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ARCHIVES NEUROLOGY www.ama-assn.org/neuro Index to Volume 54 January through December 1997 Editor Roger N. Rosenberg, MD 5323 Hines Blvd Dallas, TX 75235-9108 Associate Editors Vladimir Hachinski, MD, FRCPC, DScMed London, Ontario Susan T. lannaccone, MD Dallas, Tex David E. Pleasure, MD Philadelphia, Pa E. S. Roach, MD Dallas, Tex Assistant Editors Christopher Goetz, MD Chicago, Ill Lawrence S. Honig, MD, PhD Dallas, Tex Ira Shoulson, MD Rochester, NY Editorial Assistants Jenny Kang Constance S. Adkins Dallas, Tex Editorial Board James I. Ausman, MD, PhD, Chicago, Ill Audrey S. Penn, MD, Bethesda, Md Louis R. Caplan, MD, Boston, Mass Stanley B. Prusiner, MD, San Francisco, Calif Steven T. DeKosky, MD, Pittsburgh, Pa Bruce R. Ransom, MD, PhD Seattle, Wash Mahlon R. DeLong, MD, Atlanta, Ga Thomas R. Swift, MD, Augusta, Ga Hassan Fathallah-Shaykh, MD, Dallas, Tex Kenneth L. Tyler, MD, Denver, Colo James A. Ferrendelli, MD, Houston, Tex Paul C. Van Ness, MD, Dallas, Tex John H. Growdon, MD, Boston, Mass John N. Whitaker, MD, Birmingham, Ala Matthew Menken, MD, Somerset, NJ In this index in alphabetical order are listed names of authors ofa ll articles and letters. Full citation is given under first author only; reference is made from joint authors. Names which begin with a prefix are entered under the prefix. The month is given as a two-letter notation in parentheses. 4 Beitler P}] see Raskind MA stenosis in an at-risk population: the Asymptomatic Ca- Bellemare F see Botez MI rotid Atherosclerosis Study experience: a statement of con- A-Tjak RV see Bollen ELEM Bentur Y see Shupak A cern regarding watchful waiting, 1267 (Oc) Aarsland D see Tandberg E Berglund B see Nordin S Castillo PR see Del Brutto OH Abramovich A see Shupak A Berman SA see Volicer L Caudie C see Guillon B Abramsky O see Lossos A Bernat JL: Quality of neurological care: balancing cost con- CauleyJ see Yaffe K Abramson I see Ellis RJ trol and ethics, 1341 (No) Cechetto DF see Yoon B-W Adams HP Jr see Leira EC Bianchetti A see Rozzini L Cendes F see Watson C Adams KM see Johnson-Greene D Bilker W see Kumar A Chamberlain MC Adams P see Rosenberg RN Biller J see Williams LS Carcinomatous meningitis (letter) 16 (Ja) Adeleine P see Trouillas P Birstein S see Li G Recurrent supratentorial malignant gliomas in children: long- Agid Y see Litvan I Blanc R see Chamorro A term salvage therapy with ora! etoposide, 554 (My) Agius MA, Chan JW, Chung S, Lee E-K: Role of antiribo- Bianke P see Schdls L Chamberlain MC, Kormanik PA: Prognostic significance somal P protein antibodies in the diagnosis of lupus iso- Blennow K see Skoog | of coexistent bulky metastatic central nervous system dis- lated to the central nervous system, 862 (Jy) Blum S see Manto M ease in patients with leptomeningeal metastases, 1364 (No) Aguirre T see Robberecht W Blumenthal DT, Riggs JE: Please don't call me ‘Arnold- Chamorro A, Pujol J, Saiz A, Vila N, Vilanova JC, Alday Aisen ML, Krebs HI, Hogan N, McDowell F, Volpe BT: Ef Chiari’ unless you mean it (letter) 16 (Ja) M, Blanc R: Periventricular white matter lucencies in pa- fect of robot-assisted therapy and rehabilitative training Boccardi B see Bongioanni P tients with lacunar stroke: a marker of too high or too on motor recovery following stroke, 443 (Ap) Bodick NC, Offen WW, Levey Al, Cutler NR, Gauthier SG, low blood pressure? 1284 (Oc) Ajax T see Leira EC Satlin A, Shannon HE, Tollefson GD, Rasmussen K, By- Chan JW see Agius MA Akbar MS see Qureshi Al master FP, Hurley DJ, Potter WZ, Paul SM: Effects of Chapman LL, White DA, Storandt M: Prose recall in de- Albert MS see Evans DA xanomeline, a selective muscarinic receptor agonist, on mentia: a comparison of delay intervals, 1501 (De) Alday M see Chamorro A cognitive function and behavioral symptoms in Alzhei- Charvat MV see Bollen ELEM Almkvist O, Basun H, Wagner SL, Rowe BA, Wahlund L-O, mer disease, 465 (Ap) Chase TN: Gene for Parkinson disease, 1156 (Se) Lannfelt L: Cerebrospinal fluid levels of a-secretase- Bogousslavsky J see Ghika J Chassignolle J see Nighoghossian N AAAAAAAAAAllmrrmnnnntmoyaiddducadtm(skilagneirrlOunehlovrnaeorcetedenruiia) nfaslaa lmsvds tefessei MetiLai n nsordc- son on OoaMKn snO: ng C, JsLe Sn G, eos wiP selBstse6 eFLeiuDeseiLed4 s -laebeev e1hiaiA sle Teeit es e GA leSaJe h n sra o(Sc RieadavCbcMhelWmuifme,shyi caap ymtrd)b maA ttSllss ailiesoskeIelEnmr mi oonyEyakpmd o n L voe g w iCrniJ Hp;satCtM r |tlh e B caiAOulnsl ,rou zbspneOhor erso igtvHrmb;opeee lrsrrHous egtmire devliie Pins, t e rzJaae muspdileAhrui ;arcn sao tinNriPado o,, r n cWad o ai1gghpn2neal i9nr--4e-S BBBBBBBBBBooooooooooltlrornnnoddPHtNlelntgigninekMoeezeeshnienme,rhd nlnt aoor et ne gees a Mn ViFik,mSIEnCt nmMiaH,:JanLis se n8 nnGiaeEer5 kTs ses e MNM4- e ae as,Mce elotPeyeL L Sf ,eysJl(oei Y CliHJmBtpt:rs B yBonpoS vhee) rolsgieaehn ozceotn nCgoPue ctuh e,Aim KkaeS ownOloarIrauUtSBfeLza :fdrarfepCr hnei vae-l, ren ilpDl oici VeoenRa mB tAmvM E,net-Ia, s egPr o TriBr aV jenoHv mga troaVlkmyugmAFep asn,ee- a,Rcr C Vesbso,n4i yMu t5ns,et7SdCt ru ,ihe C rna(maHegAr ss e pvttr)ruaiJaen dm:t lg y aaCp nnpaaaMtsson Vief e, Mn Jw5,it,en3 s K 2 KlM nltuwooruiipnenintaa--n-ht- CCCCCCCCCCCCiiiihhhhhhhhcvppaiaueauolvueaooszaoui nnrwrd llgoepdogdgllninCawtp hi eoc -) oJa au ns PSlw SJiir GMRlCdH i1K yJJes s s0 H ee PsesR6ees,seeeeBisS7 e Ke e fe e,me e fR eY AP p eRs e(gNocaCeDaMtSRteiiaiusEmee te auerngvn)yiwremoset ahV gr fei idenoo eGky lrlsLgMgzRaliie WhapAR-Roctnzaob: L evDg-tB asaraAiaLpRsn C es sae l insJ Lsintare nIsst,niK p, eic RaLnpa sal a9N w1s tN0s hMe oe uMnrJr ayop)pCy hR y:si ni Coshleoovrgeeyr oeal(tyB hoenotekou srRioes-- AAtskytiomrnpss toosnem ea JtCHia css teea CladErlool itsJi Ed R J Atherosclerosis Study Investiga- BowrMleeesrprsi kreaJtVyo, r yHE ,l ifHaaaisclzuhiriwen sikMni, FrVSiCte:ed ernCehoiucmihps a raatRta, xiivMae?u neo1vz0o3 l0u tDiG(o,An u )Fo fr yA lzR- ClaHltoywwmo-adretnnh syiB tTy:A El,Li apcGokpo rmooeft azes-isino sclrieaac teipTot, onr R—eorbfe elaca ktpe odl GyWpmr,oo trepWihani lslgeamnc ee i nw RitBthh,e Auburger G see Schols L heimer disease, vascular dementia, and mixed dementia, Alzheimer disease, 1289 (Oc) Auster SB see Raskind MA 697 (Je) Cohen JA see Constantinescu CS; Nance PW AAyxPleEwl,am raJdne rrEKaH m,s eeMH ,a BbPabesaaukrnl soRH,n WGaDr: reCne reAbCe,l laPru lvsiofleurm eM Bi,n aBdaurlttas BBBrrraaarndady e lHD SR J -sPse eese e eR RuubLmiiotsv eayAn JI M CCCooolnlenl eiaBnl glseeyJ e sPSeMec hwBsaaeres tuznS maCHlE l GW with Down syndrome, 209 (Fe) Breteler MMB see de Rijk MC Conrad AJ see Sanders VJ Azan G see Musumeci SA Brod SA: Gut response: therapy with ingested immuno- Constantinescu CS, Goodman DBP, Grossman RI, Man- modulatory proteins, 1300 (Oc) non Lj, Cohen JA: Serum angiotensin-converting en- Brott TG see Tilley BC zyme in multiple sclerosis, 1012 (Au) BBaahcdrnieks smeoaaMnsnMae ,,n c Le 1K 4si1edde1oi f fH(DueNKsroi,l)oi ntL zi na Ab nWo,r mPaleiatrilemsa n in ALC: reBurtazifne lmdatg-nJeatkiocb BBBrrrooogeuwwnwnneee trriRc sH,WR E J r1s:2se e4eAe6 m YyBa(oofOtlfcrle)e o npK h iEcL EMla teral sclerosis: insights from Corbtidlnagaeb dro al ipBE,so HmlN ,io piroJndp elbrpioeactrt eigVie ,nn At :sB EaN swogui entnd hoi ftHfyA,ep lrezLeshan,enc nei fm2eei7lnr3 t c ed(rLiMe,srb e)rVa aaslle ignaldnu dco S,sd eiW fifmener--- BBaall(emB oJoMFk, JrHR: eaIvmnifemewca)ti conk1Js1 :9o 9Cf at(rhOcec i)Cn eonmtartalo usN ermveonuisn giStyisst em(,l ett2enrd) e1d7 BBBrrruuunbm abkAae crsk e eR RFB Aa ssesueen e FiHBte aztStiym onW WJ S CCooutdleyt seaLrr tsheCreLi ,a LoKiunai nsae spEhatDii geen t AwMi,t h Wycaetretb rWovMa:s cuUlnaurs udails eacsaeu se( leto-f BarJbae)r DL see Ramirez-Lassepas M BByulc kNleNs sVe e seJeo bsHtu ntE E LA Coutlert)h a5r1d5- M(oMryr)i s L see Schwartz CE Barchi RL: Quality of care in academic neurology depart- Bymaster FP see Bodick NC CoutureJ see Botez MI ments, 1336 (No) Coyle PK see Gaudino EA Bargal R see Lossos A c Cremer M see Spranger M Barr W see Libman RB Croft JB see Qureshi Al Barta PE see Aylward EH Cabanis EA see Tourbah A Cullum CM see Rosenberg RN Barthelet M see Nighoghossian N Calverley JR see Soukup VM Cummings JL: In memoriam—D. Frank Benson, MD, 98 Bartko JJ see Litvan I Camfield CS see Wirrell EC Ja) Baskin F see Rosenberg RN Camfield PR see Wirrell EC Cummings JL see Tandberg E Basun H, Aimkvist O, Axelman K, Brun A, Campbell TA, Camicioli R, Panzer VP, Kaye J: Balance in the healthy el- Cutler NR see Bodick NC Collinge J, Forsell C, Froelich S, Wahlund L-O, Wet- derly: posturography and clinical assessment, 976 (Au) terberg L, Lannfelt L: Clinical characteristics of a chro- Campbell TA see Basun H mosome 17-linked rapidly progressive familial fronto- Canadian Stroke Consortium see Perry JR temporal dementia, 539 (My) Cantello R, Gianelli M, Civardi C, Mutani R Dahl C see Andersen C Basun H see Almkvist O; Corder EH Focal subcortical reflex myoclonus: a clinical and neuro- Dal Pan GJ, Skolasky RL, Moore RD: Impact of neurologic Baumann KA see Mohr DC physiological study, 187 (Fe) disease on hospitalizations related to human immuno- Baumanu N see Tourbah A Subcortical reflex myoclonus? (letter) 1324 (No) deficiency virus infection in Maryland, 1991-1992, 846 Baxter L see Savic I Caplan LR: New therapies for stroke, 1222 (Oc) Uy) Beach J see Jankovic J Carlsson G see Hugdahl K Damos DL, John RS, Parker ES, Levine AM: Cognitive func- Beatty WW: Multiple sclerosis screening examinations (let- Carolei A see Marini C tion in asymptomatic HIV infection, 179 (Fe) ter) 352 (Ap) Carr D see Hunt LA Davies K see Hermann BP Beatty WW, Brumback RA, Vonsattel J-PG: Autopsy- Cassiman JJ see Robberecht W Davis KL see LiG proven Alzheimer disease in a patient with dementia who Castagna M see Bongioanni P DawsonJ see Rizzo M retained musical skill in life (letter) 1448 (De) Castaldo JE, Nelson JJ, Reed JF Ill, LongeneckeJrE , Toole Dawson MRW see French BM Becker JT see Lopez OL JF, Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study Inves- de Boo GM, Tibben A, Lanser JBK, Jennekens-Schinkel A, Beckett LA see Evans DA tigators: Delay in reporting symptoms of carotid artery HermanJs , Maat-Kievit A, Roos RAC: Early cognitive and ooo ARCH NEUROL/VOL 54, DEC 1997 1550 motor symptoms in identified carriers of the gene for Hun- Forsell C see Basun H HammackJ see Balm M tington disease, 1353 (No) Forsythe S see McNamee T Hampe} see Meierkord H de Ferron E see Guillon B Fosmire JA see Rosenberg RN HarastJy , Double KL, Halliday GM, Kril JJ, McRitchie DA: de Rijk MC, Breteler MMB, den Breeijen JH, Launer LJ, Fox PJ see Moritz DJ Language-associated cortical regions are proportionally Grobbee DE, van der Meché FGA, Hofman A: Dietary Francés C see Tourbah A larger in the female brain, 171 (Fe) antioxidants and Parkinson disease: the Rotterdam Study, Francis GS see Nance PW Haroutunian V see Li G 762 (Je) Frankel MR see Qureshi Al Hass Y see Karepov V De Salles AAF see Sanders VJ Fratiglioni L see Herlitz A Hay JW see Ernst RL DeKosky ST see Lopez OL FrederikseJnL , Madsen HO, Ryder LP, Larsson HBW, Mor- Hayden D see Growdon JH Del Brutto OH, Castillo PR, Mena IX, Freire AX: Neuro- ling N, Svejgaard A: HLA typing in acute optic neuritis. Heaton RK see Ellis RJ cysticercosis among patients with cerebral gliomas, 1125 relation to multiple sclerosis and magnetic resonance im- Hebert LE see Evans DA (Se) aging findings, 76 (ja) Heiss W-D see Holthoff-Detto VA Del Gracco S see Musumeci SA Fredman P see Skoog I Herholz K see Holthoff-Detto VA den Breeijen JH see de Rijk MC Freire AX see Del Brutto OH Herlitz A, Small BJ, Fratiglioni L, Almkvist O, Viitanen Dengler R see Mante TF French BM, Dawson MRW, Dobbs AR: Classification and M, Backman L: Detection of mild dementia in commu- Deonna T: Childhood absence epilepsy and accidents (let- staging of dementia of the Alzheimer type: a comparison nity surveys: is it possible to increase the accuracy of our ter) 1063 (Se) between neural networks and linear discriminant analy- diagnostic instruments? 