Volume 7 Issue 16 April 21 1990 3 US$ 5 XEU 4 cia kaas ene de vie new album 1111Las. on +.he 11th April 1990 album, mc, cd, 466746 IIITE R R UM 48.1DeIE1Clit3 1leased - IA AmericanRadioHistory.Com E u r C o 1p o 7e m GD Aan p ItalyermanyenmarkSweden PRIL -3 M Promotio act Dis An c Yal C T o a u s r s e t t e A l b u m AmericanRadioHistory.Com T A L I MUSIC EMI Cuts 12" Single Price MEDIA Notte Is New Night -Time Network In Battle To Beat Importers N Private regional station Radio by David Stanfield Padova has linked up with two E other local broadcasters to create w EMI has begun a battle to beat percentage of imports': price will finish the traditional Radio Notte Network. By day Ra- importers of the 12" single by Citterio is not sure who buys single format. It is of no great dio Padova broadcasts to 66.000 S slashing the price of its product. the traditional single but believes worry to Ricordi because we do daily listeners in the Veneto region At the same time the company has that the mainly international 12" not sell many singles of either for- with its easy listening format. increased the cost of 7" vinyl so versions are purchased by DJs and mat!' But its latest night move, along that now both formats retail for L young people. Sales of the extend- EMI is also claiming an all- with Radio Star of Vicenza and 3.300 (app. US$ 2.60 ). Previously, ed mix format are counted as part time turnover record in 1989. Novaradio of Mestre, has intro- extended mix singles had retailed of the Italian chart system. Gross figures for the company duced a US FM rock format from for L 5.600 with the 7" version Initially, EMI will not be publi- total L 110 billion. EMI's national 24.00-07.00. selling for L 2.300. cising the price changes. Citterio: market share reached 21%. Radio Padova programme "It may or may not work!' ad- "Will the retailers be prepared to Citterio believes the figures director Cesare Mazzuccato ex- mits company MD Roberto Cit- inform people that the 12" is were helped by last year's in- plains that Radio Notte Network terio. "But we had to do some- cheaper and the 7" more expen- troduction of a robotised ware- is presented in the style of US DJ thing. We have our own produc- sive? I think not at first!' house system. It increased delive- Wolfman Jack and is attracting tion and pressing plant and I Norberto Ferrucini, product ry potential from 12.000 to 16.000 night workers over the age of 25. intend to increase the volume of manager for the Ricordi retail units per day. "We do not create "None of the DJs from our extended mix singles in an chain, is surprised at the EMI the market but we do have to res- own station present the program- attempt to cut out a large price move. Ferrucini: "The new pond quickly to its needs': says mes but they are hosted by a wide Citterio. "We are all fighting to range of professional presenters:' survive in this business and effi- adds Mazzuccato. ciency is the key to our success': Live artist interviews are also Alberto Solfrini EMI claims that retailers' first being featured on the nightly pro- has given interviews on the orders now take 24 hours and se- grammes. National artists Minghi private radio networks Dimen- Signed To Virgin. sione Suono and Radio Italia cond orders 48 hours. and Shel Shapiro were recent Management: Claudio Trotta Solo Musica Italiana. The company can now produce studio guests and international for Barley Arts Productions. 30.000 albums and 20.000 MCs act Tears For Fears have also ap- New album: Giu La Testa. Solfrini started out his music daily. In 1989, it invested L 350 peared. Publisher: Virgin Dischi. career as a member of various million in computer equipment Mazzuccato says that since the Recorded at the Olympia professional groups. He signed to for the 32 strong sales force. introduction of the late night sta- "This has helped us get to know tions' link -up, Radio Notte Net- D'avigny Studio Novara, and Virgin as a solo artist in 1984 and each client personally!' says Cit- work has been heard as far away produced by Roberto released several singles before his Colombo. debut album Notturno in 1987. terio. as northern Yugoslavia. Phonogram Signs Sweet Deal Phonogram has signed a deal to repertoire as his main mission in distribute, market and promote 1990. product on the independent Sugar Tibaldi: "We are aiming to label. Sugar was relaunched last build a strong roster of local ar- year by Caterina Caselli, former tists who also have international