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192 Appendix C: Course Descriptions ARAB N100 - Arabic Communications BMAC N410 - Management Account- I: Foundations ing Issues This modern standard Arabic language course aims This course is for graduates of the Accounting Higher to develop first language skills to meet a variety of Diploma program who have continued into the Bach- work-related communication needs. It focuses on de- elor of Applied Science. The course builds on the mate- veloping the four language skills in contexts relevant rial covered in Management Accounting I and II. This to career needs. It also encourages the development is an advanced course, covering the nature of man- of independent learning. Accurate and appropriate use agement control systems and its influence on human of language “fundamentals” (text cohesion, coherence, behavior. The students familiarize themselves with the punctuation and spelling, morphology, syntax and se- studies of practical cases and real-world scenarios to mantics) are applied in contexts which relate to study discuss the management control environment in terms s e and professional needs. of assets employed, strategic planning, its processes in c di Credits: 4 service and multinational organizations. n pe Credits: 4 p A BADM N218 - Introduction to Man- agement BMAC N450 - Advanced Financial The roles and functions of managers shall be studied, in Accounting 011 particular the techniques of decision making, planning, Most managerial decisions are based on financial in- 2 / 010 organising, leading, staffing and controlling. Emerging formation that accountants develop:; thus, this course 2 e issues (for example, ethics, globalisation, and change) studies the accounting reports produced for financial u og shall also be a separate topic in the course. decision making. It provides the students with the nec- al at Credits: 4 essary knowledge to succeed in the modern world of C CT accounting. The emphasis throughout is on financial H accounting concepts and their application to problems BMAC N400 - Intermediate Financial arising in UAE and international business organiza- tions. Topics such as investments, leases, shareholders Accounting equity, evaluation of the stocks and EPS information, This course examines important topics, such as the accounting changes and errors, and issues of partner- FASB’s Conceptual Framework, that serve as a founda- ships vs. corporations are discussed in terms of cur- tion for a more detailed study of financial statements. rent-day accounting problems. The course provides an overview of the balance sheet, Credits: 4 its financial disclosures and limitations. It also consid- ers important issues in dealing with income statement content, presentation, disclosure and the timing of rev- BMAC N460 - Audit enue recognition. This course covers the classification of cash and the valuation of receivables on the balance This course is designed to provide students with a basic sheet. In addition, the students learn how to measure understanding of the auditing aspects of accounting. and to report inventories, operational assets, natural These include the objectives of an audit, and the audi- resources and intangibles. tor’s duty. In addition, this course examines the role Credits: 4 of auditing in the assessment of the reliability of finan- cial information within the context of the UAE. Course content includes a study of the auditing environment, concepts, tools and reports. Specific topics include ac- cepting and planning the audit and risk assessment, evaluating internal controls, verifying account balances 192 HCT Catalogue | 2010/2011 193 and financial statement assertions, reporting on audit- BMET N405 - Bioinformatics ed financial statements, as well as auditing standards, Bioinformatics is the application of computational tech- and ethical responsibilities of auditors. niques to the discovery of knowledge from biological Credits: 4 data searching biological databases, comparing se- quences, and looking at protein structures. The course gives basic genetics background including protein BMAC N470 - Government Account- structure and function, and reviews protein sequence ing analysis, structure prediction, sequence alignment, and database searching. Students gain knowledge about This course enables students to understand: govern- predicting the structure of a protein from its residue ment fiscal activities that impact the economy; gov- sequence, comparing multiple gene sequences, and ernment financial reporting models; the government’s finding a closely matching sequence using different power, as the major purchaser of goods and services, methods including the BLAST algorithm of which they to impose levies, taxes and investments . Government know the structure. activities are examined closely through mechanisms, Credits: 4 such as budgets and appropriations. The course covers the fundamentals of fund accounting as well as basic financial statements. Examples of UAE Government ac- counting systems are given to show how financial infor- BMET N410 - Design of Medical De- mation is prepared. Students should be able to practice vices I efficiently upon entering the professional workplace as The main focus of this course is product analysis from es c government employees, auditors, or consultants. conception to delivery using actual industry examples. di n Credits: 4 It considers pertinent issues in industrial design proc- pe p ess as they would arise in real-world situations, best A practice in such areas as materials selection, safety, BMAC N480 - Business Taxation prototyping, pre-market testing and validation, liability This course emphasizes tax concepts and issues. The and learning from failure. Students will be introduced course explains the principles and professional stand- to new concepts in hardware and software design, in- 011 2 ards governing the tax systems. In addition, it provides cluding the use of computer-aided tools to predict and 0/ an approach to the taxation of individuals and a more document safety-related design issues. 