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Arch. Antonio Disi PDF

26 Pages·2014·0.86 MB·English
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Arch. Antonio Disi lingua If the light stays always on ddoo nnoott bbllaammee iitt oonn tthhee sswwiittcchh thank you fine WHAT IS NO LIFT DAYS ? “NNOO LLIIFFTT DDAAYYSS” iiss aann eexxppeerriimmeenntt that aims at demonstrating the effectiveness of low cost, targeted, eenneerrggyy ssaavviinngg sseennssiittiizzaattiioonn campaign for motivating people to change their behavior and lifestyle bbyy mmaakkiinngg “ssuussttaaiinnaabbllee + hheeaalltthhyy+ community choices ”. fine OBJECTIVES Implement low-cost sensitization campaign and promottiionall matteriiall tto encourage pubblliic employees to use stairs instead of elevators in the office buildings. Measure / Verify the impact of the initiative in terms of: • eenneerrggyy ssaavviinnggss • health benefits • sense of community ( prisoner’s dilemma) through: • energy consumption monitoring of 4 eelleevvaattoorrss ccaarrrriieedd oouutt bbyy EENNEEAA;; • health parameters monitoring activity of selected participants carried out by Fondazione S. Lucia IRCCS. fine STRATEGIES OVERVIEW To let people respond more positively to the NO LIFT DAYS initiative, we used ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn aapppprrooaacchheess aaiimmeedd aatt:: speaking to everyone as pioneers taking on a challengge, pparticippatingg to a common effort for producing results to be further analysed and evaluated, to verify whether taking the stairs and skipping the elevator is really “sustainable + hheeaalltthhyy ++ ccoolllleeccttiivvee”;; involving participants in one (health) of the two simultaneous monitoringg campaiggn; highlighting common and personal advantages: •• rreedduuccee eenneerrggyy ccoonnssuummppttiioonnss aanndd CCOO22 emissions • achieve health benefits • be part of a community fine Project activities and outputs MMoonniittoorriinngg pphhaassee Monitoring campaign to evaluate the daily energy consumption resulting from the use of 44 ellevattors iin tthhe bbuiillddiing. Duration: 2 months before and after the NO LIFT DAYS Campaign. fine Project activities and outputs Voluntary Survey AAnn oonn-lliinnee vvoolluunnttaarryy rreessppoonnssee ssuurrvveeyy hhaass been carried out to gather information on attitudes, behaviours, and other data concerning ENEA staff . As result, more than 150 questionnaires have been completed and 40 people enlisted as vvoolluunntteeeerrss ffoorr tthhee hheeaalltthh mmoonniittoorriinngg aaccttiivviittyy. fine Do you take the elevator or the stairs ? If the elevator, why? fine If the stairs, why? fine When you choice to take the stairs or elevator, do you make it alone or ssoolleecciitteedd ffrroomm ootthheerrss?? fine

reduce energy consumptions and CO2. • reduce energy consumptions within aphorisms, images, stories, videos on the th f lki. d t i theme of walking
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