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3rd edition AQUARIUM PRODUCTS CATALOG Manufactured by A H T A C T LI P O P # M E www.MicrobeLift.com T I Providing Aquatic Solutions Since 1976 MiCrobE-LifT® and Ecological Laboratories introducing MiCrobE-LifT®. The number 1 water clarifier asked for by name is now available for aquariums. Company Profile Ecological Laboratories is a U.S. based international biotechnology company specializing in the development and production of microbial products for the natural treatment of environmental issues associated with the various uses of water and recycling of organic matter. All of our research, development and manufacturing are done in the United States. The Ecological Difference Our core technology is a one of a kind formula for use in a broad spectrum of aquarium applications. MICROBE-LIFT has a proven track record and is the leading product by name in the pond category. Our core technology is also used by governments and industry worldwide to provide environmentally friendly and cost effective solutions for polluted lakes, canals, ponds and has even cleaned a river in China. With 34 years’ global experience and a recognized consumer brand, we can now bring to you a superior aquarium product line that your consumers will enjoy for years to come. Our promise to you is that MICROBE-LIFT/Special Blend does differ from all other microbial products in culture type, fermentation process and oxidation performance. Give our products a try in your own tanks. You will see the difference. Our Nite-Out II Nitrifying Bacteria has a track record of performance and once you use it, you’ll see that our special formula for rapid ammonia and nitrite reduction really works. Also focus your attention on our Gravel & Substrate Cleaner, you’ll see that it works wonders in aquariums and turtle tanks as well. A Complete Product Line Browse our catalog, talk to your representative, or give us a call. You’ll see that we have created a comprehensive aquarium line which leverages our brand name and identity. Supported by a nationwide advertising campaign and in house support, our brand identity will reach your customers. Philosophy As a multi-generational, family-run business for over 34 years, we understand the challenges retailers face in a rapidly changing marketplace. We face similar challenges every day as most of our competitors are owned by large global corporations. To the Consumer - At Ecological Laboratories, we are strongly aware of our responsibility to environmental stewardship and sustainable development. By providing safe, natural products we allow our customers to also be good stewards of the environment so that it will be suitable for our children and grandchildren. Unlike many other marketers of bacterial products, we grow our own bacterial cultures, so we can be assured that everything we put our name on is 100% safe and effective. To Our Distributors and Retailers - We value the relationships with our partner distributors and retailers. We constantly look for ways to provide better training and support to those who sell our products. As a multi- generational, family-owned and operated business, we respect the importance of those retailers who can provide the knowledge and expertise to consumers, making sure that they understand the performance of the MICROBE-LIFT line of products. 