201 e in-depth study of the taxation of different business Credits: 4 gu o entities. This course particularly focuses on techni- al at C cal details to provide a foundation for future practice T C in taxation and consulting. Students learn about the BMET N450 - Modeling and Simula- H rules and the methods of tax computations. Generally, tion of Biomedical System tax models are the underlying theme throughout the This course introduces computer-based methods for course and are treated as an integral part of tax prac- implementing mathematical functions to model the op- tice in the UAE and internationally. eration of various cellular and physiological systems. Credits: 4 In particular, students use MATLAB and SIMULINK to apply presented theoretical analyses and algorithms to model the input/output relational characteristics of BMET N402 - Control Systems common biological and physiological processes, such This course introduces methods for analysis and con- as cellular population growth, ion transport, action po- trol of linear time-invariant feedback systems using tential propagation, cardiac pressure signal, heart rate Bode diagrams, root locus, pole placement, and ob- control, and insulin-glucose control systems. server techniques. In particular, the course presents Credits: 4 analytical methods to determine, assess and set the control system stability and response time with consid- erations of the system damping. Integral to the course BMET N455 - Digital Signal Process- are projects based on MATLAB and SIMULINK, where ing students utilize active learning through the application This course introduces the theory and practical aspects of theoretical concepts on simulated control systems. of digital signal processing as applied to biomedical Credits: 4 signals using MatLab. Specifically, students apply sam- pling theory, Fourier analysis, Z-transform, infinite im- HCT Catalogue | 2010/2011 194 pulse response (IIR) filters, and finite impulse response overview of the current literature and cover applica- (FIR) filters to common physiological signals, such as tions in general practice, in acute and secondary care, the electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram and in the community. (EEG), and arterial blood pressure (ABP) signals. Credits: 4 Credits: 4 BMFS N0330 - International Trade BMET N460 - Design of Medical De- and Finance vices II This course introduces students to the world of interna- This course strengthens the skills developed in Design tional trade and finance, the foreign exchange market of Medical Devices I through software applications in and FOREX exposure management. Students identify the field of healthcare and biomedical engineering. the risks underlying international trade, the various The course introduces virtual instrumentation applica- exchange rate systems around the world, the major tions (LABVIEW and BioBench) to empower students factors that affect foreign exchange rates, the main to conceive, develop, and implement a wide variety hedging techniques offered by banks to manage FO- of research-based applications and executive informa- REX exposure, and the INCO terms/documents used by tion tools. These applications fall into several catego- the contracting parties involved in international trade. ries, including clinical research, equipment testing and The course also explains the arrangements the UAE has quality assurance, data management, and performance with other GCC countries and examines the various es improvement. methods of payment used in international trade. c di Credits: 4 Credits: 4 n e p p A BMET N465 - Clinical Engineering BMFS N330 - International Trade and Safety Management and Finance This course brings together legal, engineering, and sci- This course introduces students to the world of interna- 011 entific aspects of safety in a single integrated treat- tional trade and finance, the foreign exchange market 2 / 0 ment. It surveys how changes in engineering and sci- and FOREX exposure management. Students identify 01 e 2 ence, laws and regulatory demands, and the attitude of the risks underlying international trade, the various u g workers and the public, outpaced technology’s ability exchange rate systems around the world, the major o al at to respond to them. Students will gain knowledge about factors that affect foreign exchange rates, the main C T the complex and potential hazardous situations in their hedging techniques offered by banks to manage FO- C H work environment, how individuals and government