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ARCHIVES NEUROLOGY www.archneurol.com Index to Volume 58 January through December 2001 Editor Roger N. Rosenberg, MD Dallas, Tex Associate Editors Hassan M. Fathallah-Shaykh, MD Chicago, IIl Christopher G. Goetz, MD Chicago, IIl Susan T. Ilannaccone, MD Dallas, Tex David E. Pleasure, MD Philadelphia, Pa E. S. Roach, MD Dallas, Tex Ira Shoulson, MD Rochester, NY John N. Whitaker, MD Birmingham, Ala Assistant Editors Lawrence S. Honig, MD, PhD New York, NY Matthew Menken, MD Somerset, NJ Editorial Assistant Jenny Kang Dallas, Tex Editorial Board James I. Ausman, MD, PhD, Chicago, III Audrey S. Penn, MD, Bethesda, Md Louis R. Caplan, MD, Boston, Mass Stanley B. Prusiner, MD, San Francisco, Calif Steven T. DeKosky, MD, Pittsburgh, Pa Bruce R. Ransom, MD, PhD, Seattle, Wash Mahlon R. DeLong, MD, Atlanta, Ga Thomas R. Swift, MD, Augusta, Ga James A. Ferrendelli, MD, Houston, Tex Kenneth L. Tyler, MD, Denver, Colo John H. Growdon, MD, Boston, Mass Paul C. Van Ness, MD, Dallas, Tex Vladimir Hachinski, MD, DSc, London, Ontario neces trea In this index in alphabetical order are listed names of authors of all articles and letters. Full citation is given under first author only; reference is made from joint authors. Names which begin with a prefix are entered under the prefix. The month is given as a two-letter notation in parentheses. Bakshi R: Solitary inflammatory demyelination in the brain Bokde ALW, Pietrini P, Ibanez V, Furey ML, Alexander or spinal cord with tumor-like MRI presentations (let- GE, Graff-Radford NR, Rapoport SI, Schapiro MB, Aarli JA ter) 677 (Ap) Horwitz B: Effect of brain atrophy on cerebral hypome- Cytokines and seizures (letter) 1168 (fy Bakshi R. Ariyaratana S, Benedict RHB, Jacobs L: Fluid- tabolism in the visual variant of Alzheimer disease, 480 Titin, thymoma, and myasthenia gravis, 869 (Je) attenuated inversion recovery Magnetic resonance imag- (Mr) Abramsky O see Cohen O ing detects cortical and juxtacortical multiple sclerosis le- Bollen ELEM, Gaw A, Buckley BM: Statin therapy and the Acerbi G see Orlandi G sions, 742 (My) prevention of dementia (letter) 1023 Je) Adam 4 see Gwinn-Hardy K Bakshi R, Lerner A, Fritz JV, Sambuchi GD: Vascular Borowicz LM Jr see Selnes OA; Wityk RJ Adami .. see Tong DC compression in trigeminal neuralgia shown by mag- Borroni B, Colciaghi F, Pastorino L, Pettenati C, Cottini Adams RJ: Stroke prevention and treatment in sickle cell netic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angi- E, Rozzini L, Monastero R, Lenzi GL, Cattabeni F, disease, 565 (Ap) ography image registration, 1290 (Au) Di Luca M, Padovani A: Amyloid precursor protein in Adams RJ see Pegelow CH Ballan G see Macia F platelets of patients with Alzheimer disease: effect of ace- Ader H] see van Walderveen MAA Ballard C, O'Brien J, Gray A, Cormack F, Ayre G, Rowan tylcholinesterase inhibitor treatment, 442 (Mr) Aguero-Torres H see Qiu € E, Thompson P, Bucks R. McKeith I, Walker M, Tovee Borson S see Poorkaj P Aisen PS see Ho | M: Attention and fluctuating attention in patients with Boss M see Gwinn-Hardy K Akiguchi I see Tomimoto H dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer disease, 977 Bourquin C see Yamamoto AM Akins PT: Does mild cognitive impairment represent early Je) Bowe CM: Developmental Disability and Behavior (Book Re- stage Alzheimer disease? (letter) 1705 (Oc) Baloh RW: Prosper Meniére and his disease, 1151 (Jy) view) 1163 Gy) Alarcon F. Tolosa E, Munoz E: Focal limb dystonia in a Bandyopadhyay S: Pseudotumor cerebri, 1699 (Oc) Bowen BC, Bradley WG: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: the patient with a cerebellar mass, 1125 (Jy) Barbot C, Coutinho P, Chorao R, Ferreira C, Barros J, search for a spectroscopic marker of upper motoneuron Albers GW see Bernstein R; Lansberg MG Fineza |, Dias K, Monteiro JP, Guimaraes A, Mendonca involvement, 714 (My) Albert MS see McKhann GM; Stern Y P, Moreira MdC, Sequeiros J: Recessive ataxia with ocu- Bozoki A, Giordani B, Heidebrink JL, Berent S, Foster NL: Albert S see Stern Y lar apraxia: review of 22 Portuguese patients, 201 (Fe) Mild cognitive impairments predict dementia in non- Alegret M. Junque C. Valldeoriola F, Vendrell P, Pilleri Barker PB see Wityk RJ demented elderly patients with memory loss, 411 (Mr) M. Rumia J. Tolosa E: Effects of bilateral subthalamic Barkhof F see van Walderveen MAA Bradley K see Belay ED stimulation on cognitive function in Parkinson disease Barraquer L see Mataro M Bradley WG see Bowen BC Bradshaw CB, Davis RL, Shrimpton AE, Holohan PD, 1223 (Au Barros | see Barbot C; Maciel P Rea CB, Fieglin D, Kent P, Collins GH: Cognitive Alexander GE see Bokde ALW Bartolucci AA see Whitaker JN deficits associated with a recently reported familial Alexandrov AV see Grotta JC Baskin F see Diaz-Arrastia R neurodegenerative disease: familial encephalopathy Almaguer M see Ondo W Bauer G see Trinka E with neuroserpin inclusion bodies, 1429 (Se) Alvarez E see Obeso JA Beauchamp NJ see Longstreth WT Jr, Wityk RJ Brambilla D see Pegelow CH Alvarez L see Obeso JA Bechara A: An Anatomy of Thought: The Origin and Machin Brandt J see Stern Y Amato MP, Ponziani G, Siracusa G, Sorbi S: Cognitive ery of the Mind (Book Review) 829 (My) Brannagan TH see Dabby R dysfunction in early-onset multiple sclerosis: a reap Beck J see Janssen JC Brassat D see Durr A praisal after 10 years, 16002 (Oc) Becker KJ see del Zoppo GJ Brenner SR: Lower incidence of Alzheimer disease in an Anand R see Farlow MR Beemer FA see Sinke RJ Indian community compared with an American commu- Andermann E see Fedi M Belay ED, Gambetti P, Schonberger LB, Parchi P, Lyon DR, nity (letter) 517 (Mr) Andermann F see Cendes F. Fedi M Capellari $, MeQuiston JH, Bradley K, Dowdle G, Bressman SB, Fahn S, Ozelius LJ, Kramer PL, Risch NJ: Anderson L see Poorkaj P Crutcher JM, Nichols CR: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in DYTI mutation and nonfamilial primary torsion dysto- Ando Y see Yoshioka A unusually young patients who consumed venison, 1673 nia (letter) 681 (Ap) Andreasen N, Minthon L, Davidsson P, Vanmechelen E, (Oc) Brice A see Durr A Vanderstichele H, Winblad B, Blennow K: Evaluation BelloJ see Pegelow CH Brieva L see Honnorat J of CSF-tau and CSF-aB42 as diagnostic markers for Bellugi U see Galaburda AM; Schmitt JE Brinley FJ Jr, Pardo CA, Verma A: Human immuno- Alzheimer disease in clinical practice, 373 (Mr) Benabou R see Cubo E deficiency virus and the peripheral nervous system Antel JP see De Siefano N Benbadis SR: Provocative techniques should be used lor the workshop, 1561 (Oc) Antoine JC see Honnorat J diagnosis of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, 2066 (De) Broder $ see Cravchik A Apblett RL see Sondhi D Benedict RHB see Bakshi R Broggi G see Ferroli P Aquilonius S-M see Askmark H Benke T see Trinka t Brooks DJ see Piccini P AAArrrleitny datArC a tGas neaes eed Se v soeGner oGBoiatek ssKhe in RH -] BBeernennett t S DsAee seBeo zoMkoir riAs MC BBBrrrooowwwnnn JPR MDs eseeJ re: P aMAnorertgreyirrsie osvH eRnP oKu s Malformations in Functional Arnaoutelis R see De Stefano N Berg L see Morris JC Areas of the Brain (Book Review) 1020 (Je) AArrnnoalsdo n DLB GsWee sDeee SQtue faZnXo N BBeerrggeerr KT sseeee STcrhiunlktae E T BBrruocwhn stLeAi ns eeM JK lsueien HKaJh n H Arpa J see Gonzalez-Rubio ( Bernstein R, Albers GW: Potential utility of diffusion- Bruno A see Yilmaz EY AAAsssadhhgriiiozz maaMeww aa saefeTtT e,r sH eSieaus lbal?Tnr aaang1m a0o5 En3-yk KK UyS)H : What is Kearns-Sayre syn- Bertw(rhAeyepi )gp hHo:t peudAl raeit midaoegnmi onalgti triiinso knv efnodoreu rswb hy iipndlfraairsvchet risoi nn,ja u rv1ya5?l3 i8d ( l(eptOrtcoe)rx )y 68fo1r BBBBuuuucrcrkgkglisoen oy nR W SBsMe MeP s esBseeae ele lG arBGrooidtll tldae€e n n J CE DLHE M Asif R see Bhatti MT Berry-Kravis E see Goetz CG Burke JR: Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonism in the Bhatti LB see Bhatti MT Elderly (Book Review) 1308 (Au) Askmark H, Eeg-Olofsson KE, Johansson A, Nilsson P. eOfxilntsdesinonsngo sr? Y, m2y3oA2 pqau(tiFhley)o: n iusa nSe-wM : syPnadrrkoimnes onoir smc oinacnidd ennteaclk BBBhiiaggttliiteso,ir E1EMH0DT 0:,8 s ePeA( rJseeiL)fmi opRrt,bo niB dh aAtbMtri a inL B:v oMlaucmuel ara nds tadr emine nnteiuar or(eltetitneir ) BBBBuuuuttrrlltkeeoerrn PEIFDJ Rssees eee se e WeHiG alohGleintil zad mHesn C GC DSH AAttlaarse s SWB sesee e EGsatleababnu rdJaC G AM 831 (My) Buxbaum JD see Ho L; Parvathy S AAuuldde nEi nsoe e DH isesea mCao ciFtMo L BBiirlalne rJ I sseeee CYiolhmeanz OE Y c Bird TD: Thoughts on the relationship of the human ge- Ausman jl see Dovey Z nome project to neurology, 1764 (No) Calabro A see Cellini E Avasarala JR: Surrogate markers in multiple sclerosis (let- Camargo EE see Etchebehere ECSC Avatbeesr)ra raa8sl 3a4a Jm(RaMr,yk )e rCr ossf orA Hp,r ogTnrootstiesr iJnL :m Oulltiigpolcel onsaclle rbosainsd, n2u0m4-4 BBijraddri tsemTaaDsr e sCep,er oKgPirodeodsr skiGao,jn RPaa;nn sdSot ehtiohnefb far rotlR eM :Eo fJ Raexaoln-atli mein juirnys igihnt miunlt-o CCCaaammmppabbreeglloll MMTFA A sGesee e GsJreeoa tntsEast ecnhJ Ce bJeCh ere ECSC De) tiple sclerosis, 37 (Ja) Capellari S see Belay ED Avdunina LA see Piradov MA Black SE see Tierney MC Caplan LR: Protecting the brains of patients after heart Ayre G see Ballard ( Blasucci LM see Goetz CG surgery, 549 (Ap) Blennow K see Andreasen N Caplan LR see Linfante 1; Saposnik G; Staroselskaya 1A Blin O see Rascol O Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative Research Group Block W see Pohl C see Longstreth WT Jr Bach J-F see Yamamoto AM Bluemlein L see Kluin KJ Carmelli D see DeCarli C Backman L see Qiu C Bodman M, Smith D, Nyhan WL, Naviaux RK: Medium- Carral F: Pituitary apoplexy, 1143 Jy) Backonja M-M see Krause SJ chain acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency: occur- Carter JH see Rascol O Baird AE see Staroselskaya 1A rence in an infant and his father, 811 (My) Casamitjana R see Honnorat J Baker M see Morris HR Bogousslavsky J see Tsiskaridze A Casetta I see Manconi M —W ARCH NEUROL/VOL 58, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHNEUROL.COM 2084 CastelijnJsA see van Walderveen MAA D'Agostino D see Fedi M E Cattabeni F see Borroni B D'Amato CJ see Kluin KJ Cellini E, Nacmias B, Forleo P, Piacentini $, Guarnieri BM, Dana Consortium on the Therapy of HIV—Dementia and Eberhardt KW see Feichtinger M Serio A, Calabro A, Renzi D, Sorbi S: Genetic and clini- Related Cognitive Disorders see Stern Y Eberling JL see Reed BR cal analysis of spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 repeat expan- Davidsson P see Andreasen N Edelman RR see Staroselskaya LA sion in htaly, 1856 (No) Davies P see Crystal HA; Parvathy S$ Eeg-Olofsson KE see Askmark H Cendes F, Andermann F, Dubeau F: Requirement for ictal Davis KL see Parvathy S$ El-Mitwalli A see Grotta JC EEG recordings prior to temporal lobe epilepsy surgery Eliez S see Galaburda AM: Schmitt JE (letter) 679 (Ap) Davis RL see Bradshaw CB Ellis WG see Mungas D CCeernadveosl o F Rs ees eeE tPcihcecibneih ePr e ECSC Daw1s73o n( FeD)M : Recessive ataxia with ocular motor apraxia, EEppsstteeiinn ML Js esee e StSetronc kYt on DW Cernevakova L see Panegyres PK de Andres C see Honnorat J Eriksson K see Peltola J Ceuterick-De Groote C see Seneca $ de Freitas GR see Tsiskaridze A Eskow E, Rao R-VS, Mordechai E: Concurrent infection of Cha RH see Sencakova D de Groot K, Schmidt DK, Arlt AC, Gross WL, Reinhold- the central nervous system by Borrelia burgdorferi and Bar Chan JY see Parvathy S Keller E: Standardized neurologic evaluations of 128 pa- tonella henselae evidence for a novel tick-borne disease Chan P see Figueroa KP tients with Wegener granulomatosis, 1215 (Au) complex, 1343 (Se) Chang A-M see Reid KJ De Meirleir LD see Seneca S Esteban JCG, Atarés B, Zarranz JJ, Velasco F, Lambarri I Chang K-H see Chu K De Stefano N, Narayanan S, Francis GS, Arnaoutelis K, Dementia, amyotrophy, and periodic complexes on the Chang Y-C see Lee 1-H Tartaglia MC, Antel JP, Matthews PM, Arnold DL: Evi- electroencephalogram: a diagnostic challenge, 1669 (Oc) Chapman NH see Poorkaj P dence of axonal damage in the early stages of multiple Etchebehere ECSC, Cendes F, Lopes-Cendes I, Pereira JA Charbel FT see Dovey Z sclerosis and its relevance to disability, 65 (Ja) Lima MCL, Sansana CR, Silva CAM, Camargo MFAG, Chassande B see Denier € De Stefano N see Oliveri RL Santos AO, Ramos CD, Camargo EE: Brain single- Chaudhuri KR see MallerJ de YebenezJ see Piccini P photon emission computed tomography and magnetic Chaves C see Linfante |; Staroselskaya IA DeAngelis LM, Tuma R: Altered mental state and noncon- resonance imaging in Machado-joseph disease, 1257 (Au) Cherif AA see PelletierJ vulsive status epilepticus in patients with cancer (letter) Evans DA see Morris MC Chimowitz MI: Angioplasty or stenting is not appropriate 1310 (Au) Evatt ML see Okun MS as first-line treatment of intracranial stenosis, 1690 (Oc) Debrun GM see Dovey Z Eymard B see Denier C; Yamamoto AM Chokroverty S: Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, 3rd DeCarli C, Miller BL, Swan GE, Reed T, Wolf PA, ed (Book Review) 1307 (Au) Carmelli D: Cerebrovascular and brain morphologic Cholfin JA, Sobrido M-j, Perlman SL, Pulst SM, correlates of mild cognitive impairment in the National Geschwind DH: SCA12 mutation as a rare cause of spino- Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Twin Study, 643 (Ap) Fabien N see Honnorat J cerebellar ataxia, 1833 (No) DeKosky ST see Sukonick DL; Sweet RA Fabre N see Rascol O Choo K-B see Soong B-W del Zoppo GJ, Becker KJ, HallenbecJMk: Inflammation af- Factor SA see Dewey RB Jr Chorao R see Barbot € ter stroke: is it harmful? 