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AR 40–3 PDF

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Army Regulation 40–3 Medical Services Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Care Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 23 April 2013 UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY of CHANGE AR 40–3 Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Care This major revision, dated 23 April 2013-- o Requires that The Surgeon General appoint the Consultant, Blood Program and Director, Army Blood Program (para 5-2a(6)). o Adds qualifications for the Director, Army Blood Program (para 5-2d(1)). o Adds qualifications for the Chief, Blood Services and for Blood Donor Center officers in charge (para 5-2f(2)). o Clarifies that the regional medical command blood manager has overall responsibility for managing credits throughout their respective region (para 5-2f(15)). o Requires commanders to ensure that reservists mobilized in support of the Army Blood Program are used in the appropriate blood program position (para 5- 2f(16)). o Provides guidance on establishing or terminating an Army Medical Department library property account (para 7-10). o Revises the mission of the nutrition care division (para 8-2). o Expands duties of the nutrition care divisions’ noncommissioned officers in charge (para 8-4c). o Adds military treatment facility staff to those authorized to eat in a military treatment facility’s nutrition care division (para 8-5a). o Revises nutrition care division documentation requirements (paras 8-5c, 8- 9e, and 8-16). o Requires DD Form 1544 (Cash Meal Payment Book) for use with manual cash collections (para 8-6c). o Revises payment requirements for ambulatory patients (para 8-20). o Authorizes foreign national embassy staff to be listed for transplantation through the Army-Navy Transplant Service (para 9-1b(7)). o Updates medical and administrative living donor requirements (paras 9-1b(4) and 9-1c(1)). o Defines and separates from kidney donation requirements the provisions for living hepatic donation (para 9-2d(5)(b)). o Revises guidance on recording and reporting medication errors (para 11-9b). o Revises guidance on controlled substances (para 11-10 and app B). o Adds guidance relevant to dispensing procedures (para 11-14e). o Revises guidance on refill prescriptions from other medical treatment facilities (para 11-14g). o Specifies the age at which an accompanied child can pick up prescriptions (para 11-14h). o Updates guidance on pharmacy support to mobilizing and deploying personnel (para 11-26). o Revamps pharmacy and medication automation procedures (para 11-28). o Clarifies cardiac life support training requirements for boarded emergency medicine physicians (tables 13-1 and 13-2). o Incorporates the Laboratory Response Network into medical laboratory management (chap 14). o Adds food defense to veterinary services (para 15-2). o Makes administrative revisions (throughout). Headquarters *Army Regulation 40–3 Department of the Army Washington, DC 23 April 2013 Effective 23 May 2013 Medical Services Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Care Proponent and exception authority. B l a n k F o r m s ) d i r e c t l y t o T h e S u r g e o n The proponent of this regulation is The G e n e r a l o f t h e A r m y , 7 7 0 0 A r l i n g t o n Surgeon General. The proponent has the B o u l e v a r d , F a l l s C h u r c h , V A authority to approve exceptions or waivers 22042–5142. to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulations. The pro- Committee management. AR 15-1 re- ponent may delegate this approval author- quires the proponent to justify establish- ity, in writing, to a division chief within i n g / c o n t i n u i n g c o m m i t t e e ( s ) , c o o r d i n a t e the proponent agency or its direct report- draft publications, and coordinate changes ing unit or field operating agency, in the in committee status with the U.S. Army grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. Resources and Programs Agency, Depart- Activities may request a waiver to this ment of the Army Committee Manage- regulation by providing justification that m e n t O f f i c e ( A A R P - Z A ) , 9 3 0 1 C h a p e k includes a full analysis of the expected Road, Building 1458, Fort Belvoir, VA benefits and must include formal review 22060-5527. Further, if it is determined by the activity’s