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Preview Architecture and Engineering: An Illustrated Teacher's Manual on Why Buildings Stand Up

TheN ewY orAkc adeomfSy c iences ArchitaencEdtn ugrien eering EDITORISATLA FF Erec:utlW Edita( Bill IIOl,AND AUOC,.,£_<1 110,s TheN ev.Y ostA,kc ,.ade,,,,moy,fSc ,ences GEOAClE T SIMONSON 2E �s63tr a Nt,w YOikN ttw Yor1k00 21 INDITAF hNLEY •• THEN EW YOR�KtA f'lC1AID1E7)M OYF SCIENCES BOARDO F GOVERNOR1S1183, �JE��� ,....,.,,u,.� H� HOCH IIIIjT Sf.ILIIIEJMILfAL O'"'Y •• KLHffI AlZfNOIII wt,rUn1111JAlit Ma. UGAINV'f" ....,u UA L 11'MHD •• ___ .., , • ·••..&1 l'HtLI�I IE.KEVTTZ • r��L :�:�NJHI W1UJAM T QOU>IN HAMYH UJIIJTIO •• •• = ---------� C ._L_ _ J --- r7ttjF .$ '..,..,. ,•fi!-,--�. _:•. .ry ARCHITECTURE and ENGINEERING AnI llusTteraactheMedar n'usa l onW hyB uildSitnagUnspd by MARISOA LVADOR! ColumUbniiav ersity and MICHATEELM PEL P.S75.M oft hNee wY orCki tSyc hooSly stem Witahn A ppendoinSx t yrofMooadme blys RICHAKREDL LOGG UniveorfAs riktayn sas IllustrbayMt iAoTnTsHP Y.l.S E VY WeidilAnsgseorc iates Contents ix PREFACE xiii ACKNOWLEDCMENTS THE FoRCtSTHAATcr 0115-r aucruu.s 1 Copyriabc C 1983b yTh eN owY orl< Academy of Sc,cncc1. Al ricl>&J,-r,cd I.W eigahntGd r avit2y Unit 1 2.TheW orokfE nginaeneAdrr sc hiThtee cts; Strucotftu hrCeel assroom; Live aLonadd � ,,/ c..,r ...C otaJ.si•Il al"o bllcalioo Dau DeaLdo ad 3 w.-. Mano G«q<, 1907- 3.AnE stimoaft thTeeo tWaeli gAhati nogn � a.ad.... m 1 1n«nn1 thCel assFrloooomr 4 .......,.._p 4.W eigPhetUr n iAtr ca (ParneCdso snucree)n - 1AnJuo«Ntt t Scruaunl ....,,_,,,.. trattihLoneag d 7 IT -,.1,M dlod,1 �7-IIT ulc 5.T heP resosnut rhCeel a.urooFlmoo r 8 ,,__1>4 19116 211 3l-f1f 4 6.M orAebo utP ressureIO 7.Late(rSaild ePwreasyssu)r Je/ 8.C ontriAbruetCaoo;ryn tribLuotaodry; AccumulLoaatde d1 3 9.T heE ffoefWc itn odn B uildin1g5t 10W.haHta ppentsoB uildDiunrignEsga nh- quakcs1 8 11S.t aLtoiacad nsDd y namLoiacd s 19 12T.h eP endulu2m0 13R.esonanc2e2 EQUILIBRIUM 24 14E.quiliibnTr riaunms la12i5o n Un2i t 15E.quiliibnRr oi1uamt i2o6n 16R.olatEqiuoinlailb arnitdu hmTe i ppoifn g Buildin2g9t 17C.e ntoefGr r avit3y3 18A.n otIhlelru storfEa qtuiiolni br3i6u m Un3i JT ENSIOCNo MAPNRDU SION 39 19T.e n1ainoCdno mpre114i0o n 20T.e nsCiaouns Eelso ngaatnCido omnp ression CausSehso nening CCI' ,.,1.-n.o IJIf ff4OH1PIU AN.