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Aquatic Botany 82 (2005) 308-309 www.elsevier.com/locate/aquabot Contents of Aquatic Botany, Volume 82 VOL. 82 NO. 1 MAY 2005 Germination characteristics of Zannichellia palustris from New South Wales, Australia M.E. Greenwood (Callaghan, Australia) and P.J. DuBowy (Callaghan, Australia and Jacksonville, FL, USA) Algal epiphytes of Zostera marina: Variation in assemblage structure from individual leaves to regional scale M.P. Johnson, M. Edwards (Belfast, UK), F. Bunker (Wales, UK) and C.A. Maggs (Belfast, UK) Carbon isotope composition of Phragmites australis in a constructed saline wetland W.-J. Choi (Gwangju, Republic of Korea), H.-M. Ro (Seoul, Republic of Korea) and S.X. Chang (Edmonton, Canada) Growth and loss of distal tissue in blades of Lessonia nigrescens and Lessonia trabeculata (Laminariales) F. Tala and M. Edding (Coquimbo, Chile) Seasonal changes of the introduced Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) at the northwest limit of its Mediterranean range S. Ruitton, M. Verlaque and C.-F. Boudouresque (Marseilles, France) VOL. 82 NO. 2 JUNE 2005 Tolerance of the iivasive marine alga Caulerpa taxifolia to burial by sediment T.M. Glasby, P.T. Gibson and S. Kay (Nelson Bay, Australia) On the unusual flowering of plagiotropic shoots in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica E. Balestri, F. Vallerini and C. Lardicci (Pisa, Italy) Genetic variation within the endangered quillwort /soétes hypsophila (Isoetaceae) in China as evidenced by ISSR analysis J.-M. Chen, X. Liu, J.-Y. Wang (Hubei, PR China), G.W. Robert (Nairobi, Kenya) and Q.-F Wang (Hubei, PR China) Effects of desiccation duration on the community structure and nutrient retention of short and long-hydroperiod Everglades periphyton mats A. Gottlieb (Miami, FL, USA and Jacksonville, FL, USA), J. Richards and E. Gaiser (Miami, FL, USA) Pollination biology of Eriocaulon parkeri in Connecticut N.W. Sawyer, D.S. Mertins (Whitewater, WI, USA) and L.A. Schuster (Storrs, CT, USA) .. .. doi:10.1016/S0304-3770(05)00128-2 Aquatic Botany 82 (2005) 308-309 www.elsevier.com/locate/aquabot Contents of Aquatic Botany, Volume 82 VOL. 82 NO. 1 MAY 2005 Germination characteristics of Zannichellia palustris from New South Wales, Australia M.E. Greenwood (Callaghan, Australia) and P.J. DuBowy (Callaghan, Australia and Jacksonville, FL, USA) Algal epiphytes of Zostera marina: Variation in assemblage structure from individual leaves to regional scale M.P. Johnson, M. Edwards (Belfast, UK), F. Bunker (Wales, UK) and C.A. Maggs (Belfast, UK) Carbon isotope composition of Phragmites australis in a constructed saline wetland W.-J. Choi (Gwangju, Republic of Korea), H.-M. Ro (Seoul, Republic of Korea) and S.X. Chang (Edmonton, Canada) Growth and loss of distal tissue in blades of Lessonia nigrescens and Lessonia trabeculata (Laminariales) F. Tala and M. Edding (Coquimbo, Chile) Seasonal changes of the introduced Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) at the northwest limit of its Mediterranean range S. Ruitton, M. Verlaque and C.-F. Boudouresque (Marseilles, France) VOL. 82 NO. 2 JUNE 2005 Tolerance of the iivasive marine alga Caulerpa taxifolia to burial by sediment T.M. Glasby, P.T. Gibson and S. Kay (Nelson Bay, Australia) On the unusual flowering of plagiotropic shoots in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica E. Balestri, F. Vallerini and C. Lardicci (Pisa, Italy) Genetic variation within the endangered quillwort /soétes hypsophila (Isoetaceae) in China as evidenced by ISSR analysis J.-M. Chen, X. Liu, J.-Y. Wang (Hubei, PR China), G.W. Robert (Nairobi, Kenya) and Q.-F Wang (Hubei, PR China) Effects of desiccation duration on the community structure and nutrient retention of short and long-hydroperiod Everglades periphyton mats A. Gottlieb (Miami, FL, USA and Jacksonville, FL, USA), J. Richards and E. Gaiser (Miami, FL, USA) Pollination biology of Eriocaulon parkeri in Connecticut N.W. Sawyer, D.S. Mertins (Whitewater, WI, USA) and L.A. Schuster (Storrs, CT, USA) .. .. doi:10.1016/S0304-3770(05)00128-2 Contents of Aquatic Botany, Volume 82 Nutrient-use efficiency in arid-zone forests of the mangroves Rhizophora stylosa and Avicennia marina D.M. Alongi, B.F. Clough (Townsville, Australia) and A.I. Robertson (Crawley, Australia) . . . Seasonal variation in short-term survival of Zostera noltii transplants in a declining meadow in Portugal I. Martins, JM. Neto, M.G. Fontes, J.C. Marques and M.A. Pardal (Coimbra, Portugal) Means of rapid eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) recolonisation in former dieback areas T.M. Greve, D. Krause-Jensen, M.B. Rasmussen and P.B. Christensen (Silkeborg, Denmark) VOL. 82 NO. 3 Genetic variation in zinc-tolerant populations of Glyceria fluitans D.J. Matthews, T.F. Gallagher and M.L. Otte (Dublin, Ireland) Holdfast aggregation in relation to morphology, age, attachment and drag for the kelp Ecklonia radiata T. Wernberg (Crawley, Australia) Effect of nutrient pulses on photosynthesis of Chaetomorpha linum from a shallow Mediterranean coastal lagoon M. Menéndez (Barcelona, Spain) Light-related photosynthetic characteristics of freshwater rhodophytes O. Necchi, Jr. (S40 José do Rio Preto, Brazil) Genetic variability of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in relation to local factors and biogeographic patterns C. Micheli, P. Paganin (Roma, Italy), A. Peirano (La Spezia, Italy), G. Caye, A. Meinesz (France) and C.N. Bianchi (Genova, Italy) Rapid light curves: A powerful tool to assess photosynthetic activity P.J. Ralph (Gore Hill Australia) and R. Gademann (Wiirzburg, Germany) VOL. 81 NO. 4 AUGUST 2005 Diel activities of antioxidant enzymes, photosynthetic pigments and malondialdehyde content in stationary-phase cells of Tetraselmis gracilis (Prasinophyceae) T.C.S. Sigaud-Kutner, A.M.P. Neto, E. Pinto and P. Colepicolo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Effect of soil flooding on photosynthesis, carbohydrate partitioning and nutrient uptake in the invasive exotic Lepidium latifolium H. Chen (Baton Rouge, LA, USA), R.G. Qualls and R.R. Blank (Reno, NV, USA) Seed and early plantlet structure of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica M. Belzunce, R.M. Navarro and H.F. Rapoport (Cérdoba, Spain) Allelopathic inhibition of phytoplankton by exudates from Stratiotes aloides G. Mulderij (Nieuwersluis, The Netherlands and Nijmegen, The Netherlands), W.M. Mooij (Nieuwersluis, The Netherlands), A.J.P. Smolders (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and E.V. Donk (Nieuwersluis, The Netherlands and Nijmegen, The Netherlands) Short communication Nitrogen isotope signature variability in plant species from open peatland T. Asada, B.G. Warner and R. Aravena (Waterloo, Canada) Contents of Aquatic Botany, Volume 82

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