf aee)4coloa sd 8fcbflre ur tBydoemer(act alKoahMsiasiCrcteyrantli:eyeid)---s-r New Year's Eve, 469 (Ap) Poulick Js ee Dahshan A Pont d’'Alma R. E. R. 16 (Ja) Powell EC, Jovtis E, Tanz RR: Incidence and circum- RSSMMMMMTTtiechacicalcePMmAtvPtg(i(M eNheeiFeMDhhse r LielnreueH i)lCnoc)lt rD ollfnPF yaa s ,oiC gntaHrmetop e nkS hdnysnyJato,eeDul l ED E r:ypumy, astHa AEJoriH lsArt mtoAMeeta,,tnsiemoe x m: em o eri e1tpsenariD Lh9eane icaeee6TltPr cv aea7hlr Eais, nneyYorsn d Sdaos Re8 KLeurIeDc3CoR niMnnmiy0fL,v etgs ase , edMri pTr li,KaUolrk cMrnyMinaaa gu+)Haaxble2 grig lnm2 cateae E S ukd dEsi(C (u:NhMne cBCuirg aaotPl),trrord Eiieki Kto m ,i(1na( oBR 2rBnoe6yToaFo6v alork iy koc el (amwTorNR )Rreroe ee t)vvaha i6Jtiene2A med:w2ewT )n)ue t Rr(mo nMe24t yr0f2a-o)6o4-r f OOOOOOOOOOOOOl'llhrr'hhdmpNdresslM drcpSei nooseeouaiWeMgtnnrsaDnblnrsvl K oPrlsei imn , aJcesC cJH aJ ae HqsAhM Melo-nAuees AO M Dhe,ene r P ncBe n ssso usteSseelsDRreeHte lsmeeLo gea e euioCsr es ewrAtn:L eB esid EhlYeex easLsl eae uic e Kla aniJcueiK,JnMl Gmra hSn elDWromiHBKmKy Re , e r a Lin eiPCn teKtlzAK pnr e nea np anArdsDp aFim cpnGit e ti JtcFeeE :d, pKRaiaetnttfmzeeo rcvnBtsi,i, on Fng o1 i6rnt2 th eue (rnFpbeeba)dne i raatrdrJyoiD-c : PPPPPPPPrruuorrreleswosd5(mDaooissiestltr2eeissccrcleeae5afeis tlnnhnch erstb c S r eauMau(e:er raEsT sAVLq)smenM,C p Iuk,ek d,s) no7 aorJJC e ac fi4Jfsge JroJia1 esTo er,add en a hns eRv oouSnenc(nlossneazBzJsyecefslyn ue oesalsn )tPc twin dRdzaeasiC Rer Got nlt,:pKfor thJ A a BFims MM,ufrc,,eaB icknt di,Lr smPoc Doe1leuyhKuan93ecnse rggs66ltpmrgce49 e-se aBcreno:nbte((dt nul eDAusP areucd hAt)d)a yiKeE tens:,d mini poec HrnanUiii altilnmin ljcnal duoagrir cmLozyitpMabce iut,saovcti l icaoetarcanHyrena m,o,c loe gso 5 ncfg51 rge(d42ae li 9 ees pntWcee((tihaAdFeMinsir:eylge)-- ) vciinreu s savfaectcyi nem’esc hwaintihsdmrsa,w al1 05a1n d (Speh)y sicians’ trust in vac- O'Sluelslcievnatsn aMnJd syeoe unWga lasdhu ltJs,G 947 (Au) Q Medley H see de Benedictis FM Ozel A see Reisli I Quinones RR see Lane PA Meier FA see Attia MW Ozuah PO: Menard SW see Park MK Needs assessment for establishing an after-hours tele- R Mendoza F see Flores G; Romero AJ phone medicine curriculum (letter) 856 (Jy) Menon BS, Maziah W, Samarendra M, Toha A: Ki-1- Successful strategy for increasing adherence to tuberculo- Ramos Gomez F see Flores G 4po1s1i ti(vMer )a naplastic large cell lymphoma involving muscle, Ozusias ht esPtO ,r eCaduirntg isinJ :h Riegshi-dreinstk achuitlodnroenm y (leitn tearn) e8r5a 6 of( Jmya) n- Ramhseemyan gPiSo, maD,a ni7l3e3n k(oJ e)D R, Derleth DP: Orbital capillary Mercado-Deane M-G see Parente K aged care (letter) 974 (Au) Rand CS see Bartlett SJ; Cabana MD Miller WC see Ford CA Ozuah PO, CurtisJ ,S tein REK: Impact of problem-based Rashid NFNA, SharmaJ : Cardiac rhabdomyoma in tuber- Mills WA see Martin DL learning on residents’ self-directed learning, 669 (Je) ous sclerosis, 961 (Au) Milistein SG see Pérez-Stable EJ Ozuah PO. Neuspiel DR, Shelov SP: Trends in lado M, Halfon N: Primary care services promoting op- Minich NM see Taylor HG perceptions of working conditions: 1989-1999 (letter) timal child development from birth to age 3 years: re Minkovitz CS, Belote AD, Higman SM, SerwinJtR ,W einer 1073 (Se) view of the literature, 1311 (De) JP: Effectiveness of a practice-based intervention to in- Ozuah PO, Stein REK: More on problem-based learning and Reid SR, RoeslerJS ,G aichas AM, Tsai AK: Epidemiology crease vaccination rates and reduce missed opportuni- self-directed learning (letter) 1278 (No) of pediatric traumatic brain injury in Minnesota, 784 (Jy) ties, 382 (Mr) Reijneveld SA see Brugman E Minkovitz CS, Strobino D, Hughart N, Scharfstein D, Guyer P Reisli 1, Ozel A, Caliskan U, Cakir M, Tulunay O: Good- B, Healthy Steps Evaluation Team: Early effects of the pasture disease, 1383 (De) healthy steps for young children program, 470 (Ap) Pachter L see Flores G Reiter EO, Lee PA: Have the onset and tempo of puberty Misciali D see Ricci G Paller AS see Stein SL changed? 988 (Se) Moler FW: Cost estimates of prophylaxis (letter) 199 (Fe) Paniagua R see Amato D Repace J see Mannino DM ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/ VOL 155, DEC 2001 WWW.ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 1397 Repaske DR see King JL Sedik H: Use of intravenous methohexital as a sedative in Stretesky PB, Lynch MJ: Relationship between lead expo- Ricci G, Patrizi A, Misciali D, Masi M: Febrile Mucha- pediatric emergency departments, 665 (Je) sure and homicide, 579 (My) Haberman disease, 195 (Fe) Sege RD see DiScala C; Moskowitz H Strobino D see Minkovitz CS Richman LC see McCarthy AM Seid M, Simmes DR, Linton LS, Leah CE, Edwards CC, Stulac BB see Flick L Rickert VI see Agurcia CA; Borzekowski DLG; Siqueira Peddecord KM: Correlates of vaccination for hepatitis B Sullivan K see Beiter JL Jr M among adolescents: results from a parent survey, 921 (Au) Sussman S see Wang LY Riepe FG, Eichmann D, Oppermann HC, Schmitt HJ, Sela R, Nussinovitch M, Ziv N, Volovitz B, AmirJ ,W ood Svenson LW see Spady DW Tunnessen WW Jr: Infantile scurvy, 607 (My) BP: Hypertrophic gastropathy with edema, 1273 (No) Szeto K see Casey PH Riley A see Ryan S Sentongo TA, Rutstein RM, Stettler N, Stallings VA, Rudy Szilagyi PG see Schaffer SJ Riner W see Dowda M B, Mulberg AE: Association between steatorrhea, growth, Rivara FP: Remove the “Picture of the Month” from the cover and immunologic status in children with perinatally ac- T (letter) 96 (Ja) quired HIV infection, 149 (Fe) Rivara FP, Bergman AB, Christakis DA, Joffe A: New di- Sergi C, Linderkamp O: Classic ricketts on a setting of sig- Taddio A, Koren G: Is research on newborn circumcision rections for the ARCHIVES 11 (Ja) nificant psychosocial deprivation, 967 (Au) ethical? (letter) 618 (My) Rivara FP, Cummings P: Writing for publication in Serra G see Bellini C Tanz RR see Powell EC Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 1090 (Oc) Serwint JR see Bogen DL; Gielen AC; Minkovitz CS Taylor HG, Klein N, Minich NM, Hack M: Long-term fam- Rivara FP, Finberg L: Shanske AL, Shanske S, DiMauro S: Other human ily outcomes for children with very low birth weights, 155 Race not always useful in final analysis (letter) 973 (Au) genome, 1210 (No) (Fe) Use of the terms race and ethnicity, 119 (Fe) Shanske S see Shanske AL Taylor JA: Herd immunity and the varicella vaccine: is it a Why ethnicity and race are ¢9 important in child health ser- SharmaJ see Rashid NFNA good thing? 440 (Ap) vices research today (letter) 1179 (Oc) Sharma V, Silverberg NB, Howard R, Tran CT, Laude TA, Taylor JA see McPhillips HA Robbins JM see Kini NM Frieden IJ: Do hair care practices affect the acquisition TaylorJ P see Whiteford SF Robinson TN see Erickson SJ; Romero AJ of tinea capitis? a case-control study, 818 (Jy) Teper A see de Benedictis FM RobAi: nEsfofne ctTsN ,o f Wrieldduec inMgL ,c hNialdvrreanc’rsu zt elLeCv,is iHoany daenld KvFi,d eoV agraamdey SShheeltohv SNS,P sGeoem eOzz uaCh, JPoOs ephson GD: Pyogenic granuloma TThhiolmoa sE HR sesee e LaIvnaes cPu A NS Rodu1zs7ei l(osJnak )y a gDgr essesei vSet rbaeuhsasv ioRrS: a randomized controlled trial, SShhiionffef ftmihaeen l dt oRnHNg usese,ee e 1DW0ae6vi5i ts z(SmReaL);n coMr rection, 1209 (No) TTTTihhheooonmmm ppp1sss, oooDnnno rfALRmSRHa nsssee eeee DDHMSaa,pvr aitdsKi yan s RtDLDn LWe r B, Bauchner H: Metered- Roesler JS see Reid SR Shone LP see Schaffer SJ dose inhaler: the emergency department orphan, 1335 (De) Roetzheim RG see Johnson K Shrier LA, Ancheta R, Goodman E, Chiou VM, Lyden MR, Tikvah P see Nussinovitch M Rolnitzky LM see Siqueira LM Emans SJ: Randomized controlled trial of a safer sex in- To T see Dell S Rombough V see Lobaugh NJ tervention for high-risk adolescent girls, 73 (Ja) Toha A see Menon BS Romero AJ, Robinson TN, Kraemer HC, Erickson SJ, Haydel Shulman H see Torchinsky MY Tolia V see Dahshan A; Kaddu R KF, Mendoza F, Killen JD: Ave perceived neighborhood Siciarz A, Weinberger B, Witz G, Hiatt M, Hegyi T: Uri- Torchinsky MY, Shulman H, Landau D: Congenital syphi- hazards a barrier to physical activity in children? 