&IJCAL lffTfD 21B.uckli4n3g IS0S-N119 7"6• 2 I 2-I 41 y UniJ 49 4 Bl!.AMs ANDC oLUMNS 85 22.H owt oS uppona Beama nda R evieofw 46.H owa T russW orks 86 Equilibri4u6m 47.A DiffeTrypee notf T russ 88 23.A eaBm DeflecUtnsd eLora ds 48 48T.w oM orTeype so fT runes 89 2♦.A BeamB endUsn dearLo ad 49 49.B uildaTi rnugs Bsr idge90 25.HowF 1Xed•EBneda mBse haivneC omparison 50.B uildAinnogt hKeirn odf T russB ridge9 2 witShi mpSluyp poneBde ams 50 51.H owT rus�Msa ybe Useda sW indB raciinng 26.H owC antilBeevaemrBs e haivneC omparison Buildin9g4s witShi mpSluyp poneadn dF ixed-End 52.B uildOitnhgTe yrpe so fT.russa; Spa ce Beams 52 Frames96 27.Loc atinTge nsiaonndC ompresisniS oinm ply SupponeFdi,x ed-aEnndCd a ntilBeevaemrsP ;o inu UnitB E7A RIWNAGL LASN DF aAMU 99 54 ofI nflection 55 53.B <earinga-nWdaF llloo (rP ost·and•Lintd) 28.L inear DSitsrtersisb ution I0 0 56 Construction 29.S hear 57 54.M akinagP ost·andi-nLtiaomR di gid 30T.o rsion 102 Frame 31. ThCero ss-SectiSohnapeao lfa S tructEulreamle nt 104 59 55.H owF rameCdo nstruWcotrikosn AffeicttSsst rength 106 56.A ViercnTdruescsl 32.Th e Wayi nW hicthh Cer osSse ctoifoa n B eami s 60 OrienAtfefde icttSsst iffness. UniJ8GA BLEFDIIA MU,A ll.CHESA,N D0o M£S 107 33.C omparBienagm osfD iffeCrreonsts -Sectional Shapes 61 57.G ablFerda m<es1 08 109 3♦T.h eS tiffonfae C sosl uminsA ffecbtyie tdCs r oss· 58.A ntifuniPt'llollayrgo nAsr;c hes SectiSohnaapel 62 59.T heV arious aSnhA arpesc Mha y 35.M omenotfl nenia6 3 Taite ll2 36.W hicMha terian:aA lpsp roprfoiraS tteru ctures; 60.Vauha1n dDo mes JU TheD ifferBeentcweeE elna saLnidPc l astic Behavio6r4 UniJ9Fo LOi:.o-PRvoo.nT i:. JJ7 37.M oreon E lasatnidPc l asPtroipecn ieosf 66 61.B uildaiS ntgr ucwtiutraheF olded-Plate Materials 118 67 Roof 38.I sotraonpdAi nci sotrMoaptiecr ials 62.B uilding SAtnroutc-hwteiurtr ahcC rca�d- 39.So me MateriWaolrskE qualWldyli nT ensiaonnd JJ9 PapeRroo f CompresasnidoSo nm e DoN otH;o wR einforced 120 68 63.B uildaiC nrgc a�d-PBaapcrrerlR oof Concr,esMt aed e UnJiOtI NFLAMTEEMDB RANES 122 u .. , 70 5 ACBLESA NDM EMBARNES 64.H owI nflatMeedm branB�e havUes;i nagn 40.H owC ablCeasr rLoya ds 71 Inflated Maesma bB reaanme 123 41T.h eF unicu(loSartr r iPnogl)y gon72 65.U sinagnI nflaMteemdb raansea 125 42.H owS uspcmBiroind gWeosr k 74 Column 43.H owa N eto fC ablWeosr kHso;w M embrane• 66.U sinIgn flaMteemdb ranteoBs u iTlrdu sses Worka sS tructur7e9s anda H ouse 125 44. HyperbPoalriacb ol(oHiydpsa rs8)2 67.B uildaiT negt raheadnrdoW nh eewlfst h 45.E valuaItt( iPnig) 83 InflaMteemdb ranes1 26 vi vii Preface 68. BuildPiynrga mwiidtsIh n flaMteemdb ranes f.Jld ConnectThienmgt oF orma TakenaTkrau ss /27 69.U sinIgn flated Me1m0Mb arkaean nnA rrh, aD om,.a,B arrReoolf ,a nda Lamdla 128 Roof 70.M alunga S ingle-ILnafyleaMrte emdb rane Thimsa nuiaslt hfer uoifmt y w orikn t hsceh