VP of the CGD record company. potential. I believe that in six Its first release was Un Estate months we will be in a powerful Italiana, the official world cup position to increase our market Solfrini has already supported His 1989 single, Radio Rim- soccer single by Edoardo Bennato share' Johnny Clegg and Marillion bomba, was a radio success in and Gianna Nannini. Radio promotion will have an on national tour dates in Spain and his record company ex- Bruno Tibaldi, director-general important role in Tibaldi's strate- March. A nationwide pects to release the new LP on at Phonogram, confirms that his gy. "It is vital. Radio is the key for `headline' tour is planned for that market. Giu La Testa con- company holds the worldwide breaking new artists. TV only of- May. tains nine tracks, all written by licensing rights for all product on fers exposure to well -established Tour promoter Barley Arts Solfrini. He offers a range of the Sugar label. The first material acts!' Productions. musical styles and the lyric con- to be released on national ter- Tibaldi also intends to increase Previous LP Notturno (1987). tent includes sharp comment and ritory will be albums by Caselli his radio advertising spend if Giu La Testa is being pro- irony. and newcomer Rosalinda Celen- necessary. "We will buy the moted with press advertising His record company says that tano. Both artists appeared at this amount we need. We have a plus adverts on local radio with artists such as Solfrini it year's San Remo Song Festival. budget of course. But if there is stations and VideoMusic, the wants to prove that Italian music Phonogram is a new division the potential for increased sales 24 -hour TV music channel. has international potential with- that was set up earlier this year by then we will give the green light In-store displays have been out the loss of language and cul- PolyGram in Italy. Tibaldi sees for more' supplied to retailers. Solfrini ture the development of a national MUSIC & MEDIA - April 21, 1990 11 AmericanRadioHistory.Com E N E L U X MUSIC MEDIA VPRO To Air 2000 EC Attacks Media Law Years Of Rock & Roll Flemish ", By Jerry Goossens by Marc Maes Dutch national broadcaster unknown bands, all with different The Flemish government has been laws in Flanders, as well as laws S VPRO has organised a day -long styles, including Ween, Kool Keith given until May 9 to answer EC on the percentage of local produc- multimedia event called '2000 and Kevin Kinney, all from the media commission objections to tions on private TV stations. It Years Of Rock & Roll', which will US, will play live. Tackhead bass - Flemish media law. The EC state- may also effect the 10 -year -old be aired live on Radio 3. The show player Doug Wimbish, who has ment coincides with a Flemish state broadcaster BRT's decree. on April 18, featuring rock film recorded with Mick Jagger and government investigation into pri- According to the Flemish cultu- screenings, live performances, dis- Sugar Hill Gang, will also be ap- vate radio networks. ral minister Patrick Dewael, the cussions and new technological pearing. US avant-garde artists The EC disagrees with the law EC media commission disagrees developments, will also be filmed Lydia Lunch and Henry Rollins which bans Flemish cable ope- with one aspect of the law which for VPRO's TV -magazine 'On - will perform their poems. rators from transmitting foreign states 50% of cable TV airtime rust!', broadcast on April 21. The show's producers argue broadcasts unless one Belgian should be filled by domestic pro- VPRO producer and director music has had such a huge impact language is used, saying this goes ductions. The existing law has, of the event, Fred Hermsen, says on Western society during the past against an EC treaty on free traf- says Dewael, lead to "a boom in it is the biggest outside broadcast 50 years that it seems to be a fic of services within the com- the Flemish visual industry". The (OB) for Radio 3 that the VPRO 2000 -year -old phenomenon. This munity. The treaty could also lead Flemish government must answer has been involved with. In all, the theory will be the starting point to changes in the existing cable the EC commission before May 9. festival will be broadcast live from for several discussions on the 13.00-17.00 and from 19.00 to future of rock music, the role of PolyGram Joins Shell Promotion midnight: "We thought it would technology and sampling, and the be fun to organise something like