Draftversion January21,2009 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.10/09/06 ARCADE 2 MEASUREMENT OF THE EXTRA-GALACTIC SKY TEMPERATURE AT 3-90 GHZ D.J. Fixsen1, A. Kogut2, S. Levin3, M. Limon4, P. Lubin5,P. Mirel6, M. Seiffert3, J. Singal7, E. Wollack2, T. Villela8 and C. A. Wuensche8 Draft version January 21, 2009 ABSTRACT The ARCADE 2 instrument has measured the absolute temperature of the sky at frequencies 3, 9 8, 10, 30, and 90 GHz, using an open-aperture cryogenic instrument observing at balloon altitudes 0 with no emissive windows between the beam-forming optics and the sky. An external blackbody 0 calibrator provides an in situ reference. Systematic errors were greatly reduced by using differential 2 radiometers and cooling all critical components to physical temperatures approximating the CMB temperature. Alinearmodelisusedtocomparetheoutputofeachradiometertoasetofthermometers n onthe instrument. Smallcorrectionsaremadeforthe residualemissionfromthe flighttrain,balloon, a J atmosphere, and foreground Galactic emission. The ARCADE 2 data alone show an extragalactic rise of 50±7 mK at 3.3 GHz in addition to a CMB temperature of 2.730±.004 K. Combining the 5 ARCADE2datawithdatafromtheliteratureshowsabackgroundpowerlawspectrumofT =1.26± ] 0.09 [K] (ν/ν0)−2.60±0.04 from 22 MHz to 10 GHz (ν0 = 1 GHz) in addition to a CMB temperature O of 2.725±.001 K. C Subject headings: cosmology: Cosmic Microwave Background— cosmology: Observations . h p 1. INTRODUCTION The ARCADE 2 is a balloon-borne double nulled in- - strument with seven radiometers at frequencies ranging o The standard big bang model places the formation of r theCMBatz ≈6×106 withanearlyperfectblackbody from 3 to 90 GHz mounted in a liquid helium bucket t dewar. Each radiometer consists of cryogenic and room s spectrum. The black body spectrum remains in ther- a mal equilibrium with the electrons and ions in the early temperature components. A cryogenic Dicke switch op- [ erating at 75 Hz alternately connects the amplification universe until the surface of last scattering at z=1089. 1 Measurementsbythe FarInfraredAbsoluteSpectropho- chain to either a corrugated horn antenna (Singal et al. 2005)oraninternalreferenceload(Wollacket al.2007). v tometer(FIRAS)instrumentacrossthepeakoftheCMB The temperature of the reference load can be adjusted 5 spectrum (∼ 60 GHz to ∼ 600 GHz) limit deviations toproducezerodifferentialsignal,nullingtheradiometer 5 from a blackbody, with temperature 2.725±.001 K, to output. The horn in turn views either the sky or an ex- 5 belessthan50partspermillion(Fixsen&Mather2002, 0 Fixsen et al. 1996), but measurements at centimeter or ternalblackbodycalibrator. Theblackbodytemperature . longerwavelengthsare less restrictive. Plausible energy- can be adjusted to match the sky temperature, nulling 1 instrumental offsets. 0 releasing processes including star formationand particle The calibrator (Fixsen et al. 2006) has reflection of 9 decay or annihilation could produce observable distor- less than -45 dB and can be positioned to fully cover 0 tions at centimeter or longer wavelengths while evading the aperture of any of the horns. Residual reflections : constraints at millimeter wavelengths. v from the calibrator are effectively trapped within the Atradiofrequenciesbelow10GHz,the radiationfrom i horn/calibrator system. Within this system the calibra- X the sky is increasingly dominated by synchrotron and tor absorbs almost all of the radiation because the horn free-free emission both from our own Galaxy and dis- r emissivity is low and the calibrator emissivity is high. a tant point sources and perhaps distant diffuse sources. Theeffectofreflectionfromthecalibratorsystemispro- The ARCADE 2 (Absolute Radiometer for Cosmology, portional to the difference in temperature between the Astrophysics and Diffuse Emission) instrument observes calibrator and the horn antenna throat. theCMBspectrumatfrequenciesadecadebelowFIRAS To minimize instrumental systematic effects the horns to observe the spectrum where the crossoveroccurs. are cooled and maintained at a nearly constant temper- 2. THEINSTRUMENT ature (∼1.5 K). The horns have a 12◦ full-width-half- maximum beam and are pointed 30◦ from the zenith to 1University of Maryland, Code 665, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt minimizeacceptanceofballoonandflighttrainemission. MD20771. e-mail: dale.j.fi[email protected] Aheliumcooledflarereducescontaminationfromground 2Code665,GoddardSpaceFlightCenter,Greenbelt,MD20771 emission. No windows are used. The ambient atmo- 3JetPropulsionLaboratory, CaliforniaInstitute ofTechnology, sphere during flight is kept from the instrument by the 4800OakGroveDrive,Pasadena,CA91109 4Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory, 550W 120th St., Mail efflux of helium gas. Code5247,NewYork,NY10027-6902 After the switch, a GaAs high electron mobility tran- 5UniversityofCaliforniaatSantaBarbara 6WyleInformationSystems sistor (HEMT) amplifier boosts the signal. The signal 7KavliInstituteforParticleAstrophysicsandCosmology,SLAC passes then through a thermal break to a 280 K sec- NationalAcceleratorLaboratory, MenloPark,CA94025 tion where it is further amplified and separatedinto two 8Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Divisa˜o de As- sub-bands followed by diode detectors, making fourteen trof´ısica,CaixaPostal515,12245-970-Sa˜oJos´edosCampos,SP, channels in all. Helium pumps and heaters allow ther- Brazil 2 Fixsen et al. mal control of the cryogenic components which are kept 4. SKYTEMPERATUREESTIMATION at2-3.5Kduringtheobservations. Thesignalfromeach Conceptually, the calibration process is straightfor- detector is demodulated with a lockin amplifier operat- ward. The calibrator is placed over a radiometer horn, ing synchronously with the Dicke switch. The critical and the reference and calibrator are each warmed and parameters of the radiometers and a full discussion of cooled to allow the measurement of the emission cou- the instrument are given in a companion paper (Singal pling from each component into the radiometer. The et al. 2008). radiometeroutput is modeled as a linear combinationof The sky temperature measurement depends critically component temperatures: on the calibrator temperature determination. The other components (horn, switch, cold reference, and ampli- R≈A·T (1) fier)becomeatransferstandardwhilecomparingthesky whereT amatrixoftherelevanttemperatureswitheach measurementstothecalibratormeasurements. Thereare rowacomponentandeachcolumnatime. Theradiome- 24 thermometers