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Preview Architecture 1992: Vol 81 Index

ANNUAL INDEX Volume 81 - 1992 A 34-35; Michigan, Mar 42; Minnesota, May 32-33; New Or- Civic Architecture. Boulder Library, Midyette/Seieroe/ Academic Buildings. Alumni Houses, Bard College, Polshek & leans, June 41; Pittsburgh, Mar 38; Tampa Bay, Aug 28-29; Hartronft, Oct 45-53; Civic Center Library Parking, IBI Partners, Mar 72-73; Applied Technology Center, Grand Rapids Wisconsin, July 34-35 Group & L. Paul Zajfen, Oct 39; Detroit Symphony Orches- Community College, WBDC Group, Oct 100-101; Atlanta In- AIA Honor Awards. Architect as Artist Award, Joseph tra Hall, Richard C. Frank/Diehl & Diehl, Mar 42, Oct 37; ternational School, Nix Mann Viehman, Jan 29; Audubon Zoo- Amisano, and Jeffrey Wierenga, Jan 28; Canadian Centre For Firehouse Civic Center, Schwartz/Silver Architects, April 38; logical Garden Learning Center, Salvato & Company, June 41; Architecture, Peter Rose, Mar 50; Carraro House, Lake/Flato, Limon Volunteer Fire Department, Pouw & Associates, Mar Ranon & Partners, Brandon Learning Center, Hillsborough Mar 52; Croffead House, Clark and Menefee, Mar 53; Harvey 37; Mountain View City Hall, Turnbull & Associates, Jan Community College, Aug 28; George R. Brown Hall, Rice Uni- S. Firestone Library Expansion, Koetter Kim & Associates, Mar 94-95; Norman Park Senior Citizens Center, Richard Fried- versity, Cambridge Seven Associates, April 62-67; Campus Ser- 51; Gold Medalist, Benjamin Thompson, Jan 17 ; Gold Medal son/The Visions Studio, June 62-65; No. 7 Fire Station, Inte- vices Complex, UCSD, Anshen + Allen, May 68-69; Central Presentation, Mar 23; Firm of the Year, Polshek & Partners, grated Architectural Services, Mar 38; Restoration of High School, Ranon & Partners, Aug 28; Center for the arts, Feb 23; House Chmar, Scogin Elam & Bray, Mar 53; Sainsbury Boston’s Old State House, Nov 113 Emory University, Eisenman Architects, Aug 100-101; Commu- Wing, National Gallery, Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates, Convention Centers. Akron Convention Center, Polshek & nications & Information Building, University of South Florida, Mar 49; Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Winner AIA 25- Partners, Mar 79; Austin Convention Center, The Austin Col- Woodroffe with Jung Brannen & Associates, Aug 29; Doris Year Award, Louis I. Kahn, Feb 23; Team Disney Building, laborative Venture, Oct 76-83; Disney Contemporary Resort Twitchell Allen Village, University of Maine, Orono, Arata Isozaki & Associates, Mar 54; Thomas Jefferson Award Meeting Facility, Gwathmey Siegel, Jan 62-69; Hynes Conven- Moore/Weinrich, Feb 41; Engineering Research Facility, Uni- Recipients, James Ingo Freed, Senator Daniel Patrick Moyni- tion Center, Kallman, McKinnell & Wood, April 38; Piers Pro- versity of lowa, Brooks Borg & Skiles, Mar 107; Evergreen State han, and Architect of the Capitol George M. White, Mar 23; ject, Bruce Lindsey/Paul Rosenblatt Associates, Mar 38 College, Olson Sundberg & Loveland Millet, June 113; Ford Vitra International Furniture, Frank O. Gehry & Associates, Commercial Architecture. Bayside Marketplace, Benjamin Center Fieldhouse, Stanford University, ELS/ Elbasani & Logan, Mar 55; AIA Interior Awards, Oct 36-37 Thompson & Associates, Mar 57; Chicago Place, Skidmore Ow- Jan 90; Firestone Library Expansion, Princeton University, Koet- AIA International Committee. International Design and Prac- ings & Merrill, Jan 80; Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston, Ben- ter Kim & Associates, Mar 51; High School West, River Ridge tice: Strategies and Resources for Success/Pitfalls to Avoid, Sep jamin Thompson & Associates, Mar 57; Harborplace, Balti- Campus, Ranon & Partners, Aug 28; Kerckhoff Hall, UCLA, 19; Meeting in San Francisco, Jan 19; Meeting to Discuss Latin more, Benjamin Thompson & Associates, Mar 57; South Core Windom Wein Cohen, Nov 121; Library & Science Center, Al- American Issues, June 26 Retail & Parking Complex, Aug 29 buquerque Academy, Shepley Bulfinch Richardson & Abbott, AIAS. AIAS Competition Winners, William Jeffrey Westhoff & Clark & Menefee. Croffead House, Mar 53 April 44-51; MacDonald Medical Research Laboratories, UCLA, Brian Kelly Burke, Feb 24; Architecture Student Forum, Feb 24 Color. Color and Materials, Jan 31; Color ConsultantsJ,a n 79-83 Venturi, Scott Brown and Payette Associates, May 74-75; AIDS. Aaron Diamond Research Center, Lord, Aeck & Sargent, Communication. Auburn Transmitter, Bartholomew Associ- Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada, Casazza Peetz & Jan 28; Bailey-Boushay House, Bumgardner Architects, Mar ates, Oct 62-65 Hancock, Nov 120; Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, 85-87; Center for AIDS Services, ELS/Elbasani & Logan, Sept Computers. 3D Modeling Integration, Gehry Forges New Polshek & Partners, Mar 70-71; Mast Landing School, Stephen 93; Designing for AIDS, Mar 85-92; Divine Design Boutique, Computer Links, Aug 105-110; A/E/C Systems Show Preview, Blatt, Feb 41; Mandell Weiss Forum, UCSD, Antoine Predock, Franklin D. Israel, Jan 32-33; Easler House, Payette Associ- April 82; CADD Consequences, May 109-112; Computer As- Mar 34; MIT Library of Art, Architecture, and Planning, ates, Mar 90-91; Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center, FACE sisted Model Building, Oct 115-117; Computer Guides Airport Schwartz/Silver Architects, April 39; Northwest Housing, Architects, Sept 92 Whitman Walker Clinic, Bill Austin Day Construction, Oct, 87; Cost Estimating Software, Sept 121- UCLA, Esherick Homsey Dodge & Davis, et. al., May 72-73; Treatment and Care Center, Acanthus, Mar 88-89 124; DOS-MAC Overview, Mar 115-121; Educators Present Ohrstrom Library, St. Paul School, Robert A.M. Stern Archi- Allen, Ralph & Partners. Schools & Library, Oct 104-105 Creative CAD Applicatons, Dec 71; Lighting Design Software, tects, June 105; Pacific Institute of Natural Sciences Learning Amisano, Joseph. Architect as Artist Award, Jan 28 June 114-117; New Frontiers in CAD, Jan 103-105; Organiz- Resource Center and Forum, BOOR/A Architects, Dec 25; Penn Anderson DeBartelo Pan. National Solar Energy Resource Fa- ing Electronic Drawings in CADD Files, April 109-111; Prod- High School, Greiner & HMFH, Mar 42; Rockwood Elementary cility, Oct 90-91 uct Manufacturer Software, Nov 125; Roofing Systems Soft- School, Stevens Morton Rose & Thompson, Feb 41; Schools & Anderson Mason Dale. Mount Rushmore Memorial; Oct 31 ware, Feb 101-103; Scanning Software, Dec 95-97 Library, Ralph Allen & Partners, Oct 104-105; Science Library, Anshen + Allen. Campus Services, UCSD May 68-69 Concrete. Autoclaved Cellular Concrete, Oct 106; Concrete Im- UCSC, Esherick, Homsey, Dodge & Davis, May 64-65; Seven APA with RTKL Associates. South Core Retail, Aug 29 provements, Oct 110; Exposed Aggregate, Jan 112; Precast Hills Middle School & Gymnasium, Pellecchia Olson, Mar 37, Aquariums. Age of Aquariums, Sept 58-63; Oregon Coast Panel Details, Jan 112; Precision Pours, Oct 100; Window De- June 76-81; Grainger Observatory, Leers, Weinzapfel Associ- Aquarium, SRG Partnership, Sept 72-75; Tennessee Aquar- tailing, Oct 136; Stress Cracking, Oct 136 ates, April 39; Spruce Hall, Colorado State University, Pellecchia ium, Cambridge Seven Associates, Sept 64-71; New Jersey Conferences. Accent on Architecture, Jan 15; Evolution of the Olson, Mar 37; Sulzberger Hall, Barnard College, Polshek & State Aquarium, The Hillier Group, Sept 76-81 Restoration Process: New Directions, May 19; Exploration 92: Partners, Mar 69; Teijin Institute for Biomedical Research, Pol- Architrope Architects. Moseley Residence, Feb 50-53 Engaging Society in Vital Ways, May 19; First Annual Court- shek & Partners, Mar 69; Tufts University Science & Technology Aubry, Eugene. Boulder Public Library, Oct 46-53; Airport house Design, Sep 19; Architecture in the Public Realm, Oct Center, Cannon Architects, April 38; UCSC, Campus, May 66- Control Tower, Oct 58-61 19; Government Affairs Day at USA School of Architecture, 67; UCLA, Campus, May 70-71; UCSD, Campus, May 62-63; Austin Collaborative Venture. Austin Convention Center, Oct Mar 19; International Design and Practice: Strategies and Re- Watkinson School Arts & Athletic Center, Jack Dollard, Sept 76-83 sources for Success/Pitfalls to Avoid, Sept 19; 21st-Century 95; Weld Hall, Harvard University, Preservation Technology Outlook: Images of the Architecural Profession, July 19; 75 Associates, July 104; Wellesley College Science Center Expan- B Years Of Chicago Architecture, Mar 25-28; All Plans Are Poli- sion, Perry Dean Rogers & Partners, Nov 70-75; Whittier Col- Bartholomew Associates. Auburn Transmitter, Oct 62-65 tics, Socially Conscious Architecture, April 25; California lege Performing Arts Center, A.C. Martin & Associates, Jan 90 Bass Pro Shops. Big Cedar Lodge, May 58-61 Women In Environmental Design, April 24; Edge of the Mille- A.C. Martin & Associates. 