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, 6 1 SÉPTIMA EDICIÓN APROXIMACIONE, AL ESTUDIO DE LA LITERATURA HISPANIOA TEXTBOO%K so | | & ,UVE TUTORING W ITH VALDIVIESO N Chegg St“9y SÉPTIMA EDICIÓN A p r o x i m a c i o n e s - al estudio de la literatura hispánica CARMELO VIRGILLO | Professor Emeritus Arizona State University L. TERESA VALDIVIESO Late, Arizona State University EDWARD H. FRIEDMAN X 1 Vanderbilt University — Connect , Learn , Succeed — E C O ompanies — Connect Learn Succeed” — APROXIMACIONES AL ESTUDIO DE LA LITERATURA HISPÁNICA, SEVENTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill. a husiness unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.. 1221 Avenue of thc Americas, New York. NY 10020. Copyright O 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights rescrved. Previous editions O 2008, 2004, and 1999. Printed in the United States 0f America. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a databasc or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companñies, Inc.. including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance Icarning. Some ancillaries. including electronic and print components. may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 23456789NDOCDOC I 098765422 ISBN: 978-0-07-338537-2 MHID: 0-07-338537-9 Vice President € Editor-in-Chicf: Michael Ryan Vice President £ Director of Specialized Publishing: Janice M. Roerig-Blong Director of Development: Scotr Tinetti Publisher: Karic Srevens Executive Marketing Manager: Hector Alvero Developmental Editor: Pennie Nichol£ Lead Project Manager: Jane Mohr Design Coordinator: Margarite Revnolds Cover Designer: Studio Montage, St. Louís, Missouri Cover Image: Siede Preis/Getty Images Buyer: Kara Kudronowicz Compositor: Aprtara”, Inc. Typeface: 10.7/ 12 Times Printer: R.R. Donnelley All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book arc considered to be an extension of the copyright page. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Virgillo. Carmelo. 1934- Aproximaciones al estudio de la literatura hispánica / Carmelo Virgillo, L. Teresa Valdivieso. Edward H. Friedman. — 7th ed. p. em. ISBN-13: 978-0)-(07-338537-2 ISBN-10: 0-07-338537-9 l. Spanish literature. 2. Spanish American literature. 1. Valdivieso, L. Teresa. I1. Friedman, Edward H. I. Title. PQ6037.V57 2011 860.9—dc23 2011018016 'INDICE GENERAL Preface Vil J) INTRODUCCIÓN .....ccocccccoooorcococecccacacaccccococececoneo — Y La literatura como arte y fenómeno estético —...........00.0 ..........0 2 El autor y su obra frente al público: Implicaciones socioculturales .............. 5 n LA NARRATIVA OOOCOOO CCOCOOCOCOOOCCOCCOOCOCOOOCOCOCOOOCCO 9 Introducción a la narrativa —..................eD. eeee eeeeeieeee 10 PYáctica — ........e.ee. 2erca ie ieeee cieee neeeaen eeeae nna 19 Panorama histórico y categorías fundamentales — .................00.0.0 ...ec0 24 Vel y110711071 E O O 40 El cuento: Guía general para el lector —.......e.ee. ......e.e. ... 41 La novela: Guía para el lector de San Manuel Bueno, mártir Lecturas — ...c.ccoocconocococccoocococconccoocconocoocacacacacocaccaocconcacacocnrccno 42 =-Don Juan Manuel (España): «Lo que sucedió a un mozo que casó con una muchacha de muy mal carácter» — ................e.eeneeeee 42 — Ricardo Palma (Perú): «La camisa de Margarita» —........................000..0.0 46 Emilia Pardo Bazán (España): «Las medias rojas» — ...................vee20e0ees 50 Teresa de la Parra (Venezuela): «Blanca Nieves y Compañía» — ................. 53 =Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina): «El etnógrafo» —...................e.eeree 59 —Julio Cortázar (Argentina): «La noche boca arriba» —.................e....eeee........ 6l —Juan Rulfo (México): «No oyes ladrar los perros» ........e.e.e. ..... 68 Mario Benedetti (Uruguay): «El hombre que aprendió a ladrar» — ............... 73 «El Otro Yo» — .........e ......e.ee.eer enenei 75 Augusto Monterroso (Guatemala): «El paraíso imperfecto» — ..................... 76 «La rana que quería ser Rana auténtica» — ......................2.e 77 «El mono que quiso ser escritor satírico» —.......... ...... .....—- 77 ——Ana María Matute (España): «Pecado de omisión» — ....................mecve 79 »Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia): «La mujer que llegaba a las seis» ... 83 — lsabel Allende (Chile): «La mujer del juez» —............................00e0.0 94 Soledad Puértolas (España): «Historias sencillas» — .....................esmerceene 102 _.. Miguel de Unamuno (España): San Manuel Bueno, mártir — ...................... 