1 PART 1 CONTRIBUTED PAPERS ON UNDERSTANDING AND APPLYING RISK ANALYSIS IN AQUACULTURE 3 General principles of the risk analysis process and its application to aquaculture J. Richard Arthur FAO Consultant Box 1216 Barriere, B.C., Canada V0E 1E0 [email protected] Arthur, J.R. 2008. General principles of the risk analysis process and its application to aquaculture. In M.G. Bondad-Reantaso, J.R. Arthur and R.P. Subasinghe (eds). Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. No. 519. Rome, FAO. pp. 3–8. ABSTRACT Governments and the private sector must often make decisions based on incomplete knowledge and a high degree of uncertainty and where such decisions may have far- reaching social, environmental and economic consequences. Risk analysis is a process that provides a flexible framework within which the risks of adverse consequences resulting from a course of action can be evaluated in a systematic science-based manner. It permits a defendable decision to be made on whether a particular risk is acceptable or not, and the means to evaluate possible ways to reduce a risk from an unacceptable level to one that is acceptable. Risk analysis is now widely applied in many fields, for example, in decisions about risks due to chemical and physical stressors (natural disasters, climate change, contaminants in food and water, pollution, etc.); biological stressors (human, plant and animal pathogens; plant and animal pests; invasive species, invasive genetic material); social and economic stressors (public security (including risk of terrorism), construction and engineering (building safety, fire safety, military applications), and business (project operations, insurance, litigation, credit, cost risk maintenance, etc.). The general framework for risk analysis consists of four major components: • Hazard identification – the process of identifying hazards that could potentially produce consequences. • Risk assessment – the process of evaluating the likelihood that a potential hazard will be realized and estimating the biological, social and/or economic consequences of its realization. • Risk management – the seeking of means to reduce either the likelihood or the consequences of it going wrong; and • Risk communication – the process by which stakeholders are consulted, information and opinions gathered and risk analysis results and management measures communicated. Some basic principles that appear to be common to all types of risk analysis include those of common sense, uncertainty, precaution, objectivity, transparency, consistency, scientific validation, stakeholder consultation, stringency, minimal risk management, unacceptable risk and equivalence. 4 Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture Risk analysis has wide applicability to aquaculture. It has mainly been applied in assessing risks to society and the environment posed by hazards created by or associated with aquaculture development. These include the risks of environmental degradation; introduction and spread of pathogens, pests and invasive species; genetic impacts; unsafe foods; and negative social and economic impacts. The use of risk analysis can provide insights and assist in making decisions that will help to avoid such negative impacts, thus helping aquaculture development to proceed in a more socially and environmentally responsible manner. Risk analysis is less commonly used to achieve successful and sustainable aquaculture by assessing the risks to aquaculture posed by the physical, social and economic environment in which it takes place. These include reduction of environmental risks (e.g. due to poor siting or severe weather events), biological risks (infection by pathogens via transfer from native stocks, predation by seals and sharks; red tides, etc.), operational risks (poor planning, work-related injuries), financial risks (e.g. market changes, currency fluctuations, emergence of new competitors, etc.) and social risks (negative image and resulting product boycott, lack of skilled manpower, competition from other sectors). There exists, therefore, considerable scope to develop and expand the use of risk analysis for the benefit of aquaculture and the social and physical environments in which it takes place. INTRODUCTION Governments and the private sector must often make decisions based on incomplete knowledge and a high degree of uncertainty. Such decisions may have far-reaching social, environmental and economic consequences. Risk analysis is a process that provides a flexible framework within which the risks of adverse consequences resulting from a course of action can be evaluated in a systematic, science-based manner. The risk analysis approach permits a defendable decision to be made on whether the risk posed by a particular action or “hazard” is acceptable or not, and provides the means to evaluate possible ways to reduce the risk from an unacceptable level to one that is acceptable. Risk analysis is now widely applied in many fields that touch our daily lives. These include decisions about risks due to chemical and physical stressors (natural disasters, climate change, contaminants in food and water, pollution etc.), biological stressors (human, plant and animal pathogens; plant and animal pests; invasive species, invasive genetic material), social and economic stressors (unemployment, financial losses, public security, including risk of terrorism), construction and engineering (building safety, fire safety, military applications) and business (project operations, insurance, litigation, credit, cost risk maintenance etc.). Risk analysis is thus a pervasive but often unnoticed component of modern society that is used by governments, private sector and