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AQU NAS I AN INTRODUCTION TO THE LIFE AND WORK OFTHE GREAT MEDIEVALTHINKER © F.C.COPLESTON PELICANBOOKS AQUINAS F.C.CoplestonwasbornnearTauntonin1907.Hewaseducated atMarlboroughCollegeandStJohn'sCollege, Oxford. In 1930 he entered the Society ofJesus and after philosophical and theologicalstudieswasordainedin1937.In1939hewasappointed Professor of Philosophy at Heythrop College, Oxfordshire, a postwhichhehelduntil1970whenhewasappointedPrincipalof the college. Since the war he has lectured in Germany, Italy, SpainandAmericaandhasspokenonphilosophicaltopicsinthe Third Programme. In 1952 he was appointed Professor of MetaphysicsinthedoctoratecourseattheGregorianUniversity, Rome, where he lectured during the first semester until 1968. From 1972to 1974hewas DeanoftheFacultyofTheologyand Professor of the History of Philosophy in the University of London. Onhisretirementin1974hewasappointedanEmeritus Professor at the UniversityofLondon. Sincethenhehasbeena Visiting Professoratthe UniversityofSantaClarain California (1975) and at the University ofHawaii (1976) and was Gifford Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen for 1979-80. He was electedaFellowoftheBritishAcademyin1970andwasmadean HonoraryFellowofStJohn'sCollege, Oxford, in 1975. He is the author ofworks on Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, as wellasofAHistoryofPhilosophy, ofwhichninevolumeshaveso farappeared. AHistoryofMedievalPhilosophy(1972), Religionand Philosophy (1974), Philosophers and Philosophies, a collection of essays (1976), OntheHistoryofPhilosophy(1979),Philosophiesand Cultures(1980),ReligionandtheOne(1982)andPhilosophyinRussia (1986). His publication Contemporary Philosophy contains papers on such topics as positivism, the function ofmetaphysics, and existentialism. AQUINAS COPLESTON F. C. PENGUIN BOOKS PenguinBooksLtd,Harmondsworth,Middlesex,England VikingPenguinInc.,40West23rdStreet,NewYork,NewYork10010,U.S.A. PenguinBooksAustraliaLtd,Ringwood,Victoria,Australia PenguinBooksCanadaLimited,2801JohnStreet,Markham,Ontario,CanadaL3RIB4 PenguinBooks(N.Z.)Ltd,182-190WairauRoad,Auckland10,NewZealand Firstpublished1955 Reprinted1957, 1959,1961,1963, 1.965, 1970, 1975, 1977, 1979. 1982,1986 © Copyright F.C.Copleston, 1955 Allrightsreserved PrintedandboundinGreatBritainby Cox&WymanLtd,Reading SetinLinotypePilgrim ExceptintheUnitedStatesofAmerica, thisbookissoldsubjecttothecondition thatitshallnot,bywayoftradeorotherwise, belent,re-sold,hiredout,orotherwisecirculated withoutthepublisher'spriorconsentinanyformof bindingorcoverotherthanthatinwhichitis publishedandwithoutasimilarcondition includingthisconditionbeingimposed onthesubsequentpurchaser Contents Prefatory Note 9 Introductory i 17 2 The World and Metaphysics 73 God and Creation hi 3 Man Body and Soul 4 (i): 156 5 Man (2): Morality and Society 199 6 Thomism 243 Bibliographical Notes 265 Index 268

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