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Aquaculture 2238 ELSEVIER Aquaculture 125 (1994) 209-268 Author index Aquaculture, volumes 101-125, 1992-1994 0044-8486/94/$07.00 © 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Author index /A quaculture 125 (1994) 209-268 211 A Agard, J.B.R., see Rampersad, J.N., 123 (1994) 153 Aguirre, P., see Blanc, J.M., 110 (1993) 61 Agustin, L.Q., Macaranas, J.M. and Eknath, A.E., Abaurrea Equisoain, M.A., see Ostos Garrido, Use of RNA: DNA ratios as an index of nu- M.V., 110 (1993) 161 tritional status of six Nile tilapia (Oreochromis Abaurrea Equisoain, M.A., see Ostos Garrido, niloticus) strains under different environments M.V., 115 (1993 121 (Abstract), 111 (1993) 295 Abban, E.K. and Skibinski, D.O.F., Genetic vari- Agustin, L.Q., see Macranas, J.M., 111 (1993) 296 ability of tropical freshwater fish species (Ab- Ahamed, M.T: and Mollah, M.FA., Effects of var- stract), 111 (1993) 325 ious levels of wheat bran and mustard oil cake Abbe, G.R. and Breitburg, D.L., The influence of in the culture media on tubificid production, oyster toadfish (OpSanus tau) and crabs (Call- 107 (1992) 107 inectes sapidus and Xanthidae) on survival of Ahmed, G.U. and Tan, E.S.P., The responses oyster (Crassostrea virginica) spat in Chesa- to tetracycline treatment of the epidermis of peake Bay: does spat protection always work?, injured catfish (Clarias macrocephalus) raised 107 (1992) 21 under intensive culture conditions, 105 (1992) Abdelghany, A.E., Effect of winter feeding on 101 growth, food conversion and survival of Nile Akand, A.M., see Habib, M.A.B., 124 (1994) 62 tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and common Akand, A.M., see Hasan, M.R., 124 (1994) 65 carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Egypt (Abstract), 124 Akharbach, H., see Garcia Gallego, M., 124 (1994) 128 (1994) 99 Abe, T., see Moriyama, S., 112 (1993) 99 Ako, H., see Tamaru, C.S., 105 (1992) 83 Abe, V., see Plumb, J.A., 122 (1994) 91 Ako, H., see Tamaru, C.S., 110 (1993) 361 Abella, T.A., see Bolivar, R.B., 111 (1993) 159 Ako, H., Tamaru, C.S., Bass, P. and Lee, C.-S., Abella, T.A., see Eknath, A.E., 111 (1993) 171 Enhancing the resistance to physical stress in Abella, T.A., see Mair, G.C., 111 (1993) 328 larvae of Mugil cephalus by the feeding of Abidin, A.Z., see Kamarudin, M.S., 123 (1994) enriched Artemia nauplii, 122 (1994) 81 323 Akpocha, B.O., see Victor, R., 101 (1992) 17 Ablan, Ma.C.A., see Macranas, J.M., 111 (1993) Al-Amoudi, M.M., El-Nakkadi, A.M.N. and El- 296 Nouman, B.M., Evaluations of optimum di- Abo-Hashema, K., see Bongers, A.B.J., 122 etary requirement of vitamin C for the growth (1994) 119 of Oreochromis spilurus fingerlings in water Abraham, M., see Stoumboudi, M., 111 (1993) from the Red Sea, 105 (1992) 165 301 Alam, M.J., Ang, K.J. and Cheah, S.H., Use of Acién Fernandez, F.G., see Molina Grima, E., 123 Moina micrura (Kurz) as an Artemia sp. sub- (1994) 377 stitute in the production of Macrobrachium Ackefors, H., Castell, J.D., Boston, L.D., Raty, P. rosenbergii (de Man) post-larvae, 109 (1993) and Svensson, M., Standard experimental diets 337 for crustacean nutrition research. II. Growth Alam, M.J., Ang, K.J. and Cheah, S.H., Weaning and survival of juvenile crayfish Astacus astacus of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) larvae (Linné) fed diets containing various amounts from Artemia to Moina micrura (Kurz), 112 of protein, carbohydrate and lipid., 104 (1992) (1993) 187 341 Alanara, A., see Brannas, E., 105 (1992) 53 Ackman, R.G., see Heras, H., 123 (1994) 309 Alanara, A., Demand feeding as a self-regulating Ackman, R.G., see Heras, H., 125 (1994) 93 feeding system for rainbow trout (Oncorhyn- Adeyemo, A.A., Oladosu, G.A. and Ayinla, A.O., chus mykiss) in net-pens, 108 (1992) 347 Growth and survival of fry of African cat- Alanara, A., The effect of time-restricted demand fish species, Clarias gariepinus Burchell, Heter- feeding on feeding activity, growth and feed obranchus bidorsalis Geoffery and Heteroclar- conversion in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus ias reared on Moina dubia in comparison with mykiss), 108 (1992) 357 other first feed sources, 119 (1994) 41 Alanara, A., Significance of substrate and the tim- Afonso-Carrillo, J., see Rojas-Gonzalez, B., 124 ing of start-feeding in alevins of Arctic charr (1994) 289 (Salvelinus alpinus), 116 (1993) 47 212 Author index /A quaculture 125 (1994) 209-268 Albentosa, M., see