embedded in the calibrator, from the teroutputsareavector,R. Thesolution,A,containsthe tips of the calibrator cones to the back of the calibrator, couplings to the various parts of the radiometer. Since along with 9 other thermometers on other parts of the thelockinhasbothapositiveandnegativephasethecou- calibrator to measure the temperature of its surround- plings can be either positive or negative. The coupling ings. Thesewereincludedtolookforgradientsandother parameters include the gain and well as the emissivity. artifactsaswellastoprovideredundancyinthecaseofa Thecalibratoristhenmovedawaysotheradiometerob- thermometer failure. These ruthenium oxide thermome- servesthe sky;theparametersmeasuredwhile observing ters (Fixsen et al. 2002) are read out at 0.9375 Hz with the calibrator can then be used to deduce the temper- 2mKprecisionand1mKaccuracy. Identicalthermome- ature of the sky. As the mathematics are developed, it ters have been calibrated on separate occasions over 5 is important to remember that the essential comparison yearswithabsolutecalibrationsstabletolessthan2mK. is betweenthe sky andthe calibratorwhichbracketsthe 3. THEOBSERVATIONS sky temperature while the rest of the radiometer is in a similar state. The ARCADE 2 instrument was launched fromPales- Themostefficientuseofthedatausesallofthecompo- tine TX on a 29 MCF balloon 2006 Jul 22 at 1:15 UT. nent temperature variations to obtain the best coupling The instrument reached a float altitude of 37 km at estimates. However, some of the variations occur while 4:41UT.Thecoverprotectingthecryogeniccomponents the radiometer is observing the sky, which because of was opened at 5:08 UT. The calibrator was moved 28 the beam scanning the sky includes the Galactic vari- times from 5:30 to 8:11 providing at least 8 cycles be- ation as well. The data could be binned by sky pixel tween calibrator and sky for each of the radiometers. and a solution made for each point, but that would not During this time the entire gondola with the instrument take advantage of the instrument variations happening was rotated at ∼ 0.6 rpm, observing 8.4% of the entire while observing other pixels. Instead, a Galaxy model sky. developed in a companion paper (Kogut et al. 2008) is The5GHzswitchfailedinflight,sotherearenouseful subtractedateachpixelso onlythe uniformbackground datafromthatradiometer. The30GHzradiometerwith sky remains. Then a general least squares fit is used to the narrower beam is not matched to the beams of the solve for the emissivities, gain and the sky background other radiometers and has much higher noise than the temperature simultaneously, including all of the sky ob- other 30 GHz radiometer so its data are not used here. servations. The most useful observations were from 5:35 to The Galaxy model is derived iteratively. For the first 7:40UT and all ofthe followingderivations will use var- iteration the Galactic model is zero. The residual cali- ioussubsetsofthis data. Duringthis time the calibrator brated time series, combined with pointing data, is then temperaturewascontrolledbetween2.2and3.1Kwitha used to generate a map as in Figure 1 of Kogut et al. meantemperatureof2.72K.Aselectionof25minutesof (2008). The multi-frequency sky maps are combined to rawdatafromtheflight(approximately10%oftheuseful formamodelofGalacticemission,whichis thenusedto data) are shown in Figure 1. Only one of the channels correct the time-ordered data for subsequent iterations for each radiometer is shown. The other channel is sim- of the sky solution. The Galaxy model depends on the ilar. Full scale on these plots are ∼1 K for the 3,8, and spatial variation while the sky background temperature 10 GHz radiometers, ∼3 K for the 30 GHz radiometer dependsonthezerolevelsotheconvergenceisvaryrapid. and ∼2 K for the 90 GHz radiometer. While the 3 GHz Sincethemodelhereimplicitlyassumesauniformskyno radiometerobservesthecalibrator,the8GHzradiometer variations are injected into the Galactic model from the observesthe sky andthe 10,30and 90GHz radiometers fit. However, the background sky temperature depends “observe” the flat aluminum underside of the carousel. on the absolute level of the Galactic model. The 10,30 and 90 GHz radiometersobserve the sky and calibrator together. The Galactic crossings are clearly 4.1. Galactic Foreground Subtraction evident in the 3 GHz and 8 GHz sky data. Reference load changes can be seen in both the sky and calibrator The Galacticforegroundis complicated. Acompanion inthe10GHzand90GHzdata. The30GHzradiometer paper (Kogut et al. 2008) describes the detailed model datahavemuchhigherintrinsicnoise. Afirstapproxima- producedusingtheARCADE2dataat3,8,and10GHz tiontotheskytemperaturecanbe obtainedbyselecting along with published results from sky surveys at higher aninterestingskydatumonthefigureandmovingacross and lower frequencies. The spatial structure of Galac- toanappropriatecalibrationdatumthenreadingoffthe tic radio emission is modeled as a linear combination of calibrator temperature for that datum. template maps based on the 408 MHz survey (Haslam The Extra-Galactic Sky Temperature at 3-90 GHz 3 Fig. 1.— A subset of raw data from the flight. Full scale on these plots are ∼1 K for the 3,8, and 10 GHz radiometers, ∼3 K for the 30 GHz radiometer and ∼2 K for the 90 GHz radiometer. While the 3 GHz radiometer observes the calibrator, the 8 GHz radiometer observes the sky etc. The 10, 30, and 90 GHz radiometers view the sky or calibrator as a group. Intermediate transients have been suppressed. TheGalacticcrossingsareclearlyevident inthe3GHzand8GHzskydata. Referenceloadchanges canbeseeninboththe skyandcalibratorinthe10GHzand90GHzdata. et al. 1981) and the full sky Cii map from Fixsen et al. 4.2. Calibrator Thermometry (1996). The offset of the template model is then ad- Selecting which thermometer to use for the calibrator justed to match the totalGalactic emissiontowarda set intheleastsquaressolutionwouldbetrivialiftherewere of reference lines of sight. only one thermometer or all of the thermometers read ThedistinctionbetweenGalacticandextragalacticra- the sametemperature. Using manythermometersinthe diation varies from author to author. We define the to- equation allows the radiometer data themselves to se- tal Galactic emission along selected lines of sight using lectthebestlinearcombinationtodescribetheradiome- twoindependenttechniques. Thefirstmethodtreatsthe ter data. However the best differentiation of the various Galaxy as a plane-parallel structure, and bins the tem- thermal modes of the calibrator is data from the