REX exposure, and the INCO terms/documents used by work together to better inform and protect workers, the contracting parties involved in international trade. the implementation of measures to either eliminate or The course also explains the arrangements the UAE has reduce the risk connected with these hazards, and the with other GCC countries and examines the various development of better relationship between the oper- methods of payment used in international trade. ating facility, the workers, and the community. Credits: 4 Credits: 4 BMFS N360 - Investment Manage- BMET N470 - Telemedicine Applica- ment tions This course gives the student the opportunity to man- This course describes the developments in the delivery age a bank in a simulated environment. Students con- of remote healthcare and explains the main features of duct in-depth analysis of the performance of their bank telemedicine and telecare. Students learn how informa- in a changing, competitive and economic environment tion technologies are shaping and redefining the health using computer simulations. Students learn to make care marketplace through examining aspects related to: strategic management decisions in the areas of lending main features of telemedicine and telecare; reviews of and deposit rates, investments, marketing of services, the technology needed for telemedicine; development, human resources and financial management. Students delivery, and evaluation of telemedicine services; and further develop effective domain skills through syn- the associated human, ethical, organizational, and po- thesis of data indicating the results of their decisions, litical barriers to implementation. Students gain a clear adjustment of planning and decision-making processes 194 HCT Catalogue | 2010/2011 195 and using problem-solving skills to accommodate shift- requests. Students learn about both the direct secu- ing economic and competitive environments, and justi- rity from the lender and the collateral security from fying and defending their decisions corporate groups and director guarantors in support of Credits: 4 the overall request for facilities and financial packages. Students gain practical experience by dealing with hy- pothetical commercial lending propositions incorporat- BMFS N400 - Advanced Financial ing financial packages of short-term and medium-term financing, hedging and cover for contingent liabilities. Analysis Credits: 4 This course has been designed to ensure that students develop the skills necessary to analyze and interpret the wide range of financial ratios that can be calculat- BMFS N470 - Islamic Banking and ed from both the financial and management accounts, Insurance which are presented by large, medium and small sized corporations, to corporate bankers and other financial This course is an introduction to the study of Islamic services institutions. These accounts support a com- banking and insurance. Basic knowledge of the conven- mercial lending proposition or credit facility which in- tional banking system and basic micro and macro eco- corporates a package of short-term and medium-term nomics are prerequisite for this course. Students are finance and financial risk instruments. introduced to the basic fundamentals of Islamic eco- Credits: 4 nomics and shown how these have influenced the de- velopment of Islamic banking and insurance institutions es c and instruments. The current relationships between Is- di n BMFS N410 - Insurance lamic financial institutions and conventional financial e p institutions in a financial world dominated by the latter p This course is designed to provide an overview of A and the western financial systems and markets will also the global and local insurance industry. The various be explored. roles of the insurance industry in the development of Credits: 4 the global and local economy are explored, at both a macro and micro level. Particular emphasis is placed 011 2 on applying this knowledge to the challenges and op- 0/ BMGN N100 - Business Processes and 01 portunities facing the insurance industry as a result of 2 e globalisation and the changes this will bring to the lo- Critical Thinking gu o cal insurance market. The course helps students to learn the basics of busi- atal C Credits: 4 ness through critical analysis of business scenarios and T C independent research. Business basics in the fields of H economics, management, human resources, marketing, BMFS N450 - Investment Analysis accounting and entrepreneurship are introduced using This course introduces students to the fundamentals of practical applications and scenarios which reflect busi- investment analysis. The course focuses on real world ness activities in the UAE and internationally. The course examples including the US, UK, European and UAE explains critical thinking by engaging in basic research equity and debt markets, as well as other world eq- projects and methodologies which require students to uity and debt markets. The concept of logical portfolio compare and critically evaluate conflicting or ambigu- building using a mixture of risk-free and risky assets ous information. The course aims are designed to help will be explained. Students are encouraged to perform students develop a more dynamic approach to prob- their own analysis on selected issues and