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Preview Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 1994 - 1995: Vol 114 Table of Contents

Archives of Orthopaedic and LTAUMA Sur oer y Volume 114 - 1994/1995 Editor-in-Chief H. Wagner, Schwarzenbruck/Niirnberg Co-Editors G. Hierholzer, Duisburg H.-G. Willert, Gottingen Editorial Board R. Bauer, Innsbruck - M. H. Hackenbroch, K6In P. Maquet, Aywaille - R. Marti, Amsterdam-Zuidoost E. Morscher, Basel - M. E. Miiller, Bern A.L.Nachemson, Goteborg - H. Rettig, GieBen C. A. Rockwood, San Antonio, Texas - J. Schatzker, Toronto K. P. Schmit-Neuerburg, Essen - L. Schweiberer, Miinchen H. Tscherne, Hannover - A. N. Witt, Gmund/Tegernsee B.G. Weber, St. Gallen PS=TA ; G :) Springer archives of (r¢hopaedic ondL rauma Surgery Founded in 1903 by J. Riedinger et al. as Copyright Special regulations for photocopies in the Archiv fiir Orthopadie, Mechanotherapie USA. Photocopies may be made for per- und Unfallchirurgie. Submission of a manuscript implies: that sonal or in-house use beyond the limita- the work described has not been published tions stipulated under Section 107 or 108 From Volume 16 “Archiv fiir ortho- before (except in the form of an abstract or of U.S. Copyright Law, provided a fee is padische und Unfall-Chirurgie” edited by as part of a published lecture, review, or paid. All fees should be paid to the Copy- M. Borchardt, K. Kramer, W. Exner, thesis); that it is not under consideration right Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress H.Gocht, M. Kirschner, F. K6énig et al. for publication elsewhere; that its publica- Street, Salem, MA 01970, USA, stating tion has been approved by all coauthors, the ISSN 0344-8444, the volume, and the From Volume 91 (1978) “Archives of if any, as well as by the responsible au- first and last page numbers of each article Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery, thorities at the institute where the work has copied. The copyright owner’s consent Archiv fiir orthopadische und Unfall- been carried out; that, if and when the does not include copying for general dis- Chirurgie” edited by M.A.R. Freeman, manuscript is accepted for publication, the tribution, promotion, new works, or resale. G. Hierholzer, F. Linder, P. Maquet, authors agree automatic transfer of the In these cases, specific written permission M.E. Miiller, H. Rettig, J. Schatzker, copyright to the publisher; and that the must first be obtained from the publisher. H.-G. Willert and A.N. Witt. manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the The Canada Institute for Scientific and Volume 1-15 Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, copyright holders. Technical Information (CISTI) provides a Volume 16—26 (1928) Berlin, Springer, comprehensive, world-wide document de- and Wiesbaden and (from 1920) All articles published in this journal are livery service for all Springer-Verlag jour- Miinchen, J. F. 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The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, etc., in this pub- lication, even if not specifically identified, does not imply that these names are not protected by the relevant laws and regula- Printer tions. Schneider Druck GmbH, While the advice and information in this D-91541 Rothenburg ob der Tauber, journal is believed to be true and accurate Germany at the date of its going to press, neither the authors, the editors, nor the publisher can © Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 1995 accept any legal responsibility for any er- rors or omissions that may be made. The Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, publisher makes no warranty, express or D-14197 Berlin, Germany implied, with respect to the material con- tained herein. Printed in Germany Springer Contents