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Archbishop Anselm 1093-1109: Bec Missionary, Canterbury Primate, Patriarch of Another World PDF

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Archbishop Anselm 1093–1109 The Archbishops of canterbury series Series Editor: Andrew chandler, University of chichester UK Series Advisory Board: professor Katy cubitt (University of York); professor Anne Duggan (King’s college, london); professor sally Vaughn (University of houston); Dr Julia barrow (University of nottingham); professor robert swanson (University of birmingham); professor Diarmaid mcculloch (University of oxford); professor Alexandra Walsham (University of cambridge); Dr Judith maltby (University of oxford); professor Jeremy Gregory (University of manchester); professor stephen Taylor (University of reading); professor Arthur burns King’s college, london); professor David hein (hood college); Developed in association with lambeth palace library archives, this series presents authoritative studies on the Archbishops of canterbury. each book combines biographical, historical, theological, social and political analysis within each archiepiscopacy, with original source material drawn from the Archbishop’s correspondence, speeches and published and unpublished writings. The Archbishops of Canterbury series offers a vital source of reference, of lasting importance to scholars,students and all readers interested in the history of the international church. Other titles in this series: Archbishop Fisher 1945–1961 Church, State and World Andrew chandler and David hein Archbishops Ralph d’Escures, William of Corbeil and Theobald of Bec Heirs of Anselm and Ancestors of Becket Jean Truax Archbishop Anselm 1093–1109 bec missionary, canterbury primate, patriarch of Another World sAllY n. VAUGhn © sally n. Vaughn 2012 All rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other- wise without the prior permission of the publisher. sally n. Vaughn has asserted her right under the copyright, Designs and patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work. published by Ashgate publishing limited Ashgate publishing company Wey court east suite 420 Union road 101 cherry street Farnham burlington surrey, GU9 7pT VT 05401-4405 england UsA www.ashgate.com British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Vaughn, sally n. Archbishop Anselm 1093–1109 : bec missionary, canterbury primate, pope of another world. -- (The Archbishops of canterbury series) 1. Anselm, saint, Archbishop of canterbury, 1033-1109. i. Title ii. series 282'.092-dc22 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Vaughn, sally n. Archbishop Anselm 1093–1109 : bec missionary, canterbury primate, pope of another world / sally n. Vaughn. p. cm. -- (The archbishops of canterbury series) includes bibliographical references and index. isbn 978-1-4094-0121-6 (hardcover) -- isbn 978-1-4094-0122-3 (pbk) 1. Anselm, saint, Archbishop of canterbury, 1033-1109. i. Title. b765.A84V38 2011 282.092--dc22 [b] 2011014973 isbn 9781409401223 (pbk) isbn 9781409401216 (hbk) isbn 9781409435662 (ebk) V printed and bound in Great britain by the mpG books Group, UK Contents List of Illustrations ix Source Abbreviations xi Prologue and Acknowledgments xv Part I: the NarratIve, aNselm’s archIePIscoPate 1 Introduction: Anselm’s Story through his Letters in Lambeth 59 3 2 The Bec Background: A Missionary Mentality 23 3 Anselm’s Election: Primatial Theory 49 4 An Old Sheep Yoked to a Wild Bull: Archbishop Anselm and King William Rufus 73 5 Interlude: Anselm in Exile and the Death of a King 101 6 Two Oxen Pulling the Plow of the Church through the Land of England: Archbishop Anselm and King Henry I 125 7 Patriarch of Another World: The Primacy at its Height, and the Problem of York 153 vi Archbishop Anselm 1093–1109 Part II: IllustratIve sources, aNselm’s letters from lambeth 59 1 Introduction: anselm’s story through his letters in lambeth 59 (which may well have been anselm’s own collection) 169 2 Documents for chapter 2: The bec background: a missionary mentality 173 a. Herluin’s Dream, in Vita Herluini, from “Life of Herluin,” in J. Armitage Robinson, Gilbert Crispin, Abbot of Westminster: A Study of the Abbey under Norman Rule (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1911), pp. 100, 103 174 b. Epistle 149, Ab Osberno monacho Cantuariensi (from Osbern monk of Canterbury, calling Anselm to England) 178 c. Epistle 223, A Paschali papa (from Pope Paschal, mirroring St. Gregory’s letter to St. Augustine) 182 3 Documents for chapter 3: anselm’s election: Primatial Theory 189 a. Epistle 153, A Roberto duce Normanniae (from Robert duke of Normandy, approval of Anselm’s election) 190 