oolosfE asHta r­ 129 Roof lemt,h Neo nha ndS outBhr onaxn,do thaerre oafst hNeew York CitSyc hooSly stdeumr itnhgle a sste veyne ars. 133 SuccESTtONO NHSo wT OU s£T HIMSA NUAL Wheni n1 97t5h teh esnc iecnoocred inoafDti osrt 4r,iB cotn nie 33 0vCJ"View / Brownstaesiknet,dh eh elopf t hem emberosfT heN ewY ork 134 Sequencing AcadeomfSy c ienicnee nsr icthhisenc gi ecunrrciec uliunhm e dri s­ 136 FloCwh arting striIpc rto,po saesmd y c ontribauc toiuonincnar chitecsttururca­l 136 ExamploefPs r eplaSenqnueedn ces turfoerst hset udeinnt so nteh jeou fn ihoirgsc hh oolosft hadti strict. The Playgrou1nd37 Then ewc oune, "cWahlyBlu eidl dSitnagnUsdp ,w"a sg oitngob e 139 Bridges baseodn o neI h adt augfhottr h el as3t0y eain nt hGera duate U 1 Slcyscrapen Schooolf A rchiteacntdUu rrbea Pnl annaitnC go lumbUinai ver­ Paper H2 sity. 143 InflaMteemdb ran(esB alloons) Tom ys urprmiysp er oposwaalsa ccepteIdt haunbsde gan 143 A ConstruScittieo n teachaitnt gh eR aphaCeolr deBriol ingMuianli schioonEl a st 146 A DemoliStiitoen Harleams,s isbtyte wdoo fm yC olumbsitau deInttw sa.sh artdo 146 HistoriSctauld ies belietvhee,tn h,a 1t2 a-nd1 3-ycarw-ooullbedd s i ntereisnat ed LiteraanrdAy n StudieHs7 courosfef ouneSeOn- minsessuitoen so nt heb aspirci nciopfl es 148 WorkianngdR ecording architecatnuder negi neerBiunttg h.3e 0 u nscreesntedu dewnhtos ExamplaensdC alculatiUo9n s voluntefeotrrhe cdeo unsch owesdu cihn credeinbtlheu sfoira sm 52 MaterainadlG sa mes / thied ewaesp resentthedme,od eltsh ebyu ilatn,dt hbeu ildainndg s 152 CardboaPradpe,r , Waoodn d bridgweesv isittoegde tthhearIt,w asu rgedt ow riat tee acher's TonguDec pressoIncC,e r eam SticPkasp,e ra nd manuatlofa cilitthadeti es seminoaftt hiceoo nu nTch.e f indtr aft 153 Fasteners hasbe end istriibnua tl5el0d s tataesws e lalsG reaBtri taainnd 153 Styrofoam Australia. Construct-OG-eSot-rDa-wSTsti,in xkT,eo ry s, AnnaF reutdh,de a ughotfSe igmr undF reuadn da na uthority 153 Strawasn,dP ipCel eaners onc hiplsdy choelxopglya,ai wnaemydy s urpriThsee s.u ccoefts hse 155 Wooden Blocks courses,h sea iwda,sd uet ot hrfaecet oTnh.e c ourdseea wlist thh e 156 ErecSteotrs buielntv irontmheanittsw ,,i tah" relailfs eu"b jercatt,ht ehraw ni th 156 OtheCro nstirouTnco ty s theorestuibcjaellci tkmsea themaatnidgc rsa mmaTrh.es tudents 157 WeighianngdM easurEiqnugi pment arca ta na gew hetnh elyo vteou steh emiarn uaslk itlhlrso utghhe 158 A Notoen W eighatnsdM easures buildoifmn odge lTsh.e s tudeanrcta sta po initn t hedierv elopment APP!.NDICES 161 whetnh eiinrt geenlcleiis s tiglrlo wianfgt:pe urbe nyi,ts eemosu,r