319 (Mr) Derex L see Nighoghossian N sis, 1001 (Au) Hermann BP, Seidenberg M, SchoenfeldJ , Davies K: Neu- Deufel T see Evers S Fried I see Savic I ropsychological characteristics of the syndrome of me- Deutsch R see Ellis RJ Froelich S see Basun H sial temporal lobe epilepsy, 369 (Ap) Dewey RB Jr see Chudnow RS Fry R see Bowler JV HermansJ see Bollen ELEM; de Boo GM Dickson DW see Li M Fuerst D see Watson C Hesse C see Skoog I DDiirFinigleir pMpJNoM, sEedew aSrtdrsau sDsF :M ED oes modification of the Inns- Heumann Ms ee Johnson-Greene D HildebrandJ see Manto M Dobbitbryus c tko ApRar nedds ieect th eF fruGenlncacthsi goonBawMl Cooumtac omSec?al es6 06i mp(rMoyv)e their abil- GGaalrebtetra ASTL sseeee JGarsaoyn LGGW Hirlaatsihoin moan Fh,u Ymoakno tam otTo: ri ncfolruteicnacle eoxfc iptearbiilpihteyr ailn pnaetriveen tss tiwmiut-h DDDDooootonnyloo ehhyRuu Lee,J MY BBo Csuse eeses e eWemR i urRrmDuesMlme,ls y e EyPJC h MaJ mM LT, Kreshak AA, Geckle R, GGGGaaaattrutecdosii an-NGoS A as neEecsA eh,ee M zoCM ohayrCrl reasD e CePC KM,M atKarruép pM LB: Post-Lyme syndrome HHHoooggfveaamnnnat nro NDAl a tsseeeseere ael AR iodsteceh knaRw lioajMmokLid cM CKl e sion, 619 (My) Lee WW: Olfactory dysfunction in patients with head and chronic fatigue syndrome: neuropsychiatric similari- Hohol MJ, Guttmann CRG, Orav J, Mackin GA, Kikinis trauma, 1131 (Se) ties and differences, 1372 (No) R, Khoury SJ, Jolesz FA, Weiner HL: Serial neuropsy- Double KL see HarastyJ Gauthier SG see Bodick NC chological assessment and magnetic resonance imaging Douen AG, Pringle CE, Guberman A: Human T-cell lym- Geckle R see Doty RL analysis in multiple sclerosis, 1018 (Au) photropic virus type | myositis, peripheral neuropathy, Gelb S see Libman RB Hollister RD, Xia M, McNamara MJ, Hyman BT: Neuro- and cerebral white matter lesions in the absence of spas- Gerdes CA see Komisaruk BR nal expression of class II major histocompatibility com- tic paraparesis, 896 (Jy) Ghaemi M see Holthoff-Detto VA plex (HLA-DR) in 2 cases of Pick disease, 243 (Mr) Dowling GA see Jobst EE Ghika J, BogousslavskyJ : Presymptomatic hypertension is Holthoff-Detto VA, Kessler J, Herholz K, Bonner H, Pi- Drake ME Jr see Sachdeo RC a major feature in the diagnosis of progressive supra- etrzyk U, Warker M, Ghaemi M, Wienhard K, Wagner DDruebiefauuss FF Es:e e ClWianitcsaol n EpCi lepsy (Book Review) 522 (My) Giannuecllleia rM paslesey ,C a1n1t0e4l lo( SeR) iRn, PHaeirsksi nsWo-nD :d isFeuanscet,i o1n4a5l (eFfef)e cts of striatal dysfunction Duchek JM see Hunt LA Giedd JN see Rumsey JM Honig LS see Rosenberg RN Dumas Rs ee Trouillas P Giles WH see Qureshi Al HonnoratJ see Guillon B; Nighoghossian N; Trouillas P Dunn E see Tierney MC Gilman S see Johnson-Greene D Hudson S see Nance PW Gispert S see Schéls L Hugdahl K, Carlsson G, Uvebrant P, Lundervold AJ: Glauner B see Rudnik-Schéneborn S Dichotic-listening performance and intracarotid injec- Godaux E see Manto M tions of amobarbital in children and adolescents: preop- Ebly E see Rockwood K Godeau P see Tourbah A erative and postoperative comparisons, 1494 (De) Edgar M see Sun DY Goetz CG see Litvan I Hunt LA, Murphy CF, Carr D, Duchek JM, Buckles V, Mor- Edwards DF see Diringer MN Goldblatt D see Menken M ris JC: Reliability of the Washington University Road Test Eisenhuber E see Madl C Goldstein B: Please don’t call me ‘Arnold-Chiari’ unless you a performance-based assessment for drivers with demen- Elia M see Musumeci SA mean it (letter) 16 (Ja) tia of the Alzheimer type, 707 (Je) Eliasziw M see Bowler JV Gomez-Isla T see Clatworthy AE Hurley DJ see Bodick NC Ellis RJ, Deutsch R, Heaton RK, Marcotte TD, Goodkin DE see Mohr DC Hyman BT see Clatworthy AE; Hollister RD McCutchan JA, Nelson JA, Abramson I, Thal LJ, Goodman AD see Schwid SR Atkinson JH, Wallace MR, Grant I, San Diego HIV Goodman DBP see Constantinescu CS Neurobehavioral Research Center Group: Neurocogni- Gordon KE see Wirrell EC tive impairment is an independent risk factor for death Gottlieb G see Kumar A Iba-Zizen M-T see Tourbah A in HIV infection, 416 (Ap) Graefe K see Growdon JH Ingram F see Soukup VM Engel J Jr see Savic I Graham L see Jason GW Inzitari D, Pantoni L, Lamassa M, Pallanti S, Pracucci G, Epplen JT see Schdls L Grant I see Ellis RJ Marini P: Emotional arousal and phobia in transient glo- Ernst RL, Hay JW, Fenn C, TinklenberJg , Yesavage JA: Graver M see Libman RB bal amnesia, 866 (Jy) Cognitive function and the costs of Alzheimer disease: an Gray AT, Krejci ST, Larson MD: Neuromuscular blocking lorio R see Porzio S exploratory study, 687 (Je) drugs do not alter the pupillary light reflex of anesthe- Espinosa CE see Ramirez-Lassepas M tized humans, 579 (My) Estévez-Gonzalez A see Mataré M Gray LG, Galetta SL, Siegal T, Schatz NJ: Central visual Evans A see Watson C field in homonymous hemianopia: evidence for unilat- Jack CR Jr see Watson C Evans DA, Hebert LE, Beckett LA, Scherr PA, Albert MS, eral foveal representation, 312 (Mr) Jacobs D see Schofield PW’ Chown MJ, Pilgrim DM, Taylor JO: Education and other Gray T see Feinstein A Jacobson DM: Localizing value of a quadrantanopia, 401 measures of socioeconomic status and risk of incident Alz- Green J: Mismanaged care (letter) 229 (Mr) (Ap) heimer disease in a defined population of older persons, Green PM see Sachdeo RC JacquyJ see Manto M 1399 (No) Grimm G see Madl C JankovicJ , BeachJ , Pandolfo M, Patel Pl: Familial essen- Evers S, Koch H-G, Grotemeyer K-H, Lange B, Deufel T, Grobbee DE see de Rijk MC; Ottervanger JP tial tremor in 4 kindreds: prospects for genetic mapping, Ringelstein E-B: Features, symptoms, and neurophysi- Grossman RG see Krauss JK 289 (Mr) ological findings in stroke associated with hyperhomo- Grossman RI see Constantinescu CS JankovicJ see Krauss JK; Litvan I cysteinemia, 1276 (Oc) Grotemeyer K-H see Evers S Janssen RS see Qureshi Al Eymard B see Tourbah A Growdon JH, Graefe K, Tennis M, Hayden D, Schoenfeld Jarvik LF see Small GW D, Wray SH: Pupil dilation to tropicamide is not specific Jason GW, Suchowersky O, Pajurkova EM, Graham L, F for Alzheimer disease, 841 (Jy) Klimek ML, Garber AT, Poirier-Heine D: Cognitive mani- Guberman A see Douen AG festations of Huntington disease in relation to genetic struc- Fama R, Sullivan EV, Shear PK, Marsh L, Yesavage JA, Tin- Guillon B, de Ferron E, Feve J-R, Honnorat J, Caudie C, ture and clinical onset, 1081 (Se) klenberg JR, Lim KO, Pfefferbaum A: Selective cortical Nogues B, Moreau P: Simple partial status epilepticus and Jelic V see Corder EH and hippocampal volume correlates of Mattis Dementia antiglycolipid IgM antibodies: possible epilepsy of auto- Jellinger K see Litvan I Rating Scale in Alzheimer disease, 719 (Je) immune origin (letter) 1194 (Oc) Jennekens-Schinkel A see de Boo GM Farber NB see Olney JW Guttmann CRG see Hohol MJ Jerram M see Aylward EH Federoff HJ: Prion Diseases (Book Review) 231 (Mr) Jobst EE, Melnick ME, Byl NN, Dowling GA, Aminoff MJ: Feiannsdt enine urAo,b eFheainvsitoerianl Kc,o rGrrealayt eTs, oOf' Cpaotnhnoolrog iPc:a lP relvaaulgehnicneg H Sensory perception in Parkinson disease, 450 (Ap) and crying in multiple sclerosis, 1116 (Se) Habbak R see Aylward EH Johannes S see Mante TF Feinstein K see Feinstein A Hachinski V: John RS see Damos DL Felisan SL see Sanders VJ Assisted suicide (letter) 674 (Je) Johnson-Greene D, Adams KM, Gilman S, Kluin KJ, Junck FFeenntno nC BseTe sEere nsMte rRiLk angas KR Frobanstaolt edmepgoernearla tidoeng:e netrharteie one,nt itPiiecsk ord is1e?a s1e,4 29a n(dN oc)o rtico- oL,r dMianarttioorne llino alSc,o hHoeluicm acnenre beMl:l arI mdpeagierneedr atuipopne,r 4l3i6m b( Acpo)- Ferri R see Musumeci SA Managed care and managed death, 330 (Mr) Johnston KL see Ramirez-Lassepas M Feve J-R see Guillon B Rodent models of stroke (letter) 351 (Ap) Jolesz FA see Hohol MJ Fisher RH see Tierney MC Hachinski V see Menken M; Rockwood K; Yoon B-W Joynt RJ: Next editor, 235 (Mr) FitzSimon JS, Waring SC, Kokmen E, McLaren JW, Hachinski VC see Bowler JV Julin P see Andersen C Brubaker RF: Response of the pupil to tropicamide is not Haines JL see Small GW Junck L see Johnson-Greene D a reliable test f:- Alzheimer disease, 155 (Fe) Halliday GM see HarastyJ Jung A see Mante TF Ford B see Louis ED Hamers S see Bollen ELEM Junqué C see Mataro M —————_——————E EEE ARCH NEUROL/VOL 54, DEC 1997 1551 K Leppik IE see Sachdeo RC McAvoy Ks ee Silver B Leroy RF see Sachdeo RC McCutchan jA see Ellis RJ Kaneshige AM see Coulter CL Levey Al see Bodick NC McDowell F see Aisen ML Kaniecki RG: Comparison of divalproex with propranolol Levine AM see Damos DL McGehee D see Rizzo M and placebo for the prophylaxis of migraine without aura, Levine SR see Tilley BC McKee A see Litvan I 1141 (Se) Levitt LP: Further consequences of managed care (letter) McLaren JW see FitzSimon JS Kaplan A see Small GW 1064 (Se) McNamara MJ see Hollister RD Karepov V, Bornstein NM, Hass Y, Korczyn AD: Does daily Li G, Aryan M, Silverman JM, Haroutunian V, Perl DP, McNamee T, Forsythe S$, Wollmann R, Ndukwu IM: Cen- aspirin diminish severity of first-ever stroke? 1369 (No) Birstein S, Lantz M, Marin DB, Mohs RC, Davis KL: Va- tral pontine myelinolysis in a patient with classic heat Karon JM see Qureshi Al lidity of the family history method for identifying Alzhei- stroke (letter) 935 (Au) Katzman R: Aging brain: limitations in our knowledge and mer disease, 634 (My) McQuillen MP: future approaches, 1201 (Oc) Li M, Dickson DW, Spiro AJ: Abnormal expression of lami- Managed care and managed death: peas from the same pod? Kaufman M see Sanders VJ nin B, chain in skeletal muscle of adult-onset limb- 326 (Mr) Kawabata K see Tachibana H girdle muscular dystrophy, 1457 (De) Ocular myasthenia gravis (letter) 229 (Mr) Kaye J}s ee Camicioli R Libman RB, Wirkowski E, Neystat M, Barr W, Gelb S, McRitchie DA see HarastyJ Kaye JA: Oldest-old healthy brain function: the genomic po- Graver M: Stroke associated with cardiac surgery: deter- Meierkord H, Narnberg P, Mainz A, Marczinek K, Mrug tential, 1217 (Oc) minants, timing, and stroke subtypes, 83 (Ja) M, Hampe J: ‘Complicated’ autosomal dominant famil- Keane JR: Twelfth-nerve palsy (letter) 119 (Fe) Likosky W see Mohr DC ial spastic paraplegia is genetically distinct from ‘pure’ Keimowitz RM: Dementia improvement with cytotoxic che- Lim KO see Fama R forms, 379 (Ap) motherapy: a case of Alzheimer disease and multiple my- Lin W see Bahn MM Meinck H-M see Spranger M eloma, 485 (Ap) Lindsey JW see Nance PW Melamed Y see Shupak A Kertesz A: Frontotemporal dementia, Pick disease, and cor- Link AS see Toole JF Melnick ME see Jobst EE ticobasal degeneration: one entity or 3? 