2 I www.MicrobeLift.com I 1-800-645-2976 I TAIhndedv eeNpraettinsiodendean Bltly rRa entda ifloerr s x p e r i e n ce the Miracle E Advertisements With our Advertising Program in place, Ecological Laboratories, Inc. Our will bring more consumers Aquarium into your store. Consumer Since 1976, our commitment has Advertising been to our ever-strengthening Program! relationships between dealers and consumers. 11,000 Readers Monthly! 5,500 Readers Monthly! Our full-color, full-page ads will reach over 2 million readers! 67,000 Readers Since 1976, MICROBE-LIFT® products Annually! by Ecological Laboratories, Inc. have been the proven way to promote healthy fish and sparkling, clear water naturally. And thanks to our great dealer and 35,000 Readers distributor network, we’re spending Monthly! more advertising dollars to reach more customers for you. Our full-page, color ads will reach millions of customers 42,000 Readers throughout a year-long campaign in Monthly! major aquarium publications. So, while many of these consumers cultivate beautiful aquariums and ponds, you can cultivate new sales 55,000 and higher profits! Readers Monthly! I 1-800-645-2976 I www.MicrobeLift.com I 3 TAIhndedv eeNpraettinsiodendean Bltly rRa entda ifloerr s Experienc e t h e M i r a c l e 3 Distinct Designs Bullet Identifying Product Made for Easy for use in Freshwater Identification Clear Brand Identification Saltwater Fish Shown on Top Bullet Identifying Bullet Product is Identifying Made for use in Product is Salt and Fresh Made for Water use in Saltwater Reef Safe Logo Where Applicable Freshwater Saltwater & Fish Freshwater Shown Fish Shown on Bottom in the Center of the Label Fresh Water Design Salt Water Quantity Design Product Treats and Made in the Amount in U.S.A. Logo Bottle Clearly on all Water Marked Conditioners Logo for Fresh & Reef Safe Salt Water Reef Safe Products Design 4 Art Code for Easy Shelf Identification TAIhndedv eeNpraettinsiodendean Bltly rRa entda ifloerr s Experienc e t h e M i r a c l e TAqauaribum Clyeclin g o .......f... ..C.........o......n...6t-e7 nts bacterial Products Terrarium Care Products for Reptiles, 8 Amphibians and Aquatic Turtles ............ 3 Distinct Designs Bullet Identifying Water Cycling Kits 9 Product Made Water Conditioning Kits ....................... for Easy for use in 10-11 Freshwater Bacterial Products ......................... 10-11 Identification Specialty Fish Care Products Salt & fresh Water Products for Flowerhorn, Parrot Fish 12-13 Clear Brand and Arowana Fish ......................... Identification 14-15 Plant Care Products ....................... Saltwater Fish Shown 16-17 Fresh Water Products .................... on Top Products For Both 18-19 Salt & Fresh Water Environments .... Bullet 20 Identifying Salt Water Products ........................... Bullet Product is Identifying Made for use in 21-25 18-19 Reef Products ............................... Product is Salt and Fresh Made for Water 26 Reef Food & Food Additives ................ use in 27 reef Products Saltwater Water Test Kits .................................... NEW 28-29 pH Conditioning Products .............. Reef Safe Logo Where Specialty Fish Care Products Applicable for Discus, Cichlid, 30-35 NEW Betta & Goldfish ........................... Freshwater 36-38 Saltwater & Natural Health Care Products ......... Fish Freshwater Shown 39-41 Fish Shown Filter Media ................................. on Bottom in the 42-43 Center Fish Health Care Products .............. of the Label 44 21-25 Shelf & Endcap Displays .................... 