problems facing national product. PolyGram Belgium and Shell jazz and three hit compilations this on a small scale but as we The VPRO will also be unveil- have joined forces in a one million and five 'best of cassettes featur- began putting it together it got ing a prototype of its Digital free cassette promotion deal. The ing artists like Rod Stewart, Bana- bigger and grew into a festival. It Home Jukebox, developed in co- cassettes, all featuring PolyGram narama and ABBA). Shell has got a bit out of hand:' operation with Dutch Tango Stu- repertoire, will be distributed built a major TV campaign The station will air the discus- dios. Via a computer monitor, through Shell petrol stations as around the project with ads airing sions and the performances, as modem, keyboard and phone, the part of a four -month competi- both on VTM and RTL-TVi as well as records during the OB. jukebox gives the user tion. well as Shell petrol sta- will',' says Hermsen, "require a bank of 100 songs. The cassettes are divided into tions throughout Belgium and lot of walkie talkies:' Several 12 volumes (three classical, one Luxembourg. S A Split Second Signed to Antler -Subway Marck Ickx and Chismar Chayell Records. first met in 1980, but A Split Se- Published by BE's Songs. cond were not formed until 1985. New Album: Kiss Of Fury. They released their debut single New Single: Backlash on 7" Flesh in 1986, and the song and Firewalker on 12", became a blueprint for Belgian distributed by PIAS in Europe new beat when a DJ decided to except GAS (SPV). play it at 33 rpm rather than 45 Recorded at Jet studio and rpm. produced by the band. The band have since released PolyGram Holland director Paul Hertog closes his eyes to avoid seeing Herman - van Veen's reaction to his new CD 'Blauwe Plekken: Van Veen has just received a bronze award for his previous album 'In Vogelvlucht:. TROS Backs Campaign For Dutch Music Dutch national broadcaster TROS spokeswoman Els Loots - TROS is supporting the latest ma says the station is always hea- campaign for the promotion of vily involved in Dutch product: Dutch repertoire, organised by the "We have always made it our goal Marketing plans - extensive two LPs, Ballistic Statues (1987) Dutch Association for Promotion to support Dutch music. There is press mailing, posters and a and From The Inside (1988) and of Soundcarriers. a lot of good music in Holland, limited edition double cover three singles, Colonial Discharge Earlier this month, TROS dedi- and it attracts a very large audi- LP version, limited edition DJ (1987), The Colosseum Crash cated a nine -hour broadcast on ence, so national product must be copy of Firewalker and adver- (1989) and Mambo Witch (1989). Radio 2 to Dutch produced music served:' tisements in major Belgian After a 24 -date US tour last year followed by a special edition of According to the latest figures and German publications. they returned to the studio to start the TV show 'Op Volle Toeren'. from the NVPI, the amount of The band will be t luring West working on their third LP, ano- Several Dutch artists performed Dutch repertoire shipped to retai- Germany, Denmark Sweden ther blend of modern dance music including Gerard Cox and Willeke lers has declined from 14% of the and Finland. and ancient rhythms. Alberti. market to 12% in 1989. I2 MUSIC & MEDIA - April 21, 1990 AmericanRadioHistory.Com SCANDINAVIA MUSIC More Ads On Norway's Local Radio MEDIA Denmark's TV2? Audience Up 22% N The Danish government is ex- hope it will come later this year!' E by David Rowley pected to give the go-ahead in Currently, TV2 may carry only A new survey of radio in Bergen, has 23%. The first three have principle for more advertising 10 minutes per day of national w Norway's second largest city, strong music formats, whereas time on Denmark's only national advertising with an additional five S shows a 22% increase in the num- Puddefjord broadcasts a mix of commercial TV station, TV2, by minutes for regional advertisers. ber of people listening to local news, talk and music. the summer. This may only be shown in a max- radio. However, 62% of those sur- Weekly figures give Puddefjord The government is considering imum of three blocks before and veyed said they were not sure 58%, P3 33%, Motorwest 23% plans to have TV licensing every after programmes. which station they had listened to. and MFM 18%. three years instead of the current TV2 was launched in October Bergen, which has a potential P3 head of