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Arabidopsis umezawana (Brassicaceae), a New Species from Mt. Rishirizan, Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, Northern Japan PDF

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Preview Arabidopsis umezawana (Brassicaceae), a New Species from Mt. Rishirizan, Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, Northern Japan

植物研究雑誌 J.Jpn.Bot. 82:232–237(2007) Arabidopsis umezawana (Brassicaceae), a New Species from Mt. Rishirizan, Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, Northern Japan Yuichi KADOTA aDepartmentofBotany,theNationalMuseumofNatureandScience, (formerlytheNationalScienceMuseum,Tokyo) 4–1–1,Amakubo,Tsukuba,305-0005JAPAN E-mail:[email protected] (ReceivedonFebruary27,2007) A new species, Arabidopsis umezawana Kadota, is here described from Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, northern Japan. Arabidopsis umezawana is distinguished from A. kamchatica subsp. kamchatica by having plantlets at axils and inflorescences, uneven, adaxial surface of cauline leaves, suborbicular seeds with wings ca. 0.3 mm wide, non- nerved valves and the absence of radical leaves at anthesis; from A. halleri subsp. gemmifera by having annual or biennial habit, suborbicular, winged seeds and the absence of radical leaves at anthesis. This new species is restricted to the alpine zone of Mt.RishirizanandgrowsunderBetulaermanii–Alnusmaximowicziiscrubandinalpine meadow. A new combination, Arabidopsis gemmifera, isalso propsed. Key words: Arabidopsis gemmifera, Arabidopsis umezawana, Japan, new species, Rishiri Island. In December of 2005 some specimens and to any known species. Accordingly it was a photograph of Arabidopsis plants from Mt. concluded that the plants belonged to an Rishirizan, Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, north- undescribed species. Here this species will ern Japan, were sent to me for identification be described as Arabidopsis umezawana from Mr. Shun Umezawa, Sapporo, after the name of the collector. Hokkaido, Japan. These plants were esti- mated to be annual or biennial because plant Arabidopsis umezawana Kadota, sp. bodies were so weak and their subterranean nov. [Figs. 1–2] organs were rather meager. They were Differt ab Arabidopside kamchatica devoid of radical leaves at anthesis. Seeds subsp. kamchatica, habitui gemmifero ad of these plants were suborbicular in outline axillas et inflorescentias, foliis supra and distally provided of rather broad wings inaequalibus, seminibus suborbicularibus et ca. 0.3 mm wide. The plants from Mt. late alatis, stylis tenuis et longioribus, Rishirizan were significantly different from siliquis brevioribus, valvis non nervatis, ab- the two species hitherto known from sentia folio radicali; ab A. halleri subsp. Hokkaido: A. kamchatica (DC.) K. Shimizu gemmifera, habitui annuuo vel biennis, foliis & Kudoh subsp. kamchatica (Shimizu et al. supra inaequalibus, seminibus suborbiculari- 2005) and A. halleri L. subsp. gemmifera bus et late alatis, absentia folio radicali. (Matsum.) O’Kane & Al-Shebaz. Addition- Type: JAPAN: Hokkaido, Sôya Subpref., allytheplantsinquestiondidnotcorrespond Rishiri-gun, Rishiri-cho, Rishiri Island, Mt. —232— August2007 JournalofJapaneseBotanyVol.82No.4 233 Fig.1. TypespecimenofArabidopsisumezawanaKadota(JAPAN:Hokkaido,SôyaSubpref.,Rishiri-gun, Rishiri-cho, Rishiri Island, Mt. Rishirizan, the East Ridge, alt. ca. 1000 m, 7 July 2004, S. Umezawa 04070701,TNS747639,holotype). 