OUP CORRECTED PROOF – FINAL, 18/11/2019, SPi Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time Fourth Edition OUP CORRECTED PROOF – FINAL, 18/11/2019, SPi Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time fourth edition tomas bjo¨rk Stockholm School of Economics 1 OUP CORRECTED PROOF – FINAL, 18/11/2019, SPi 3 GreatClarendonStreet,Oxford,OX26DP, UnitedKingdom OxfordUniversityPressisadepartmentoftheUniversityofOxford. ItfurtherstheUniversity’sobjectiveofexcellenceinresearch,scholarship, andeducationbypublishingworldwide.Oxfordisaregisteredtrademarkof OxfordUniversityPressintheUKandincertainothercountries (cid:2)c TomasBjo¨rk2020 Themoralrightsoftheauthorhavebeenasserted FirstEditionpublishedin1998 FourthEditionpublishedin2020 Impression:1 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedin aretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,withoutthe priorpermissioninwritingofOxfordUniversityPress,orasexpresslypermitted bylaw,bylicenceorundertermsagreedwiththeappropriatereprographics rightsorganization.Enquiriesconcerningreproductionoutsidethescopeofthe aboveshouldbesenttotheRightsDepartment,OxfordUniversityPress,atthe addressabove Youmustnotcirculatethisworkinanyotherform andyoumustimposethissameconditiononanyacquirer PublishedintheUnitedStatesofAmericabyOxfordUniversityPress 198MadisonAvenue,NewYork,NY10016,UnitedStatesofAmerica BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Dataavailable LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2019949441 ISBN978–0–19–885161–5 DOI:10.1093/oso/9780198851615.001.0001 PrintedandboundinGreatBritainby ClaysLtd,ElcografS.p.A. LinkstothirdpartywebsitesareprovidedbyOxfordingoodfaithand forinformationonly.Oxforddisclaimsanyresponsibilityforthematerials containedinanythirdpartywebsitereferencedinthiswork. OUP CORRECTED PROOF – FINAL, 18/11/2019, SPi To Agneta, Kajsa, and Stefan OUP CORRECTED PROOF – FINAL, 18/11/2019, SPi PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION The fourth edition differs from the third edition by the fact that I have added chapters on the following subjects. • Incomplete markets. This includes the theory of Esscher transforms, minimal martingale measures, f-divergences, portfolio optimization in incomplete markets, indifference pricing, and good deal bounds. • Equilibrium theory. This is an introduction to the (vast) area of dynamic equilibrium theory. It includes the Cox–Ingersoll–Ross production factor model as well as the basic theory for unit net supply endowment models. DuetospacelimitationsIhavedeletedachapterontheBlack–Scholesapproach to multi asset models, and the chapter on barrier options. The interested reader can find an excellent exposition of barrier options (and many other topics) in Joshi (2008). Prerequisites. For Chapters 1–10 the necessary mathematical background is a good knowledge of advanced calculus and elementary probability theory. From Chapter11andonwards,thetheoreticallevelishigher,andinordertoreadmost of the following chapters the reader should be familiar with basic measure and integration theory, as well as with abstract probability theory. A self-contained introduction to these topics can be found in Appendices A–C. I have corrected a large number of typos and other errors from the third edition, and I am very grateful for comments from Nicholas Amuyedo, Andrey Ashikhmin, Adnan Buyukbilgin, Jiakai Chen, JosephClark, ArrigoCoen Coria, AndersDahlner,MartinJo¨nsson,EdwardKao,AlexKarpenko,YavorKovachev, Katka Lucivjanska, Andrey Lizyayev, Glenn Mickelsson, Asad Munir, Kevin Schmid, Alexander Szimayer, Bill Thygerson, A.M. Underwood, Sebastian Wagner, and Russell Yang Gao. In all probability there are still several typos left. If you find any of these, I would be very grateful if you could inform me by e-mail <[email protected]>. I am much indebted to Mariana Khapko, Ema Iancu, and Simon Wehrmu¨ller. They persuaded me to start writing lecture notes on equilibrium theory and theytookaveryactivepartinaninformalseminarseriesonthesubject.Special thanks are due to Mariana Khapko, who has discussed most of the equilibrium topics in detail with me. Tomas Bjo¨rk Stockholm March 1, 2019 OUP CORRECTED PROOF – FINAL, 18/11/2019, SPi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION The purpose of this book is to present arbitrage theory and its applications to pricing problems for financial derivatives. It is intended as a textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in finance, economics, mathematics,andstatisticsandIalsohopethatitwillbeusefulforpractitioners. Becauseofitsintendedaudience,thebookdoesnotpresupposeanyprevious knowledge of abstract measure theory. The only mathematical prerequisites are advanced calculus and a basic course in probability theory. No previous knowledge in economics or finance is assumed. The book starts by contradicting its own title, in the sense that the second chapter is devoted to the binomial model. After that, the theory is exclusively developed in continuous time. The main mathematical tool used in the book is the theory of stochastic differential equations (SDEs), and instead of going into the technical details concerning the foundations of that theory I have focused on applications. The object is to give the reader, as quickly and painlessly as possible, a solid working knowledge of the powerful mathematical tool known as Itˆo calculus. WetreatbasicSDEtechniques,includingFeynman–Kaˇcrepresentationsandthe Kolmogorovequations.Martingalesareintroducedatanearlystage.Throughout thebookthereisastrongemphasisonconcretecomputations,andtheexercises at the end of each chapter constitute an integral part of the text. The mathematics developed in the first part of the book is then applied to arbitrage pricing of financial derivatives. We cover the basic Black–Scholes theory, including delta hedging and “the Greeks”, and we extend it to the case of several underlying assets (including stochastic interest rates) as well as to