17th & Grand Parking Structure, Bausman-Gill Associates. Conanicut Island House, Feb 76-79 nium Design Symposium, Mar 31; First International Court- Jan 83; Whittier College Performing Arts Center, Jan 90 Bentel & Bentel. St. Stephen's Catholic Church, June 66-69 house Design Conference, Dec 23; National Healthcare Design Acanthus Architects. Whitman-Walker Clinic, Bill Austin Day Beyer Blinder Belle/van Dijk Pace Westlake & Partners. Symposium, Jan 75; National Home Builders Convention, Mar Treatment and Care Center, Mar 88-89 Temple Hoyne Buel! Theatre, Aug 50-55 83; Rethinking Designs of the ‘60s, May 24; Universal Design Accessibility. ALA Compliance Guidebook Information, Jan 73; Birkerts, Gunnar. Federal Reserve Bank, Nov 27 Conference, July 85; UCSD School of Architecture, Architec- ADA Video Conference, April 81; Hardware, Designed to Meet Boor/A Architects. Pacific Institute of Natural Sciences, Learn- ture and Design Symposiums Jan 74 ADA Specifications, Feb 117; Legal Ramifications of ADA Act, ing Resource Center and Forum, Dec 25 Construction Site Safety. OSHA’s New Rulings, Dec 71 Feb 102; Meeting New Design Challenges, Feb 105-110; Read- Borelli Frankel Blitstein Sasaki. Jackie Gleason Center for The Corporate Architecture. 3M Divisional Headquarters, Hammel ily Achievable Action for Bbarrier Removal; Feb 110 Performing Arts, Aug 87 Green & Abrahamson, June 106-107; 100 East Pratt Street, Ace Architects. Aceland, Jan 90; LeviathanJ,a n 50-55 Booth/Hansen & Associates. Auditorium Theatre, Dec 19 Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Nov 92-99; 110 Miller Building, Acoustics. Wired for Sound, Aug 85-90 Breenan Beer Forman. International Place, Nov 111 Smith Hinchman & Grylls, Mar 42; 320 Park Avenue, Skid- AIA. 1992 Fellowships, April 34,36; Portland AIA Headquar- Brooks Borg & Skiles. Engineering Research Facility, Mar 107 more, Owings & Merrill, Nov 105; 460 Canon Drive, Rocke- ters, Fine Young Constructivists, Dec 36-41; Boston Conven- Bumgardner Architects. Bailey-Boushay House, Mar 85-87 feller/Hricak, Oct 38; 525 B Street, RTKL Architects, Nov 111; tion Preview, April 43; Committee Meeting on Interior Design, Burgee, John Architects. Canadian Broadcast Centre, Jan 79 707 Wilshire Boulevard, Keating Mann Jernigan & Rottet, Nov June 28; Convention Advocates Social Responsibility, Aug 24 107; 920 South Waukegan Road, Hammel Green & Abraham- Elects New Officers, Aug 23; Environmental Agenda, Aug 82; Cc son, July 34; 1301 Avenue of the Americas, Skidmore, Owings Environmental Resource Guide, Jan 99-101; Focus on Career Calatrava, Santiago. Alamillo Bridge, July 73 & Merrill, Nov 109; 8522 National, Eric Owen Moss, Oct 36; Alternatives, May 79; Inauguration of President W. Cecil Stew- Cambridge Seven Associates. George R. Brown Hall, Rice Portland AIA Headquarters, Fine Young Constructivists, Dec ard, Jan 18; Lobbies Congress, May 28; Names Thirteen Hon- University, April 62-67; Tennessee Aquarium, Sept 64-7 1 36-41; Alabama Power Headquarters, Gresham, Smith, & Part- orary Members, Feb 25; Robert Peck, Named Group Vice Pres- Cardwell/Thomas. Everett Public Library, Dec 54-57 ners with Geddes, Brecher, Qualls, Cunningham, June 43; Arco ident, Feb 25; Stages ADA Video Conference, April 81; Young Carey & Company. Shell Building, July 103 Center, Gensler and Associates, Nov 109; Boeing Cafeteria 9- Architects Citation Announced, June 28 Casazza Peetz & Hancock. Mackay School of Mines, Nov 120 12, Miller/Hall Partnership, Oct 72-75; Canadian Broadcast AIA Component Awards. Birmingham, June 43; Boston, April Chao,Wing. Profile, May 50 Centre, John Burgee Architects, Jan 79; Canary Wharf Tower, ctmeEOeetieae ne eee 38-39; California, Oct 38-39; Colorado, Mar 36-37; Delaware, Chatham, Walter H. Pugin House, Feb 69-73; Goodnough Ceasar Pelli, Dec 88; Chiat/Day/Mojo Building, Frank O. Mar 41; Georgia, Jan 28-29; Maine, Feb 41; Los Angeles, Mar House, Feb 74 ; Forsythe House, Feb 75 Gehry, Oct 38; Chrysler's Dome Showcase, CRSS Architects, 104 ARCHITECTURE / DECEMBER 1992 amPo=i ta Er ReTReIsS ANNUAL INDEX Volume 81 - 1992 A 34-35; Michigan, Mar 42; Minnesota, May 32-33; New Or- Civic Architecture. Boulder Library, Midyette/Seieroe/ Academic Buildings. Alumni Houses, Bard College, Polshek & leans, June 41; Pittsburgh, Mar 38; Tampa Bay, Aug 28-29; Hartronft, Oct 45-53; Civic Center Library Parking, IBI Partners, Mar 72-73; Applied Technology Center, Grand Rapids Wisconsin, July 34-35 Group & L. Paul Zajfen, Oct 39; Detroit Symphony Orches- Community College, WBDC Group, Oct 100-101; Atlanta In- AIA Honor Awards. Architect as Artist Award, Joseph tra Hall, Richard C. Frank/Diehl & Diehl, Mar 42, Oct 37; ternational School, Nix Mann Viehman, Jan 29; Audubon Zoo- Amisano, and Jeffrey Wierenga, Jan 28; Canadian Centre For Firehouse Civic Center, Schwartz/Silver Architects, April 38; logical Garden Learning Center, Salvato & Company, June 41; Architecture, Peter Rose, Mar 50; Carraro House, Lake/Flato, Limon Volunteer Fire Department, Pouw & Associates, Mar Ranon & Partners, Brandon Learning Center, Hillsborough Mar 52; Croffead House, Clark and Menefee, Mar 53; Harvey 37; Mountain View City Hall, Turnbull & Associates, Jan Community College, Aug 28; George R. Brown Hall, Rice Uni- S. Firestone Library Expansion, Koetter Kim & Associates, Mar 94-95; Norman Park Senior Citizens Center, Richard Fried- versity, Cambridge Seven Associates, April 62-67; Campus Ser- 51; Gold Medalist, Benjamin Thompson, Jan 17 ; Gold Medal son/The Visions Studio, June 62-65; No. 7 Fire Station, Inte- vices Complex, UCSD, Anshen + Allen, May 68-69; Central Presentation, Mar 23; Firm of the Year, Polshek & Partners, grated Architectural Services, Mar 38; Restoration of High School, Ranon & Partners, Aug 28; Center for the arts, Feb 23; House Chmar, Scogin Elam & Bray, Mar 53; Sainsbury Boston’s Old State House, Nov 113 Emory University, Eisenman Architects, Aug 100-101; Commu- Wing, National Gallery, Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates, Convention Centers. Akron Convention Center, Polshek & nications & Information Building, University of South Florida, Mar 49; Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Winner AIA 25- Partners, Mar 79; Austin Convention Center, The Austin Col- Woodroffe with Jung Brannen & Associates, Aug 29; Doris Year Award, Louis I. Kahn, Feb 23; Team Disney Building, laborative Venture, Oct 76-83; Disney Contemporary Resort Twitchell Allen Village, University of Maine, Orono, Arata Isozaki & Associates, Mar 54; Thomas Jefferson Award Meeting Facility, Gwathmey Siegel, Jan 62-69; Hynes Conven- Moore/Weinrich, Feb 41; Engineering Research Facility, Uni- Recipients, James