times peratureofthe ARCADE 2 skymaps andlow-frequency that the calibrator is moving or rapidly changing tem- radio surveys by the csc|b| to determine the Galactic perature. Unfortunately these data can not be used as emission at the north or south galactic poles. A sec- they are taken during the calibrator movement or when ond technique uses atomic line emission to trace Galac- the thermal state of the calibrator is poorly determined. ticstructure. WecorrelatetheARCADE2orradiodata One way out of this dilemma is to make a thermal against the map of Cii emission to determine the ratio model of the calibrator using all of the data, then use of radio to line emission in the interstellar medium. We that model during the times when the thermal and ra- thenmultiply this ratiobythe observedCiiintensity to- diometric state of the calibrator is best understood to wardselectedlinesofsight(northorsouthgalacticpoles calibrate the radiometer. This has the advantage that plus the coldest patch in the northern sky) to estimate the data canbe usedfor the calibratormodelevenwhen thetotalradioemissionassociatedwiththeGalaxyalong thecalibratorisbeingobservedbyadifferentradiometer. each line of sight. The two techniques agree well along A straight-forward way of generating a model of the each independent line of sight. We then compare the calibrator is to use principle component analysis (PCA) templatemodeltotheestimateoftotalGalacticemission to extract the most essential calibrator modes. The cal- along each line of sight to derive a single offset required ibrator has 24 thermometers embedded in the absorber to force the template model to match the model of to- to measure its temperature. A set of 21 of these ther- tal Galactic emission. The three lines of sight provide mometerswascarefullyrecalibratedaftertheflight. The consistentestimatesfortheoffsetinthetemplatemodel, data from these thermometers is arranged as a matrix with scatter 5 mK at 3 GHz and less than 1 mK at 8 or T of 21 rows of measurements each 6996 measurements 10 GHz. long, corresponding to over 2 hours of observation. The 4 Fixsen et al. tions of the thermometers within the cones. The total front to back gradient is approximately 600 mK; how- ever,sincemostofthegradientoccursneartheconetips, 97%oftheabsorbervolumeremainswithin10mKofthe base temperature. The thermometer locations were cho- sen using a simple static thermal model (Fixsen et al. 2006)andareconcentratedneartheconetips. Thether- mometersareapproximatelyuniformlydistributedalong the actual gradient so that in-flight gradients are well sampled throughout the absorber volume. The details of the metal surface under the calibrator change as the calibrator moves from one position to an- other. We observe with the calibrator in one of three positions. While over the high frequency horns, most of thecalibratorisoveraflataluminumplatelying1.5mm below the cone tips. A few individual cones lie over the high-frequencyhornantennas,withalargergapbetween the cone tip and the aluminum wall of the horn. The 3 GHz horn is nearly the same size as the calibrator. While over the 3 GHz horn, most of the cone tips are Fig. 2.— The temperature within the calibrator averaged over thedataperiodversesthedistancefromthetip(point). Thelineis ∼ 150 mm from the aluminum wall of the horn. The thepreflightpredictionoftheshapeofthegradient. Thepreflight third position has roughly half the cone tips near the predictionwasusedtoselecttheplacementofthethermometers. It aluminum aperture plate and the other half suspended isnotusedintheanalysis. The21thermometersareconcentrated above the 5 and 8 GHz horns. The third and fourth near thetips tofullysamplethegradient. Someof thedispersion of the measured points is due to the radial gradient which is not eigenmodesshowtheimprintofthelargechangeinther- shownhere. mal conductivity between the cones and the 1.5 K aper- eigenvector decomposition is ture correspondingtodifferences inthe heightofthe gas column below each cone. The thermal imprint of the V ·D·VT =T ·TT (2) threepositionscanbeconsideredthreevectors. Sincethe where D is a diagonal matrix of 21 eigenvalues and V is mean gradient has already been removed, there remain asetof21eigenvectorssuchthatV ·VT =I. Thissetof only two dimensions. The third and fourth eigenmodes eigenvectorsdescribesandorganizesthedataintomodes. spanthis space. Togetherthe first4eigenmodesaccount The corresponding eigenvalue calibrates the importance for 99.98% of the temperature variance. of each mode. Smaller modes are more difficult to identify with One of the critical differences between these modes is knownthermalconditionsbutmayreflectchangesinhe- the response time of each mode. The best data to dis- liumflow or changesin the aperturetemperature during tinguish the time constants is the first few seconds after differenttimesoftheflight. Weincludethenext6modes a thermal shock such as the movement of the carousel. to be conservative. This accounts for 99.996% of the The firsteigenmodesexhibitthe crucialthermaldynam- variation of the thermometers. The residual is roughly ics while the last eigenmodes are residual noise. consistentwith noise. Thus we can describe the thermal If the calibrator were perfectly isothermal the first state of the calibrator with (largest)eigenvaluewouldcontainallofthevarianceand ′ U =V ·T (3) thecorrespondingeigenvectorwouldequallyweighteach of the thermometers. In fact the largest eigenvalue has where V′ is V truncated to 10 rows. 99.9% of the variance and the weights for the various 4.3. The Solution thermometers only varies by a ∼5% in the eigenvector. The second largest eigenmode (0.08% of the tempera- A linear model can then be used to predict the ra- ture variance) is a front to back gradient in the calibra- diometer output: tor. Such a gradient was anticipated based on heat flow R=gE·X (4) from the 2.7 K calibrator to the colder (1.5 K) aperture where g is the responsivity of the radiometer, X is the below. A wrap-around tank of superfluid liquid helium matrix of ten thermal modes, U,(each row is a mode, surrounds the back and sides of the calibrator structure eachcolumnatime)augmentedbyrowsfortheskytem- to intercept heat from the outside. A thermally con- perature, the reference load temperature, the horn tem- ductive aluminum shield lies between the tank and the perature,theswitchtemperature,andafifthorderpoly- absorbing cones to provide an isothermal surface at ap- nomial. E is a vector of emissivities and R is a vector of proximately 2.7 K. The face of the calibrator opens to radiometerreadings. Since