110 Fc 7 U 1 T E Y Introducción a la pocsía — ......... ... ... eee eee e e De De enc 138 ed t1077/0 MCC 151 El lenguaje literario — ......... eee eeec ee ece eeec eee rec re rereeereeeos 152 2A O C 158 Panorama histórico y categorías fundamentales — .........e.e.e .....e. 160) Práctica —........en ..eeceev ieec iiei ie cen penrieeerenenes 172 La poesía: Guía general para el lector — ........... .......e.e.. 173 Anónimo (España): «El Enamorado y la Muerte» .....................eeme...e.m 174 «Romance del conde Arnaldos» — .................e2eeee eeeeeeeeee 176 Garcilaso de la Vega (España): «Soneto IV» — ............e.ee. ...2e.em 176 «Soneto XXIII» — .............r.a. e.e. ree.ccece reere ereec er ereecm iceenene eeeec 178 Santa Teresa de Jesús (España): «Vivo sin vivir en mÍ» — ...................m... 179 «Nada te turbe» —.............re .....R ..e. e ..eeee0e0 eeem eeer ee 181 San Juan de la Cruz (España): «Llama de amor viva» — .................e.eemee.... 181 «Noche oscura» — .............e.e. ..e.e e.r eeeee eene mreecr erreee 183 Luis de Góngora (España): «Soneto LXXXVI» ... 184 ANO O 185 Lope de Vega (España): Rimas sacras: «XVIII» —ee....eeeeeeece eee 186 Rimas humanas: «CXCI» — reenncnnieeeeee ene eee eeieee 187 Francisco de Quevedo (España): «Amante agradecido a las lisonjas mentirosas de un sueño» — .......020.000.00 ...D D .D. R .I I .III. I I.II eI IR .R I. _ 188 Represéntase la brevedad de lo que se vive y cuán nada parece lo que Se VIVIÓ — .......rr.c r.e .r.e re.n re.c .ree .eee. raicereeao aeaac neoreeoerrecerrnecee ees 189 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (México): «A su retrato» — .......... ... 190 «AÁ una rosa» — ........e.ee ...ree eeeeec ere reeee eeeece emceec eereeeccrc 191 José de Espronceda (España): «Canción del pirata» — ..................2 ... 192 o] 1((1 194 Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda (Cuba): «Al partir» — ..............e.e.. .. 195 7 € - 196 Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (España): «Rima XI» ... 198 «Rima LIII» — .........ee.ec. e.n.c. .ee.e.c eererece eeeeec cececnee es 199 José Martí (Cuba): «Si ves un monte de espumas» — .................e.e0eecenees 200 «Dos patrias» — ...........re. ..R. .De e.eee ee0eee mee erer eeec 201 José Asunción Silva (Colombia): «Los maderos de San Juan» ............. 202 «Nocturno III» — ...........eeee. e.e.e e.eeeee eeier eeere eneeereece 205 Rubén Darío (Nicaragua): «El cisne» — ...................ee.eeieeee 206 «Canción de otoño en primavera» — .........................e0mmenieeDeD 208 Amado Nervo (México): «La pregunta» —....................ee.emDmDe 209 «Si Tú me dices “¡Ven!”» ........e.e ....e2meR eDR eR eeenA 210 Antonio Machado (España): Proverbios y cantares: «XXIX» — .................. 211 «La saeta» — ...............ececccencoaroceoe oocreeceercec eceeoreroeereeceoacceeraneceea 212 Juan Ramón Jiménez (España): «Yo no soy yo» — .................eemeeee 213 «Vino, primero, pura» —.............. ... eR ee eeO 214 IV ÍNDICE GENERAL Gabriela Mistral (Chile): «Meciendo» — .........................ec000mereceene 215 «Yo no tengo soledad» — ................e.e .e.R .e.eeRr cec0riec 216 César Vallejo (Perú): «Yuntas» —..................ee2.e0mmieeenie 216 «El momento más grave de la vida» .....................e.e.eeeererce e0eene 218 Vicente Huidobro (Chile): «Arte poética» — .....................eeemee ieeeee 219 «La capilla aldeana» (fragmento) —.....................e.ie 0.000000eco 220 Juana de Ibarbourou (Uruguay): «La higuera» — ....................ee..eeemeeccereeees 221 «Rebelde» — ...............eee. e.eee.c. .e.ee er0rr0cee ere ererci cce 223 Federico García Lorca (España): «Canción de jinete» .......................m...... 223 «Prendimiento de Antoñito el Camborio en el camino de Sevilla» - ...... 225 Luis Palés Matos (Puerto Rico): «Danza negra» — ......................eemeeeieenee 226 «El gallo» — ..........ece .e.e.e.c .r.ac. r.acaeceor.err.nereeeceicercereeeee cre ceecencone eo 228 Nicolás Guillén (Cuba): «Sensemayá (Canto para matar a una culebra)» — ....................e222eeeR0 eeiecee 229 «No sé por qué piensas tú» — ................e.e. e.ReR cI Rc eO I iIiIIe ReeAri e 231 Pablo Neruda (Chile): «La infinita» — ..................D ..D. .e.eTEcOcÉ eeTIe 231 «Oda al tomate» — ................R. R. ..eR. I eRR .I R.R.Re RemRieRee 233 — Octavio Paz (México): «El sediento» — ........................e..e00D00 000000D0D 234 O1E 235 Gloria Fuertes (España): «Sale caro ser poeta» — ....................ece ececcc 236 «Mis mejores poemas» — ....................c. .D10 000I R irI iIcI eI R riI ce 237 Ángel González (España): «Cumpleaños de amor» ....................ee...e.m0..... 