Ingo Freed, Senator Daniel Patrick Moyni- tion Center, Kallman, McKinnell & Wood, April 38; Piers Pro- versity of lowa, Brooks Borg & Skiles, Mar 107; Evergreen State han, and Architect of the Capitol George M. White, Mar 23; ject, Bruce Lindsey/Paul Rosenblatt Associates, Mar 38 College, Olson Sundberg & Loveland Millet, June 113; Ford Vitra International Furniture, Frank O. Gehry & Associates, Commercial Architecture. Bayside Marketplace, Benjamin Center Fieldhouse, Stanford University, ELS/ Elbasani & Logan, Mar 55; AIA Interior Awards, Oct 36-37 Thompson & Associates, Mar 57; Chicago Place, Skidmore Ow- Jan 90; Firestone Library Expansion, Princeton University, Koet- AIA International Committee. International Design and Prac- ings & Merrill, Jan 80; Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston, Ben- ter Kim & Associates, Mar 51; High School West, River Ridge tice: Strategies and Resources for Success/Pitfalls to Avoid, Sep jamin Thompson & Associates, Mar 57; Harborplace, Balti- Campus, Ranon & Partners, Aug 28; Kerckhoff Hall, UCLA, 19; Meeting in San Francisco, Jan 19; Meeting to Discuss Latin more, Benjamin Thompson & Associates, Mar 57; South Core Windom Wein Cohen, Nov 121; Library & Science Center, Al- American Issues, June 26 Retail & Parking Complex, Aug 29 buquerque Academy, Shepley Bulfinch Richardson & Abbott, AIAS. AIAS Competition Winners, William Jeffrey Westhoff & Clark & Menefee. Croffead House, Mar 53 April 44-51; MacDonald Medical Research Laboratories, UCLA, Brian Kelly Burke, Feb 24; Architecture Student Forum, Feb 24 Color. Color and Materials, Jan 31; Color ConsultantsJ,a n 79-83 Venturi, Scott Brown and Payette Associates, May 74-75; AIDS. Aaron Diamond Research Center, Lord, Aeck & Sargent, Communication. Auburn Transmitter, Bartholomew Associ- Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada, Casazza Peetz & Jan 28; Bailey-Boushay House, Bumgardner Architects, Mar ates, Oct 62-65 Hancock, Nov 120; Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, 85-87; Center for AIDS Services, ELS/Elbasani & Logan, Sept Computers. 3D Modeling Integration, Gehry Forges New Polshek & Partners, Mar 70-71; Mast Landing School, Stephen 93; Designing for AIDS, Mar 85-92; Divine Design Boutique, Computer Links, Aug 105-110; A/E/C Systems Show Preview, Blatt, Feb 41; Mandell Weiss Forum, UCSD, Antoine Predock, Franklin D. Israel, Jan 32-33; Easler House, Payette Associ- April 82; CADD Consequences, May 109-112; Computer As- Mar 34; MIT Library of Art, Architecture, and Planning, ates, Mar 90-91; Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center, FACE sisted Model Building, Oct 115-117; Computer Guides Airport Schwartz/Silver Architects, April 39; Northwest Housing, Architects, Sept 92 Whitman Walker Clinic, Bill Austin Day Construction, Oct, 87; Cost Estimating Software, Sept 121- UCLA, Esherick Homsey Dodge & Davis, et. al., May 72-73; Treatment and Care Center, Acanthus, Mar 88-89 124; DOS-MAC Overview, Mar 115-121; Educators Present Ohrstrom Library, St. Paul School, Robert A.M. Stern Archi- Allen, Ralph & Partners. Schools & Library, Oct 104-105 Creative CAD Applicatons, Dec 71; Lighting Design Software, tects, June 105; Pacific Institute of Natural Sciences Learning Amisano, Joseph. Architect as Artist Award, Jan 28 June 114-117; New Frontiers in CAD, Jan 103-105; Organiz- Resource Center and Forum, BOOR/A Architects, Dec 25; Penn Anderson DeBartelo Pan. National Solar Energy Resource Fa- ing Electronic Drawings in CADD Files, April 109-111; Prod- High School, Greiner & HMFH, Mar 42; Rockwood Elementary cility, Oct 90-91 uct Manufacturer Software, Nov 125; Roofing Systems Soft- School, Stevens Morton Rose & Thompson, Feb 41; Schools & Anderson Mason Dale. Mount Rushmore Memorial; Oct 31 ware, Feb 101-103; Scanning Software, Dec 95-97 Library, Ralph Allen & Partners, Oct 104-105; Science Library, Anshen + Allen. Campus Services, UCSD May 68-69 Concrete. Autoclaved Cellular Concrete, Oct 106; Concrete Im- UCSC, Esherick, Homsey, Dodge & Davis, May 64-65; Seven APA with RTKL Associates. South Core Retail, Aug 29 provements, Oct 110; Exposed Aggregate, Jan 112; Precast Hills Middle School & Gymnasium, Pellecchia Olson, Mar 37, Aquariums. Age of Aquariums, Sept 58-63; Oregon Coast Panel Details, Jan 112; Precision Pours, Oct 100; Window De- June 76-81; Grainger Observatory, Leers, Weinzapfel Associ- Aquarium, SRG Partnership, Sept 72-75; Tennessee Aquar- tailing, Oct 136; Stress Cracking, Oct 136 ates, April 39; Spruce Hall, Colorado State University, Pellecchia ium, Cambridge Seven Associates, Sept 64-71; New Jersey Conferences. Accent on Architecture, Jan 15; Evolution of the Olson, Mar 37; Sulzberger Hall, Barnard College, Polshek & State Aquarium, The Hillier Group, Sept 76-81 Restoration Process: New Directions, May 19; Exploration 92: Partners, Mar 69; Teijin Institute for Biomedical Research, Pol- Architrope Architects. Moseley Residence, Feb 50-53 Engaging Society in Vital Ways, May 19; First Annual Court- shek & Partners, Mar 69; Tufts University Science & Technology Aubry, Eugene. Boulder Public Library, Oct 46-53; Airport house Design, Sep 19; Architecture in the Public Realm, Oct Center, Cannon Architects, April 38; UCSC, Campus, May 66- Control Tower, Oct 58-61 19; Government Affairs Day at USA School of Architecture, 67; UCLA, Campus, May 70-71; UCSD, Campus, May 62-63; Austin Collaborative Venture. Austin Convention Center, Oct Mar 19; International Design and Practice: Strategies and Re- Watkinson School Arts & Athletic Center, Jack Dollard, Sept 76-83 sources for Success/Pitfalls to Avoid, Sept 19; 21st-Century 95; Weld Hall, Harvard University, Preservation Technology Outlook: Images of the Architecural Profession, July 19; 75 Associates, July 104; Wellesley College Science Center Expan- B Years Of Chicago Architecture, Mar 25-28; All Plans Are Poli- sion, Perry Dean Rogers & Partners, Nov 70-75; Whittier Col- Bartholomew Associates. Auburn Transmitter, Oct 62-65 tics, Socially Conscious Architecture, April 25; California lege Performing Arts Center, A.C. Martin & Associates, Jan 90 Bass Pro Shops. Big Cedar Lodge, May 58-61 Women In Environmental Design, April 24; Edge of the Mille- A.C. Martin & Associates. 17th & Grand Parking Structure, Bausman-Gill Associates. Conanicut Island House, Feb 76-79 nium Design Symposium, Mar 31; First International Court- Jan 83; Whittier College Performing Arts Center, Jan 90 Bentel & Bentel. St. Stephen's Catholic Church, June 66-69 house Design Conference, Dec 23; National Healthcare Design Acanthus Architects. Whitman-Walker Clinic, Bill Austin Day Beyer Blinder Belle/van Dijk Pace Westlake & Partners. Symposium, Jan 75; National Home Builders Convention, Mar Treatment and Care Center, Mar 88-89 Temple Hoyne Buel! Theatre, Aug 50-55 83; Rethinking Designs of the ‘60s, May 24; Universal Design Accessibility. ALA Compliance Guidebook Information, Jan 73; Birkerts, Gunnar. Federal Reserve Bank, Nov 27 Conference, July 85; UCSD School of Architecture, Architec- ADA Video Conference, April 81; Hardware, Designed to Meet Boor/A Architects. Pacific Institute of Natural Sciences, Learn- ture and Design Symposiums Jan 74 ADA Specifications, Feb 117; Legal Ramifications of ADA Act, ing Resource Center and Forum, Dec 25 Construction Site Safety. OSHA’s New Rulings, Dec 71 Feb 102; Meeting New Design Challenges, Feb 105-110; Read- Borelli Frankel Blitstein Sasaki. Jackie Gleason Center for The Corporate Architecture. 