1143 nary thiobarbituric acid—reacting substances as poten- lis presenting as osteomyelitis with nornal radioisotope (Oc) tial biomarkers of intrauterine hypoxia, 718 Je) bone scan, 613 (My) Rose D see Mannino DM Siegel DM, Aten MJ, Enaharo M: Long-term effects of a Tran CT see Sharma V Rose J, Iranpour B, Markowitch W, Loveless V, middle school- and high school-based human immuno- Troiano RP see Crespo CJ Lehoullier PF: Ameloblastic fibroma of the maxilla, deficiency virus sexual risk prevention intervention, 1117 Truding RM see Engmann C 735 (Je) (Oc) Tsai AK see Reid SR Rosenberg RN see DeAngelis CD Silverberg NB see Sharma V Tuite G see Lacson AG Ross G, Lipper EG, Abramson D, Preiser L: Development Silverstein M see Juul-Dam N Tulunay Osee Reisli I of young children with retinoblastoma, 80 (Ja) Simmes DR see Seid M Tunnessen WW Jr see Kaddu R; Kulaylat NA; Narchi H; Rovet Js ee Lobaugh NJ Simms MD see Horwitz SM Nitu M; Riepe FG; Wang M Rowe P see Solomon B Simon HK see BeiterJ L Jr Tzen C-Y see Lee Y-J Rowlands LA see Aitken M; Aitken ME Simons FER see Kozyrskyj AL Royall R see Butz AM Singh N see Nambiar S U Rubenstein L see McCarthy AM Singhi P see Vasishta RK Rubin HR see Cabana MD Siqueira LM, Rolnitzky LM, Rickert VI: Smoking cessa- Upperman JS see Stanford A Rudavsky $: Widening Gap: Why America’s Working Fami- tion in adolescents: the role of nicotine dependence, stress, Utah Pediatric Practice Based Research Network see lies Are In Jeopardy and What Can Be Done About It (Book and coping methods, 489 (Ap) PlumbJ Review) 1075 (Se) Skokan EG, Junkins EP Jr, Corneli HM, Schunk JE: Taste Vv Ruddy RM see Luria JW test: children rate flavoring agents used with activated char- Rudy B see Sentongo TA coal, 683 (Je) Rushton JL see Davis MM Skrinska R see Nakagawa TA Vaccine Safety Datalink Team see Davis RL RRRRuyuytasaaot1snifhnd9tv ot 9eeclo S2aCie,n rnsAs e Rcet ieorJRal nsoLeneMtt,1yeds o 9 ,n9WA sWi8h,he,ena ei1 a Kl 8tlas45tSmrnh h6eieg 0n(ur FnJtpeMee(toG ),eMan dJykgS T)eot: oa nr ifTPineAmehd eliiddba iitctrBa:io clrE ffcspeatrcrietemss u culorsafie np rttea igmouanoln andrg t srsoeerunlurdercsca.e-l SSSSSmmmmmiiiiascDttttileis nhhhs Ct E ol JfKGLeg s,MA ime trs: eeHrle senase,ae rtCM etrree D6aiel b7eDnlds6LegReip aJ tAno:g(ong s Jnoge Se Ce x)efJ ullKCia if,elW-ls ldoW ysbi CtnoaDtfgir noaceoandrds em ivGat(,glte ietOndta helr )d MisKsw7e,a3a b9s seH so( Jofeoki)rn dEaidWaog lneIosI--I, VvVVVVVVaaaeaaeenssrlrmrm iihdualossuedldophhlzeaylotts rpa vaat ase R AtVl-BR iolRFV KscoiKCae, sr en et MehC sKs eeoe RaJeedrFoks H uliebk eolKcBia srlakrrneeok Fsuesbkl o gNSialn,mBcGPra uka sSt nsTtileNL neoNe grm Eh a iB C rCPou ,fg BmIaannfnja enrcEjy e, e 5A1K7: (CAyps)t ic Des- Smith M see Lueder GT Vincer M see Lee SK Solomon B, McGuinn L, Hoerlein M, Basco W, Rowe P, Vinci RJ see Dorfman DH SSaaieglaeln sS BsEee sePei nePlatlriiJ c k K Lrieskh mparnenv enHtPi:o n Isi hntuemravnen tiiomnm unefofdeecftiivcei? en1c1y2 7 vi(rOucs) sexual VVoollokv iRtJz seBe seAeg uNrucsisai nCoAv itch M; Sela R Spady DW, Schopflocher DP, Svenson LW, Thompson AH: SSaamlalriesJn Fd rseae MPa tsreiec k MeK;n oPnr ocBhSa ska JJ bPerretvaa,l eCnacnea dao,f maes ndteatl erdmiisnoerdd erfsr oimn pchhyislidcrieann lbiivlilnign g ind atAal,- Ww Santos M see Narchi H 1153 (Oc) Wadowski S see Jameel A Santosham M see Ladinsky M Spector ND see DeLago CW Wallace CM see Zafar N Sanz A see Jalou H Stallings VA see Sentongo TA Walsh JG, O'Sullivan MJ, Ryan CA: Perforation of the in- Sarnaik S see Ivascu NS Stanford A, Upperman JS, Barksdale EM Jr: Cervical hy- ferior cava as a cause of neonatal free intra-abdominal air, Sarrell EM, Mandelberg A, Cohen HA: Efficacy of naturo- groma and ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) 1271 523 (Ap) pathic extracts in the management of ear pain associated (No) Walter EB see Clements DA with acute otitis media, 796 Jy) Stang P, Brandenburg N, Carter B: Economic burden of res- Wang L see Herman-Giddens ME Saulsbury FT see Borowitz SM piratory syncytial virus-associated bronchiolitis hospi- Wang LY, Crossett LS, Lowry R, Sussman S, Dent CW: Saunders R see Dowda M talizations (letter) 95 (Ja) Cost-effectiveness of as chool-based tobacco-use preven- Schaffer SJ, Humiston SG, Shone LP, Averhoff FM, Szila- Stanton BF, Gibson M: Questions we need to ask now, 1093 tion program, 1043 (Se) gyi PG: Adolescent immunization practices: a national sur- (Oc) Wang M, Schott J, Tunnessen WW Jr: Hair-Thread Toru- vey of US physicians, 566 (My) Starc TJ see Kaistha A niquet Syndrome, 515 (Ap) Scharfstein D see Minkovitz CS Starfield B see Ryan S Wang M-C see Gielen AC Scheuerle A: Limits of the genetic revolution, 1204 (No) Stein REK: To help or not to help. . . that is the question, Wang V, Malley R, Fleisher GR, Inkelis S$, Kupperman N: Schindler AM, Hausman C: Do we need to reassess nor- 763 Jy) Incidence of unsuspected meningococcal disease (let- mal gross motor milestones? (letter) 96 (Ja) Stein REK see Ozuah PO ter) 741 Je) Schmidt MB see Narsinghani U Stein SL, Paller AS, Haut PR, Mancini AJ: Langerhans cell WardJ see Davis RL Schmitt HJ see Riepe FG histiocytosis presenting in the neonatal period: a retro- Washington K see Lacson AG Schoenbach VJ see Coyne-Beasley T spective case series, 778 Jy) Wasserman G see Lowry JA Schootman M see Zafar N Stettler N see Sentongo TA Watson W see Chan-Yeung M Schopflocher DP see Spady DW Stevens-Simon C, Beach RK, Klerman LV: To be rather than Weathers L see Johnson K Schott J see Wang M not to be—that is the problem with the questions we ask Weber J see Casey PH Schroeder H see Eichmann D adolescents about their childbearing intentions, 1298 (De) Webster DW see Freed LH Schroeder P see Zafar N Stewart DL see Crosswell HE Weinberger B see Siciarz A Schuler ME, Nair P: Witnessing violence among inner- Stocks AL see Wheeler DS WeinerJ P see Minkovitz CS city children of substance-abusing and non-substance- Stonestreet BS see Burgess GH Weintrub PS see Wolf LE abusing women, 342 (Mr) Strauss RS, Rodzilsky D, Burack G, Colin M: Psychoso- Weiss KB see Adams RJ Schunk JE see Baker PC; Skokan EG cial correlates of physical activity in healthy children, 897 Weiss ST see Adams RJ Scrimshaw SC see Hannon PR (Au) Weitzman M see Brooks A-M; Flores G ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/VOL 155, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 1398 Weitzman M, Shiffman RN: Information technology and Wolf LE, Lo B, Beckerman KP, Dorenbaum A, Kilpatrick Young JCC see Guevara JP the future of child health care: a revolution is occurring, SJ, Weintrub PS: When parents reject interventions to Young MH, McMenamy JM, Perrin EC: Parent advisory 990 (Se) reduce postnatal human immunodeficiency virus trans- groups in pediatric practices: parents’ and professionals Wheeler DS, Poss WB, Stocks AL: Inferior vena cava and mission, 927 (Au) perceptions, 692 (Je) renal vein thrombosis in a neonate, 415 (Mr) Wolraich ML: Increased psychotropic medication use: are Young PC see Plumb J: Yost GC Wheeler JG see Aitken M; Aitken ME we improving mental health care or drugging our kids? Yuan C see Park MK Whiteford SF, Taylor JP, Dumler JS: Clinical, laboratory, 