A.S tyrofMooadme blysR ichaKredl logg1 61 intgeenlcleri emaiwnhsai tti so rm,o roef te"goen,sd ownhiThlel ." B.S ourcoefMs a teria/l7 s7 half-hfoiultrma kednu ritnhgec oursseh•o wtsh at FDrre.u d's C.G lossar/y7 8 assessimsee nntti rceolryr ect. 188 D.B ibliography •Th e frnu iaav ailoanlb olaefn r oPumb licaSetrivoincTh ee, N,e wY orAku drmy 193 )ND!.X BYL ESSONNU MBER ofSci ences( 2Ea.I t 63rSdt reNeetwY, o rNkY, 10021o)rm aybe boughtfr omt he Audemy. viii ix Followlihne1g u gge1o1fmi aonny e duca1tohnaat m orceo m· Prtfac, pensimvae1e r•,iM aaJn1yp atthhsr outghhne a nuacla nbe based Pr,f ac, pleatnedd etaiplreeds entwaotuilbeod no fg reautteira ta1n0pc reo · ont hmea teruisaeldts:h een gineeorfpai penrg mod els,t hteec h· tpenivlec: achIed ne,c idtroro e vit1heel imd raofft1 hmea nual. noloogfyE recstcourt, h ceo nstruocftt oinognu c-dep1rc1uorurc • Thihsa be1e nm adepo ssibblyte h uen iq,ukei alnldis n valucaobll·e luretsha,er chi1cocfS1 tuyrrco fmoodaeml sTh.e rei 1n ol im1i0tt h e labora1oifoM ni chaTeelm peoln,e o fm y formeenrg ineering developomfes nutc mhod elso:u re xperiesnowhce• thayto ur 1tudeann1da1 c eniltie.-adc mh etrhN ee wY orCki tsyc hoo1ly 11em. studewnitlcslo ntriebnu1theu 1ias110mi odecla lbluyil dinpga,r ­ Them anuaplu,b listhherdo utghhge e ncroa1nidi1 ny1 ueo1f1 ticuloaftr hlseyt ructtueyh riensv etnhte mselves. TheN ewY orAka ulc:moyfS cienpcrees1,e tnhume ateriin1a hle Althousg1hr,is cpe1alkyi an1 gc,x 1boofokr t hCOUel'e docsn ot courssuebd iviidnetd1o 0 u nictosm pri7s0il negs soEnascl.he sson exiasntdi sn on1e edewdes, u ggaessa tpo uibl1cc xaboot k Iw rote con1io1f1:1 foyro unagd ulttA s n.u mbero fo thsoeurr cbooek s arJei 1i1net dh e • 11a1emoefpn utr pose bibliogartta hpeehn ydo ft hmea nual. • vocabulary Theg lossoafary r chiteacntdsu trraulc ttuermaluw ,h icphre ­ • lio1f1m aterial, cedtehsbe i bliogsrhaopuhflyad,c iltih1eaci1orernet use,a lthough • detaiplrecd1 en1oaft1 hileoe nu osnu'bsj eccatl,lt ehDdee vel· eacthe rimnt hgel ossiasar lysod efinwehde rielt i natp peani nt he opmen1 ICXI, • followa-cutpi vfio1trih cceal arnoo m MichaTeelm pealn dI w oulbded elig1h0tr eedce iivneq uiries • followa-cutpi vfoirtt ihe1es1 udeanlh1 osm e( oirn t hcel ass ands uggesftriootmnh so wsheo u seo urm anuaald:red ss the1m0 room) me,c aroef ThNce wY orAkc adeomfyS cien2cE ea.sst63, r dS treet, The teachsehro unlod1f eeclo mpell1e0td e a1chhee ntisree• NewY orkN,Y 10021. quenocflec 11ion1n h1me a nuoarlt ot eatchhe imn t hoer doefr1 hcir appearanAc "ep.a o1fhl essotnhsr"o u1ghhmr a nucala nbe < hosen, MARIO SALVADOR! dictatbeytd