234 植物研究雑誌 第82巻 第4号 平成19年8月 Fig.2. HabitofArabidopsisumezawanaKadota(Mt.Rishirizan,Nishi-Ôsora-sawaGorge,alt.1065m,4July 2007,courtesyofMr.S.Umezawa). August2007 JournalofJapaneseBotanyVol.82No.4 235 Rishirizan, the East Ridge, alt. ca. 1000 m, 7 July 2004, S. Umezawa 04070701 (TNS 74 7639–holotype, Fig. 1; TNS 747640–isotyp e). A slender, stoloniferous, viviparous, an- nual or biennial herb, 20–40 cm long. Stems 1–3, decumbent, simple or 1–3 times branched, almost glabrous or sparingly hirsute with simple hairs, viviparous at axils and inflorescences; if branched, branches elongated, divaricate. Radical leaves absent at anthesis. Lower cauline leaves ovato- elliptic to broadly ovate, 1.5–3 cm long, 10– 17 mm wide, coarsely and shallowly 1–3- toothed, uneven on the adaxial side, spar- ingly pubescent with a mixture of simple hairs and forked hairs on both sides, or glabrous on the adaxial side, rounded at Fig.3. Seed of Arabidopsis umezawana Kadota apex, cuneate at base, petiolate; petioles 3– (fromtheholotypespecimen).Scaleindicates0.2 10 mm long, almost glabrous. Upper cauline mm. leaves narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, 1.5–2 cm long, 4–12 mm wide, subentire, almost glabrous on both sides, petiolate; petioles 5– Rishizan, Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, Japan. 10 mm long, glabrous. Leaves of the Growing under Betula ermanii–Alnus plantlets suborbicular, 3–6 mm in diameter maximowiczii scrub and meadow in the aline at anthesis, glabrous on the adaxial side, zone of the mountain (alt. 800–1120 m; Fig. subdensely pubescent with a mixture of sim- 2). plehairsandforkedhairsontheabaxialside, Arabidopsis umezawana is distinguished petiolate; petioles 3–10 mm long, pubescent from A. kamchatica subsp. kamchatica by with a mixture of simple hairs and forked having plantlets in the leaf axils and inflore- hairs. Flowers in July, numerous in a loose scences, uneven adaxial surface of cauline raceme. Petals white, narrowly obovate, 5 leaves, suborbicular seeds with wings ca. mm long, 2 mm wide. Sepals obovato- 0.3 mm wide, non-nerved valves and the oblong, 2 mm long, 0.9 mm wide, glabrous. absence of radical leaves at anthesis. Seeds Nectaries ca. 0.5 mm in diameter. Filaments are relatively widely winged at base in 3 mmlong, flattened; anthers oblong, 0.5 Arabidopsis umezawana (Fig. 3), on the mm long. Siliques linear, 12–15 mm long, contrary, seeds are winged at apex and the ca. 1 mm wide, slightly constricted, not winges are narrower (ca. 0.1 mm wide) in nerved, glabrous; styles thin, ca. 1 mm long; A. kamchatica subsp. kamchatica. fruiting pedicels 5–7 mm long, patent. Seeds Arabidopsis umezawana is discriminated suborbicular, flattened, ca. 1 mm diameter, from A. halleri subsp. gemmifera (Arabis dark brown, distally winged; wings 0.3 mm gemmifera) byhaving annual or biennial wide; cotyledons accumbent. habit, suborbicular, winged seeds and the Japanese name: Rishiri-hatazao (nom. absence