545 (My) Yurt RW see Yen KL and epidemiologic features of murine typhus in 97 Texas Wolter TD see Hurt RD; Patten CA Yusuf H see Clark SJ children, 396 (Mr) Wong M, Landt M: Cerebrospinal fluid protein concentra- Whitmire JT see Rushton JL tion in full-term neonates (letter) 619 (My) Whitten-Shurney W see Ivascu NS Wood BP see Sela R Whyte I see Isbister G Wood RA see Nowak-Wegrzyn A Zabinski MF see Patrick K Wiemann CM see Agurcia CA; Berenson AB Woolf A, Alpert HR, Garg A, Lesko S: Adolescent occupa- Zafar N, Wallace CM, Kieffer P, Schroeder P, Schootman Wilde ML see Robinson TN tional toxic exposures: a national study, 704 (Je) M, Hamvas A: Improving survival of vulnerable infants Wilfley DE see Patrick K Wornham WL see Kemper Kj increases neonatal intensive care unit nosocomial infec- Williams CL: Methodology of concern (letter) 201 (Fe) Wyshak G: Aluminum factor (letter) 203 (Fe) tion rate, 1098 (Oc) Williams L see de Benedictis FM Y Zambrana RE see Flores G Willis SK see Hannon PR Zaoutis T see Attia MW Wilson M see Ladinsky M Yang T-L see Lee Y-] Zaref Jl see Clements DA Wilson MEH see Freed LH; Gielen AC Yen KL, Bank DE, O'Neill AM, Yurt RW: Household oven Zhou F see Deuson RR Wilson WG see Borowitz SM doors: a burn hazard in children, 84 (Ja) Zielen S see Daker G Wingood G see Smith K Yost GC, Young PC, Buchi KF: Significance of grunting res- Ziv N see Sela R Witz G see Siciarz A pirations in infants admitted to a well-baby nursery, 372 Zuckerman B, Augustyn M, Parker S: Child development Woldman S: Bicycle burden and balance (letter) 525 (Ap) (Mr) in pediatrics: beyond rhetoric, 1294 (De) SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLL ME The following index is an alphabetical list of significant subjects presented in this volume. Identification of adolescent tobacco users in a pediatric prac- Adverse Drug Reaction see Drug Reaction, Adverse tice [Benuck] 32 (Ja) Adverse Reaction Abnormalities, Multiple Long-term effects of a middle school- and high school- Measles-mumps-rubella and other measles-containing vac- One hundred three consecutive patients with anorectal mal- based human immunodeficiency virus sexual risk pre- cines do not increase the risk for inflammatory bowel dis formationansd their associated anomalies |Cho] 587 (My) vention intervention [Siegel] 1117 (Oc) ease: a case-control study from the vaccine safety datalink Access to Health Care see Health Services Accessibility Multicomponent program for nutrition and physical activ- project [Davis] 354 (Mr) Accidental Falls ity change in primary care: PACE+ for adolescents [Patrick] Neonatal hypermagnesemia: more causes and more symp- Computer simulation of stair falls to investigate scenarios 940 (Au) toms (letter) [Narchi] 1074 (Se) in child abuse [Bertocci] 1008 (Se) Promoting adolescent smoking cessation is worth the ef- Pulmonary air embolus with home antibiotic infusion [Porea] Accidents, Home fort (letter) [McFee] 419 (Mr) 963 (Au) When smoke alarms are a nuisance: a call to action [Berger] Questions we need to ask now [Stanton] 1093 (Oc) Rotavirus vaccine’s withdrawal and physicians trust in vac- 875 (Au) Randomized controlled trial of a safer sex intervention for cine safety mechanisms [McPhillips] 1051 (Se) Acetaminophen high-risk adolescent girls [Shrier] 73 (Ja) Affective Symptoms Consensus statement for the prevention and management Reducing gun carrying by youth [Ash] 330 (Mr) Identification and management of psychosocial problems of pain in the newborn [Anand] 173 (Fe) Smoking cessation in adolescents: the role of nicotine by preventive child health care [Brugman| 462 (Ap Pediatric acetaminophen poisoning (letter) [Isbister] 417 dependence, stress, and coping methods [Siqueira] 489 Aggression (reply) [Alander] 418 (Mr) (Ap) Effectso f reducing children’s television and video game use Actinomyces State and federal compliance with the Synar Amendment on aggressive behavior: a randomized controlled trial Thoracic actinomyces [Jameel] 1171 (Oc) federal fiscal year 1998 [DiFranza] 572 (My) [Robinson] 17 (Ja) Activated Charcoal see Charcoal Tobacco use outcomes of adolescents treated clinically for Relationship between lead exposure and homicide [Stretesky| Adenoviridae Infections nicotine dependence [Patten] 831 Jy) 579 (My) Differentiation of adenoviral infection and Kawasaki dis- Violent children: where do we point the finger of blame? Albuterol ease (letter) [Barton] 96 (reply) [Barone] 97 (Ja) {Garbarino] 13 (Ja) Randomized trial of the addition of ipratropium bromide Administration, Oral Adolescent Health Services to albuterol and corticosteroid therapy in children hos- Effectiveness of oral or nebulized dexamethasone for chil- Effects of regular source of care and health need on medi- pitalized because of an acute asthma exacerbation [Goggin] dren with mild croup [Luria| 1340 (De) cal care use among rural adolescents [Ryan] 184 (Fe) 1329 (De) Adolescence Promoting adolescent smoking cessation is worth the ef- Alcohol Drinking Adolescent immunization practices: a national survey of US fort (letter) [McFee} 419 (reply) [Hurt] 420 (Mr) Exposure to violence and associated health-risk behaviors physicians [Schaffer] 566 (My) Adolescent Psychology among adolescent girls [Berenson] 1238 (No) Adolescent occupational toxic exposures: a national study Threats of school violence in Pennsylvania after media cov- Alcoholism [Woolf] 704 Ge) erage of the Columbine high school massacre: examin- Behavioral risks and life circumstances of adolescent Have the onset and tempo of puberty changed? [Reiter] 988 ing the role of imitation [Kostinsky] 994 (Se) mothers involved with older adult partners [Agurcia] (Se) Adrenal Cortex Hormones 822 (Jy) Physical activity screening measure for use with adoles- Antenatal corticosteroids and newborn screening for con- Alkaptonuria cents in primary care [Prochaska] 554 (My) genital adrenal hyperplasia [King] 1038 (Se) Alkaptonuria [Nitu! 1063 (Se) Secondary sexual characteristics in boys: estimates from the Corticosteroid prescription filling for children covered by Allergens National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III, medicaid following an emergency department visit or a Asthma, breastfeeding, and hypoallergenic formula (let- 1988-1994 |Herman-Giddens} !022 (Se) hospitalization for asthma |Cooper]! 1111 (Oc) ter) [Donnelly] 203 (reply) [Chan-Yeung] 204 (Fe) Self-obtained vaginal swabs for diagnosis of treatable sexu- Effectiveness of oral or nebulized dexamethasone for chil- Alternative Medicine ally transmitted diseases in adolescent girls [Smith] 676 dren with mild croup [Luria] 1340 (De) Consultations for holistic pediatric services for inpatients Je) Effects of 2 inhaled corticosteroids on growth: results of a and outpatient oncology patients at a children’s hospital Adolescent Behavior randomized controlled trial [de Benedictis] 1248 (No) [Kemper] 449 (Ap) Adolescent cybersurfing for health information: a new re- Randomized trial of the addition of ipratropium bromide Aluminum source that crosses barriers [Borzekowski] 813 (Jy) to albuterol and corticosteroid therapy in children hos- Aluminum factor (letter) [Jansson] 202 (reply) [Wyshak] Behavioral risks and life circumstances of adolescent moth- pitalized because of an acute asthma exacerbation [Goggin] 203 (Fe) ers involved with older adult partners |Agurcia] 822 (Jy) 1329 (De) Ambulatory Care Facilities Cost-effectiveness of a school-based tobacco-use preven- Socioeconomic status, drug insurance benefits, and new pre- Effects of regular source of care and health need on medi tion program [Wang] 1043 (Se) scriptions for inhaled corticosteroids in schoolchildren