to follow cur- lem solving. The remainder of the course introduces rent investment articles in the financial press. students to basic business concepts. Wherever possible Credits: 4 the use of the skills acquired should be applied to the business concepts and problems. Credits: 4 BMFS N460 - Lending and Securities This course provides students with the skills neces- BMGN N160 - Introduction to Man- sary to make decisions about the provision of facili- ties and financial packages for corporate customers agement and Organizations based on their financial statements and risk weighted This course provides an overview of relevant manage- valuations of the security offered in support of their ment principles and practices as applied in organi- HCT Catalogue | 2010/2011 196 zations. This course describes managerial roles and BMGN N320 - Leadership and Team- function with descriptions of different organizational building structures, different leading methods and styles, con- This course develops the learner’s own management trolling and planning issues. The course enables stu- and leadership skills as well as developing the skills dents to comprehend the basics of management and and knowledge needed to manage and lead people and apply this knowledge to practical situations by the use teams in an organization. The course covers the theory of current events and developing management issues, and practical application of the leadership function, both local and international. motivation, conflict resolution, performance evaluation Credits: 3 and team building. The learner is provided the oppor- tunity to study the theories and to apply those theories through projects and research. BMGN N250 - Organizational Be- Credits: 4 haviour This course introduces the reasons behind and issues relating to people’s behavior within an organization BMGN N340 - Management Informa- and the processes of organizational change. The course tion Systems defines organizational behavior and its importance. It This course focuses on the role of computer-based then proceeds to explore motivation, leadership, group information systems in business organizations from a behavior, cultural issues, organizational change and management perspective. The strategic nature of an in- s conflict and power in organizations. These issues are dice looked at within the context of organizations generally formation system is emphasized in relation to other n and those within the UAE specifically. Applications of business systems. Students learn that managers must e p also understand the major parts of an information sys- p organizational improvement will synthesize the prin- A tem, their general interrelationships and appropriate ciples terminology in order to communicate business require- Credits: 4 ments successfully with IT professionals. Students also learn how managers analyze data using off-line and 011 on-line software tools. 2 BMGN N260 - Ethics 0/ Credits: 4 01 This course is a philosophical introduction to the area 2 ue of applied ethics. The course introduces a number of g o al ethical theories and gives the student a chance to apply at BMGN N400 - Total Quality Man- C these to the business and working world. The purpose HCT of this course is not to show what is right and what is agement wrong, but rather to impart on students the importance This course takes an integrated approach to total qual- of the critical assessment of situations which are ethi- ity management (TQM). Students draw on what they cally ambiguous or contain ethical dilemmas. have learned in courses such as marketing, economics, Credits: 4 organizational behavior, and statistics. The class mod- els best practice by focusing on internal and external customer requirements, continuous improvement, the BMGN N310 - Commercial Law and use of teams, and data-based decision making. Course topics prepare students to implement quality programs Practices in the UAE as managers and to participate in improvement efforts This course introduces the study of law and the ba- as members of a quality team. The emphasis through- sic areas of law, in particular pertaining to commercial out the course is that TQM is an essential component law in the UAE. The course builds upon a basic under- of global competitive advantage. standing of the law to result in the application of more Credits: 4 specific laws to commercial enterprises and workplace situations. Students develop the ability to: recognize competing and conflicting legal interests, rights and BMGN N410 - International Business obligations in various commercial fact situations; un- In this course the international business environment derstand basic dispute resolution methods; analyze is examined, specifically as it relates to the manage- fact situations; and apply the appropriate law. ment of international companies. Students describe Credits: 4 and apply the principles of managing an international business; compare the social, political, and business 196 HCT Catalogue | 2010/2011 197 cultures around the world; examine world trade issues major part of this course, in terms of learning out- and their impact on international business; analyze the comes, involves students producing a comprehensive complexities and different modes of entering the inter- report based on a company of