45-47 Natural Health Promotional Materials ................... Care Products Fresh Aquatic Plant Products Water Specialty fish Care Products Design Salt Water Quantity NEW Design Product Treats and Made in the Natural Health NEW Amount in U.S.A. Logo NEW Care Products Bottle Clearly on all Water Marked Conditioners NEW 36-38 Logo for Fresh & Reef Safe Salt Water Reef Safe Products NEW NEW 14-15 Design 12-13, 30-35 Art Code for Easy Shelf Identification 5 Naturally Cycles freshwater & Saltwater FFiisshh BACTERIAL Aquariums Fast SSoouurrcceess ooff AAmmmmoonniiaa PRODUCTS rEEf, MAriNE IInn aaddddiittiioonn ttoo tthhee aammmmoonniiaa rreelleeaasseedd bbyy tthhee fifisshh tthhrroouugghh & frESH NNiittrrooggeenn GGaass ((NN )) tthheeiirr ggiillllss,, fifisshh wwaassttee pplluuss Water Safe 22 GGaasseeoouuss nniittrrooggeenn bbuubbbblleess uunneeaatteenn ffoooodd pprrootteeiinn aanndd ddeeaadd hhaarrmmlleessssllyy ttoo tthhee ssuurrffaaccee ppllaanntt mmaatttteerr aarree bbrrookkeenn ddoowwnn MICROBE-LIFT®/Special Blend & MICROBE-LIFT/Nite-Out II wwhheerree iitt iiss rreelleeaasseedd ttoo tthhee aaiirr,, bbyy tthhee aaqquuaarriiuumm mmiiccrroobbiioottaa,, The only natural aquarium treatment program to cycle and balance your aquarium fast using a safe, microbial, non-chemical biological process which naturally: controls and eliminates organic waste matter; enhances water quality; and reduces and wwhhiicchh iiss 7788%% nniittrrooggeenn ggaass ggeenneerraattiinngg aammmmoonniiaa 22 sstteeppss controls toxic ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. Just follow these simple steps: Step #1: Add MICROBE-LIFT/Special Blend to your aquarium to break down and degrade all organic waste matter, assuring an DDeenniittrriifificcaattiioonn ttoo aa sstteepp ##11:: aadddd improved environment for aquatic life and plants. MICROBE-LIFT/Special Blend seeds aquarium water, filters and establishes nnaattuurraall,, MMLL//SSppeecciiaall BBlleenndd necessary biofilms in filters and on aquarium surfaces, removing unwanted waste matter and clarifying aquarium water fast! TThhee rreedduuccttiioonn ooff nniittrraattee iinn MICROBE-LIFT/Special Blend will also reduce and eliminate any aquarium odor. SSppeeeeddss tthhee rreemmoovvaall ooff aallll fifilltteerreedd aaqquuaarriiuumm aannooxxiicc zzoonneess cclleeaann,, As the organic waste matter in your aquarium (i.e., dead plant life, excessive fish food, and waste) is broken down by aquarium oorrggaanniicc wwaassttee mmaatttteerr iinn biology, the waste matter is converted to ammonia in a process called Ammonification. As the ammonia levels build in your MMLL//SSppeecciiaall BBlleenndd aaqquuaarriiuummss bbyy aaddddiinngg aa aquarium, it can become toxic to fish and marine life and must be biologically removed quickly. Nitrification— the natural, biological ammonia removal process—is done by a group of microbes called nitrifying bacteria. Nitrifying bacteria are very slow ((aallrreeaaddyy aadd ddeedd iinn sstteepp ##11)) ccoonnttaaiinnss cclleeaarr,, sseelleecctt ggrroouupp ooff mmiiccrroobbeess to grow (requiring as much as 18 hours for a single cell division compared to every 45 to 60 minutes for waste degraders) and ddeenniittrriififieerrss tthhaatt ffuunnccttiioonn wwiitthhoouutt ooxxyyggeenn.. tthhaatt iinnccrreeaassee tthhee rraattee ooff often require weeks to naturally develop the necessary population to convert all the ammonia produced in your aquarium. TThheessee sseelleecctt mmiiccrroobbeess ccaann