cal care use among rural adolescents [Ryan] 184 (Fe) Curtailing youth smoking [Bergman] 546 (My) with asthma |Kozyrskyj] 1219 (No) Amyoplasia Congenita see Arthrogryposis Delivery of smoking prevention and cessation services to Use of inhaled anti-inflammatory medication in children with Analgesics, Opioid adolescents [Klein] 597 (My) asthma in managed care settings [Adams] 501 (Ap) Consensus statement for the prevention and management Exposure to violence and associated health-risk behaviors Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital of pain in the newborn |Anand] 173 (Fe) among adolescent girls [Berenson] 1238 (No) Antenatal corticosteroids and newborn screening for con- Anemia, Iron-Deficiency Factors preventing gun acquisition and carrying amc ag in- genital adrenal hyperplasia [King] 1038 (Se) Complexities in recognizinagnd treating iron deficiency ane- carcerated adolescent males [Freed] 335 (Mr) Adrenergic beta-Agonists mia [Abelson] 332 (Mr) Hospitalizations for pediatric intoxication in Washington Use of inhaled anti-inflammatory medication in children with Outcome of children identified as anemic by routine screen- state, 1987-1997 [Gauvin] 1105 (Oc) asthma in managed care settings [Adams] 501 (Ap) ing in an inner-city clinic [Bogen] 366 (Mr) ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/ VOL 155, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 1399 Anemia, Pernicious B Young RK, ed: A Piece of My Mind: A New Collection of Es- Pernicious anemia and gastric atrophy in an adolescent fe- says From JAMA [McMahon] 742 (Je) maie with multiorgan problems [Dahshan] 609 (My) B Ruvalcaba-Riley Synd Boy Scouts of America Anemia, Sickle Cell Bannayan-Ruvalcaba-Riley syndrome |Kaddu] 87 (Ja) Boy Scouts of America policy on homosexuality (letter) Characterization of pica prevalence among patients with Beclomethasone [Girard] 417 (Mr) sickle cell disease [Ivascu] 1243 (No) Effects of 2 inhaled corticosteroids on growth: results of a Sexual orientation is not the issue (letter) [Moyer] 1390 Intravenous ketorolac in the emergency department man- randomized controlled trial [de Benedictis] 1248 (No) (De) agement of sickle cell pain and predictors ofi ts effective- Behavior, Child see Child Behavior Toleration for the Boy Scouts (letter) [Donnelly] 1391 ness [Beiter] 496 (Ap) Bicycling (De) Anesthetics Bicycle burden and balance (letter) [Woldman] (reply) [Pow- Bradycardia Consensus statement for the prevention and management ell] 525 (Ap) Telephone subsidy: an effective incentive for successful par- of pain in the newborn [Anand] 173 (Fe) Bilirubin ticipation in home memory monitor study [Hunt] 954 Anorectal Malformations Home health nurse clinical assessment of neonatal jaun- (Au) One hundred three consecutive patients with anorectal mal- dice: comparison of 3 methods [Madlon-Kay] 583 (My) Brain Injuries formations and their associated anomalies [Cho] 587 (My) Biological Markers Epidemiology of pediatric traumatic brain injury in Min- Anoxia Urinary thiobarbituric acid—reacting substances as poten- nesota [Reid] 784 (Jy) Urinary thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances as poten- tial biomarkers of intrauterine hypoxia [Siciarz] 718 (Je) Breastfeeding tial biomarkers of intrauterine hypoxia [Siciarz] 718 (Je) Biomechanics Asthma, breastfeeding, and hypoallergenic formula (let- Antibiotics Computer simulation: a powerful tool for injury control ter) [Donnelly] 203 (reply) [Chan-Yeung] 204 (Fe) Assessing diagnostic accuracy and tympanocentesis skills [Grossman] 992 (Se) Breastfeeding and asthma in young children: findings from in the management of otitis media [Pichichero] 1137 (Oc) Computer simulation of stair falls to investigate scenarios a population-based study [Dell] 1261 (No) Parent expectations for antibiotics, physician-parent com- in child abuse [Bertocci] 1008 (Se) Breastfeeding support benefits very low-birth-weight in- munication, and satisfaction [Mangione-Smith] 800 (Jy) Blacks fants [Lawrence] 543 (My) Should watchful waiting be used more often for acute otitis Impact of low birth weight on early childhood asthma in Randomized trial of breastfeeding support in very low-birth- media? [Pirozzo] 1097 (Oc) the United States [Brooks] 401 (Mr) weight infants [Pinelli] 548 (My) Anti-HIV Agents Influence of grandmothers and other senior caregivers on When parents reject interventions to reduce postnatal hu- Prophylaxis against possible human immunodeficiency vi- sleep position used by African American infants [Flick] man immunodeficiency virus transmission [Wolf] 927 rus exposure after nonoccupational needlestick injuries 1231 (No) (Au) or sexual assaults in children and adolescents [Babl] 680 Low family income and food insufficiency in relation to over- Bronchiolitis Je) weight in US children: is there a paradox? [Alaimo] 1161 Inpatient care for uncomplicated bronchiolitis: compari- Anxiety (Oc) son with Milliman and Robertson guidelines [Kini] 1323 Exposure to violence: psychological and academic corre- Blastomyces (De) lates in child witnesses [Hurt] 1351 (De) Blastomyces dermatitidis [DeLeon] 91 (Ja) Bronchiolitis, Viral Psychological screening ofch ildren for participation in non- Blood Flow Velocity Economic burden of respiratory syncytial virus-associated therapeutic invasive research [McCarthy] 1197 (No) Effects of phenobarbital on cerebral blood flow velocity af- bronchiolitis hospitalizations (letter) [Stang] 95 (Ja) WPistyd1ccr1hhe9eon5ss ,o [c(SipNtuaorbl)ae ursctsoa]rl r e8dl9ea7vt eesl( oApuof)m epnhty,s icaanld a“cmtiinviitmya li n rihseka”l t[hLya ncthoisl]- BCloomt[oepBrdua rregPienrssdeosso]nst urra7oe2cf 3h aeua(sJlce u) lstuactotriyo nianngd oisnc ipllroemmeattriucr e blonoedo naptreess- HBuoru(nsJsae) h old oven doors: a burn hazard in children [Yen] 84 Apnea sures [Park] 50 (Ja) Telephone subsidy: an effective incentive for successful par- Blood Tests see Hematologic Tests ticipation in home memory monitor study [Hunt] 954 Blood-Brain Barrier Calcium, Dietary (Au) Cerebrospinal fluid protein concentration in full-term neo- Methodology of concern (letter) [Williams] 201 (Fe) AGRenCoHmIiVcE S meOdFi cPiEnDe IAanTdR ItChSe iAnNdiDv iAduDaOl LpEaStCieEnNtT— byMtEeD ItCo IbNedE- nates (letter) [Anagnostakis] 618 (reply) [Wong] 619 (My) Carbonated Beverages side: a call for papers [DeAngelis] 116 (Fe) Body Mass Index Aluminum factor (letter) [Jansson] 202 (reply) [Wyshak]} New directions for the ARCHIVES |Rivara] 11 (Ja) Weight and happiness (letter) [Kaplan] (reply) [Erickson] 203 (Fe) Writing for publication in Archives of Pediatrics & Adoles- 525 (Ap) Beverage choices affect adequacy of children’s nutrient in- cent Medicine [Rivara] 1090 (Oc) Body Weight takes [Ballew] 154:1148 (No); correction, 155:620 (My) AAAEsrmcityoAahonmnrpoe olmrgAaiirmsccyei apranaoi snsca iclaosyinn sns gi seP nhotifil aaad cehl[ipKlhudli aavy,al cactPi]an a[t4iD0oe7nu s(opMrnro])j e c9t0 9a m(oAnug) Asian WMBBeoeOintcOeghaK homt edD eoRncltEhsohaiVegrt Iytyes E x WpoaefSn r dct o (wniBecnlee lrrc-nhgci mhlaid(ln lde ht etAcea,arl r)tee h:d [)W h[ioBlrwlo isactmhose] ] p e12d30i81a5t r(i(FcDeie)a) n be- CSHMoaoefrltttdb ehr odo)rn dtiahon[teklA esomcd:ago tlyaaob ]esoav affle e2arc 0raor0mgne ecf (e(rFlcreeeonst) nth esmr(eu)l nemttp[t teArli()llo eints[t oWenrai])ln ld2i[ 0aAb1mdo san](em F seo2f)0nr 1a] c t(u2Fr0ee)0s ((lFeet)- AAssipaitriact ioRna,c e Mseeceh aMnoincgaoll osiede SRuacctei on GFeerl(adNlmios)a nE , We,d: eCdh:i lEdrveind enWciet-hB aCseerde brPaeld iPaatlrsiyc:s A[ FPraorhenntas]’ G1u2i7d9e CIamrppeaaecyrtm eConfh tomi ecdeoi nc ale ntsrcyh ooiln tol oaan s peadnida ttrhiec praocmaidseem iocf