Beiras, R., 116 (1993) 353 trout, Salmo trutta, to ovine growth hormone Albright, L.J., Yang, C.Z. and Johnson, S., Sub- treatment and seawater exposure, 114 (1993) lethal concentrations of the harmful diatoms, 169 Chaetoceros concavicornis and C. convolutus, Alok, D., Krishnan, T., Talwar, G.P. and Garg, increase mortality rates of penned Pacific L.C., Induced spawning of catfish, Heterop- salmon, 117 (1993) 215 neustes fossilis (Bloch), using D-Lys® salmon Aldegunde, M., see Soengas, J.L., 101 (1992) 317 gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog, 115 Aldegunde, M., see Soengas, J.L., 108 (1992) 369 (1993) 159 Alderdice, D.F, see McLean, W.E., 109 (1993) Alon, N.C., see Brummett, R.E., 122 (1994) 47 281 Altukhov, Y.P., see Schréder, J.H., 111 (1993) 3 Alesrtom, P., Klungland, H., Lorens, J., Kisen, Alvarez, C., see Gross, M.L., 103 (1992) 253 G., Johansen, B. and Andersen, O., The At- Alvarez, G., see Fuentes, J., 105 (1992) 131 lantic salmon gonadotropin releasing hormone Alvarez, G., see Fuentes, J., 122 (1994) 19 (GnRH) gene and messenger RNA (Abstract), Alvarez, M.C., see Reina, J., 125 (1994) 47 111 (1993) 304 Alvarez, M.R., see Friedl, FE., 107 (1992) 125 Alestrgm, P., see Andersen, @., 106 (1992) 195 Alvarez, M.R. and Friedl, FE., Effects of a fungi- Alexander, G.P., see Sweeting, R.M., 121 (1994) cide on in vitro hemocyte viability, phagocy- 293 tosis and attachment in the American oyster, Alexis, M.N., see Kalogeropoulos, N., 104 (1992) Crassostrea virginica, 107 (1992) 135 293 Alvarez-Pellitero, P., see Pinto, R.M., 115 (1993) Alfaro, D., see Vega, R., 124 (1994) 290 221 Alfaro, J., Lawrence, A.L. and Lewis, D., Interac- Alvarino, J.M.R., Zanuy, S., Prat, F, Carrillo, M. tion of bacteria and male reproductive system and Mananos, E., Stimulation of ovulation and blackening disease of captive Penaeus setiferus, steroid secretion by LHRHa injection in the 117 (1993) 1 sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): effect of time Alfiler, E., see Azanza-Corrales, R., 103 (1992) of day, 102 (1992) 177 29 Amat, F., see Navarro, J.C., 101 (1992) 223 Allan, G.L. and Maguire, G.B., Effects of pH and Amat, F., see Navarro, J.C., 102 (1992) 219 salinity on survival, growth and osmoregulation Amat, F., see Navarro, J.C., 109 (1993) 327 in Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 107 (1992) 33 Ambak, M.A., see Khan, M.S., 112 (1993) 227 Allan, G.L. and Maguire, G.B., Effects of stocking Ambrose, Jr., W.G., Peterson, C.H., Summer- density on production of Penaeus monodon son, H.C. and Lin, J., Experimental tests of Fabricius in model farming ponds, 107 (1992) factors affecting recruitment of bay scallops 49 (Argopecten irradians) to spat collectors, 108 Allan, G.L., see Hollicay, J.E., 109 (1993) 13 (1992) 67 Allen, J.L., see Carranza, Ma.L., 121 (1994) 157 Ammons, D., see Rampersad, J.N., 123 (1994) 153 Allen, Jr., S.K. and Bushek, D., Large-scale pro- Ammons, D.R., see Rampersad, J.N., 106 (1992) duction of triploid oysters, Crassostrea vir- 253 ginica (Gmelin), using “stripped” gametes, 103 Amores, A., see Reina, J., 125 (1994) 47 (1992) 241 Amundson, C.H., see Kim, K.I., 101 (1992) 95 Allen, Jr. S.K., Gaffney, P.M., Scarpa, J. and Amundson, C.H., see Kim, K.I., 106 (1992) 333 Bushek, D., Sustained production of milt in Amundson, C.H., see Kim, K.I., 107 (1992) 89 rabbitfish, Siganus guttatus Bloch, by weekly Amundson, C.H., see Malison, J.A., 110 (1993) injection of luteinizing hormone-releasing hor- 229 mone analogue, 113 (1993) 261 Amundson, C.H., see Malison, J.A., 116 (1993) Allen, Jr. S.K. and Gaffney, P.M., Genetic 121 confirmation of hybridization between Cras- Andersen, K.K., see Strand, @., 115 (1993) 169 sostrea gigas (Thunberg) and Crassostrea rivu- Andersen, O., see Alesrtom, P., 111 (1993) 304 laris (Gould), 113 (1993) 291 Andersen, @., Larsen, H.J.S. and Alestrgm, P., Allen, Jr. S.K., see Gaffney, P.M., 115 (1993) 273 Immunization of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus Allen, Jr., S.K., see Gaffney, P.M., 116 (1993) 1 mykiss) against gonadotropin releasing hor- Allen, S.K., Jr., see Barber, B.J., 106 (1992) 21 mone: a possible approach to the control of Almendras, J.M.E., Prunet, P. and Boeuf, G., Re- sexual maturation in fish (Short Communica- sponses of a non-migratory stock of brown tion), 106 (1992) 195 Author index /A quaculture 125 (1994) 209-268 213 Andersen, S. and Naas, K.E., Shell growth and Arai, K., Matsubara, K. and