238 «Ciudad cero» ............ee.e .r .e.e e.e. e. .re .ecee reeeec rrrercecrce 239 Ernesto Cardenal (Nicaragua): «Epigramas» (fragmentos) — ....................... 240 Ana María Fagundo (España): «Letanía» — ......................eeeericecereeeiee c 244 «TIinOs» — ..............e.e eeeeeeecr cee ieceeecc ceoeerce neeeeeeacc ec 246 Nancy Morejón (Cuba): «Renacimiento» — ...................eeemeriieec 246 «Mujer Negra» —................oe.e. r.e. rrec 0r0Dm mreecce eoeerc eeeieccacoernee s 248 Introducción al drama — ....................e.e. e.Rr 0I ReR0R eI eI G mI RReR eR eeeeereee 232 Vel y7170711071 ECO 265 Panorama histórico y categorías fundamentales — .......................eeereecceericcos 273 Vel a1 10111071 mO CO 289 El drama: Guía general para el lector — .......................0.... .e0e0e.0 ..0 290 Lecturas — «...ecocccococcocecococococococcacecacacacooacocooceceooocococccoccococoeee 292 — Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (España): El juez de los divorcios — ........... 292 Emilio Carballido (México): El censo — ....................e..0000erecene rD 300 Sergio Vodanovié (Chile): El delantal blanco — ....................ee...0000000000000000. 310 Osvaldo Dragún (Argentina): Mistoria del hombre que se convirtió eN Perro — ........ÑÑ..rre rnenceeerreenree renr eere onn neeneereeee eeer eeecece neeneee ere 320 Paloma Pedrero (España): Resguardo personal — ......................c2... 327 — Federico García Lorca (España): La casa de Bernarda Alba — .................... 335 ÍNDICE GENERAL v n EL ENSAYO CO COOOOOO TOCOQACODOCOCODLOLOCACCOCOCCOCCCQCOCCCOCOCCOA E 373 Introducción al ensayo — ...........o.ec. ee.e. ..eD eeR mD eRe eneDes 374 1221710110 T 381 Panorama histórico y categorías fundamentales — ......................e 384 1227110110 TCO 399 El ensayo: Guía general para el lector — .........00.200.00 .o...e..e.22 2 400 Mariano José de Larra (España): «Vuelva usted mañana» — .................e..... 401 Arturo Uslar Pietri (Venezuela): «Notas sobre el vasallaje» — ................... 411 Eva Perón (Argentina): «Los obreros y yO» — .....................e....=ei0000meee_. 422 Rosario Castellanos (México): « Y las madres, ¿qué opinan?» — ................. 426 Rosario Ferré (Puerto Rico): «La autenticidad de la mujer en el arte» — .................ee.e.eeeenm eneiic er 430 Apendice 1: El ensayo crítico — ................ ... ... eee erenec eo eee e eee 437 Apéndice 2: Clasificación de los versos según el número de sílabas — ....................ereeeseveeece ceeceeer errceeneeen 438 Apéndice 3: Términos literarnios y paraliterarios relacionados con el texto — .................ec.e .e.eeee eeeerree enreie.c 439 PREFACE Aproximaciones al estudio de la literatura hispánica, Seventh Edition, offers the un- dergraduate Spanish student—major or nonmajor—an elementary yet comprehen- sive introduction to literary analysis. Such a text is essential if one is to develop an adequate appreciation of Spanish and Spanish-American literature. A1med pri- marily, but not exclusively, at the third-year level of the college curriculum, Aproxi- maciones provides those possessing a relatively limited knowledge of Spanish, as well as native speakers, with the opportunity not only to grasp the various levels of meaning of the texts contained herein but also to acquire the technical vocabulary to describe and debate literary 1ssues appropriately. The text begins with an Introducción that, after providing a general discussion of the artistic implications of literature, addresses the critical question of relating to what one reads. The text then devotes a unit to each of the four basic literary genres: narrativa, poesía, drama, and ensayo. Each unit follows the same internal organization. * The Introducción is an overview of the genre itself, in which the theoretical concepts are introduced and reinforced by numerous examples. To assist non- native speakers of Spanish further in comprehending the introductory materi- als, English equivalents of key Spanish terms are provided parenthetically. * Thereafter, to ensure the desired step-by-step discussion, a Práctica section provides specially designed analytical exercises for the genre under study. * A