669 (Ap) Faden Al: Neuroprotection and traumatic brain injury: the Chu K, Kang D-W, Kim J-Y, Chang K-H, Lee SK: Diffusion- Deleu D, Hanssens Y, Louon A: Nitrous oxide—induced search continues, 1553 (Oc) weighted magnetic resonance imaging in nonconvulsive cobalamin deficiency (letter) 134 ja) Fahn S see Bressman SB; Louis ED status epilepticus, 993 (Je) Delmer O see Macia F Fang L see Wu Z-Y Chu K, Kang D-W, Yoon B-W, Roh J-K: Diffusion- Fanucchi S see Orlandi G weighted magnetic resonance in cerebral venous throm- DeLong MR see Obeso JA; Okun MS Farina L see Ferroli P bosis, 1569 (Oc) Deng C-X see Zhou Y-X Farlow MR, Hake A, Messina J, Hartman R, Veach J, Chui HC see Tierney MC Denier C, Ducros A, Darr A, Eymard B, Chassande B, Anand R: Response of patients with Alzheimer disease Cipoloti L see Janssen JC Tournier-Lasserve E: Missense CACNAIA mutation caus- to rivastigmine treatment is predicted by the rate of Cochran E see Kujawa KA ing episodic ataxia type 2, 292 (Fe) disease progression, 417 (Mr) Cocito L, Audenino D, Primavera A: Altered mental state Derby LE see Seshadri S$ Farrer M see Gwinn-Hardy K and nonconvulsive status epilepticus in patients with can- Deschauer M, Maller T, Wieser T, Schulte-Mattler W, Faught E see Kuzniecky R cer (letter) 1310 (Au) Kornhuber M, Zierz S- Hearing impairment is com- Federico A see Oliveri RL Cohen JA, Cutter GR, Fischer JS, Goodman AD, mon in various phenotypes of the mitochondrial DNA Fedi M, Reutens D, Dubeau F, Andermann EF, D Agostino Heidenreich FR, Jak AJ, Kniker JE, Kooijmans MF, A3243G mutation, 1885 (No) D, Andermann F: Long-term efficacy and safety of Lull JM, Sandrock AW, Simon JH, Simonian NA, DeToledo JC: Epilepsy of Fyodor Dostoyevsky: insights from piracetam in the treatment of progressive myoclonus Whitaker JN, IMPACT Investigators: Use of the mul- Smerdyakov Karamazov’s use of a malingered seizure as epilepsy, 781 (My) tiple sclerosis functional composite as an outcome an alibi, 1305 (Au) Feichtinger M, Pauli E, Schafer 1, Eberhardt KW, measure in a phase 3c linical trial, 961 (Je) Devuyst G see Tsiskaridze A Tomand! B, Huk J, Stefan H: Ictal fear in temporal Cohen O, Steiner-Birmanns B, Biran 1, Abramsky O, Dewey RB Jr, Hutton JT, LeWitt PA, Factor SA: Random- lobe epilepsy: surgical outcome and focal hippocampal Honigman §, Steiner I: Recurrence of acute dissemi- ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of subcuta- changes revealed by proton magnetic resonance spec nated encephalomyelitis at the previously affected neously injected apomorphine for Parkinsonian off- troscopy imaging, 771 (My) brain site, 797 (My) state events, 1385 (Se) Ferreira C see Barbot € Colciaghi F see Borroni B Di Luca M see Borroni B Ferreira-Cerdan A see Gonzalez-Rubio € Cole AJ see Doherty CP Diamond EL see Sperling RA Ferrell RE see Sukonick DL Collinge j see Janssen JC Dias K see Barbot C Ferro A see Jardim LB; Maciel P Collins GH see Bradshaw CB Diaz-Arrastia R, Baskin F: New biochemical markers in Ferroli P, Farina L, Franzini A, Milanese C, Broggi G Conforti FL see Oliveri RL Alzheimer disease, 354 (Mr) Linear pontine and trigeminal root lesions and trigemi Conneally PM see Kirkwood SC Dickinson A see Janssen JC nal neuralgia (letter) 1311 (Au) Cordery RJ, Tyrrell PJ, Lantos PL, Rossor MN: Dementia Dickman MS: von Economo encephalitis, 1696 (Oc) Fesl G see Kastenbauer S with Lewy bodies studied with positron emission tomog- Dickson D see Crystal HA; McKhann GM Feuerstein GZ, Wang X: Inflammation after stroke: ben- raphy, 505 (Mr) Diehr P see Longstreth WT Jr efits without harm? 672 (Ap) Cormack F see Ballard C Diepstraten CM see Sinke RJ Fiala A see RotherJ Costa MC see Maciel P Diomedi M see Cupini LM Fieglin D see Bradshaw CB Costa-Jussa FR see Mataro M Figueroa KP, Chan P, Schéls L, Tanner C, Riess O, Perlman Cote LJ see Louis ED DDlluoguohsy DSJR: sEeaer lyP aniedegnytriefsi caPtiKo n of candidates for epilepsy SL, Geschwind DH, Pulst SM: Association of moderate Cottini E see Borroni B polyglutamine tract expansions in the slow calcium Coutinho P see Barbot C; Maciel P surgery, 1543 (Oc) activated potassium channel type 3 with ataxia, 1649 (Oc) CCCrrriadSfatioveicrsqch geuhlat seeiheynekU, - c Ke uP s1n Ae7sd,eae7 e ne2ra S PlsuoGyt(osbwaNririonsk)dan a inmjon- afg HnP ta ihroaefd n y hn eurGmKv,a o nu Bsr gosedynesortm eem:S $, fiuVmnepcnlttiiecoarnt ioaJnnCsd: DDDooohnri(meeonAblgrppooste)g vyz ipc iyr l iC oDPriM,S sL tet:uaoC dsoeytlM eeam (GnpBraAooJogro:ueak mpl R e eRnslqeteouve bii ere oDwfeeo )pmPoi eeldnre1ytsp1 os6ny3Rsf So rs J uWyrii)cgtt ehar ly CEhE(rloGen titcer re)c No6er7du8-- FFFFFFiiliiiosesnsrhtceceechzhtrheatb er ier Rc| JkCH sSD e DesKss e eeHeeeB s aeOresCTr eboileoeLh atraen PnwndueCni ly s J GANM1 DC CCCCCsrrrroyyuooLtssstgiittscyp aa ”htll eIoA rnsiH Re Hn eGcAJ Rr s,MBeeW :s eaa e ssDeree iAFsemvrc SuaekoBwstqsneiauhodltren-ahhan yM ilc eaayD gtE ,De zDJ o RDf( a lMvet i“tedeser )m ePn1,t 4i9Ma9 a sou(fS reu )n kD,n owGnr oebteiro l-E, DDDooooooRppperdhDddzoa,yyyigs lre DeR RRiSsoSnS3,s n, ie epsGxoapeMtneteeea i lznesdirPsnslamtietm soate naecsS rnwhtsis ieuenttrd nhuPy dA, yl DAR zSGDlCh,oruz fe ohn iGuetnmohpi eemr: rJe ds Kroa:O fdn pei tdeMsyineeB sa-,tesal ahenaPs,odbee d,er le4 df,44fof 92iom c7rmoa (uc Mely(rst CM)tiAro ic,f)em nadPttoreinarnet,g-t FFFFFFFooooloosrxrynrtl dntoee nauNro ndCB P,NPsA GT Le s eJ e sesseseeenL eeeekoe Ci ueMGnKilBsocislo n CrizznakRoEia,wrkD lori ReE oeoz dnsA- s;R oSuMrKCb lO iu MoiNn :( K JP remorbid brain volume Cubo E, Gracies J-M, Benabou R, Olanow CW, Raman R, Dovey Z, Misra M, Thornton J, Charbel FT, Debrun GM, and dementia (letter) 832 (My) CulkLlienuuemrsg iaaCsn,Ms dSy,ss eGteo oneLitiazp, tCoaGnn: d A EMcah rolyr eimco rsnuibntgy poefsf,- me1d3i7c9a t(iSoen) dys- DowaAnduelsuemr aynsGm ssJ:el e: GtBuheeg llaisyteo lrmEy iD sdo etfaarc,h a3b5l9e (cAopi)l ing for intracranial FFroaxn cNiCs GsSee sJeae nsDsee nS tJeCf ano N CCuurpGcraiiilan eci ion LfmJaiLr ncsMtie,ie o nPsRD:,a isCoceo5mrl7ee 7db Ori( o Avpa)Ms ,c ulPalra cirdeia ctiFv,i tyS ilavneds tsruibncio rtiM-, DDDDuuurcbbaroecocahsoum v aiAnFc hsse eDeeA M LDCes eennesi edeeeSr se R sCeh iFa;dd rFiKe Jd iS $ M FFFFFrrrrraaaeetnneeizkmmgi laanininJo A n iAAMs e DesLs: e e eesL eeeAiFO rseketrQ uridonuTle Pim €oM lPSi tion derby drivers a valid proxy Cutter GR see Cohen JA Dugovic C see Turek FW for the population at risk for whipiash injury? (letter) 680 D Dulli DA: Subcortical infarctions, transcranial doppler, and (Ap) cerebral vasomotor reactivity, 551 (Ap) Freeman R see Nahm I Dabby R, Lange DJ, Trojaborg W, Hays AP, Lovelace RE, Dunn JK see Doody RS Friess E, Kuempfel T, Winkelmann J, Schmid D, Uhr M, Brannagan TH, Rowland LP: Inclusion body myositis Durr A, Brassat D, Vidailhet M, Brice A: DYT! mutation Rupprecht R, Holsboer F, Trenkwalder C: Increased mimicking motor neuron disease, 1253 (Au) and nonfamilial primary torsion dystonia (letter) 682 (Ap) growth hormone response to apomorphine in Parkinson Daffner KR see Sperling RA Durr A see Denier C disease compared with multiple system atrophy, 241 (Fe) —___ EEE ARCH NEUROL/VOL 58, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHNEUROL.COM 2085 Frisoni GB, Geroldi C: Cerebrovascular disease affects non- Grosz DE see Spierings ELH Holsboer F see Friess E cognitive symptoms in Alzheimer disease (letter) 1939 Grothe C see Pohl C Honigman S see Cohen O (No) Grothusen J see Schwartzman RJ Honnorat J, Saiz A, Giometto B, Vincent A, Brieva L, Fritz JV see Bakshi R Grotta JC, Burgin WS, El-Mitwalli A, Long M, Campbell de Andres C, Maestre J, Fabien N, Vighetto A, Frohman EM see Racke MK M, Morgenstern LB, Malkoff M, Alexandrov AV: Intra- Casamitjana R, Thivolet C, Tavolato B, Antoine JC. Frucht S$ see Louis ED venous tissue-type plasminogen activator therapy for is- Trouillas P, Graus F: Cerebellar ataxia with anti- Fujihara K see Nakashima | chemic stroke: Houston experience 1996 to 2000, 2009 glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies: study of 14 pa- Furey ML see Bokde ALW (De) tients, 225 (Fe) Gu W-H see Zhou Y-X Horwitz B see Bokde ALW G Guarnieri BM see Cellini E Hsu LL see Pegelow CH GGGGGaaaaalblljcdRvrlaadreiiisoboinnemksusi lesocr e,a J d l PEa , DAA Ls a:L1eL ns 8eeAed 6eMe s5D Y,e ope VarPa (MmsoStN-OaohcaolYlrohm)i ,lkm vo oaieftgjtroTi otircr ePaobl RJjArI Eaa M,ni i nomA pwtlsliaakcnsia o tmSiJaoWQln,:sy , SEylinin1 eu8zc6W lieS(l,iFl neiB)oae plmalstu hgiis eysnU , GGGGuuwuriti{FrN imaIitned rcasmneirh)rea- eomanHrlJbe nal lss rMei d:enDC ygA,R O SGbpsAK ePied,eans saoroeSckmBe ieia nrJrngePbAsAelbo o,leet nltl eHolt(nauid r sei rssA ee,ayJa t; saO exS’i JpSa,eu irinC ltlryiliapne tegacb bhlhla3Rea cApyik h ne fnPao,Pm t,i yHlypBa,ior csdasyl 2 l9My6J, , HHHHHHHuuuuuuusttryagksttdnnJeoogyd hJynn s wJesDhJ:JMee PyT e Hs eFsuseseeKeim eesieu e a cGz inhtMwnD Kt oiiieioremnwngrncpnegieakoe-ysnkryr H oot amavHRrMneRaRBdt ?y JiM sr 1sK7e 4q8u en(cNeod): what does it mean Gambardella A see Oliveri RL H Hyman BT see Stern Y Gambetti P see Belay ED Hynan LS see Lipton AM Ganguli M, Pandav R: Lower incidence of Alzheimer dis- Haaparanta M see Lamusuo S ease in an Indian community compared with an Ameri- Habib AA, Mozaffar T: Brain abscess, 1302 (Au) can community (letter) 517 (Mr) Habib M see Pelletier J Garchon H-] see Yamamoto AM Hackett NR see Sondhi D Ibanez V see Bokde ALW Garcia-Sanchez C see Mataro M Hahn AF: Challenge of respiratory dysfunction in Guillain- Ihara Y see Takehisa Y Garruto RM see Poorkaj P Barre syndrome, 871 (Je) IMPACT Investigators see Cohen JA Gaspar C see Maciel P Hahn H, Trant MR, Brownstein MJ, Harper RA, Milstien ippel EF see Sinke RJ Gass A, Meairs S, Neff W, Hennerici MG: Towards visu- S, Butler IJ: Neurologic and psychiatric manifestations Ishizu H see Takehisa Y alization of symptomatic carotid stenosis, 658 (Ap) in a family with a mutation in exon 2 of the guanosine IslarJ see Mohr DC Gates JR: Provocative testing should not be used for non- triphosphate—cyclohydrolase gene, 749 (My) Isner JM see Simovic D epileptic seizures, 2068 (De) Hake A see Farlow MR ltoyama Y see Hisanaga K; Nakashima | Gaw A see Bollen ELEM Hallenbeck JM see del Zoppo GJ Iwasaki Y see Hisanaga K Gearing M see Okun MS Halliday G, KrilJ : Effect of anti-inflammatory medications Geldmacher DS see Doody RS on neuropathological findings in Alzheimer disease (let- J Gelisse P see Genton P ter) 518 (Mr) Genain CP see Mohr DC Halliday G, Shepherd C: Cortical inflammation in demen- Jaaskelainen S see Lamusuo S$ Genton P, Gelisse P: Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, 1487 (Se) tia with Lewy bodies (letter) 519 (Mr) Jack CR Jr see Sencakova D Geroldi C see Frisoni GB Halperin JJ, Wormser GP: Of fleas and ticks on cats and Jacobs D see Stern Y Geschwind DH see Cholfin JA; Figueroa KP; Jen J mice . 