locaanr eerer- Assaultive Behavior see Violence [Pavan] 528 (Ap) [Chesney] 1296 (De) Asthma Gilbert-Barness E, Barness LA: Metabolic Diseases: Founda- Third-year medical student survey of office preceptorships Asthma, breastfeeding, and hypoallergenic formula (let- tions of Clinical Management, Genetics and Pathology during the pediatric clerkship [Jospe] 592 (My) ter) [Donnelly] 203 (reply) [Chan-Yeung] 204 (Fe) [Farrell] 621 (My) Caregivers Breastfeeding and asthma in young children: findings from GottmanJ ,D eClaireJ :R aising an Emotionally Intelligent Child Counseling parents to quit smoking: little evidence of long- a population-based study [Dell] 1261 (No) [McMahon] 206 (Fe) term success (letter) [France] 858 (Jy) Corticosteroid prescription filling for children covered by Heidenreich C, Simpson DE: Award Winning Clinical Counseling smoking parents of young children: compari- medicaid following an emergency department visit or a Teachers Teach: Literature-Based Ambulatory Teaching son of pediatricians and family physicians [Pérez-Stable] hospitalization for asthma [Cooper] 1111 (Oc) Methods [Greenberg] 98 (Ja) 25 (Ja) Impact of low birth weight on early childhood asthma in HeymannJ : Widening Gap: Why America’s Working Fami- Influence of grandmothers and other senior caregivers on the United States [Brooks] 401 (Mr) lies Are In Jeopardy and What Can Be Done About It sleep position used by African American infants [Flick] Maternal depressive symptoms and emergency depart- [Rudavsky] 1075 (Se) 1231 (No) ment use among inner-city children with asthma [Bartlett] Ludmerer KM: Time to Heal: American Medical Education Long-term family outcomes for children with very low birth 347 (Mr) From the Turn of the Century tc the Era of Managed Care weights [Taylor] 155 (Fe) Metered-dose inhaler: the emergency department orphan {McMahon] 424 (Mr) Maternal outcomes of ar andomized controlled trial of a com- [Tien] 1335 (De) Pinkerton CR, Michalski AJ, Veys PA, eds: Clinical Chal- munity-based support program for families of children Randomized trial of the addition of ipratropium bromide lenges of Paediatric Oncology [Forscher] 98 (Ja) with chronic illnesses [Ireys] 771 Jy) to albuterol and corticosteroid therapy in children hos- Reece RM, ed: Treatment of Child Abuse: Common Ground Parent advisory groups in pediatric practices: parents’ and pitalized because of an acute asthma exacerbation [Goggin] for Mental Health, Medical, and Legal Practitioners |Bross] professionals perceptions [Young] 692 (Je) 1329 (De) 860 Jy) Parental smoking cessation counseling [Christakis] 15 (Ja) Reasons for pediatrician nonadherence to asthma guide- Rhoades ER, ed: American Indian Health: Innovations in Health Pediatric counseling of parents who smoke (letter) [Brad- lines [Cabana] 1057 (Se) Care, Promotion, and Policy [Grossman] 1180 (Oc) ford] (reply) [Pérez-Stable] 857 Uy) Serum magnesium levels in asthmatic children during and Riva D, Benton A, eds: Localization of Brain Lesions and To help or not to help . . .t hat is the question [Stein] 763 SUsoecsbwa iciseoortttfihehw p cimetnoaaeihns noaont lismhen ei mdxc amfa oaacrnsne |ttraKiaibgton-auzheistaydn,ilr f oesldndkcars yamu rjmcge]ao | trKisotane1rikst2yciut1o sir9snham tg]nees c(dr eNio 1oc[i8)aAdb1 tesd n iaeo(mfiFnisne t ])sis ,nc 5hca0ohn1iod ll dc(nrhAeeipnwl) d wrpiertenh- SStcahDPdNnoaeeelermvueenireynob oltlrlosFooop’,ggdm yyteB G l nuatSaiiLaedrn,r le die eEds,:[CF: Ma uACaunlhsvscoisbatllaeil dgo r9rlnm eisPan][:a nG t iWh1eMiw3rEata9,orhy 2in se a-dT nK(srio:Da[ reuGt)CmiFh eaeoartruleionsbcnd]r -a aKtlBoi 7rro4aPtni2ahn l as(lPiIJeesnesdj]):iu artyE6r:p2 ii2c- A CCTahAse9TJeo3y p4)h SR yce(lapAlnoui,r)n t eX -tRoaxyi coskeei neTt: ics ignr appr ehmya,t uXr-eR ayn ewCb ornPs [Ldo wry] AItntcmerenentatisaoelnd hpDeesafylictchhi ot tcararonepd i ocrD idsmrreuudgpigtciianvtgei onoBu erh uaskevi:id osra?r e D[Wiwoselo rriadmiecprhrs] o vi5n4g5 Stot(rrMdiyyt) io BnJa,l NiTcrheoallt meMnJt: Tfhoer LACDPH DS,ol utDioyns:l exTihae Raenmda rDkyasbplrea xNiua- CPautl9hm6e3ot near(riAyzua )t aiiro ne,m bCoelnutsr awli tVh enhooumse antibiotic infusion [Porea] (My) [McMahon] 622 (My) Ceftriaxone Pediatric stimulant and selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- SwansonJ , ed: Infant and Toddler Health Sourcebook, Health Addition of ceftriaxone to oral therapy does not improve tor prescription trends: 1992 to 1998 [Rushton] 560 (My) Reference Series [McMahon] 861 (Jy) outcome in febrile children with urinary tract infections Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder see Attention Warren C: Brush With Death: A Social History of Lead Poi- [Baker] 135 (Fe) Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity soning |Brosco] 975 (Au) Celiac Disease Auscultation Wilson GN, Cooley C: Preventive Management of Children Association between steatorrhea, growth, and immuno- Comparison of auscultatory and oscillometric blood pres- With Congenital Anomalies and Syndromes logic status in children with perinatally acquired HIV in- sures [Park] 50 (Ja) {Gilbert-Barness] 424 (Mr) fection [Sentongo]} 149 (Fe) Authorship Winders PC: Gross Motor Skills in Children With Down Syn- Cerebrospinal Fluid Writing for publication in Archives of Pediatrics & Adoles- drome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals [Pavan] 206 Cerebrospinal fluid protein concentration in full-term neo- cent Medicine [Rivara] 1090 (Oc) (Fe) nates (letter) [Anagnostakis] 618 (reply) [Wong] 619 (My) ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/VOL 155, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 1400 Cervical Spine Immobilization Clinical Protocols Counseling Removing the pediatric cervical collar: current practice pat- Should watchful waiting be used more often for acute otitis Counseling parents to quit smoking: little evidence of long- terns [Omran] 162 (Fe) media? [Pirozzo] 1097 (Oc) term success (letter) [France] 858 (Jy) Charcoal Cognition Counseling smoking parents of young children: compari- Taste test: children rate flavoring agents used with acti- Piracetam study: poorly designed and misinterpreted (let- son of pediatricians and family physicians |Pérez-Stable} vated charcoal [Skokan] 683 (Je) ter) [Croom] 1176 (reply) [Lobaugh] 1177 (Oc) 25 (Ja) Chickenpox Vaccine Piracetam therapy does not enhance cognitive functioning Delivery of smoking prevention and cessation services to Herd immunity and the varicella vaccine: is ita good thing? in children with down syndrome [Lobaugh] 442 (Ap) adolescents [Klein] 597 (My) [Taylor] 440 (Ap) Piracetam therapy for Down syndrome: a rush to judg- Evaluation of youth preferences for rapid and innovative hu- Partial uptake of varicella vaccine and the epidemiological ment? (letter) [Black] 1176 (Oc) man immunodeficiency virus antibody tests |P eralta] 838 effect on varicella disease in 11 day-care centers in North Collar, Cervical gy) Carolina [Clements] 455 (Ap) Removing the pediatric cervical collar: current practice pat- Improving human immunodeficiency virus testing for ado- Child Abuse terns [Omran] 162 (Fe) lescents [Joffe] 761 (jy) Computer simulation of stair falls to investigate scenarios Communicable Diseases Parental smoking cessation counseling [Christakis] 15 (Ja) in child abuse [Bertocci] 1008 (Se) Child care and common communicable illnesses: results from Pediatric counseling of parents who smoke (letter) [Brad- Child Advocacy the National Institute of Child Health and Human De- ford] (reply) [Pérez-Stable] 857 Jy) Advocating for children’s health at the state level: lessons velopment Study of Early Child Care [National Institute Counseling, Sex see Sex