historical introduction to the genre (Panorama histórico y categorías fun- damentales) then follows, tracing the genre's origins and major developments. Each Panorama features an overview of periods, movements, significant fig- ures, and literary currents—in both Spain and Spanish America—to enable stu- dents to place the specific selections of the anthology within the overall con- text of Hispanic literature. * An additional Práctica—a questionnaire— assesses students” comprehension of the most relevant points of this historical introduction. * The last of the preparatory materials is a set of guidelines (Guía general para el lector), designed specifically to maximize students” comprehension of the readings that follow. These guidelines are in the form of general questions about the various aspects of the genre, and students are encouraged to try to answer these questions for each text they read. * The final section of each unit, Lecturas, contains the literary selections for the genre. Each reading includes additional helpful features. An expanded author biography links the writer's life and work with his or her particular cultural, social, political, and artistic situation. The readings themselves also include glosses that explain difficult, archaic, or dialectical vocabulary and footnotes that furnish further cultural background on names, allusions, and so on. * All readings in the narrative, drama, and essay units are followed by three sets of practical activities: Cuestionario, which assesses students' grasp of the sig- nificant points of the reading: Identificaciones, which asks students to define key characters, references. and other aspects of the reading; and Temas, in which students are challenged to transcend and reach beyond basic compre- hension and discuss theme, motive, structure, and so forth. Selections 1n the poetry unit are followed by Cuestionario. In light of the specific challenges presented by poetry, this unit includes a spe- cial section that goes beyond the instructional matenals shared by the other major divisions, El lenguaje literario. This part of the text is a general appraisal of figurative language, with each figure defined and then illustrated through examples from selected texts. Committed to making the text relevant to the present and future needs of liter- ature students, three Apéndices have been incorporated. The first discusses critical articles and how to interpret them. The second contains examples of verse classifi- cation by syllables. The third appendix consists of a glossary of literary and paraliterary terms, ranging from short definitions of rhetorical figures—such as perífrasis or metáfora—to longer discussions of literary movements—like barroco and modernismo—and philosophical doctrines, among them marxismo and existencialismo. Carmelo Virgillo prepared the Preface and collaborated with Teresa Valdivieso in composing the first part of Introducción: La literatura como arte y fenómeno literario. He 1s responsible for the section entitled El autor y su obra frente al público, as well as the selection of visuals that follows. He wrote the bi0-bibliographies, whose format—Vida y obra and El autor / La autora y su contexto—he conceived. In addition, he wrote the four Panoramas históricos and the Ensayo unit. He also contributed numerous literary terms and all glossary entries relating to movements, philosophical doctrines and genres, and the contents and charting of the Indice cronológico de obras literarias hispánicas com- parado con cuadros sinópticos, which continues to be available as a PDF upon request Edward Fniedman composed the unit on narrative, the anthological sec- tion on poetry, the guides to the genres, and the appendix on the critical essay. He also coordinated the footnotes and exercises for all selections. Teresa Valdivieso was in charge of the unit on drama, the theoretical introductions to poetry and lit- erary language, and the appendix on poetry. She was also the linguistic coordina- tor for the project. CHANGES IN THE SEVENTH EDITION We have produced this new edition of Aproximaciones al estudio de la literatura hispánica mindful of suggestions and recommendations made by colleagues all over the country. As a result, we have effected certain modifications that we think Will make our textbook more accessible and relevant to the needs and expectations of an ever-greater number and diversity of students. vili PREFACE

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