rreemmoovvee nnoonn--ttooxxiicc oorrggaanniicc bbrreeaakkddoowwnn aanndd Step #2: Use MICROBE-LIFT/Nite-Out II to quickly establish the necessary nitrifying cultures and the ammonia removal process nniittrraattee iinn tthhee aaqquuaarriiuumm bbyy ccoonnvveerrttiinngg iimmpprroovvee fifilltteerr ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee.. in your aquarium. Just add MICROBE-LIFT/Nite-Out II, and these cultures will grow and convert the toxic ammonia to nitrite, iitt ttoo nniittrrooggeenn ggaass uunnddeerr tthhee aannooxxiicc aaqquuaarriiuumm and then to nitrate. MICROBE-LIFT/Nite-Out II also contains Nitrosomonas sp.—which converts ammonia to nitrite—and Nitrobacter sp.—which converts nitrite to nitrate. ccoonnddiittiioonnss tthhaatt eexxiisstt iinn aaqquuaarriiuumm sstteepp ##22:: aadddd In addition, you should know the term carbonate alkalinity because the biological nitrification process that removes toxic fifilltteerrss aanndd tthheeiirr bbiioofifillmmss eennvviirroonnmmeenntt!! MMLL//NNiittee--OOuutt IIII ammonia from your aquarium in order for it to cycle properly requires a source of inorganic carbon. It takes 7.1 mg of carbonate alkalinity (KH) for every 1 mg of ammonia removed from your aquarium water. If carbonate alkalinity is not available PPrroovviiddeess tthhee nneecceessssaarryy in aquarium water, it is just like your car running out of gas. The nitrification process will stop, or may not even get started. To nniittrriiffyyiinngg bbaacctteerriiaa ensure toxic ammonia is removed by the necessary nitrifying bacteria, you must test your aquarium water for adequate carbonate alkalinity until there is a minimum of 50ppm. Then add MICROBE-LIFT/Nite-Out II to ensure rapid and complete ((NNiittrroossoommoonnaass sspp..,, ammonia removal by the nitrifying microbes. -- NNiittrroobbaacctteerr sspp..,, aanndd NNiittrraattee ((NNOO )) MICROBE-LIFT/Special Blend & Denitrification NNiittrroossppiirraa sspp.. rreeqquuiirreedd 33 ffoorr tthhee bbiioollooggiiccaall MICROBE-LIFT/Special Blend provides a real value for your aquarium’s environment. In addition to being one of the BEST AA nnuuttrriieenntt ssoouurrccee ffoorr ppllaannttss aanndd aallggaaee nniittrriifificcaattiioonn pprroocceessss,, aanndd products you can use to speed the biological removal of unwanted, slow-to-degrade organic matter from your aquarium environment, the novel cultures in MICROBE-LIFT/Special Blend assist in the removal of nitrate from aquarium water via aassssuurreess tthhee ccoonnttiinnuueedd a process called Denitrification. rreemmoovvaall ooff ttooxxiicc aammmmoonniiaa.. NNiittrroobbaacctteerr sspp.. While some aquarium nitrate is removed by plants and partial water changes, the most effective way to control nitrate removal is by biological denitrification. In this process, nitrate removal takes place in the anaerobic areas, such as those found in aquarium filter biofilms. MICROBE-LIFT/Special Blend cultures are also denitrifying microbes that provide an important nitrate && NNiittrroossppiirraa sspp.. NNiittrroossoommoonnaass sspp.. removal pathway assisting in the removal of nitrate via denitrification. MICROBE-LIFT/Special Blend includes high-rate denitrifiers that convert nitrate to nitrogen gas under an anaerobic condition that exists in filters and aquarium surface reducing the nitrate level in you aquarium. It is noteworthy that algae can use nitrate as a nutrient. MMLL//NNiittee--OOuutt IIII ((ccoonnttaaiinneedd iinn MMLL//NNiittee--OOuutt