Suzuki, R., Produc- survival of scallop (Pecten maximus L.) in a tion of polyploids and viable gynogens using fertilized, shallow seawater pond, 110 (1993) spontaneously occurring tetraploid loach, Mis- 71 gurnus anguillicaudatus, 117 (1993) 227 Anderson, D.M., see Anderson, J.S., 108 (1992) Arai, K., see Kusunoki, T., 119 (1994) 11 111 Arakawa, T., see Izquierdo, M.S., 105 (1992) 73 Anderson, D.M., see Anderson, J.S., 115 (1993) Araki, S., see Yoshida, T., 109 (1993) 207 305 Arbault, S., see Ginsburger-Vogel, T., 106 (1992) Anderson, D.P., see Jeney, G., 112 (1993) 283 171 Anderson, D.P., see Jeney, G., 116 (1993) 315 Ardahl, B.E., see Peterson, M.S., 101 (1992) 379 Anderson, J.S., Lall, S.P., Anderson, D.M. and Arias, J., see Martinez, P., 114 (1993) 203 Chandrasoma, J., Apparent and true availabil- Arnason, S.S., see Jénsson, L., 121 (1994) 296 ity of amino acids from common feed ingredi- Arndt, S.K.A., see Ferguson, M.M., 117 (1993) ents for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) reared 237 in sea water, 108 (1992) 111 Arnese, A.M., J@rgensen, E.H. and Jobling, M., Anderson, J.S., Lall, S.P., Anderson, D.M. and Feed intake, growth and osmoregulation in McNiven, M.A., Evaluation of protein quality Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), following in fish meals by chemical and biological assays, abrupt transfer from freshwater to more saline 115 (1993) 305 water, 114 (1993) 327 Anderson, J.S., see Lall, S.P., 124 (1994) 13 Arnesen, P. and Krogdahl, A., Crude and pre- Ando, S., Yamauchi, H., Hatano, M. and Heard, extruded products of wheat as nutrient sources W.R., Comparison of muscle compositions be- in extruded diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo tween red- and white-fleshed chinook salmon salar, L.) grown in sea water, 118 (1993) 105 (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), 103 (1992) 359 Arnold, C.R., see Davis, D.A., 114 (1993) 285 Andral, B., see Vivares, C.P., 107 (1992) 141 Arzel, J., Martinez Lopez, F.X., Métailler, R., Andral, B., see Martinez, M.A., 107 (1992) 229 Stéphan, G., Viau, M., Gandemer, G. and Andrés, M.D., see Soengas, J.L., 101 (1992) 317 Guillaume, J., Effect of dietary lipid on growth Andrés, M.D., see Soengas, J.L., 108 (1992) 369 performance and body composition of brown Aneshansley, D.J., see Chen, S., 112 (1993) 143 trout (Salmo trutta) reared in seawater, 123 Ang, K.J., see Alam, M.J., 109 (1993) 337 (1994) 361 Ang, K.J., see Alam, M.J., 112 (1993) 187 Askbrandt, S., see Kiessling, A., 109 (1993) 119 Ang, K.J., see Khan, M.S., 112 (1993) 227 Atkinson, J.L., see Johnston, W.L., 120 (1994) 123 Ang, K.J., see MacLean, M.H., 120 (1994) 71 Atsuta, S., see Sakai, M., 113 (1993) 11 Ang, K.J., see MacLean, M.H., 120 (1994) 81 Aubree, E., see Noel, T., 107 (1992) 171 Ang, L.-H., see Khoo, H.-W., 107 (1992) 1 Audet, C., see Dumas, S., 108 (1992) 21 Angot, V. and Brasseur, P., European farmed Aulie, A., see Sohlberg, S., 119 (1994) 1 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) are safe from Avise, J.C., see Crosetti, D., 111 (1993) 95 anisakid larvae (Short Communication), 118 Avnimelech, Y., see Diab, S., 101 (1992) 33 (1993) 339 Avnimelech, Y., see Kochba, M., 120 (1994) 95 Ansari, Z.A., see Rivonker, C.U., 112 (1993) 47 Awaiss, A., Kestemont, P. and Micha, J.C., An Aoki, T., see Uno, K., 102 (1992) 297 investigation into the mass production of the Aoki, T., see Juan, FL., 111 (1993) 306 freshwater rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus Pal- Aoki, T., see Uno, K., 115 (1993) 209 las. 1. An eco-physiological approach to nutri- Aoki, T., see Uno, K., 116 (1993) 331 tion, 105 (1992) 325 AQUACOP, see Cruz-Suarez, L.E., 106 (1992) Awaiss, A. and Kestemont, P., An investigation 293 into the mass production of the freshwater ro- AQUACOP, Ledu, C. and Diter, A., Induction of tifer Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas. 2. Influence polyploid nauplii in Penaeus indicus (Abstract), of temperature on the population dynamics, 111 (1993) 315 105 (1992) 337 AQUACOPF, see Heitzmann, J.