1345 (Se) Jacobs L see Bakshi R Ghausi O see Gilden DH Hamilton RL see Sweet RA Jagust WJ see Mungas D; Reed BR Ghetti B see Panegyres PK Hanger DP see Janssen JC Jak AJ see Cohen JA Giacomini P see Cupini LM Hanssens Y see Deleu D Jakab M see Sperling RA Giardina W] see Rascol O Haraguchi T see Takehisa Y Jankovic J: Surgery for Parkinson disease and other move- Gilden DH, Burgoon MP. Kleinschmidt-DeMasters BK, Hardy J see Gwinn-Hardy K; Morris HR ment disorders: benefits and limitations of ablation, stimu- Williamson RA, Ghausi O. Burton DR, Owens GP: Mo- Hariz MI: Critical evaluation of the state of the art in sur- lation, restoration, and radiation, 1970 (De) lecular unmunologic strategies to identify antigens and gery for Parkinson disease: should we use the same cri- Jankovic J, Kapadia AS: Functional decline in Parkinson B-cell responses unique to multiple sclerosis. 43 (Ja) teria as for drug trials? (letter) 315 (Fe) disease, 1611 (Oc) Gilman § see Kluin KJ Haroutunian V see Ho L; Parvathy S$ JankoviJc , Rajput AH, McDermott MP, Perl DP: Accuracy Giometto B see Honnorat J Harper RA see Hahn H of clinical diagnosis in early Parkinson disease (letter) 317 Giordani B see Bozoki A Harrel LE: Cholinesteraasneds Cholinesterase Inhibitors (Book (Fe) Gitelman DR see Mapstone M Review) 516 (Mr) Jankovic J see Ondo W; Xu P Giugliani R see Jardim LB Hartman R see Farlow MR Janowsky JS see Salat DH Gjorstrup P see Whitaker JN Harvey RJ see Janssen JC Janssen JC, Lantos PL, Fox NC, Harvey RJ, Beck J, Glynn RJ see Morris MC Hattori N see Jeon BS Dickinson A, Campbell TA, Collinge J, Hanger DP, Gobbini MI see Leist TP Hauser SL see Mohr DC Cipoloui L, Stevens JM, Rossor MN: Autopsy- Goetz CG, Burke PF, Leurgans S, Berry-Kravis E, Hawker K see Racke MK confirmed familial early-onset Alzheimer disease Blasucci LM, Raman R, Zhou L: Genetic variation Hawkins SA see McCarron MO caused by the 1153v presenilin | mutation, 953 (Je) analysis in Parkinson disease patients with and without Hayabara T see Takehisa Y; Ujike H Janssen JC see Morris HR hallucinations: case-control study, 209 (Fe) Hays A see Mapstone M Jardim LB, Pereira ML, Silveira 1, Ferro A, Sequeiros J, Goetz CG see Cubo E; Kujawa KA; Rascol O Hays AP see Dabby R Giugliani R: Neurologic findings in Machado-Joseph Golbe Lk: Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders. He H-Y see Zhou Y-X disease: relation with disease duration, subtypes, and Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for the Practicing Healy MT see Sweet RA (CAG),, 899 (je) Physician (Book Review) 314 (Fe) Hebert LE see Morris MC Jarquin-Valdivia AA: Differential Diagnosis in Neurology and Gold R see Leussink VI Hefter H see von Giesen H-J Neurosurgery (Book Review) 1707 (Oc) Goldfarb LG see Zhou Y-X Heidebrink JL see Bozoki A Jaworski B see Golomb BA Goldman J see Stern Y Heidenreich FR see Cohen JA Jellinger KA: Goldsborough MA see Wityk RJ Helgason CM, Jobe TH: Coexisting causes of ischemic stroke Frequency of “dementia of unknown etiology” increases with Goldstein JM see Hisama FM (letter) 676 (Ap) age (letter) 1498 (Se) Golomb BA, Jaworski B: Statins and dementia (letter) 1169 Heller HJ, Sakhaee K: Anticonvulsant-induced bone dis- Neuropathologic correlates of dysarthria in progressive su- Uy) ease: a plea for monitoring and treatment, 1352 (Se) pranuclear palsy (letter) 1499 (Se) Gomez CR, Orr SC: Angioplasty and stenting for primary Henderson RD, Pittock SJ, Piepgras DG, Wijdicks EFM: Small concomitant cerebrovascular lesions are not impor- treatment of intracranial arterial stenoses, 1687 (Oc) Acute spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma, 1145 jy) tant for cognitive decline in severe Alzheimer disease Gomez L see Yamamoto AM Henderson RD see Lawn ND (letter) 520 (Mr) Gomez-Mancilla B see Spierings ELH Hennerici MG see Gass A Jellinger KA see Maller J Gomez-Tortosa E see Stern Y Henteleff R see Sweet RA Jen J, Geschwind DH: Ataxia and calcium channels: what Gonzalez-Rubio C, Ferreira-Cerdan A, Ponce IM, Arpa J, Herzau M see RotherJ a headache! 179 (Fe) Fontan G, Lopez-Trascasa M: Complement factor | de- Hill MD, Silver FL: Association between lobar-type hem- Jenkins R see Fox NC wfiictihe ncmye nsatssroucaitaitoend, wi1t9h2 3 re(cNuor)r ent meningitis coinciding Hilolirsr haAgye seaen dW iatmyylko iRdJ angiopathy (letter) 1705 (Oc) JJeeonns enB S,M WKi ms eeJ -MQ,u LeZeX D-S, Hattori N, Mizuno Y: Appar- Goodkin DE see Mohr DC Hirose G see Yoshioka A ently sporadic case with parkin gene mutation in a GGooroddomna nB sAeDe sDeoeo dCyo heRSn JA HisDaS,m a AuFlMd, EL,e Ge olHdHs,t eVians hJlMi:s hCalni niAc,a l Teaknud mamlollaec uPl,a rR usssteuldl- JicKk orHe asnee wSoemsahand,r i 98S8$ (Je) Gordon PH, Wilbourn AJ: Early electrodiagnostic find ies in a family with probable X-linked dominant Charcot- Jirgens KJ see Spierings ELH ings in Guillain-Barré syndrome, 913 (je) Marie-Tooth disease involving the central nervous sys- Gorson KC, Ropper AH: Nonpoliovirus poliomyelitis simu- tem, 1891 (No) Jobe TH see Helgason CM lating Guillain-Barre syndrome, 1460 (Se) Hisanaga K, Asagi M, ltoyama Y, Iwasaki Y: Increase in pe- Johanns JR see Kluin KJ Gracies J-M see Cubo E ripheral CD4 bright’ CD8 dull’ T cells in Parkinson dis- Johansson A see Askmark H Grafl-Radford NR see Bokde ALW: Sencakova D ease, 1580 (Oc) Jolesz FA see Sperling RA Granger 5 see Pegelow CH Ho L, Purohit DP, Haroutunian V, Luterman JD, Willis F, Jonetz-Mentzel L see RotherJ Granieri E see Manconi M Naslund J, Buxbaum JD, Mohs RC, Aisen PS, Pasinetti Jongen PJH see van Walderveen MAA Graus F see Honnorat J GM: Neuronal cyclooxygenase 2 expression in the hip- Joynt RJ: Merritt's Neurology, Tenth Edition (Book Review ) Gray A see Ballard C pocampai formation as a function of the clinical progres- 1501 (Se) Green DM, Ropper AH: Mild Guillain-Barre syndrome, 1098 sion of Alzheimer disease, 487 (Mr) Jummani RR, Okun MS: Sydenham chorea, 311 (Fe) Uy) Hochanadel GS see Spiers PA Juncos JL see Obeso JA; Okun MS Grega MA see Selnes OA Hogan RE: Mesial temporal sclerosis: clinicopathological cor- Jung S see Leussink VI Grelinger BA see Reimer CM relations, 1484 (Se) Jungreis CA see Longstreth WT Jr Grober E see Crystal HA Hohol MJ see Sperling RA Junque C see Alegret M; Mataro M Gross WL see de Groot K Holder CA see Okun MS Jurado MA see Mataro M Grossman M see McKhann GM; Poorkaj P Holohan PD see Bradshaw CB Jutila L see Lamusuo $ — ARCH NEUROL/VOL 58, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHNEUROL.COM 2086 kK Liu Y see Stern Y Llinas RH see Linfante | Kagansky N. Levy S, Knobler H: Role of hyperglycemia in Labate A see Oliveri RL Long M see Grotta JC acute stroke, 1209 (Au) Lambarri I see Esteban JCG Longstreth WT Jr, Diehr P, Beauchamp NJ, Manolio TA Kageyama T, Shimohama S, Kawamata J: Coexistence of Lamerichs R see Pohl C Patterns on cranial magnetic resonance imaging in el 2 different type | repeats (letter) 1022 (Je) Lamusuo §, Jutila L, Ylinen A, Kalviainen R, Mervaala E, derly people and vascular disease outcomes (letter) 2073 Kaiser WA see RotherJ Haaparanta M, Jaaskelainen S, Partanen K, Vapalahti M, (De) Kakulas BA see Panegyres PK Rinne J: ['*{]FDG-PET reveals temporal hypometabo- Longstreth WT Jr, Diehr P, Manolio TA, Beauchamp NJ, Kalviainen R see Lamusuo S lism in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy even when Jungreis CA, Lefkowitz D, Cardiovascular Health Study Kaminsky SM see Sondhi D quantitative MRI and histopathological analysis show only Collaborative Research Group: Cluster analysis and pat Kanda M see Tomimoto H mild hippocampal damage, 933 Je) terns of findings on cranial magnetic resonance imaging Kang D-W see Chu K Lang AE: of the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. 635 (Ap) Kapadia AS see Jankovic J Acuntiest otrthheorsatpayt ici n hPyaproktiennssoino n dwisheeanse :s tatrhtei nrgo lde opoaf mdionmep eargio-- LLooppeezs--TCreansdceass a I sMe e seEe tcGhoenbzeahleerze- RuEbCiSCo € KKKaaarssitttaeznnkgbyoa uJeK rsBe e Ss,eP eo WhiSln ukkClo enri ckF , DFLe sl G, Schiel X, Ostermann Cridktioicnnaselo net vhdaeirlsauepaayste i:o (nl sehtotofeu rlt)dh e 8 w3se5t a tue(s eM oyf)t h teh es aamret icnr istuerrigae rays ffoorr dPraur-g LLoopp(eeAzpz)-- YYuunneezz AA: Csleien icYaill mNaezu roEcYa rdiology (Book Review) 675 H, Yousry TA, Pfister HW: Acute severe spinal cord dys- trials? (letter) 316 (Fe) Louis ED, Ford B, Frucht $, Ottman R: Mild tremor in rela function in bacterial meningitis in adults: MRI findings Lesion of the basal ganglia and surgery for Parkinson dis- tives of patients with essential tremor: what does this tell suggest extensive myelitis, 806 (My) ease (letter) 1166 (Jy) us about the penetrance of the disease? 1584 (Ox Kawamata J see Kageyama T Lange DJ see Dabby R Louis ED, Levy G, Cote LJ, Mejia H, Fan S$, Marder KS Kaye JA see Salat DH Lansberg MG, O'Brien MW, Tong DC, Moseley ME, Clinical correlates of action tremor in Parkinson dis Kent P see Bradshaw CB Albers GW: Evolution of cerebral infarct volume ease, 16030 (Oc) Keranen T see PeltolaJ assessed by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance Louis ED, Stapf C: Unraveling the neuron jungle: the 1879 Khan MN see Morris HR imaging, 613 (Ap) 1886 publications by Wilhelm His on the embryological Khoury SJ, Weiner HL: Surrogate markers in multiple Lanska DJ: Nineteenth-century contributions to the me- development of the human brain, 1932 (No sclerosis (letter) 834 (My) chanical recording of postural sway, 1147 (jy) Louon A see Deleu D Kidd G see Bjartmar C Lantos PL see Cordery RJ; Janssen JC; Morris HR Lovelace RE see Dabby R Kieburtz K see Stern Y Laurin D, Verreault R, Lindsay J, MacPherson K, Lovell MA, Markesbery WR: Ratio of 8-hydroxyguanine in KKiiekfienri s TRR sseeee SSpcehrwlianrgt zRmAa n RJ LawiRmnop cakiNwrDom,eo ndtF leKat:nc dh Pehdry esmiDecnDatl, i aa Hcetiinnv dieetlyrd esroalnnyd peRrrDiss,ko nsWo,fo lc4to9eg8rn i(tTMirDv)e, Lu ihnYet-iaCmc te rs eDeNd Ai sLteeaeos e1 f-rvHe;ee n tS8ro-ihocyunldgar ro Bx-ycW e rgeubarnoisnpei naisl infclurieda, sed3 92i n (MArlz) Kim D-E see Lee S-H Wijdicks EFM: Anticipating mechanical ventilation in Lublin FD see Whitaker JN Kim J-M see Jeon BS Guillain-Barré syndrome, 893 (Je) Lucas JA see Sencakova D Kim J-Y see Chu K Le W-d see Xu P Luef G see Trinka E Kimpara T see Nakashima | Lee D-S see Jeon BS Lull JM see Cohen JA Kirkwood SC, Su JL, Conneally PM, Foroud T: Progres- Lee ti, Whitman GT, Lim JG, Lee SD, Park YC: Bilateral Lupski JR see Stockton DW sion of symptoms in the early and middle stages of sudden deafness as a prodrome of anterior inferior cer- Luterman JD see Ho L Huntington disease, 273 (Fe) ebellar artery infarction, 1287 (Au) Luzzatti C, Whitaker H: Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud, Claude Kleinschmidt-De Masters BK see Gilden DH Lee H-Y see Soong B-W Francois Lallemand, and the role of the frontal lobe: lo- Klockgether T see Pohl € Lee HH see Hisama FM cation and mislocation of language in the early 19th cen Klotz P see Schulte T Lee I-H, Soong B-W, Lu Y-C, Chang Y-C: Dentatorubro- tury, 1157 Gy) Kluin KJ, Gilman S, Foster NL, D'Amato CJ, Bluemlein L, pallidoluysian atrophy in Chinese, 1905 (No) Lycklama a Nijeholt GJ see van Walderveen MAA Little R, Sima AAF, Bruch LA, Johanns JR: Neuropatho- Lee S-H, Kim D-E, Song E-C, Roh J-K: Sensory dermato- Lyon DR see Belay ED logic correlates of dysarthria in progressive supra- mal representation in the medial lemniscus, 649 (Ap) Lyon-Caen O see Pelletier J nuclear palsy (letter) 1500 (Se) Lee SD see Lee H Kluin KJ, Gilman §, Foster NL, Sima AAF, D'Amato CJ, Lee SK see Chu K M Bruch LA, Bluemlein L, Little R, Johanns JR: Neuro- Lee VM-Y see Galvin JE; Lippa CF pathological correlates of dysarthria in progressive su- Lees AJ see Morris HR; Piccini P Macia F, Yekhlef F, Ballan G, Delmer O, Tison F: T2- pranuclear palsy, 265 (Fe) Lefkowitz D see Longstreth WT Jr hyperintense lateral rim and hypointense putamen are typi- Klunk WE see Sukonick DL Leist TP, Gobbini MI, Frank JA, McFarland HF: Enhanc- cal but not