the radiometeris followedby an aluminum plate maintained at the bath temperature alockinthesignofE ispositiveforthehornandcalibra- (1.5 K). While the calibrator does not touch the plate, torbutnegativeforthereferenceload. Somecomponents the diffuse (∼ 300Pa)helium gascolumncantransport (eg. the switchorsome ofthe gradients)canhaveeither heat from the absorbing cones to the plate. The result- sign depending on the details of the unwanted asymme- ing heat flow creates a thermal gradient within the cali- tries. Since neither g nor E is known a priori, they are brator,whichwemeasureusingthermometersembedded combined; A=gE. A least squares fit: within the absorbing cones. Figure 2 compares the measured gradient to the loca- A=(X ·W ·XT)−1·XT ·W ·R (5) The Extra-Galactic Sky Temperature at 3-90 GHz 5 produces the weighted solution to the optimum parame- in the least squares fit, no further correction is needed. terization A, where W is a weight matrix. The solution The temperature of these elements is set by the vapor contains the sky background temperature as well as the pressureofsuperfluidhelium. Sincethehornsarecoated gain and other parameters of the fit. withafilmofsuperfluidheliumtheyareisothermal. The To minimize extrapolation and possible nonlinearities smallvariationsintemperaturearedrivenbythechanges the calibrator temperature range should match the sky in balloon altitude. The reference load temperatures for temperature range. The reference and horn tempera- 3 and 8 GHz are low compared to the sky and calibra- turesshouldeithermatchtheskytemperatureorremain tor, leading to a large signal in the radiometer output. stable. Table 1 shows the mean temperatures and their Thiscanallowinstrumentgainvariationtoaffectthein- variations for the flight times when the data are used. ferred sky signal. Gain variations are measured through The calibrator temperature listed is the simple average the temperature variation of the calibrator. They are of the calibrator thermometers. removed with a fifth order polynomial. Allofthedataareweightedequallyandassumedtobe MeanTemperaturesandRMSVariations independent,exceptsomedataareexcisedbymakingthe Radiometer Calibrator HornAntenna Reference HEMTAmpweight, W, zero. This excising is done to eliminate the 3GHzRad 2731±134 1486±3 1987±48 1439±3 data that are obviously bad or suspect on grounds other 8GHzRad 2710±116 1414±3 1474±3 1440±3 than their position within the residual distribution. For 10GHzRad 2728±111 1470±3 2840±158 1403±3 example, during part of the flight the lower 3 GHz band 30GHzRad 2728±111 1635±379 2290±737 1436±3 shows a signal at one azimuth. This signal is not seen 90GHzRad 2724±108 2775±173 2970±349 2961±784 in any of the other channels. This is precisely the type TABLE 1 of signal one would expect from a radar watching the Mean temperaturesand RMSvariationsof themajor balloonwitha narrowfrequency beam. Thesedata were components ofthe radiometers. Differentradiometers excised. An additional 9% of the data were excised as observed thecalibratoratdifferenttimes. All outliers;mostofthesemeasurementsweretakennearthe temperaturesin thetablearein milliKelvin. edgeofthe Galaxywherethereisahighspatialgradient and pointing errors as well as the details of the beam shape are most important. These data have a minimal The averagecalibratortemperatureis wellmatchedto effect on the background estimation. the temperature of the sky, and the variation in tem- In addition to the thermometers in the calibrator, perature of the calibrator covers the same range as the references, and horns there were thermometers on the variation in sky temperature, thus the estimation of the HEMT amplifiers. Since the HEMT amplifiers follow sky temperature is an interpolation rather than an ex- the Dicke switches, they cannot affect the offset of the trapolation. This also means that the thermodynamic radiometers, but their gain can affect the output. To temperature scale of the calibrator is carried to the sky correct for any temperature dependence in the gain, the andno further correctionsare neededto make the result rowfor the amplifier inthe temperaturematrix contains a thermodynamic temperature. R ∗ δTamp where δTamp = Tamp − hTamp.i The mean Equation(5)assumesalinearmodelofradiometercou- of the temperature is removed to improve the condition pling. Suchanassumptioniswelljustified. Thepowerat of the matrix which would otherwise have a row nearly the detector diode for each radiometer is dominated by identical to the data being fit. thenoisetemperatureofthecoldamplifier. Evenforthe Figure3showstheresidualsinthedataafterthemodel radiometer with the lowestnoise temperature (8 K), the hasbeenremoved. ComparingFig.1withFig.3itcanbe largestGalacticsignalvariationsof0.15Krepresentless seen that while the radiometer component temperatures than 2% of the total detector loading. Furthermore, the vary by ∼ 150 mK, the residuals of the fit vary by only mean difference in power between the calibrator obser- tens of milliKelvins. This demonstrates that the system vations and the sky observations is less than 1%. Gain is close to linear, and that all of the major components compressionandnon-lineareffectsarenegligibleforsuch are accounted for. small variations. 4.4. Instrumental Foreground Estimation As can be seen from Table 1, the mean temperatures of the major components are near the CMB tempera- Most of the instrument was in the far sidelobes of the ture. This minimizes the effects of reflections, unmod- antenna beams so its thermal emission to the radiome- eled emission and responsivity variations. The cold ref- ter is negligible. However the flight train, consisting of erence has as much impact on the radiometer signal as the parachute, ladder, FAA transmitter and balloon is the sky or calibrator. But the sky temperature estima- directly abovethe instrument 30◦ from the center of the tion does not depend on the absolute accuracy of the beam. Itsemissioncouldnotbeignored. Sincetheflight reference thermometer. The reference load and the rest train is complicated and moves with the balloon rather oftheinstrumentaremerelyatransferstandardtocom- than the gondola, a reflector constructed of aluminum parethecalibratortothesky. Neverthelessthereference foil covered foam board was attached to the gondola to thermometer and all of the other thermometers are read hide these components and instead reflect the sky into out to a precision of 2 mK and have been calibrated to the radiometers. The signal from these local sources is 2 mK against an absolute NIST standard. calculated by Singal et al. (2008). While the horns are considerably cooler than the sky, One of the principal advantages of a balloon flight is their temperatures are very stable. Hence whatever sig- thatitputsthe instrumentaboveabout99.7%oftheat- nals they contribute during sky measurements are re- mosphereandanevenlargerfractionofthewatervapor. peated during the calibration, and as they are included The residual atmosphere contributes less than 1 mK to 6 Fixsen et al. Fig. 3.