-C., 116 (1993) 91 Ayinla, A.O., see Adeyemo, A.A., 119 (1994) 41 Arai, K., Matsubara, K. and Suzuki, R., Produc- Ayles, G.B., see Uraiwan, S., 111 (1993) 302 tion of polyploids using spontaneous tetraploid Ayson, EG. and Lam, T.J., Thyroxine injection loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Abstract), of female rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) brood- 111 (1993) 317 stock: changes in thyroid hormone levels in 214 Author index /A quaculture 125 (1994) 209-268 plasma, eggs, and yolk-sac larvae, and its effect Barja, J.L., see Toranzo, A.E., 114 (1993) 189 on larval growth and survival, 109 (1992) 83 Barja, J.L., see Rivas, C., 115 (1993) 183 Azanza-Corrales, R., Mamauag, S.S., Alfiler, E. Barja, J.L., see Santos, Y., 116 (1993) 111 and Orolfo, M.J., Reproduction in Eucheuma Barja, J.L., see Magarifos, B., 120 (1994) 201 denticulatum (Burman) Collins and Hervey Barja, J.L., see Estévez, J., 123 (1994) 191 and Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty farmed Barja, J.L., see Estévez, J., 123 (1994) 197 in Danajon Reef, Philippines, 103 (1992) 29 Barker, J.R., see Tisdell, C.A., 110 (1993) 13 Barlow, C.G., Rodger, L.J., Palmer, PJ. and Longhurst, C.J., Feeding habits of hatchery- reared barramundi Lates calcarifer (Bloch) fry, B 109 (1993) 131 Barrales, H.L., see Gonzalez, M.A., 116 (1993) 135 Barratt, D., see Ewing, R.D., 121 (1994) 277 Bachere, E., see Mialhe, D., 107 (1992) 155 Barroso, J.B., see Peragon, J., 124 (1994) 35 Bacon, J.R., see Gempesaw II, C.M., 104 (1992) Barroso, J.B., Garcia-Salguero, L., Peragén, J., 193 de la Higuera, M. and Lupiafez, J.A., The Bagarinao, T:U., see Emata, A.C., 121 (1994) 381 influence of dietary protein on the kinetics of Bagley, M.J., Bentley, B. and Gall, G.A.E., A NADPH production systems in various tissues genetic evaluation of the influence of stocking of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), 124 density on the early growth of rainbow trout (1994) 47 (Oncorhynchus mykiss), 121 (1994) 313 Barrows, E.T., see Dong, F.M., 116 (1993) 149 Bagliniére, J.L., see Tanguy, J.M., 121 (1994) 51 Barry, T:B., see Malison, J.A., 110 (1993) 229 Bai, S.C., see Gatlin III, D.M., 106 (1992) 323 Barry, T:P., Lapp, A.F, Kayes, T.B. and Malison, Bai, S.C. and Gatlin III, D.M., Dietary vitamin J.A., Validation of a microtitre plate ELISA E concentration and duration of feeding affect for measuring cortisol in fish and comparison tissue a-tocopherol concentrations of channel of stress responses of rainbow trout (Omco- catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), 113 (1993) 129 rhynchus mykiss) and lake trout (Salvelinus na- Bakar, Y.B., see Gall, G.A.E., 111 (1993) 75 maycush), 117 (1993) 351 Baker, P., Competency to settle in oyster lar- Bartley, A.L., see Sin, F Y.T., 117 (1993) 57 vae, Crassostrea virginica: wild versus hatchery- Barton, B.A., see Cowley, D.J., 121 (1994) 147 reared larvae, 122 (1994) 161 Bass, P., see Ako, H., 122 (1994) 81 Balarin, J.D., see Chikafumbwa, FJ.K.T,, 117 Batterson, T:R., see Knud-Hansen, C.F, 123 (1993) 261 (1994) 271 Ballment, E., see Benzie, J.A.H., 111 (1993) 89 Baud, J.-P., see Sauriau, P.-G., 123 (1994) 69 Bandin, I., see Santos, Y., 107 (1992) 259 Baudin Laurencin, F, see Obach, A., 107 (1992) Bandin, I., see Santos, Y., 116 (1993) 111 221 Bangen, M., Grave, K., Nordmo, R. and S@li, Baudin-Laurencin, F, see Vivares, C.P., 107 N.E., Description and evaluation of a new (1992) 141 surveillance programme for drug use in fish Baylon, C.C., see Gallardo, W.G., 102 (1992) 357 farming in Norway, 119 (1994) 109 Bazaz, M.M. and Keshavanath, P., Effect of feed- Banks, J.L., Raceway density and water flows as ing different levels of sardine oil on growth, factors affecting spring chinook salmon (Onco- muscle composition and digestive enzyme ac- rhynchus tshawytscha) during rearing and after tivities of mahseer, Tor khudree, 115 (1993) release, 119 (1994) 201 111 Bao, Z., see Dai, J., 111 (1993) 139 Bazoco, J., see Garcia Gallego, M., 124 (1994) 99 Bao, Z., see Dai, J., 111 (1993) 298 Beacham, T:D., Early survival and growth of pink Barber, B.J., Mann, R. and Allen, Jr., S.K., Op- salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in fresh and timization of triploid induction for the oyster saline water, 106 (1992) 151 Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), 106 (1992) 21 Beacham, T:D. and Murray, C.B., Acceleration Barbieri, R., see Papoutsoglou, S.E., 103 (1992) of maturity of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gor- 311 buscha) using photoperiod control, 109 (1993) Barck, L.E., see Malecha, S.R., 105 (1992) 201 315 Barja, J.L., see Dopazo, C.P., 107 (1992) 131 Beacham, T.D., see Withler, R.E., 119 (1994) 135 Author index /A quaculture 125 (1994) 209-268 215 Beal, W.E., see Blythe, B., 125 (1994) 175 Bernat, C.M., see Gaffney, P.M., 115 (1993) 273 Beames, R.M., see Hajen, W.E., 112 (1993) 321 Bertolini, B., see Boglione, C., 101 (1992) 349 Beames, R.M., see Hajen, W.E., 112 (1993) 333 Beveridge, M.C.M., see Ross, L.G., 112 (1993) Beccaria, C., Diaz, J.P. and Connes, R., Effects 165 of dietary conditions on the exocrine pan- Biesiot, P.M., see Caylor, R.E., 125 (1994) 81 creas of the sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L. Billard, R., see Linhart, O., 115 (1993) 347 (Teleostei), 101 (1992) 163 Billington, N.,. mtDNA polymorphism (Letter to Beck, J.C., see Trummel, D.E., 104 (1992) 175 the Editor), 108 (1992) 189 Beiras, R., Pérez-Camacho, A. and Albentosa, Bisogni, Jr., J.J., see Chen, S., 112 (1993) 143 M., Influence of food concentration on energy Bjerkeng, B., Storebakken, T. and Liaaen-Jensen, balance and growth performance of Venerupis S., Pigmentation of rainbow trout from start pullastra seed reared in an open-flow system, feeding to sexual maturation, 108 (1992) 333 116 (1993) 353 Bjerknes, V., Duston, J., Knox, D. and Harmon, Benfey, T-J., Hepatic ornithine decarboxylase ac- P., Importance of body size for acclimation tivity during short-term starvation and refeed- of underyearling Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo ing in brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, 102 salar L.) to seawater, 104 (1992) 357 (1992) 105 Bjordal, A., see Furevik, D.M., 110 (1993) 119 Benfey, T:J., see Saunders, R.L., 121 (1994) 1-300 Bjorklund, H.V., Eriksson, A. and Bylund, G., Benfey, T:J., Saunders, R.L., Knox, D.E. and Har- Temperature-related absorption and excretion mon, P.R., Muscle ornithine decarboxylase ac- of oxolinic acid in rainbow trout (Oncorhyn- tivity as an indication of recent growth in pre- chus mykiss), 102 (1992) 17 smolt Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, 121 (1994) Bjérnsson, B., Effects of stocking density on 125 growth rate of halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglos- Benfey, T.J., see Martin-Robichaud, D.J., 123 sus L.) reared in large circular tanks for three (1994) 137 years, 123 (1994) 259 Benitez, L.V., see Borlongan, I.G., 104 (1992) 79 Bjornsson, B.T., see McCormick, S.D., 121 (1994) Bentley, B., see Bagley, M.J., 121 (1994) 313 235 Bentsen, H.B., see Eknath, A.E., 111 (1993) 171 Bjornsson, B.Th., see Schmitz, M., 121 (1994) 209 Bentsen, H.B., see Eknath, A.E., 111 (1993) 297 Bjornsson, B.Th., see Jonsson, L., 121 (1994) 296 Bentsen, H.B., see Ravndal, J., 125 (1994) 37 Blackbourn, J., see Bower, S.M., 107 (1992) 201 Benzie, J.A.H., Ballment, E. and Frusher, S., Ge- Blackburn, J., see Johnsson, J.I., 121 (1994) 73 netic structure of Penaeus monodon in Aus- Blackburn, J., see Clarke, W.C., 121 (1994) 95 tralia: concordant results from mtDNA and Blackburn, J., see Clarke, W.C., 121 (1994) 137 allozymes, 111 (1993) 89 Blackshaw, A.W., see Young, J.A., 102 (1992) 155 Berg, A., Stefansson, S. and Hansen, T., Effect Blanc, F.,, see Durand, P., 110 (1993) 27 of reduced daylength on growth, sexual mat- Blanc, J.M., see Dumas, S., 108 (1992) 21 uration and smoltification in Atlantic salmon Blanc, J.M., Poisson, H., Escaffre, A.M., Aguirre, (Salmo salar) underyearlings (Abstract), 121 P. and Vallée, F., Inheritance of fertilizing abil- (1994) 294 ity in male tetraploid rainbow trout (Oncorhyn- Berg, M., see Berg, O.K., 110 (1993) 129 chus mykiss), 110 (1993) 61 Berg, O.K. and Berg, M., Duration of sea and Blateau, D., Le Coguic, Y., Mialhe, E. and Grizel, freshwater residence of Arctic char (Salvelinus H., Mussel (Mytilus edulis) treatment against alpinus), from the Vardnes River in northern the red copepod Mytilicola intestinalis, 107 Norway, 110 (1993) 129 (1992) 165 Berge, J.A., see Nygaard, K., 104 (1992) 31 Blateau, D., see Noel, T:, 107 (1992) 171 Bergh, @., see Opstad, I., 109 (1993) 1 Blom, J.H., see Dabrowski, K., 124 (1994) 169 Berglund, I., see Schmitz, M., 121 (1994) 209 Blow, P., see Fox, C.J., 122 (1994) 209 Berglund, I., see Lundqvist, H., 121 (1994) 245 Blythe, B., Helfrich, L.A., Beal, W.E., Bosworth, Berglund, I., Lundqvist, H. and Fangstam, H., B. and Libey, G.S., Determination of sex and Downstream migration of immature salmon maturational status of striped bass (Morone (Salmo salar) smolts blocked by implantation saxatilis) using ultrasonic imaging, 125 (1994) of the androgen 11-ketoandrostenedione, 121 175 (1994) 269 Bocek, A.J., Brady, Y.J. and Rogers, W.A., Expo- Bern, H.A., see Sakamoto, T., 121 (1994) 291 sure of silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, 216 