1, 1427 (No) Lipsitz LA see Mitchell SL Mena IX see Del Brutto OH Kessler J]s ee Holthoff-Detto VA Litvan 1, Goetz CG, Jankovic J, Wenning GK, Booth V, Menezes Vieira-Saecker AM see Schdls L Ketonen L: Fundamentals of Neuroimaging (Book Review) Bartko JJ, McKee A, Jellinger K, Lai EC, Brandel J-P, Menken M: 356 (Ap) Verny M, Chaudhuri KR, Pearce RKB, Agid Y: What is In memoriam—Anthony Philip Hopkins, MD (1937- Khandheria BK see Petty GW the accuracy of the clinical diagnosis of multiple system 1997) (obituary) 915 (Jy) Khoury SJ see Hohol MJ atrophy? a clinicopathologic study, 937 (Au) Managed care and managed death: coincidence, 328 (Mr) Kido DK see Bahn MM Loire R see Nighoghossian N Menken M, Goldblatt D, Moxley RT III, Hachinski V: Man- Kikinis R see Hohol MJ Longenecker JE see Castaldo JE aged care and the survival of neurology referral centers: Kittner SJ, Sherwin R: Traditional risk factors for stroke in Longstreth WT Jr see Marra CM a commitment to centers of excellence, 1349 (No) the young (letter) 352 (Ap) Lopez OL, Wisnieski SR, Becker JT, Boller F, DeKosky ST: Merikangas KR, Fenton BT, Cheng SH, Stolar MJ, Risch Klein C see Pollak L Extrapyramidal signs in patients with probable Alzhei- N: Association between migraine and stroke in a large- Klimek ML see Jason GW mer disease, 969 (Au) scale epidemiological study of the United States, 362 (Ap) Kluin KJ see Johnson-Greene D Lossos A, Schlesinger 1, Okon E, Abramsky O, Bargal R, Merskey H see Bowler JV Kluin PM see Bollen ELEM Vanier MT, Zeigler M: Adult-onset Niemann-Pick type Meves S see Schéls L Kluin-Nelemans JC see Bollen ELEM C disease: clinical, biochemical, and genetic study, 1536 Michel D see Trouillas P Knopman DS, Morris JC: Update on primary drug thera- (De) Mikesell S see Silver B pies for Alzheimer disease, 1406 (No) Lou J-S: Pediatric Clinical Electromyography (Book Re- Miller D see Kumar A Koch H-G see Evers S view) 804 (Jy) Mitchell SL, Sullivan EA, Lipsitz LA: Exclusion of elderly Kokmen E: Assisted suicide (letter) 674 (Je) Louis ED, Ford B, Pullman SL: Prevalence of asymptom- subjects from clinical trials for Parkinson disease, 1393 Kokmen E see FitzSimon JS atic tremor in relatives of patients with essential tremor, (No) Kol S see Shupak A 197 (Fe) Mohr DC, Goodkin DE, Likosky W, Gatto N, Baumann Komisaruk BR, Gerdes CA, Whipple B: ‘Complete’ spinal Louis ED, Marder K, Cote L, Tang M, Mayeux R: Mortal- KA, Rudick RA: Treatment of depression improves ad- cord injury does not block perceptual responses to geni- ity from Parkinson disease, 260 (Mr) herence to interferon beta-1b therapy for multiple scle- tal self-stimulation in women, 1513 (De) Lu M see Tilley BC rosis, 531 (My) Komo S see Small GW Lubetzki C see Tourbah A Mohs RC see Li G Kompf D see Wessel K Lundervold AJ see Hugdahl K Mondino C see Bongioanni P Korczyn AD see Karepov V Luscombe FA see Moritz DJ Moore RD see Dal Pan GJ Kormanik PA see Chamberlain MC Lussignoli G see Rozzini L Moreau P see Guillon B Kraemer HC see Moritz DJ Lyden PD see Tilley BC Morillo CA see Yoon B-W Kramer L see Mad! C Lynch SG see Nance PW Moritz DJ, Fox PJ, Luscombe FA, Kraemer HC: Neuro- Krauss GL see Sachdeo RC Lyon-Caen O see Tourbah A logical and psychiatric predictors of mortality in pa- Krauss JK, JankoviJc , Lai EC, Rettig GM, Grossman RG: tients with Alzheimer disease in California, 878 (Jy) Posteroventral medial pallidotomy in levodopa- M Morling N see Frederiksen JL unresponsive parkinsonism. 1026 (Au) Morris JC see Hunt LA; Knopman DS Krebs HI see Aisen ML Maat-Kievit A see de Boo GM Moser HW see Tourbah A Krejci ST see Gray AT Mackin GA see Hohol MJ Moxley RT III see Menken M Kreshak AA see Doty RL Madi C, Eisenhuber E, Kramer L, Grimm G: Role of evoked Mrug M see Meierkord H Kril JJ see HarastyJ potentials in coma (letter) 18 (Ja) Munoz DG see Bowler JV Krupp LB see Gaudino EA Madsen HO see Frederiksen JL Mante TF, Ridao-Alonso ME, Preinfalk J, Jung A, Wier- Kumar A, Schweizer E, ZhisongJ , Miller D, Bilker W, Swan Mainz A see Meierkord H inga BM, Matzke M, Dengler R, Johannes S: Electro- LL, Gottlieb G: Neuroanatomical substrates of late-life Maisog JM see Rumsey JM physiological analysis of altered cognitive functions in minor depression: a quantitative magnetic resonance im- Mandell A see Volicer L Huntington disease, 1089 (Se) aging study, 613 (My) Mannon LJ see Constantinescu CS Murphy CF see Hunt LA Kupersmith MJ: Ocular myasthenia gravis (letter) 229 (Mr) Manto M, Hildebrand J, Godaux E, Roland H, Blum S, Musumeci SA, Ferri R, Elia M, Scuderi C, Del Gracco S, Kurlan R: Diagnostic criteria for genetic studies of Tourette Jacquy J: Analysis of fast single-joint and multijoint Azan G, Stefanini MC: New family with periventricular syndrome (letter) 517 (My) movements in cerebellar cortical atrophy: failure of nodular heterotopia and peculiar dysmorphic features: a Kurlan R see Palumbo D L-hydroxytryptophan to improve cerebellar ataxia (let- probable X-linked dominant trait, 61 (Ja) Kuzis G, Sabe L, Tiberti C, Leiguarda R, Starkstein SE: ter) 1192 (Oc) Mutani R see Cantello R Cognitive functions in major depression and Parkinson Marcotte TD see Ellis RJ disease, 982 (Au) Marczinek K see Meierkord H Marder K see Louis ED; Schofield PW Marin DB see Li G Nace K see Rumsey JM Marini C, Carolei A: Traditional risk factors for stroke in Nance PW, Sheremata WA, Lynch SG, Vollmer T, Hud- Laake K see Tandberg E the young (letter) 351 (Ap) son S, Francis GS, O'Connor P, Cohen JA, Schapiro RT, Lai EC see Krauss JK; Litvan I Marini P see Inzitari D Whitham R, Mass MK, Lindsey JW, Shellenberger K: Re- Lamassa Ms ee Inzitari D Marra CM, Wechkin HA, Longstreth WT Jr, Rees TS, Sy- lationship of the antispasticity effect of tizanidine to nlasma Landis T see Vuilleumier P apin CL, Gates GA: Hearing loss and antiretroviral therapy concentration in patients with multiple sclerosis, ' 5i (Je) Lange B see Evers S in patients infected with HIV-1, 407 (Ap) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Langenberger K see Wessel K Marsh L see Fama R rt-PA Stroke Study Group see Tilley BC Lannfelt L see Almkvist O; Basun H; Corder EH Marshall FJ: Huntington's Disease (Book Review) 679 (Je) Nauta HJW see Soukup VM Lanser JBK see de Boo GM Martorello S see Johnson-Greene D Ndukwu IM see McNamee T Lantz M see LiG Mass MK see Nance PW Neary D: Frontotemporal degeneration, Pick disease, and Larsen JP see Tandberg E Mataro M, Garcia-Sanchez C, Junqué C, Estévez- corticobasal degeneration: one entity or 3? 3, 1425 (No) Larson MD see Gray AT Gonzalez A, Pujol J: Magnetic resonance imaging mea- Nees H see Robberecht W Larsson HBW see Frederiksen JL surement of the caudate nucleus in adolescents with at- Neff SR: Rodent models of stroke (letter) 350 (Ap) Launer LJ see de Rijk MC tention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and its relationship Nelson JA see Ellis RJ Laurent B see Trouillas P with neuropsychological and behavioral measures, 963 Nelson JJ see CastaldJoE Lawson CR see Chudnow RS (Au) Neystat M see Libman RB Lee E-K see Agius MA Matsuyama SS see Small GW Nighoghossian N, Derex L, Loire R, Perinetti M, Hon- Lee MM see Strauss ME Matthijs G see Robberecht W norat J, Riche G, Barthelet M, Ninet J, Chazot G, Chas- Lee WW see Doty RL Mattson DH see Schwid SR signolleJ , Trouillas P: Giant Lambl excrescences: an un- Leiguarda R see Kuzis G Matzke M see Mante TF usual source of cerebral embolism, 41 (Ja) Leira EC, Ajax T, Adams HP Jr: Limb-shaking carotid tran- Maudgil DD: Changing interpretations of the human cor- Nighoghossian N see Trouillas P sient ischemic attacks successfully treated with modifi- tical pattern, 769 (Je) NinetJ see Nighoghossian N cation of the antihypertensive regimen, 904 (Jy) Maughan A see Palumbo D Nitschke MF see Wessel K Lepore FE: Visual loss as a causative factor in visual hallu- May TW see Specht U Noble EP see Small GW cinations associated with Parkinson disease (letter) 799 Mayer P see Botez MI Nogues B see Guillon B Uy) Mayeux R see Louis ED Nordberg A see Corder EH ——————— EE EE ARCH NEUROL/VOL 54, DEC 1997 1552 Nordin S, Almkvist O, Berglund B, Wahlund L-O: Olfac- ter SB: Effect of tacrine on language, praxis, and non- PM, Leppik IE, Shu VS, Ringham GL, Sommerville KW, tory dysfunction for pyridine and deinentia progression cognitive behavioral problems in Alzheimer disease ,8 36 Tiagabine Study Group: Tiagabine therapy for complex in Alzheimer disease, 993 (Au) gy) partial seizures: a dose-frequency study, 595 (My) Norris JW see Perry JR Rasmussen K see Bodick NC Sacks O: Neurologist's perspective on the aging brain, 1211 Narnberg P see Meierkord H Rebeck GW see Clatworthy AE (Oc) Reed JF Ill see Castaldo JE Sadowsky CH see Raskind MA oO Rees TS see Marra CM Safdar K see Qureshi Al Reider CR, Paulson GW: Lou Gehrig and amyotrophic lat- Saiz A see Chamorro A O'Connor P see Feinstein A; Nance PW eral sclerosis: is vitamin E to be revisited? 527 (My) San Diego HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center Group Offen WW see Bodick NC Reinach S see Rizzo M see Ellis RJ Okon E see Lossos A Rettig GM see Krauss JK Sanders VJ, Felisan SL, Waddell AE, Conrad AJ, Schmid Olney JW, Wozniak DF, Farber NB: Excitotoxic neurode- Reverdin A see Vuilleumier P P, Swartz BE, Kaufman M, Walsh GO, De Salles AAF, generation in Alzheimer disease: new hypothesis and new Riche G see Nighoghossian N Tourtellotte WW: Presence of herpes simplex DNA in therapeutic strategies, 1234 (Oc) Ridao-Alonso ME see Mante TF surgical tissue from human epileptic seizure foci de- OravJ see Hohol MJ Riess O see Schdls L tected by polymerase chain reaction: preliminary study, Ostberg P see Andersen C Riggs JE: 954 (Au) OttervangeJrP , Valkenburg HA, Grobbee DE, Stricker BHC: Assessing quality of care: the limitation imposed by Con- Sands L see Yaffe K Characteristics and determinants of sumatriptan- dorcet paradox, 1351 (No) Sankatsing SUC see Bollen ELEM associated chest pain, 1387 (No) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a prolific blood donor (letter) Sano M see Schofield PW P On 13t2he3 n(aNtou)r e of cost-savings treatment analysis, 683 (Je) SSaattlriann AR : seTeh e BBoadbiicnks kiN CS ign: A Centenary (Book Review) 124 Padberg GW see Tijssen MAJ Reason, hope, and brain injury (letter) 119 (Fe) (Fe) Padovani A see Rozzini L To be or not to be? that is the question facing many neu- Saunders AM see Small GW Pajurkova EM see Jason GW rology residency programs (letter) 516 (My) Savic I, Altshuler L, Baxter L, EngeJlJ r : Pattern of interic- Pallanti S see Inzitari D Riggs JE see Blumenthal DT tal hypometabolism in PET scans with fludeoxyglucose Palmertz B see Skoog ! Ringel SP, Vickrey BG: Measuring quality of care in neu- F 18 reflects prior seizure types in patients with mesial Palumbo D, Maughan A, Kurlan R: Hypothesis III rology, 1329 (No) temporal lobe seizures, 129 (Fe) Tourette syndrome is only one of several causes of a de- Ringelstein E-B see Evers S Savic I, Bookheimer SY, Fried 1, EngeJlJ r : Olfactory bed- velopmental basal ganglia syndrome, 475 (Ap) Ringham GL see Sachdeo RC side test: a simple approach to identify temporo- Pandolfo M see JankovicJ Risch N see Merikangas KR orbitofrontal dysfunction, 162 (Fe) Pantoni L see Inzitari D Risser R see Rosenberg RN Schapiro RT see Nance PW Panzer VP see Camicioli R Ritchie T see Small GW Schatz NJ see Gray LG Parker ES see Damos DL Rizzo M, Reinach S, McGehee D, Dawson J: Simulated car Scherr PA see Evans DA Pascuzzi RM: Controlled clinical trials of anything in my- crashes and crash predictors in drivers with Alzheimer Schieber MH, Poliakov A: Corticospinal Function and Vol- asthenia gravis (letter) 1323 (No) disease, 545 (My) untary Movement (Book Review) 232 (Mr) Patel PI see JankovicJ Robberecht W, Aguirre T, Van Den Bosch L, Theys P, Nees Schiess MC see Soukup VM Paul SM see Bodick NC H, Cassiman JJ, Matthijs G: Familial juvenile focal amy- Schiller F: Cerebral ventricles: from soul to sink, 1158 (Se) Paulson GW: Current Therapy in Neurologic Disease (Book otrophy of the upper extremity (Hirayama disease): su- Schlesinger I see Lossos A Review) 1451 (De) peroxide dismutase | genotype and activity, 46 (Ja) Schmid P see Sanders VJ Paulson GW see Reider CR Rockwood K, Ebly E, Hachinski V, Hogan D: Presence and Schmidt RC see Specht U Pearce RKB see Litvan I treatment of vascular risk factors in patients with vascu- Schoenfeld D see Growdon JH Pearlman AL see Bahn MM lar cognitive impairment, 33 (Ja) SchoenfeldJ see Hermann BP Pearlson GD see Aylward EH Rohde M see Specht U Schofield PW, Jacobs D, Marder K, Sano M, Stern Y: Va- Pensati P see Porzio S Rohrig D see Rudnik-Schoneborn S lidity of new memory complaints in the elderly, 756 (Je) Pericak-Vance MA see Small GW Roland H see Manto M Schdls L, Gispert S$, Vorgerd M, Menezes Vieira-Saecker Perinetti M see Nighoghossian N Roos RAC see de Boo GM AM, Blanke P, Auburger G, Amoiridis G, Meves S, Ep- Perl DP see LiG Rosenberg RN: plen JT, Przuntek H, Pulst S-M, Riess O: Spinocerebel- Perry JR, Norris JW: Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 1997 awarded lar ataxia type 2: genotype and phenotype in German kin- (letter) 