individuals in the political, scientific, business, financial, social sciences and other communities. THE CONCEPT OF RISK The definition of “risk” varies somewhat depending on the sector. Most definitions incorporate the concepts of: • uncertainty of outcome (of an action or situation), • probability or likelihood (of an unwanted event occurring), and • consequence or impact (if the unwanted event happens). Thus “risk” is the potential for realization of unwanted, adverse consequences to human life, health, property or the environment. Its estimation involves both the likelihood (probability) of a negative event occurring as the result of a proposed action and the consequences that will result if it does happen. As an example, taken from pathogen risk analysis, the Aquatic Animal Health Code (OIE, 2007) defines risk as: General principles of the risk analysis process and its application to aquaculture 5 “Risk – means the likelihood of the occurrence and the likely magnitude of the consequences of an adverse event to public, aquatic animal or terrestrial animal health in the importing country during a specified time period.” While some sectors incorporate consideration of potential benefits that may result from a “risk” being realized (e.g. financial risk analysis), others specifically exclude benefits from being taken into account (e.g. pathogen risk analysis). WHAT IS RISK ANALYSIS? “Risk analysis” is usually defined either by its components and/or its processes. The Society for Risk Analysis www.sera.org offers the following definitions of “risk analysis”: • a detailed examination including risk assessment, risk evaluation and risk management alternatives, performed to understand the nature of unwanted, negative consequences to human life, health, property or the environment; • an analytical process to provide information regarding undesirable events; • the process of quantification of the probabilities and expected consequences for identified risks. In can also be defined as an objective, systematic, standardized and defensible method of assessing the likelihood of negative consequences occurring due to a proposed action or activity and the likely magnitude of those consequences, or, simply put, it is “science-based decision-making”. The risk analysis process In simple terms, a risk analysis typically seeks to answer four questions: • What can go wrong? • How likely is it to go wrong? • What would be the consequences of its going wrong? • What can be done to reduce either the likelihood or the consequences of its going wrong? (see MacDiarmid, 1997; Rodgers, 2004; Arthur et al., 2004). The general framework for risk analysis typically consists of four major components: • Hazard identification – the process of identifying hazards that could potentially produce consequences; • Risk assessment – the process of evaluating the likelihood that a potential hazard will be realized and estimating the biological, social and/or economic consequences of its realization; • Risk management – the seeking of means to reduce either the likelihood or the consequences of it going wrong; and • Risk communication – the process by which stakeholders are consulted, information and opinions gathered and risk analysis results and management measures communicated. The risk analysis process is quite flexible. Its structure and components will vary considerably depending on the sector (e.g. technical, social or financial), the user (e.g. government, company or individual), the scale (e.g. international, local or entity-level) and the purpose (e.g. to gain understanding of the processes that determine risk or to form the basis for legal measures). It can be qualitative (probabilities of events happening expressed, for example, as high, medium or low) or quantitative (numerical probabilities). THE CONCEPT OF “HAZARD” All risk analysis sectors involve the assessment of risk posed by a threat or “hazard”. The definition of “hazard” depends on the sector and the perspective from which risk is viewed (e.g. risks to aquaculture or risks from aquaculture). A hazard thus can be: 6 Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture • a physical agent having the potential to cause harm, for example: – a biological pathogen (pathogen risk analysis); – an aquatic organism that is being introduced or transferred (genetic risk analysis, ecological risk analysis, invasive alien species risk analysis); – a chemical, heavy metal or biological contaminant (human health and food safety risk analysis, environmental risk analysis); or • the inherent capacity or property of a physical agent or situation to cause adverse affects, as in • social risk analysis, • financial risk analysis, and • environmental risk analysis. Risk analysis terminology The terminology used by some risk analysis sectors is well established (e.g. pathogen risk analysis, food safety, environmental risk analysis), and there is often considerable differences in how individual terms are defined. An attempt at cross-sectoral standardization of terms is thus probably futile, and it is thus important that that terms used by the various risk analysis sectors be fully defined at the outset. SOmE GENERAL PRINCIPLES Some basic principles that appear to be common to all types of risk analysis are presented below. These involve the broader concepts of common sense, uncertainty, precaution, objectivity, transparency, consistency, scientific validation, stakeholder consultation, stringency, minimal risk management, unacceptable risk and equivalence. • The Principle of Common Sense – In assessing risks, the use of “common sense” should prevail. In many cases, the outcomes of a risk analysis are obvious and uncontroversial, and