— The residuals of the fit to the data from figure 1. Full scale is +/- 50 mK for all radiometers except the 30 GHz which is +/-500mK.Exciseddataarenotshown. Skyandcalibratorobservationsarelabeled. the10GHzchannel(Staggs,1996)andasmalleramount 50dB.The inducedsignalonthe radiometerisless than forlowerfrequencies. Theatmosphericsignalistoosmall .1 mK. At higher frequencies the gap is a larger faction to be seenin ourtipping scans;a correctionis made and ofawavelengthbuttheedgeismuchfurtherawaysothe a 30% uncertainty is included in the final uncertainty neteffectisamuchsmallerleakageathigherfrequencies. estimate. 5. UNCERTAINTYESTIMATION Component 3L 3H 8L 8H 10L 10H 30L 30H 90L 90H Operating the radiometer in a near null condition al- Instrument 10.8 5.8 36.6 42.2 2.9 2.3 4.4 4.8 17.2 16.9 Atmosphere 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 2.2 2.2 l5o.8ws p5r.e8cise measurements to be made with greatly re- Galaxy 23.2 19.0 2.2 1.9 1.2 1.1 .08 .07 la0xed co0nstraints on the gain, linearity and reflection of thesystem. Itisinstructivetoimagineanidealsituation TABLE 2 whereallofthecomponentsoftheradiometer(horn,cal- Estimates of foregroundradiation. All estimatesarein ibrator,switch, reference,amplifier, etc) are atthe same mKfromSingalet al.(2008). temperatureasthesky. Inthiscasethereisnochangein radiometer output when switching from sky to calibra- tor, and the gain, offset and linearity of the radiometer Asecondadvantageofaballoonflightisitgetsthein- are irrelevant. Instrumental reflections do not matter strument to 35 km, well above the nearest source of any since signals reflectedinto the radiometer havethe same radio transmitters. Although the instrument was sensi- temperature as the sky. What matters in this ideal case tivetonearbyradiotransmittersthesensitivitywassub- is only the calibrator temperature and the contributions stantially reduced when the transmitter was below the of foregrounds. plane of aperture. While the radio noise in a city might ARCADE2wasoperatedwithin0.1Kofideal,except be significant the balloon trajectory explicitly avoids for the horns and the references of the 3 and 8 GHz ra- cities and spends only a few minutes over small towns. diometers. The horns have a mean temperature 1.22 K Other than the radarsignature in one channel we see no below the CMB temperature, but the horn temperature evidenceforanygroundbasedradiointerference,soother is very stable. The reference temperatures of the 3 and thanthrowing outthe apparently contaminateddata we 8 GHz are too low, requiring a polynomial fit to allow make no correction for radio interference. for gain variation during the observations. The range of Thehornsarecorrugatedtolimittheelectricfieldnear calibratortemperaturesmeasuredthroughoutthe obser- the wall. The gap between the calibrator and the aper- vationsincludessignificantoverlapwiththe2.72Kofthe ture plate is only 2% of a wavelength at 3 GHz. The CMB. radiationleakingthroughthisgapwasmeasuredtobe∼- The overall uncertainty in the radiometric tempera- The Extra-Galactic Sky Temperature at 3-90 GHz 7 ture is a combination of the uncertainties of the parts gas over the entire front of the calibrator so the ther- of the model that go into the radiometric temperature mal dynamics admit only large scale gradients. Second, estimate. Each of the uncertainties listed in Table 3 will the natural frequency of gradients is proportional to the be discussed in turn. scale size to the inverse second power. Hence any high spatial frequency gradients will be quickly damped. We Source 3L 3H 8L 8H 10L 10H 30L 30H co9n0sLerv9a0tHively excise all data taken within 20 seconds of ThermometerCal 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 a c1.a0libra1.t0or move. Third, the low frequency channels Radiometer Cal 6.7 5.7 4.2 4.4 4.3 4.2 153 75 obs3e5rve20a.0large section of the calibrator (the 3 GHz ra- Statistics 5.0 4.7 7.7 8.6 3.9 4.1 27.3 13.5 13.8 6.9 diometer observes the entire calibrator) so any residual Galaxy 5.3 4.9 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 gradientswillbesmoothedinthelowfrequencychannels. InstEmiss 3.2 1.7 11.0 12.7 0.9 0.7 1.3 1.4 5.2 5.1 Althoughthegradientsarewellmeasuredthecoupling Atmosphere 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.7 1.4 1.4 to the various modes for eachradiometer must be deter- Total 10.5 9.1 14.1 16.0 6.0 6.0 155 76.2 38 21.8 mined from the data. The radiometer noise enters into TABLE 3 the determination of the coupling to the various modes. Uncertaintyestimates arediscussed in §5. Uncertainties Hence the uncertainty is large for the radiometers with areadded in quadrature. All estimatesarein mK. high radiometer noise (eg the 30 GHz radiometer). Estimatingthe uncertaintydue to the gradientsin the calibrator presents a challenge. Since the gradients are notstatictherelativeweightsofthevariousmodesinthe 5.1. Absolute Thermometer Calibration Uncertainty fit will compensate for the gradients. To estimate the The sky temperature can not be determined to better uncertainty in this compensation, the sky temperature accuracythanthe absolutecalibrationofthe thermome- solution is repeated replacing the ten most significant ters in the calibrator. The thermometer calibration was calibrator thermal modes with the temperatures of ten tested several times before the flight. After the flight randomly selected thermometers. Solutions using 1000 21 thermometers from the calibrator, still embedded in differentrandomthermometerselectionsareusedtogen- theircones,werecarefullycomparedtoaNISTcalibrated erate 1000 sky temperatures. The standard deviation of thermometer over the 2.2 to 3.6 K range (Singal et al. thedistributionofderivedskytemperaturesisrelatedto 2008). The flight electronics and flight cables were used the uncertainty of the sky temperature. Since there are inthetestandthetestwasrepeated3timestoverifythe 21 well calibrated thermometers and only ten are used uncertainties. In addition, the lambda transition to su- to generate the trial estimates, the dispersion in the sky perfluidheliumat2.17KwasclearlyseenwiththeNIST