exclusive of multiple system atrophy, 1024 ing magnetic resonance imaging lesions and cerebral at- Je) Kniker JE see Cohen JA rophy in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis, 57 (Ja) Macias R see Obeso JA Knobler H see Kagansky N Lempert T see von Brevern M Maciel P, Costa MC, Ferro A, Rousseau M, Santos CS Knoers NVAM see Sinke RJ Lenzi GL see Borroni B Gaspar C, Barros J, Rouleau GA, Coutinho P, Sequei- Knopman D: Cerebrospinal fluid B-amyloid and tau pro- Lepera S see MaurinoJ ros J: Improvement in the molecular diagnosis of teins for the diagnosis of Alzheimer disease, 349 (Mr) Lerner A see Bakshi R Machado-Joseph disease, 1821 (No) Knowlton R see Kuzniecky R Lesser GT, Libow LS: Statin-Alzheimer disease associa- Mackenzie IRA: Cortical inflammation in dementia with Ko Al see Price JL tion not yet proven (letter) 1022 (Je) Lewy bodies (letter) 519 (Mr) Koller H see von Giesen H-J Leurgans S see Cubo E; Goetz CG Mackenzie IRA, Munoz DG: Effect of anti-inflammatory Konakova M, Huynh DP, Yong W, Pulst SM: Cellular dis- Leussink VI, Jung S$, Merschdorf U, Toyka KV, Gold R: medications on neuropathological findings in Alzhei- tribution of torsin Aa nd torsin B in normal human brain, High-dose methylprednisolone therapy in multiple scle- mer disease (letter) 517 (Mr) 921 Je) rosis induces apoptosis in peripheral blood leukocytes, MacPherson K see Laurin D Konno K, Kurita H, Shiokawa Y, Saito I: Carotid rete mi- 91 Ga) Maestre J see Honnorat J rabile associated with aortic arch anomaly, 1694 (Oc) Levine RL: One-stop shopping: stroke questions further an- Magariello A see Oliveri RL Kooijmans MF see Cohen JA swered with magnetic resonance imaging, 555 (Ap) Malkoff M see Grotta JC Kornhuber M see Deschauer M Levy G see Louis ED Manconi M, Paolino E, Casetta |, Granieri E: Anosmia in Kornips FHM see Zwarts MJ Levy S see Kagansky N a giant anterior communicating artery aneurysm, 1474 Kosti¢ VS see Kozi¢c D Lewis DA see Sweet RA (Se) Kovacs J: Brain Damage in the Newborn and Its Neurological Lewis RF: Ocular motor apraxia and ataxia-telangiectasia Manolio TA see Longstreth WT Jr Sequels: Pathologic and Clinical Correlation (Book Re- (letter) 1312 (Au) Mapstone M, Rosler A, Hays A, Gitelman DR, Weintraub view) 1164 (jy) LeWitt PA see Dewey RB Jr S: Dynamic allocation of attention in aging and Alzhei Kozic D, Kostic VS: Crossed cerebrocerebellar atrophy, 1929 Liang X see Xu P mer disease: uncoupling of the eve and mind, 1443 (Se (No) Libow LS see Lesser GT Maragakis NJ, Rothstein JD: Glutamate transporters in new Kraft E, Schwartz J, Trenkwalder C, Oertel WH: T2- Lieberman AP see Puls I rologic disease, 365 (Mr) hyperintense lateral rim and hypointense putamen are typi- Lieberman HR see Spiers PA Marcus DA: Establishing a standard of speed for assessing cal but not exclusive of multiple system atrophy (letter) Lim JG see Lee H the efficacy of the serotonin agonists (triptans) 1056 1026 (Je) Lima MCL see Etchebehere ECSC Gy) Kramer PL see Bressman SB Lin M-T see Wu Z-Y Marder KS sce Louis ED; Stern ¥ Kraus PH see Schulte 1 Linde A see Whitaker JN Marie R-M: Nitrous oxide—induced cobalamin deficiency (let Kra(SuOtscae)n daSJr,d iBzaecdk onAjssae sMs-meMn:t CIhnrsotnriucm enPtai n( BEovoalku atRieovni: ew)A Va1l7i0d8, LLiinCnIfnadaspnstltiateayuJ nt e 1s,sL eRLeo: lf i LnHDaaeuisarf liftRnuhH s,isD ot nrSo-ckwheel iasguchagtl ee Gd,i n iCtmhheaa gvaiecnsugt e Ca,pn hdWa saeNr aatocifh op noaslS-, MMMaaarrrttekkrise)n s b1MeA3PJr4, y sVPeaeeW)n RnTe oysn egeC CDL:Co veSlpli naMlA neurenteric cyst. 126 Ja Kremer HPH see Sinke RJ terior-circulation stroke, 621 (Ap) Martin R see Kuzniecky R Kril J see Halliday G Linfante I see Staroselskaya 1A Massman P see Doody RS Kuempfel T see Friess E Lippa CF, Schmidt ML, Lee VM-Y, Trojanowski JQ: Masur D see Crystal HA Kujawa KA, Goetz CG: Acute orthostatic hypotension when a-synuclein in familial Alzheimer disease: epitope map- Mataro M, Jurado MA, Garcia-Sanchez C, Barraquer | starting dopamine agonist therapy in Parkinson disease ping parallels dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson Costa-Jussa FR, Junque C: Long-term effects of bilateral the role of domperidone therapy (letter) 835 (My) disease, 1817 (No) frontal brain lesion: 60 years after injury with an iron bar Kujawa KA, Niemi VR, Tomasi MA, Mayer NW, Cochran Lipton AM, Cullum CM, Satumtira S, Sontag E, Hynan LS. 1139 Gy) E, Goetz CG: Ballistic-choreic movements as the pre- White CL III, Bigio EH: Contribution of asymmetric syn- Mattern R see Schulte T senting feature of renal cancer, 1133 Jy) apse loss to lateralizing clinical deficits in frontotempo- Matthews PM see De Stefano N Kurita H see Konno K ral dementias, 1233 (Au) MaurinoJ , Saposnik G: Association between iobar-type hem- Kuroda S$ see Takehisa Y; Ujike H Lipton RB see Crystal HA orrhage and amyloid angiopathy (letter) 1705 (Oc Kurz A see Petersen RC Lissens W see Seneca S MaurinoJ , Saposnik G, Lepera S, Rey RC, Sica RE: Mul Kuzniecky R, Palmer C, Hugg J, Martin R, Sawrie S, Litt B see Valmadrid C tiple simultaneous intracerebral hemorrhages: clinical Morawetz R, Faught E, Knowlton R: Magnetic reso- Little R see Kluin KJ features and outcome, 629 (Ap) nance spectroscopic imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy: Litvan I see MallerJ Mayer NW see Kujawa KA neuronal dysfunction or cell loss? 2048 (De) Liu R-S see Soong B-W Mayer RF: Neurology was there: 1929 (letter) 1024 (Je a ARCH NEUROL/VOL 58, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHNEUROL.COM 2087 Mazzei R see Oliveri RL Murri L see Orlandi G Padolecchia R see Orlandi G McArthurJ see Stern Y Myers D see Spiers PA Padovani A see Borroni B McCabe PH, McNew CD, Michel NC: Effect of divalproex- Myers MW see Seshadri S PalmerC see Kuzniecky R lamotrigine combination therapy in frontal lobe sei- Palumbo D see Stern Y zures, 1264 (Au) N Pandav R see Ganguli M McCarron MO, Flynn PA, Pang KA, Hawkins SA: Trau Panegyres PK, Toufexis K, Kakulas BA, Cernevakova L, matic Brown-Sequard-plus syndrome, 1470 (Se) Naarden Al: Advances in Neurology, Vol 85: Tourette Syn- Brown P, Ghetti B, Piccardo P, Dlouhy SR: New PRNP McDermott MP see Jankovic J; Stern Y drome (Book Review) 1707 (Oc) mutation (G131V) associated with Gerstmann-Straussler- McFarland HF see Leist TP Nacmias B see Cellini E Scheinker disease, 1899 (No) McGeer EG see McGeer PL Nadeau SE see Okun MS Pang KA see McCarron MO MeGeer PL, McGeer EG: Polymorphisms in inflammatory Nadon G see Tierney MC Paolino E see Manconi M genes and the risk of Alzheimer disease, 1790 (No) Nahm F, Freeman R: Vasovagal syncope: the contribu- Papathanasiou ES: Prognosis of Neurological Disorders, 2nd McKee A see MullerJ tions of Sir William R. Gowers and Sir Thomas Lewis, 50S ed (Book Review) 1020 (Je) McKeel DW see Morris JC; Price JL (Mr) Paradiso S: Neurobiology of Mental Illness (Book Review) 829 McKeith | see Ballard C Nakamura M see Yoshioka A (My) McKhann GM, Albert MS, Grossman M, Miller BL, Nakashima |, Fujihara K, ltoyama Y: Linear pontine and Parchi P see Belay ED Dickson D, Trojanowski JQ, : Clinical and pathologi- trigeminal root lesions and trigeminal neuralgia (letter) Pardo CA see Brinley FJ Jr cal diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia: report of the 1311 (Au) Parente M see Sperling RA work group on frontotemporal dementia and Pick’s Nakashima |, Fujihara K, Kimpara T, Okita N, Takase 5S. Parfitt F see Sencakova D disease, 1803 (No) ltoyama Y: Linear pontine trigeminal root lesions in mul- Park H see Parvathy S$ McKhann GM see Selnes OA; Wityk RJ tuple sclerosis: clinical and magnetic resonance imaging Park YC see Lee H McNew CD see McCabe PH studies in 5 cases, 101 (Ja) Parkinson Study Group: Evaluation of dyskinesias in a pi- McQuiston JH see Belay ED Namba R see Takehisa Y lot, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of remacemide Meade RA see Stockton DW Narayana PA see Whitaker JN in advanced Parkinson disease, 1660 (Oc) Meador KJ: Narayanan S see De Stefano N Partanen K see Lamusuo S Emergence of temporal lobe surgery for epilepsy, 1011 Ve) NaslundJ see Ho L Parvathy S$, Davies P, Haroutunian V, Purohit DP, Davis Neurology was there—1980, 824 (My) Naumann M see Warmuth-Metz M KL, Mohs RC, Park H, Moran TM, Chan JY, Buxbaum Meairs S see Gass A Naviaux RK see Bodman M JD: Correlation between aBx-40-, aBx-42-, and aBx-43- Meilof JF: Use and abuse of correlation coefficients (letter) Neff W see Gass A containing amyloid plaques and cognitive decline, 2025 833 (My) Netscher DT see Stockton DW (De) Meire F see Seneca S Nichol! D see Gwinn-Hardy K Pasinetti GM see Ho L Mejia H see Louis ED Nichols CR see Belay ED Pastorino L see Borroni B Mendonca P see Barbot C Niemi VR see Kujawa KA Patitucci A see Oliveri RL Merelli E see Sacconi S Nilsson P see Askmark H Paty DW: Multiple Sclerosis in Clinical Practice (Book Re- Merino JG: Diagram makers or classical neurologists? the Nishibori M see Takebisa Y view) 141 (Ja) interactions of aphasiology and its history, 1494 (Se) Nishinaka T see Takehisa Y Pauli E see Feichtinger M Merschdorf U see Leussink VI Nobukuni K see Takehisa Y Payami H see Poorkaj P Mervaala E see Lamusuo S Nochlin D see Poorkaj P Pegelow CH, Wang W, Granger S, Hsu LL, Vichinsky E, MessinaJ see Farlow MR North American Linomide Investigators see Whitaker JN Moser FG. Bello J, Zimmerman RA, Adams RJ, Metman LV see Siegel KL Northrup H: Neurogenetics (Contemporary Neurology Se- Brambilla D, STOP Trial: Silent infarcts in children Michel NC see McCabe PH ries, No. 57) (Book Review) 828 (My) with sickle cell anemia and abnormal cerebral artery Milanese C see Ferroli P Noseworthy JH see Whitaker JN velocity, 2017 (De) Miller BL: Tau mutations—center tent or sideshow? 351 Nutt JG, Nygaard TG: Response to levodopa treatment in Pelletier J, Suchet L, Witjas T, Habib M, Guttmann CRG, (Mr) dopa-responsive dystonia, 905 (Je) Salamon G, Lyon-Caen O, Cherif AA: Longitudinal study Miller BL see DeCarli C; McKhann GM Nutt JG see Rascol O of callosal atrophy and interhemispheric dysfunction in Miller JP see Morris JC Nygaard TG see Nutt JG relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, 105 (Ja) Milstien S see Hahn H Nyhan WL see Bodman M Peltola J, Eriksson K, Keranen T: Cytokines and seizures Minthon L see Andreasen N (letter) 1168 (Jy) Misra M see Dovey Z Oo Penney CC see Martin AJ Mizuno Y see Jeon BS Obeso JA, Rodriguez MC, Guridi J, Alvarez L, Alvarez Perdomo CA see Doody RS Mohr DC, Goodkin DE, Islar J, Hauser SL, Genain CP: E, Macias R, Juncos JL, DeLong MR: Lesion of the Pereira JA see Etchebehere ECSC Treatment of depression is associated with suppression basal ganglia and surgery for Parkinson disease (letter) Pereira ML see Jardim LB otfi plneo nsscpleecriofsiisc, a1n0d8 1a nt(iJgye)n -specific T,,1 responses in mul- O'B1r1i6e5n UJy s)e e Ballard C PPeerrgeozli-zTzuir J R Gse e seMeo rSroinsd hHi R D Mohs RC see Ho L; Parvathy 5; Petersen RC O'Brien MW see Lansberg MG Perl DP see Jankovic J; Poorkaj P Monaco S see Romito S O'Brien PC see Sencakova D Perlman SL see Cholfin JA; Figueroa KP Monastero R see Borroni B Oertel WH see Kraft E Petersen RC, Doody RS, Kurz A, Mohs RC, Morris JC, Monteiro JP see Barbot C Ohtani R see Tomimoto H Rabins PV, Ritchie K, Rossor MN, Thal LJ, Winblad Moran TM see Parvathy S Okita N see Nakashima | B: Current concepts in mild cognitive impairment, Morawetz R see Kuzniecky R Okun MS, Riestra AR, Nadeau SE: Treatment of ballism 1985 (De) Mordechai E see Eskow E and pseudobulbar affect with sertraline, 1682 (Oc) Petersen RC see Sencakova D Moreira MdC see Barbot C Okun MS see Jummani RR Pettenati C see Borroni B Morgenstern LB see Grotta JC Okun MS, Stover NP, Subramanian T, Gearing M, Wainer Pfister HW see Kastenbauer § Morris HR, Khan MN, Janssen JC, Brown JM, Perez-Tur BH. Holder CA, Watts RL, Juncos JL, Freeman A, Evatt Phillips JT: Rethinking multiple sclerosis, 30 (Ja) }, Baker M, Ozansoy M, HardyJ , Hutton M, Wood NW. ML, Schuele SU, Vitek JL, DeLong MR: Complications Piacentini S see Cellini E Lees AJ, Revesz T, Lantos PL, Rossor MN: Genetic and of gamma knife surgery for Parkinson disease, 1995 (De) Piccardo P see Panegyres PK pathological classification of