h cei rcumstoafyn ocueersn vironamnednt thl,ee voefl Jamu R,,,u,icJ;Pro fasor( EmniJiu)of Cillil& iwm· "l intcarncdak 1n owleodfyg oeu srt udeTnhtesm .a teriinta hlme a nual GNJ Pro/am( Emrriliu)o .Afrc hil«turt Colwnbia UaiM"rity canbe 1preoavdeo rn eo rm oryee arosn.eo f o ulre achsr1na 1u1se­d inigi i nf ounghr adaen dc ontin1uherpdr esenttahtrioou1ngh hr 1eniyoerao rfj u nihoirgs hc hooAll.t hoiuiig snh a tufroaarls cience teach1e0pr r ese1nhtcm ateritahles, t udoyf a rchi1ec1aundr e enginecearanil nsgbeo u 1eidnc onjuncwtiitnohon m ciesnucbcj ects 1utah, h i11ogreyo,g raspohcyi,o leongvyi,r onmsecniteanlar neds , li1eraO1buvrico.ut shlmeya teriinta hlme a nuailsp anicuwldalr ly adapt1e0ed x cist1eu deinnm1 a1t hemaalnidpC hIy sitchsr,o u1guh practaipcpalli ca1t0ti howeno sr ladr outnehdm . Ino rde10rf ocil1ih1teaa 1sockf c hoosainni gn 1rressc1oiif n g lcnoanmso ntgh e7 0i n1 hem anuawle,h avseu ggcuien"d E,x ­ amploefsP r<"planSnec:qdu encaen su,m"l x-orfp a1hi1n spibrye d thiem medieantvei ronDmeepnetn.d oinnw gh elly,ocuar r ien i1inlly mo1ivab1yac c do n11ru•ci1liien1o hnnc c ighl,oornheon rmod o,r e bridignet •h vei cionfi1tshycc h ooolr,t h1e1 rur1iunyr ocussrc hool'• playgroyuonucd a,n f olloonweo ft hesseu 1,o{cp•at1ehudsl ,ol f whiclhe a1d0t hceo nsidrorfta h1seia omnbe a spirci nciopfal recsh i­ tectuarned1 1rluu1r Oen 1 hoet hhearn dy,o uw illiln tdls 1era rfcohr •A kic1o ntaail1nlhin cnu gu maanltdsool sn «d<d 10b uitlhmoddee lsi nt he youorw np at1h0l >ien terrasn1dci rncga 1iv,·. manuhaulbcc, n pu1t� 1hbcyrM aur�ice,i torftr he U ni,Fcede-dr atoion( S1udrwni1lg1le iln volivne1 dh reo ur1shcm ugahv arioeft y Trachr2n60P, a rAkvt nuSoru 1Nhr,w Y orNkY,,1 0010. tN umbei4r o rt hbei bliography. 11ruc1muordael1l hsa r1e qutihreues eo fe asialvya ilaanbdil nec x· xi X Acknowledgments We wish1 0e xprcuo urdee p gratitude to BonnB.r,o wnJlt1lormcrn , � al Edoo<a,io:Jeal Ptocnirm alThe � York A<Mlcmy olSc tenewnho, 1w ....,.,...t. a,ppw,a!, and mo,nadkd UIal llbe way chrouch. NydiNao,,ua , Dt«oolocrbe � Carden, Bifincua1 Muuad,uol and hcrtUIT. what<: enthu,1,tuamrw uxlo nc beoelo • � o.,,.. andf ranMk1 11awyhoa r,d mod our finl c:uurx w,da lklD and lc,y,,; AnthoAnlyv 1rwlo,S upn,ncmdnn olD utna f,wbo allowt'.d .. 