Counseling learned [Aitken] 877 (Au) of Child Health and Human Development Early Child Care Craniocerebral Trauma Child advocacy and robust community-centered research Research Network] 481 (Ap) Improved documentation of retinal hemorrhages using a [Feudtner] 438 (Ap) Communication wide-field digital opthalmic camera ir. patients who ex- Pediatric advocacy: more lessons (letter) [Aitken] 1390 (De) Parent expectations for antibiotics, physician-parent com- perienced abusive head trauma [Nakagawa] 1149 (Oc) Child Behavior munication, and satisfa-tion [Mangione-Smith] 800 (Jy) Crime Early effects of the healthy steps for young children pro- Community Health Centers Factors preventinggun acquisition and carrying among in- gram [Minkovitz] 470 (Ap) Needs assessment for establishing an after-hours tele- carcerated adolescent males [Freed] 335 (Mr) Effectiveness of ah ome intervention for perceived child be- phone medicine curriculum (letter) [Ozuah] 856 (Jy) Reducing gun carrying by youth [Ash] 330 (Mr) WCCCCIhhhhnhiiiifmeohvsiRt1lllllnfalhaee2nduddd vees3ln Ce u ie1eohnct opCCD aNiacpper auarralearmap(ertcds yrole oNie he t nsoaoo nHoCidtf)npntedt aNr darsagiyrue l olSor e gtctbtnra hwolde uIn eojeCemdnudfexaremsymicsmnpntks cteooidto]i odtn tees fi uanrHhu tncnb4sEreuetydc8ay er em 1ro rsaovl Ampv fiyfn[mae( r rB ranuCAuiCutennhspctDhindii z)aieot l]cn lvni d oadsen t b Agl1hlCH m0oeteea2eprosar 9 rtmle rrieist eelcne(shiidon n[asSt nu eiNne c)oasa i erEstnn[e a iidWsrocn :ocplnfh laoyHaaifrsr nll]ueteCt ds gnhmsuriaiI 9laevtnl2tnenas[d7s rltF sli fwC(it riAaDhcuotureuokt]m)h-ene- CCACBCCNCPaeodooooeordmvemmmmmplt[rimodeippmpaephGuceatscuuuuuorrrnar hnotttntisnitnsece eeieeatio s drrrtrstynlm a h y sm-godaaee I g[CSstvsndsnyA iio iOf]iiss micmomu tcmtruauumt[ki eilcllr9peJncnyataae9enohe:tttuat2]dhi ii tci nleoohoimcds (n8n fnooruoSi: 7ot enrsrenc r7hn)eaae]ro e ’ t l efia sei ( c alosCs1Aupnedtt Rhu3l osaoaee)7isuwpbNlra 4omet laln riittsff(shioa (lu Dohnl(lleni elsa)t sen itottt gtyfett1o- t re oI h)rpnoasi )eeltn n id [ tvis[uOfetatAaioszatiofrttnrut ateiiakl egi ceharn ln]tj-e]i evuh ne rol8Rfy1u:se5o 3 rcl6r9secal m0 notea (anistJtrt (siyeirDo)loooene nsl)s- CCCIECRRurfaaormlfcocnpodtps1[eteessarleruD0cu l styaeoap 9tr n)rrnvvaii8 ao cui Iinnv lthsc[ntedn w ]t(Rfen iga iCOienet( lvehcscvsl9hwatiat)eses 7rathvir u 3atyenmoare ]o iniscvur fc li t(s)c ivde e9uAaota r sru7r[lyieea)3c oLf sl rfau toiuo wl(ionfnu srArc ipa] uisvtbc n ) nuie le [9onfnbLi7moaeunu2esanrrl dolidai icab (zac]olAena emeudatli ) l1h ayn3idlsi4anei cf0nsxia d iatn n(t(ymflDs heee eettcv)atitha elinrartoci)shnr a o eb[anlsrsMeeaeeotsr soe v rifec(on[ler]Zee s aot cftnh(aeiarrrrlee-] --- Child care and common communicable illnesses: results from in child abuse [Bertocci] 1008 (Se) the National Institute of Child Health and Human De- Computer-Assisted Instruction velopment Study of Early Child Care [National Institute Utilization of a pediatric emergency department education Data Collection of Child Health and Human Development Early Child Care computer [Pusic] 129 (Fe) Prevalence of mental disorders in children living in Al- Research Network] 481 (Ap) Condoms berta, Canada, as determined from physician billing data Partial uptake of varicella vaccine and the epidemiological Randomized controlled trial of a safer sex intervention for [Spady] 1153 (Oc) effect on varicella disease in 11 day-care centers in North high-risk adolescent girls [Shrier] 73 (Ja) Data Interpretation, Statistical Carolina [Clements] 455 (Ap) Confidentiality Necessity for statistical precision (letter) [Baker] 619 (re- Child Development Confidentiality and adolescents’ willingness to consent to ply) [Ballew] 620 (My) Are overreferrals on developmental screening tests really a sexually transmitted disease testing (letter) [Ford] 1072 Day Care Centers for Children see Child Day Care Centers Chiplrdo bldeemv? el[oGlpamseconet] 5i4n (pJead) iatrics: beyond rhetoric Con(jSuen) ctival Diseases DPerciimsairoyn cMaraek ianngd emergency department decision making Dev[eZluocpkmeernmta n]o f y1o2u9n4g (cDhei)l dren with retinoblastoma [Ross] CBaolnlsocoino ucse llS endeavtuiso no f the conjunctiva [Haleman] 93 (Ja) Res[iMdceNnutl tya]u to1n2o66m y (Nion) an era of managed care (letter) 80 (Ja) Use of intravenous methohexital as a sedative in pediatric [Ozuah] 974 (Au) DEEaxorp gtleowryresa ) um er nf[eefS[ee ccMdhtit isonn t kdovoo lifrevo erilat]tesh znse]ce 9 se6hs: 4e a7(nlJ0poats r)hy m(ycaA hlpos) lt ogerpgsoi scsaf lomr oatynoodru nagmic lacedhseitmloidncre esn?c orp(rrleeot--- CCoOneoNsfmS eepnErasgiNuenSs nU cinySs t tahdteSee pTmnaeAernTwttbEm oeMfrnoEntrNs tT[hS[eAS n eapdrniedkv]]e n6t16i75o3 n ((JFaeen)) d management DCoerlhmtioeivsdcepioricsytat aielodrif oz iaHfdteo ialolplntro hew fsiocnCrrga i rapeast nti honem ma efri[lglCeionnogcp yef ror]d echp1ia1lr1d1tr meen(n Otcc )o vviesrite d orb ya lates in child witnesses [Hurt] 1351 (De) Consumer Product Safety Delivery of smoking prevention and cessation services to Foster care placement improves children’s functioning Household oven doors: a burn hazard in children [Yen] 84 adolescents [Klein] 597 (My) [Horwitz] 1255 (No) (Ja) Effects of regular source of care and health need on medi- Primary care services promoting optimal child develop- Outcomes from television sets toppling onto toddlers cal care use among rural adolescents [Ryan] 184 (Fe) ment from birth to age 3 years: review of the literature [DiScala] 145 (Fe) information technology and the future of child health care [Regalado] 1311 (De) When smoke alarms are a nuisance: a call to action [Berger] a revolution is occurring [Weitzman] 990 (Se) Child Psychology 875 (Au) Resident autonomy in an era of managed care (letter) Identification and management of psychosocial problems CORRECTIONS [Ozuah] 974 (Au) by preventive child health care [Brugman] 462 (Ap) Beverage choices affect adequacy of children’s nutrient Socioeconomic status, drug insurance benefits, and new pre- Psychological screening of children for participation in non- intakes [Ballew] 154:1148 (No); correction, 155:620 scriptions for inhaled corticosteroids in schoolchildren Wittchheersa,p epuutbiecr tianlv adseivveel orpemseenatr,ch an[dM c“Cmairntihmya]l r1i1s9k7” [(LNaon)t os] Pyo(gMeyn)i c granuloma of the tongue [Sheth] 1065 (Se); cor- Whwyi the thansitchimtay a[nKdoz yrrasckey ja]r e 1s2o1 9i m(pNoor)t ant in child health 1195 (No) rection, 1209 (No) services research today (letter) [Flores] 1178 (reply Chlamydia trachomatis World Health Organization oral rehyd: solution in US [Rivara] 1179 (Oc) Confidentiality and adolescents’ willingness to consent to pediatric practice: a randomized trial to evaluate parent Dental Care sexually transmitted disease testing (letter) [Ford] 1072 satisfaction [Ladinsky] 154:700 (Jy); correction, 155: Dental concerns unrelated to trauma in the pediatric emer- (Se) 1310 (De) gency department: barriers to care [Dorfman] 699 (Je) Self-obtained vaginal swabs for diagnosis of treatable sexu- Corticosteroids see Adrenal Cortex Hormones Depression ally transmitted diseases in adolescent girls [Smith] 676 Cost Effectiveness see Cost-Benefit Analysis Exposure to violence: psychological and academic corre- Je) Cost-Benefit Analysis lates in child witnesses [Hurt] 1351 (De) Cul nt sexually t d infection in urban adoles- Cost estimates of prophylaxis (letter) [Moler] (reply) 199 Maternal depressive symptoms and emergency depart- cents and young adults [Orr] 947 (Au) (Fe) ment use among inner-city children with asthma [Bartlett] Cholesterol LDL see Lipoproteins, LDL Cholesterol Cost-effectiveness of a school-based tobacco-use