volume 114 periosteal grafts. An experimental study with osteogenic material. An experi- Abbreviations in parentheses refer to the inrats(O) 18 mental study (CEF) 172 following sections: (R) Review article; Casser H-R — Fink B Griss P + Haake M (O) Original article; (CEF) Clinical and Cila E — Uslu MM experimental forum; (CPC) Current prob- Cornu OH, Halleux J de, Banse X, Haake M, Wirth T, Griss P: False-positive lem cases Delloye C: Tibial tubercle elevation sonographic hip examinations in new- with bone grafts. A comparative study borns with congenital varus deformity of autograft and allograft (O) 324 of the proximal femur (O) 274 Hackenbroch MH — Schmidt J David A, Eitenmiiller J, Muhr G, Pommer Hall A — Melrose J Adolphson P: Endosteal femoral bone loss A, Bar HF, Ostermann PAW, Schild- Halleux J de — Cornu OH after hip rearthroplasty. A controlled hauer TA: Mechanical and histological Halter Ward EG — Blatter G computed tomography study of 12 pa- evaluation of hydroxyapatite-coated, Hamlet MR — Kong KC tients (O) 103 titanium-coated and grit-blasted surfaces Hammer C — Hofmann GO Alho A, Stromsge K, Hgiseth A: Pairwise under weight-bearing conditions (O) Happonen R-P — Pajamiaki J strength relationships of cortical and 112 Hartwig C-H, Beele B, Kiisswetter W: cancellous bone in human femur: Deiler S — Kohn D Femoral head bone grafting for recon- an autopsy study (O) 211 Delloye C — Cornu OH struction of the acetabular wall in dys- Allvin I — Nungu KS Denis C — Nyssen-Behets C plastic hip replacement (O) 269 Altun NS — Uslu MM Derra E — Raunest J Hasegawa Y — Genda E Andersson O — Pajamiki J Devilee R, Sanders R, Lange S de: Treat- Hasegawa Y — Iwase T Antoli¢ V — Igli¢ A ment of fractures and dislocations of the Hatzigrigoris P + Tsourvakas S Aota Y, Kumano K, Hirabayashi S, thoracic and lumbar spine by fusion and Hedin G > Nungu KS Ogawa Y: Reduction of lumbar spondy- Harrington instrumentation (O) 100 Heller KD — Peters KM lolisthesis using a CDI pedicle screw Dhem A — Nyssen-Behets C Helwig U, Lang S, Baczynski M, Wind- system (O) 188 Dijk CN van — Verhagen RAW hager R: The intraosseous ganglion. Arya R > Malhotra R Dittert D-D, Warnecke G, Willert H-G: A clinical-pathological report on 42 Asano M — Yamamura S Aluminum levels and stores in patients cases (O) 14 Aspenberg P — Thorén K with total hip endoprostheses from Hintermann B, Morscher EW: Total hip Assenmacher S —> Voggenreiter G TiAIV or TiAINb alloys (O) = 133 replacement with solid autologous Atik OS — Uslu MM Dounis E — Tsourvakas S femoral head graft for hip dysplasia (O) Aune AK, Madsen JE, Moen H: Clinical Drenckhahn D — Krauspe R 137 significance of condylar chondromalacia DuBler E — Bauer G Hirabayashi S —> Aota Y after arthroscopic resection of flap-tears Hirvensalo E — Pelto-Vasenius K of the medial meniscus. A prospective Eikvar K — Stromsge K Hoffmann S — Melzer C study of 93 cases (O) 199 Eitenmiiller J— David A Hofmann GO, Kirschner MH, Wange- Elke R, Meier G, Warnke K, Morscher E: mann T, Falk C, Mempel W, Hammer Baba S —> Matsui Y Outcome analysis of total knee-replace- C: Infections and immunological Baczynski M — Helwig U ments in patients with rheumatoid hazards of allogeneic bone transplan- Bar HF — David A arthritis versus osteoarthritis (O) 330 tation (O) 159 Banse X — Cornu OH Hofmann GO: Biodegradable implants in Bauer G, Fleischmann W, DuBler E: Fabeck L — Nyssen-Behets C traumatology: a review on the state-of- Displaced scapular fractures: indication Falk C — Hofmann GO the-art (R) 123 and long-term results of open reduction Fellander-Tsai L, Wredmark T: Injury Hgiseth A — Alho A and internal fixation (O) 215 incidence and cause in elite gymnasts Holm I — Nordsletten L Beele B — Hartwig C-H (CEF) 344 Hougaard K — Suder PA Beks P — Blasius K Fink B, Casser H-R, Zilkens