temperatureestimatesisanoverestimateofthe finalun- standard thermometer in the calibration data providing certainty. On the other hand, the normal estimate of an absolute reference. An estimate of the uncertainty the uncertainty of the mean of the 1000 selections is an for this test is 1 mK. By using all 21 of the thermome- underestimate of the uncertainty as the samples are not ters, the individual errorsare further suppressed, except independent. Weconservativelyestimatetheuncertainty for the uncertaintyof the NIST calibratedthermometer, due to thermal gradients is half of the dispersion or 16 which is common to all the thermometers. times the standard uncertainty of the mean. 5.2. Temperature Gradient Uncertainty 5.3. Statistical Uncertainty The uncertainty in the sky temperature is dominated The statisticaluncertainty is deriveddirectly fromthe by thermal gradients in the calibrator. If the calibrator data. After the residuals are computed the χ2 is renor- wereisothermal,itsonlycontributiontotheskytemper- malized so that the χ2/DOF is one. The ideal would ature uncertainty would be the absolute calibration un- have the same amount of data for each radiometer, but certainty of the embedded thermometers. Spatial gradi- the vagariesofballoonflightandrandomnoiseleave the entsareobservedwithinthe absorbercones. The largest remaining degrees of freedom with a range of 4312 to gradient averages 600 mK front-to-back, with the ab- 8169 with an averageof 6932. sorber tips cooler than the back. Transverse gradients The in-flight noise is roughly in agreement with the aremuchsmaller,withameangradientof20mK.These preflight data for the 3 GHz and 10 GHz radiometers. gradients are not stable in time, but vary slowly with The in-flight noise is an order of magnitude higher than scatter comparable to the mean amplitude. the preflight measurements for the 30 GHz data. In lab- Theradiometrictemperatureofthecalibratordepends oratorytests we noted that there weremany settings for ontheintegralofthetemperaturedistributionwithinthe which the HEMT’s would oscillate. We had attempted absorber, weighted by the electric field at the antenna tosetthecontrolvoltagesoftheHEMTamplifiersinval- aperture. This integralis approximatedas a linear com- leys of stability. Apparently conditions drifted in flight bination of ten thermal modes of the calibrator. The leading to oscillations and excessive noise in the 30 GHz time variation in the temperatures and radiometer out- radiometer. Thenoiseintheskydataandcalibratordata put is used to derive a single time-averaged weight for are identical within their uncertainties. The 8 GHz ra- each of the eigenmodes. The procedure is insensitive to diometer in-flight noise is higher than the preflightnoise thermal gradientsin directions not sampled by the ther- by a factor of 4. But the in-flight noise is dominated mometers, or on spatial scales smaller than the spacing by low frequency noise due to the gain variations on the between thermometers. large signal due to the low reference load temperature. Small scale gradients are not likely to be significant The in-flightnoise of the 90GHz radiometeris alsohigh for three reasons. First, heating is spread over the en- duetodriftsinthewarmmixerandlocaloscillator. The tire backofthe calibrator,andcoolingis done by diffuse measuredin-flight variance is statistically propagatedto 8 Fixsen et al. the sky temperature uncertainty in table 3. 5.4. Galactic Emission Uncertainty The extragalactic sky temperature is defined as the residual remaining after subtracting a model of Galactic emission. We define the absolute temperature of Galac- tic emission along 3 independent lines of sight using the meanofthetemperaturesderivedfromtheplane-parallel spatialmorphologyoftheGalaxyortheobservedcorrela- tion between radio and atomic line emission. The three reference lines of sight provide consistent estimates for thetotalGalacticemission,withscatter5mKat3GHz, 0.5 mK at 8 GHz, and 0.4 mK at 10 GHz. 5.5. Instrument and Atmosphere Emission Uncertainty The emission from the reflector and the flight train wasmodeledandmeasuredandthetwoagreewithinthe measurementuncertainties. The carefulmeasurementof the beam from the mouth of the antenna allows a very complete model. The tipping tests demonstratethat the Fig. 4.— The thermodynamic temperature as a function of frequency. ThesolidlineisthebestfittotheARCADE2datawith modelisessentiallycorrect. Themajoruncertaintyinthe a constant CMB temperature plus a synchrotron like component modelistheemissivityofthealuminumfoilonthefoam. with an assumed -2.62 index. The vertical lines are ±1σ. The Bycalibratingagainstthe measurementthis uncertainty dottedlineistheFIRASCMBtemperature. is reduced. must remain close to the horn temperature. Its effects The minimal contribution of the atmosphere at 37 km arelimited to changingthe dielectric surface of the horn isfromDanese&Partridge(1989)andLiebe(1981). We near its mouth, where the electric field is largely decou- assume a 30% uncertainty in both of these sources. pled fromthe walls. Finally, whatever minimal effect ni- trogensnow might havewill cancelin the sky/calibrator 5.6. Instrument Drifts comparison. Of some concern are the possible drifts of the instru- Itis difficultfornitrogento collectonthe insideofthe ment gain and offset in the instrument. The offset of calibrator as the back of the calibrator is sealed and the the high frequency amplifiers is effectively canceled by front of the calibrator is closed by the aperture plane or chopping between the reference and the sky/calibrator the horn. Bothofthesearewellbelow the freezingpoint at 75 Hz. The gain of these amplifiers might be temper- of nitrogen so any nitrogen getting to the surface of the ature dependent. The cold HEMT amplifier is expressly horn or aperture plane will freeze immediately and stay checked in the model, although excluding the amplifier whereitfirstcomesintocontactwiththe apertureplane temperature from the fit does not result in a significant or flare. The calibrator looks down so no nitrogen snow change in the final temperature estimation. The warm or oxygen rain can fall into it. amplifiers were cooling very slowly during the observa- Many voltage, current, and other temperatures (both tions. Including a linear gain drift did not significantly cryogenic and ambient) were tested for correlation with improvethefitoralterthefinaltemperature,andthusit residuals. Such a test can show some connection even if was not included in the final fit. The helium liquid level the connection is not immediately understood. None