preven- 347 (Mr) Chondromatosis, Synovial tion program [Wang] 1043 (Se) Weight and happiness (letter) [Kaplan] (reply) [Erickson] Synovial chondromatosis [Heim] 1069 (Se) Economic analysis of a child vaccination project among Asian 525 (Ap) Chronic Disease Americans in Philadelphia, Pa [Deuson] 909 (Au) Depressive Symptoms see Depression Maternal outcomes ofa r andomized controlled trial of a com- Evidence for changing guidelines for routine screening for Desbuquois Syndrome munity-based support program for families of children retinopathy of prematurity [Lee] 387 (Mr) Desbuquois syndrome [Prosen] 969 (Au) with chronic illnesses [Ireys] 771 Jy) Costs and Cost Analysis Dexamethasone To help or not to help . . . that is the question [Stein] 763 Adolescent immunization practices: a national survey of US Effectiveness of oral or nebulized dexamethasone for chil- gy) physicians [Schaffer] 566 (My) dren with mild croup [Luria] 1340 (De) Circumcision Economic burden of respiratory syncytial virus-associated Diagnosis Is research on newborn circumcision ethical? (letter) [Har- bronchiolitis hospitalizations (letter) [Stang] 95 (Ja) Alkaptonuria [Nitu] 1063 (Se) rison] (reply) [Taddio] 618 (My) Impact of medical school loans and the promise of loan re- Ameloblastic fibroma of the maxilla [Rose] 735 (Je) Clinical Competence payment on entry into a pediatric academic career Cardiac rhabdomyoma in tuberous sclerosis [Rashid] 961 Assessing diagnostic accuracy and tympanocentesis skills [Chesney] 1296 (De) (Au) in the management ofo titis media [Pichichero] 1137 (Oc) Pediatric length of stay guidelines and routine practice: the Cerebral air embolism in hereditary hemorrhagic telangi- Fever and stiff neck [McIntire] 603 (My) case of Milliman and Robertson [Harman] 885 (Au) ectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu disease) {Petrillo} 847 Jy CLINICAL PROBLEM SOLVING (Bergman A. ed) Priniary care and emergency department decision making Cervical hygroma and ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) Fever and stiff neck [McIntire] 603 (My) [McNulty] 1266 (No) [Stanford] 1271 (No) ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/VOL 155, DEC 2001 WWW.ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 1401 Congenital esophageal duplication cyst as a rare cause of Dietary Supplements Education, Medical, Graduate neonatal progressive stridor [Eichmann] 1067 (Se) Consultations for holistic pediatric services for inpatients Impact of medical school loans and the promise of loan re- Congenital syphilis presenting as osteomyelitis with nor- and outpatient oncology patients at a children’s hospital payment on entry into a pediatric academic career nal radioisotope bone scan [Torchinsky] 613 (My) [Kemper] 449 (Ap) [Chesney] 1296 (De) Cystic Desmoplastic Medulloblastoma of Infancy [Vasishta] Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine Impact of problem-based learning on residents’ self- 517 (Ap) Delays in receipt of immunizations in low-birth-weight chil- directed learning [Ozuah] 669 (Je) Desbuquois syndrome [Prosen] 969 (Au) dren: a nationally rep sample [Langkamp] 167 More on problem-based learning and self-directed learn- Differentiation of adenoviral infection and Kawasaki dis- (Fe) ing (letter) [Ozuah] 1278 (No) ease (letter) [Barton] 96 (reply) [Barone] 97 (Ja) Disease Management Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Ehlers-Danlos syndrome—classical type [Dame] 1275 (No) Exposures and outcomes of children with urticaria seen in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome—classical type [Dame] 1275 (No) Hair-Thread Toruniquet Syndrome [Wang] 515 (Ap) a pediatric practice-based research network: a case- Embolism, Air Hypertrophic gastropathy with edema [Sela] 1273 (No) control study [Plumb] 1017 (Se) Cerebral air embolism in hereditary hemorrhagic telangi- Inca bone [Parente] 731 (Je) Disease Outbreaks ectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu disease) [Petrillo] 847 Increased psychotropic medication use: are we improving Clinical, laboratory, and epidemiologic features of murine Oy) mental health care or drugging our kids? [Wolraich] 545 typhus in 97 Texas children [Whiteford] 396 (Mr) Emergency Medical Services (My) Disease Transmission, Horizontal Dental concerns unrelated to trauma in the pediatric emer- Infantile scurvy [Riepe] 607 (My) When parents reject interventions to reduce postnatal hu- gency department: barriers to care [Dorfman] 699 (Je) Intracranial plasma cell granuloma [Lacson]} 851 (Jy) man i deficiency virus tre ion [Wolf] 927 Intravenous ketorolac in the emergency department man- Langerhans cell histiocytosis presenting in the neonatal pe- (Au) agement of sickle cell pain and predictors of its effective- riod: a retrospective case series [Stein] 778 Jy) Disease Ti issi atient-to-Professional ness [Beiter] 496 (Ap) Lemierre syndrome |Narsinghani] 965 (Au) Sharps injuries in a pediatric teaching hospital: a shared re- Maternal depressive symptoms and emergency depart- Lichen striatus [Goyal] 197 (Fe) sponsibility (letter) [Nambiar] 1277 (No) ment use among inner-city children with asthma [Bartlett] Multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B syndrome [Lee] 845 Jy) DNA, Mitochondrial 347 (Mr) Orbital capillary hemangioma [Ramsey] 733 Je) Other human genome [Shanske] 1210 (No) Metered-dose inhaler: the emergency department orphan Perforation of the inferior cava as a cause of neonatal free DNA Mutational Analysis [Tien] 1335 (De) intra-abdominal air |W alsh] 523 (Ap) Genetic counseling and risk communication services of new- Primary care and emergency department decision making Pernicious anemia and gastric atrophy in an adolescent fe- born screening programs [Farrell] 120 (Fe) [McNulty] 1266 (No) male with multiorgan problems [Dahshan] 609 (My) Is public health ready for genetics? [Holtzman] 117 (Fe) Use of intravenous methohexital as a sedative in pediatric Pill esophagitis [Engmann] 729 (Je) Is public health ready for genetics? an unanswered ques- emergency departments [Sedik] 665 Je) Progressive hypertonic muscular dystrophy |Cawkwell] 853 tion (letter) [Cunningham] (reply) [Farrell] 1175 (Oc) Utilization ofa p ediatric emergency department education Jy) Domestic Violence computer [Pusic] 129 (Fe) PPuulltmmeoromnn aarriyny f anmitin ctre[roCsvrtaiostsicsauwlle aierl m] pplh6ayt1e5sl eetm( Maty h)ri onm ba osniosn ve[nGtuiol]a te7d37 p(rJee-) Wita(nbMeurss)s iinngg anvdio lneonnc-es uabmsotnagn cei-nnaebru-sciintyg cwhoilmdernen [oSfc shuulbesrt]a nc3e4-2 EEmmopthiyosneaml a,D isPtuulrmboannacersy sseeee APfuflecmtoinvae ryS ymEpmtpohmyss ema Pyogenic granuloma of the tongue [Sheth] 1065 (Se); cor- Dose-Resp Relationship, Drug Endophthalmitis rection, 1209 (No) How can information technology improve patient safety and Endogenous endophthalmitis |[Duker] 1169 (Oc) Retinoblastoma presenting as pseudoiritis and secondary reduce medication errors in children’s health care? Environmental Exposure glaucoma |Lueder] 519 (Ap) [Kaushal] 1002 (Se) Are perceived neighborhood hazards a barrier to physical Self-obtained vaginal swabs for diagnosis of treatable sexu- Down Syndrome activity in children? [Romero] 1143 (Oc) ally transmitted diseases in adolescent girls [Smith] 676 Piracetam study: poorly designed and misinterpreted (let- Counseling parents to quit smoking: little evidence of long- Ge) ter) [Croom] 1176 (reply) [Lobaugh] 1177 (Oc) term success (letter) [France] 858 (Jy) Shwachman-Diamond syndrome: a syndrome of pancre- Piracetam therapy does not enhance cognitive functioning Counseling smoking parents of young children: compari- atic insufficiency and bone