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32 Pages·2016·1.55 MB·English
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w Archie Manley.com Contents Disclaimer 3 Introduction 4 Chapter 1 5 The Art of Goal Setting 5 Chapter 2 8 Replace Fear of Failure with Confidence 8 Chapter 3 11 The Art of Happiness 11 Chapter 4 14 Keep Your Mind Positive 14 Chapter 5 15 Internalized Motivation 15 Chapter 6 18 Finding a Business That Suits You 18 Chapter 7 20 Discovering Your Life Purpose 20 Bypassing the Logical Gate Keeper 22 Chapter 8 23 Restoring Your Relationships 23 Chapter 9 26 Getting to Know Yourself Better 26 Put Your Dreams in Your Pocket 27 Make a Choice for Success 28 Awaken Within 30 Disclaimer No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means. This e-book has been written to provide information about self- improvement. Every effort has been made to make this eBook complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this e-book provides information on Internet marketing is only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this e-book should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source of self- improvement. The purpose of this e-book is to educate. The author and the publisher do not warrant that the information contained in this e-book is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this e-book. Archie Manley.com Introduction Hello, I’m Archie Manley, Author of –The Art of Personal Development. This eBook has the essential ingredients for an extraordinary life, along with the tools, and techniques to make it happen. Getting motivated and staying motivated isn’t always an easy task. Even people who have achieved great success fall into slumps and find it hard to get motivated at certain times in their life. If you’re in a slump now, you know exactly what that means. I worked 6 days a week for 19 years making just under $60,000 dollars per year with no time for myself or my family. So I decided to quit, and apply the very techniques described in this eBook. Within 4 years of quitting my old job I was making 4 times more money using less energy with more time doing the things I love. If you’re tired of things not working out this eBook is for you. No matter how many successes you’ve had in the past, it all seems irrelevant now. It seems like no matter how hard you try, no matter what you do, you won’t be able to achieve your goals; and even if you do, you’re not sure that accomplishing them will make you feel any better. Fortunately for you, no matter how bad it seems now, it doesn’t have to stay that way. You have a lot of options when it comes to breaking free from barriers that hold you back. In the remainder of this guide, I will detail exactly how you can do it. This eBook is filled with illustrations and powerful techniques that can motivate you, and position you to make your dreams come true. By the time you’re done, you’ll have a powerful arsenal of tools at your disposal, which you can use to live the life you deserve. Make sure to share this with friends, and family. The information can change their life. Sincerely, Archie Manley.com - 4 - Chapter 1 The Art of Goal Setting When it comes to getting motivated, nothing is more important than setting goals. Setting goals allows you to fix your mind on a single idea - something that you truly want to achieve. Having goals helps you to visualize what your life will be like when you accomplish them. Perhaps your workload will be lighter, your appearance will improve, or your business will thrive, and bring the kind of success you envision. All these and much more are possible when you learn the art of goal setting, Having a set of plans on paper is enormously helpful, but if that’s as far as it goes its worthless. If it were that easy to make positive things happen anyone could do it. Writing down goals is easy. The hard part is living it out once the ink dries. Why is this important? Because many have become successful without a written plan, while others have consistently wrote down goals for several years only to become discouraged, and quit. The reasons are people both consciously, and unconsciously apply the laws of success, and get the same result. Writing down a strategy helps organize a well thought out plan, but if it’s just information without emotion, and intensity it probably won’t happen. The power of a dream is in your heart and mind, not on a piece of paper. Create a Detailed Plan The more thought and detail you put into your goals the more organized you’ll be when you do them. The first step is to map out a smart detailed plan before you attempt to achieve any goal. This will help build confidence toward the future, while giving your life more vision, and purpose.  Start brainstorming: After getting into a good mental and emotional mood, start brainstorming. Make a list of goals you would like to achieve quickly without any editing or criticism. You can review and prioritize later. - 5 -  Start Goal Setting: Here are a number of possible areas to develop your goals list: relationships, family, career, financial, home, friends, health, self- esteem, appearance, possessions, recreation, travel, spirituality, and personal development. Some of the most important areas are in personal development. This includes our mental, physical and spiritual state of being. When these are out of balance everything we do in life becomes a struggle. This is covered in great detail throughout the remainder of this guide. Goal Setting Basics There is a neurological reason why specific goals work. The mind filters out most sensory input, allowing us to see only what’s relevant. For example: when you bought your last car did you suddenly notice that same model car on the road everywhere? You noticed cars before, but not that exact model. We filter out things that are not relevant. The way our mind processes a goal is no different. It has to be specific in order to be relevant. It’s not enough to set goals like: make more money, or lose more weight, and so on. To make goals effective set exact increments like $500.00 a week, or 5 pounds a month, then - 6 - attach a deadline. Set Deadlines Without a deadline nothing gets done. If there is no time element you will find yourself floating in life with no intention, direction, or expectation to accomplish anything. Remember the brain only responds to things that are relevant. Make sure when you set goals you attach a deadline, and then do your best to stick to it. Make it a point to set deadlines for everything you do in your daily activities. This causes more urgency which is sometimes needed to make things happen. Think in Terms of Benefits When you think about your goals, try to visualize the benefits that will come from them. Focusing on the benefits will increase the desire, and intensity to make it happen. For instance you might consider…  How you will feel, once they become a reality.  