K-W, Riither Bellenger CR — Melrose J W: Reactivation of a tuberculous coxitis Igli¢ A, Antoli¢ V, Srakar F, Kralj-Igli¢ V, Bengtsson S > Nungu KS due to loosening of a total hip endopros- Maéek-Lebar A, Brajnik D: Biomechan- Beyer W — Kladny B thesis (CPC) 298 ical study of various greater trochanter Bhan S > Malhotra R Fleischmann W — Bauer G positions (O) 76 Bjerkreim I — Nordsletten L Forst J — Forst R Ikuta Y — Ochi M Blasius K, Wei’ M, Beks P, Neusel E, Forst R, Forst J: Importance of lower Imhoff A — Wachtl SW Niethard FU: Macromorphological limb surgery in Duchenne muscular Iwase T, Hasegawa Y, Kataoka Y, comparison of frozen sections con- dystrophy (O) 106 Matsuda T, Iwata H: Long-term results cerning the problem of congruency of Friedl W — Lamadé WR of intertrochanteric varus osteotomy for the hip joint (O) 83 arthrosis of the dysplastic hip (over 10 Blatter G, Halter Ward EG, Ruflin G, Genda E, Konishi N, Hasegawa Y, Miura years’ follow-up) (O) 243 Jeanneret B: The problem of stabiliza- T: A computer simulation study of Iwata H — Iwase T tion after sacrectomy (CEF) 40 normal and abnormal hip joint contact Iwata H — Yamamura S Béstman O — Pelto-Vasenius K pressure (O) 202 Brajnik D — Igli¢ A Ghosh P — Melrose J Jeanneret B — Blatter G Brunner R — Schai P Giamarellou H — Tsourvakas S Jensen PE — Suder PA Gliickert K — Kladny B Jitsuiki J Ochi M Camilli JA, Penteado CV: Bone formation Géransson H, Vuola J, Linden M, Patiala Johannsen HG, Krebs B: Acetabular pene- by vascularized periosteal and osteo- H, Rokkanen P: Filling the bone defect tration of sliding screw (CPC) 241 IV Juutilainen T, Patiala H, Rokkanen P, Maéek-Lebar A — Iglié A component. A roentgen stereophoto- Térmiala P: Biodegradable wire fixation Macpherson C — Melrose J gram case report (O) 267 in olecranon and patella fractures com- Madsen JE — Aune AK Ogawa Y — Aota Y bined with biodegradable screws or Malhotra R, Arya R, Bhan S: Bipolar Olerud C — Nungu KS plugs and compared with metallic fixa- hemiarthroplasty in femoral neck Ostermann PAW — David A tion (O) 319 fractures (O) 79 Matsuda T — Iwase T Patiala H — Goransson H Kanellakopoulou K — Tsourvakas S Matsui Y, Myoui A, Nakahara H, Patiala H — Juutilainen T Karlsson K — Pajamiki J Baba S: Prognostic significance of Pajamaki J, Lindholm S, Andersson O, Katagiri H — Sugiura H posterior subtalar joint arthrography Karlsson K, Yli-Urpo A, Happonen Kataoka Y — Iwase T following fractures of the calcaneus R-P: Glass-ceramic-coated titanium hip Keizer G de + Verhagen RAW (O) 257 endoprosthesis. Experimental study in Kirschner MH — Hofmann GO Mattarelli G — Schafer D rabbits (CEF) 119 Kladny B, Gliickert K, Swoboda B, Meeder PJ — Lamadé WR Peckham T —> Kong KC Beyer W, Weseloh G: Comparison of Meier G > Elke R Pelto-Vasenius K, Hirvensalo E, Béstman low-field (0.2 Tesla) and high-field Melrose J, Hall A, Macpherson C, O, Rokkanen P: Fixation of scaphoid (1.5 Tesla) magnetic resonance imaging Bellenger CR, Ghosh P: Evaluation of delayed union and non-union with of the knee joint (O) 281 digestive proteinases from the Antarctic absorbable polyglycolide pin or Herbert Klaes W — Voggenreiter G krill Euphasia superba as potential screw. Consolidation and functional Kochs A: Computer-assisted assembly and chemonucleolytic agents. In vitro and results (CEF) 347 correction simulation for complex axis in vivo studies (O) 145 Penteado CV — Camilli JA deviations using the Ilizarov fixator Melzer C, Wallny T, Wirth CJ, Hoffmann Petau C — Weh L (CEF) 287 S: Frozen shoulder — treatment and Peters KM, Rosendahl T, Heller KD, Kock H-J, Stiirmer KM, Letsch R, results (O) 87 Weigmann R, Zilkens KW: Osteocalcin Schmit-Neuerburg KP: Interface and Mempel W — Hofmann GO levels in chronic osteomyelitis (CEF) biocompatibility of polyethylene Mikkelsen JB — Suder PA 