senior legal officer. All t h a t a n e s t a b l i s h e d “ g r o u p ” i d e n t i f i e d H i s t o r y . T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a m a j o r waiver requests will be endorsed by the within this regulation, later takes on the revision. commander or senior leader of the requ- characteristics of a committee, as found in e s t i n g a c t i v i t y a n d f o r w a r d e d t h r o u g h S u m m a r y . T h i s r e g u l a t i o n , a d d r e s s i n g the AR 15-1, then the proponent will fol- t h e i r h i g h e r h e a d q u a r t e r s t o t h e p o l i c y multiple medical programs, has been re- proponent. Refer to AR 25–30 for specific l o w a l l A R 1 5 - 1 r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r e s - vised to update policy on the Army Blood guidance. tablishing and continuing the group as a Programs, medical libraries, nutrition care committee. management, The Army Organ Transplant Army internal control process. This a n d O r g a n / T i s s u e D o n a t i o n P r o g r a m s , regulation contains internal control provi- Distribution. This publication is availa- p h a r m a c y a n d m e d i c a t i o n m a n a g e m e n t , s i o n s a n d p r o v i d e s a n I n t e r n a l C o n t r o l ble in electronic media only and is in- emergency medical services, medical lab- Evaluation for use in evaluating key inter- tended for command levels A, B, C, D, oratory management, veterinary care, and nal controls (see appendix C). and E for the Active Army, the Army air ambulance vehicles. S u p p l e m e n t a t i o n . S u p p l e m e n t a t i o n o f National Guard/Army National Guard of Applicability. This regulation applies to this regulation and establishment of com- t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , a n d t h e U . S . A r m y t h e A c t i v e A r m y , t h e A r m y N a t i o n a l mand and local forms is prohibited with- Reserve. Guard/Army National Guard of the United o u t p r i o r a p p r o v a l f r o m T h e S u r g e o n States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless G e n e r a l o f t h e A r m y , 7 7 0 0 A r l i n g t o n otherwise stated. It also applies to medical B o u l e v a r d , F a l l s C h u r c h , V A d e p a r t m e n t a c t i v i t i e s , m e d i c a l c e n t e r s , 22042–5142. dental activities, veterinary activities, and Suggested improvements. Users are other Army Medical Department organi- invited to send comments and suggested zations. This publication is applicable dur- improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recom- ing mobilization. m e n d e d C h a n g e s t o P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number) Chapter 1 Introduction, page 1 Purpose (cid:129) 1–1, page 1 References (cid:129) 1–2, page 1 Explanation of abbreviations and terms (cid:129) 1–3, page 1 *This regulation supersedes AR 40–3, dated 22 February 2008. AR 40–3 (cid:129) 23 April 2013 i UNCLASSIFIED Contents—Continued Responsibilities (cid:129) 1–4, page 1 Chapter 2 Advance Directives, Do-Not-Resuscitate, and Withhold/Withdraw Orders, page 1 Introduction (cid:129) 2–1, page 1 Responsibilities (cid:129) 2–2, page 1 Policy (cid:129) 2–3, page 1 Documentation (cid:129) 2–4, page 2 Review (cid:129) 2–5, page 2 Abatement decisions for patients with decisionmaking capacity (cid:129) 2–6, page 2 Abatement decision for incapable patients (cid:129) 2–7, page 2 Education (cid:129) 2–8, page 3 Active duty patients (cid:129) 2–9, page 3 Additional guidance (cid:129) 2–10, page 3 Chapter 3 Army Aviation Medicine Program and Medical Care of Aviation Personnel, page 3 Program concept (cid:129) 3–1, page 3 Responsibilities (cid:129) 3–2, page 3 Aeromedical physician assistants (cid:129) 3–3, page 4 Flight medical aidman (cid:129) 3–4, page 4 Flight surgeon clinical duties (cid:129) 3–5, page 4 Flight surgeon nonclinical duties (cid:129) 3–6, page 5 Supervising medical care for aviation personnel (cid:129) 3–7, page 5 Fitness for flying duty (cid:129) 3–8, page 6 Federal Aviation Administration medical examinations and certificates (cid:129) 3–9, page 6 Chapter 4 Auditory Evaluation and Hearing Aids, page 7 Auditory evaluation and treatment facilities (cid:129) 4–1, page 7 Disposition of patients with hearing impairment (cid:129) 4–2, page 7 Procurement of hearing aids (cid:129) 4–3, page 7 Records of hearing aid issue (cid:129) 4–4, page 7 Repair