music, Leif Morten one year and a major element in 1988 and its advertising policy has listening audience of 220.000, is Synnevaeg, says the station's pro- these discussions regards financ- remained virtually unchanged serviced by 86 local stations gramming policy has been vin- ing. Currently 66% of TV2's fun- since then. broadcasting on only three fre- dicated by the increase in daily ding comes from advertising, the Lise-Lotte Heslett-Sestoft, head quencies. The city also receives listeners, which was 7% in the remainder is from the annual of the bureau for electronic media the two stations of national previous survey. licence fee. at Denmark's communications broadcaster NRK. P3 began airing new jingles and At the moment advertising on ministry, says the discussions over The survey, which sampled 300 station IDs, which cost Nkr Danish TV is almost booked out the three year licences will pro- people, was commissioned by 100.000 (app. US$ 15.000), less six months in advance. TV2 says bably become concrete proposals local commercial station P3 and than three weeks before the cur- potential revenue for the station is before the summer, but would not was conducted by the Oslo -based rent survey. Synnevaeg believes going to Scansat TV3, the Scan- go before the Danish parliament Market & Media Institute at the they had a strong effect on station dinavian cable channel, or other until autumn. end of March. The study is car- awareness, but he admits there is media outlets. She says it is too soon to say ried out once every three months. still a long way to go. TV2 head of information, Neils what the final proposal might be, The current survey says P3 has "Local radio in Norway is still Langkilde, says this amounts to but observers believe the govern- 10% of the total daily audience. developing but we're finally star- many millions of kroner. "We are ment will almost certainly bow to Radio Motorwest has 7% and ting to see a professional ap- missing out purely because of in- pressure and push for increased MFM 6%, while the powerful proach!" sufficient advertising time. We advertising. union -backed station Puddefjord need a change in the law and we SPAIN & PORTUGAL Canal Plus Channel ONCE Signs Pta 5 Granted Launch Delay Billion Cadena Rato Private pay TV channel Canal she stressed that the government Plus has had its launch deadline did not consider Canal Plus' by Anna Marie de la Fuente put back by three months. The technical problems as an accep- station, which had been due to go table reason for postponing the Spain's charity foundation news agency and some regional on air by April 3, made a formal launch. "These are internal pro- ONCE has bought 63 of Cadena newspapers. request to the government for a blems',' she said. Rato's 72 radio stations at a cost Cadena Rato's programming, six month extension, citing Canal Plus announced that test of Pta 5 billion (app. US$ 45.7 including its 90 minute daily building and technical problems. programmings and gradual codi- million). A deal had been ex- `Super Musicales' show will re- Government spokeswoman fication would begin in July and pected for several months. main unchanged. "Even the Rosa Conde said a three month August. By September the chan- ONCE chairman Miguel Du- employees will stay:' says a ONCE delay in construction was beyond nel will be fully operational. De- ran: "It has cost us more than we spokesperson. "Only the stock- the control of Canal Plus and tails on the channel's music pro- would have liked to pay but it is holder will be different` "the state has considered this to gramming are still to be finalised, still without a doubt much less be a justifiable cause". However, although according to head of than the real value' In turn music Fernando Salaverri "music ONCE has agreed to facilitate will definitely play an important Cadena Rato's option to buy 10% part in our programming". of the private TV channel Geste- Meanwhile, competitor Telecin- vision-Telecinco. Squabbles with co said it accepts and respects the publishing group Anaya and state's decision. "We suppose the other original stockholders have government has weighted the lead to 40% of the TV channel's arguments presented by Canal shares being put back on the Plus and found them justifiable!' market. said a spokesperson. Grupo Zeta, With the signing of this agree- major stockholder of Univision ment ONCE controls one of the Canal C which was denied one of biggest radio networks in the the three