familial frontotemporal de Olanow CW see Cubo E Piccini P, de YebenezJ , Lees AJ, Ceravolo R, Turjanski N, mentia, 1813 (No) Olek MJ see Sperling RA Pramstaller P, Brooks DJ: Familial progressive supra- Morris JC see Petersen RC; Price JL Oliveri RL, Muglia M, De Stefano N, Mazzei R, Labate nuclear palsy: detection of subclinical cases using F- Morris JC, Storandt M, Miller JP, McKeel DW, Price JL, A, Conforti FL, Patitucci A, Gabriele AL, Tagarelli G, dopa and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomog- Rubin EH, Berg L: Magariello A, Zappia M, Gambardella A, Federico A raphy, 1846 (No) Does mild cognitive impairment represent early-stage Quattrone A: Novel mutation in the Notch3 gene in an Pieczek A see Simovic D Alzheimer disease? (letter) 1706 (Oc) Italian family with cerebral autosomal dominant arteri- Piepgras DG see Henderson RD Mild cognitive impairment represents early-stage Alzhei- opathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencepha- Pietrini P see Bokde ALW mer disease, 397 (Mr) lopathy: genetic and magnetic resonance spectroscopic Pilleri M see Alegret M Morris MC, Scherr PA, Hebert LE, Glynn RJ, Bennett DA, findings, 1418 (Se) Piradov MA, Pirogov VN, Popova LM, Avdunina IA: Evans DA: Association of incident Alzheimer disease and Olsson Y see Askmark H Diphtheritic polyneuropathy: clinical analysis of severe blood pressure measured from 13 years before to 2 years Ondo W, Almaguer M, Jankovic J, Simpson RK: Thalamic forms, 1344 (Se) after diagnosis in a large community study, 1640 (Oc) deep brain stimulation: comparison between unilateral Pirogov VN see Piradov MA Moseley ME see Lansberg MG; Tong DC and bilateral placement, 218 (Fe) Pittock SJ see Henderson RD Moser FG see Pegelow CH Orav EJ see Sperling RA Placidi F see Cupini LM Moshe SL: The Private Life of the Brain (Book Review) 1936 Orlandi G, Fanucchi S, Fioretti C, Acerbi G, Puglioli M. Plato CC see Poorkaj P (No) Padolecchia R, Sartucci F, M urri L: Characteristics of ce- Pleasure D: Peripheral neuropathy as the first clinical mani- Mozaffar T see Habib AA rebral microembolism during carotid stenting and angi- festation of Wegener granulomatosis, | 204 (Au) Muglia M see Oliveri RL oplasty alone, 1410 (Se) Pliskin N see Qu ZX Muldoon MF: Report on statins and dementia disputed (let- Orr SC see Gomez CR Poewe W see MillerJ ter) 1166 (jy) Ostermann H see Kastenbauer S Pohl C, Block W, Karitzky J, Traber F, Schmidt S, Grothe Miller J, Wenning GK, Verny M, McKee A, Chaudhuri O’Suilleabhain P see Gwinn-Hardy K C, Lamerichs R, Schild H, Klockgether T: Proton mag- KR, Jellinger KA, Poewe W, Litvan I: Progression of Otman R see Louis ED netic resonance spectroscopy of the motor cortex in 70 dysarthria and dysphagia in postmortem-confirmed Ouvrier RA: Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disorders (Annals of the patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 729 (My) Parkinsonian disorders, 259 (Fe) New York Academy of Sciences, vol 883) (Book Review) Pollock BG see Sukonick DL; Sweet RA Maller T see Deschauer M 1307 (Au) Polman CH see van Walderveen MAA Mulsant BH see Sukonick DL Owens GP see Gilden DH Ponce IM see Gonzalez-Rubio ( Mungas D, Reed BR, Ellis WG, Jagust WJ: Effects of age Ozansoy M see Morris HR Ponziani G see Amato MP on rate of progression of Alzheimer disease and demen Ozelius LJ see Bressman SB Poorkaj P, Grossman M, Steinbart EJ, Payami H, tia with associated cerebrovascular disease, 1243 (Au) Sadovnick A, Nochlin D, Tabira T, Trojanowski JQ, Mungas D see Reed BR P Borson S, Galasko D, Reich S, Quinn B, Schellenberg Munoz DG see Mackenzie IRA GD, Bird TD: Frequency of tau gene mutations in Munoz E see Alarcon F Pachner AR: Measurement of antibodies to interferon beta familial and sporadic cases of non-Alzheimer dementia, Murong S-X see Wu Z-Y in patients with muluple sclerosis, 1299 (Au) 383 (Mr) = ARCH NEUROL/VOL 58, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHNEUROL.COM 2088 Poorkaj P see Steinbart EJ Roos KL: Acute severe spinal cord dysfunction in bacterial Selnes OA see Stern Y Poorkaj P, Tsuang D, Wijsman E, Steinbart EJ, Garruto meningitis in adults: MRI findings suggest extensive my- Sencakova D, Graff-Radford NR, Willis FB, Lucas JA, Parfitt RM, Craig U-K, Chapman NH, Anderson L, Bird TD, elitis, 717 (My) F, Cha RH, O'Brien PC, Petersen RC, Jack CR Jr: Hip Plato CC, Perl DP, Weiderholt W, Galasko D. Ropper AH see Gorson KC; Green DM; Simovic D pocampal atrophy correlates with clinical features of Alz Schellenberg GD: TAU as a susceptibility gene for Rosen J see Sukonick DL heimer Disease in African Americans, 1593 (Oc) amyotropic lateral sclerosis—Parkinsonism dementia Rosenberg RN: Seneca S, Verhelst H, De Meirleir LD, Meire F, complex of Guam, 1871 (No) Genomic neurology: a new beginning, 1739 (No) Ceuterick-De Groote C, Lissens W, Van Coster R: New Popova LM see Piradov MA John N. Whitaker (obituary) 2059 (De) mitochondrial point mutation in the transfer RNA“ gene Pramstaller P see Piccini P Reviewers for 2000, 15 (ja) in a patient with a clinical phenotype resembling Kearns Pratt RD see Doody RS Rosenfeld M: Pathology of Tumorso f the Central Nervous Sys- Sayre syndrome, 1113 (Jy) Price JL, Ko Al, Wade MJ, Tsou SK, McKeel DW, Morris tem: a Guide to Histologic Diagnosis (Book Review) 1936 Sequeiros J see Barbot C; Jardim LB: Maciel P JC: Neuron number in the entorhinal cortex and CA1 in (No) Serio A see Cellini E preclinical Alzheimer disease, 1395 (Se) Roses AD: 2025: the practice of neurology: back from the Seshadri S, Zornberg GL, Derby LE, Myers MW, Jick H. Price JL see Morris JC future, 1766 (No) Drachman DA: Postmenopausal esirogen replacement Primavera A see Cocito | Rosler A see Mapstone M therapy and the risk of Alzheimer disease, 435 (Mr) Pritz MB see Yilmaz EY Rossor MN see Cordery RJ; Fox NC; Janssen JC; Morris Shaffer LG see Stockton DW Przuntek H see Schulte T HR; Petersen RC Shapiro M: Plasticity, hippocampal place cells, and cogni Puglioli M see Orlandi G Rother J, Weiller C, Reichenbach JR, Herzau M, Kaiser WA, live maps, 874 (Je) Puls 1, Lieberman AP, Fischbeck KH: Impact of the hu- Jonetz-Mentzel L, Fiala A: CT perfusion: two publica- Sharma G see Reimer CM man genome sequence on neurology and neuroscience tions, same patients, different results (fetter) 836 (My) Shenaq SM see Stockton DW 1750 (No) Rothstein JD see Maragakis N} Shepherd C see Halliday G Pulst S-M: Genomes, neuroscience, and neurology, 1755 Rouleau GA see Maciel P Shibasaki H see Tomimoto H (No) Rousseau M see Maciel P Shimazaki K see Yoshioka A Pulst SM see Cholfin JA; Figueroa KP; Konakova M Rowan E see Ballard € Shimohama § see Kageyama T Purohit DP see Ho L; Parvathy S$ Rowland CR see Spierings ELH Shiokawa Y see Konno K Rowland LP: How amyotrophic lateral sclerosis got its name Shrimpton AE see Bradshaw CB Q the clinical-pathologic genius of Jean-Martin Charcot, 312 Sica RE see Maurino J} (Mr) Siegel G see Wolozin B Qiao W-H see Zhou Y-X Rowland LP see Dabby R Siegel KL, Metman LV: In reply, 57:1231 (Au): correc Qiu C, Backman L, Winblad B, Agtero-Torres H, Royall RM see Selnes OA tion, 38:135 Ga) Fratiglioni L: Influence of education on clinically diag- Rozzini L see Borroni B Siemers E: Huntington disease, 308 (Fe) nosed dementia incidence and mortality data from the Rubin EH see Morris JC Silva CAM see Etchebehere ECSC Kungsholmen project, 2034 (De) RumiaJ see Alegret M Silveira I see Jardim LB Qu ZX, Pliskin N, Jensen MW, White D, Arnason BGW: Rupprecht R see Friess E Silver B see Staroselskaya 1A Etretinate augments interferon beta-1b effects on sup- Russell DS see Hisama FM Silver FL see Hill MD pressor cells in multiple sclerosis, 87 (Ja) Silvestrini M see Cupini LM Quaskey S see Selnes OA Ss Sima AAF see Kluin KJ Quattrone A see Oliveri RL Simon JH see Cohen JA Quinn B see Poorkaj P Sacconi S, Salviati L, Merelli E: Acute disseminated en- Simonian NA see Cohen JA Quinn N: Accuracy of clinical diagnosis in early Parkinson cephalomyelitis associated with hepatitis C virus infec Simovic D, Isner JM, Ropper AH, Pieczek A, Weinberg DH disease (letter) 316 (Fe) tion, 1679 (Oc) Improvement in chronic ischemic neuropathy after in k SSaacdkotvonri ckN sAe e seSet ePrno orYk aj P ctarla mluismcbu liasrc hepmhvieagf,, ,., 761 ge(nMey )t ransfer in patients with criti- Rabchevsky AG, Smith GM: Therapeutic interventions fol- Saiki S see Yoshioka A Simpson RK see Ondo W lowing mammalian spinal cord injury, 721 (My) Saito I see Konno K Singleton A see Gwinn-Hardy K Rabins PV see Petersen RC Saiz A see Honnorat J Sinke RJ, Ippel EF, Diepstraten CM, Beemer FA, Wokke Racke MK, Hawker K, Frohman EM: Multiple sclerosis and Sakhaee K see Heller HJ JH], van Hilten BJ, Knoers NVAM, van Amstel HKP, Rajmpaugtn etAiHc sreee soJnaannkcoe viicJm ag ing, 35 (Ja) SSaallaat mDoHn, GK asyeee JPAe,l lJeatineorw sJk y JS: Selective preservation and sKprienmoecrer ebHePlHl:a r Caltianxiicaa l typaen d 6: mao lsetcuudyl aro f c2o4r rDeultacthi onfsa mii-n Raman R see Cubo E: Goetz CG degeneration within the prefrontal cortex in aging and lies, 1839 (No) Ramos CD see Etchebehere ECSC Alzheimer disease, 1403 (Se) Siracusa G see Amato MP Ransohoff RM: Neurobiology of Spinal Cord Injury (Book Re- Salviati L see Sacconi S Small SA: Age-related memory decline: current concepts and view) 828 (My) Sambuchi GD see Bakshi R future directions, 360 (Mr) Ransohoff RM see Bjartmar C: Trebst € Sandrock AW see Cohen JA Smith AG: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, 1014 Je) Rao R-VS see Eskow E Sansana CR see Etchebehere ECSC Smith CO see Steinbart EJ Rapoport AM, Tepper SJ: Triptans are all different, 1479 Santos AO see Etchebehere ECSC Smith D see Bodman M (Se) Santos CS see Maciel P Smith GM see Rabchevsky AG Rapoport SI see Bokde ALW Saper JR: What matters is not the differences between trip- Snow WG see Tierney MC Rascol O, Nutt JG, Blin O, Goetz CG, Trugman JM, tans, but the differences between patients, 1481 (Se) Sobrido M-J see Cholfin JA Soubrouillard C, Carter JH, Currie LJ, Fabre N, Saposnik G, Caplan LR: Convulsive-like movements in Solomon S$: Raeder syndrome, 661 (Ap) Thalamas C, Giardina WJ, Wright S: Induction by brainstem stroke, 654 (Ap) Solymosi L see Warmuth-Metz M dopamine D, receptor agonist ABT-431 of dyskinesia Saposnik G see MaurinoJ Sondhi D, Hackett NR, Apblett RL, Kaminsky SM, similar to levodopa in patients with Parkinson disease Sartucci F see Orlandi G Pergolizzi RG, Crystal RG: Feasibility of gene therapy 249 (Fe) Satran R: Neurology was there in the 1930s, 1017 Je) for late neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, 1793 (No Rea CB see Bradshaw CB Satumtira S see Lipton AM Song E-C see Lee S-H Reed BR, Eberling JL, Mungas D, Weiner M, Jagust WJ: Sawrie S$ see Kuzniecky R Sontag E see Lipton AM Frontal lobe hypometabolism predicts cognitive decline Schafer I see Feichtinger M Soong B-W, Liu R-S, Wu L-C, Lu Y-C, Lee H-Y: Metabolic in patients with lacunar infarcts, 493 (Mr) Schapiro MB see Bokde ALW characterization of spinocerebellar ataxia type ©, 300 (Fe Reed BR see Mungas D Schellenberg GD see Poorkaj P Soong B-W, Lu Y-C, Choo K-B, Lee H-Y: Frequency analy Reed T see DeCarli € Scherr PA see Morris MC sis of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias in taiwan- Reich S see Poorkaj P Schiel X see Kastenbauer S ese patients and clinical and molecular charactenzation Reichenbach JR see Rother J Schiess MC see Van Horn G of spinocerebellar ataxia type 6, 1105 Uy) Reid KJ, Chang A-M, Dubocovich ML, Turek FW, Schifitto G see Stern Y Soong B-W see Lee I-H Takahashi JS, Zee PC: Familial advanced sleep phase Schild H see Pohl € Sorbi S see Amato MP; Cellini E syndrome, 1089 (Jy) Schlaug G see Linfante | Soubrouillard C see Rascol O Reimer CM, Sharma G, Grelinger BA: Dermal sinus pre- Schmid D see Friess E Soukup VM see Van Horn G senting as group B streptococcal meningitis, 820 (My) Schmidt DK see de Groot K Sperling RA, Guttmann CRG, Hohol MJ, Warfield SK, Jakab Reinhold-Keller E see de Groot K Schmidt ML see Lippa CF M, Parente M, Diamond EL, Daffner KR, Olek MJ, Orav Reiss AL see Galaburda AM; Schmitt JE Schmidt S$ see Pohl € EJ, Kikinis R, Jolesz FA, Weiner HL: Regional magnetic