3M Divisional Headquarters, Hammel ily Achievable Action for Bbarrier Removal; Feb 110 Performing Arts, Aug 87 Green & Abrahamson, June 106-107; 100 East Pratt Street, Ace Architects. Aceland, Jan 90; LeviathanJ,a n 50-55 Booth/Hansen & Associates. Auditorium Theatre, Dec 19 Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Nov 92-99; 110 Miller Building, Acoustics. Wired for Sound, Aug 85-90 Breenan Beer Forman. International Place, Nov 111 Smith Hinchman & Grylls, Mar 42; 320 Park Avenue, Skid- AIA. 1992 Fellowships, April 34,36; Portland AIA Headquar- Brooks Borg & Skiles. Engineering Research Facility, Mar 107 more, Owings & Merrill, Nov 105; 460 Canon Drive, Rocke- ters, Fine Young Constructivists, Dec 36-41; Boston Conven- Bumgardner Architects. Bailey-Boushay House, Mar 85-87 feller/Hricak, Oct 38; 525 B Street, RTKL Architects, Nov 111; tion Preview, April 43; Committee Meeting on Interior Design, Burgee, John Architects. Canadian Broadcast Centre, Jan 79 707 Wilshire Boulevard, Keating Mann Jernigan & Rottet, Nov June 28; Convention Advocates Social Responsibility, Aug 24 107; 920 South Waukegan Road, Hammel Green & Abraham- Elects New Officers, Aug 23; Environmental Agenda, Aug 82; Cc son, July 34; 1301 Avenue of the Americas, Skidmore, Owings Environmental Resource Guide, Jan 99-101; Focus on Career Calatrava, Santiago. Alamillo Bridge, July 73 & Merrill, Nov 109; 8522 National, Eric Owen Moss, Oct 36; Alternatives, May 79; Inauguration of President W. Cecil Stew- Cambridge Seven Associates. George R. Brown Hall, Rice Portland AIA Headquarters, Fine Young Constructivists, Dec ard, Jan 18; Lobbies Congress, May 28; Names Thirteen Hon- University, April 62-67; Tennessee Aquarium, Sept 64-7 1 36-41; Alabama Power Headquarters, Gresham, Smith, & Part- orary Members, Feb 25; Robert Peck, Named Group Vice Pres- Cardwell/Thomas. Everett Public Library, Dec 54-57 ners with Geddes, Brecher, Qualls, Cunningham, June 43; Arco ident, Feb 25; Stages ADA Video Conference, April 81; Young Carey & Company. Shell Building, July 103 Center, Gensler and Associates, Nov 109; Boeing Cafeteria 9- Architects Citation Announced, June 28 Casazza Peetz & Hancock. Mackay School of Mines, Nov 120 12, Miller/Hall Partnership, Oct 72-75; Canadian Broadcast AIA Component Awards. Birmingham, June 43; Boston, April Chao,Wing. Profile, May 50 Centre, John Burgee Architects, Jan 79; Canary Wharf Tower, ctmeEOeetieae ne eee 38-39; California, Oct 38-39; Colorado, Mar 36-37; Delaware, Chatham, Walter H. Pugin House, Feb 69-73; Goodnough Ceasar Pelli, Dec 88; Chiat/Day/Mojo Building, Frank O. Mar 41; Georgia, Jan 28-29; Maine, Feb 41; Los Angeles, Mar House, Feb 74 ; Forsythe House, Feb 75 Gehry, Oct 38; Chrysler's Dome Showcase, CRSS Architects, 104 ARCHITECTURE / DECEMBER 1992 amPo=i ta Er ReTReIsS ANNUAL INDEX Volume 81 - 1992 Dec 79-83; Coastal Cement Headquarters, HMHF Architects, Expo 92 Preview, April 15; “Held in Common: Historic Archi- ter, Lord, Aeck, & Sargent, Jan 28; Bailey-Boushay House, April 39; D.E.Shaw & Company Office & Trading Area, Steven tecture in America’s National Parks,” Jan 15; International De- Bumgardner Architects, Mar 85-87; Center for AIDS Services, Holl, Oct 36; First National Bank, Keating Mann Jernigan & sign Exposition, July 19; Masonry Expo '92, Jan 15; National ELS Elbasani, & Logan with Guillermo Rossello, Sept 93; Cen- Rottet, Nov 107; Folger Building, Corwin Booth & Associates, Roofing Contractors Association’s 105th Annual Convention tral Washington Hospital, NBBJ Architects, Dec 46-53; Clare- Nov 123; General Mills Recognition Court, Meyer, Scherer, & and Exhibit, Feb 19; Seventh Annual Restaurant Hotel Interna- mont Park Family Care Center, Perkins & Will, Kohn Pedersen Rockcastle, May 32; Goldman Sachs Headquarters, Kohn Ped- tional Design Exposition & Conference, Mar 19; “William Fox, Swanke Hayden Connell, Sept 91; Easler House, Payette ersen Fox, June 108-109; Integrity Mutual Insurance Company, Turnbull: A Regional Perspective,” Feb 19 Associates, Mar 90-91; Gwinnett Medical Center Women’s Potter Lawson, July 34; International Place, Brennan Beer Gor- Pavilion, Nix, Mann, & Associates, Jan 29; Kaiser Medical Cen- man, Nov 111; Jacobson Rost Advertising Agency, Kubala F ter, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Jan 82; Kirklin Clinic, Pei, Washatko, July 35; Metro Headquarters, Thompson Vaivoda FACE Architects. Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center, Sept 92; Cobb, Freed & Partners/TRO Architects, May 40-41; Quinco Cole, Nov 51; Miller/Hull Partnership, Oct. 72-75; Nations Fentress, C.W./J.H. Bradburn. Clark County Center, Sept 24 Mental Health Center, Polshek & Partners, Mar 69; Salick Bank Plaza, Kevin Roche, John Dinkeloo, Jan 75; Plaza Tower, Fernau & Hartman. Collective Housing, Feb 33 Health Care Center, Morphosis Architects, Mar 35, Oct 38; Ceasar Pelli & Associates, Dec 85-87; Progressive Corporation Fine Young Constructivists. Portland AIA Office, Dec 36-41 School of Nursing, Biomedical Information Communication Headquarters, Frank O. Gehry & Associates, Mar 35; Shell Fire. East Bay Fire Investigation, Jan 73; Fire-Safe Products, Center, GHA Architects, Dec 58-67; Skirball Institute for Bio- Building, Carey & Company, July 103; $.M.A. Headquarters, Mar 127; Fire Suppression, Mar 136; Hazard Mitigation Re- molecular Medicine, Polshek & Partners, Mar 77; Tenderloin Eric Owen Moss, Mar 35; St. Paul Companies, Kohn Pedersen port, Jan 73; Planning Fire-Safe Design, Sept 109-114 AIDS Resource Center, FACE Architects, Sept 92; United Chil- Fox, Nov 76-83; Society Tower, Ceasar Pelli, Dec 89; Tanto Flooring. Access Floors, July 120; Hardwood Floor Surfacing dren’s Hospital, Hammel Green and Abrahamson, May 32; Building, Michael Graybrook, Mar 39; Team Disney, Arata Materials, April 113; Resilient Flooring, April 115 Way Station, Ensar Group, Oct 92-93; Whitman Walker Isozaki, Mar 54; Time Life Headquarters, Perkins & Will, June Forbes, Peter & Associates. Private House, Feb 35 Clinic, Bill Austin Treatment Center, Acanthus, Mar 88-89 104; Vitra International Furniture, Frank O. Gehry, Mar 55; Frank, Richard Diehl & Diehl. Detroit Symphony, Oct 37 Healy, Brian. Houses, Feb 39 West Bend Mutual Insurance Corporate Headquarters, Zim- Freed, James Ingo. Jefferson Award Recipient, Mar 23 Heery International. Sports Arena, Dec 73-77 merman Design Group, July 34; Winfield Corporation, Kings- Friedson, Richard & Visions Studio. Norman Park Senior Cit- Hellmann, Boone. Profile, May 66-69 land Scott Bauer Havekotte, Mar 39 izens Center, June 62-65 Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum. Cleveland Indians Baseball Corwin Booth & Associates. Folger Building, Nov 123 FTL Architects. Pier Six Concert Pavilion, Sept 52-57 Park, July 39; Federal Correctional Center, May 46-47; New CRSS Architects. Chrysler Dome Showcase, Dec 79-83 Comiskey Park, July 88; Oriole Park, July 64-71 CSY Design & Lam Partners. Telco Renovation, June 111 G Higgins, William Scott. Profile, May 45 Cunningham Architects. Addison Conference & Theatre Cen- Gardener, Douglas. Profile, May 56 Hillier Group. New Jersey State Aquarium, Sept. 76-81 ter, Aug 42-49; Cistercian Abbey Church, Oct 66-71 Gehry, Frank O. & Associates. Barcelona Fish, Aug 107; Chil- Historic Preservation. American Federal Savings & Loan, Lud- Curtain Walls. Aug 120 dren’s Museum, June 33; Festival Disney, July 44-47; Vitra wig Mies van der Rohe, Nov 28; Wellesley College Science Cen- Czech Architecture Retrospective. Oct 24 Furniture, Mar 55; Walt Disney Concert Hall, Aug 109 ter Expansion, Perry Dean Rogers & Partners, Nov 70-75; Lil- Gensler and Associates. Arco Center, Nov 109 lian C. Schmitt Elementary School/Northside Middle School, D GHA Architects. School of Nursing, Biomedical Information Leers, Weinzapfel Associates, Nov 84-91; Entenza House, Eero Daroff Design. Contemporary Resort Hotel Lobby, May 54-55 Communication Center, Dec 58-67; Spokane Library, Dec 25 Saarinen and Charles Eames, Nov 29; Everett Public Library, Davis, Alexander Jackson. Retrospective, Dec 20 Glass. Evaluating Window Performance, April 105-107; Glaz- Cardwell/Thomas & Associates, Dec 54-57; Federal Reserve Disney. Isozaki, Arata & Associates, Team Disney, Mar 54; ing, Laminated vs. Tempered, Integrated Glazing, April 120; Bank, Gunnar Birkerts, Nov 27; 100 East Pratt Street, Skid- Wing Chao, May 50-55; Euro Disney, July 41-63 New Glazing Systems, April 98-102; New Techniques, Jan 93 more, Owings & Merrill, Nov 92-99; Kraigher House, Richard Dobbins, Michael. Profile, May 38-39 Government. Boston’s Old State House, Nov 113-117; Clark Neutra, Nov 26; May Company, Albert C. Martin, Nov 26; St. Dollard, Jack. Watkinson School Arts & Athletic Center, County Center, C.W. Fentress J.H. Bradburn & Associates, Paul Companies, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, Nov 76-83; Sept 95 Sept 24; Department of Water & Power Central Disrict Head- Preserving Modernism, Nov 61; Preservation’s New Frontier, Door Hardware. Sept 136 quarters, Barton Phelps & Associates, Oct 39; Dobbins, Michael Nov 15; Preserving Historic Windows, April 90-96; Restora- A., City Architect, May 38-41; Higgins, William Scott, Federal tion of Boston’s Old State House, Nov 113-117; Mummers E Architect, May 44-47; Los Angeles Air Control Tower, Siegel Theater, Elliot & Associates, Nov 62-69; Third Church of Eastern Europe. Opportunities, Feb 27 Diamond & Associates, Sept 24; McLaughlin Public Safety Christ, Scientist and Christian Science Monitor Building, I.M. Ehrlich, Steven. Canyon House, Feb 37 Building, Moeckel Carbonell, Mar 41; Minnesota Judicial Cen- Pei & Partners, Nov 28; Guthrie Theater, Ralph Rapson, Nov Einy, Edmund M. Murad Residence, June 35 ter, Leonard Parker, Associates, May 32; National Solar Energy 27; Union Oil Center, William Pereira & Associates, Nov 27 Eisenman Architects. Center For The Arts, Aug 100-101 Resource Facility, Anderson DeBartelo Pan, Oct 90-91; Post HOK. Technology Park, Magdeburg, Germany, Feb 27 Ellerbe Becket. Delloite & Touche Headquarters, Oct 36; Sta- Office Square Park, Ellenzweig Associates, April 39; State Re- Holl Architects, Steven. D.E. Shaw & Company Office, Oct 36 diums, July 90-91; Wildlife Center, Jan 44-49 gional Services Center, Rowe Rados Hammer Russell, June 52- Hotels. Big Cedar Lodge, Bass Pro Shops, May 58-61; Cliff Inn Ellinwood, Scott & Associates. Prueter Library, June 112 57, Aug 28; Stowe, Neal P., State Architect, May 42-43; Texas Tower, Longoria/Peters, June 35; Contemporary Resort Hotel Elliott & Associates. Mummers Theater, Nov 62-69 State Capitol, July 106; Treaty Room, Allan Greenberg, Jan 91; Lobby, Daroff Design, May 54, 55; Hotel Cheyenne, Euro Dis- Ellis Island. Proposed Development, Mar 15 Mountain View City Hall, Turnbull & Associates, Jan 94; U.S. ney, Robert A.M. Stern, July 52-53; Hotel New York, Euro ELS/Elbasani & Logan. Center for AIDS Services, Sept 93; Ford Embassy, Hungary, Robert A. M. Stern, Feb 27; U.S. Embassy, Disney, Michael Graves, July 60-63; Hotel Santa Fe, Euro Dis- Center Fieldhouse, Stanford University, Jan 90 Oman, Polshek & Partners, Mar 69; General Mail Facility, ney, Antoine Predock, July 48-51; Newport Bay Club, Euro Ensar Group. Way Station, Oct 92-93 Hammel Green & Abrahamson, May 32; General Mail Facility, Dis ey, July 54-57; Paramount Hotel, Haigh Architects, Mar Entertainment Architecture. Entertainment Design, May 96- Perry Dean Rogers & Partners, April 58-61; White House, Ac- 54; Sequoia Lodge, Euro Disney, Antcine Grumbach, July 58- 97; Entertainment’s Lessons, July 15; Festival Disney, Frank O. cent On Architecture, Mar 23 59; Washington House Inn, Kubala Washatko, July 35 Gehry & Associates, July 44; Limelight Production Studios, Graves, Michael. Hotel New York, Euro Disney, July 60-63, Housing. Charlestown Navy Yard Rowhouses, William Rawn Franklin D. Israel Design, Jan 40-43; Mickey Goes To Paris, Newark Museum, Mar 51 Associates, April 38; Collective Housing, Fernau & Hartman, Euro Disney Overview, July 41 Greenberg, Allan. Treaty Room, Jan 91 Feb 33; Kippen Condominiums, William Adams, Mar 34; Ly- Environment. AIA Environmental Resource Guide, Jan 99-101; Grimshaw, Nicholas & Partners. British Pavilion, July 78-79; ton Park Piace, LHB Engineers & Architects, May 33; Palm New Jersey State Aquarium, The Hillier Group, Sept 76-81; Financial Times Print Works, Mar 105 Court, Solomon Architecture, Feb 31; Randolph Neighborhood, Architects Convene at Rio Earth Summit, Aug 81-82; Archi- Grumbach, Antoine. Sequoia Lodge, Euro Disney, July 58-59 UDA Architects, Mar 39; Stateside Village, Zimmerman De- tects Steer Hurricane Recovery Efforts in Miami, Oct 23; Austin Gund, Graham. The Lansburgh, April 74-79 sign Group, July 35; Vest Pocket Community, Solomon Archi- Pilot Project Wins Green Award, July 85; Building to Save the Gwathmey Siegel & Associates. Bonnet Creek Golf Club, May tecture, Feb 31; Washington Court, Polshek .& Partners, Mar Earth, Nov 103; Tennessee Aquarium, Cambridge Seven Asso- 52-53; Disney Contemporary Resort Meeting Facility, Jan 62- 69; Westhill Townhouses, Buck Simpers, Mar 41; Wroxton ciates, Sep 64-71; Oregon Coast Aquarium, SRG Partnership, 69; Solomon R. Guggenheim Restoration & Expansion, Aug Road Row Houses, Neese Weswin, June 58-61 Sep 72-75; Designing for Daylight, Oct 89-93; East Bay Fire 34-42; Steinberg ResidenceJ,a n 81; Swid ApartmentJ,a n 81 Howard Needles Tammen Bergendoff. Stadiums, July 92 Investigation, Jan 73; Environmental Priorities, Dec 13; E.P.A. HTB Architects. U.S. Marshals Air Operations, Mar 106 Indoor Air Quality Guide, Mar 83; Model House Demonstrates H Hudson Studio. Kroth House, Feb 37 Green Construction, June 85; Planning Fire-Safe Design, Sep Hadid, Zaha. Guggenheim’s Soviet Exhibition, Dec 21 HVAC. Baseboard Unit, Sept 136 109-114; Wetland Agenda AIA, June 85; Wildlife Interpretive Haigh Architects, Phillipe Starck. Paramount Hotel, Mar 54 Center, Ellerbe Becket, Jan 44-49 Hammel Green and Abrahamson. 3M Divisional Headquar- I Esherick, Homsey, Dodge & Davis. Northwest Housing, ters, June 106-107; Weesner Family Amphitheater, Oct. 54-57 I.M. Pei & Partners. Third Church of Christ, Scientist, Christian UCLA, May 72-73; Science Library, UCSC, May 64-65 Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates. Stanford Memorial Science Monitor Building, Nov 28 Exihibitions. “Aberdeen’s World of Concrete,” Feb 19; Inde- Church, Nov 122 Institutional Architecture. Alumni Houses, Bard College, Pol- TCATghE oNTH EA T pendent Work of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Apprentices, Feb 19; Hasbrouck Peterson Zimoch Sirirattumrong. The Rookery, shek & Partners, Mar 72-73; Applied Technology Center, CAD & Engineering Workstations "92 Conference and Exposi- July 105 Grand Rapids Community College, WBDC Group, Oct 100- tion, Mar 19; Chicago International Art Exposition, May 19; Healthcare Architecture. Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Cen- 101; Atlanta International School, Nix Mann Viehman, Jan 29; ARCHITECTURE / DECEMBER 1992 105 ANNUAL INDEX Volume 81 - 1992 Audubon Zoological Garden Learning Center, Salvato & Com- Kalban Jeffrey M. & Associates. Warner Park Pavilion, Oct 31 seum, Gwathmey Siegel & Associates, Aug 25, 37-42; Virginia pany, June 41; Campus Services, UCSD, Anshen + Allen, May Keating Mann Jernigan & Rottet. 