and replacement of hearing aids (cid:129) 4–5, page 7 Accountability and responsibility (cid:129) 4–6, page 8 Chapter 5 Army Blood Programs, page 8 General (cid:129) 5–1, page 8 Responsibilities (cid:129) 5–2, page 8 Policy (cid:129) 5–3, page 11 Organization (cid:129) 5–4, page 13 Individual blood group and type (cid:129) 5–5, page 13 Disposition of blood products (cid:129) 5–6, page 14 Exchange or sale of outdated blood plasma (cid:129) 5–7, page 14 Chapter 6 Dental Care, page 14 General (cid:129) 6–1, page 14 Authorization of care (cid:129) 6–2, page 15 Dental care priority (cid:129) 6–3, page 15 Dental examinations and screenings (cid:129) 6–4, page 15 Dental readiness classification (cid:129) 6–5, page 15 Dental appointments (cid:129) 6–6, page 16 Audit system (cid:129) 6–7, page 16 ii AR 40–3 (cid:129) 23 April 2013 Contents—Continued Preventive dentistry (cid:129) 6–8, page 16 Chapter 7 Medical Libraries, page 16 Purpose (cid:129) 7–1, page 16 Applicability (cid:129) 7–2, page 16 Objectives (cid:129) 7–3, page 17 Responsibilities (cid:129) 7–4, page 17 Directives (cid:129) 7–5, page 18 Policy (cid:129) 7–6, page 19 Personnel (cid:129) 7–7, page 20 Collection development (cid:129) 7–8, page 21 Management reporting (cid:129) 7–9, page 21 Accountability (cid:129) 7–10, page 21 Procurement (cid:129) 7–11, page 22 Chapter 8 Nutrition Care Management, page 22 Purpose and scope (cid:129) 8–1, page 22 Mission (cid:129) 8–2, page 22 Organization and functions (cid:129) 8–3, page 22 Responsibilities (cid:129) 8–4, page 22 Persons authorized to eat in the military treatment facility’s nutrition care division (cid:129) 8–5, page 23 Cash collections (cid:129) 8–6, page 23 Personnel management (cid:129) 8–7, page 23 Standard hospital diets (cid:129) 8–8, page 24 Clinical dietetics management (cid:129) 8–9, page 24 The military treatment facility menu (cid:129) 8–10, page 25 Subsistence and supply management (cid:129) 8–11, page 25 Food management (cid:129) 8–12, page 25 A la carte meal service (cid:129) 8–13, page 26 Ration accounting (cid:129) 8–14, page 26 Food cost management (cid:129) 8–15, page 27 The nutrition care division activities report (cid:129) 8–16, page 27 Nutrition care division contracts (cid:129) 8–17, page 27 Termination of military treatment facility nutrition care operations (cid:129) 8–18, page 27 Other food service support (cid:129) 8–19, page 27 Subsistence for ambulatory patients on observation or receiving care in the emergency department, speech pathology, gastroenterology, or other special clinics (cid:129) 8–20, page 28 Food service support during mass casualty (cid:129) 8–21, page 28 Food service support for military training exercises (cid:129) 8–22, page 28 Chapter 9 The Army Organ Transplant and Organ/Tissue Donation Programs, page 28 The Army-Navy Organ Transplant Service (cid:129) 9–1, page 28 The Army Organ and Tissue Donation Program (cid:129) 9–2, page 29 Chapter 10 Orthopedic Footwear, page 32 Persons eligible for orthopedic footwear (cid:129) 10–1, page 32 Number of pairs of orthopedic footwear furnished (cid:129) 10–2, page 33 Types of orthopedic footwear available (cid:129) 10–3, page 33 Procedures for obtaining orthopedic footwear (cid:129) 10–4, page 33 Replacement orders (cid:129) 10–5, page 34 Delivering footwear after patient transfer (cid:129) 10–6, page 34 AR 40–3 (cid:129) 23 April 2013 iii Contents—Continued Orthopedic adjustments to standard footwear (cid:129) 10–7, page 35 Repairing orthopedic footwear (cid:129) 10–8, page 35 Orthopedic lasts and patterns (cid:129) 10–9, page 35 Moving active duty military members to the Department of Veterans Affairs Network Prosthetics Center (cid:129) 10–10, page 35 Chapter 11 Pharmacy and Medication Management, page 35 Purpose and applicability (cid:129) 11–1, page 35 Responsibilities (cid:129) 11–2, page 35 Monetary collections for medicine (cid:129) 11–3, page 36 Personnel (cid:129) 11–4, page 36 Pharmacy benefits (cid:129) 11–5, page 37 Basic core formulary and committed use requirement contracts (cid:129) 11–6, page 37 Pharmacy and therapeutics committee (cid:129) 11–7, page 37 Therapeutic dietary supplements (cid:129) 11–8, page 38 Performance improvement (cid:129) 11–9, page 38 Controlled substances (cid:129) 11–10, page 39 Individuals authorized to write prescriptions (cid:129) 11–11, page 39 Signatures (cid:129) 11–12, page 40 Prescription writing (cid:129) 11–13, page 40 