INDEX Architectural Control 56,70,116 Acreage 83,92 Site 92 Homes 92\ Action taken wlo meeting 133 Amending Covenants 122 Amend. #1 5 Dec. 74 67 #220 Jan. 75 71 #323 Nov. 76 73 #4 No Date 56 #4 18 Apr. 75 80a Amend. # 1-12 summarized By Amend. #13 28 Jan. 78 55 #148 Feb. 85 29 #15 28 Feb. 85 1 #16 19 July 85 Adl #17 10 Jan. 86 AdD #18 14 Feb. 86 AdA Amenities 95-97 Animals 119 Arbitration 118 Annual Assessment 112 Assessment 139,80a Initial 76 Balance Sheet Yrs.83-84 10 Yrs.83-82 38 Boats 118 Bonds Carriage Homes 2,20 SHR 62,64 Levitt 58,79,80 Brookhaven Town Bd Resolution 58 By-Laws Definitions 129 Membership 130 Meetings 131 Board of Directors 132 Duties 136 Committees 138 Books & Records 139 Business Use 118 \ I Carriage Homes Warranty 25 Certificate of Incorporation 142,146 Clearance Letter Charges 136 Club House Services 95 Committees 138 Common Areas Use 90 Contingency Fund 87 Corporation Trustees 144 Decks 119 Deficit Spending 143 Definitions 107,129,130 Delegation of Use Facilities 110 Duties of Board of Directors 114,135,137 Election 133 Employment 89,113 Enforcement By Law 123 Failure to Maintain 121 Fences 119 Financial Statements 119 Foreclosure 136 Garbage-Refuse 86,119 Health & Welfare 121 Historical Info Pre Carriage Homes 4,29 Levitt-SHR 32,62 Interest & Fees 115,139 Late Charges 115,134 Laundry Poles 90 Lines 119 Liens 89,92 Maintenance Common Areas 89,109 Homes 89 \. Exterior 89,121 Maximum Annual Assessment 112 Meetings 131 Meetings of Board of Directors l34 Membership 83, l30 Multiple Offices l37 Municipal Certificates 50 Noise 120 Non Payment of Assessment 115 Nominations l33 Not for Profit Corp. 64,91 Offering Statement 81 Officers and Their Duties l36 Order of Business l32 Parking Rights 110 Party Fences 117 Party Walls 117 Patios 56,119 Payment of Assessments Default 89 Delinquents 115 Legal Actions 89 Liens 92 Plan for Strathmore Court 154 Pool Hours 94 Powers of Board of Directors l34 Property Rights & Value 108-109 Proxies l32 Quorum 113,131,l34 Recreational Facilities 94 Reforestation Plan 57 Refuse 86,119 Removal of Member of Board of Director 113,137 Renting 110 Replacen1ent 112 Reserve Funtl 86,87,113 \ Resignation Member Board of Director 137 Roads 93 Sewers - Connections 93,94 Sewers Maintenance 93,94 Shrubs 120 SHR Purchase 62 SHR Responsibility 62 Signs 76,118 Snow Removal 86,102 Special Appointments 137 Special Assessments 113 Sprinklers 86 Supervision 135 Survey 125 thru 128 Suspension of Membership 130 Swimming Pool 94 Taxes 64,85,88,153 Termination of Association 90 Term of Office 132,136 Tovvn Board Bonding 79 Town Board Resolution 147 Town Board Resolution 13 Nov. 73 78 thru 80 To\V'n Board Resolution 58 Trailers 118 TV Antennas 90,119 Two Family Homes 75,76,108 Use of Property 118 Use of Property Restrictions 118 thnt 120 Vacancies Board of Directors 137 Voting Trans, Land 109 Rights III Special Assessment 113 Waiver & Consent 132 Warranty 52 AMENDMENT NO. 18 Dated: February-~4, 1986 STRATHHORE COURT Hm!Em-lNERS ASSOC IATION INC. I '\ This Offering Plan was amended on February 21, 1974' (Amendment No. 1), July 17, 1974 (Amendment No.2), November 25, 1974 (lIJ'Tlendment No.3), Hay 5,1975 (Amendment No.4), 'September 10, 1975 (Amendment No.5), January 26,1';)76 (Amendment No.6), Februat·y 17,1976 (Amend ment No.7), Harch 23, 1976 (Amendment No. E), April 7, 1976 (Amend ment No.9), December 30, 1976 (Amendment No. 10), May 16, 1977 (Amendment No. II), February 16, 1978 (lIJ'Tlendment No. 12), on June 28,1978 (Amendment No. 13), on February 8,1985 (Amendment No. 14), on June 28, 1985 (Amendment No. 15), on July 19, 1985 (Amendment No. 16) and on January 10, 1986 (Amendment 'No. 16). I • Th e Sec t ion 0 f the 0 f fer i n g P 1 a n (" PIa n ") en t i tl e d " T r u s t Funds" is het:eby amended to disclose that S[Jonsot· has obtained a bond from the Integrity Insurance Comapny, a New Jersey cor p 0 rat ion aut h 0 r i zed to do bus i n e s sin the S tat e 0 f ~r. York hClvinq Ctn offi.ce Ctnrl 1'1ttcC" of hll"inC"i;" ttr 7.17 nl·ni'!rlw;-\ HUllLice\\o, New Yurk, secur irHJ repilyment of all monics t"l.; ceived directly by Sponsor or through its agents ot: employees until the closing of title to a particular unit. The bond will be in the full amount of the down p~yment and will remain in full force until the closing of title or return of escrow, whichever is sooner. If a purchaser is entitled to a return of the down payment pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement and the Sponsor is unable or otherwise refuses to t:eturn such funds, a claim must be filed with the Integl."ity Insurance Company. The liability of the Integt·ity Insul."ance Cornapny under the bond does not exceed the amount of the bond. Purchasers who helle prelJiousl~! entered into purchase agreements will be given a copy of the bond ",/hich \.;111 nOvl secure their do'. ... n pa~·ment. Annexed hereto as E:(hibit ";\" is a sample copy of the bond. II. This PIi1n llIily he Llsed [or six (G) months [rom the (late this Amendment is duly accepted for fil inq and thet:eafter sa icl date is to be extended in a further Amendment to be filed. Other than as set forth above there are no material changes which require an amendment to the Offering Plan. CARRIAGE HOMES AT STRATHMORE COURT ASSOCIATES Spc;>nsor/D,eveloper of 80 unsold rots. r~maining CARRIAGE HOMES AT STRATHMORE COURT ASSOCIATES II Sponsor/Developer of 74 remaining unsold lots. FULLER DEVE ENT CORP. d/b/a LOP~I CARRIAGE HOMES AT STRATHMORE COURT ASSOCIATES III Sponsor/Developer of 12 remaining lots. unsol~ -2- WOFSEY. CERTILMAN, HAFT. LEBOW & BALIN. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 71 SOUTH CE.NTRAL AVE.NUE. ~ANHATTAN OFFICES B05 THIRD AVENUE VALLEY STREAM. N.Y: 11560 NEW YORK. I~.Y. 10022 (212) .c 1 B·52oo TELECOPIER (212) .c,8·5218 January 15, 1986 \ ard A. Fuller athrnore Associates ute 112 11727 ~y rathmore Court HOA ::ndment No. 17 ,iard: )l"ney General's Office has given oral approval for Amend- 17 to the above mentioned Offering Plan, a copy of which Jsed. Please have a member of your staff reproduce copies Amendment and insert it, along with all prior Amendments, inside front cover of all Offering Plans given to prospec- :chasel." . Sincerely, Richard Herzbach , Krupnick