1011&11 inh iJ cJJllnct, fm!Goldbn-g Supmntnaodml1Diaula 10and, luo -• N..,.... Ba,ba and BtBUc: tmtcu.p poncnm ourIIIOll ra:atl dtttria; MonmeR oealka ndA nit.myl..ancrilaa 1, our r,,.. ,.,.unc«f- anu 1nt h< 1cachmo1ft hcuou nr.an dDa nny� Mv,o Slault and ClariB<n gp,w ho follo1w1thed1« rp ath, j&n<Ln-t,l eo Jlu n,orH • Schocl PS.1 09,w bo bC!C:am< cbe( int1 -i.n 10a dopt and1 mprow ourmu rw; Pttutltu nron-,1 , 0.:.. al cbeSdaool olEn gi,,cmng. andR """ Tn u,D 1tte1or ofcb eM a1<nalT1...., , l...aborato,y alC ol,,mlxaU no,,cnuy,fo rt heiaru 1honzauon and h<lpo nu •oc1b r.cili,eia o( thrlab ; Jama S.P oltlwk,0.... . and Max Bond and 1imochy Wood. p,oknc,n tn 111< c....iua ..s.bool "'An.hllce1Ul'Ta nd Urban Planrung .. Cohunboa Un1vernwrhyo. orp.ruard • a,mpctJIICNI amonc ,bar• udmu fotrhe d wrn ofa Community Cen1itnDr i ot1n<t0 an,d 5trff fucichw ho won lba,mpt1e1 110<l and1 a1t p rnen1 uaittanc inD iann1 0; Or.R O<hanl MuU1nO1i,ren oro fM inonEtITyo i<1n E ngmc:ttiEdnugcation (Mtl). whocondue1 ed cbaneuem cn1 ofou r<IT on. � Acu1rr<,Proc,am Oirtt1orE,n on Eduatifoounn datwihoonga .v eu •h 11 good adviaa nd!ht- fonanaal hdpo ft hF.,o uodauon: DrW �laJrd. J aoot,.,,n, Tcach<rt Colkg<, ColumbU4na1 vcntwchyoa, d viu-11 andp ve1 nvaluAhoku ppon, PhilT.iR po man�oa,n t inc hN<,:w YorCkh yP oloaFeo rcweh,oh elpedo ur contac1w1i tthh ceo mmunaintdiy ,o u�rt h111ituuupcpo nn-. ConrFaodn D!1,ru toorf1 11P<o lAitchel Lea<ctuoecw, h ol""' �Y a>ntnbuttooed u r woriltnl hSotu chB ronx: Dr.M orrit H.Shamoa , PreaoodfTht <n 1N ewY orAkadnn y ofSama ,. Or SodnBo,royw i11&1,Cormtt• ExecuOutvl'TCIO<'c, andM onoMn<y<n , i"A dmu,i1• 1ra1OiIJ'CCU>vre, who1 upponeud1 f rocmh lxcg inrunagn dchoac cop ubltihs1h1 manual; RichaKne!l lopggr,coo 10rro rA n:hilcctautcrc h Utm v<r1olfAt ryl. an■aw1ho. allouw1«c !oi nduidnct hmea nuhal1 handboo1k onmo delliwnigt Sht yroloam; MatthPy.Lts v y,ap an.nour WtodlAinocn.gtti acCao,n aul�1.i n1 who skillafunldcl rya doudllttlwty h 11<e0 rao fl inder awicnhgaialt l uattatathe muaual; xiii � 1 c.roi B.Sal vadan andC -� T '"'°""°"wh•o wrtt oucrn uctda1l1 on, Acknowledgmmts Unit Peart"- ufmawhon ,u ulltfyupedUa yl1 lh,d raofft1 he1m anual, M&l)O<ic Z-rn Goldm1tw and D,ck Lynchwho, dn,gncd 1hmc,a nuwa1l11 hk dl, ThFeo rctehAsac tot n S tructures r-. Edward j· F iakEdru,c abOnD ironoorlth<- Ntw Y...t l'orh iCtO OIU1luUpO­UI port, whichb.c lped apttad ow courw throughout1 b,cU n11Sultdt N, andt heman ytcachen IIIthe Unu<dSt aiaand abroad , moll oft h<-nmotk nowton UI,w ho hattu lC'd lhcpr,viou 1d raoftfts h mca nual Buildianngdos t hsetrru ctuarrescs ubjectf,tnl of all,t ot he forocfger avyi Bottha b utldamndg i tcorusm ts h.avcw rightw,h ich musbet takiennt aoc couinntt h den gni.Some laaons of thiusni t deasli mypw litwhe igwhhti,ol tehcn aaminc \·cnpicalras un:,t he weigpehrtu niotfa rea. Ina ddit1i0go rna vnbuyi,l dianrgssuc b jectto1 kw ind,w hich cxcnass idcwparyess