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ee ELSEVIER Aquaculture 181 (2000) 409-411 www.elsevier.nl /locate /aqua-online Contents of Aquaculture, Volume 181 VOL. 181 NOS. 1, 2 1 JANUARY 2000 Diseases, Parasites and Predators Sublethal effects of azamethiphos on shelter use by juvenile lobsters (Homarus americanus) P. Abgrall (Montreal, QC, Canada), R.W. Rangeley, L.E. Burridge and P. Lawton (St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada) Use of a lipid-emulsion carrier for immunisation of dab ( Limanda limanda) by bath and oral routes: an assessment of systemic and mucosal antibody responses S.H. Lin, G.A. Davidson, C.J. Secombes and A.E. Ellis (Aberdeen, UK) Selective incorporation of bacteria by Argopecten purpuratus larvae: implications for the use of probiotics in culturing systems of the Chilean scallop C. Riquelme, R. Araya and R. Escribano (Antofagasta, Chile) Husbandry and Management A review of strategies for the management of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) broodfish in seed production systems, especially hapa-based systems R.C. Bhujel (Pathum Thani, Thailand) Larval culture of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) at high stocking densities B. Baskerville-Bridges and L.J. Kling (Orono, ME, USA) Phytoplankton biomass associated with mussel farms in Beatrix Bay, New Zealand S.C. Ogilvie, A.H. Ross and D.R. Schiel (Christchurch, New Zealand) Nutrition The effects of diets on reproductive performance of eyestalk ablated and intact mud crab Scylla serrata O.M. Millamena and E. Quinitio (Iloilo, Philippines)... 2... ee ee ee ee In situ suspension feeding behaviour of the pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera: combined effects of body size and weather-related seston composition S. Pouvreau (L’ Houmeau, France; Tahiti, French Polynesia), A. Bodoy (Tahiti, French Polynesia) and D. Buestel (Palavas, France) Identification of feeding stimulants from a jack mackerel muscle extract for young yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata I. Hidaka, J. Kohbara, T. Araki, T. Morishita, T. Miyajima, S. Shimizu and I. Kuriyama (Tsu, Gustatory and olfactory sensitivity to extracts of jack mackerel muscle in young yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata J. Kohbara, I. Hidaka, T. Morishita and T. Miyajima (Tsu, Japan) A comparative study on growth performance and biochemical composition of mixed culture of Tsochrysis galbana and Chaetoceros calcitrans with monocultures P.V. Phatarpekar, R.A. Sreepada, C. Pednekar and C.T. Achuthankutty (Goa, India) Digestive proteases in juvenile Mexican green abalone, Haliotis fulgens C. Picos-Garcia, F.L. Garcia-Carrefio and E. Serviere-Zaragoza (La Paz, Mexico) 410 Contents of Aquaculture, Volume 181 Physiology and Endocrinology Comparative physiological energetics of two suspension feeders: polychaete annelid Lanice conchilega (Pallas 1766) and Pacific cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg 1795) M. Ropert (Paris, Port-en-Bessin, France) and P. Goulletquer (La Tremblade, France) Salinity tolerance of Haliotis diversicolor supertexta at different salinity and temperature levels J.-C. Chen and W.-C. Chen (Keelung, Taiwan) Book review Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 2 — Non-infectious disorders 205 EE Oe ie ee ea Pee ee aed ee a ee er ee ee 207 VOL. 181 NOS. 3, 4 15 JANUARY 2000 Genetics and Breeding Response to selection 2 = ‘eritability for growth in the Kuruma prawn, Penaeus japonicus D.J.S. Hetzel (Brisbauwe, Australia), P.J. Crocos (Queensland, Australia), G.P. Davis, S.S. Moore (Brisbane, Australia) and N.C. Preston (Queensland, Australia) Delivery of DNA to early embryos of the Kuruma prawn, Penaeus japonicus N.P. Preston (Cleveland QLD, Australia), V.J. Baule (Riverside, CA, USA), R. Leopold (Fargo, ND, USA), J. Henderling (Cleveland QLD, Australia), P.W. Atkinson (Riverside, CA, USA) and S. Whyard (Canberra, ACT, Australia) Husbandry and Management Crowding female red claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, under small-tanks hatchery conditions: what is the limit? A. Barki and I. Karplus (Bet Dagan, Israel) Induction and synchronisation of spawning in cultivated turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) broodstock by implantation of a sustained-release GnRH-a pellet C. Mugnier (Noirmoutier, Rennes, France), M. Guennoc (L’Epine, France), E. Lebegue (Noirmou- tier, France), A. Fostier and B. Breton (Rennes, France) Cultivation of the Mediterranean amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso, 1810), in submerged cages in the Western Mediterranean Sea A. Mazzola, E. Favaloro and G. Sara (Palermo, Italy) Movement and orientation of the Japanese scallop Patinopecten yessoensis (Jay) in response to water flow I. Sakurai and M. Seto (Hokkaido, Japan) Nutrition Feather meals and meat and bone meals from different origins as protein sources in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) diets D.P. Bureau, A.M. Harris, DJ. Bevan, L.A. Simmons, P.A. Azevedo and C.Y. Cho (Guelph, Ont., Canada) Food selection and digestion characteristics of Atlantic halibut ( Hippoglossus hippoglossus) larvae fed cultivated prey organisms A.L. Olsen (Trondheim, Norway), Y. Attramadal (Oyestranda, Norway), K.I. Reitan and Y. Olsen (Trondheim, Norway) Effects of a diet of a nitrogen-limited alga (Tetraselmis suecica) on growth, survival and biochemical composition of tiger prawn ( Penaeus semisulcatus) larvae F.M.L. D'Souza (Cleveland, QLD, Australia) and G.J. Kelly (Brisbane, QLD, Australia) Comparison of phosphatidylcholine purified from soybean and marine fish roe in the diet of postlarval Penaeus vannamei Boone P. Coutteau, E.K.M. Kontara and P. Sorgeloos (Ghent, Belgium) Contents of Aquaculture, Volume 181 Physiology and Endocrinology Expression of recombinant tilapia insulin-like growth factor-I and stimulation of juvenile tilapia growth by injection of recombinant IGFs polypeptides J.-Y. Chen, J.-C. Chen, C.-Y. Chang, S.-C. Shen, M.-S. Chen and J.-L. Wu (Taipei, Taiwan) . . . . Motility, fertility and ultrastructural changes of ocean pout ( Macrozoarces americanus L.) sperm after cryopreservation Z. Yao, L.W. Crim (St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada), G.F. Richardson (Charlottetown, PEI, Canada) and C.J. Emerson (St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada) Seawater adaptation by out-of-season Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts at different temperatures S.O. Handeland, A. Berge (Bergen, Norway), B.Th. Bjérnsson (Gothenburg, Sweden), @. Lie and S.O. Stefansson (Bergen, Norway) Review The history, present status and prospects of the availability of Artemia cysts for aquaculture P. Lavens and P. Sorgeloos (Gent, Belgium) Book Review Tropical Mariculture Contents of Aquaculture, Volume 181

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