IIII)) MICROBE-LIFT/Special Blend and MICROBE-LIFT/Nite-Out II are the answer to Natural, Clean, Clear, NON-TOXIC ((aallrreeaaddyy aaddddeedd iinn sstteepp ##22)) pprroovviiddeess tthhee CCoonnvveerrttss aammmmoonniiaa ttoo Aquarium Environment. You can rely on these two novel, biological products to enhance water quality by removing nneecceessssaarryy NNiittrroobbaacctteerr sspp.. aanndd NNiittrroossppiirraa sspp.. NNiittrriittee ((NNOO --)) slow-to-degrade waste matter, and removing and controlling ammonia, nitrite and nitrate via their natural, bbaacctteerriiaa rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr tthhee ooxxiiddaattiioonn ooff non-chemical biological processes. 22 nniittrriittee ttoo nniittrraattee iinn tthhee aaqquuaarriiuumm fifilltteerr.. 6 Ecological Laboratories INC. I www.MicrobeLift.com I 1-800-645-2976 I FFiisshh SSoouurrcceess ooff AAmmmmoonniiaa IInn aaddddiittiioonn ttoo tthhee aammmmoonniiaa rreelleeaasseedd bbyy tthhee fifisshh tthhrroouugghh NNiittrrooggeenn GGaass ((NN )) tthheeiirr ggiillllss,, fifisshh wwaassttee pplluuss 22 GGaasseeoouuss nniittrrooggeenn bbuubbbblleess uunneeaatteenn ffoooodd pprrootteeiinn aanndd ddeeaadd hhaarrmmlleessssllyy ttoo tthhee ssuurrffaaccee ppllaanntt mmaatttteerr aarree bbrrookkeenn ddoowwnn wwhheerree iitt iiss rreelleeaasseedd ttoo tthhee aaiirr,, bbyy tthhee aaqquuaarriiuumm mmiiccrroobbiioottaa,, wwhhiicchh iiss 7788%% nniittrrooggeenn ggaass ggeenneerraattiinngg aammmmoonniiaa 22 sstteeppss DDeenniittrriifificcaattiioonn ttoo aa sstteepp ##11:: aadddd nnaattuurraall,, MMLL//SSppeecciiaall BBlleenndd TThhee rreedduuccttiioonn ooff nniittrraattee iinn SSppeeeeddss tthhee rreemmoovvaall ooff aallll fifilltteerreedd aaqquuaarriiuumm aannooxxiicc zzoonneess cclleeaann,, oorrggaanniicc wwaassttee mmaatttteerr iinn MMLL//SSppeecciiaall BBlleenndd aaqquuaarriiuummss bbyy aaddddiinngg aa ((aallrreeaaddyy aaddddeedd iinn sstteepp ##11)) ccoonnttaaiinnss cclleeaarr,, sseelleecctt ggrroouupp ooff mmiiccrroobbeess ddeenniittrriififieerrss tthhaatt ffuunnccttiioonn wwiitthhoouutt ooxxyyggeenn.. tthhaatt iinnccrreeaassee tthhee rraattee ooff TThheessee sseelleecctt mmiiccrroobbeess ccaann rreemmoovvee nnoonn--ttooxxiicc oorrggaanniicc bbrreeaakkddoowwnn aanndd nniittrraattee iinn tthhee aaqquuaarriiuumm bbyy ccoonnvveerrttiinngg iimmpprroovvee fifilltteerr ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee.. iitt ttoo nniittrrooggeenn ggaass uunnddeerr tthhee aannooxxiicc aaqquuaarriiuumm ccoonnddiittiioonnss tthhaatt eexxiisstt iinn aaqquuaarriiuumm sstteepp 22 ## :: aadddd fifilltteerrss aanndd tthheeiirr bbiioofifillmmss eennvviirroonnmmeenntt!! MMLL//NNiittee--OOuutt IIII PPrroovviiddeess tthhee nneecceessssaarryy nniittrriiffyyiinngg bbaacctteerriiaa ((NNiittrroossoommoonnaass sspp..,, -- NNiittrroobbaacctteerr sspp..,, aanndd NNiittrraattee ((NNOO )) NNiittrroossppiirraa sspp.. rreeqquuiirreedd 33 ffoorr tthhee bbiioollooggiiccaall AA nnuuttrriieenntt ssoouurrccee ffoorr ppllaannttss aanndd aallggaaee nniittrriifificcaattiioonn pprroocceessss,, aanndd aassssuurreess tthhee ccoonnttiinnuueedd rreemmoovvaall ooff ttooxxiicc aammmmoonniiaa.. NNiittrroobbaacctteerr sspp.. && NNiittrroossppiirraa sspp.. NNiittrroossoommoonnaass sspp.. MMLL//NNiittee--OOuutt IIII (( MMLL//NNiittee--OOuutt IIII)) ccoonnttaaiinneedd iinn ((aallrreeaaddyy aaddddeedd iinn sstteepp ##22)) pprroovviiddeess tthhee CCoonnvveerrttss aammmmoonniiaa ttoo nneecceessssaarryy NNiittrroobbaacctteerr sspp.. aanndd NNiittrroossppiirraa sspp.. NNiittrriittee ((NNOO --)) bbaacctteerriiaa rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr tthhee ooxxiiddaattiioonn ooff 22 nniittrriittee ttoo nniittrraattee iinn tthhee aaqquuaarriiuumm fifilltteerr.. II 11--880000--664455--22997766 II wwwwww..MMiiccrroobbeeLLiifftt..ccoomm II EEccoollooggiiccaall LLaabboorraattoorriieess IINNCC.. 