Renzi D see Cellini E Schmitt JE, Eliez S, Bellugi U, Reiss AL: Analysis of cere- resonance imaging lesion burden and cognitive function Reutens D see Fedi M bral shape in Williams syndrome, 283 (Fe) in multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study, 115 (a) Revesz T see Morris HR Schmitt JE see Galaburda AM Spierings ELH, Gomez-Mancilla B, Grosz DE, Rowland CR Rey RC see MaurinoJ Schneyer CR see Valmadrid € Whaley FS, Jirgens KJ: Oral almotriptan vs oral suma Rice G: Significance of neutralizing antibodies in patients Schols L see Figueroa KP; Schulte T triptan in the abortive treatment of migraine: a double with multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta, 1297 Schonberger LB see Belay ED blind, randomized, parallel-group, optimum-dose com (Au) Schuele SU see Okun MS parison, 944 (Je) Riess O see Figueroa KP Schulte T, Mattern R, Berger K, Szymanski S, Klotz P, Kraus Spiers PA, Myers D, Hochanadel GS, Lieberman HR, Riestra AR see Okun MS PH, Przuntek H, Schols L: Double-blind crossover tral Waurtman RJ: Citicoline improves verbal memory in Rinne J see Lamusuo $ of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in spinocerebellar ataxia aging, 53:441 (My); correction, 38:48 (Ja) Risch NJ see Bressman SB type 3/Machado-Joseph disease, 1344 (Se) StapfC see Louis ED Ritchie K see Petersen RC Schulte-Mattler W see Deschauer M Staroselskaya IA, Chaves C, Silver B, Linfante | Roach ES: Immediate surgery for Moyamoya syndrome? not SchwartzJ see Kraft E Edelman RR, Caplan LR, Warach S$, Baird AE: Rela necessarily, 130 a) Schwartzman RJ, Grothusen J, Kiefer TR, Rohr P: Neuro- tionship between magnetic resonance arterial patency Rockwood K see Laurin D pathic central pain: epidemiology, etiology, and treat- and perfusion-diffusion mismatch in acute ischemic Rodriguez MC see Obeso JA ment options, 1547 (Oc) stroke and its potential clinical use, 1069 (Jy) Roh J-K see Chu K; Lee S-H Scott RM: Surgery for Moyamoya syndrome? Yes, 128 (Ja) Stefan H see Feichtinger M Rohr P see Schwartzman RJ Selnes OA, Royall RM, Grega MA, Borowicz LM Jr, Steinbart EJ see Poorkaj P Roman GC see Williams CS Quaskey S, McKhann GM: Cognitive changes 5 years Steinbart EJ, Smith CO, Poorkaj P, Bird TD: Impact of DNA Romito S$, Monaco S$: Myelopathic onychodystrophy, 1292 after coronary artery bypass grafting: ts there evidence testing for early-onset familial Alzheimer disease and tron (Au) of late decline? 598 (Ap) totemporal dementia, 1828 (No) EE EE ARCH NEUROL/ VOL 58, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHNEUROL.COM 2089 Steinberg DA see York GK Tovee M see Ballard C Wang W see Pegelow CH Steiner | see Cohen O Tow S: Neuro-Ophthalmology: Diagnosis and Managemeni Wang X see Feuerstein GZ Steiner-Birmanns B see Cohen O (Book Review) 1308 (Au) Warach S see Linfante |; Staroselskaya 1A Stern Y, Jacobs D, Goldman J, Gomez-Tortosa E, Hyman Toyka KV see Leussink VI Warfield SK see Sperling RA BT, Liu Y, TroncosoJ , Marder KS, Tang MX, Brandt J, Traber F see Pohl € Warmuth-Metz M, Naumann M., Csoti |, Solymosi L: Mea Albert MS: Investigation of clinical correlates of Lewy bod- Tranchant C see Yamamoto AM surement of the midbrain diameter on routine magnetic ies in autopsy-proven Alzheimer disease, 460 (Mr) Trant MR see Hahn H resonance imaging: a simple and accurate method of dif Stern Y, McDermott MP, Albert S, Palumbo D, Selnes Trebst C, Ransohoff RM: Investigating chemokines and ferentiating between Parkinson disease and progressive OA, McArthur J, Sacktor N, Schifitto G, Kieburtz K, chemokine receptors in patients with multiple sclero supranuclear palsy. 1076 Jy) Epstein L, Marder KS, Dana Consortium on the sis: opportunities and challenges. 1975 (De) Warter J-M see Yamamoto AM Therapy of HIV—Dementia and Related Cognitive Trenkwalder C see Friess E; Kraft E Watts RL see Okun MS Disorders: Factors associated with incident human Trinka E, Unterberger |, Luef G, Benke T, Berger T, Bauer Weiderholt W see Poorkaj P immunodeficiency virus—dementia, +73 (Mr) G: Acute aphasia in multiple sclerosis (letter) 133 Ja Weiller C see RotherJ Stevens JM see Janssen JC Trojaborg W see Dabby R Weinberg DH see Simovic D Stockton DW, Meade RA, Netscher DT, Epstein MJ, Shenag Trojanowski JQ see Galvin JE; Lippa CF; McKhann GM; Weiner HL see Khoury SJ: Sperling RA SM, Shaffer LG, Lupski JR: Hereditary neuropathy with Poorkaj P Weiner M see Reed BR liability to pressure palsies is not a major cause of idio- TroncosoJ see Stern Y Weintraub S see Mapstone M pathic carpal tunnel syndrome, 1635 (Oc) Trotter JL see Avasarala JR Wenning GK see Muller J STOP Trial see Pegelow CH Trouillas P see Honnorat J Wenserski F see von Giesen H-] Storandt M see Morris JC Trugman JM see Rascol O Whaley FS see Spierings ELH SSSSSSSuutuuuu ockbbbvhoJrrreeLnaaart imm m scaaoeNkLennnP iiys aaKD esLennie , rSe HkPGTe PwOl oosklslseoeeueletedeno i ce AOkrCSs MkrChSua BJiv G nz,c a hwMiSakSw eeTAt RA, Mulsant BH, Rosen TTTTTsssssuuoiuBnjjsuoaoiisk ngiasgoSSSr,: u Ki ss dDNe6szs ee0lee su5ae e r Zveohs A(Pgo,krAPe uyiponc D)oee er tYJvk:-iJu aXclSyj sts rtoP ik ne G ,th weid tehp oFsirtnetgieetrnanosam l iGccR a,r oertavi,a dn 1a7rMt5ee8lr yl e( NsotGe)-, WCCWohohniimtifinttm slaamepu,kkn aeeettnrriaac enrendyJt H sN o msfeewo eidnq t iuhcaLn aluelizmut zutyalr ettattilohifpii lczseci€a n rgeis, nc laetncrhtooeiss ibtsdo-,ied faifgee1nsc3o t0si1tivo s e ni(enAostufse ),r n foenrpeorpna iglmbeeapt- a J, Klunk WE. Kastango KB, DeKosky ST, Ferrell RE: Tuma R see DeAngelis LM 2ti0c 69s eiz(uDree) s: a provoc ative situation for neurology 5-HTTPR*S/*L polymorphism and aggressive behavior in Turek FW, Dugovic C, Zee PC: Current understanding of SSSuwwleaHlAeneilt nvz tahGneeE Rli AemH,fesC fre e H sdaReDi,mese ieCalPaWstoreh,loli linto ac1k¢k4 eR2 Lr5, B GJ(,HSNe e )a lLye wisM T,D A,W isDneiKeowsskkyi SSRT, TTTyuurrrtrrjheoeealkl on lgcs iiFkcrPiWacJ la dsNseid eeaie sns e oCerR ocderlePiodridcsec k,rc iyKnaJ i n1 d7R8 JP1 t he( Ncol)i nical implications for neu MMPToeartdisnieinpcan clttgeaasirtnelaors mlto ikeacfennf o,ort dr v ma6ehis7ongacf4rdu r alomMaiv( ornaA evopsr )ac d uimhbsloeeeaanavresdaf ea,i c tht ehs:evf1 rn6rad9oprt2myh o em(irefOan,ocpf r)e l uait1mni3mtc2ra atcop(rJrraaoyn)g iraelps rsoa ctemhseeseretoss AAlltzehreaitmioenrs doif sesatsriea talar e doapsasmoicinaet edr ecweipttho r Lbeiwnyd inbgo dyin l Whia thaekteerr oJgNe neseoeu sC ophaetine ntJ A response, 1482 (Se) SSSzzwaaeplpeaaittie h loJ RlPSAo V g:s yese e Oe paTtnSiiduec rkaanloe nnytii ecmmkaMo gCir DntIge m anpds yicths orsoilse , in4 6c6l in(iMcarl) neurol UUUjhgiroRk ekevM wi eHe s we)seCe C e: F1r7Ti0Eae9pks isel h(eiOpEcss )ay ¥in Childhood and Adolescence (Book WhiNSRtueolalslkaeitevwiraoo nnr sJthNHhi,Cy p, W oofNlJ oiHru,nrt sihknL ayur byAl mJieSnm,r y ieNcFlaaDirn,na yLabLainisnanioc d mePi pAdr,eAo , t BeaiIGrnnjt-voolerlissukttceic rgiaum tpao tAreAs P, . ogy. L061 Gy) Ujike H, Tanabe Y, Takehisa Y, Hayabara T, KurodaS : Fam rial with cranial magnetic resonance imaging in Szymanski S see Schulte T ily with X-linked dystonia-deafness syndrome with a novel advanced multiple sclerosis, 49 (Ja) mutation of the DDP gene, 1004 Je) White CL III see Lipton AM Unterberger | see Trinka I White D see Qu ZX Tabira T see Poorkaj P Whitman GT see Lee H Tagarelli G see Oliveri RL \ Wieser T see Deschauer M TTTaaakkkeaahshieas sahS i sYe JesS e eNs eaeUk jaiRskeheii dm Ha K J | VVaalllmdaedorriidol aC , F Vsoeoe rhAeleesgr etC , ML itt B, Schneyver CR: Practice WWWiiijljdbsiomcuakrnsn EE AFJsM ee s eesP eoeG oorHrkeadnjod ne Pr sPoHn RD; Lawn ND TakmRmTei,ual htniiYaaasaltk aisa aou mndYy aY,o, i tnUr NTjo,iti pshkNhehe iii sccnho Haip,kblp aaoet Irresi/rhTa zi,li zMnusN,c co lbeHHrsu,aou ksypiuaTesnber iarowa rxidaitaKh d , e aTS t,,nd h oiaKHvrsueaamrl ruo atYdlga,ae suu eNc haS2:img 6 ebSFneaaeTr . vvVVaaaannnnpf eactHACHttimsooel ssrrttotnnefees n lr a G no,BtfH RJi KSensspcPeeeihue eli r eesopSeSslteiseoi n ncgke SiMecisC dant,r ksR u eJSg $rS eRotgJuha ekrrudapipyn ,g V Mb:1o 3n6eS9 u bat(nShdea) l maimniecr ald eeefp WWWiiilllomlfllyi iseipa larmoFmesp dsoasn entie hs CyoSRH n,Aoe insL Bae uneS tdj loGegicrrly edcnel Eno, ps hyDRonHsod pmrhoaamnmei deGw.Ci: t h 81a5T rce(oMamytb)m iennatt ionof showing mild clinical features and Lewy body-like hya- brain stimulation: neurobehavioral concerns, 1205 (Au) Willis FB see Sencakova D line inclusions, 736 (My) van Melle G see Tsiskaridze A Winblad B see Andreasen N; Petersen RC: Qiu € Takiyama Y see Zhou Y-X van Walderveen MAA, Lycklama a Nijeholt GJ, Ader Winkelmann J see Friess E Tan E-K, Ashizawa T: Genetic testing in spinocerebellar atax- HJ, Jongen PJH, Polman CH, Castelijns JA, Barkhof F Winkler F see Kastenbauer S$ ias: defining a clinical role, 191 (Fe) Hypointense lesions on Tl-weighted spin-echo mag Wisniewski SR see Sweet RA Tanabe Y see Ujike H netic resonance imaging: relation to clinical character Witjas T see PelletierJ Tanaka Y see Takehisa Y istics in subgroups of patients with multiple sclerosis Wittsack H-J see von Giesen H-] Tang B-S see Zhou Y-X 76 (Ja) Wityk RJ, Goldsborough MA, Hillis Ay, Beauchamp NJ, Tang MX see Stern Y Vanderstichele H see Andreasen N Barker PB, Borowicz LM Jr, McKhann GM: Diffusion- Tanner C see Figueroa KP Vanmechelen E see Andreasen N and perfusion-weighted brain magnetic resonance imag- Tartaglia MC see De Stefano N Vapalahti M see Lamusuo S ing in patients with neurologic complications after car- Tavolato B see Honnorat J Vashlishan A see Hisama FM diac surgery, 571 (Ap) Tekumalla P see Hisama FM Veach J see Farlow MR Wokke JHJ see Sinke RJ Tepper SJ see Rapoport AM Velasco F see Esteban JCG Wolf PA see DeCarli € TThearla daL J S see Takehisa Y VVeenndtreerl lJ C P sseeee CArlaevgcrheitk MA WWoollienzsikny B,J SS iseegee lW hGi:t aker JN Cerebrovascular disease affects noncognitive symptoms in Verhelst H see Seneca S$ Report on statins and dementia disputed (letter) 1167 Alzheimer disease (letter) 1940 (No) Verma A see Brinley FJ Jr Gy) Small concomitant cerebrovascular lesions are not impor- Verny M see Muller J Statin therapy and the prevention of dementia (letter) 1024 tant for cognitive decline in severe Alzheimer disease (let Verreault R see Laurin D (je) ter) 521 (Mr) Vichinsky E see Pegelow CH Statin-Alzheimer disease association not yet proven (let Thal LJ see Petersen RC Vidailhet M see Durr A ter) 1023 Ue) Thalamas C see Rascol O Vighetto A see Honnorat J Statins and dementia (letter) 1179 Gy) Thivele: C see Honnorat | Vincent A see Honnorat J Wolter TD see Lawn ND Thompson P see Ballard ¢ Vitek JL see Okun MS Wood NW see Morris HR Thornton J see Dovey Z Vogels OM see Zwarts MJ Wormser GP see Halperin JJ Tierney MC. Black SE, Szalai JP, Snow WG, Fisher RH, von Brevern M, Lempert T: Benign paroxysmal positional Wright S see Rascol O Nadon G, Chui HC: Recognition memory and verbal flu vertigo, 1491 (Se) Wu L-C see Soong B-W ency differentiate probable Alzheimer disease from sub. von Giesen H-J, Wittsack H-J, Wenserski F, Koller H, Hefter Wu Z-Y, Wang N, Lin M-T, Fang L, Murong S-X, Yu 1 cortical ischemic vascular dementia, 1654 (Oc) H, Arendt G: Basal ganglia metabolite abnormalities in Mutation analysis and the correlation between geno Tison F see Macia F minor motor disorders associated with human immuno type and phenotype of Arg778leu mutation in Chinese Tolosa E see Alarcon F; Alegret M deficiency virus type 1, 1281 (Au) patients with Wilson disease, 97! (Je) Tomandl B see Feichtinger M von Kummer R: CT perfusion: two publications, same pa Wurtman Rj see Spiers PA Tomasi MA see Kujawa KA tients, different results (letter) 835 (My) Tomimoto H, Akiguchi 1, Ohtani R, Yagi H, Kanda M. Voorhees C see Valmadrid ( Shibasaki H, Yamamoto Y: Coagulation-fibrinolysis system in patients with leukoaraiosis and Binswanger Ww Xie H see Zhou Y-X disease, 1620 (Oc) Xu P, Liang X, Jankovic J, Le W-d: Identification of a high Tong DC, Adami A, Moseley ME, Marks MP: Prediction Wade MJ see Price Ji frequency of mutation at exon 8 of the ATP7B gene ina of hemorrhagic transformation following acute stroke: role Wainer BH see Okun MS Chinese population with Wilson disease by fluorescent of diffusion- and perfusion-weighted