of radical leaves at anthesis. nov.). According to Mr. S. Umezawa (pers. Distribution and habitat: Endemic to Mt. comm.) A. umezawana grew sometimes with 236 植物研究雑誌 第82巻 第4号 平成19年8月 SasakurilensisunderBetulaermanii–Alnus Berkut. in Novosti Syst. Vyssh. Rast. 15: maximowiczii scrub at low altitudes. In the 154 (1977) – Arabidopsis halleri L. subsp. Pinus pumila zone A. umezawana occurred gemmifera(Matsum.)O’Kane&Al-Shehbaz among Alnus maximowiczii – Salix reinii in Novon 7: 325 (1997). shrubbery with Calamagrostis purpurea Arabis halleri L. var. senanensis Franch. subsp. langsdorfii, Artemisia montana, & Sav., Enum. Pl. Jap. II: 279 (1897) – Anaphalis margaritacea, Maianthemum Arabis senanensis (Franch. & Sav.) Makino dilatatum. This Arabidopsis species was in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24: 224 (1910). never observed under Pinus pumila scrubs. Arabis gemmifera (Matsum.) Makino ex AthighaltitudesA.umezawanawasfoundin Ohwi var. alpicola H. Hara in J. Jpn. Bot. alpine meadows on rocky slopes together 12: 901 (1936) – Arabis gemmifera with Salix reinii, Spiraea betulifolia, (Matsum.) Makino f. alpicola (H. Hara) Aconogonon weyrichii, Coelopleurum Ohwi in Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo (33): rupestre, Cirsium kamtschaticum, Filipen- 73 (1953). dula camtschatica, and so on. Arabis coronata Nakai in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 28: 302 (1914). Taxonomic status of Arabidopsis halleri Arabis maximowiczii N. Busch in Bot. subsp. gemmifera Mater. Gerb. Glavn. Bot. Sada 3: 13(1922) Within the species Arabidopsis halleri L. –Cadaminopsismaximowiczii(N.Busch)O. plants from East Asia have been recognized E. Schultz, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 17B: as an East Asian subspecies, subsp. gemmi- 541 (1936). fera, byO’Kane and Al-Shehbaz (1997, Cardamine greatrexii Miyabe & Kudo in 2001, 2002). However, they are significantly Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6: 169 (1910) different from those of European subsp. – Arabis greatrexii (Miyabe & Kudo) halleri by having gemmifery and more slen- Miyabe & Tatew. in Trans. Sapporo Nat. derstemsaswellasthediagnosticcharacters Hist. Soc. 13: 379 (1934). described by O’Kane and Al-Shehbaz. Large Japanese name: Hakusan-hatazao, Tsuru- populations of subsp. gemmifera are often tagarashi. found in the Japanese Mountains. The fre- Distribution: Hokkaido (southwestern quent occurrence of the large populations in part), Honshu, Shikoku (Mt. Tsurugisan, this taxon might be caused due to the Tokushima Pref., limestone area), Kyushu gemmifery. The gemmiferous habit is con- (Mt. Shiraiwayama, Miyazaki Pref., lime- sidered to make an important role in the stone area), Russia (Okhotsk, Kamchatska, propagation of this taxon. It is consequently Ussuri, south Sakhalin; Berkutenko 1988, appropriate that Arabidopsis halleri subsp. fig.35),Korea(thewholeregion;Lee1996), gemmiferaisregardedasadistinctspeciesin China (Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning; Lan the genus Arabidopsis. Hence a new combi- 1987, Zhou et al. 2001, Fu and Hong 2003) nation is proposed here. and Taiwan (high mountains of the northern part; Ying 1996). Arabidopsis gemmifera (Matsum.) Kadota, comb. nov. – Cardamine gemmifera IwishtoshowmysincerethankstoMr.S. Matsum. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 13: 49(1899) Umezawa, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan for his – Arabis gemmifera (Matsum.) Makino [in kind gifts of the specimens and the photo- Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24: 224 (1910), comb. graph; to Dr. M. Sato, Rishiri Town nud.] ex Ohwi, Fl. Jap. 581 (1953) – Museum, Rishiri Island, Hokkado, Japan for Cardaminopsis gemmifera (Matsum.) useful information on Arabidopsis in Rishiri August2007 JournalofJapaneseBotanyVol.82No.4 237 Island. limits of Arabidopsis (Brassicaceae) based on se- quencesofnuclearribosomalDNA.Syst.Bot. and 2002. Taxonomy and ohylogeny of References Arabidopsis (Brassicaceae). In: Somerville C. R. Berkutenko A. N. 1988. Brassicaceae. In: Charkevich and Meyerowitz (eds.), The Arabidopsis Book. S. S. (ed.), Plantae Vasculares Orientis Extremi AmericanSocietyofPlantBiologists,Rockville. Sovietici 3: 38–115. Nauka, Leningrad (in ShimizuK.K.,FujiiS.,MarholdK.,WatanabeK.and Russian). KudohH.2005.Arabidopsiskamchatica(Fisch.ex FuL.K.andHongT.(eds.)2003.Arabidopsis.Higher DC.) K. Shimizu & Kudoh and A. kamchatica Plants of China 5: 475–477. Qindao Publishing subsp. kawasakiana (Makino) K. Shimizu & House,Qindao(inChinese). Kudoh, new combnations. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. Lan Y. Z. 1987. Arabis. In: Cheo T. Y. (ed.), Flora 56:163–172. Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 33: 253–278. Ying S. S. 1996. Brassicaceae. In: Huang T. C. & al. SciencePress,Beijing(inChinese). (eds.), Flora of Taiwan, 2nd ed. 2: 745–769. Lee W. T. 1996. Arabis. Lineamenta Florae Koreae. EditorialCommiteeoftheFloraofTaiwan,Second pp.394–398.AcademyBooks,Seoul(inKorean). Edition,Taipei. Ohwi J. 1953. New names and new combinations Zhou T. Y., Lu L. L., Yang G. and Al-Shebaz I. A. adopted in my “Flora of Japan”. Bull. Natn. Sci. 2001.Arabidopsis.In:WuZ.Y.andRavenP..H. Mus.,Tokyo(33):66–90. (eds.), Flora of China 8: 120–121. Science Press O’KaneJr.S.L.andAl-ShehbazI.A.1997.Asynop- and Missouri Botanical Garden Pres, Beijing and sis of Arabidopsis (Brassicaceae). Novon 7: 323– St.Louis. 327. and 2001.Phylogeneticpositionandgeneric 門田裕一:利尻山産シロイヌナズナ属 (アブラナ 科) の1新種, リシリハタザオ 利尻島の利尻山からアブラナ科シロイヌナズナ 山高山帯下部のダケカンバ−ミヤマハンノキ低木 属の 1 新種, リシリハタザオ Arabidopsis 林の林床や高山帯上部のミネヤナギ, マルバシモ umezawana Kadotaを記載した. リシリハタザオは ツケ, ウラジロタデ, エゾヤマゼンゴ, チシマア ミヤマハタザオA. kamchatica (DC.) K. Shimizu & ザミなどからなる草原に生える. Kudoh subsp. kamchaticaからは, ①葉腋や花序に ハクサンハタザオは最近になってハタザオ属 小植物体 (新苗) をつけること, ②茎葉の上面に Arabisからシロイヌナズナ属Arabidopsisに移さ 凹凸を有すること, ③種子がほぼ円形で基部によ れ, かつ A. halleri L.の極東アジア産の亜種, り幅の広い翼をもつこと, ④花柱がより細くかつ Arabidopsis halleri L. subsp. gemmifera (Matsum.) 長いこと, ⑤果実に脈が認められないこと, ⑥根 O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz (1997)と扱われている. し 生葉は花期に生存しないことで区別され, ハクサ かし, ハクサンハタザオは繊細な茎をもち, 主に ンハタザオからは, ①一年生あるいは二年生であ 花後に花序や葉腋に小植物体をつけるという, ヨー ること, ②種子がほぼ円形で基部により幅の広い ロッパのA. halleriには見られない特徴をもって 翼をもつこと, ③根生葉は花期に生存しないこと いる. したがって, この属の独立種とみなし, で区別される. 種形容語 (種小名) は発見者の梅 Arabidopsis gemmifera (Matsum.) Kadotaの新組み 澤 俊氏への献名である. リシリハタザオは利尻 合わせを提唱した. (国立科学博物館植物研究部)

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