77 TERRARIUM CARE PRODUCTS REPTILE & REPTILES & AMPHIBIAN AMPHIBIANS CARE Products Soy-Based Natural Cleaner for Terrariums, Vivariums, Aquariums & Cages Specially formulated to safely clean, without a toxic residue: • terrariums, vivariums, aquariums & cages • steps, platforms, rocks, and all other ornaments ITEM # SIZE NCRA08 8 fl. oz. (236 mL) NCRA16 16 fl. oz. (473 mL) AQUATIC TURTLE AQUATIC Products AQUATIC TURTLES TURTLES Extreme Water Conditioner Bacterial Water Balancer • Removes ammonia • Provides rapid reduction of organic waste • Removes chlorine • Helps reduce or eliminate pathogenic bacteria • Destroys chloramines • Helps to clean power filters • Detoxifies heavy metals • Reduces tank maintenance • Use for new tank set-ups & water changes • Helps to reduce turtle loss ITEM # SIZE TREATS DOSAGE RATES ITEM # SIZE TREATS DOSAGE RATES WCAT04 4 fl. oz. (118 mL) Treats up to 236 gal. (893 L) Add 1 tsp. (5 mL) per 10 gal. (38 L). BBAT04 4 fl. oz. (118 mL) Treats up to 236 gal. (893 L) Add 1 tsp. (5 mL) per 10 gal. (38 L). WCAT08 8 fl. oz. (236 mL) Treats up to 472 gal. (1,786 L) BBAT08 8 fl. oz. (236 mL) Treats up to 472 gal. (1,786 L) AQUATIC TURTLES Rock & Substrate Cleaner • Provides rapid natural sludge reduction • 80% faster than bacterial products alone • Cleans turtle shells & limbs • Helps to prevent shell rot • Helps to degrade fecal matter • Improves filtration ITEM # SIZE TREATS DOSAGE RATES RSCAT04 4 fl. oz. (118 mL) Varies depending on treatment or See label for directions. maintenance. RSCAT08 8 fl. oz. (236 mL) 8 I www.MicrobeLift.com I 1-800-645-2976 I 1 oz. Kits for tanks up to 20 gal. (76 L): 4 oz. Kits for tanks up to 55 gal. (208 L): WATEr CYCLiNG & CoNDiTioNiNG KITS Instant Water Instant Water Conditioning Kit Conditioning Kit 2 Pack Reef Safe 2 Pack Reef Safe Item #HA2PKWC1 Item #HA2PKWC4 CONTENTS DOSAGE RATES CONTENTS DOSAGE RATES 1 pc. - 1 oz. Aquatic Stress Relief Use for tanks up to 20 gal. 1 pc. - 4 oz. Aquatic Stress Relief Use for tanks up to 55 gal. 1 pc. - 1 oz. Ammonia Remover (76 L). 1 pc. - 4 oz. Ammonia Remover (208 L). 2 pc. - 1 oz. bottles 2 pc. - 4 oz. bottles Immediate Immediate Water Cycling Kit Water Cycling Kit 2 Pack Reef Safe 2 Pack Reef Safe Item #HA2PKCYC1 Item #HA2PKCYC4 CONTENTS DOSAGE RATES CONTENTS DOSAGE RATES 1 pc. - 1 oz. Special Blend Use for tanks up to 20 gal. 1 pc. - 4 oz. Special Blend Use for tanks up to 55 gal. 1 pc. - 1 oz. Nite-Out II (76 L). 1 pc. - 4 oz. Nite-Out II (208 L). 2 pc. - 1 oz. bottles 2 pc. - 4 oz. bottles Aquarium Aquarium Cycling & Water Cycling & Water Conditioning Kit Conditioning Kit 3 Pack 3 Pack Item #HA3PKAQ1 Item #HA3PKAQ4 Reef Safe Reef Safe CONTENTS DOSAGE RATES CONTENTS DOSAGE RATES 1 pc. - 1 oz. Aquatic Stress Relief Use for tanks up to 20 gal. 1 pc. - 4 oz. Aquatic Stress Relief Use for tanks up to 55 gal. 1 pc. - 1 oz. Special Blend (76 L). 1 pc. - 4 oz. Special Blend (208 L). 