their choice and analyz- national market; and design a strategic plan for doing ing that company with reference to the strategic man- business internationally from within the UAE. agement principles developed throughout the course. Credits: 4 Credits: 4 BMGN N460 - Operations Manage- BMGN N420 - Real Estate Concepts ment This course provides students with a general introduc- tion to the developments in real estate in the UAE and This course covers a range of principles and practices allows them to explore the career and entrepreneur- of organizing, manufacturing and service operations ship opportunities within the field. The course covers with a special focus on operations in the UAE. Students some of the major developments in real estate in the recognize common and unique aspects of the UAE op- UAE which has put the industry in the spotlight, includ- erating environment; determine how the manufacture ing nationals being able to buy and sell property and of goods and provision of services fits into an organi- non-nationals being able to purchase property in des- zation’s overall strategy; and design manufacturing ignated areas in the UAE. Students will also research and service processes and plan their implementation. changes in the law and developments in the finance A management viewpoint with an emphasis on pattern industry to accommodate the growth in real estate. recognition and problem solving is built throughout the s e Credits: 4 course. c di Credits: 4 n e p p A BMGN N430 - Statistical Analysis BMGN N470 - Project Management This course is designed to introduce the use of statisti- This course provides the necessary tools and infor- cal techniques in solving business problems. The course mation to manage and control projects and their re- emphasizes how descriptive and inferential statistics sources. Project management is defined; project phas- 011 can be applied to business environments. Students will es and goals are identified; and stakeholder impact is /2 0 identify the procedures by which data are collected, discussed. It covers a range of principles and practices 01 2 organized, presented, analyzed and interpreted. They in the initiation, planning, staffing, coordinating and ue g will also construct and interpret a frequency distribu- completing of a project within the triple constraints of alo tion, and differentiate among the measures of central schedule, budget and performance. The course strives Cat T tendency, measures of dispersion, various concepts to strike a balance between the general knowledge of HC of probability, and between continuous and discrete project management and the computerized tools that probability distributions. Students will also apply nor- are available to assist students/managers managing mal distribution to practical business situations and projects. recognize business situations where sampling tech- Credits: 4 niques should be used and apply those techniques to such situations. Credits: 4 BMGN N480 - Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management In this course, students learn how to identify busi- BMGN N450 - Management Strategy ness opportunities and assess feasibility to start up and Policy and manage a small business. During the course stu- This course, as a capstone to management courses, dents create a business plan suitable for presentation takes an integrated approach to the teaching of the to a funding source. This includes identifying potential subject and to assessing the students. It imparts un- opportunities based on current trends, performing a derstanding of the framework of the strategic manage- strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) ment process; analyzes strategy formulation; analyzes analysis, selecting the appropriate form of business strategy implementation in the context of designing or- ownership, developing a human resource plan, prepar- ganizational structures and control systems; examines ing projected financial statements, determining capi- social and ethical responsibilities of business strategy; tal needs, identifying sources of funding, generating a and expects students to apply their knowledge analyti- marketing plan and identifying risks. cally and creatively to the analysis of case studies. A Credits: 4 HCT Catalogue | 2010/2011 198 BMGN N490 - Industry Project BMHR N420 - Human Resource Sys- This course extends and deepens the business skills tems and knowledge the student has gained through their The course focuses on the application of computer- degree program, by applying them to an actual work- ized human resources information systems (HRIS) in place problem or opportunity. Students must develop, the work of human resource professionals. An under- manage and complete a project presented to them by standing of how an HRIS increases the effectiveness of a member of the industry. The project must be pre- the human resource function in an organization and approved by their instructor and the industry contact. enables HR to become a strategic partner in the com- The student is expected to complete the project to a pany will be covered. The course provides a hands-on professional standard and within the project schedule opportunity to use HRIS software. established Credits: 4 Credits: 4 BMHR N300 - Human Resource Man- BMHR N430 - Performance Manage- agement ment This course helps students understand how organi- This course is designed to help students who want sations can gain sustainable competitive advantage to make human resource management a career. The through people. Students are exposed to basic HR con- course examines the development of performance cepts and strategies that help in the selection, reten- management systems, setting them in their historical s ce tion and development of “human capital”. This course context, and discussing the great importance attached di n provides a functional understanding of HR principles to them today. It focuses on the application of per- e p to enable students see how HR affects all employees, formance management processes, methods to assess p A the organisation, the community and the larger society. the organisation`s performance, reasons for under- Credits: 4 performance and the role of compensation in team and individual performance. Students are encouraged to analyse the performance management systems in vari- 011 BMHR N400 - HR Planning & Recruit- ous organisations, and to consider the underlying aims 2 0/ ment of such systems. 01 2 This course looks at human resource planning and re- Credits: 4 e u g cruitment as part of the organizational level strategic o atal planning process. It covers the formulation of a strate- C T gic human resource plan that links the human resource BMHR N450 - Organizational Devel- C H function with the direction of business units and the or- opment and Management ganization as a whole. The course includes identifying Organizational Management and Development involves key issues and developing, implementing and evaluat- the study and practical application of organizational ing a strategic human resource plan. It also describes science, management and behavior within modern and analyses different business plans, organizational business. Students will enhance their ability to develop structures and the functions of each management level organisational excellence and act as change agents by and the relationship between them. examining innovative models of leadership, organisa- Credits: 4 tion culture, globalization, workforce and team man- agement and managing change. Students will have the BMHR N410 - Career Planning and opportunity to apply their educational experiences to te real-life situations faced in the workplace. Development Credits: 4 This course helps students to understand how organi- sational performance is enhanced by managing the BMHR N470 - Industrial Relations talent effectively. Learners in the course will review The study of industrial relations looks at how or- resources from a variety of theoretical and pragmatic ganizations manage people, and the wider social and perspectives, and able to answer why career manage- economic context in which they operate. Students de- ment is vital to organisation’s success, how to identify termine the role of the economic, social and political and develop the management talent, what policies will environments on the employment philosophy of the help in the career progression of employees and finally company. Students also learn the importance of collec- how to develop a successful career plan for employees. tive bargaining, the changing nature of work and some Credits: 4 198 HCT Catalogue | 2010/2011 199 ethical issues associated with industrial relations while provides an opportunity to investigate various cultural discussing industrial relations and its impact on differ- issues in purchasing behaviour in the UAE / Middle East ent organizational structures. context. Credits: 4 Credits: 4 BMKT N210 - Corporate Marketing BMKT N410 - Marketing Simulation Fundamentals and Application The course examines the role of marketing, research, This course comes after all basic marketing courses consumer behavior, industrial marketing, and product have been completed. Students use the ‘MARKSTRAT’ strategy within a corporate environment and using the simulation to put into practice a wide range of market- tools of applied communications and the modern mass ing principles including segmentation, positioning, use media. of research, target marketing, product development, Credits: 4 distribution and pricing strategies, promotional strat- egies, competitor analysis and market planning. Stu- dents develop strategic and planning skills which guide BMKT N310 - Marketing Research the many tactical decisions that need to be made. The This course covers the role of marketing research in simulation is designed to match live market conditions, marketing decision making and provides students with and gives the student a real sense of what it is like to s the knowledge and skills required to enable them to un- be a marketing manager. ce dertake their own qualitative and quantitative research. Credits: 4 ndi Emphasis is placed on marketing research within the pe p context of the UAE business environment and the use A of the Internet as a research tool. Students also learn BMKT N420 - Retail and Distribution how to design, record and analyze data using SPSS. In this course students gain an in-depth understand- Credits: 4 ing of retail marketing strategy and distribution/sup- ply chain strategy. In addition to case study and other 011 2 / 0 classroom and online work, students