marrow dysfunction [Kakkar] in children with down syndrome [Lobaugh] 442 (Ap) son of pediatricians and family physicians [Pérez-Stable] 611 (My) Piracetam therapy for Down syndrome: a rush to judg- 25 (Ja) Spontaneous neonatal gastric perforation [Ankola] 521 (Ap) ment? (letter) [Black] 1176 (Oc) Exposure to violence: psychological and academic corre- Synovial chondromatosis [Heim] 1069 (Se) Drug Administration, Oral see Administration, Oral lates in child witnesses [Hurt] 1351 (De) Total anomalous pulmonary venous return [Fox] 193 (Fe) Drug Approval Health effects related to environmental tobacco smoke ex- Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted Rotavirus vaccine’s withdrawal and physicians’ trust in vac- posure in children in the United States: data from the third Information technology and the future of child health care cine safety mechanisms [McPhillips] 1051 (Se) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey ADDSIDsiiuimsaaabpaipweggg ncire nsnnrudrootsooeetivhsissv-aeeeinttofn ndsgiliiecm, eucceoa lt dduddniiD TIs ooaiam encagfgdac bufifneghaugemomitiirnssse et einintnanonvegiqlttcectc uiacr eaootulsphsaori ie tfcros ahcinao daunt n orilgdtfam it ocistrf y[cPh a Wme rur eeoemacndticanaieiet ndmawdza e bulm[r ortaN[aerynPah snim]ke c p aimhnag [oi9naBcrp9oewharl0ceatlh erii]aonne( ig]tnS] eete 1)sss1 1 1 i413ws938u h 71s oi(s n(kO(igOcDelc e)xl)) -sa APDPPEifneirlfdtrlug(rteie aeegrcaanercnet tn)asiespr dRtot tlieaapoy[acolalh)mm Cf c ai rtgaaz2o[ciiscd eAooottreilrdmnuientat d,s]nhaniy a acdc:mllAooe [i e1dsnrEnpd1ttv]hnoo 7er eyogp6roprcr4 omhlesoli1learre(yde8ptnnr sd ile n dcap(]oelspaMt yssirnor)tiiadi)a7 e g sl 2r no[9on[enL[ iKeddiodiw( enbsnJ bg agaeBo ])unoe rgdnn(nh le1 ]edm0gt ii3trsces8oct1ri wri)1nte s(7the]S7e[:n e rI) is pn(1brrOg2ieec s4st)t8ufee l ordtr](s Nc(o+ool)f1ne t -7-a SWPPReuaehdrlnf5ty{{iea ou7aMnBt rdt9taiepder aon]rrsiiln s,gno(c s t miM(hsseanyariuccmneo)npnotpo}]d uilk bnyoiepp)sn8n3t are 76grwol4[ ee tip Pn(eenrcéJt(nacgera A c tse)ut szbilo)ia-eoef ctSahn eitda pso ava nbeiri lxonefep rcno]ostroc s suhu n8cir[sh5lweJie7d holl rhodaiernJ nnnesydg nso) :mn h v]o[oi Ckmrhketi8rnu c9iaoi1sl(wdt llealey(k te Aitde[sugrSi]))te g r,ne1 o[t5eBr sare(tkadtJydia?]--) Are overreferrals on developmental screening tests really a Piracetam therapy does not enhance cognitive functioning Epidemiologic Studies problem? [Glascoe} 54 Ja) in children with down syndrome [Lobaugh] 442 (Ap) Breastfeeding and asthma in young children: findings from Comparison of auscultatory and oscillometric blood pres- Piracetam therapy for Down syndrome: a rush to judg- a population-based study [Dell] 1261 (No) sures [Park] 50 (Ja) ment? (letter) [Black] 1176 (Oc) Clinical, laboratory, and epidemiologic features of murine Complexities in recognizing and treating iron deficiency ane- Drug Therapy typhus in 97 Texas children [Whiteford] 396 (Mr) mia [Abelson] 332 (Mr) Increased psychotropic medication use: are we improving Epidemiology of pediatric traumatic brain injury in Min- Confidentiality and adolescents’ willingness to consent to mental health care or drugging our kids? [Wolraich] 545 nesota [Reid] 784 Jy) sexually transmitted disease testing (letter) [Ford] 1072 (My) Partial uptake of varicella vaccine and the epidemiological (Se) Pediatric stimulant and selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- effect on varicella disease in 11 day-care centers in North Diagnosing bacterial meningitis after the Haemophilus in- tor prescription trends: 1992 to 1998 [Rushton] 560 (My) Carolina [Clements] 455 (Ap) fluenzae vaccine: still a challenge [Frohna] 1307 (De) Drug Therapy, Combination Prevalence of mental disorders in children living in Al- Evaluation of youth preferences for rapid and innovative hu- Addition of ceftriaxone to oral therapy does not improve berta, Canada, as determined from physician billing data man immunodeficiency virus antibody tests [Peralta] 838 outcome in febrile children with urinary tract infections {Spady] 1153 (Oc) Jy) {Baker} 135 (Fe) Esophageal Cyst Fever and stiff neck [McIntire] 603 (My) Drug Toxicity Congenital esophageal duplication cyst as a rare cause of Genetic counseling and risk communication services of new- Hepatitis B vaccination practices in hospital newborn nurs- neonatal progressive stridor |Eichmann| 1067 (Se) born screening programs [Farrell] 120 (Fe) eries before and after changes in vaccination recommen- Esophagitis Improving human immunodeficiency virus testing for ado- dations [Clark] 915 (Au) Pill esophagitis [Engmann]| 729 Je) lescents [Joffe] 761 Jy) Ethics, Medical Is public health ready for genetics? [Holtzman] 117 (Fe) Genetic counseling and risk communication services of new- Is public health ready for genetics? an unanswered ques- born screening programs |Farrell] 120 (Fe) tion (letter) [Cunningham] (reply) [Farrell] 1175 (Oc) Eating Is public health ready for genetics? [Holtzman] 117 (Fe) Outcome of children identified as anemic by routine screen- Children in food-insufficient, low-income families: preva- Is public health ready for genetics? an unanswered ques- ing in an inner-city clinic [Bogen] 366 (Mr) lence, health, and nutrition status [Casey] 508 (Ap) tion (letter) [Cunningham] (reply) [Farrell] 1175 (Oc) Performance of a predictive model for streptococcal phar- Eating Disorders Is research on newborn circumcision ethical? (letter) [Har- yngitis in children [Attia] 687 (Je); correction, 1179 Je) Characterization of pica prevalence among patients with rison] (reply) [Taddio] 618 (My) Predictors of bacterial meningitis in the era after Haemophi- sickle cell disease [Ivascu] 1243 (No) Psychological screening of children for participation in non- lus influenzae [Freedman] 1 (De) Education, Medical therapeutic invasive research [McCarthy] 1197 (No) Urinary thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances as poten- Can we train a lifelong learner? [DeWitt] 637 (Je) When parents reject interventions to reduce postnatal hu- tial biomarkers of intrauterine hypoxia [Siciarz] 718 (Je) Does information collected during the residency match pro- man immunodeficiency virus transmission [Wolf] 927 Diet cess predict clinical performance? (letter) [Lane] 420 (re- (Au) Adolescent cybersurfing for health information: a new re- ply) [Borowitz] 421 (Mr) Witches, pubertal development, and “minimal risk” [Lantos] source that crosses barriers [Borzekowski] 813 (Jy) Does problem-based learning improve residents’ self- 1195 (No) Low family income and food insufficiency in relation to over- directed learning? [Juul-Damj 673 (Je) Ethnic Groups weight in US children: is there a paradox? [Alaimo] 1161 Third-year medical student survey of office preceptorships Constructive use of race and ethnicity variables (letter) (Oc) during the pediatric clerkship [Jospe] 592 (My) [Davis] 973 (Au) Diet, Fat-Restricted Education, Medical, Continuing Race and ethnicity in biomedical and health services re- Overrestriction of dietary fat intake before formal nutri- Assessing diagnostic accuracy and tympanocentesis skills search (letter) [Laws] 972 (Au) tional counseling in children with hyperlipidemia in the management of otitis media [Pichichero] 1137 (Oc) Race not always useful in final analysis (letter) [Moore] (re- [Kaistha] 1225 (No) Utilization of ap ediatric emergency department education ply) [Rivara] 973 (Au) Diet, Formula see Food, Formulated computer [Pusic] 129 (Fe) Use of the terms race and ethnicity [Rivara] 119 (Fe) ARCH PEDIATR ADOLESC MED/VOL 155, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHPEDIATRICS.COM 1402

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