Author index /A quaculture 125 (1994) 209-268 to Salmonella typhimurium, 103 (1992) 9 acid composition of milkfish (Chanos chanos Body, D.E., see Miller, D.C., 123 (1994) 167 Forsskal) grown in freshwater and seawater, Boeuf, G., see Almendras, J.M.E., 114 (1993) 169 104 (1992) 79 Boeuf, G., Marc, A.M., Prunet, P., Le Bail, PY. Borski, R.J., see Holland, K.N., 109 (1993) 153 and Smal, J., Stimulation of parr-smolt trans- Bos, J., see Leiro, J., 118 (1993) 1 formation by hormonal treatment in Atlantic Boston, L.D., see Ackefors, H., 104 (1992) 341 salmon (Salmo salar L.), 121 (1994) 195 Bosworth, B., Wolters, W.R. and Saxton, A.M., Boeuf, G., Seddiki, H., Le Roux, A., Severe, Analysis of a diallel cross to estimate effects of A. and Le Bail, P.-Y., Influence of triploid crossing on performance of red swamp craw- status on salmon smoltification (Abstract), 121 fish, Procambarus clarkii, 121 (1994) 301 (1994) 300 Bosworth, B., see Blythe, B., 125 (1994) 175 Boglione, C., Bertolini, B., Russielo, M. and Bosworth, B.G., Dunnington, E.A., Libey, G.S. Cataudella, S., Embryonic and larval develop- and Stallard, L.C., Restriction enzyme/multi- ment of the thick-lipped mullet (Chelon labro- locus probe combinations useful for DNA fin- sus) under controlled reproduction conditions, gerprinting of the striped bass, white bass and 101 (1992) 349 their F1 hybrid, 123 (1994) 205 Bohm, J., see De Verga, V., 108 (1992) 155 Bouguenec, V., Oligochaetes (Tubificidae and Bolivar, E.C., see Trifio, A.T., 101 (1992) 25 Enchytraeidae) as food in fish rearing: a re- Bolivar, H., see Eknath, A.E., 111 (1993) 297 view and preliminary tests, 102 (1992) 201 Bolivar, H.L., see Bolivar, R.B., 111 (1993) 159 Bouix, G., see Martinez, M.A., 107 (1992) 229 Bolivar, H.L., see Eknath, A.E., 111 (1993) 171 Boulhic, M. and Gabaudan, J., Histological study Bolivar, R.B., Eknath, A.E., Bolivar, H.L. and of the organogenesis of the digestive system Abella, T-A., Growth and reproduction of indi- and swim bladder of the Dover sole, Solea vidually tagged Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloti- solea (Linnaeus 1758), 102 (1992) 373 cus) of different strains, 111 (1993) 159 Boulo, V., see Mialhe, D., 107 (1992) 155 Bombeo-Tuburan, I., Guanzon, Jr., N.G. and Bovoa, B., see Dopazo, C.P., 107 (1992) 131 Schroeder, G.L., Production of Penaeus mono- Bower, S.M., Blackbourn, J., Meyer, G.R. don (Fabricius) using four natural food types and Nishimura, D.J.H., Diseases of cultured in an extensive system, 112 (1993) 57 Japanese scallops (Patinopecten yessoensis) in Bombeo-Tuburan, I., see Rodriguez, E.M., 112 British Columbia, Canada, 107 (1992) 201 (1993) 107 Boyd, C.E., see Chiayvareesajja, S., 116 (1993) 33 Bonami, J.R., see Comps, M., 123 (1994) 1 Boyd, C.E., see Masuda, K., 117 (1993) 287 Bongers, A.B.J., see Komen, J., 111 (1993) 271 Boyd, C.E. and Pippopinyo, S., Factors affect- Bongers, A.B.J., in ’t Veld, E.P.C., Abo-Hashema, ing respiration in dry pond bottom soils, 120 K., Bremmer, I.M., Eding, E.H., Komen, J. (1994) 283 and Richter, C.J.J., Androgenesis in common Boyer, J.N. and Van Toever, W., Reconditioning carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) using UV irradiation of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) after spawn- in a synthetic ovarian fluid and heat shocks, ing, 110 (1993) 279 122 (1994) 119 Boyle, S.M., see Wallace, R.A., 116 (1993) 257 Boon, J.H., see Schippers, C., 105 (1992) 315 Bradley, T-M., see Saunders, R.L., 121 (1994) 1- Boon, J.H., see van der Heijden, M.H.T., 123 300 (1994) 21 Bradley, T:M., see Carranza, Ma.L., 121 (1994) Boon, J.H., see Hariati, A.M., 125 (1994) 11 157 Borel, M., see Robert, R., 110 (1993) 249 Brady, Y.J., see Bocek, A.J., 103 (1992) 9 Borghetti, J.R. and Canzi, C., The effect of water Braley, R.D., Improved method for shipping 77- temperature and feeding rate on the growth dacna gigas seed (Technical Paper), 102 (1992) rate of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) raised 193 in cages, 114 (1993) 93 Braley, R.D., Sutton, D., Mingoa, S.S.M. and Borgsteede, FH.M., see Haenen, O.L.M., 123 Southgate, P.C., Passive greenhouse heating, (1994) 163 recirculation, and nutrient addition for nurs- Borlongan, I.G., Dietary requirement of milkfish ery phase 7ridacna gigas: growth boost during (Chanos chanos Forsskal) juveniles for total winter months, 108 (1992) 29 aromatic amino acids, 102 (1992) 309 Brannas, E. and Alanara, A., Feeding behaviour Borlongan, I.G. and