1 pc. - 1 oz. Nite-Out II 1 pc. - 4 oz. Nite-Out II 3 pc. - 1 oz. bottles 3 pc. - 4 oz. bottles 9 BACTERIAL Gel Filter Cartridge Inoculant PRODUCTS • Contains 54 billion CFU per 4 liters of gel rEEf, MAriNE • Immediately establishes biological activity • Quickly stabilizes aquarium environments & frESH • Use when inserting a new cartridge in your filter or after every cartridge cleaning Reef Safe Water Safe • Use whenever placing new filter media in your aquarium filtering system decorations ITEM # SIZE DIRECTIONS GFCI04 4 fl. oz. (118 mL) Spread directly to your filter cartridges, filter pad or media. The Gel will absorb into the filter cartridge, pads or media by letting it set for 15-30 minutes before inserting back into the filter. After GFCI08 8 fl. oz. (236 mL) insertion, turn off recirculating pump for one to two hours. Bacterial Aquarium Balancer GFCI16 16 fl. oz. (473 mL) Odor Free • Prevents “new tank syndrome” • Helps to eliminate ammonia and nitrate • Provides rapid reduction of organic waste • Helps to clean power filters, ornaments Gravel & Substrate and gravel Reef Safe Cleaner • Helps to reduce fish loss Natural & Non-Caustic ITEM # SIZE TREATS DOSAGE RATES • Provides rapid and natural sludge BAB01 1 fl. oz. (30 mL) treats up to 118 gal. (446 L) New Tanks: & muck removal Add 1 tsp. for every 20 gal. (76 L) Established Aquariums: • 80% faster than bacterial products alone Add1 tsp. (5 mL) per 10 gal. (38 L) • Reduces and binds nutrients including BAB04 4 fl. oz. (118 mL) treats up to 475 gal. (1,798 L) New Tanks: Phosphates Reef Safe Add 1 tsp. for every 20 gal. (76 L) Established Aquariums: • Organic and microbial based Add 1 tsp. (5 mL) per 10 gal. (38 L) ITEM # SIZE TREATS DOSAGE RATES BAB08 8 fl. oz. (236 mL) treats up to 950 gal. (3,600 L) New Tanks: Add 1 tsp. for every 20 gal. (76 L) GSC01 1 fl. oz. (30 mL) Variable depending on treatment or See package for details. BAB16 16 fl. oz. (473 mL) treats up to 1,900 gal. (7,200 L) Established Aquariums: maintenance. Add 1 tsp. (5 mL) per 10 gal. (38 L) GSC04 4 fl. oz. (118 mL) BAB64 64 fl. oz. (1.893 L) treats up to 7,600 gal. (28,728 L) New Tanks: GSC08 8 fl. oz. (236 mL) Add 1 tsp. for every 20 gal. (76 L) BABG1 1 gal. (3.78 L) treats up to 15,200 gal. (57,456 L) Established Aquariums: GSC16 16 fl. oz. (473 mL) Add 1 tsp. per 10 gal. (38 L) GSC64 64 fl. oz. (1.893 L) GSCG1 1 gal. (3.78 L) Nite-Out II™ Bacterial Nitrifying Bacteria Starter Kit Specially Formulated for 4 Pack Reef Safe Rapid Ammonia Item #HA4PKBAC and Nitrite Reduction Reef Safe CONTENTS • Decreases Ammonia & Nitrite toxicity 1 pc. - 4 oz. Bacterial Aquarium Balancer ITEM # SIZE TREATS DOSAGE RATES 1 pc. - 4 oz. Gel Filter Cartridge Inoculant NITEH01 1 fl. oz. (30 mL) Treats up to 60 gal. (233 L) New tanks: 1 pc. - 4 oz. Nite-Out II Add 1 tsp. (5 mL) per 10 gal. (38 L), NITEH04 4 fl. oz. (118 mL) Treats up to 236 gal. (893 L) every other day, until Ammonia level 1 pc. - 4 oz. Gravel and Substrate Cleaner is acceptable. NITEH08 8 fl. oz. (236 mL) Treats up to 472 gal. (1,786 L) 4 pc. - 4 oz. bottles Established tanks: NITEH16 16 fl. oz. (473 mL) Treats up to 946 gal. (3,580 L) Add 1 tsp. (5 mL) per 10 gal. (38 L) of tank water after every partial water NITEH64 64 fl. oz. (1.893 L) Treats up to 3,840 gal. (14,515 L) change as well as every time new fish are added to the tank. 10 I www.MicrobeLift.com I 1-800-645-2976 I NITEHG1 1 gal. (3.78 L) Treats up to 7,600 gal. (28,769 L)

Terrarium Care Products for Reptiles,. Amphibians Specialty Fish Care Products for Flowerhorn, Parrot Fish and Arowana Fish. 12-13.
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