of changed over the course of the observations. But all of the auxiliary sensors showed any significant correlations the components of the radiometers were well above the with the residuals. liquid helium for the entire set of observations. A camera showing the exposed parts of the ARCADE 6. EXTRA-GALACTICSPECTRUM instrument at ∼2.5 K shows some nitrogen ice buildup Figure4showstheextragalacticspectrummeasuredby on the insulators and outer parts of the ARCADE 2 in- theARCADE2instrument. Althoughthedataat10,30, strument. Ice here has no radiometric effects. The ra- and 90 GHz are consistent with the CMB temperature diometriccontributionfromnitrogenicecollectingonthe 2.725±0.001 K measured by the COBE/FIRAS instru- aperture plane and flares visible in our camera is negli- ment at frequencies above 60 GHz (Fixsen & Mather, gible as it remains at the temperature of the aperture 2002),the dataat8and3GHz showaclearexcess. The plate or flare. excess is statistically significant, with both 3 GHz chan- The efflux of 5 m3 s−1 of boiloff helium gas prevented nels lying more than 5 standard deviations above the nitrogenicefromaccumulatingontheoptics. Noconden- FIRAS value. sation is visible on the horn antennas. If small amounts TheARCADE2dataalonecannotconstrainthespec- were to collect within the horns, it would freeze out at tral dependence of the excess signal to extrapolate to the horn mouth since the flow of helium gas from the other frequencies. Additional data from the literature horn impedes nitrogen flow into the interior. Any nitro- were selected to compare to the ARCADE 2 data. Al- gen freezing on the horn will have negligible radiometric though there are many published measurements at fre- impact since solid nitrogen has no rotational modes and quencies below 3 GHz, only a few have small enough hence no emission lines at centimeter wavelengths. Fur- beam and sufficient sky coverage to separate the Galac- thermore, since it is in thermal contact with the horn it tic component from the extragalactic component. We The Extra-Galactic Sky Temperature at 3-90 GHz 9 use surveys at 22 MHZ (Roger et al. 1999), 45 MHz (Maeda et al. 1999),408 MHz (Haslam et al. 1981),and 1420MHz(Reich&Reich1986)toestimatetheGalactic and extragalactictemperature. As with the ARCADE 2 data,thetotalGalacticemissionisestimatedalongthree reference lines of sight (north or south Galactic poles plus the coldest patch in the northern Galactic hemi- sphere) using both a csc|b| model of the plane-parallel spatialstructureorthemeasuredcorrelationbetweenra- dio emission from each survey and atomic line emission tracedbytheCiisurvey. Thetwomethodsagreewellfor the total Galactic emission along each independent line of sight. The residual remaining after subtracting the model Galactic emission from the measured radio emis- sion along each line of sight constitutes an extragalac- tic background. The scatter in this estimate from the three independent lines of sight provides an estimate of the uncertainty in the background temperature. Uncer- tainties in the gain and offset for each survey contribute additionalsources of uncertainty,which are combined in Fig. 5.— The excess antenna temperature as a function of fre- quadrature. Table 4 summarizes the extragalactic tem- quency. Thelineisthebestfitlinewitha-2.62index. Diamonds perature derived from the ARCADE 2 data and lower- are low frequency points from the literature. Squares are AR- frequency radio surveys. The largest uncertainty in the CADE 2 data. The 30 GHz data point is included in the fit but sinceitsexcesstemperaturecomesoutnegativeitdoesnotappear low frequency data is the gain uncertainty, but the un- ontheplot. The90GHzerrorbarjustappears atthelowerright certainty in table 4 also includes the offset uncertainty corneroftheplot. and the uncertainty in the Galaxy subtraction added in 2.729±0.004K,T =1.19±0.14Kandβ =−2.62±0.04 R quadrature. for reference frequency ν = 1 GHz with χ2 = 14.5 0 for 10 DOF. Figure 5 shows the radio background after Frequency Temperature Uncertainty subtracting off the best-fit CMB temperature. The AR- Source GHz K K CADE 2 data are in excellent agreement with the radio Roger 0.022 21200 5125 backgroundderived from the low-frequency surveys. Maeda 0.045 4355 520 Haslam 0.408 16.24 3.4 7. DISCUSSION Reich 1.42 3.213 .53 ARCADE2 3.20 2.792 0.010 ARCADE2 3.41 2.771 0.009 DataSets TR(K) Index T0(K) χ2/DOF ARCADE2 7.97 2.765 0.014 LF+ARC+FR 1.26±0.09 −2.60±0.04 2.725±0.001 15.5/11 ARCADE2 8.33 2.741 0.016 LF+ARC 1.26±0.09 −2.62±0.04 2.729±0.004 14.5/10 ARCADE2 9.72 2.732 0.006 LF+FR 1.44±0.41 −2.56±0.10 2.725±0.001 1.0/2 ARCADE2 10.49 2.732 0.006 ARC+FR 1.24±0.15 −2.60 2.725±0.001 14.2/8 ARCADE2 29.5 2.529 0.155 LF 1.48±0.53 −2.55±0.10 2.6±0.6 1.0/1 ARCADE2 31 2.573 0.076 ARC 1.13±0.19 −2.60 2.730±0.004 13.0/7 ARCADE2 90 2.706 0.019 TABLE 5 TABLE 4 Various combinationsof low frequencydata(LF), Dataused inthe determination ofthe CMBandlow ARCADE2 data(ARC), andFIRAS data(FR) areused to frequency riseestimates. TheARCADE 2final determine theradiobackgroundandthetemperatureof measurementsarelisted herealong with their theCMB. TheFIRAS dataistreated asa singlepoint uncertainties. Thelowfrequency measurementsare with an effectivefrequencyof 250GHz. antennatemperaturewhiletheARCADE 2 results are thermodynamictemperature. The ARCADE 2 measurement of the CMB tempera- ture is in excellent agreement with the FIRAS measure- Inclusion of low-frequency radio surveys allows unam- ment at higher frequencies. The double-nulled design biguous characterization of the excess signal in the AR- and novel open-aperture cryogenic optics demonstrate CADE 2data. ThedatafromTable4arefitto the form significant improvements in both calibration accuracy T(ν)=T0+TR(ν/ν0)β (6) and control of systematic errors compared to previous measurementsatthesefrequencies. Withonlytwohours where T is the CMB thermodynamic temperature and 0 of balloon flight observations, ARCADE 2 approaches T is the normalization for a radio background. The R the absolute accuracy of long-duration space missions. radio background is expressed in units of antenna tem- The absolute temperature scale for ARCADE 2 is set perature, related to the thermodynamic temperature T by the calibration of thermometers embedded in the ex- by T =Tx/(ex−1), (7) ternal blackbody calibrator, and is cross-checked using A observationsofthesuperfluidtransitioninliquidhelium. where x = hν/kT, h is Planck’s constant, and k is The largest uncertainties in the ARCADE 2 measure- Boltzmann’s constant. We obtain best-fit values T = ments result from thermal gradients within the black- 0 10 Fixsen et al. body calibrator. Thesegradientsaredrivenbyheatflow uncertainties with previous measurements at 10 GHz from the 2.7 K calibratorthrough the diffuse helium gas and 30 GHz (Staggs et al. 1996, Fixsen et al. 2004). to the colder (1.5 K) aperture plate below. The tem- Theagreementbetweenthehigh-frequencychannelsand peratures within the calibrator are monitored using 21 the FIRAS CMB temperature argues against any unde- thermometers suitably spaced to uniformly sample the tected systematic errors associated with thermal gradi- calibrator gradient. The gradient is largely confined to ents within the calibrator. thetipsoftheabsorberconeswithinthecalibrator: 97% Further evidence against an error in the ARCADE 2 of the calibrator volume lies within 10 mK of the base data comes from comparing the ARCADE 2 data to a temperature. Aprincipalcomponentanalysisofthether- similar analysis using independent radio surveys (Table mometerdatademonstratesthatthethermalstateofthe 4). Repeating the CMB/radio fit from Eqn. 6 but using calibratoratanypointintimecanbecharacterizedusing various combinations of data yields parameters in table onlyafewmodesformedfromlinearcombinationsofthe 5. None of the combinations are in serious disagreement thermometers. The first 4 modes are clearly related to with any of the others. The FIRAS data constrain the the expected heat flow from the calibrator to the aper- CMB temperature. The low frequency data constrain ture, and account for 99.98% of the thermometer vari- theindex. TheARCADE2databestconstraintheradio ance. We conservatively model the calibrator thermal background amplitude. The ARCADE 2 data alone do state using the first 10 modes, accounting for 99.996% not have sufficient low-frequency coverage to determine of the thermal variance. Tests comparing the sky tem- the spectral index of the 3 GHz excess. We assume a peraturederivedafterdroppingindividualthermometers spectralindex -2.6 and fit the ARCADE 2 data alone or demonstrate that the calibrator has more than enough the ARCADE 2 and FIRAS data. The two independent thermometers to adequately sense the in-flight thermal datasetsagreeonboththeCMB temperatureandradio gradients. Infact,4or5wellplacedthermometerswould amplitude, reducing the likelihood of serious systematic havebeensufficienttomeasurethekeythermalgradients error in either data set. within the calibrator. The extragalactic radio background is 2–3 times as Further improvements in the calibrator performance brightastheGalacticemissiontowardthenorthorsouth are possible. For operational simplicity, the instrument polarcaps. Hasforegroundemissionbeenmisinterpreted design forces the temperature of the aperture plate and as background radiation? Relativistic electrons trapped hornantennas to the helium bath temperature by flood- in the Earth’s magnetic field emit synchrotron radia- ingreservoirsattachedtothesestructureswithsuperfluid tion (Dyce & Nakada 1959). This emission is polarized liquidhelium. Itwouldbe straightforwardtomodify the andanisotropic,however,withintensitypeakingnearthe thermal design so that the aperture plate and horns are Earth’smagneticequatorandfallingtozeroatthepoles. only weakly coupled to the bath, allowing thermal con- Further,itismeasuredtobelessthan3Kat30MHzand trolofthese surfaces analogousto the successfulcalibra- expectedtobemuchlessthan1mKat3GHz(Ochsetal. tor design. Even modest thermal control could reduce 1963, Peterson & Hower 1963). It therefore is unlikely the temperature difference between the calibrator and to be a significant contaminant of our results. A spher- the aperture, thereby reducing heat flow and associated ical halo around the Galaxy with diameter comparable thermal gradients within the calibrator by an order of tothediskwouldnotshowupintheplane-parallelcsc|b| magnitude or more. analysis, and would be identified with an extragalactic The detected extragalactic radio background is background. However,theCiicorrelationanalysiswould brighter than expected. Low frequency Galactic radia- identify any halo containing ionized carbon. The agree- tion,andbyextensionextragalacticradiation,isthought mentofthecsc|b|andCiitechniqueswouldindicatethat to be a mixture of synchrotron and free-free emission. any halo contribution is faint compared to emission as- Our analysis shows the detected background to be con- sociated with the dominant plane-parallel structure. A sistent with a single power-law with spectral index β = similar radio/atomic line correlation using a simultane- −2.60±0.04from22MHzto10GHz. Estimatesofradio ous fit to the Cii, Hα, and Hi lines shows no significant point sources (Windhorst et al 1993, Gervasi et al 2008) shiftin the results,nordoes infrareddustemissionshow indicate a similar spectrum, but the radio background evidencefor asignificanthalo. Aradio-brighthalowith- from ARCADE 2 and radio surveys is a factor of ∼ 5 out dust, hydrogen, or carbon would be very peculiar. brighter than the estimated contribution of radio point Radio observations of edge-on spiral galaxies typically sources. show modest high-latitude structure more typical of ra- Itisdifficulttoreconcilethedetectedbackgroundwith dio spurs extending from the disk than a true spheri- thecontributionfromapopulationofradiopointsources cal halo (Irwin et al. 2000, Irwin et al. 1999, Hummel (Seiffert et al. 2008). Could the detected signal be in et al. 1991). Hα observations of edge-on spirals indi- error? The thermal gradient in the ARCADE 2 calibra- cate that diffuse high-latitude gas contributes only 12% tor is an obvioussourceof concernfor systematic errors. ofthe totalHα intensity (MillerandVeilleux 2003),well However, the gradient is well sampled and the uncer- short of the factor of 2–3 required to explain the results tainties associated with the calibrator thermal state are of this paper. Finally, we note that estimates of the included in the ARCADE 2 uncertainties. Furthermore, Galactic/extragalactic separation along three indepen- the bulk of the gradient is concentrated at the tips of dent lines of sight agree on the background amplitude the cones. The skin depth for absorptionwithin the cal- within 10%, despite Galactic foregrounds that vary by ibrator is a function of frequency: the high-frequency morethanafactorof2fromonelineofsighttoanother. channelspreferentiallysample the tips andouter surface of the absorber cones, while the 3 GHz channel samples the entire absorber volume. The results agree within This research is based upon work supported by the