b. Epistle 154, A Willelmo archiepiscopo Rotomagensi (from William archbishop of Rouen, approval of Anselm’s election) 190 c. Epistle 156, Ad Baldricum priorem ceterosque monachos Beccenses (to Prior Baudry and the monks of Bec, explaining his mission) 192 d. Epistle 170, Ad Wlstanum episcopum Wigorniensem (to Wulfstan bishop of Worcester, finding Canterbury precedents) 196 e. Epistle 198, Ad Domnaldum, Donatum, ac ceteros episcopos Hiberniae (to the bishops of Ireland, primatial theory) 198 Contents vii 4 Documents for chapter 4: an old sheep Yoked to a Wild bull: anselm and King William rufus 203 a. Epistle 191, Ad Walterum legatum cardinalem episcopum (to the papal legate Cardinal Bishop Walter of Albano, Anselm avoids meeting him) 204 b. Epistle 192, Ad Walterum legatum cardinalem episcopum (to Cardinal Legate Walter of Albano, Anselm denies his authority in England) 208 c. Epistle 206, Ad Urbanum papam (in HN p. 91 [95]) (to Pope Urban, summarizing problems with Rufus) 214 d. Epistle 210, Ad Paschalem papam (to Pope Paschal, summarizing problems with Rufus) 220 5 Documents for chapter 6: two oxen Pulling the Plow of the church through the land of england: archbishop anselm and King henry I 225 a. Epistle 212: Ab Henrico rege Anglorum (HN 118) (Henry I’s letter inviting Anselm back to England on his coronation) 226 b. Epistle 288, Ad Mathildem reginam Anglorum (to Matilda, queen as substitute ruler of the Church) 228 c. Epistle 217, Ad Paschalem papam (to Paschal, request to lessen severity of homage, investiture) 230 d. Epistle 369, Ad Robertum comitem de Mellento (HN 170, 455) (to Robert count of Meulan, settlement at L’Aigle) 232 e. Epistle 401, Ab Henrico rege Anglorum (HN 184; see GP 127) (from Henry, on his victory at Tinchebrai) 234 f. Epistle 402, Ad Henricum regem Anglorum et ducem Normannorum (Anselm’s reply) 236 6 Documents for chapter 7: Patriarch of another World: The Primacy at its height: and the Problem of York 239 a. Epistle 243, Ad Mathildam reginam Anglorum (to Matilda, as queen bride of the king) 240 b. Epistle 303, A Paschali papa (Paschal’s letter granting the primacy to Anselm and his successors) 244 c. Epistle 304, A Paschali papa (Paschal’s earlier letter granting the primacy and the pallium to Anselm) 244 viii Archbishop Anselm 1093–1109 d. Epistle 283, Paschalis papa ad Gerardum archiepiscopum Eboracensem (HN 200 [231]) (Paschal’s letter ordering York to swear obedience to Canterbury) 246 e. Epistle 399, Ab Henrico rege Anglorum (Henry to Anselm at Bec granting all Canterbury’s privileges) 246 f. Epistle 235, Ad Baldewinum regem Hierosolymorum (to Baldwin king of Jerusalem) 248 g. Epistle 324, Ad Baldewinum regem Hierosolymorum (to Baldwin king of Jerusalem) 250 h. Epistle 447, Ad Atserum archiepiscopum Lundini Danorum (to Atserum archbishop of the London of the Danes) 252 i. Epistle 429, Ad Gislebertum episcopum Lumnicensem (to Gilbert bishop of Limerick in Ireland) 254 j. Epistle 442, Ad Rannulfum episcopum Dunelmensem (HN 209–210) (to Rannulf bishop of Durham) 254 k. Epistle 467, Ad Robertum comitem de Mellento (to Robert count of Meulan) 256 7 more Documents for chapter 7: The archbishop as administrator: securing lands and rights at court, building, rebuilding the see 259 a. Epistle 271, Ad Willelmum archiepiscopum Rotomagensem (to William archbishop of Rouen, about an incompetent abbot) 260 b. Epistle 293, Ad Gundulfum episcopum Rofensem (to Gundulf bishop of Rochester as second in command) 262 c. Epistle 265, Ad Henricum regem Anglorum (to Henry king of the English, about the consecration of the bishop of Winchester) 264 d. Epistle 469, Ad Rodulfum episcopum Cicestrensem (to Ralph bishop of Chichester) 264 e. Epistle 474, Ad monachos Cantuarienses (to the monks of Canterbury) 266 f. Epistle 475, Ad omnes fideles Ecclesiae Christi (to all the faithful men of Christ Church, Canterbury) 266 Select Bibliography 269 Index 277 List of Illustrations Frontispiece Portrait of Anselm from the Bodleian Library, MS Auct. D. 2. 6. fol. 156 r, a manuscript of Anselm’s prayers and meditations from the twelfth century xxii Illustration A. Illuminated Initial from Lambeth 59, fol. 64 r, first Archiepiscopal letter 170 Illustration B. Manuscript Page, Lambeth 59, fol. 176 r, to King Baldwin of Jerusalem 171 Illustration C. Manuscript Page, Lambeth 59, fol. 116 r, letter to Anselm, initial P 172

St. Anselm's archiepiscopal career, 1093-1109, spanned the reigns of two kings: William Rufus (1087-1100) and the early years of Henry I (1100-1135). As the second archbishop of Canterbury after the Norman Conquest, Anselm strove to extend the reforms of his teacher and mentor at Bec, and his predec
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