707 Wilshire Boulevard, Air & Space Center, Mitchell/Giurgola Architects, Sept 44-51; 68-69; Center For The Arts, Emory University, Eisenman Ar- Nov 107; First National Bank, Nov 107 Whanki Museum, Kyu Sung Woo, April 38; William A. chitects, Aug 100-101; Central High School, Ranon & Partners, Kitchen. New Products, Feb 116 Farnsworth Library & Museum, Toshiko Mori, June 37 Aug 28; Communications & Information Building, University of Kobeou Associates. Ou House, Feb 60-63 South Florida, Woodroffe Jung Brannen & Associates, Aug 29; Koetter, Kim & Associates. Firestone Library Expansion, N Doris Twitchell Allen Village, University of Maine, Orono, Princeton University, Mar 50 NBBJ Architects. Central Washington Hospital, Dec 46-53 Moore/Weinrich, Feb 41; Engineering Research Facility, Uni- Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates. Goldman Sachs Headquarters, Neutra, Richard. Kraigher House, Nov 26 versity of lowa, Brooks Borg & Skiles, Mar 107; Evergreen State June 108-109; The St. Paul Companies, Nov 76-83 New York Jobs Protest. Feb 25 College, Olson Sundberg & Loveland Millet, June 113; Federal Northwest Architectural Co. Spokane Library, Dec 27 Correctional Center, HOK, May 46-47; Federal Correctional L Complex, LKA Partners, Leshcher & Mahoney/DLR Group May Lake/Flato Architects. Carraro House, Mar 52 0 45; Firestone Library Expansion, Princeton University, Koetter Leers, Weinzapfel Associates. Lillian C. Schmitt Elementary Oakley, Charles Warner. Profile, May 70 Kim & Associates, Mar 51; Ford Center Fieldhouse, Stanford School, Northside Middle School, Nov 84-91 Office Buildings. 100 East Pratt Street, Skidmore, Owings & University, ELS/Elbasani & Logan, Jan 90; George R. Brown Lemoyne LaPointe Magne. McCord Museum, Aug 74-76 Merrill, Nov 92-99; 500 Park Tower, Polshek & Partners, Mar Hall, Rice University, Cambridge Seven Associates, April 62-67; Libraries. Everett Public Library, Cardwell/Thomas & Associ- 69; 1150 18th Street, Hisaka & Associates, April 39; 1611 Grainger Observatory, Leers, Weinzapfel Associates, April 39; ates, Dec 54-57; Merriam Park Public Library, Meyer, Scherer Electric Avenue, Mulder Katkov, June 70-73; 8522 National, High School West, River Ridge Campus, Ranon & Partners, & Rockcastle, Jan 25; Morgan Library, Voorsanger & Associ- Moss, Eric Owen, Oct 36; Portland AIA Headquarters, Fine Aug 28; Homsey Incorporated, Ashland Nature Center, Mar ates, Jan 93; Ray D. Prueter Library, Scott Ellinwood & Associ- Young Constructivists, Dec 36-41; Delloite & Touche Head- 41; Kerckhoff Hall, UCLA, Windom Wein Cohen, Nov 121; ates, June 112; Sahara West Library and Museum, Meyer, quarters, Ellerbe Becket, Oct 36; Gary Group, Eric Owen Library & Science Center, Albuquerque Academy, Shepley Scherer & Rockcastle, Jan 25; Spokane Public Library, GHA Moss, Oct 36; Leviathan, Ace ArchitectsJ,a n 50-55; The Rook- Bulfinch Richardson & Abbott, April 44-51; MacDonald Med- Architects and Northwest Architectural Company, Dec 27; ery, Hasbrouk, Peterson, Zimoch Sirirattumrong, July 105; ical Laboratories, UCLA, Venturi, Scott Brown and Payette As- William A. Farnsworth Library, Toshiko Mori, June 37 Seventh Street Office Building, David L. Gray & Associates, sociates, May 74-75; Mackay School of Mines, Casazza Peetz & Lighting. Design For Daylight, Oct 89; Natural Light, May 115 Mar 34; Side 1/i.e., SERA Architects, Jan 56-61; Spencer Build- Hancock, Nov 120; Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, LKA Partners, Leshcher & Mahoney/DLR Group. Federal ing, KPS Group, June 43; Steelcase File Plant, Progressive Ar- Polshek & Partners, Mar 70-71; Mast Landing School, Stephen Correctional Complex, May 45 chitecture Engineering Planning, Mar 43; St. Paul Companies, Blatt, Feb 41; Mandell Weiss Forum, UCSD, Antoine Predock, Longoria/Peters. Cliff Inn Tower, June 35 Kohn Pedersen Fox, Nov 76-83; Telco Renovation, CSY De- Mar 34; Minnesota Judicial Center, Leonard Parker Associates, Los Angeles. Riots Spur Design Action, July 25 sign & Lam Partners, June 111; Three Mill Road, Homsey In- May 32; MIT Library of Art, Architecture, and Planning, Luchetti, Robert & Associates. Luchetti House, 68-73 corporated; Mar 41; Tisch/Avnet, Franklin D. Israel, Jan 34-37 Schwartz/Silver & Associates, April 39; Northwest Housing, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. American Federal Savings, Nov 28 Olson Sundberg. Evergreen State College, June 113 UCLA, Esherick Homsey Dodge & Davis, et. al., May 72-73; Lupo & Rowen. Kreindel House, Feb 33 Olympics. Atlanta, Sept 23; BarcelonaJu,l y 26-27 Ohrstrom Library, St. Paul School, Robert A.M. Stern Archi- tects, June 105; Pacific Institute of Natural Sciences Learning M P Resource Center, Boor/A Architects, Dec 25; Penn High School, Maguire Thomas Partners. Playa Vista, May 56-57 Parking Structures. 17th & Grand, A.C. Martin & Associates, Greiner & I4MFH, Mar 42; Ranon & Partners, Brandon Learn- Makovecz, Imre. Hungarian Pavilion, Expo 92, July 76-77 Jan 83; Fourth Avenue Parking Ramp, May 33; [BI Group & L. ing Center, Aug 28; Rockwood Elementary School, Stevens Martin, A.C. & Associates. 17th & Grand Parking Structure, Paul Zajfen, Civic Center Library Parking Structure, Oct 39 Morton Rose & Thompson, Feb 41; Schools & Library, Ralph Jan 83; May Company, Nov 26 Payette Associates. Easler House, Mar 90-91 Allen & Partners, Oct 104-105; Science Library, UCSC, Esher- Barton Myers Associates. Cerritos Arts Theatre, Aug 96-97 Peck, Robert. Named AIA Group Vice President, Feb 25 ick, Homsey, Dodge & Davis, May 64-65; Seven Hills Middle Masonry. Concrete Block Prototypes, July 98-101; Masonry Pei, Cobb Freed & Partners. Kirklin Clinic, May 40-41 School, Pellecchia Olson, Mar 37, June 76-81; Spruce Hall, Col- Cleaning, July 102-107; Detailing Concrete Block, 108; Re- Pelli, Ceasar & Associates. Plaza Tower, Dec 85-87; Canary orado State University, Pellecchia Olson, Mar 37; Sulzberger sources, July 112; Products, July 113; Portfolio, July 97 Wharf Tower, Dec 88; Society Tower, Dec 89 Hall, Barnard College, Polshek & Partners, Mar 69; Teijin Insti- McCormick McCarthy Architects. Foxburg Bridge, Mar 38 Pellecchia Olson Architects. Fair House, Feb 35; Seven Hills tute for Biomedical Research, Polshek & Partners, Mar 69; Metal Architecture Awards. June 85; Anti-Corrosive Coatings, Middle School and Gymnasium, June 76-81 Three Mill Road Office Building, Mar 41; Tufts University Sci- Mar 111-113; Brass Faucets, May 117; Ceiling Slats, Aug 114; Pereira and Associates, William. Union Oil Center, Nov 27 ence & Technology Center, Cannon Architects, April 38; Full Metal Jacket, Mar 103-107; Metal-Clad Exteriors, May Performing Arts. Tennessee Performing Arts Center, J.H. Scar- UCSD, Campus, May 66-67; UCLA, Campus, May 70-71; 117; Metal Deck Drainage, July 120; Metallic Forms, Jan 109; borough, Aug 88; Broward Center for the Performing Arts, UCSC, Campus, May 62-63; U.S. Marshals Air Operations, Metal Protection, Mar 111-113; Steel Framing, Jan 112; Steel Benjamin Thompson & Associates, Mar 62-67; Center For the HTB Architects, Mar 106; Watkinson School Arts & Athletic Roofing Tile, May 117 Arts Theater, Polshek & Partners, Mar 76; Cerritos Arts The- Center, Jack Dollard, Sept 95; Weld Hall, Harvard University, Memorials. Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Anderson, atre, Barton Myers Associates, Aug 96-97; El Capitan Theatre, Preservation Technology Associates, July 104; Wellesley College Brown Higley & Funk, Mar 41; Mount Rushmore National Fields & Devereaux, Oct 39; Head Theater, Ziger Hoopes & Science Center, Perry Dean Rogers & Partners, Nov 70-75; Memorial, Anderson Mason Dale, Oct, 31 Snead, Aug 102; Jackie Gleason Center for The Performing Whittier College Performing Arts Center, A.C. Martin; Jan 90 Metric. Federal Guidelines, Feb 83; Moving to Metric, Sept 117 Arts, Borelli Frankel Blitstein Sasaki, Aug 87; Mummers The- Insulation. Aug 120 Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle. Merriam Park Public Library, ater, Elliot & Associates, Nov 62-69; Pier Six Concert Pavilion, International Architects. Ando, Tadao, Art Institute of Sahara West Library and Museum, Jan 25 FTL Architects, Sept 52-57; Temple Hoyne Buell Theatre, Chicago, Sept 25; Grimshaw, Nicholas, British Pavilion, July 77- Miller/Hull Partnership. Boeing Cafeteria 6-12, Oct 72-75 Beyer Blinder Belle/van Dijk Pace Westlake & Partners, Aug 78; Grimshaw, Nicholas, Financial Times Print Works, Mar Mitchell/Giurgola. Virginia Air & Space Center, Sept 44-51 50-55; Tokyo International Forum, Rafael Vinoly, Aug 89; Dis- 105; Grumbach, Antoine, Sequoia Lodge, July 58-63; HOK In- Mockbee-Coker Architects. Cook House, Feb 54-59 ney Concert Hall, Frank O. Gehry, Aug 109; Whittier College ternational, Technology Park, Feb 27; Lernoyne Lapointe Mori, Toshiko. William A. Farnsworth Library, June 37 Performing Arts Center, A.C. Martin & Associates; Jan 90 Magne, McCord Museum, Aug 74-76; Makovecz, Imre, Hun- Moss, Eric Owen. 8522 National, Oct 36; Gary Group, Oct 36 Perkins & Will. Claremont Park Family Care Center, Sept 91; garian Pavilion, July 76-77; Rose, Peter, Canadian Centre for Moynihan, Senator Daniel Patrick. Jefferson Award, Mar 23 Time Life Building, June 104 Architecture, Mar 50; Safdie, Moshe & Associates, Jean-Noél Mulder-Katkov. 