magnetic reso- Walker M see Ballard € PCR, 1879 (No) nance imaging, 587 (Ap) Wang AK: Amyloid neuropathy: a peculiar form of periph- Tong DC see Lansberg MG eral neuropathy, 822 (My) Toufexis K see Panegyres PK Wang G-X see Zhou Y-X Tournier-Lasserve E see Denier C Wang N see Wu Z-Y Yagi H see Tomimoto H SS. ARCH NEUROL/VOL 58, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHNEUROL.COM 2090 Yamamoto AM. Gajdos P, Eymard B, Tranchant C, Warter York GK, Steinberg DA: Zee PC see Reid KJ; Turek FW J-M, Gomez L, Bourquin C, Bach J-F, Garchor H-J: Anti- Neurology was there: 1910, 663 (Ap) Zhou L see Goetz CG titin antibodies in myasthenia gravis: tight association with Sacred disease of Cambyses I, 1702 (Oc) Zhou L-S see Zhou Y-X t(Jhey) moma and heterogeneity of nonthymoma patients, 885 YosNhaikoakma urAa, YMa,m aAynad oY , Y:S aiCkais e S, ofH ifraomsiel iaGl, aSmhyilmoaizda kipo lyK . ZhoLu-S , Y-YXa,n gQ iaBo-X , W-HT,a kiGyua maW -H,Y, TNsiue jiH , S$. TaHneg HB--YS,. ZDheonug Yamamoto Y see Tomimoto H neuropathy homozygous for the transthyretin C-X, Goldfarb LG, Wang G-X: Spinocerebellar ataxia type Yamaya Y see Yoshioka A Val30Met gene with motor-dominant sensorimotor 1 in China: molecular analysis and genotype-phenotype Yang B-X see Zhou Y-X polyneuropathy and unusual sural nerve pathological correlation in 5 families, 789 (My Yasuda T see Takehisa Y findings, 1914 (No) Zierz S see Deschauer M Yekhlef F see Macia F Yousry TA see Kastenbauer S Zimmerman RA see Pegelow CH Yilmaz EY, Pritz MB, Bruno A, Lopez-Yunez A, Biller J: Yu L see Wu Z-Y Zornberg GL see Seshadri S Moyamoya: Indiana University Medical Center experi- Zunt JR: Tropical spastic paraparesis: an old disease with a ence, 1274 (Au) new name, |2 2 (ja) Ylinen A see Lamusuo $ Zwarts MJ, Kornips FHM, Vogels OM: Clinical brainstem Yong W see Konakova M Zappia M see Oliveri RL death with preserved clectroencephalographic activity and Yoon B-W see Chu K Zarranz JJ see Esteban JCG visual evoked response, 1010 (Je The following index is an alphabetical list of significant subjects presented in this volume. A Association of incident Alzheimer disease and blood pres New biochemical markers in Alzheimer disease sure measured from 13 years before to 2 years after di {|Diaz-Arrastia] 354 (Mr Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors see Cholinesterase Inhibi- agnosis in a large community study |Morris| 1640 (Oc) Open-label, multicenter. phase 3 extension study of the safety tors Attention and fluctuating attention in patients with demen- and efficacy of donepezil in patients with Alzheimer dis Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome tia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer disease |B allard] 977 ease |Doody| 427 (Mr) Human immunodeficiency virus and the peripheral ner- (je) Polymorphisms in inflammatory genes and the risk of Alz vous system workshop [Brinley] 1561 (Oc) Autopsy-confirmed familial early-onset Alzheimer disease heimer disease [McGeer] 1790 (No) Acyl Coenzyme A caused by the 1153v presenilin | mutation [Janssen] 953 Postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy and the risk Medium-chain acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase defi- (Je) of Alzheimer disease [Seshadri] 435 (Mr ciency: occurrence in an infant and his father [Bodman|] Cerebrospinal fluid B-amyloid and tau proteins for the di Premorbid brain volume and dementia (letter) [Bigler] 831 811 (My) agnosis of Alzheimer disease |Knopman] 349 (Mr) reply) [Fox] 832 (My) Adenosine Triphosphate Cerebrovascular disease affects noncognitive symptoms in Ratio of 8-hydroxyguanine in intact DNA to free 8-hydroxy Cellular distribution of torsin A and torsin B in normal hu- Alzheimer disease (letter) |Frisoni] 1939 (reply) [Thal] guanine is increased in Alzheimer disease ventricular ce man brain |Konakova! 921 (Je) 1940 (No) rebrospinal fluid [Lovell] 392 (Mr Adrenal Cortex Hormones Contribution of asymmetric synapse loss to lateralizing clini Recognition memory and verbal fluency differentiate High-dose methylprednisolone therapy in multiple sclero- cal deficits in frontotemporal dementias [Lipton] 1233 probable Alzheimer disease from subcortical ischemic sis induces apoptosis in peripheral blood leukocytes (Au) vascular dementia |T ierney] 16054 (Oc) [Leussink] 91 (ja) Correlation between aBx-40-, aBx-42-. and aBx-43- Response of patients with Alzheimer disease to rivastig Adverse Reaction containing amyloid plaques and cognitive decline mine treatment ts predicted by the rate of disease pro Characteristics of cerebral microembolism during carotid [Parvathy] 2025 (De) gression |Farlow| 417 (Mr stenting and angioplasty alone [Orlandi] 1410 (Se) Current concepts in mild cognitive impairment |P etersen} Selective preservation and degeneration within the pre Surgery for Parkinson disease and other movement disor- 1985 (De) frontal cortex in aging and Alzheimer disease {Salat ders: benaendf limiitattionss o f ablation, stimulation, res- Dementia with Lewy bodies studied with positron emis- 1403 (Se toration, and radiation [Jankovic] 1970 (De) sion tomography |Cordery] 505 (Mr) Small concomitant cerebrovascular lesions are not import Thalamic deep brain stimulation: comparison between uni Does mild cognitive impairment represent early-stage Alz tant for cognitive decline in severe Alzheimer disease (let lateral and bilateral placement [Ondo] 218 (Fe) heimer disease? (letter) | Akins] 1705 (reply) [Morris] ter) [Jellinger| 520 (reply) [Thal] 521 (Mr African Americans see Blacks 1706 (Oc) Statin therapy and the prevention of dementia (letter Age Factors Dynamic allocation of attention in aging and Alzheimer dis- [Bollen} 1023 (reply) [Wolozin| 1024 Ue Cluster analysis and patterns of findings on cranial mag- ease: uncoupling of the eye and mind |Mapstone| 1443 Statin-Alzheimer disease association not yet proven (let netic resonance imaging of the elderly: the Cardiovas (Se) ter) [Lesser] 1022 (reply) |Wolozin} 1023 Ve) cular Health Study [Longstreth] 635 (Ap) Effect of anti-inflammatory medications on neuropatho- Amyloid Angiopathy, Cerebral see Cerebral Amyloid Effects of age on rate of progression of Alzheimer disease logical findings in Alzheimer disease (letter) [Mackenzie] Angiopathy and dementia with associated cerebrovascular disease 517 (reply) [Halliday] 518 (Mr) Amyloid B-Protein |Mungas] 1243 (Au) Effect of brain atrophy on cerebral hypometabolism in Correlation between aBx-40-, aBx-42—, and aBx-43 Patterns on cranial magnetic resonance imaging in the visual variant of Alzheimer disease [Bokde] 480 containing amyloid plaques and cognitive decline elderly people and vascular disease outcomes (letter) (Mr) |Parvathy] 2025 (De) |Longstreth| 2073 (De) Effects of age on rate of progression of Alzheimer disease Evaluation of CSF-tau and CSF-aB42 as diagnostic mark Aggression and dementia with associated cerebrovascular disease ers for Alzheimer disease in clinical practice | Andreasen 3-HTTPR*S/*L polymorphism and aggressive behavior in {Mungas] 1243 (Au) 373 (Mr Alzheimer disease [Sukonick] 1425 (Se) Evaluation of CSF-tau and CSF-aB42 as diagnostic mark- Amyloid B-Protein Precursor Aging ers for Alzheimer disease in clinical practice | Andreasen} Amyloid precursor protein in platelets of patients with Alz Age-related memory decline: current concepts and future 373 (Mr) heimer disease: effect of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor directions [Small] 360 (Mr) Frequency of “dementioa f unknown etiology” increases with treatment [Borroni| 442 (Mr) CDuyrn1ra9em8ni5tc (cDaoeln)lc oecpattsio ni n ofm ialtdt enctoigonni tiivn ea giimnpga ainrdm erAtl zh|eP ietmeerrs endi]s!- a-sapyginenu gc (llpeeatirtanel rl)e ilns[ Jfedalemlmiilenigneatrli| a A1lw4zi9th8he i(mLreeerwp yl yd)ib soe[daCisreey:ss taaelnp]d i tPo1ap4re9 k9i mn(asSpoe-n) AAmmyyllooiidd Nneeuurrooppaatthhyi:e s a peculiar form of peripheral neu ease: uncoupling of the eve and mind |Mapstone] 1443 disease |Lippa] 1817 (No) Casreo paoft hyfa mil|iaWla ng]a|m y8l2o2i d (Mpyo)l yneuropathy homozygous for Frew(1qSi4eut9)eh9 n ca(ySg ee) of( le“tdteerm)e nt[iJae lloifn guenr]k no1w4n9 8 et(iroelpolgyy”) [iCnrcyrsetaasle]s GHliuph3tpe6aio5mm caea(trmMe pr )aD lits raeatansrseop oprhitny e rAscfo rriricne alnan teeusAr moewlriotighci ca cnlsid niisc|eaSlae snefc eaa|ktMouavrara]ego saf k1 i5As9l]z3- stlohogeri ictmarolat nosfrti hnvdprioenltgyisnn eu[VrYaoolp3sa0htMiheoytk a gaennd1e 91uw4ni utsh(u Namol o tsourr-ald onmeirnvea ntp atsheon Selective preservation and degeneration within the pre- (Oc) Amyloid Protein Precursor see Amyloid beta-Protein frontal cortex in aging and Alzheimer disease {Salat} Impact of DNA testfiorn egarl y-onset familial Alzheimer dis Precursor 1403 (Se) ease and frontotemporal dementia [Steinbart| 1828 (No) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis AIDS Dementia Complex Influence of education on clinically diagnosed dementia in- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: the search for a spectro Factors associated with incident human immunodefi- cidence and mortality data from the Kungsholmen project scopic marker of upper motoneuron involvement [Bowen ciency virus—dementia [Stern] 473 (Mr) [Qiu] 2034 (De) 714 (My) Almotriptan Investigation of clinical correlates of Lewy bodies in autopsy Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with a novel leul 26Ser Oral almotriptan vs oral sumatriptan in the abortive treat- proven Alzheimer disease [Stern] 4600 (Mr) mutation in the copper/zinc superoxide dismutase gene ment of migraine: a double-blind, randomized, parallel- Lower incidence of Alzheimer disease in an Indian com showing mild clinical features and Lewy body-like hya group, optimum-dose comparison [Spierings| 944 (Je) munity compared with an American community (letter) line inclusions | Takehisa! 736 (My) Triptans are all different [Rapoport 1479 (Se) [Brenner] (reply) |Ganguli] 517 (Mr) How amyotrophic lateral sclerosis got its name: the clinical Triptans for migraine headache: therapeutic progress meets Method for estimating progression rates in Alzheimer dis pathologic genius of Jean-Martin Charcot [Rowland] 312 a heterogencous patient response |Whitaker| 1482 (Se) ease |Doody| 449 (Mr) (Mr) What matters is not the differences between triptans, but Mild cognitive impairment represents early-stage Alzhei Inclusion body myositis mimicking motor neuron disease the differences between patients [Saper] 1481 (Se) mer disease [Morris] 397 (Mr) |[Dabby| 1253 (Au) Alzheimer Disease Mild cognitive impairments predict dementia in nonde Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the motor cor 5-HTTPR*S/*L polymorphism and aggressive behavior in mented elderly patients with memory loss [Bozoki] 411 tex in 70 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [Pohl Alzheimer disease |Sukonick] 1425 (Se) (Mr) 729 (My) Alterations of striatal dopamine receptor binding in Alzhei Neurogenetics in the postgenomic era [Tsuji] 1758 (No) TAU asa susceptibility gene for amyotropic lateral sclerosis mer disease are associated with Lewy body pathology and Neuron number in the entorhinal cortex and CA! in pre Parkinsonism dementia complex of Guam [Poorkay| 1871 antemortem psychosis [Sweet] 466 (Mr) clinical Alzheimer disease |P rice} 1395 (Se) (No) Amyloid precursor protein in platelets of patients with Alz Neuronal cyclooxygenase 2 expression in the hippocam Anemia, Sickle Cell heimer disease: effect of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor pal formation as a function of the clinical progression of Silent infarcts in children with sickle cell anemia and ab treatment |Borroni] 442 (Mr) Alzheimer disease |Ho}] 487 (Mr) normal cerebral artery velocity |[Pegelow}] 2017 (De) —_ ARCH NEUROL/VOL 58, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHNEUROL.COM 2091 Stroke prevention and treatment in sickle cell disease Recessive ataxia with ocular apraxia: review of 22 Portu- Genomic neurology: a new beginning [Rosenberg] 1739 (No) |Adams] 565 (Ap) guese patients [Barbot] 201 (Fe) Human genome is sequenced: what does it mean and why Aneurysm, Arteriovenous see Arteriovenous Fistula Ataxia, Cerebellar see Cerebellar