gain a practical 01 BMKT N400 - Marketing Manage- 2 insight into retail marketing, as it relates to the UAE, e u ment through a major project of a local major retailer. Stu- og al This course focuses on managing a firm’s marketing dents also investigate the legal environment for devel- at C functions. The course makes use of seminars, current oping distribution channels in the UAE, to help them in CT H marketing case studies and computer simulations that any entrepreneurial pursuits they may wish to under- depict real, global market environments. Students learn take. They also analyse and evaluate aspects of on-line to develop a comprehensive marketing plan for a prod- retail and distribution. uct or a service. As they do, they analyze the rela- Credits: 4 tionship between marketing management and strategic business planning and analyze the corporate strategic planning process. The student also identifies marketing BMKT N440 - Logistics and Supply opportunities and measures potential market demand Management for a new product. Credits: 4 This course examines logistics and supply manage- ment systems that provide the physical supply of raw materials and parts to a firm and the distribution of products and services to its customers. Students exam- BMKT N401 - Consumer Behavior ine and discuss the importance of ensuring accuracy in demand and supply planning activities, best practices This course provides students with an in-depth un- for collaboration and control across supply networks, derstanding of the various processes and influences order and inventory management procedures, ware- involved in the way consumers make purchasing de- house management techniques including inbound and cisions. From a sound theoretical basis, students un- outbound logistics, as well as shipping and customer dertake a consumer behaviour research project which returns. may be related to their field of work. This course also Credits: 4 HCT Catalogue | 2010/2011 200 BMKT N450 - International Marketing the responses; interviewing techniques; customer satis- This course builds on previous marketing courses by faction; and quality assurance. allowing students to apply their marketing knowledge Credits: 4 to the more complex international environment, with its inherent unique challenges and pitfalls. Students investigate cultural issues, logistics, international poli- BMQM N430 - Quality Planning, Im- tics, the diversity of legal environments, international plementation and Audit communications and advertising in multiple regional The course includes an analysis of critical quality plan- contexts. ning practices and how to implement evaluations and Credits: 4 audits as part of a quality assurance program. This course provides an overview of techniques to plan, organize, monitor and control the improvement of BMKT N460 - Industrial and Service quality. Students learn to view quality from a variety Sector Marketing of functional perspective and in the process, gain a This course is a combined study of business to business better understanding of the problems associated with marketing and services, marketing concepts and prac- improving quality, the quality tools utilized and the tices. In the first part of the course, students investi- international environments related to quality. gate organisational buying behaviour, business market Credits: 4 segmentation and business marketing strategies. In the s e second half of the course students gain an in-depth un- c di derstanding of the unique challenges inherent to mar- BMQM N450 - ISO Standards for In- n pe keting quality services. Students undertake research on dustry and Services p A the changing nature of services marketing and the ef- This course provides basic knowledge of International fect of information technology on the convergence of Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) standards and manufacturing and service industries. other publications. It covers practical skills relating to Credits: 4 the interpretation of requirements, planning, imple- 011 menting, sustaining and the integration of manage- 2 / 0 ment systems according to different models. Learners, 01 e 2 BMQM N410 - Statistical Methods in as prospective executive representatives for manage- u g Quality Analysis ment systems, learn the concept of the process and o al at This course provides students with skills related to the system approach, along with its impact on continuous C CT advanced statistical techniques used for the descrip- improvement within an organization. H tion and analysis of business problems. The subject is Credits: 4 essentially concerned by developing the skills of the students in statistical analysis and decision-making, testing of hypotheses, linear and non-linear, ANNOVA, BMQM N460 - International and statistical quality control, acceptance sampling, corre- UAE Quality Award Systems lation and regression techniques. This course provides an opportunity for students to Credits: 4 develop the frameworks of understanding in regards to quality award systems. Students discuss terminolo- gies and the purpose of quality awards while studying BMQM N420 - Measuring Customer selected methodologies of quality awards and how to Satisfaction prepare an organization for a selected quality award. This course includes information