Aquaculture, 116 (1993) 383-386 383 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam Contents of Aquaculture, Volume 116 VOL. 116 NO. 1 15 SEPTEMBER 1993 Review Hybridization among Crassostrea species: a review P.M. Gaffney (Lewes, DE, USA) and S.K. Allen, Jr. (Port Norris, NJ, USA) ............... 1 Diseases, Parasites and Predators Development and application of a simple and rapid diagnostic method to studies on hepatopancreatic parvovirus of penaeid shrimp D.V. Lightner, R.M. Redman, D.W. Moore (Tucson, AZ, USA) and M.A. Park CH POR COMIN, DOUG WENO DFn ecccccesccccncccvsssescccccowescvenscseescsoncosesessestercorsseMeretetcosnencesoecbectette 15 Isolation of Trichosporon beigelii from the freshwater crayfish Astacus astacus K. Sdderhall, J. Rantamaki and O. Constantinescu (Uppsala, Sweden) ...................000088 25 Husbandry and Management Effects of zeolite, formalin, bacterial augmentation, and aeration on total ammonia nitrogen concentrations S. Chiayvareesajja and C.E. Boyd (Auburn University, AL, USA) ec.ces.eee.eee ee 33 Nutrition Significance of substrate and the timing of start-feeding in alevins of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) A. AMRMBEE CEP, Da). 5s aici hi dee ieee ins 47 Effects of dietary fatty acids on growth, feed efficiency and liver RNA and DNA content of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) X. Yang and T.A. Dick (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)................csssssssssssscccceceeeeeeseesssees 57 Physiology and Endocrinology The association of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in the main phospholipids of different-age Sparus aurata larvae with growth W.M. Koven, A. Tandler (Eilat, Israel), D. Sklan (Rehovot, Israel) and G.W. Kissil (Bitet, Brees BL ea BRAASe IeRL BR S 71 Masculinization of Poecilia reticulata by dietary administration of synthetic or natural androgen to gravid females S. Kavumpurath and T.J. Pandian (Madurai, India) ...............cceeeeeeseesseeeeeeeeeeeseesseessseeees 83 Spermatophore formation in the white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei Boone 1931: dependence on the intermoult cycle J.-C. Heitzmann, A. Diter and AQUACOP (Taravao, Tahiti, French Polynesia )........... 91 0044-8486/93/$06.00 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. 384 VOL. 116 NOS. 2/3 1 OCTOBER Diseases, Parasites and Predators Detection of Renibacterium salmoninarum in naturally infected Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum ) using an enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay I. Olea, D.W. Bruno and T.S. Hastings (Aberdeen, UK) ...............cccccccccccccccrcererereeseerseees 99 Usefulness of the API-20E system for the identification of bacterial fish pathogens Y. Santos, J.L. Romalde, I. Bandin, B. Magarifios, S. Nujiez, J.L. Barja and A.E. Toranzo (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) .................ccccccssessesssssseeeecceeeeeeeeseeseessseeees 111 Genetics and Breeding The influence of triploidy and heat and hydrostatic pressure shocks on the growth and reproductive development of juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens) J.A. Malison, L.S. Procarione, J.A. Held, T.B. Kayes and C.H. Amundson SI: WPM AMIN Goi ccuiscisids sonnnindbsin'ciiicueisdutiekipntmaabeasbandebapaasibideiadeand butibsonmalcubatiiadbapistincnvewiiiien 121 Husbandry and Management Spatial and temporal distribution of dominant epiphytes on Gracilaria from a natural subtidal bed in central-southern Chile M.A. Gonzalez, H.L. Barrales (Concepcién, Chile), A. Candia (Talcahuano, Chile) ac ee SII, SED oib isects csicsesciecsivevonsscvenhscnsutnocsubbulndieusmeknniennsacntntenneiieido s 135 Nutrition Chemical composition and protein digestibility of poultry by-product meals for salmonid diets F.M. Dong, R.W. Hardy (Seattle, WA, USA), N.F. Haard (Davis, CA, USA), F.T. Barrows (Bozeman, MT, USA), B.A. Rasco, W.T. Fairgrieve and I.P. Forster a ll alii aine pieenanbeteee 149 Prey consumption of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) larvae: selectivity or availability? J. Gulbrandsen (Sunndals@ra, Norway) ...............sssscssssssssssccscsssscsscssccssscssssssceeeeeceseeseeeeees 159 Effect of dietary menhaden oil on growth and muscle fatty acid composition of hybrid striped bass, Morone chrysops xX M. saxatilis P.H. Fair (Charleston, SC, USA), W.P. Williams (Clemson, SC, USA) and ee ee IG is SED vaicierivvcnseesncessscovssessenintccencacnseicccrdectbecenssncsensseseecencsnceone 171 Physiology and Endocrinology Gonadal maturation and reproductive performance of giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius ) from the Andaman Sea and pond-reared sources in Thailand P. Menasveta, S. Piyatiratitivorakul, S. Rungsupa, N. Moree (Bangkok, Thailand) WN Fs FE SD, BE, ND yion ce vncinescsescvcncecadeceonsvestatixeesencsccpesucinnssectosbsssesiscsosesess 191 Development of the proventriculus in larvae of the slipper lobster, Jbacus ciliatus (Decapoda: Scyllaridae ) S. Mikami (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) and F. Takashima (Tokyo, Japan)......... 199 Osmotic performance and survival of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) at low salinities L. Provencher (Rimouski, Québec, Canada), J. Munro and J.-D. Dutil (Mont-Joli, RES RROD Bis RIE OY IC At Ne SR MD MT ESTE Er Oe 219 385 The effects of exercise on growth, food utilisation and osmoregulatory capacity of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar E.H. Jorgensen and M. Jobling (Troms@, Norway) ...........:c:ccccccccesssssssssssssscecccccceeeeceecees 233 Exogenous cortisol promotes survival of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) hatchlings exposed to hypersalinity but not hyposalinity shock R. Sampath-Kumar, A.D. Munro, J. Lee and T.J. Lam (Singapore, Singapore)............. 247 Preliminary observations on oocyte maturation and other aspects of reproductive biology in captive female snook, Centropomus undecimalis R.A. Wallace, S.M. Boyle (St. Augustine, FL, USA), H.J. Grier (Port Manatee, FL, USA), K. Selman (Gainesville, FL, USA) and T.R. Petrino (St. Augustine, FL, MR A. Bi GD iin lic Mbp lita tilldiaicnh Nida ieds 257 Cryopreservation of sperm from brown trout (Salmo trutta m. lacustris L.) and Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.) J. Piironen (Enonkoski, Finlang )...............::sccccsssssssssscccssssssssccccessssssscesesessssssssssssssseeeees 275 Short Communication Triploidization of coho salmon following application of heat and electric shocks E. Teskeredzi¢é, Z. Teskeredzi¢é (Zagreb, Croatia), E.M. Donaldson, E. McLean and I. Solar (West Vancouver, BC, Canada) ............scsssssesseseseescessessssesesssseeeesesssessssseseaseesoes 287 VOL. 116 NO. 4 15 OCTOBER 1993 Diseases, Parasites and Predators Clinical response of snakeheads (Ophicephalus striatus) to experimental infection with snakehead fish rhabdovirus and snakehead cell line retrovirus G.N. Frerichs, S.D. Millar (Stirling, UK) and S. Chinabut (Bangkok, Thailand).......... 297 Protection of goldfish against some common ectoparasitic protozoans using Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Tetrahymena pyriformis for vaccination K.H. Ling, Y.M. Sin and T.J. Lam (Singapore) ...............sssccccsssssssssssssscsssssscsssssssccsssesseees 303 Glucan injection or bath exposure given alone or in combination with a bacterin enhance the non-specific defence mechanisms in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) G. Jeney (Szarvas, Hungary) and D.P. Anderson (Kearneysville, WV, USA) ............... 315 Pharmacokinetics of sodium nifurstyrenate in cultured yellowtail after oral administration K. Uno (Konan, Aichi, Japan), T. Aoki and R. Ueno (Tsu, Mie, Japan )..................000. 331 Nutrition A new method for force-feeding larval fish M.B. Rust, R.W. Hardy and R.R. Stickney (Seattle, WA, USA) ...............cccsssecccsssssseseees 341 Influence of food concentration on energy balance and growth performance of Venerupis pullastra seed reared in an open-flow system R. Beiras, A. Pérez-Camacho and M. Albentosa (Corufia, Spain)..............ccccccccsssssssssees 353 Book Reviews SN BN, 5 Asie, Sach ihcautianisasbneenendilistdeeenceversenceseoesteeessaceietarcincacsseoesscévecsecesentoen’ 367 ELLA LATTA ET TAO TROT EE RTO AE 368 386 CTUSCR CONE CRTINNI iio. LIER RUA URW MR NAM nla debited tae 370 BI I vivac conienssnssiesessvesieeceseepesscnvuneitovnserseseveseevtersescsestalbaiercdionmates lvbaviblivestesdbieihscmnante 373 Seafood science and technology..............::ccccccssssssssccccccessssssseececeescssseeeceeeessesseeeceeesseseaeeeeeeeeees 374 MMOUED son iesiscsescdenidek a Abliiilecineddiechiiint aU NGL ate ah ahaa iat 377 SE TR GA iia ha atirmatadée tniee BARNA GEES RETRO RAI 379 383