Ataxia is it important? [Hurdy] 1748 (No) Angioplasty. Balloon Ataxia Telangiectasia Blacks Angioplasty and stenting for primary treatment of intracra Ocular motor apraxia and ataxia-telangiectasia (letter) Hippocampal atrophy correlates with clinical features of nial arterial stenoses |Gomez] 1687 (Oc) {Lewis} 1312 (Au) Alzheimer Disease in African Americans [Sencakova] Angioplasty or stenting is not appropriate as first-line treat Recessive ataxia with ocular motor apraxia [Dawson] 173 1593 (Oc) ment of intracranial stenosis |Chimowiz]} 1690 (Oc) (Fe) Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 phenotypically resembling Par- Characteristics of cerebral microembolism during carotid Ataxias, Hereditary see Spinocerebellar Degenerations kinson disease in a black family |Gwinn-Hardy] 296 (Fe) stenting and angioplasty alone [Orlandi] 1410 (Se) Atherosclerosis see Arteriosclerosis Blood Pressure Medical and endovascular therapy for intracranial athero Atrophy Association of incident Alzheimer disease and blood pres- sclerotic vascular disease [Whitaker] 1692 (Oc) Hippocampal atrophy correlates with clinical features of Alz- sure measured from 13 years before to 2 years after di- Angioplasty. Transluminal see Angioplasty. Balloon heimer Disease in African Americans |Sencakova] 1593 agnosis in a large community study [Morris] 1640 (Oc) Anosmia see Olfaction Disorders (Oc) Blood Pressure, High see Hypertension Antibodies Attention Blood Transfusion Commentary on neutralizing antibodies to interferon Attention and fluctuating attention in patients with demen- Silent infarcts in children with sickle cell anemia and ab- beta in patients with multiple sclerosis [Whitaker] tia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer disease [Ballard] 977 normal cerebral artery velocity [Pegelow] 2017 (De) 1301 (Au) Je) Stroke prevention and treatment in sickle cell disease Measurement of antibodies to interferon beta in patients with Dynamic allocation of attention in aging and Alzheimer dis- {Adams} 565 (Ap) multiple sclerosis |Pachner| 1299 (Au ease: uncoupling of the eye and mind |Mapstone} 1443 Bone Diseases Significance of neutralizing antibodies in patients with (Se) Anticonvulsant-induced bone disease: a plea for monitor- multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta [Rice] Aura see Epilepsy ing and treatment [Heller] 1352 (Se) 1297 (Au) Axonal Injury, Diffuse see Diffuse Axonal Injury Practice patterns of neurologists regarding bone and min- Anticonvulsants eral effects of antiepileptic drug therapy |V almadrid] 13 69 Anticonvulsant-induced bone disease: a plea for monitor B (Se) ing and treatment |Heller| 1352 (Se Bone Marrow Transplantation Practice patterns of neurologists regarding bone and min Ballismus see Dyskinesias Stroke prevention and treatment in sickle cell disease eral effects of antiepileptic drug therapy |Valmadrid] 1369 Bartonella henselae |Adams] 565 (Ap) Se) Concurrent infection of the central nervous system by Bor- BOOK REVIEWS (lannaccone ST, ed) Antiepileptic Agents see Anticonvulsants relia burgdorferi and Bartonella henselae evidence for a Adler CH, Ahiskog JE, eds: Parkinson's Disease and Move- MAonltBei-ccgeuelnllsa ,rr eCsiDpmo8mn0usn eosl ougniicq ue sttroa tmeugiletsi plteo isdcelnetriofsyi s an|tGiiglednesn | an4d3 OBfa snafollv eeaGsl a antngidlc ikat-i bcoksr noen dciastse asaen d comimcpel ex [E{sHkaolwp]e|r in1} 3431 34(5S e)( Se) ApmPprelanecttt oinDc iisnRog,r dGePrihsby:bs sic DiiJaa,n ge ndso|:s GiosEl pbiaeln|ed p s3yT 1r4ei ant( mFeeC)nh ti ldGhuoiodde lainnde s Adfoolr etsh-e FAinfetciJta- )I noff laamnmtait-oirnyf lamAmgaetntosr,y Nomnesdtiecraotiidoanls on neuropatho BLaesseaialos en Gao(nfl getltthieear ) bDa|isOsable eassgoea]sn gli1a1 65a nd( respulryg)e ry[ Lanfogr] Pa1r1k6i6n sUoyn) dis- Capccleanarcdnei viL|Ro,Ug gyo Hkuw|reLs]ot}p eJzW1-,7Y 0u9Cn he(ziO]mc o)w 6i7t5z (AMpI), eds: Clinical Neuro- logical findings in Alzheimer disease (letter) |Mackenzic| Clinical correlates of action tremor in Parkinson disease Charney DS, Nestler EJ, Bunney BS,e ds: Neurobiology of Men- 317 (reply) |Halliday| 518 (Mr {Louis} 1630 (Oc) tal Illness |Paradiso| 829 (My) Neuronal cyclooxygenase 2 expression in the hippocam Basal Metabolism Cohen DJ, Jancovic J, GoetzC , eds: Advances in Neurology, pal formation as a function of the clinical progression of Basal ganglia metabolite abnormalities in minor motor dis- Vol 85: Tourette Syndrome |Naarden| 1707 (Oc) Alzheimer disease |Ho| 487 (Mr) orders associated with human immunodeficiency virus Evans RW, Baskin DS, Yatsu FM, eds: Prognosis of Neuro- Aphasia type | [von Giesen] 1281 (Au) logical Disorders, 2nd ed |Papathanasiou| 1020 (Je) Acute aphasia in multiple sclerosis (letter) | Trinka| 133 Ja BASIC SCIENCE SEMINARS IN NEUROLOGY (Fathalla- Galetta GT, Liu GT, Volpe NJ: Newro-Ophthalmology: Di- Diagram makers or classical neurologists? the interactions CurSrheanytk hu nHdMe,r setda)n dinogf the circadian clock and the clini- Giaacgonboisnisi aEn,d edM: anCahogleimneenstte ra|sTeosw ] and1 30C8h ol(iAnue)s terase Inhibi- CAeprooefl biarppoohvpaarssoictouellioangrsy aEan ndd birtas inh ismtoorryp ho[lMoegriicn o] cor1r4e9l4a tes( Se of mild caNlo )i mplications for neurological disorders [Turek] 1781 Giltlobres rg| HCa,r Ore'lB]r ie5n1 6 G(, Mred)s : Developmental Disability and Be- cBolgonoidt ivIen stiitmuptea irTmweinnt Stinu dyt he [DNeaCtairolin]a l 6H4e3ar t, (ApL ung, and GMlolu3et6ca5um la(atMrer ) itmrmaunsnpoolrotgeirsc isn trnaetuergoielso gitco iddeinsteiafsye a|nMtairgeangsa kiasn]d Glyohnfa nvti hoerb k MA[inBn odAw ne|a]Bt eocm1hy1a 6r3ao }f UyT8h)2o 9u gh(tM: y) The Origin and Machinery Genaentdi c wivtahrioautti onh aalnlaulcyisniast ioinn s:P arkciansseo-nc ondtirsoelas e stpuadtyi en|tsG oewtizt h B-Jcae ll responses unique to multiple sclerosis [Gilden] 43 GHroelelnafnide ldNJ , S: NoTohret PrSivv,a teed s:L ifMeu lotfi tphlee BrScalienr os|iMso sihné } Cli1n9ic3a6l P(rNaoc)- 209 (Fe) Optical imaging and its role in clinical neurology [Szapiel] tice [Paty] 141 (ja) Apomorphine 1061 Gy) Kalb RG, Strittmatter SM, eds: Neurobiology of Spinal Cord Increased growth hormon> response to apomorphine in Plasticity, hippocampal place cells, and cognitive maps Injury |Ransohoff}] 828 (My) pPhayr ki[nFsroine s]d is2e4a1se (cFeo mpared with multiple system atro [Shapiro] 874 Je) Kryger MH, Roth T, Dement WC, eds: Principles and Prac- Sequence analysis of the human genome: implications for tice of Sleep Medicine, 3rd ed |Chokroverty| 1307 (Au) Randomized, double-blind. placebo-controlled trial of the understanding of nervous system function and dis Meara RJ, Koller WC, eds: Parkinson's Disease and Parkin- subcutaneously injected apomorphine lor Parkinso ease [Cravchik] 1772 (No) sonism in the Elderly [Burke] 1308 (Au) nian off-state events [Dewey] 1385 (Se) Therapeutic interventions following mammalian spinal cord Ozer MN, ed: Management of Persons With Chronic Neuro- Apoptosis injury |Rabchevsky| 721 (My) logic Disease |Dombovy| 1163 Jy) High-dose methylprednisolone therapy in multiple sclero B-Cell Activation Antigen see Antigens, CD80 Provenzale RE, McLendon RE, Bigner DD, eds: Pathology sis induces apoptosis in peripheral blood leukocytes B-Cells see B-Lymphocytes of Tumors of the Central Nervous System: a Guide to His- Leussink] 91 (Ja) Binswanger Disease see Dementia, Vascular tologic Diagnosis |Rosenfeld| 1936 (No) Apraxia, Ocular Biochemical Markers see Biological Markers Pulst SM, ed: Neurogenetics (Contemporary Neurology Se- Ocular motor apraxia and ataxia-telangiectasia (letter) Biological Markers ries, No. 57) [Northrup] 828 (My) Lewis} 1312 (Au Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: the search for a spectro- Rowland LP, ed: Merritt's Neurology, Tenth Edition \Joynt| Recessive ataxia with ocular apraxia: review of 22 Portu scopic marker of upper motoneuron involvement |Bowen} 1501 (Se) guese patients [Sarbot! 201 (Fe 714 (My) Rucker KS: Chronic Pain Evaluation: A Valid, Standardized Recessive ataxia with ocular motor apraxia [Dawson] 173 Anti-titin antibodies in myasthenia gravis: tight associa- Assessment Instrument [Krause] 1708 (Oc) Fe von with thymoma and heterogeneity of nonthymoma pa Shy ME, Kamholz J, Lovelace RE, eds: Charcot-Marie- ARCHIVES CME (Menken M. ed) 149 (Ja), 321 (Fe), 323 tients [Yamamoto] 885 (Je) Tooth Disorders (Annals of the New York Academy of Sci- Mr), 684 (Ap). 840 (My), 1028 Je), 1172 Gy), 1319 (Au Cerebrospinal fluid B-amyloid and tau proteins for the di ences, vol 883) |Ouvrier| 1307 (Au) 1503 (Se), 1712 (Oc), 1942 (No), 2078 (De) agnosis of Alzheimer disease |Knopman| 349 (Mr) Towbin A: Brain Damage in the Newborn and Its Neurologi- Arterial Occlusive Diseases Evaluation of CSF-tau and CSF-aB42 as diagnostic mark- cal Sequels: Pathologic and Clinical Correlation |Kovacs} Improvement in chronic ischemic neuropathy after intra ers for Alzheimer disease in clinical practice | Andreasen} 1164 Uy) muscular phvegf,,,, gene transfer in patients with critical 373 (Mr) Tsementzis SA: Differential Diagnosis in Neurology and Neu- limb ischemia [Simovic| 761 (My) Frequency of tau gene mutations in familial and sporadic rosurgery [Jarquin-Valdivia] 1707 (Oc) Arteriosclerosis cases of non-Alzheimer dementia |P oorkaj| 383 (Mr) Yamada S, ed: Arteriovenous Malformations in Functional Ar- Angioplasty and stenting for primary treatment of mntracra Ictal fear in temporal lobe epilepsy: surgical outcome and cas of the Brain [Brown] 1020 (Je) nial arterial stenoses [Gomez] 1687 (Oc) tocal hippocampal changes revealed by proton magnetic Borrelia burgdorferi Angioplasty or stenting ts not appropriate as first-line treat resonance spectroscopy imaging |Feichtinger| 771 (My) Concurrent infection of the central nervous system by Bor- ment of intracranial stenosis |Chimowiz! 1690 (Oc New biochemical markers in Alzheimer disease relia burgdorferi and Bartonella henselae evidence for a Medical and endovascular therapy for intracranial athero |Diaz-Arrastia] 354 (Mr) novel tick-borne disease complex |[Eskow] 1343 (Se) sclerotic vascular disease [Whitaker] 1692 (Oc) Olgoclonal band number as a marker for prognosis in mul- Of fleas and ticks on cats and mice |Halperin| 1345 (Se) Arteriovenous Fistula tiple sclerosis | Avasarala] 2044 (De) Bouillaud, Jean-Baptiste Anosmia in a giant anterior communicating artery aneu Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the motor cor Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud, Claude-Francots Lallemand, and the rysm |Manconi| 1474 (Se) tex in 70 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |P ohl] role of the frontal lobe: location and mislocation of lan- Asian Americans 729 (My) guage in the early 19th century [Luzzatti] 1157 Gy) Lower meidence of Alzheimer disease in an Indian com Ratio of 8-hydroxyguanine in intact DNA to free 8-hydroxy- Brain Abscess munity compared with an American community (lettes guanine ts increased in Alzheimer disease ventricular ce- Brain abscess |Habib| 1302 (Au) [Brenner] (reply) |Ganguli] 517 (Mr) rebrospinal fluid |Lovell] 392 (Mr) Brain Death Astrocytes Surrogate markers in multiple sclerosis (letter) [|Avasarala} Clinical brainstem death with preserved electroencephalo- Therapeutic interventions following mammahan spinal cord (reply) [Khoury| 834 (My) graphic activity and visual evoked response |Zwarts] 1010 injury |Rabchevsky| 721 (My) Tau mutations—center tent or sideshow? | Miller] 351 (Mr) Je) Ataxia Titin, thymoma, and myasthenia gravis |A arli] 869 (Je) Brain Diseases, Metabolic Ataxia and calcium channels: what a headache! |Jen| 179 Use and abuse of correlation coefficients (letter) |Meilof] Effect of brain atrophy on cerebral hypometabolism in the (Fe) 833 (My) visual variant of Alzheimer disease |[Bokde| 480 (Mr) Neurologic findings in Machado-Joseph disease: relanon with Biotechnology Frontal lobe hypometabolism predicts cognitive decline in disease duration, subtypes, and (CAG), [Jardim] 899 (Je) Genomes, neuroscience, and neurology [Pulst} 1755 (No) patients with lacunar infarcts [Reed] 493 (Mr) 2. er ARCH NEUROL/VOL 58, DEC 2001 WWW. ARCHNEU ROL.COM 2092

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