on how to develop Emphasis is placed on comprehensive exposure to the a system to monitor the voice of the customer on a international and UAE quality award systems of the continual basis, as well as how to use customer data Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award in Abu Dhabi, the Abu to increase market share. Included in the course are Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Perform- various tools for gathering customer data such as focus ance, the Dubai Quality Award, the Dubai Government groups, surveys and complaint tracking. Other topics Excellence Program, the Baldrige Award and the Euro- include: handling customer complaints; responding to pean Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Ex- angry customers; measuring customer satisfaction by cellence Award for integrating total quality principles surveys; sampling techniques; survey designs; effec- and practices in any organization. tiveness of the various survey techniques; analysis of Credits: 4 200 HCT Catalogue | 2010/2011 201 BMRE N410 - Property Evaluation BMRE N450 - Maintenance and Facil- Methods ities Management This course provides the underpinning knowledge for This course provides the required knowledge for the the valuation of property and an understanding of the management of the maintenance of a property and an concepts of value and worth. The course explains the understanding of the work of the facilities manager. methods of valuing property for a range of purposes The course explains the methods of ensuring that exist- and provides international guidance notes and stand- ing buildings meet the needs of their users and an un- ards for valuation. derstanding of the benefits that can accrue to building Credits: 4 owners and occupiers through implementing a facilities management strategy. Credits: 4 BMRE N420 - Applied Property Evalu- ation Methods BMSP N410 - The Media and Sport This course applies the knowledge gained from the Property Evaluation Methods course to a wider range This course examines the unique relationship between of business assets and developments. The course ex- sports and the media. The course provides the student plains the profits method of valuation by looking at with an insight into the variety of media forms that hotels and resorts, and alternative valuation methods are successfully used by decision makers in the sports for regional shopping centres and heritage sites. The industry, both on a global and local scale, to promote, s valuation of property for investment by the public sec- sell and expand sports and leisure opportunities. ce tor and institutions is also investigated. Credits: 4 ndi e Credits: 4 p p A BMSP N411 - Sports Policy and Law BMRE N430 - Property, Construc- This course provides the student with an understanding of policy and law as related to the sports industry in tion and Environment Law local, regional and international contexts. The course 011 This course provides students with a clear understand- 2 examines fully the role of governments and governing 0/ ing of the law related to the developing, selling and 01 bodies, their policies and legislation, the management, 2 buying of property, and the associated Islamic and e u control and legalization of sports at both the amateur g wAne sutenrdne rbsatnaknidnign gs ooluf tiinotnesr nfaotri othnea lfilyn arneccoinggn iosfe pd ropjreocctes-. and professional levels. Catalo Credits: 4 T dures is required alongside those specific to the UAE. C H The course provides a critical examination of the le- gal regulations covering the property and construction BMSP N414 - Sports Leadership and industry including land law, property ownership and tenancies, contract law and dispute resolution. Team Building Credits: 4 The course examines the theories, concepts, and the practical applications which are necessary for leaders BMRE N440 - Urban Planning to guide individuals, work units, and organizations to This course provides students with a clear understand- achieve. Concepts, models, and current theories in or- ing of the fundamental concepts and theories of urban ganizational development are explained and analyzed. and regional planning. The course provides a critical Personal integrative leadership development is also examination of the planning policies, processes and stressed as the role of emotional intelligence in effec- procedures in the UAE with regards to the long and tive leadership is explored. short term planning of developments. Students research Credits: 4 the processes and procedures followed in other coun- tries to explore potential short comings in the present system. Students also investigate the pressures exerted BMSP N415 - Entrepreneurship and by the general public, developers and the Ministries in Sport the UAE and the resultant changes and improvements This course is designed to provide the bachelor sports in the planning process. and leisure management students with information re- Credits: 4 lating to the preparation of starting one’s own business in the sports and leisure industry. Students are given HCT Catalogue | 2010/2011

Students are introduced to the basic fundamentals of Islamic eco- velopment of Islamic banking and insurance institutions This course also ena-.
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