53 terephthalate knee ligament prostheses. Miura T — Genda E Peters KM, Rosendahl T, Zilkens KW, A histological and ultrastructural Miura T —> Sakano S Zwadlo-Klarwasser G: Pattern of device retrieval analysis in failed Miyasaka T — Saito N macrophage subpopulations in post- synthetic implants used for surgical Mijéberg B — Onsten | traumatic bone infections after com- repair of anterior cruciate ligaments Moen H — Aune AK bined operative/antibiotic treatment (O) 1 Morscher E — Elke R (CEF) 56 Koebke J — Rader CP Morscher E — Schai P Pingsmann A — Quint U Kohn D, Deiler S, Rudert M: Arterial Morscher E — Schafer D Pohle K — Trager D blood supply of the infrapatellar fat pad. Morscher EW — Hintermann B Pommer A — David A Anatomy and clinical consequences (O) Mowbray MAS — Kong KC 72 Muhr G — David A Quint U, Pingsmann A: Surgical treatment Kong KC, Hamlet MR, Peckham T, Myoui A — Matsui Y of enchondroma in long tubular bones. Mowbray MAS: Displaced bucket Preservation of function versus exten- handle tears of the medial meniscus Nagasaka T — Sugiura H sive excision in the humerus (CPC) masking anterior cruciate deficiency Nakahara H — Matsui Y 352 (CEF) 51 Neidel J, Schulze M, Sova L: Insulin-like Konishi N — Genda E growth factor I accelerates recovery of Rader CP, Rauber C, Rehm KE, Koebke J: Korkala OL, Kuokkanen HOM: Auto- articular cartilage proteoglycan synthe- Internal fixation of the distal radius. arthroplasty of knee cartilage defects sis in culture after inhibition by inter- A comparative, experimental study by osteoperiosteal grafts (O) 253 leukin | (CEF) 43 (O) 340 Kralj-Igli¢ V — Igli¢ A Neusel E — Blasius K Rauber C > Rader CP Krauspe R, Schmitz F, Z6ller G, Drenck- Niethard FU — Blasius K Raunest J, Derra E: Laser synovectomy of hahn D: Distribution of neurofilament- Nordell P — Nungu KS the knee joint. Experimental results on a positive nerve fibres and sensory end- Nordsletten L, Holm I, Steen H, Bjerk- new approach to joint surgery (O) 220 ings in the human anterior cruciate reim I: Muscle function after femoral Rehm KE — Rader CP ligament (O) 194 shortening osteotomies at the sub- Rehnberg L — Nungu KS Krebs B — Johannsen HG trochanteric and mid-diaphyseal level. Reichelt A — Stove J Krikler S, Schatzker J: Rapidly destructive A follow-up study (CEF) 37 Rokkanen P — Géransson H arthropathy followed by heterotopic Nungu KS, Olerud C, Rehnberg L, Rokkanen P —> Juutilainen T ossification. A case report and literature Larsson S, Nordell P, Allvin I, Bengts- Rokkanen P — Pelto-Vasenius K review (O) 32 son S, Wallinder L, Hedin G: Prophy- Rosendahl T — Peters KM Kiisswetter W — Hartwig C-H laxis with oral cefadroxil versus intra- Rudert M > Kohn D Kumano K — Aota Y venous cefuroxime in trochanteric frac- Riither W —> Fink B Kuokkanen HOM — Korkala OL ture surgery. A clinical multicentre Ruflin G > Blatter G study (O) 303 Lamadé WR, Friedl W, Schmid B, Nyssen-Behets C, Fabeck L, Denis C, Saito N, Miyasaka T, Toriumi H: Radio- Meeder PJ: Bone cement implantation Dhem A: Cancellous bone in human graphic factors predicting non-union of syndrome. A prospective randomised acetabulum: microradiographic and displaced intracapsular femoral neck trial for use of antihistamine blockade histomorphometric aspects (O) 68 fractures (O) 183 (O) 335 Sakano S, Yoshihashi Y, Miura T: Slipped Lang S — Helwig U Ochi M, Sumen Y, Jitsuiki J, Ikuta Y: capital femoral epiphysis during treat- Lange S de — Devilee R Allogeneic deep frozen meniscal graft ment with recombinant human growth Larsson S > Nungu KS for repair of osteochondral defects in hormone for Turner syndrome (CPC) Letsch R —+ Kock H-J the knee joint (O) 260 237 Linden M — Goransson H Onsten I, Mjéberg B: Osteolysis, wear Sanders R > Devilee R Lindholm S — Pajamaki J and failure of a migrating acetabular Sato K — Sugiura H Vv Sato K — Yamamura S Proliferating cell nuclear antigen Voggenreiter G, Klaes W, Assenmacher S, Schafer D, Mattarelli G, Morscher E: staining as a prognostic indicator in Schmit-Neuerburg KP: Massive inter- Ureteroarticular fistula after total hip soft-tissue malignant fibrous histio- calary bone allografts in the treatment replacement. A case report (O) 35 cytoma (O) 248 of primary and secondary bone tumors. Schai P, Brunner R, Morscher E, Schubert Sumen Y — Ochi M A report on 21 cases (O) 308 K-H: Prevention of heterotopic ossifica- Swoboda B — Kladny B Vuola J — Goransson H tion in hip arthroplasties by means of an early single-dose radiotherapy (6 Gy) Takahashi M — Sugiura H Wachtl SW, Imhoff A: Retrospective com- (O) 153 Takahashi M — Yamamura S parison of four intra-articular anterior Schatzker J — Krikler S Tauber C, Tauber T: Gaucher disease — cruciate ligament reconstructions using Schildhauer TA — David A the orthopaedic aspect. Report of seven three evaluation systems (O) 25 Schmid B — Lamadé WR cases (CEF) 179 Wallinder L — Nungu KS Schmidt J, Hackenbroch MH: Prevention Tauber T — Tauber C Wallny T > Melzer C of deep venous thrombosis in ambula- Taylor MT, Wilson PEH: Galvanic reac- Wangemann T — Hofmann GO tory or discharged orthopaedic patients. tions between cerclage wires and Warnecke G —> Dittert D-D Actual management (CEF) 226 Kuntscher nails (CEF) 49 Warnke K — Elke R Schmit-Neuerburg KP — Kock H-J Thorén K, Aspenberg P: Increased bone Weh L, Petau C: Tissue tightness disposes Schmit-Neuerburg KP — Voggenreiter G ingrowth distance into lipid-extracted to disc hernia (O) 97 Schmitz F — Krauspe R bank bone at 6 weeks. A titanium cham- Weigmann R — Peters KM Schubert K-H — Schai P ber study in allogeneic and syngeneic Weib M — Blasius K Schulze M — Neidel J rats (O) 167 Weseloh G — Kladny B Semlitsch M, Willert H-G: Implant Thurner JE — Stuffer M Willert H-G — Dittert D-D materials for hip endoprostheses: Tormala P — Juutilainen T Willert H-G — Semlitsch M old proofs and new trends (O) 61 Toriumi H — Saito N Wilson PEH — Taylor MT Sova L > Neidel J Trager D, Pohle K, Tschirner W: Anterior Windhager R — Helwig U Srakar F — Igli¢ A cruciate ligament suture in comparison Wirth CJ — Melzer C Steen H — Nordsletten L with plasty. A 5-year follow-up study Wirth T — Haake M Stéve J, Reichelt A: Massive osteolysis of (O) 278 Wredmark T — Fellander-Tsai L the pelvis, femur and sacral bone with a Tschirner W — Trager D Gorham-Stout syndrome (O) 207 Tsibinos A — Tsourvakas S Yamamura S, Sato K, Sugiura H, Asano Stromsge K — Alho A Tsourvakas S, Hatzigrigoris P, Tsibinos A, M, Takahashi M, Iwata H: Magnetic Stromsg¢e K, Eikvar K: Fascia lata plasty Kanellakopoulou K, Giamarellou H, resonance imaging of inflammatory in recurrent posterior dislocation after Dounis E: Pharmacokinetic study of reaction in osteoid osteoma (O) 8 total hip arthroplasty (CEF) 292 fibrin clot-ciprofloxacin complex: Yamamura S — Sugiura H Stiirmer KM — Kock H-J an in vitro and in vivo experimental Yli-Urpo A — Pajamiaki J Stuffer M, Thurner JE: Lipoma of the investigation (CEF) 295 Yoshihashi Y — Sakano S index digit — a very rare location (CPC) 239 Uslu MM, Altun NS, Cila E, Atik OS: Zilkens K-W — Fink B Suder PA, Mikkelsen JB, Hougaard K, Relevance of mangled extremity sever- Zilkens KW — Peters KM Jensen PE: Reduction of traumatic ity score to compartment syndromes Zoller G — Krauspe R secondary shoulder dislocations with (CEF) 229 Zwadlo-Klarwasser G — Peters KM lidocaine (CEF) 233 Sugiura H — Yamamura S Verhagen RAW, Keizer G de, Dijk CN Sugiura H, Sato K, Yamamura S, Naga- van: Long-term follow-up of inversion Indexed in Current Contents saka T, Takahashi M, Katagiri H: trauma of the ankle (O) 92 and Index Medicus

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