1611 Electric Avenue, June 70-73 Plaster. Custom FinishesJ,a n 89-91 Desmarais Pavilion, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Aug 68-73; Museums. Art Institute of Chicago, Tadao Ando, Sept 25; Polshek & Partners. AIA Firm of the Year Award Recipients, Siza, Alvaro, Borges & Irmao Bank, Meteorological Center, Van Carnegie Hall Museum, Polshek & Partners, Mar 74-75; Feb 23; Akron Convention Center, Mar 79; 500 Park Tower, Der Venne Park Houses/Shops, Vitra Furniture Factory, June 25 Chicago Museum Design Unveiied, May 23; Childrens Mu- Mar 69, Alumni Houses, Bard College, Mar 72-73; Carnegie Isozaki, Arata & Associates. Team Disney Building, Mar 54 seum, Frank O. Gehry & Associates, Schwartz /Silver, June 33; Hall Museum & Patron Spaces, Mar 74-75; Center For the Arts Israel, Franklin D. & Associates. Divine Design Boutique, Jan Contemporary Arts Center, Concordia, June 41; Jean-Noél Theater, Mar 76; Leighton House, Mar 69; Mandel School of 32-33; Tisch/Avnet Offices, Jan 34-37; Speedway Cafe, Jan 38- Desmarais Pavilion, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Moshe Applied Social Sciences, Mar 70-71; National Inventors Hall of 39; Limelight Production Studio, Jan 40-43 Safdie & Associates, Aug 69-73; McCord Museum, Lemoyne Fame, Mar 78; Quinco Mental Health Center, Mar 69; Retro- LaPointe Magne, Aug 74-76; Museum of Fine Arts Lobby/Art spective, Mar 68-79; Skirball Institute for Biomolecular Medi- J Storage, Pope Sherman, Oct 37; Museums of Montreal, Aug cine, Mar 77; Sulzberger Hall, Barnard College, Mar 69; Teijin Jacobsen, Hugh & Andreas Simeon. Athens Residence, 66-76; National Inventors Hall of Fame, Polshek & Partners, Institute for Biomedical Research, Tokyo, Mar 69; U.S. Em- Oct 102 Mar 78; Nauticus, National Maritime Center, Shriver & Hol- bassy, Muscat, Oman, Mar 69; Washington Court, Mar 69 Jerde Partnership with Hammel Green Abrahamson, & Ko- land, Mar 104; Newark Museum, Michael Graves, Mar 51; Pope Sherman. Museum of Fine Arts Lobby/Art Storage, Oct runtsky Krank Erikson. Mall Of America, Sept 28 Phoenix Science Museum, Antoine Predock, Sept 24; Sainsbury 37; Wroxton Road Row Houses, June 58-61 Wing, National Gallery, Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates, Practice. Adjusting to New Markets, April 26-27; AIA Learn- K Mar 49; Sci-Trek Science and Technology Museum, Rosser Fab- ing Survey Results, 100-102; Alternative Dispute Resolution, Kahn, Louis I. AIA 25-Year Design Award Winner, Salk Insti- rap International, Jan 29; Seattle Art Museum, Venturi, Scott June 99-101; Alternatives, May 37; Building Diagnostics, as tute for Biological Studies, Feb 23 Brown & Associates, Aug 56-65; Solomon R. Guggenheim Mu- Market Niche, May 100; Carnegie Mellon’s Office of the Fu- 106 ARCHITECTURE / DECEMBER 1992 ANNUAL INDEX Volume 81 - 1992 ture, Sept 88; Carving a Niche for the 90s, May 95; Continuing Healy/Michael Ryan Architects, Feb 39; Brown Residence & St. Petersburg, Russia, Feb 27; Kaiser Medical Center, Jan 82 Education, Sept 99; Firm Values, April 83; Detail Coordination, Studio, David Owen Tryba, Mar 37; Camp Madron House, Silverio, John. Cohen Residence, Feb 41 Feb 120; Drawing To Meet Code in North Carolina, Feb 120; Wheeler Kearns, June 74-75; Canyon House, Steven Ehrlich, Slovenian Architecture. DESSA, Jan 19 Facilities Management, May 99; Leadership Transition, Mar 97- Feb 37; Carraro House, Lake/Flato, Mar 52; Cohen Residence, Solar Canopy Competition Winner, New York State. Sept 87 99; Merging Firms, Nov 133-136; Project Delivery, May 87- John Silverio, Feb 41; Conanicut Island House, Bausman-Gill Solomon Architecture. Palm Court, Feb 31; Vest Pocket Com- 91; New Roles and Methods, May 81-83; Practice Institute Associates, Feb 76-79; Cook House, Mockbee-Coker Architects, munity, Feb 31 Tests Education Alternatives, Oct 87; Practices Journal, May Feb 54-59; Croffead House, Clark & Menefee, Mar 53; Devito SRG Partnership. Oregon Coast Aquarium, Sept 72-75 79; Predesign, May 98; Pro Bono Architecture, Sept 91-96; & Wedlick House, Wedlick, Dennis, Feb 64-67; Fair House, Steel. Steel Bracing; Jan 112; New Steel & Aluminum Fabrica- Presidential Platforms 92, Oct 15; Public Spirited Plans, Sept Pellecchia Olson, Feb 35; Fein House, Peter Waldman, Feb 44- tion Techniques, Mar 103-107; Steel FramingJ,a n 112 15; Research Lab Markets, May 101; Silent Architects, May 49; Forsythe House, Walter H. Chatham, Feb 75; Goodnough Stern, Robert A.M. Hotel Cheyenne, Euro Disney, July ©2 -53; 15; Sports Architecture Firms, July 87-93; Standards, May House, Walter H. Chatham, Feb 74; Guthrie Residence, Ken- Newport Bay Club, Euro Disney, July 54-57; Ohrstrom Library 128; Starting Your Own Firm; June 87-89; Total Quality neth Von Roenn; Jan 96; House Chmar, Scogin Elam & Bray, St. Paul School, June 105; U.S. Embassy, Budapest, Feb 27 Management, May 103-106; Urban Agenda, June 15 Mar 53; House on Spring Mountain, Brian Healy Architects, Steward, W. Cecil. AIA Presidential InaugurationJ,a n 18 Predock, Antoine. Hotel Santa Fe, Euro Disney, July 48-51; Feb 39; Hurricane Shelters, Oct 23; Inner Harbor Penthouse, Stirling, James. Obituary, Aug 23 Phoenix Science Museum, Sept 24 Ziger Hoopes & Snead, June 48-51; Kreindel House, Lupo & Stowe, Neal P. State Architect, Utah, May 42,43 Preservation Technology Associates. Weld Hall, July 104 Rowen, Feb 33; Kroth House, Hudson Studio, Feb 37; Lazarus Stone. Cistercian Abbey Chapel, Cunningham Architects, Octo Pritzker Prize Winner. Alvaro Siza, June 25 House, Schwartz/Silver, April 52-57; Leighton House, Polshek ber 66; Granite Panel Testing, Mar 136; Limestone vs. Sand- Pro Bono Architecture. Pro Bono Architecture, Sept 91-96 & Partners, Mar 69; Luchetti House, Robert Luchetti Associates, stone, Mar 136 April 38, 68-73; Lustgarten Residence, Kenneth VonRoenn, Jan Systems. Building Transport Systems, June 93-95 97; Moseley Residence and Studio, Architrope Architects, Feb Quigley, Rob Wellington. Private House, Feb 33 50-53; Murad Residence, Edmund M. Einy, June 35; T Quill, Lee. Old Town North Plan, Sept 94 Oslund/Ann Arbor Condominum Complex, Osler Milling, Mar Thompson, Benjamin C. AIA Gold Medalist, Jan 17; Bayside 43; Ou House, Kobeou Associates, Feb 60-63; Pavilion and Me-ketplace, Mar 57; Broward Center for the Performing Arts, R Gardens, Robert M. Cain, Jan 29; Private House, Peter Forbes, Mar 62-67; Custom House Docks, Mar 61; Faneuil Hall Mar- Rapson, Ralph. Tyrone Guthrie Theater, Nov 27 Feb 35; Private House, Rob W. Quigley, Feb 33; Pruitt Resi- ketplace, Mar 57; Grand Central District Model, May 49; Har- Recreational Architecture. Age of Aquariums, Sept 58-63; dence, Salmela Fosdick, May 33; Pugin House, Walter H. borplace, Mar 57; Jacksonville Landing, Mar 57; Navy Pier Re- Ashland Nature Center, Homsey Incorporated, Mar 41; Atlanta Chatham, Feb 69-73; “Room with a View,” James Sterling, Feb construction Program, Mar 58; Overview of Urban Builds for 96 Summer Games, Sept 23; Atlanta’s