799 (Jy) to Stanley B. Prusiner, MD, 1456 (De) dreds, 1073 (Se) Perry JR, Szalai JP, Norris JW, Canadian Stroke Consor- Our editorial view, 813 (Jy) Schutta HS: Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (Book Review) 1200 tium: Consensus against both endarterectomy and rou- Presidential judgment: the Twenty-fifth Amendment, 1254 (Oc) tine screening for asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis, (Oc) Schatz M see Specht U 25 (Ja) RobertJ . Joynt, MD, PhD, Chief Editor, Archives of Neurol- Schwartz CE, Coulthard-Morris L, Cole B, Vollmer T: Qual- Petty GW, Khandheria BK, Chu C-P, Sicks JD, Whisnant ogy (1982-1997) 809 (Jy) ity-of-life effects of interferon beta-1b in multiple scle- JP: Patent foramen ovale in patients with cerebral infarc- The Neurobiology of Disease: Contributions From Neurosci- rosis: an extended Q-TWiST analysis, 1475 (De) tion: a transesophageal echocardiographic study, 819 (Jy) ence to Clinical Neurology (Book Review) 356 (Ap) Schweizer E see Kumar A Pfefferbaum A see Fama R Rosenberg RN, Baskin F, Fosmire JA, Risser R, Adams P, Schwid SR: Pham LT see Doty RL Svetlik D, Honig LS, Cullum CM, Weiner MF: Altered Autoimmune Neurologic Disease (Book Review) 19 (Ja) Pietrzyk U see Hoithoff-Detto VA amyloid protein processing in platelets of patients with Handbook of Multiple Sclerosis, 2nd ed (Book Review) 1452 Piette JC see Tourbah A Alzheimer disease, 139 (Fe) (De) Pilgrim DM see Evans DA Roses AD: Genetic testing for Alzheimer disease: practical Schwid SR, Goodman AD, Mattson DH: Autoimmune hy- Poirier-Heine D see Jason GW and ethical issues, 1226 (Oc) perthyroidism in patients with multiple sclerosis treated Poliakov A see Schieber MH Roses AD see Small GW with interferon beta-1b, 1169 (Se) Pollak L, Klein C, Rabey J-M: Distance shortening phe- Rothstein TL: Role of evoked potentials in coma (letter) 17 Scuderi C see Musumeci SA nomenon or the lazy arm sign as a subtle pyramidal sign (Ja) Seidenberg M see Hermann BP (letter) 935 (Au) Rowe BA see Almkvist O Shannon HE see Bodick NC Poole RM see Rubio A Rowland LP: Quality of neurological care, 1997, 1327 (No) Shear PK see Fama R Porzio S, lorio R, Vajro P, Pensati P, Vegnente A: Penicil- Rozzini L, Lussignoli G, Padovani A, Bianchetti A, Tra- Shellenberger K see Nance PW lamine-related neurclogic syndrome in a child affected bucchi M: Alzheimer disease and frontotemporal demen- Sheremata WA see Nance PW by Wilson disease with hepatic presentation, 1166 (Se) tia (letter) 350 (Ap) Sherwin R see Kittner SJ Potter WZ see Bodick NC Rubin M see Sun DY Shu VS see Sachdeo RC Powers JM see Rubio A Rubio A: Shupak A, Melamed Y, Ramon Y, Bentur Y, Abramovich Pracucci G see Inzitari D Cerebral Gliomas: Bailliere’s Clinical Neurology: Interna- A, Kol S: Helium and oxygen treatment of severe air- PreinfalkJ see Mante TF tional Practice and Research (Book Review) 803 (Jy) diving-induced neurologic decompression sickness, 305 Pringle CE see Douen AG Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors (Book Review) 522 (My) (Mr) Pritchard ML see Small GW Primary Tumors of the Brain and Spinal Cord (Book Re- Sicks JD see Petty GW PPPPuruulzljluloinmclJtai enn ko se eSP HL: CssPheehaeey msoSiLccrohiuraéionls -s a AEs;LsD i Msatteda rés uiMc ide (letter) 516 (My) RRuubdtviioiroce w kn) Ae ,Ru 1rAP0o o6nos7 le eed ( iSsMReeo)Ma h,sre BarDnaCdr a anHgSi,o tTraoypliocr lNy,m pPhoowmears, J9M2: (Mjao)- SSSiiilegevgnemarclu enpBTdh, asMleWeocR pA aGvtroshaeyyey wRKLia,Gt s hkM iipkneedrs ievlMelnA u lSa$,r Sdmeimtyhe liTnWa:t ioFnu lamnidn avtaicnug- Pulsifer MB see Aylward EH Rudnik-Schéneborn S, Glauner B, Rohrig D, Zerres K: Ob- olar myelopathy as the initial presentation of human im- Pulst S-M see Schdls L stetric aspects in women with facioscapulohumeral mus- munodeficiency virus infection, 647 (My) cular dystrophy, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, and con- Q genital myopathies, 888 (Jy) SSkiollvaesrkmya n RJLM sesee e DaLli GP an GJ Qurneasnhciie sA la, nGdi lreiss k WfHo,r stCrrookfet JaBn,d Sstterronk e BJs:u bNtuympbese,r 2o0f3 p(rFeeg)- RumnAnsudmer ye taJesMmo,pn o rDaPol:n eoM ahagusneye tmimBceC t,r ryeB sroaindna yn mceeDn R ,i wmiNataghic neg d eKvs,et luGdoiype mdoedfn tpJalNla,- SkoiBn,o g8B 5lI-e,y neHnaeorsw-so el dKC: , sAuFpbrojelecidtpmsoa:p nr ortePle,ai tAnin odnE r etiaon s dsceoemrnee nbtrLio-asA,,p i nPaaapllo mleifrlputoiz-d Qureshi Al, Janssen RS, Karon JM, Weissman JP, Akbar dyslexia, 1481 (De) protein E polymorphism, cerebral atrophy, and white mat- vMiSr,u s Sianffdeacrt ioKn, Farnadn ksetlr okMeR :i n Hyuoumnagn paitmimenutnso,d e1f1i5c0i e(nSce)y Rudmrseeays oJnM ,P : NaPocsei tKr,o nD oenmoishsuieo n B,t oWmiosger aDp,h iMca isstougd yJ Mo,f Ainm-- ter lesions, 267 (Mr) paired word recognition and phonological processing in Small BJ see Herlitz A dyslexic men, 562 (My) Small GW, Noble EP, Matsuyama SS, Jarvik LF, Komo S, Rutkove SB: Unusual axonal polyneuropathy induced by Kaplan A, Ritchie T, Pritchard ML, Saunders AM, Con- RRaambierye zJ--LMa ssseee paPso llMa,k ELs pinosa CE, CicJJe, jrohnosto n KL, Rydleorw -dLoPs es eei ntFerrefdeerroin ksaelnfa -2JaL, 907 (Jy) dneoaplalmyi nPeM , reRcoespetso r ADA,| Haallienlee si n JALl, zPheeriimceark -dViasenacsee aMnAd: aDg,- Cipolle RJ, Barber DL: Predictors of intracranial patho- ing, 281 (Mr) logic findings in patients who seek emergency care be- S Smith JH see Toole JF cause of headache, 1506 (De) Smith TW see Silver B Ramon Y see Shupak A Sabe L see Kuzis G Snow WG see Tierney MC Raskind MA, Sadowsky CH, Sigmund WR, Beitler PJ, Aus- Sachdeo RC, Leroy RF, Krauss GL, Drake ME Jr, Green Sommerville KW see Sachdeo RC ——— EE EL ARCH NEUROL/VOL 54, DEC 1997 1553 Soukup VM, Ingram F, Schiess MC, Bonnen JG, Nauta TinklenberJgR see Fama R Walsh GO see Sanders VJ HJW, CalverleJyR : Cognitive sequelae of unilateral pos- Tischendorf M see Spranger M Waring SC see FitzSimon JS teroventral pallidotomy, 947 (Au) Tollefson GD see Bodick NC Warren AC see Aylward EH Specht U, May TW, Rohde M, Wagner V, Schmidt RC, Toole JF: Watson C, Cendes F, Fuerst D, Dubeau F, Williamson B, Schatz M, Wolf P: Cerebellar atrophy decreases the thresh- Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis (letter) 800 (Jy) Evans A, Andermann F: Specificity of volumetric mag- old of carbamazepine toxicity in patients with chronic fo- Quality-based medicine, 23 (Ja) netic resonance imaging in detecting hippocampal scle- cal epilepsy, 427 (Ap) Toole JF, Link AS, Smith JH, Working Group on Presi- rosis, 67 (Ja) Spiro AJ see LiM dential Disability: Disability in US Presidents Report: rec- Watson C, Jack CR Jr, Cendes F: Volumetric magnetic reso- Spranger M, Spranger S, Tischendorf M, Meinck H-M, Cre- ommendations and commentaries by the Working Group, nance imaging: clinical applications and contributions to mer M: Myotonic dystrophy: the role of large triplet re- 1256 (Oc) the understanding of temporal lobe epilepsy, 1521 (De) peat length in the development of mental retardation, 251 Toole JF see Castaldo JE Wechkin HA see Marra CM (Mr) Tourbah A, Piette JC, Iba-Zizen M-T, Lyon-Caen O, Go- Weiner HL see Hohol MJ Spranger S see Spranger M deau P, Francés C: Natural course of cerebral lesions in Weiner MF see Rosenberg RN Starkstein SE see Kuzis G Sneddon syndrome, 53 (Ja) Weintraub MI: Managed care (letter) 119 (Fe) Steenhuis R see Bowler JV Tourbah A, Stievenart J-L, Iba-Zizen M-T, Lubetzki C, Bau- Weissman JP see Qureshi Al Stefanini MC see Musumeci SA mann N, Eymard B, Moser HW, Lyon-Caen O, Cabanis Welch KMA see Tilley BC Stern Bj see Qureshi Al EA: Localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy Wenning GK see Litvan I Stern Y see Schofield PW in patients with adult adrenoleukodystrophy: increase of Wessel K, Langenberger K, Nitschke MF, Kompf D: Double- Stievenart J-L see Tourbah A choline compounds in normal-appearing white matter, blind crossover study with physostigmine in patients with Stolar MJ see Merikangas KR 586 (My) degenerative cerebellar diseases, 397 (Ap) Storandt M see Chapman LL Tourtellotte WW see Sanders VJ Wetterberg L see Basun H Strauss ME, Lee MM, DiFilippo JM: Premorbid personal- Trabucchi M see Rozzini L Whipple B see Komisaruk BR ity and behavioral symptoms in Alzheimer disease: some Trouillas P see Nighoghossian N Whisnant JP see Petty GW cautions, 257 (Mr) Trouillas P, XieJ ,A deleine P, Michel D, Vighetto A, Hon- White DA see Chapman LL Stricker BHC see Ottervanger JP noratJ , Dumas R, Nighoghossian N, Laurent B: Buspi- Whitham R see Nance PW Stukenborg GJ: Comparison of carotid endarterectomy out- rone, a 5-hydroxytryptamine,, agonist, is active in cer- Wienhard K see Holthoff-Detto VA comes from randomized controlled trials and Medicare ebellar ataxia: results of a double-blind drug placebo study Wieringa BM see Mante TF administrative databases, 826 (Jy) in patients with cerebellar cortical atrophy, 749 (Je) Williams LS, BilleJr : Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Suchowersky O see Jason GW of Ischemic Brain Damage (Book Review) 679 (Je) Sugita M see Tachibana H U Williamson B see Watson C Sullivan EA see Mitchell SL Winblad B see Corder EH Sullivan EV see Fama R Ugawa Y: Subcortica! reflex myoclonus? (letter) 1323 (No) Wirkowski E see Libman RB Sun DY, Edgar M, Rubin M: Hemiparetic acute myopathy Uvebrant P see Hugdahl K Wirrell EC, Camfield PR, Camfield CS, Dooley JM, Gor- of intensive care progressing to triplegia, 1420 (No) don KE: Childhood absence epilepsy and accidents (let- Svejgaard A see Frederiksen JL ter) 1063 (Se) Svetlik D see Rosenberg RN Wise D see Rumsey JM Swan LL see Kumar A Vajro P see Porzio S Wisnieski SR see Lopez OL SSSzwyaaalrpatiizn JPCB ELs eess eeeeP eSMraarnyrd reJarR ;sC TMVi Je rney MC VVVaaalnli kneDdne bnSu rsBgeo es HcChAo rLdse eesr e eO EtRHtoe brbvearnegecrh t JPW WWWooolrlfkl imnPa gns nee G rRSo pusepece h toM n cUNP raemseidee ntTi al Disability see Toole JF van der Meché FGA see de Rijk MC Wozniak DF see Olney JW T van Dijk JG see Tijssen MAJ Wray SH see Growdon JH Vanier MT see Lossos A Warker M see Holthoff-Detto VA Tachibana H, Aragane K, Kawabata K, Sugita M: P, la- Vegnente A see Porzio S Wyatt WM see Coulter CL tency change in aging and Parkinson disease, 296 (Mr) Verny M see Litvan I Tandberg E, Larsen JP, Aarsland D, Laake K, Cummings Vickrey BG see Ringel SP x JL: Risk factors for depression in Parkinson disease, 625 Vighetto A see Trouillas P (My) Viiranen M see Herlitz A Xia M sce Hollister RD Tang M see Louis ED Vila N see Chamorro A XieJ see Trouillas P Tariot PN: Pharmacological Treatment of Alzheimer’s Dis- Vilanova JC see Chamorro A ease: Molecular and Neurobiological Foundations (Book Re- Volicer L, Berman SA, Cipolloni PB, Mandell A: Persis- Y view) 1451 (De) tent vegetative state in Alzheimer disease: does it exist? Taylor JO see Evans DA 1382 (No) Yaffe K, CauleyJ , Sands L, Browner W: Apolipoprotein E Taylor N see Rebio A Vollmer T see Nance PW; Schwartz CE phenotype and cognitive decline in a prospective study Tennis M see Growdon JH Volpe BT see Aisen ML of elderly community women, 1110 (Se) Thal LJ see Ellis RJ Vonsattel J-PG see Beatty WW Yesavage JA see Ernst RL; Fama R Theys P see Robberecht W Voorkamp LM see Tijssen MAJ Yokota T see Hirashima F Tiagabine Study Group see Sachdeo RC Vorgerd M see Schdls L Yoon B-W, Morillo CA, Cechetto DF, Hachinski V: Cere- Tibben A see de Boo GM Vuilleumier P, Reverdin A, Landis T: Four legs: illusory bral hemispheric lateralization in cardiac autonomic con- Tiberti C see Kuzis G reduplication of the lower limbs after bilateral parietal lobe trol, 741 (Je) Tierney MC, Szalai JP, Snow WG, Fisher RH, Dunn E: Do- damage, 1543 (De) Young RR see Chiappa KH main specificity of the subtests of the Mini-Mental State Yousem DM see Doty RL Examination, 713 (je) w Tijssen MAJ, Voorkamp LM, Padberg GW, van Dijk JG: Startle responses in hereditary hyperekplexia, 388 (Ap) Waddell AE see Sanders