a decision can be made without resulting to a full risk analysis, which can be a lengthy and expensive process. • The Principle of Uncertainty – All risk analyses contain an element of uncertainty. A good risk analysis will seek to reduce uncertainty to the extent possible. • The Principle of Precaution – Those involved in the aquaculture sector have a responsibility to err on the side of caution, particularly if the outcomes of a given action may be irreversible. If the level of uncertainty is high, the Precautionary Principle can be applied to delay a decision until key information is obtained. However, steps must be taken to obtain the information in a timely manner. • The Principle of Objectivity – Risk analyses should be conducted in the most objective way possible. However, due to uncertainty and human nature, a high degree of subjectivity may be present in some risk analyses. A risk analysis should clearly indicate where subjective decisions have been made. • The Principle of Transparency – Risk analyses, particularly those conducted by public sector agencies, should be fully transparent, so that all stakeholders can see how decisions were reached. This includes full documentation of all data, sources of information, assumptions, methods, results, constraints, discussions and conclusions. • The Principle of Consistency – Although risk analysis methodology continues to evolve, it is important that decisions, particularly those made by government, are reached via standardized methods and procedures. In theory, two risk analysts independently conducting the same risk analysis should reach roughly similar conclusions. • The Principle of Scientific Validation – The scientific basis of a risk analysis and the conclusions drawn should be validated by independent expert review. • The Principle of Stakeholder Consultation – If the results of a risk analysis are likely to be of interest to, or impact upon others, then stakeholder consultations General principles of the risk analysis process and its application to aquaculture 7 should be held. This is accomplished by risk communication, the interactive exchange of information on risk among risk assessors, risk managers and other interested parties. Ideally, stakeholders should be informed/involved throughout the entire risk analysis process, particularly for potentially contentious risk analyses (e.g. ecological, genetic and pathogen risk analyses for the introduction of new aquatic species). • The Principle of Stringency – The stringency of the risk management measures to be applied should be in direct proportion to the risk involved. • The Principle of Minimal Risk Management – Risk management measures that impinge on the legitimate activities of others should be applied only to the extent necessary to reduce risk to an acceptable level. • The Principle of Unacceptable Risk – If the level of risk is unacceptable and no effective or acceptable risk management measures are possible, then the activity should not take place. • The Principle of Equivalence – Risk management measures proposed by trading partners that meet the acceptable level of risk should be accepted by the importing country. APPLICATION OF RISK ANALYSIS TO AQUACULTURE Risk analysis has wide applicability to aquaculture. So far, it has mainly been applied in assessing risks to society and the environment posed by hazards created by or associated with aquaculture development (Box 1). These include the risks of environmental degradation; introduction and spread of pathogens, pests and invasive species; genetic impacts; unsafe foods; and negative social and economic impacts. The use of risk analysis can provide insights and assist in making decisions that will help to avoid such negative impacts, thus helping aquaculture development to proceed in a more socially and environmentally responsible manner. Risk analysis is less commonly used to achieve successful and sustainable aquaculture by assessing the risks to aquaculture posed by BOX 1 the physical, social and economic environment Examples of risks to society from in which it takes place Box 2. These include aquaculture reduction of environmental risks (e.g. due to poor siting or severe weather events), biological Environmental risks risks (infection by pathogens via transfer • pollution from feeds, drugs, chemicals, from native stocks, predation by seals and wastes sharks; red tides etc.), operational risks (poor • alteration of water currents & flow planning, work-related injuries), financial risks patterns (e.g. market changes, currency fluctuations, Biological risks emergence of new competitors, etc.) and social • introduction of invasive alien species, risks (negative image and resulting product exotic pests & pathogens boycott, lack of skilled manpower, competition • genetic impacts on native stocks from other sectors). • destruction/modification of ecosystems There exists, therefore, considerable scope and agricultural lands (mangrove to develop and expand the use of risk analysis deforestation, salination of ricelands) for the benefit of aquaculture and the social and Financial risks physical environments in which it takes place. • failure of farming operations • collapse of local industry/sector CONCLUSIONS Social risks An integrated approach to risk analysis will • displacement of artisanal fishers assist the aquaculture sector in reducing risks Human health risks to successful operations from both internal • food safety issues and external hazards and can similarly help 8 Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture to protect the environment, society and BOX 2 other resource users from adverse and often Examples of risks to aquaculture from unpredicted impacts. This could lead to society and the environment improved profitability and sustainability of the sector, while at the same time improving Environmental risks the public’s perception of aquaculture as a • severe weather patterns responsible, sustainable and environmentally • pollution (e.g. agricultural chemicals, oil friendly activity. spills) Biological risks REFERENCES • pathogen transfer from wild stocks Arthur, J.R., Bondad-Reantaso, M., Baldock, • local predators (seals, sharks etc.) F.C., Rodgers, C.J. & Edgerton, B.F. 2004. • toxic algal blooms, red tide Manual on risk analysis for the safe movement Operational risks of aquatic animals (FWG/01/2002). APEC/DoF/ • poor planning NACA/FAO, APEC Publ. No. APEC #203-FS- • poor design 03.1. 