Benitez, L.V., Lipid and fatty of the Arctic charr in comparison with the Author index / Aquaculture 125 (1994) 209-268 rainbow trout, 105 (1992) 53 Burke, M., see Martinsen, B., 118 (1993) 37 Brasseur, P., see Angot, V., 118 (1993) 339 Burke, M., see Martinsen, B., 118 (1993) 49 Brauge, C., Medale, F. and Corraze, G., Effect Burkow, I.C., see Dos Santos, J., 110 (1993) 173 of dietary carbohydrate levels on growth, body Burridge, L.E. and Haya, K., The lethality of composition and glycaemia in rainbow trout, ivermectin, a potential agent for treatment of Oncorhynchus mykiss, reared in seawater, 123 salmonids against sea lice, to the shrimp Cran- (1994) 109 gon septemspinosa, 117 (1993) 9 Breitburg, D.L., see Abbe, G.R., 107 (1992) 21 Bushek, D., see Allen, Jr., S.K., 103 (1992) 241 Brem, G., see Hong, Y., 111 (1993) 215 Bushek, D., see Allen, Jr. S.K., 113 (1993) 261 Bremmer, I.M., see Bongers, A.B.J., 122 (1994) Bustos, P. and Covarrubias, C., The effect of oral 119 administration of flavophospholipol in rain- Brett, J.R., see Mazur, C.F, 117 (1993) 129 bow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings Bridges, B.B., see Cech, Jr., J.J., 101 (1992) 361 (Abstract), 124 (1994) 359 Brisbin, Jr., I.L., see Staton, M.A., 107 (1992) 369 Bylund, G., see Bjorklund, H.V., 102 (1992) 17 Britz, P.J., see Knauer, J., 115 (1993) 327 Bromage, N., see Saunders, R.L., 121 (1994) 1- 300 C Bromage, N.R., see Thrush, M.A., 121 (1994) 29 Bromage, N.R., see Randall, C.F, 121 (1994) 295 Brown, C.L., see Danilowicz, B.S., 106 (1992) 141 Brown, J.H., see MacLean, M.H., 120 (1994) 81 Brown, J.H., see Fox, C.J., 122 (1994) 209 Caballero, J.V., Natural food of the upper Andes Brown, M.L., see Nematipour, G.R., 107 (1992) catfish Pygidium punctulatum, from the White 359 River in Peru (Abstract), 124 (1994) 286 Brown, M.L., Jaramillo, Jr. F. and Gatlin III, Caballero, R.M., see Quinitio, E.T.,, 114 (1993) 71 D.M., Dietary phosphorus requirement of ju- Caballero, R.M.V., see Primavera, J.H., 108 venile sunshine bass, Morone chrysops @ x M. (1992) 247 saxatilis 3, 113 (1993) 355 Cadoret, J.-P., Electric field-induced polyploidy in Brown, M.L., see Gatlin III, D.M., 124 (1994) 127 mollusc embryos, 106 (1992) 127 Bruce, L.D., Redman, R.M. and Lightner, D.V., Cahu, C., see Cuzon, G., 124 (1994) 253 Application of gene probes to determine target Cai, G., Induction of triploid red sea bream, organs of a penaeid shrimp baculovirus using Pagrosomus major using cold shock (Abstract), in situ hybridization, 120 (1994) 45 111 (1993) 314 Brummett, R.E. and Alon, N.C., Polyculture of Cai, N. and Lin, F, Artificial induction of gyno- Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Aus- genesis in Chinese shrimp, Penaeus orientalis tralian red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarina- kishinouye (Abstract), 111 (1993) 314 tus) in earthen ponds, 122 (1994) 47 Cai, W., see Li, S., 11 (1993) 117 Brunner, P., see Valcarcel, A., 110 (1993) 111 Cai, Y.-J. and Summerfelt, R.C., Effects of tem- Bruno, D.W.,, see Olea, I., 116 (1993) 99 perature and size on oxygen consumption and Buchmann, K., Slotved, H.-C. and Dana, D., Epi- ammonia excretion by walleye, 104 (1992) 127 demiology of gill parasite infections in Cypn- Caldas, J.R., see Santarem, M.M., 107 (1992) 185 nus carpio in Indonesia and possible control Campbell, P.M., Pottinger, T:G. and Sumpter, J.P, methods, 118 (1993) 9 Preliminary evidence that chronic confinement Buddington, R.K., Puchal, A.A., Houpe, K.L. stress reduces the quality of gametes produced and Diehl III, W.J., Hydrolysis and absorption by brown and rainbow trout, 120 (1994) 151 of two monophosphate derivatives of ascor- Candia, A., see Gonzalez, M.A., 116 (1993) 135 bic acid by channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus Canzi, C., see Borghetti, J.R., 114 (1993) 93 intestine, 114 (1993) 317 Cao, Y., see Wu, L., 111 (1993) 326 Buensuceso, R.T., see Gallardo, W.G., 102 (1992) Cao, Y., see Wu, L., 111 (1993) 327 357 Capili, J.B., see Eknath, A.E., 111 (1993) 171 Bumguardner, B.W., see Colura, R.L., 107 (1992) Capra, M.F,, see Young, J.A., 102 (1992) 155 313 Capra, M.F, see Gu, H., 123 (1994) 249 Bureau, D., see Claereboudt, M.R., 121 (1994) Carballal, M.J., see Montes, J., 107 (1992) 189 327 Cardenas, S., see Vega, R., 124 (1994) 290 218 Author index /A quaculture 125 (1994) 209-268 Cardenete, G., see Garzgn, A., 124 (1994) 64 Castagnolli, N., see Pereira-Filho, M.P., 124 Cardenete, G., see Morales, A.E., 124 (1994) 117 (1994) 66 Carefoot, T-H., see Taylor, B.E., 108 (1992) 51 Castel, J.D., see Xu, X.L., 119 (1994) 359 Carefoot, T-H., Qian, P.