dividend-payingassets.Barrieroptions,aswellascurrencyandquantoproducts, aregivenseparatechapters.Wealsoconsider,insomedetail,incompletemarkets. American contracts are treated only in passing. The reason for this is that the theory is complicated and that few analytical results are available. Instead I have included a chapter on stochastic optimal control and its applications to optimal portfolio selection. Interest rate theory constitutes a large part of the book, and we cover the basic short rate theory, including inversion of the yield curve and affine term structures. The Heath–Jarrow–Morton theory is treated, both under the objective measure and under a martingale measure, and we also present the Musiela parametrization. The basic framework for most chapters is that of a multifactor model, and this allows us, despite the fact that we do not formally use measure theory, to give a fairly complete treatment of the general change of numeraire technique which is so essential to modern interest rate theory. OUP CORRECTED PROOF – FINAL, 18/11/2019, SPi viii PREFACE In particular we treat forward neutral measures in some detail. This allows us to present the Geman–El Karoui–Rochet formula for option pricing, and we apply it to the general Gaussian forward rate model, as well as to a number of particular cases. Concerning the mathematical level, the book falls between the elementary text by Hull (2003) and more advanced texts such as Duffie (2001) or Musiela and Rutkowski (1997). These books are used as canonical references in the present text. In order to facilitate using the book for shorter courses, the pedagogical approach has been that of first presenting and analyzing a simple (typically one-dimensional) model, and then to derive the theory in a more complicated (multidimensional) framework. The drawback of this approach is of course that someargumentsarebeingrepeated,butthisseemstobeunavoidable,andIcan only apologize to the technically more advanced reader. Notes to the literature can be found at the end of most chapters. I have tried to keep the reference list on a manageable scale, but any serious omission is unintentional, and I will be happy to correct it. For more bibliographic informationthereaderisreferredtoDuffie(1996)andtoMusielaandRutkowski (1997) which both contain encyclopedic bibliographies. On the more technical side the following facts can be mentioned. I have tried to presentareasonablyhonestpictureofSDEtheory,includingFeynman–Kaˇcrep- resentations,whileavoidingtheexplicituseofabstractmeasuretheory.Because of the chosen technical level, the arguments concerning the construction of the stochasticintegralarethusforcedtobemoreorlessheuristic.NeverthelessIhave tried to be as precise as possible, so even the heuristic arguments are the “cor- rect”onesinthesensethattheycanbecompletedtoformalproofs.Intherestof the text I try to give full proofs of all mathematical statements, with the excep- tion that I have often left out the checking of various integrability conditions. Since the Girsanov theory for absolutely continuous changes of measures is outside the scope of this text, martingale measures are introduced by the use of locally riskless portfolios, partial differential equations (PDEs) and the Feynman–Kaˇc representation theorem. Still, the approach to arbitrage theory presented in the text is basically a probabilistic one, emphasizing the use of martingale measures for the computation of prices. The integral representation theorem for martingales adapted to a Wiener filtration is also outside the scope of the book. Thus we do not treat market completenessinfullgenerality,butrestrictourselvestoaMarkovianframework. For most applications this is, however, general enough. Tomas Bjo¨rk Stockholm July 1998 OUP CORRECTED PROOF – FINAL, 18/11/2019, SPi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Bertil N¨aslund, Staffan Viotti, Peter Jennergren, and Ragnar Lindgren per- suaded me to start studying financial economics, and they have constantly and generously shared their knowledge with me. Hans Bu¨hlman, Paul Embrechts, and Hans Gerber gave me the opportunity to give a series of lectures for a summer school at Monte Verita in Ascona 1995. This summer school was for me an extremely happy and fruitful time, as well as the start of a partially new career. The set of lecture notes produced for that occasion is the basis for the present book. Overtheyearsofwriting,Ihavereceivedvaluablecommentsandadvicefrom alargenumberofpeople.MygreatestdebtistoCamillaLand´en,whohasgiven memoregoodadvice(andpointedoutmoreerrors)thanIthoughtwashumanly possible. I am also highly indebted to Flavio Angelini, Pia Berg, Nick Bingham, SamuelCox,DarrellDuffie,OttoElmgart,MalinEngstro¨m,JanEricsson,Damir Filipovi´c, Andrea Gombani, Stefano Herzel, David Lando, Angus MacDonald, Alexander Matros, Ragnar Norberg, Joel Reneby, Wolfgang Runggaldier, Per Sjo¨berg, Patrik S¨afvenblad, Nick Webber, and Anna Vorwerk. ThemainpartofthisbookhasbeenwrittenwhileIhavebeenattheFinance Department of the Stockholm School of Economics. I am deeply indebted to the school, the department, and the staff working there for support and encouragement. Parts of the book were written while I was still at the mathematics department of KTH, Stockholm. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the support I got from the department, and from the persons within it. Finally I would like to express my deeply felt gratitude to Andrew Schuller, James Martin, and Kim Roberts, all at Oxford University Press, and Neville Hankins, the freelance copy-editor who worked on the book. The help given (and patience shown) by these people has been remarkable and invaluable. This book would never have come into existence without the hard work of Judith Acevedo, Kumar Anbazhagan, Katie Bishop, and Kathleen Gill. All of these have worked on the book through the production process with care, professionalism, and efficiency. For this I am truly grateful.