VJ Tilley BC, Lyden PD, Brott TG, Lu M, Levine SR, Welch Wagner R see Holthoff-Detto VA Zeigler M see Lossos A KMA, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Wagner SL see Almkvist O Zerres K see Rudnik-Schéneborn S Stroke rt ?A Stroke Study Group: Total quality improve- Wagner V see Specht U ZhisongJ see Kumar A ment method for reduction of delays between emer- Wahlund L-O see Almkvist O; Andersen C; Basun H; Nor- Ziegler DK: gency department admission and treatment of acute is- din S Headache Treatment Trial Methodology and New Drugs (Book chemic stroke, 1466 (De) Wallace MR see Ellis RJ Review) 1199 (Oc) TinklenbergJ see Ernst RL Wallace RB see Clatworthy AE Migraine Pharmacology and Genetics (Book Review) 523 (My) EE ARCH NEUROL/VOL 54, DEC 1997 1554 eo The following index is an alphabetical list of significant subjects presented in this volume. Books reviewed are listed alphabetically by first author under the heading “BOOK REVIEWS.” Alzheimer disease and differing apolipoprotein E geno- Amantadine types [Corder] 273 (Mr) Can we treat respiratory failure in Friedreich ataxia? [Botez] Abdominal Pain a-Secretase 1030 (Au) Characteristics and determinants of sumatriptan- Cerebrospinal fluid levels of a-secretase—cleaved soluble amy- Aminotransferases associated chest pain [Ottervanger] 1387 (No) loid precursor protein mirror cognition in a Swedish fam- Unusual axonal polyneuropathy induced by low-dose in- Abortion ily with Alzheimer disease and a gene mutation [Almkvist] terferon alfa-2a [Rutkove] 907 (Jy) Obstetric aspects in women with facioscapulohumeral mus- 641 (My) Amnesia cular dystrophy, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, and con- Alzheimer Disease Emotional arousal and phobia in transient global amnesia genital myopathies |Rudnik-Schoneborn] 888 (Jy) Altered amyloid protein processing in platelets of patients [Inzitari] 866 (Jy) Academic Medical Centers with Alzheimer disease [Rosenberg] 139 (Fe) Amobarbital Quality of care in academic neurology departments [Barchi] Alzheimer disease and frontotemporal dementia (letter) Cerebral hemispheric lateralization in cardiac autonomic con- 1336 (No) [Rozzini] 350 (Ap) trol [Yoon] 741 (je) Accidents Autopsy-proven Alzheimer disease in a patient with demen- Dichotic-listening performance and intracarotid injections Childhood absence epilepsy and accidents (letter) [Deonna] tia who retained musical skill in life (letter) [Beatty] 1448 of amobarbital in children and adolescents: preoperative (reply) [Wirrell] 1063 (Se) (De) and postoperative comparisons [Hugdahl] 1494 (De) Accidents, Traffic see Motor Vehicle Injury Bilateral temporal lobe volume reduction parallels cogni- Amygdala see Amygdaloid Body Accreditation tive impairment in progressive aphasia [Andersen] 1294 Amygdaloid Body ATIocm pqrauobcieltr o egoyrdo f nrInoetmes umirudtooen lnoocbdgeyei? f cp itrchdoaiitgse renaaicssm yest heoS (nyl qenuthdteoesrsrtpo)ii mote[na R liigfzgaasct]ii nogn5 s1 m6 arne(lyMa yte)nd e ut-o Cer(li6elo4Obyi1c rd w) oi sp(tprMhie ync)Aau llrz shoferli umipder rol teevdeiilnss e amosfie r ar-aosnred c craoe ggtneainsteei —ocmnlu etaaivnt eiado nSs woel|duAiblslmhek vaifsmatym]-- CVAeomrlytreuailblomo rneislot odsrb paieinc Bnd -ea Pplmric aolofgtenlneptueisirdtyni i blcue[ tvWiealrosten sssooo fnn ta]ao- n sctee1hc5 er2 e1iut manasd(geDei—ernc)sgl :te aanvcdelidi nnigsc oallou fb altpepe lmaipmcoya--- human immunodeficiency virus infection in Maryland, Classification and staging of dementia of the Alzheimer type loid precursor protein mirror cognition in a Swedish fam- 1991-1992 [Dal Pan] 846 (Jy) a comparison between neural networks and linear dis- ily with Alzheimer disease and a gene mutation [Almkvist] Activities of Daily Living criminant analysis [French] 1001 (Au) 641 (My) Effects of xanomeline, a selective muscarinic receptor ago- Cognitive function and the costs of Alzheimer disease: an Amyloid B-Protein Precursor nist, on cognitive function and behavioral symptoms in exploratory study [Ernst] 687 (Je) Altered amyloid protein processing in platelets of patients Alzheimer disease [Bodick] 465 (Ap) Comparative evolution of Alzheimer disease, vascular de- with Alzheimer disease [Rosenberg] 139 (Fe) Administration, Oral mentia, and mixed dementia [Bowler] 697 (Je) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Gut response: therapy with ingested immunomodulatory pro- D, dopamine receptor A1 allele in Alzheimer disease and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: insights from genetics [Brown] teins [Brod] 1300 (Oc) aging [Small] 281 (Mr) 1246 (Oc) Adolescence Dementia improvement with cytotoxic chemotherapy: a case Lou Gehrig and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: is vitamin E Dichotic-listening performance and intracarotid injections of Alzheimer disease and multiple myeloma [Keimowitz] to be revisited? [Reider] 527 (My) of amobarbital in children and adolescents: preoperative 485 (Ap) Amyotrophy, Focal and postoperative comparisons |Hugdahl] 1494 (De) Education and other measures of socioeconomic status and Familial juvenile focal amyotrophy of the upper extremity Magnetic resonance imaging measurement of the caudate risk of incident Alzheimer disease in a defined popula- (Hirayama disease): superoxide dismutase | genotype and nucleus in adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactiv- tion of older persons [Evans] 1399 (No) activity [Robberecht} 46 (Ja) ity disorder and its relationship with neuropsychologi Effect of tacrine on language, praxis, and noncognitive be- Angiotensin Converting Enzyme see Peptidyl-Dipeptidase A cal and behavioral measures [Matar6] 963 (Au) havioral problems in Alzheimer disease [Raskind] 836 (Jy) Anisocoria Adrenal Cortex Hormones Effects of xanomeline, a selective muscarinic receptor ago- Pupil dilation to tropicamide is not specific for Alzheimer Hemiparetic acute myopathy of intensive care progressing nist, on cognitive function and behavioral symptoms in disease |Growdon] 841 (Jy) to triplegia [Sun] 1420 (No) Alzheimer disease [Bodick] 465 (Ap) Antibodies Adrenoleukodystrophy Excitotoxic neurodegeneration in Alzheimer disease: new Simple partial status epilepticus and antiglycolipid IgM an- Localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in pa- hypothesis and new therapeutic strategies [Olney] 1234 tibodies: possible epilepsy of autoimmune origin (letter) tients with adult adrenoleukodystrophy: increase of cho- (Oc) [Guillon] 1194 (Oc) line compounds in normal-appearing white matter Extrapyramidal signs in patients with probable Alzheimer Antibodies, Antiphospholipid [Tourbah] 586 (My) disease [Lopez] 969 (Au) Natural course of cerebral lesions in Sneddon syndrome Adult Genetic testing for Alzheimer disease: practical and ethical [Tourbah] 53 (Ja) Cer2e0b9e ll(aFre ) volume in adults with Down syndrome [Aylward] Laciks suoefs as[sRoocsieast]i on1 22o6f a( Opco)l ymorphism in the low-density ARonltei boofd iaenst,i rAinbotsiormiablo soPm aplro tePi nP roatnetiinb odies in the diagnosis Localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in pa- lipoprotein receptor—related protein gene with Alzhei- of lupus isolated to the central nervous system [Agius] tients with adult adrenoleukodystrophy: increase of cho- mer disease |Clatworthy] 1289 (Oc) 862 (Jy) line compounds in normal-appearing white matter Neurological and psychiatric predictors of mortality in pa- Anticoagulants A‘fCfos[emprTpoeolnnuestrte besa’P hat]tso phgiwe5nan8aiyl6t s a cl(o Mrsyde) l fi-nsjtuirmyu ldaoteiso n noitn wbolomcekn pe[rKcoempitsuaarlu kr]e- NNeou t(OridOyoeic)lnf) tof sge irewsnitct’ehs iApnl ezcreshrpeeeibcmrtaeilrv eg dliuoscneo assteeh em iena tgaCiabnlgoi lfibosrrman iinai n [[pSMaaotcrikeisnt]tz s] 1w28i17t18h ANATnneittawfiigr dcaeeobtqpnihurevneeruenas lcpssyiita evhnsseet tr suaf Adoprgyy e sn[tftSrosoar k cehc doe|moCp]al pel5xa9 n5] p a(r1Mt2yi2)a2l (seOicz)u res: a dose- Inf1l5u1e3n ce( Doef) peripheral nerve stimulation on human motor Alzheimer disease and differing apolipoprotein E geno- Cognitive functions in major depression and Parkinson dis- cortical excitability in patients with ventrolateral tha- types [Corder] 273 (Mr) ease [Kuzis] 982 (Au) Agel amoifc Onlseestio n [Hirashima] 619 (My) OOlnf saitcohtneo rniyna tuAdrlyezs fhouefni cmcteoisrot -nsd iasvfoeiran sgeps y rt[irNdeoiarntdemi enna]tn d 9a9nd3ael mye(sAinust )i a[R igpgrso]g re6s8-3 GAunttt ieigrneessn pso[ nBsreo:d ] the1r3a0p0y (wOict)h ingested immunomodulatory pro- Clii5nd3ilc9ya lp( rMocygh)ra ersascitveer isftamiiclsi alo ff ra oncthortoemmpoosroaml e dem1e7n-tliian ke[dB asurna]p|- PerJsei)st ent vegetative state in Alzheimer disease: does it ex- ALnitmibh-ysphearktienngs ivcea roAtgide nttsr ansient ischemic attacks success- ist? [Volicer] 1382 (No) fully treated with modification of the antihypertensive regi- Aggression Premorbid personality and behavioral symptoms in Alzhei- men [Leira] 904 (Jy) Hypothesis III: Tourette syndrome is only one of several mer disease: some cautions [Strauss] 257 (Mr) Anti-inflammatory Agents, Nonsteroidal causes of a developmental basal ganglia syndrome Presence and treatment of vascular risk factors in patients Update on primary drug therapies for Alzheimer disease [Palumbo] 475 (Ap) with vascular cognitive impairment [Rockwood] 33 (Ja) [Knopman] 1406 (No) Aging Prose recall in dementia: a comparison of delay intervals Antioxidants Aging brain: limitations in our knowledge and future ap- [Chapman] 1501 (De) Dietary antioxidants and Parkinson disease: the Rotterdam proaches [Katzman] 1201 (Oc) Pupil dilation to tropicamide is not specific for Alzheimer Study [de Rijk] 762 (Je) Cerebellar volume in adults with Down syndrome [Aylward] disease |Growdon] 841 (Jy) Update on primary drug therapies for Alzheimer disease 209 (Fe) Reliability of the Washington University Road Test: a per- [Knopman] 1406 (No) D, dopamine receptor A1 allele in Alzheimer disease and formance-based assessment for drivers with dementia of Anxiety aging [Small] 281 (Mr) the Alzheimer type [Hunt] 707 (Je) Buspirone, a 5-hydroxytryptamine,, agonist, is active in cer- Neurologist's perspective on the aging brain [Sacks] 1211 Response of the pupil to tropicamide is not a reliable test ebellar ataxia: results ofa d ouble-blind drug placebo study (Oc) for Alzheimer disease [FitzSimon] 155 (Fe) in patients with cerebellar cortical atrophy [Trouillas] 749 Oldest-old healthy brain function: the genomic potential Selective cortical and hippocampal volume correlates of Mat- Je) [Kaye] 1217 (Oc) tis Dementia Rating Scale in Alzheimer disease [Fama] Premorbid personality and behavioral symptoms in Alzhei- P, latency change in aging and Parkinson disease [Tachibana] 719 (Je) mer disease: some cautions [Strauss] 257 (Mr) 296 (Mr) Simulated car crashes and crash predictors in drivers with Aphasia, Primary Progressive Alcoholism Alzheimer disease [Rizzo] 545 (My) Bilateral temporal lobe volume reduction parallels cogni- Impaired upper limb coordination in alcoholic cerebellar de- T-cell interferon gamma binding in patients with dementia tive impairment in progressive aphasia [Andersen] 1294 generation [Johnson-Greene] 436 (Ap) of the Alzheimer type [Bongioanni] 457 (Ap) (Oc) Alleles Update on primary drug therapies for Alzheimer disease Apnea D, dopamine receptor A] allele in Alzheimer disease and {[Knopman] 1406 (No) Can we treat respiratory failure in Friedreich ataxia? |Botez] aging [Small] 281 (Mr) Validity of the family history method for identifying Alzhei- 1030 (Au) No difference in cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with mer disease [Li] 634 (My) Apo-E see Apolipoproteins E —_—_—E_E —————— ARCH NEUROL/VOL 54, DEC 1997 1555 Apolipoproteins E Startle responses in hereditary hyperekplexia [Tijssen] 388 Scheld WM, Whitley R), Durack DT, eds: Infections of the Altered amyloid protein processing in platelets of patients (Ap) Central Nervous System, 2nd ed [Bale] 1199 (Oc) with Alzheimer disease [Rosenberg] 139 (Fe) Autopsy Schold SC, Burger PC, Mendelsohn DB, Glatstein EJ, Mickey Apolipoprotein E in cerebrospinal fluid in 85-year-old sub- Autopsy-proven Alzheimer disease in a patient with demen- BE, Minna JD, eds: Primary Tumors of the Brain and Spi- jects: relation to dementia, apolipoprotein E polymor- tia who retained musical skill in life (letter) [Beatty] 1448 nal Cord [Rubio] 1067 (Se) phism, cerebral atrophy, and white matter lesions [Skoog] (De) Siesj6 BK, Wieloch T, eds: Cellular and Molecular Mecha- 267 (Mr) Axons nisms of Ischemic Brain Damage [Williams] 679 (Je) Apolipoprotein E phenotype and cognitive decline in a pro- Unusual axonal polyneuropathy induced by low-dose in- van GijnJ : The Babinski Sign: A Centenary |Satran]} 124 (Fe) spective study of elderly community women [Yaffe] 1110 terferon alfa-2a [Rutkove] 907 (Jy) Woodruff WW, ed: Fundamentals of Neuroimaging |Ketonen]| (Se) 356 (Ap) D, dopamine receptor Al allele in Alzheimer disease and B Yung WKA, ed: Cerebral Gliomas: Bailliere’s Clinical Neu- aging [Small] 281 (Mr) rology: International Pracantdi Resceaerc h [Rubio] 803 (Jy) Lack of association of a polymorphism in the low-density Balance see Equilibrium Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy see Encephalopathy, lipoprotein receptor-related protein gene with Alzhei- Basal Ganglia Bovine Spongiform mer disease [Clatworthy] 1289 (Oc) Functional effects of striatal dysfunction in Parkinson dis- Brain No difference in cerebral glucose metabolism in patients with ease [Holthoff-Detto] 145 (Fe) Aging brain: limitations in our knowledge and future ap- Alzheimer disease and differing apolipoprotein E geno- Magnetic resonance imaging measurement of the caudate proaches [Katzman] 1201 (Oc) types |Corder} 273 (Mr) nucleus in adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactiv- Brain magnetic resonance diffusion abnormalities in Arachnoid ity disorder and its relationship with neuropsychologi- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease [Bahn] 1411 (No) Prognostic significance of coexistent bulky metastatic cen- cal and behavioral measures [Mataré] 963 (Au) Cerebral hemispheric lateralization in cardiac autonomic con- tral nervous system disease in patients with leptomenin- Basal Ganglia Diseases trol [Yoon] 741 (Je) geal metastases [Chamberlain] 1364 (No) Extrapyramidal signs in patients with probable Alzheimer Neurologist's perspective on the aging brain [Sacks] 1211 ARCHIVES OF NEUROLOGY disease [Lopez] 969 (Au) (Oc) Next editor [Joynt] 235 (Mr) Hypothesis III: Tourette syndrome is only one of several Oldest-old healthy brain function: the genomic potential Our editorial view [Rosenberg] 813 (Jy) causes of a developmental basal ganglia syndrome [Kaye] 1217 (Oc) Keviewers for 1996, 117 (Fe) [Palumbo] 475 (Ap) Brain Death RobertJ . Joynt, MD, PhD, Chief Editor, Archives of Neurol- Mortality from Parkinson disease [Louis] 260 (Mr) Role of evoked potentials in coma (letter) [Rothstein] 17 ogy (1982-1997) [Rosenberg] 809 (Jy) Behavior (reply) [Madl} 18 (Ja) Arm Alzheimer disease and frontotemporal dementia (ietter) Brain Injuries Impaired upper limb coordination in alcoholic cerebellar de- [Rozzini] 350 (Ap) Does modification of the Innsbruck and the Glasgow Coma generation |Johnson-Greene] 436 (Ap) Effect of tacrine on language, praxis, and noncognitive be- Scales improve their ability to predict functional out- Arnold-Chiari Deformity havioral problems in Alzheimer disease [Raskind] 836 (Jy) come? [Diringer] 606 (My) Please don’t call me ‘Arnold-Chiari’ unless you mean it (let- Effects of xanomeline, a selective muscarinic receptor ago- Reason, hope, and brain injury (letter) [Riggs] 119 (Fe) ter) [Blumenthal] (reply) [Goldstein] 16 (Ja) nist, on cognitive function and behavioral symptoms in Brain Neoplasms Ascorbic Acid Alzheimer disease [Bodick] 465 (Ap) Neurocysticercosis among patients with cerebral gliomas [Del Dietary antioxidants and Parkinson disease: the Rotterdam Benson, D. Frank Brutto] 1125 (Se) Study [de Rijk} 762 (Je) In memoriam—D. Frank Benson, MD [Cummings] 98 (Ja) Recurrent supratentorial malignant gliomas in children: long- Aspirin Beta Carotene term salvage therapy with oral etoposide |Chamberiain] Does daily aspirin diminish severity of first-ever stroke? Dietary antioxidants and Parkinson disease: the Rotterdam 554 (My) [Karepov] 1369 (No) Study [de Rijk] 762 (Je) Broca Area see Frontal Lobe Ataxia Bicycling Buspirone Double-blind crossover study with physostigmine in pa- Childhood absence epilepsy and accidents (letter) [Deonna] Buspirone, a 5-hydroxytryptamine,, agonist, is active in cer- tients with degenerative cerebellar diseases [Wessel] 397 (reply) [Wirrell] 1063 (Se) ebellar ataxia: results of a double-blind drug placebo study Foc(aAlp )s ubcortical reflex myoclonus: a clinical and neuro- CBeiorleobgriocsapli naMla rkfleurisd levels of a-secretase—cleaved soluble amy- Jine )p atients with cerebellar cortical atrophy |T rouillas] 749 ASAnutabrcppp(lcoehlOhoyrpyycarse)s)htnib i yis eo[ c ltlCaloooala fgn ri it mfceraplaecsflrlotlor o et]vxssi e ict nau1mgld3cyl y2eeo 4ra-cetj [lorbC(iooeanNplnnthlout ya)es:r l?a ln aodtf] (aa lixmelitu1uat8lr ee7tr (i)lj o(eofFti[t eneU)Ltr g-) a hwym[adoM]rva oenxtmy1oet3]n2r t3y ps1t 1(or9-ei2-n BCBiolsgi6li1ennlo47xikyi19u tid w a inilpvg((tireF Mhtee yy)c)fA uu lrnzschoterii omnpe rroi tne diainss eyammsiper troaomnrda tcaio cgg neinHteIi Vomn u tinianft eiaco tnSi woen[ dAil|sm[hkD vaimfsoatsm]]- CCNaeAlu6(iLr6NfoEo8ol) rNo,n(Dg iJiAae1c) R4,a 4l 57 91a74(n Dd(e( JJ)ay p)),s, y 1c914h3( i1Fa etr()iA,cu )C,cp2 r2e16d0 i5(c9Mt ro)(r,Sse )3,o4 f7 1m1(o8Ar6pt) a,l( iO5ct1)y1, i(n1M 3yp1)a6,- CBeurseiGepnbeb ie)erpl llaoaitnriae er,na ttasaax ti5awr:-io htphyhr dyecrs ueolrdxteeysbct erroleflya apsart e dascom ouirbtntlhieeec, a-,lbt lhaiartngerodsno hipodshltryd,u g[ iosTfp r laoccautcaiielrvlbbeao as mi]nsa tzc7uee4dr-9y- RBClreoesf[oupoRdtroi zngAfgsDleseol]z n dhoteo1r-fi3 sJm2at e3hkr eo b( pdNuiodps)iie slaes aets oe [tFirin otpaz iSpciramomoliinfd]ie c 1bi5sl 5o noo(dtF ed)a onreolri ab(llee ttteers)t CCearrtpUeibiybena)ene tml sla aztrwoe ixptiaihct nirteAoy lp zhhiyne idmpeaectrri eeandsitesses a swteih tehi n tcChahrlreisofhnooirlcnd i af oofc[ aMclo arriebtpazi]ml aez8pes7-y8 p[iSnpee chtto]x ic4i2t7y (iAnp )p atients with chronic focal epilepsy ABlltoeorde d Plaamtyelleotisd protein processing in platelets of patients [Specht] 427 (Ap) Neuroanatomical substrates of late-life minor depression with Alzheimer disease [Rosenberg] 139 (Fe) Carcinoma a quantitative magnetic resonance imaging study [Kumar] Blood Pressure Carpclyi)n o[mBaatlomu] s 17m e(nJian)g itis (letter) [Chamberlain] 16 (re- Att6e1n3t io(nM y) Perciuvneanrt ristcruolkaer: wa hmitaer kemra ttoefr tolou cheingchi eosr tino o paltoiwe nbtlso owdi tphr esla-- Carcinomatosis see Carcinoma MDuolmEtaxiiapmnlei nsasptceliceiorfnoi sciis[t Ty isecorfrn eeteyhne]i nsg7u 1bt3ee xsa(tJmsei )n oaft tihoen sM in(lie-tMteern)t a[lB eaStttayt]e Presasugrnyeom?sp its[o mCoahfta impcroo rgrrhoey]sp seirv1te2e 8n4ss iu(opOnrc a)n ius cal emaarj orpa lfseya t|urGeh ikian ] the1 10di4- CDaermoemf nuAtslitzaih neeii mmeprr ovdiesmeeanste awnidt h muclyttoitpolxei cm ycehlemoomtah er[aKpeyi:m owai tcazs]e 352 (Ap) (Se) 485 (Ap) Selective cortical and hippocampal volume correlates of Mai- Blood Vessels Carotid Artery Diseases t7i1s 9 De(Jmee)n tia Rating Scale in Alzheimer disease [Fama] Cerebral ventricles: from soul to sink {Schiller} 1158 (Se) Limfubl-lsy htarkeaitnegd wciatrho tmiodd itfriacnastiieonnt oif stchhee mainct ihaytptearctkesn sisvuec cersesgi-- Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity BBaOkOerK HFR,E VRiIdEleWyS RM, eds: Prion Diseases |Federoff] 231 (Mr) men [Leira] 904 (Jy) Hypothesis Ill: Tourette syndrome ic only one of several Bostock H, Kirkwood PA, Pullen AH, eds: The Neurobiol- Carotid Artery Stenosis see Carotid Stenosis causes of a developmental basal ganglia syndrome ogy of Disease: Contributions From Neuroscience to Clini- Carotid Endarterectomy see Endarterectomy, Carotid [Palumbo] 475 (Ap) cal Neurology [Rosenberg] 356 (Ap) Carotid Stenosis Magnetic resonance imaging measurement of the caudate Bousser MG, Russell RR: Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis (letter) [Perry] 799 nucleus in adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactiv- [Schutta}] 1200 (Oc) (reply) [Toole] 800 (Jy) ity disorder and its relationship with neuropsychologi- Brioni JD, Decker MW, eds: Pharmacological Treatment of Consensus against both endarterectomy and routine screen- cal and behavioral measures {Matar6] 963 (Au) Alzheimer’s Disease: Molecular and Neurobiological Foun- ing for asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis [Perry] 25 Autoantibodies dations [Tariot} 1451 (De) Ga) Motor neuron disease and angiotropic lymphoma [Rubio] Cook SD, ed: Handbook of Multiple Sclerosis, 2nd ed [Schwid]} Delay in reporting symptoms of carotid artery stenosis in 92 (Ja) 1452 (De) an at-risk population: the Asymptomatic Carotid Athero- Autoimmune Diseases Daube JR, ed: Clinical Neurophysiology |Chiappa] 1067 (Se) sclerosis Study experience: a statement of concern re- Autoimmune hyperthyroidism in patients with multiple scle- Duncan JS, Shorvon SD, Fish DR: Clinical Epilepsy |Dreifuss] garding watchful waiting |Castaldo] 1267 (Oc) rosis treated with interferon beta-1b [Schwid] 1169 (Se) 522 (My) Quality-based medicine [Toole] 23 (Ja) Autoimmune Response see Autoimmunity Fischer G, Brotchi J: Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors Caudate Nucleus Autoimmunity [Rubio] 522 (My) Brain magnetic resonance diffusion abnormalities in Fulminating encephalopathy with perivenular demyelin- Harper PS, ed: Huntington's Disease |Marshall] 679 (Je) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease [Bahn] 1411 (No) ation and vacuolar myelopathy as the initial presenta- Johnson RP, Griffin JW: Current Therapy in Neurologic Dis- Magnetic resonance imaging measurement of the caudate tion of human immunodeficiency virus infection [Silver] ease |Paulson] 1451 (De) nucleus in adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactiv- 647 (My) Jones HR Jr, Bolton CR, Harper CM Jr, eds: Pediatric Clini- ity disorder and its relationship with neuropsychologi- Automobile Driving cal Electromyography [Lou] 804 (Jy) cal and behavioral measures [Matar6] 963 (Au) Reliability of the Washington University Road Test: a per- Olesen JES, Tfelt-Hansen P, eds: Headache Treatment Trial Cell Death formance-based assessment for drivers with dementia of Methodology and New Drugs [Ziegler] 1199 (Oc) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: insights from genetics [Brown] the Alzheimer type [Hunt] 707 (Je) Pender MP, McCombe PA: Autoimmune Neurologic Disease 1246 (Oc) Simulated car crashes and crash predictors in drivers with [Schwid] 19 (Ja) Central Nervous System Alzheimer disease [Rizzo] 545 (My) Porter R, Lemon R: Corticospinal Function and Voluntary Central nervous system relapse in non-Hodgkin lym- Autonomic Nervous System Movement [Schieber] 232 (Mr) phoma: a single-center study of 532 patients [Bollen] 854 Cerebral hemispheric lateralization in cardiac autonomic con- Sandler M, Ferrari M, Harnett S, eds: Migraine Pharmacol- Uy) trol [Yoon] 741 (Je) ogy and Genetics |Ziegler| 523 (My) Role of antiribosomal P protein antibodies in the diagnosis —TOTVw ARCH NEUROL/VOL 54, DEC 1997 1556 of lupus isolated to the central nervous system [Agius] an at-risk population: the Asymptomatic Carotid Athero- Cognitive function in asymptomatic HIV infection [Damos] 862 Jy) sclerosis Study experience: a statement of concern re- 179 (Fe) Central Nervous System Diseases garding watchful waiting {Castaldo] 1267 (Oc) Cognitive functions in major depression and Parkinson dis- Prognostic significance of coexistent bulky metastatic cen- Does daily