-Y., Taylor, B.E., West, T. Castell, J.D., see Ackefors, H., 104 (1992) 341 and Osborne, J., Effect of starvation on en- Castell, J.D., see Koshio, S., 108 (1992) 285 ergy reserves and metabolism in the Northern Castell, J.D., see Xu, X., 118 (1993) 277 abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana, 118 (1993) Castell, L.L. and Mann, R., Optimal staining of 315 lipids in bivalve larvae with Nile Red, 119 Cari¢é, M., Sanko-Njire, J. and Skaramuca, B., Di- (1994) 89 etary effects of different feeds on the biochem- Castille, F.L., Samocha, T:M., Lawrence, A.L., He, ical composition of the rotifer (Brachionus pli- H., Frelier, P. and Jaenike, F, Variability in catilis Miller), 110 (1993) 141 growth and survival of early postlarval shrimp Carmeli, Y., see Sukenik, A., 117 (1993) 313 (Penaeus vannamei Boone 1931), 113 (1993) 65 Carneiro, D.J., Fragnito, P.S. and Malheiros, E.B., Castillo, M.C., see Navas, J.I., 107 (1992) 193 Influence of carbohydrate and energy level on Castillo, R., see Négre-Sadargues, G., 110 (1993) growth and body composition of tambacu, a 151 hybrid of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Castric, J., see Jorgensen, P.E.V., 123 (1994) 11 2) and pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus & ) (Ab- Castro C., E., see Hardy, R.W., 124 (1994) 307 stract), 124 (1994) 129 Castro, E., see Romero, J.J., 124 (1994) 285 Carneiro, D.J., Rantin, R.T:., Dias, T-C.R. and Castro, E., see Romero, J.J., 124 (1994) 351 Malheiros, E.B., Interaction between tempera- Castro, J., see Martinez, P., 114 (1993) 203 ture and dietary levels of protein and energy in Castro, R., see Nakazoe, J.-i., 124 (1994) 362 pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Il. Effects on Cataudella, S., see Boglione, C., 101 (1992) 349 digestibility of protein and transit time through Caturao, R.D., see Samonte, G.PB., 110 (1993) 1 the gastrointestinal tract (Abstract), 124 (1994) Caturao, R.D., see Samonte, G.PB., 112 (1993) 130 39 Carneiro, D.J., Rantin, FT., Dias, T-C.R. and Mal- Cavari, B., Funkenstein, B., Chen, T-T., Gonzalez- heiros, E.B., Interaction between temperature Villasenor, L.I. and Schartl, M., Effect of and dietary levels of protein and energy in growth hormone on the growth rate of the pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus 2). 1. The ef- gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), and use fects on growth and body composition (Ab- of different constructs for the production of stract), 124 (1994) 130 transgenic fish, 111 (1993) 189 Carragher, J.F., see Pankhurst, N.W., 101 (1992) Cavari, B., Funkenstein, B., Chen, TT. and Shartl, 337 M., Growth hormone, growth rate of the gilt- Carragher, J.F. and Pankhurst, N.W., Plasma lev- head seabream Sparus aurata, cloning of its els of sex steroids during sexual maturation GH cDNA, and the use of different constructs of snapper, Pagrus auratus (Sparidae), caught for the production of a transgenic fish (Ab- from the wild, 109 (1993) 375 stract), 111 (1993) 305 Carral, J.M., Celada, J.D., Gonzalez, J., Gau- Caylor, R.E., Biesiot, P.M. and Franks, J.S., Cul- dioso, V.R., Fernandez, R. and Lépez-Baiss6n, ture of cobia (Rachycentron canadum): cryo- C., Artificial incubation of crayfish eggs (Paci- preservation of sperm and induced spawning, fastacus leniusculus Dana) from early stages of 125 (1994) 81 embryonic development, 104 (1992) 261 Cazabon, D., see Coyne, R., 123 (1994) 31 Carranza, Ma.L., Allen, J.L. and Bradley, T:M., Cazabon, D., see Kerry, J., 123 (1994) 43 Ultrastructure of pancreatic B-cells of Atlantic Cazabon, D.J., see Smith, P., 120 (1994) 319 salmon (Salmo salar) during smoltification and Cech, Jr., J.J., Schwab, R.B., Coles, W.C. and seawater adaption, 121 (1994) 157 Bridges, B.B., Mosquitofish reproduction: ef- Carrillo, M., see Alvarino, J.M.R., 102 (1992) 177 fects of photoperiod and nutrition, 101 (1992) Carrillo, M., see Piferrer, F, 119 (1994) 409 361 Casal, J.F., see Magarifios, B., 120 (1994) 201 Cejas, J.R., see Pérez, J.A., 124 (1994) 288 Casayuran-Danting, J., see Eknath, A.E., 111 Celada, J.D., see Carral, J.M., 104 (1992) 261 (1993) 297 Cepeda, C., see Rivas, C., 115 (1993) 183 Castagnolli, N., see Pereira-Filho, M., 124 (1994) Cerenius, L., see Diéguez-Uribeondo, J., 120 61 (1994) 219

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