sTheu re.l'o rcng-cncn tebdy possibk earth­ quakeasr ca lsoa ni mport ancto nsideration inb uildinckagi gni n somcl ocatiosnuchsu , C alifornia. Builgsd aircn supportoned bi.ncwions. Each floor .adds ad(u­ tionwaeli gThhet .m ti.ttac cumul&lwedri ghtrcR.S ont hlouenda. - 1iownh,i chm ustbe dajgncdt osu ppo rt it. Ifa l oadi aa pplsiueddd enllyi,lr.a cbammcr blow, iti scalled "7-ic. Otherwise iti sa U•icload . Wtnd gusum ay apply a dynamilco atdoa bu ildiwnhgich, maketsh buei ldingoscillat e like anu pside-down pendulum. RE.Tl'..SVICU: Stnuturtue ArdiurtC111hra.p tIca nnd 2 81<JdiCltth:a pt5c,n8 ,9 .,. •'• xiv lmtn J WEIGHANTD GRAVITY UniIt • lessIi,n predwihcitco hn ew ilbel h eavifesorat g ivveonl umie.,eh .a,vt eh e UniIt • la1011 2 greatdnueislt.J ObJr<livcTro.l n1rod1uhcceeon cepotfswe 1Qhr, grav//y, and density. 2 Have:t h1e:t udecnotl1le emcpttc yr rcboalx ca.f 'tgnrto utph e MAlma/.J: Kl1cheecna l1ew,oJ arosfd lffesriezwneI1,1 esra,no dr boxc,sb yw c:igNhott.i tcheabo tx eso ft hsea mwee igmhaty v ariyn gravberle,a kcfearse1boa xle s. shapea nd sNic:zxetgr.,o upt hboeltt'I accorditno1g i zacn dno tice VocabularyG:r ■vHyw,e igdhe!n,s (lu1nywl e1i gh!) thabotx eso fU lsta maei zmca yv ary inw tig(hSta.ve em ptcye real �wlopmn,1; boxesf ofru tuarcet ivities.) 1 Aakw hybod iesh avwee ight. Explatihnat th rc anhp ulolnsbod iesw itah f ortchra i1t t heir weighTth•e.f orocfeg ravointa yn o bjeicslt a rigfte h boed yt hat 2 puloln,i ti ■l arglei,kt ehe ea rtIhft. h beod yt hap1u loln,i ii so nly lmon THEW ORKOF ENGINEEANRSO ARCHITECTS; onc:-aiux tlha rHg et hee artlhi,kt eh m.-oon1,h pru lilss i1xi rne1 THES TRUCTUORFET HECI.ASSAOOM ; LIVLOEA DAN D DEADL OAD smallTehrrw. e igohftt h uet ronauotnat hmeoo n waao nc:-aoifx th their woenei agrhtth . Oly«1ivuT:oe xpl1ahiaenc tivlolfale rsc hltaecndu e ngineersI n cons1ruacndt tlhodeni fferbeenctweee n wha1 an Aak";I Wfa llScyh irrwae itgah8 0k g( 1 75l bso)ne anhh,o w archidtoeesca tndwha t aneng l�r does. muchd oc■h ew dgho nt hmeoo n?A"n swe1r3:k K( 2l9b sT)h.i iss Tod escrtihbee strofu cthet ruoomr.e whyt huet ronauctosu jludm ps oc .uilwyh iolent hmeoo n. ToI ntrodtuhcceeoncep ts of /Ivloaed and dead load. 2 Aakw holi radti acov(eir.cped.r ,o poatchdie d eoaf g)r avity. MaJtTUJlsE:r ecSettoo rr o thconsetrr uc11rnaon1 erl(aselea uaac development). Aruwcr: NewtoinnE, n glainn1d 6 6T5e.l tlh set oorfty h aep • pief alloinnh gi hse awdh ilheew ass lerpuinndgea r t reweh,i ch Vocaaryb:u lArchimteecchatn.i ecngailnee rs.1 ruc1eungrianle er, lilvoae dd,e aldoa dcol,u mn,bea m. wall. gavhei mt hidee ao fg