aspirin diminish severity of first-ever stroke? ease |Kuzis] 982 (Au) tral nervous system disease in patients with leptomenin- [Karepov] 1369 (No) Cognitive manifestations of Huntington disease in relation geal metastases [Chamberlain] 1364 (No) Does modification of the Innsbruck and the Glasgow Coma to genetic structure and clinical onset (Jason] 1081 (Se) Cerebellar Ataxia Scales improve their ability to predict functional out- Comparative evolution of Alzheimer disease, vascular de- Analysis of fast single-joint and multijoint movements in come? [Diringer] 606 (My) mentia, and mixed dementia [Bowler] 697 (Je) cerebellar cortical atrophy: failure of L-hydroxytrypto- Effect of robot-assisted therapy and rehabilitative training Detection of mild dementia in community surveys: is it pos- phan to improve cerebellar ataxia (letter) [Manto] 1192 on motor recovery following stroke |Aisen] 443 (Ap) sible to increase the accuracy of our diagnostic instru- (Oc) Features, symptoms, and neurophysiclogical findings in ments? [Herlitz] 319 (Mr) Buspirone, a 5-hydroxytryptamine,, agonist, is active in cer- stroke associated with hyperhomocysteinemia [Evers] Early cognitive and motor symptoms in identified carriers ebellar ataxia: results of a double-blind drug placebo study 1276 (Oc) of the gene for Huntington disease [de Boo] 1353 (No) in patients with cerebellar cortical atrophy |T rouillas] 749 Giant Lambl excrescences: an unusual source of cerebral em- Electrophysiological analysis of altered cognitive func- (Je) bolism [Nighoghossian] 41 (Ja) tions in Huntington disease [Mante] 1089 (Se) Double-blind crossover study with physostigmine in pa- Human immunodeficiency virus infection and stroke in Multiple sclerosis screening examinations (letter) [Beatty] tients with degenerative cerebellar diseases [Wessel] 397 young patients [Qureshi] 1150 (Se) 352 (Ap) (Ap) New therapies for stroke [Caplan] 1222 (Oc) Neurocognitive impairment is an independent risk factor Cerebellar Cortex Number of pregnancies and risk for stroke and stroke sub- for death in HIV infection [Ellis] 416 (Ap) Analysis of fast single-joint and multijoint movements in types [Qureshi] 203 (Fe) Neurologist’s perspective on the aging brain [Sacks] 1211 cerebellar cortical atrophy: failure of t-hydroxytrypto Periventricular white matter lucencies in patients with la- (Oc) phan to improve cerebellar ataxia (letter) [Manto] 1192 cunar stroke: a marker of too high or too low blood pres- On the nature of cost-savings treatment analysis [Riggs] 683 (Oc) sure? [Chamorro] 1284 (Oc) Ue) Cerebellar Diseases Quality-based medicine [Toole] 23 (Ja) Persistent vegetative state in Alzheimer disease: does it ex- Double-blind crossover study with physostigmine in pa- Rodent models of stroke (letter) [Neff] 350 (reply) [Hachin- ist? [Volicer] 1382 (No) tients with degenerative cerebellar diseases [Wessel] 397 ski] 351 (Ap) Post-Lyme syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome: neu- (Ap) Stroke associated with cardiac surgery: determinants, tim- ropsychiatric similarities and differences [Gaudino] 1372 Impaired upper limb coordination in alcoholic cerebellar de- ing, and stroke subtypes [Libman] 83 (Ja) (No) generation [Johnson-Greene] 436 (Ap) Total quality improvement method for reduction of delays Presence and treatment of vascular risk factors in patients Cerebellum between emergency department admission and treat- with vascular cognitive impairment [Rockwood] 33 (Ja) Cerebellar atrophy decreases the threshold of carbamaze- ment of acute ischemic stroke [Tilley] 1466 (De) Prevalence and neurobehaviorai correlates of pathological pine toxicity in patients with chronic focal epilepsy Traditional risk factors for stroke in the young (letter) laughing and crying in multiple sclerosis [Feinstein] 1116 [Specht] 427 (Ap) [Marini] 351 (reply) [Kittner] 352 (Ap) (Se) Cerebellar volume in adults with Down syndrome [Aylward] Unusual cause of dysarthria in a patient with cerebrovas- Reliability of the Washington University Road Test: a per- 209 (Fe) cular disease (letter) [Coulter] 515 (My) formance-based assessment for drivers with dementia of Cerebral Cortex Chemotherapy see Drug Therapy the Alzheimer type [Hunt] 707 (Je) Apolipoprotein E in cerebrospinal fluid in 85-year-old sub- Chest Pain Risk factors for depression in Parkinson disease |T andberg} jects: relation to dementia, apolipoprotein E polymor- Characteristics and determinants of sumatriptan- 625 (My) phism, cerebral atrophy, and white matter lesions [Skoog] associated chest pain |Ottervanger| 1387 (No) Serial neuropsychological assessment and magnetic reso- 267 (Mr) Chicago nance imaging analysis in multiple sclerosis |Hohol] 1018 Changing interpretations of the human cortical pattern Central pontine myelinolysis in a patient with classic heat (Au) Lan[gMuaaugdeg-ials]s oc7i6a9t ed(J ec)o rtical regions are proportionally larger Chisltdr oke (letter) [McNamee] 935 (Au) Vali7d5i6t y( Joef) new memory complaints in the elderly [Schofield] in the female brain [Harasty] 171 (Fe) Childhood absence epilepsy and accidents (letter) [Deonna] Coma Selective cortical and hippocampal volume correlates of Mat- (reply) [Wirrell] 1063 (Se) Role of evoked potentials in coma (letter) [Rothstein] 17 tis Dementia Rating Scale in Alzheimer disease |Fama] Dichotic-listening performance and intracarotid injections (reply) [Madi] 18 (Ja) 719 (Je) of amobarbital in children and adolescents: preoperative Computer Simulation Cerebral Embolism and Thrombosis and postoperative comparisons |Hugdahl] 1494 (De) Simulated car crashes and crash predictors in drivers with Giant Lambl excrescences: an unusual source of cerebral em- Penicillamine-related neurologic syndrome in a child af- Alzheimer disease [Rizzo] 545 (My) bolism [Nighoghossian] 41 (Ja) fected by Wilson disease with hepatic presentation [Porzio] Concentration see Attention New therapies for stroke [Caplan] 1222 (Oc) 1166 (Se) Condorcet Paradox Cerebral Hemorrhage Recurrent supratentorial malignant gliomas in children: long- Assessing quality of care: the limitation imposed by Con- Does modification of the Innsbruck and the Glasgow Coma t5e5r4m (sMayl)v age therapy with oral etoposide [Chamberlain] dorcet paradox [Riggs] 1351 (No) Scales improve their ability to predict functional out- Consciousness come? [Diringer] 606 (My) Choline Changing interpretations of the human cortical pattern Number of pregnancies and risk for stroke and stroke sub- Localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in pa- [Maudgil] 769 (Je) types [Qureshi] 203 (Fe) tients with adult adrenoleukodystrophy: increase of cho- Continuous Quality Improvement Cerebral Infarction line compounds in normal-appearing white matter Measuring quality of care in neurology [Ringel] 1329 (No) NHuuymmobauennr g iopmfa mtpuirenenogtdnsea nf[ciQicueirsee snhaciny]d rv1ii1srk5u 0sf or(i Snesf)te rcotki«o n anadn ds trsotkreo kes ubi-n CUhpod[laTitoneue rrbgoanih c] p Argi5em8na6 trys( Myd)r ug therapies for Alzheimer disease CCoonn(ttlrretootllellre)e dd [PCcallsiincniuiczcazalil ] tTrir1ail3as2l s3o f (aNnoy)t hing in myasthenia gravis types [Qureshi] 203 (Fe) {[Knopman] 1406 (No) CPNeaatrtteeurnrbatarn las lfe oscroIoapusmhrceashngee emaioolavf a lecece hreuinbc raparaldt iioelngetsrsia opnwhsii tchi n sctSeurndeeybd rda[loP ent itnyfs]a yr8cnt1di9ro no:Jm ye) a CCChhhooovrrleeerieoonlaaoyttm hhineemetteuoortssoiiilcsso s g aiscs aeale l syiCd heoi lmeifpfnaeeicrrtg eiodcf gpaaAtbgiaeepnnettnsst i[nC htuhdernaopwy] in 91se0- CAFsrOsobJiNanessTt)taeoR ldt O edVsmeuEpgieoRcnriSeadrIela Et(Sidloe entgt:eIe rnN) eo nrNea[E tKieUoonkRtnmi,Ote yLn ]POoi rGc k(Y3 r? e dpi3l(s yHe[)aaN scee[ha,Hir anyc]sah kniidn1 s4k2Vci,5o] r t e(idN6c)o7o )-4 CDeerlags[eancaTby lror eaduartiiro-lnnsrb giiars sIhke sw] pca Sophttroec5utpmh3diui fnylaug(a ,lJ t aei)sxTo wpyrnaema:ir nptisitteinhonegecmn estA:| s Cyaoamsf tpsacttlaoardmotoat]eit mdei n1ct2a 6 rt7Ceoa rfry( o Octcios)dnt ecneAortsnhi esr orei--n CCCFahhhmrrrnOieyloooti)immma coool sssmoooeasmmmpseeepe nitni4M1ga 7a ls p es[peetJ iera nCenghCmk oorhvrori mocom]in so os42mo 8em9k isen,s(d M,rre H)d suH:mu amnap,nr ,os PpaePiacrit rs4 1f7o r ge- FFMrraoognb(neanNasnttogaeoo)elrt t adeetd mimepocpgnoaeo:rrnr eaea lrloaa ntndeided o meneemg:nnea ttniniettaayhrg ,raee toedriP oienc3dnk?,te iatd1tiiP hesi[ secK ake[so rHert,a de ci1ssha?zein ]and[ ss Heka1c,ioc4 ]rh2 tai7inn c3dso(3 kbN0iaco ]so) (ar lMt1 ir4c)do2 e-9- Limb-shaking carotid transient ischemic attacks success- Chromosomes, Human, Pair 4 Managed care and managed death: coincidence [Menken] fmuelnly t[rLeeaitread] w9i0t4h m(oJdyi) fication of the antihypertensive regi- GCehnreo mofosro mPaersk,i nsHounm adni,s eaPsaei r |C1h7a se] 1156 (Se) Man3a28g ed(M rc)a re and managed death: peas from the same pod? Cerebral Ventricles Clinical characteristics of a chromosome 17-linked rap- [McQuillen] 326 (Mr) CPeerreibvernatlr ivceunltarri clwesh:i tef rmoamt tesrou l ‘utcoe nsciineks [Sinc hiplalteire]n ts1 1w5i8t h( Sela)- 5id3l9y p(rMoyg)r essive familial frontotemporal dementia [Basun] CForrotnitcootbeamspaol raDle gedneegreanteiroatni on, Pick disease, and cortico- cunar stroke: a marker of too high or too low blood pres- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome see Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic basal degeneration: one entity or 3? 3 [Neary] 1425 (No) sure? [Chamorro] 1284 (Oc) Classification Frontotemporal degeneration, Pick disease, and cortico- CApeorleibproopsrpoitneailn FEl uiind cerebrospinal fluid in 85-year-old sub- Claas scifoimcpaatrioins oann d bsettawgeiengn ofn eduermaeln tnieat woofr tkhse Aalnzdh eliimneera r tdyipse- b(aNsoa)l degeneration: three entities or 1? [Hachinski] 1429 jects: relation to dementia, apolipoprotein E polymor- criminant analysis [French] 1001 (Au) Frontotemporal dementia, Pick disease, and corticobasal de- phism, cerebral atrophy, and white matter lesions [Skoog] Cognition generation: one entity or 3? 1 [Kertesz] 1427 (No) 267 (Mr) Cognitive sequelae of unilateral posteroventral pal- Corticosteroids see Adrenal Cortex Hormones Cerebral ventricles: from soul to sink [Schiller] 1158 (Se) lidotomy [Soukup] 947 (Au) Cerleobidr opsrpeicnuarls ofrl uipdr olteveeilns moif rar-osre ccroegtnaistei—ocnl eaivn ead Sswoelduibslhe afmaym-- DomEaxiamni nsapteiciofni ci[tTy ieorfn etyhe] s7u1bt3e s(tJse ) of the Mini-Mental State CCoornttircooltlredo picnl inical trials of anything in. myasthenia gravis ily with Alzheimer disease and a gene mutation [Almkvist] Effects of xanomeline, a selective muscarinic receptor ago- (letter) [Pascuzzi] 1323 (No) 641 (My) nist, on cognitive function and behavioral symptoms in Ocular myasthenia gravis (letter) [McQuillen] (reply) Cerebrovascular Disorders Alzheimer disease |Bodick] 465 (Ap) [Kupersmith] 229 (Mr) Aging brain: limitations in our knowledge and future ap- Cognition Disorders Cost-Benefit Analysis proaches [Katzman] 1201 (Oc) Apolipoprotein E phenotype and cognitive decline in a pro- Cognitive function and the costs of Alzheimer disease: an Association between migraine and stroke in a iarge-scale epi- spective study of elderly community women [Yaffe] 1110 exploratory study [Ernst] 687 (Je) demiological study of the United States [Merikangas] 362 (Se) On the nature of cost-savings treatment analysis |R iggs] 683 (Ap) Bilateral temporal lobe volume reduction parallels cogni- Ge) Consensus against both endarterectomy and routine screen- tive impairment in progressive aphasia [Andersen] 1294 Cost Control ing for asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis [Perry] 25 (Oc) Quality of neurological care: balancing cost control and eth- (Ja) Cognitive function and the costs of Alzheimer disease: an ics [Bernat] 1341 (No) Delay in reporting symptoms of carotid artery stenosis in exploratory study [Ernst] 687 (Je) Cost-effectiveness see Cost-Benefit Analysis EE ARCH NEUROL/VOL 54, DEC 1997 1557 Cost Savings Selective cortical and hippocampal volume correlates of Mat- Serial neuropsychological assessment and magnetic reso- Cognitive function and the costs of Alzheimer disease: an tis Dementia Rating Scale in Alzheimer disease [Fama] nance imaging analysis in multiple sclerosis [Hohol] 1018 exploratory study [Ernst] 687 (Je) 719 (Je) (Au) On the nature of cost-savings treatment analysis |R iggs] 683 T-cell interferon gamma binding in patients with dementia Disease Susceptibility Ge) of the Alzheimer type [Bongioanni] 457 (Ap) Genetic testing for Alzheimer disease: practical and ethical Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome Validity of new memory complaints in the elderly [Schofield] issues [Roses] 1226 (Oc) Brain magnetic resonance diffusion abnormalities in 756 Je) Prevalence of asymptomatic tremor in relatives of patients Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease [Bahn] 1411 (No) Validity of the family history method for identifying Alzhei- with essential tremor [Louis] 197 (Fe) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a prolific blood donor (letter) mer disease [Li] 634 (My) Dislocations [Riggs] 1323 (No) Visual loss as a causative factor in visual hallucinations as- Unusual cause of dysarthria in a patient with cerebrovas- Crying sociated with Parkinson disease (letter) [Lepore] 799 (Jy) cular disease (letter) [Coulter] 515 (My) Prevalence and neurobehavioral correlates of pathological Dementia, Presenile Divalproex see Valproic Acid laughing and crying in multiple sclerosis [Feinstein] 1116 Frontotemporal degeneration, Pick disease, and cortico- Diving (Se) basal degeneration: one entity or 3? 