How they will make you richer  How they will improve your lifestyle  How they will free your schedule, so you have more time with your family, less stress, and more money. Archie Manley.com - 7 - Celebrate Small Victories Staying motivated is often harder than getting motivated in the first place. This is why it’s so important to find ways to celebrate small achievements; and use these achievements to gain momentum. Do yourself a favor: break your big goals down into smaller goals that are manageable. Every goal achieved elevates you, as if on a latter. In order to get to the top you have to take one step at a time. But if you only focus on the top without paying attention to each step along the way you will fall. The “big” goal might require more time and effort than you anticipated, and if you decide to quit you’ve made no progress on those smaller goals that would otherwise lead up to that one big goal. For this reason you should always try to celebrate small achievements. This will help maximize your productivity, and move you closer to the top. Chapter 2 Replace Fear of Failure with Confidence Setting goals is easy, but overcoming obstacles to make them happen is not. One of our greatest challenges we all must face is the feat of failure. This silent enemy puts people in bondage, while reducing them to a life of disappointments, and lost dreams. Fear is a very subtle disease with far reaching tentacles that affect many areas of life. An effective way to recognize it is to ask your-self some simple questions.  What is it that causes me to feel unsure of myself?  Why is my life always going the opposite direction from what I want?  Why do I feel success is for others and not for me? You may be surprised what your mind reveals to you when you’re honest, and open up to yourself. Once you start to recognize certain areas of fear, you can replace it with confidence. Removing fear, doubt and anxiety requires a new way to think. - 8 - Turn your thoughts to happiness: The most important thing you can do now is to be happy. When your thoughts, and emotions are working against you… turn your thoughts to something that makes you feel good... When you hear a song on the radio you hate, what do you do? You turn the station to a song you enjoy. Say your thoughts are telling you that you’re broke, unattractive, and so on …..As soon as that thought happens turn on … I’m rich, attracting, and vibrant beyond measure. Doing this with consistency will help you feel happier, and alter your mind to make you richer, more attractive, and vibrant. Avoid friends who drain you: Avoid people who only need you as a sound board to unload their problems without any interest in you. The wrong friends can place negativity, anxiety, and distractions into your life that you don’t need if you’re going to master success. Stay Focused: Instead of focusing on failure stay fixed on your goal, and visualize yourself being successful before it happens. Keep your goals in your mind at all times while you focus on the positive outcome without premeditating every negative encounter along the way. Free the Mind: When fear is removed it frees the mind to imagine what’s possible, and brings new energy toward a happier life. Once fear, doubt, and anxiety are under your control, the sky is the limit to your success. Learn the art of confidence: Developing confidence can actually make you healthier, happier, and more successful. You will build better relationships; have more money, more energy, and more enthusiasm. The art of confidence has nothing to do with arrogance. Many have a misconception of confidence. They relate it to arrogance. People who are arrogant are insecure, brag a lot, and crave attention. When you’re confident you’re calm, well collected, and have no need to brag, or impress people. You know who you are deep within, and what you want in life. Archie Manley.com - 9 - See Failure as Practice After studying some of the most successful people in modern history one thing stood out. They were determined to win despite every failure, set-back, and obstacle imaginable. Out of thirty highly successful people over twenty of them had every reason to give up, and no logical reason to keep going. Many people see failure as the final result, but Failure is not the final result; it is the beginning result of a life of excellence. Failure is practice, and practice makes those willing to fail more likely to succeed. Highly successful people develop strategies that usually fail, but they learn, grow, and make adjustments. They fine tune their strategy with consistency until something works. They are willing to fail over and over and over until they get it right. Once this happens it elevates them to newer strategies. Some work, some don’t. They are determined to learn from their mistakes, and advance without being discouraged from obstacles. In fact some of their greatest achievements started out as an obstacle. Overcoming Obstacles The world is filled with obstacles, and they can prevent us from taking action simply because they exist. Before going any further, ask your-self what keeps you from a better life. . Whatever it is there is someone who has faced similar circumstances, and overcame it with time. Whenever you feel alone in your struggles try to compare them to other people’s hardship. This helps put things into perspective. Here’s one example below. Bob Wieland lost both of his legs in Vietnam after stepping on a land mind trying to save his best friend. He woke up in a body bag 30 minutes later presumed dead. After going through 18 months of rehabilitation he had one goal in mine, and he was - 10 -

people who have achieved great success fall into slumps and find it hard to get motivated at position you to make your dreams come true. it is never too late to awaken the giant within, turn things around, and accomplish your.
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