raviEtnya.ct ths et ourys ianr ge aalp ple. You artch te.rcc anda 1 1udcinsN 1c w1oAns.kt hcel aqsusi etly whether Dro,lopmmJ; 1 you■ houdlrodp t haep pflreo amg rch.ieti gohrat s mahleli gOhnte Aakt hset ude"nWuh:a doc,t ana rchidot,ecta ndw hadoCIt an 11udcantlt e,a st,s ayw".iF lrloa mg rehaeti ghUts.eh" i mt,h eans. engindc:oe?rT" h ene xplain: rllOOf' Newton rtahtanht ehrse t udwehntov olunteteober .-Nedw to.n Thea rchidteeccittd he■esh apco ft hbru ildtihnlegoc ,a tioof n flOURI: 2.1 thev arioruoosm st,h et ypeo fs taiann dc lcvataonrdta h,ea p· 3 Use:j aafu rl olfw atescroi n kai tcshceantl ome e asutrhewee ight pcaranocfct hbeu ilding. ofw ate(rS.u btrtahcewt e igohftt heem ptjya rT.h)e nfi l1lh jea r Them c:chaneincalg indeeesri tghncesl cvatthoperal ,u mbing, wit1hn nodra tonaensdm easutrhewe c: igohftt h jea cro nteangtasi n. thaei r-conditthiheoe naitniagnn,gdt , h eel ectri1cyal1 1ems. Showt hatth wee igohftt h sea mveo ludmeep t'nodnts h mea terial. Thes tructeunrgailnm cackress urteh beu ildwiinlsglt anudp ,l.0011 Filtlhj ea rag aitnh,it si mwei tah b reakcf.-ars.-taa nldw eigihi undetrhw ee ightth peeoo fp laen do bjeicntt hsbe u ildinlgo a(dl)i,v e agaiCno.m patrhewe e igohrtt h ivso luomfec c.-wri.-1lahil wt eei ght thwee ightth beou fi ldiitnse(gld fe ad laonadtd h)ee,f foefcs tt rong llAN oft h■ea mve olumofew atearn ds andR .-pt'tahtwe e ighoifnt gh e winds poaunidb,l eya,n hquakrs. thrmeaet erwiiatlahsd 1fTesriejznae1a r n dr ecotrhdre e suWlhtesn 2 compartihnrege suolftt hsde i fferwe.-nitg hi1nhgscst udesnhto•u ld Havteh set udemnatk•ea l iosfto bjecui nt he clutahraootm 1cct hawte igdhetp enodnsb otthh ea mount (vooflm uamtee)r ial arc pano ft hel ivleo a(dpeo ple, cdhe1akisnboo,,k s,e tca.n)d COLUMN 11ndo nt hkei nodfm aterial. anothleiros ftt hintghsaa tr cp arto ft hdee aldo a(dw allllsoo,n , columbenasm,s ). Fa/u,wA-cutpi oittts: Discuhsoswt hlei vleo aodfa buildcihnagn gfersot mi mteo 1 Repeatth de.- mon11rianNt oi.o3 n a bovues indgi ffemrae•n t timTeh.e l ivleo aodft hsec hoio1gl r eatdeusrtit nhgde a 11yn d drops teriab,, u1s uocivhlc ,r micuglliatmsras,r blceosl,l oornw ,oo d suddeanttl hyr oe'ec lWochke.n i its r ainoir.mn go wintgh lei lveo ad bead,B.e fowreei ghtihnegrn a1critahle�s t,u desnhlolu tlrdty o incredausete ost he additioonfsa nlo owwrw e aitgoehnrtt hrooef . Question sotnt uhdseet nretn•go tfth h fel ooarn d■ tructurc of •& ricIlJl>cy» "-••wntK1,K 1h1a1 m "t ASuotftr h ft'o rocr,ce r avniottfyh ,fe o rictetc lf. threo omH.o wa rcc eilingusp ?h eld 3 2

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