3 [Neary] 1425 (No) Helium and oxygen treatment of severe air-diving- Cryptococcosis Frontotemporal degeneration, Pick disease, and cortico- induced neurologic decompression sickness [Shupak] 305 Impact of neurologic disease on hospitalizations related to basal degeneration: three entities or 1? [Hachinski] 1429 (Mr) human immunodeficiency virus infection in Maryland (No) DNA 1991-1992 [Dal Pan] 846 (Jy) Frontotemporal dementia, Pick disease, and corticobasal de- Presence of herpes simplex DNA in surgical tissue from hu- Cyclophosphamide generation: one entity or 3? 1 |Kertesz] 1427 (No) man epileptic seizure foci detected by polymerase chain Dementia improvement with cytotoxic chemotherapy: a case Neuronal expression of class II major histocompatibility com- reaction: preliminary study [Sanders) 954 (Au) of Alzheimer disease and multiple myeloma |K eimowitz] plex (HLA-DR) in 2 cases of Pick disease [Hollister] 243 Dopamine 485 (Ap) (Mr) Functional effects of striatal dysfunction in Parkinson dis- Cytarabine Dementia, Vascular ease [Holthoff-Detto] 145 (Fe) Central nervous system relapse in non-Hodgkin lym- Presence and treatment of vascular risk factors in patients Dopamine D, Receptors see Receptors, Dopamine D, phoma: a single-center study of 532 patients [Bollen} 854 with vascular cognitive impairment [Rockwood] 33 (Ja) Double-Blind Method Gy) Demyelinating Diseases Double-blind crossover study with physostigmine in pa- Cytokines Fulminating encephalopathy with perivenular demyelin- tients with degenerative cerebellar diseases [Wessel] 397 T-cell interferon gamma binding in patients with dementia ation and vacuolar myelopathy as the initial presenta- (Ap) of the Alzheimer type |[Bongioanni] 457 (Ap) tion of human immunodeficiency virus infection [Silver] Down Syndrome 647 (My) Cerebellar volume in adults with Down syndrome |A ylward] D Demyelination see Demyelinating Diseases 209 (Fe) Death Depressive Disorder Drug Tolerance Managed care and managed death [Hachinski] 330 (Mr) Cognitive functions in major depression and Parkinson dis- Buspirone, a 5-hydroxytryptamine,, agonist, is active in cer- Managed care and managed death: coincidence [Menken] ease [Kuzis] 982 (Au) ebellar ataxia: results of a double-blind drug placebo study 328 (Mr) Neuroanatomical substrates of late-life minor depression in patients with cerebellar cortical atrophy |T rouillas] 749 DMeacn[oaMmgcpQeurdie lsclsaerineo ]n a nd3S2 i6mc ka(nnMearsg)se d death: peas from the same pod? Olf6aa 1cq3tu oanr(tyMi tyda)yt isvfeu ncmtaigonnet iicr. praetsioennatns cew itihm agheiandg sttruaduym a |K [uDmoatry]] CerpJeiebn)ee l latro xiactirtoy phiyn dpeactrieeanstess wtihteh tchrhersohnoilcd foofc acla rebpaimlaezpes-y Helium and oxygen treatment of severe air-diving— 1131 (Se) [Specht] 427 (Ap) induced neurologic decompression sickness |Shupak] 305 Premorbid personality and behavioral symptoms in Alzhei- DSM-IV (Mr) mer disease: some cautions [Strauss] 257 (Mr) Diagnostic criteria for genetic studies of Tourette syn- Delivery of Health Care, Integrated Risk factors for depression in Parkinson disease |T andberg] drome (letter) [Kurlan] 517 (My) Mismanaged care (letter) [Green] 229 (Mr) 625 (My) Dysarthria Delusions Treatment of depression improves adherence to interferon Complicated’ autosomal dominant familial spastic paraple- Role of antiribosomal P protein antibodies in the diagnosis beta- 1b therapy for multiple sclerosis [Mohr] 531 (My) gia is genetically distinct from ‘pure’ forms |Meierkord] of lupus isolated to the central nervous system [Agius] Diabetes Mellitus 379 (Ap) 862 (Jy) Presence and treatment of vascular risk factors in patients Unusual cause of dysarthria in a patient with cerebrovas- Dementia with vascular cognitive impairment [Rockwood] 33 (Ja) cular disease (letter) [Coulter] 515 (My) Aging brain: limitations in our knowledge and future ap- Traditional risk factors for stroke in the young (letter) Dyslexia proaches [Katzman] 1201 (Oc) [Marini] 351 (reply) [Kittner] 352 (Ap) Magnetic resonance imaging study of planum temporale Alzheimer disease and frontotemporal dementia (letter) Diagnosis asymmetry in men with developmental dyslexia [Rumsey] [Rozzini] 350 (Ap) Detection of mild dementia in community surveys: is it pos- 1481 (De) Apolipoprotein E in cerebrospinal fluid in 85-year-old sub- sible to increase the accuracy of our diagnostic instru- Positron emission tomographic study of impaired word rec- jects: relation to dementia, apolipoprotein E polymor- ments? [Herlitz] 319 (Mr) ognition and phonological processing in dyslexic men phism, cerebral atrophy, and white matter lesions [Skoog] Diagnostic criteria for genetic studies of Tourette syn- [Rumsey] 562 (My) 267 (Mr) drome (letter) [Kurlan] 517 (My) Dystonia Autopsy-proven Alzheimer disease in a patient with demen- Persistent vegetative state in Alzheimer disease: does it ex- Familial essential tremor in 4 kindreds: prospects for ge- tia who retained musical skill in life (letter) [Beatty] 1448 ist? [Volicer] 1382 (No) netic mapping |Jankovic] 289 (Mr) Bila(tDeer)a l temporal lobe volume reduction parallels cogni- Preasgnyomspitso moaft ipcr ogrheyspseirvtee nssuiporna niusc la emaarj orpa lfseya t|urGeh ikian ] the1 10di4- E tive impairment in progressive aphasia [Andersen] 1294 (Se) (Oc) Role of antiribosomal P protein antibodies in the diagnosis Echocardiography, Transesophageal Cerebellar volume in adults with Down syndrome |Ay!ward] of lupus isolated to the central nervous system [Agius] Giant Lambl excrescences: an unusual source of cerebral em- 209 (Fe) 862 (Jy) bolism [Nighoghossian] 41 (Ja) Classification and staging of dementia of the Alzheimer type What is the accuracy of the clinical diagnosis of multiple Patent foramen ovale in patients with cerebral infarction: a a comparison between neural networks and linear dis- system atrophy? a clinicopathologic study [Litvan] 937 transesophageal echocardiographic study [Petty] 819 (jy) criminant analysis [French] 1001 (Au) (Au) Education, Medical Clinical characteristics of a chromosome 17-linked rap- Dichotic Listening Tests Quality of care in academic neurology departments [Barchi] idly progressive familial frontotemporal dementia [Basun] Dichotic-listening performance and intracarotid injections 1336 (No) 539 (My) of amobarbital in children and adolescents: preoperative Education, Medical, Graduate Cognitive function and the costs of Alzheimer disease: an and postoperative comparisons [Hugdahl] 1494 (De) Quality of neurological care, 1997 [Rowland] 1327 (No) exploratory study [Ernst] 687 (Je) Didanosine To be or not to be? that is the question facing many neu- Comparative evolution of Alzheimer disease, vascular de- Hearing loss and antiretroviral therapy in patients infected rology residency programs (letter) [Riggs] 516 (My) mentia, and mixed dementia [Bowler]|.697 (Je) with HIV-1 [Marra] 407 (Ap) Educational Status Creuizfeldt-Jakob disease in a prolific bleod donor (letter) Diffusion Education and other measures of socioeconomic status and [Riggs] 1323 (No) Brain magnetic resonance diffusion abnormalities in risk of incident Alzheimer disease in a defined popula- Dementia improvement with cytotoxic chemotherapy: a case Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease [Bahn] 1411 (No) tion of older persons [Evans] 1399 (No) of Alzheimer disease and multiple myeloma [Keimowitz] Disabled Elderly 485 (Ap) Prevalence and neurobehavioral correlates of pathological Apolipoprotein E in cerebrospinal fluid in 85-year-old sub- Detection of mild dementia in community surveys: is it pos- laughing and crying in multiple sclerosis [Feinstein] 1116 jects: relation to dementia, apolipoprotein E polymor- sible to increase the accuracy of our diagnostic instru- (Se) phism, cerebral atrophy, and white matter lesions [Skoog] ments? [Herlitz] 319 (Mr) Discriminant Analysis 267 (Mr) Extrapyramidal signs in patients with probable Alzheimer Classification and staging of dementia of the Alzheimer type Apolipoprotein E phenotype and cognitive decline in a pro- disease [Lopez] 969 (Au) a comparison between neural networks and linear dis- spective study of elderly community women [Yaffe] 1110 Mortality from Parkinson disease {Louis} 260 (Mr) criminant analysis [French] 1001 (Au) (Se) Neurologist's perspective on the aging brain [Sacks] 1211 Disease Progression Balance in the healthy elderly: posturography and clinical (Oc) Clinica) characteristics of a chromosome 17-linked rap- assessment [Camicioli] 976 (Au) Oldest-oid healthy brain function: the genomic potential idly progressive familial frontotemporal dementia |Basun] Education and other measures of socioeconomic status and [Kaye] 1217 (Oc) 539 (My) risk of incident Alzheimer disease in a defined popula- Olfactory dysfunction for pyridine and dementia progres- Comparative evolution of Alzheimer disease, vascular de- tion of older persons [Evans] 1399 (No) sion in Alzheimer disease |N ordin] 993 (Au) mentia, and mixed dementia [Bowler] 697 (Je) Exclusion of elderly subjects from clinical trials for Parkin- On the nature of cost-savings treatment analysis |Riggs| 683 Motor neuron disease and angiotropic lymphoma [Rubio]! son disease [Mitchell] 1393 (No) Ve) 92 Va) Neuroanatomical substrates of late-life minor depression Prose recall in dementia: a comparison of delay intervals Neurological and psychiatric predictors of mortality in pa- a quantitative magnetic resonance imaging study |K umar] [Chapman] 1501 (De) tients with Alzheimer disease in California [Moritz] 878 613 (My) Pupil dilation to tropicamide is not specific for Alzheimer Uy) Oldest-old healthy brain function: the genomic potential disease [Growdon] 841 (Jy) Olfactory dysfunction for pyridine and dementia progres- [Kaye] 1217 (Oc) Reliability of the Washington University Road Test: a per- sion in Alzheimer disease [Nordin] 993 (Au) Reliability of the Washington University Road Test: a per- formance-based assessment for drivers with dementia of Persistent vegetative state in Alzheimer disease: does it ex- formance-based assessment for drivers with dementia of the Alzheimer type [Hunt] 707 (Je) ist? [Volicer] 1382 (No) the Alzheimer type [Hunt] 707 (Je) ——EE ARCH NEUROL/VOL 54, DEC 1997 1558

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