Sports Arena, 41; Rotko Residence, Harry Teague, Mar 37; Sinoway House, Redevelopment Projects, Mar 56-59; Pier 17 South Street Sea- Heery International, Dec 73-77; Bonnet Creek Golf Club, Victoria Casasco Studios, Feb 37; Steinberg Residence, Gwath- port, Mar 57; Spitafields Market, Mar 60 Gwathmey Siegel & Associates, May 52-53; Lake Harriet Refec- mey Siegel & Associates, Jan 81; Swid Apartment, Gwathmey Thompson Vaivoda & Associates. Marilyn Moyer Meditation tory, Bentz, Thompson, Rietow, May 33; Loading Dock West- Siegel & Associates, Jan 81; Traina Residence, Jan Abell Ken- Chapel, Dec 32-35; Metro Headquarters, Nov 51 shore, Rowe Rados Hammer Russell, Aug 28; New Comiskey neth Garcia Partnership, Aug 28; Wineman Cabin, Lord, Aeck, Tigerman McCurry. American Standard Showplace, Oct 37 Park, Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum, July 88; Oregon Coast & Sargent, Jan 28; Winslow Cohousing, Edward Weinstein As- Transportation. Alliance Airport Control Tower, Eugene Aubry Aquarium, SRG Parnership, Sept 72-75; Oriole Park at Cam- sociates, Dec 42-45; Woo House, Kyu Sung Woo, April 39; with PGAL, Oct 58-61; Park Street Station Entry and Exit den Yards, Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum, July 64-71; The Yudell/Beebe House, Buzz Yudell, Oct 39 Structure, Leers, Weinzapfel Associates, April 39; Rio Grande Palace, Rosetti Associates, Mar 43; Pier Six Concert Pavilion, Rixey-Rixey. State of New Columbia, Nov 31 Transportation Center, RNL Design, Mar 37; Ronstadt Transit FTL Architects, Sept 52-57; Sports Stadiums, July 87-93; Ten- Roche, Dinkeloo. Nations Bank Plaza, Jan 75 Center, C.W. Fentress, J.H. Bradburn & Associates, Mar 37 nessee Aquarium, Cambridge Seven & Associates, Sept 64-71; Rogers, Perry Dean & Associates. U.S. Postal Service General Transportation Act. Effects on AIA members, Jan 13 New Jersey State Aquarium, Hillier Group, Sept 76-81; Mail Facility, April 58-61; Wellesley Science Center, Nov 70-75 Turnbull, William. Mountain View Ciry Hall, Jan 94 Warner Park Stage Pavilion, Jeffrey M. Kalban & Associates, Roofing. Drainage, July 120; Flashing, April 120; Roof System Oct 31; Waterfront Development, Sept 43; Weesner Family Design, Feb 85-89; National Roofing Contractors Convention, UV Ampitheater, Hammel Green & Abrahamson, Oct 54-57 April 81; Non-Corrosive Metal Roofing, Feb 120; Roof Penetra- Urban Planning. Chicago Development, Oct 26-27; City Cata- Religious Architecture. Cistercian Abbey Church, Cunningham tion Spacing, Feb 120; Roofing Resources, Feb 89; Roofing lyst, Michael Dobbins, May 38-41; New Plans For New York, Architects, Oct 66-71; Covenant United Methodist Church, Products, Feb 115; Roof Ventilation, Feb 83-96; Roofing Sys- Oct 25; Arthur Rosenblatt, May 48-49; Neal Stowe, May 42- Kenton Peters & Associates, July 35; Jewish Community Cen- tems Software, Feb 101-103; Steel Joist Information, Feb 83 43; Douglas Gardner, May 56-57 ter, Family Campus, Tetra Tech Richardson, Mar 41; Marilyn Rose, Peter. Canadian Centre For Architecture, Mar 50 Vapor Barriers. May 128 Moyer Meditation Chapel, Thompson Vaivoda Associates, Dec Rosenblatt, Arthur. Profile, May 48 Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates. Gordon and Virginia 32-35; Sacred Heart Church Restoration, Ellerbe Becket, May RTKL Architects. 525 B Street, Nov 111 MacDonald Medical Research Laboratories, UCLA, May 74-75; 33; St. Anne Church, Harley Ellington Pierce Yee Associates, Ryan, Michael. Beach House, Feb 39 Seattle Art Museum, Aug 56-65; Sainsbury Wing, Mar 48 Mar 43; St. Stephen’s Catholic Church, Bentel & Bentel, June Vinoly, Rafael. Tokyo International Forum, Aug 89 66-69; Stanford Memorial Church, Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer As- Ss Voorsanger & Associates. Morgan Library, Jan 93 sociates, Nov 122 Safdie, Moshe & Associates. Jean-Noél Desmarais Pavilion, VonRoenn, Kenneth. Guthrie Residence, Hammond Residence, Renovation/Restoration. American Federal Savings & Loan, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Aug 69-73 Jan 96; Lustgarten Residence, Jan 97; North Carolina National Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Nov 28; Chicago’s Rookery Re- San Francisco Energy Center. HVAC Demonstration, Feb 83 Bank Headquarters, Jan 97; Othello’s Jazz Club, Jan 97 stored, July 28; Wellesley College Science Center Expansion, Saarinen, Eero and Charles Eames. Entenza House, Nov 29 Perry Dean Rogers & Partners, Nov 70-75; Connecting New Scarborough, Jaffe Holden. Andrew Jackson Hall, Tennessee Ww Constructrion with Old Buildings, April 85-89; Lillian C. Performing Arts Center, Aug 88 WBDC Group. Applied Technology Center, Grand Rapids Schmitt Elementary School/Northside M:!c!e School, Leers, Schools. Lillian C. Schmitt Elementary School/Northside Middle Community College, Oct 100-101 Weinzapfel Associates, Nov 84-91; Entenza House, Eero Saari- School, Leers, Weinzapfel Associates, Nov 84-91; Ohrstrom Li- Waldman, Peter. Fein House, Feb 44-49 nen and Charles Eames, Nov 29; Everett Public Library, Card- brary, St. Paul School, June 105; Rockwood Elementary School, Wedlick, Dennis. Devito & Wedlick House, Feb 64-67 well/Thomas & Associates, Dec 54-57; Federal Reserve Bank, Stevens Morton Rose & Thompson, Feb 41; School Bus Mainte- Weinstein, Edward. Winslow Cohousing, Dec 42-54 Gunnar Birkerts and Associates, Nov 27; 100 East Pratt Street, nance Facility, Ellerbe Becket, May 32; Sun Valley Elementary Wheeler Kearns. Camp Madron House, June74-75 Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Nov 92-99; Kraigher House, School, Davis Speake & Associates, June 43; University Elemen- Widom Wein Cohen. Kerckhoff Hall, Nov 121 Richard Neutra, Nov 26; July 102-106; May Company, Albert tary School, UCLA, May 70-71; Wellesley College Science Cen- Wierenga, Jeffrey. Architect as Artist Award, Jan 28 C. Martin, Nov 26; St. Paul Companies, Kohn Pedersen Fox & ter, Perry Dean Rogers & Partners, Nov 70-75 White, George M. Jefferson Award, Mar 23 Associates, Nov 76-83; Preservation’s New Frontier, Nov 15; Schwartz/Silver Architects. Children’s Museum, June 33 White House. Exhibit at Octagon, Mar 24 Preserving Historic Windows, April 90-96; Preserving Mod- Scogin Elan: & Bray. House Chmar, Mar 53 Williams, Tod, Billie Tsien. Living/W orking Loft, Oct 37 ernism, Nov 61; Pittsburgh’s Renaissance, May 25; Restoration Sealants. Oct 136 Wright, Frank Lloyd. Guggenheim Museum, Aug 34-41; In- of Boston’s Old State House, Nov 113-117; Mummers Theater, Seismic. Code Requirements, Mar 83; Quakeproofing Land- fluence of, Aug 15 Elliot & Associates, Nov 62-69; Third Church of Christ, Scien- marks, Nov 119 tist and Christian Science Monitor Building, I.M. Pei & Part- SERA Architects. Side 1 and i.e. offices, Jan 56-61 XY ners, Nov 28; Tyrone Guthrie Theater, Ralph Rapson, Nov 27; Shepley Bulfinch Richardson & Abbott. Library & Science Yerba Buena Gardens. Development Overview, April 23 Union Oil Center, William Pereira & Associates, Nov 27 Center, Albuquerque Academy, April 44-51 Residential Architecture. 909 House, Koning Eizenberg, Mar Shriver & Holland. National Maritime Center, Mar 104 z 35; Ackerberg House, Richard Meier & Partners, Mar 35; Siegel Diamond & Associates. LA Air Control Tower, Sep 24 Ziger Hoopes & Snead. Head Theater, Aug 102; Inner Harbor Athens, Greece, Private Residence, Hugh Newell Jacobsen & Skidmore Owings & Merrill. 100 East Pratt Street, Nov 92- Penthouse, June 48-51 Andreas Simeon, Oct 102-103; Bachmann Knapp Residence, 99; 320 Park Avenue, Nov 105; 1301 Avenue of Americas, Zoning. Future of, New York City, April 30-31 Smith Dalia Architects, Jan 29; Beach House, Brian Nov 109; Chicago House, Jan 80; International Trade Center, Zwart, Frank. Profile, May 62 ARCHITECTURE / DECEMBER 1992 107

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