Dispensing (cid:129) 11–14, page 41 Mailing prescriptions (cid:129) 11–15, page 42 Prescription transfers (cid:129) 11–16, page 42 Labeling (cid:129) 11–17, page 43 Numbering and filing (cid:129) 11–18, page 43 Stock record (cid:129) 11–19, page 43 Disposition of drugs collected from patients (cid:129) 11–20, page 43 Pharmacy supply and support functions (cid:129) 11–21, page 43 Inspection and disposition of prescription files and records (cid:129) 11–22, page 44 Investigational drugs (cid:129) 11–23, page 44 Patient counseling (cid:129) 11–24, page 44 Drug samples (cid:129) 11–25, page 44 Pharmacy support to mobilizing and deploying personnel (cid:129) 11–26, page 44 Field pharmacy operational considerations (cid:129) 11–27, page 45 Pharmacy and medication automation (cid:129) 11–28, page 45 Chapter 12 Use and Control of Psychological Test Materials, page 46 Purpose and scope (cid:129) 12–1, page 46 Objective (cid:129) 12–2, page 46 Policy (cid:129) 12–3, page 46 Supplemental conditions of psychological test use (cid:129) 12–4, page 46 Qualifications of occupations and specialties in psychological testing (cid:129) 12–5, page 47 Chapter 13 Emergency Medical Services, page 48 Applicability (cid:129) 13–1, page 48 Scope (cid:129) 13–2, page 48 Policy (cid:129) 13–3, page 48 Chapter 14 Medical Laboratory Management, page 51 General (cid:129) 14–1, page 51 Applicability (cid:129) 14–2, page 51 iv AR 40–3 (cid:129) 23 April 2013 Contents—Continued Responsibilities (cid:129) 14–3, page 51 Accreditation policies (cid:129) 14–4, page 53 Laboratory personnel (cid:129) 14–5, page 54 Quality control (cid:129) 14–6, page 54 Monetary collections for laboratory services (cid:129) 14–7, page 54 Improving organizational performance (cid:129) 14–8, page 54 Individuals authorized to order laboratory tests (cid:129) 14–9, page 55 Self-performance of laboratory tests (cid:129) 14–10, page 55 Inspection and disposition of laboratory files and records (cid:129) 14–11, page 55 Chapter 15 Veterinary Care, page 55 General (cid:129) 15–1, page 55 Veterinary services (cid:129) 15–2, page 56 Authorizing care (cid:129) 15–3, page 56 Providing veterinary medical care (cid:129) 15–4, page 56 Veterinary training assistance team (cid:129) 15–5, page 56 Chapter 16 Air Ambulance Vehicles, page 57 Purpose (cid:129) 16–1, page 57 General (cid:129) 16–2, page 57 Authorization (cid:129) 16–3, page 57 Operational control (cid:129) 16–4, page 57 Equipment (cid:129) 16–5, page 58 Chapter 17 Placement and Use of Automatic External Defibrillators on Army Installations and Within Army Facilities, page 58 Overview (cid:129) 17–1, page 58 Authority and guidance (cid:129) 17–2, page 58 Responsibilities (cid:129) 17–3, page 58 Operational control (cid:129) 17–4, page 59 Procurement of automatic external defibrillators (cid:129) 17–5, page 60 Legal considerations for the use of automatic external defibrillators (cid:129) 17–6, page 60 Additional guidance (cid:129) 17–7, page 60 Chapter 18 Nursing Administrative Forms, page 60 Purpose (cid:129) 18–1, page 60 Form description and use (cid:129) 18–2, page 60 Appendixes A. References, page 62 B. Inventory, Control, and Accountability of Controlled Substances, Select Noncontrolled Medications, and Diagnostic Agents, page 70 C. Internal Control Evaluation Checklist, page 83 D. Essential Equipment on Aerial Ambulance, page 86 Table List Table 8–1: Meal conversion factors (weights), page 26 Table 13–1: Chief, emergency medical services—experience, training, and certification requirements, page 49 AR 40–3 (cid:129) 23 April 2013 v Contents—Continued Table 13–2: Emergency medical services staff physicians—experience, training, and certification requirements, page 49 Figure List Figure B–1: Example of a completed DA Form 3949–1, page 72 Figure B–2: Example of a completed DA Form 3949, page 73 Figure B–3: Sample of a completed DA Form 1296, front, page 76 Figure B–4: Sample of a completed DA Form 1296, reverse, page 77 Figure B–5: Example of a completed DA Form 3862, front, page 79 Figure B–6: Example of a completed DA Form 3862, reverse, page 80 Glossary vi AR 40–3 (cid:129) 23 April 2013

o Revises payment requirements for ambulatory patients (para 8-20) Army Aviation Medicine Program and Medical Care of Aviation Personnel, page .. Order 8520.2E, in the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners (FAA AME.
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