59 pp. • workplace injuries MacDiarmid, S.C. 1997. Risk analysis, international Financial risks trade, and animal health. In Fundamentals of risk • market changes analysis and risk management. pp. 377–387. Boca • inadequate financing Raton, CRC Lewis Publications. • currency fluctuations OIE. 2007. Aquatic animal health code. 10th Edn. • emergence of new competitors World Organisation for Animal Health, Paris Social risks (available at: www.oie.int). • negative image/press Rodgers, C.J. 2004. Risk analysis in aquatic • lack of skilled manpower animal health. In J.R. Arthur & M.G. Bondad- • competition for key resources from other Reantaso, eds. Capacity and awareness building sectors on import risk analysis for aquatic animals. • theft, vandalism Proceedings of the Workshops held 1–6 April 2002 in Bangkok, Thailand and 12–17 August 2002 in Mazatlan, Mexico. APEC FWG 01/2002, Bangkok, NACA. 9 Food safety and public health risks associated with products of aquaculture Iddya Karunasagar Fish Products and Industry Division Fisheries and Aquaculture Department Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome, Italy [email protected] Karunasagar, I. 2008. Food safety and public health risks associated with products of aquaculture. In M.G. Bondad-Reantaso, J.R. Arthur and R.P. Subasinghe (eds). Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. No. 519. Rome, FAO. pp. 9–25. ABSTRACT The Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement within the framework of the World Trade Organization emphasizes the need to apply risk analysis as a basis for taking any SPS measure. With the adoption of the food-chain approach for food safety, the responsibility for the supply of safe food is shared along the entire food chain from primary production to final consumption. Thus the application of risk analysis to the aquaculture sector, which produces nearly half the fish that is consumed worldwide, has become very important. Guidelines for performing risk analysis have been brought out by the Codex Alimentarius Commission or Codex. Risk analysis is a process consisting of risk assessment, risk communication and risk management. Risk assessment is the scientific evaluation of known or potential adverse health effects resulting from human exposure to foodborne hazards. This consists of four steps: hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment and risk characterization. The output of risk assessment may be a qualitative or a quantitative (numerical) expression of risk as well as attendant uncertainties. Hazard identification considers epidemiological data linking the food and biological/chemical agent to human illness and the certainty associated with such effects. At the hazard characterization step, a qualitative or quantitative description of the severity and the duration of the adverse health effect that may result from the ingestion of the micro-organism/toxin/chemical contaminants is made. During exposure assessment, an estimate of the number of bacteria or the level of a biotoxin or chemical agent consumed through the concerned food is made. The Codex defines the risk characterization step as the process of determining the qualitative and/or quantitative estimation including attendant uncertainties of the probability of occurrence and the severity of the known or potential adverse health effect in a given population based on hazard identification, exposure assessment and hazard characterization. As an example of a risk assessment, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization risk assessment for choleragenic Vibrio cholerae in warmwater shrimp in international trade is presented. Risk management is the process of weighing 10 Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture policy alternatives in the light of the results of risk assessment and if required, selecting and implementing appropriate control options, including regulatory measures. Risk communication is an interactive process of exchange of information and opinion on risk among risk assessors, risk managers and other interested parties. Examples of risk management measures adopted based on risk assessment are presented. INTRODUCTION Outbreaks of food-borne illnesses continue to be a major problem worldwide, and international trade in food products is increasing. According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, 1.8 million deaths related to contaminated food or water occur every year. Traditionally, food safety programmes have focused on enforcement mechanisms for final products and removal of unsafe food from the market instead of a preventive approach. In such a model, the responsibility for safe food tends to concentrate on the food-processing sector. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is recommending a food-chain approach that encompasses the whole food chain from primary production to final consumption. In such a system, the responsibility for a supply of food that is safe, healthy and nutritious is shared along the entire food chain by all involved in the production, processing, trade and consumption of food. Stakeholders include farmers, fishermen, processors, transport operators (raw and processed material) and consumers, as well as governments obliged to protect public health. In order to protect public health and facilitate international food trade, the member countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have signed the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Agreement. Under this agreement, member countries have a right to take measures to ensure that consumers are supplied with safe food, but they also have the obligation to ensure that their food safety regulations are based on risk analysis and are not arbitrary and used as a means to protect domestic producers from competition. Considering that nearly 50 percent of the fish traded in international markets comes from aquaculture, it is important to ensure that the aquaculture sector is producing safe food. The food-chain approach to food safety is based on five important aspects: • The three fundamental concepts of risk analysis – risk assessment, risk management and risk communication – should be incorporated into food safety. There should be an institutional separation of science-based risk assessment from risk management, which is the regulation and control of risk. • Traceability from the primary producer (including fish feed) through post- harvest treatments, food processing and distribution to the consumer should be improved. • Harmonization of food safety standards is necessary; this implies increased development and wider use of internationally agreed-upon, scientifically based standards. The Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement of WTO tries to achieve this by ensuring that arbitrary standards do not become barriers to international trade. • Equivalence of food safety systems that achieve similar levels of protection against food-borne hazards, whatever means of control are used. This is a requirement under the SPS Agreement. • Increased emphasis on risk avoidance or prevention at source within the whole food chain – from farm or sea to plate – is necessary to complement conventional food safety management based on regulation and control. Complementing the current emphasis on regulation and control of the food safety system with preventive measures to control the introduction of contamination at source requires the adoption of practices in food production, handling and processing that reduce the risk of microbiological, chemical and physical hazards entering the food Food safety and public health risks associated with products of aquaculture 11 FIGURE 1 The risk analysis process Risk analysis Risk assessment Risk management Risk communication Hazard identification Hazard characterization Exposure assessment Risk characterization chain. There are some hazards such as chemical contaminants and biotoxins in shellfish that cannot be simply removed from foodstuffs. The adoption of sound practices along the food chain based on principles defined in Good Aquaculture Practices (GAP) and in-plant control of food processing based on hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) analysis is important to prevent such hazards from entering the system. By using a risk-based approach to the management of food safety, food control resources can be directed to those hazards posing the greatest threat to public health and where the potential gains from risk reduction are large relative to the resource use. Establishing risk-based priorities requires sound scientific knowledge and effective systems for reporting the incidence of food-borne diseases. Guidelines for performing risk analysis have been brought out by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). According to Codex, risk analysis is a process consisting of risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. Risk assessment is a scientifically based process involving the following four steps: hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment and risk characterization (Figure 1). THE RISK ANALYSIS PROCESS Hazard identification This involves identification of biological or chemical agents capable of causing adverse health effects that may be present in a particular food or group of foods. Products of aquaculture include freshwater and marine finfish as well as shellfish (molluscs and crustaceans). Hazard identification considers epidemiological data linking the food and biological/chemical agent to human illness (CCFH, 1998) and the certainty and uncertainty associated with such effects. Data from national surveillance programmes, microbiological and clinical investigations, and process evaluation studies are important (Fazil, 2005). At the hazard identification step, a qualitative evaluation of available information is carried out and documented. The characteristics of the organism/toxin/ chemical agent, including its effects on the host and mode of action, are considered. Table 1 lists known or potential hazards associated with products of aquaculture. Based on epidemiological evidence, only a few microbial agents are known to be involved in foodborne illnesses; however, only a small number of outbreaks have been adequately investigated. Therefore, limitations of hazard identification with respect to biological agents include the expense and difficulty involved in outbreak investigations, and the difficulties involved in the isolation and characterization of certain pathogens such as viruses. However, for most chemical agents, clinical and epidemiological data are unlikely to be available. Since the statistical power of most