commercial licences last country. Elsewhere in the com- year, is appealing against the munications field, the group also Jive Bunny And The Mastermixers, in Spain to perform on me 'Rockopop government's extension, saying it TV show, picked up a platinum award for their debut LP 'Jive Bunny - The owns 25% of Telecinco, the 22 sta- Album: From 1-r: Luis Baena, Radio Barcelona presenter; Mastermixer Ian is "another politically motivated tion network Radio Amanecer, a Morgan; and Jaime Buget, MD Ginger Music/Boy Records decision". MUSIC & MEDIA - April 21, 1990 13 AmericanRadioHistory.Com M C I M AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND MAY 27-30 1990 IMEtMC CONFERENCE TOPICS SUNDAY, MAY 27 * IMEtMC WELCOME PARTY * REGISTRATION DESK OPEN FROM 12.00. * YOUNG PROFESSIONALS AND LOCAL MEDIA SEMINAR (in Dutch) MONDAY, MAY 28 * KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Colin Walters Managing Director Laurel Benedict, The future of radio broadcasting in Europe. * ENTERTAINING VISIONS - THE PRESIDENTS' PANEL The diversification of the entertainment industry over the coming decade. * A SOUND APPROACH TO MARKETING RADIO Developing effective marketing techniques and evaluating the key elements for successful competition. * IN THE FACE OF COMPETITION... PROGRAMMING RADIO Keeping the audience tuned in and turned on. * BROADENING MUSICAL HORIZONS Exporting and marketing European talent to the world. TUESDAY, MAY 29 * KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Al Teller, Chairman, MCA Music Entertainment Group "World Radio: Mirror Image of America or an Original Statement?" * THE PROMOTION COMMOTION International managers discuss promoting artists across national frontiers and the changing role of artist management. * SEE THE MUSIC, LISTEN TO THE PICTURE Are the priorities when it comes to music programming? * RADIO 2001, A DIGITAL ODYSSEY? The impact of digital audio in radio. The techniques of automated radio programming. * THE BATTLE FOR INDEPENDENTS' Strategies for a fairer share of airplay. (Organised in association with Trans Musicales/Rock Affaire) WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 * KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Frank Zappa, "Rock Around The Bloc" * A WORLD FULL OF EASTERN PROMISE Does the opening up of Eastern Europe represent genuine investment opportunities? A panel of experts separates wishful thinking from realistic assessment. * ARTISTRY IN PRODUCT PROMOTION Determining the advantages and opportunities presented by sponsorship for advertisers, artists and the media. * BROADCASTING, NARROWCASTING OR TYPECASTING? Radio dynamics for the '90s: formats, presentation and on -air talent. New formats for Europe. * THE STATE OF SUPPORT FOR ROCK The pro's and con's of national government support for contemporary music & musicians. IMF/MC WORLDWIDE: IM&MC U.S.A. aCANADA: IMEtMC "AMSTERDAM ROCKS" IMEtMC Main Office IMEtMC U.S.A. (c/o Billboard) Attn.: Karen Holt Attn.: Peggy Dold The ultimate live showcase programme PO Box 9027 - 1006 AA, Amsterdam, Holland 1515 Broadway, 39th Floor, NY, NY 10036 featuring the cream of continental talent Tel: (31.20) 669.1961 Tel: 212.536.5089/800.950.1018 and introducing a selection of the most Fax: (31.20) 669.1941 Fax: 212.536.5351 exciting upcoming international acts. In the Tlx. 12938 Tlx. 710581 6279 heart of Amsterdam at the reknowned clubs A MUSIC It MEDIA / BILLBOARD EVENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CITY OF AMSTERDAM. Milky Way, Paradiso, Roxy and Escape Theatre, IMEtMC will also present a r- "Scandinavian Night", a "German Evening" RegisTration Fee US$ 400. /UK f 240.=/111. 700.= M&M.16 0 Please send me more information. and a "French Invasion". 0 I would like to register for the IMEtMC: Mr./Ms Company 111111111 Complete Address KLIVI official carrier Tel Fax Tlx AmericanRadioHistory.Com News, Views And Previews MUSIC Of The IM&MC MEDIA Delegates from across system BDS (Broadcast Data System) will be stage in this one-off IM&MC talk -show will Entertainment Group) will chair 'The Pro- the world will gather in introduced to Europe through a demonstra- include Bo Berg (Radio Voice), Jay motion Commotion' session, which will ex- Amsterdam at the tion at the IM&MC. Each monitor hooked Rachman (MD, CreeYadio USA) and Al plore the various links between artist end of May for the up to the system can track airplay on nine Munteanu (presenter, Tele 5). management, record company promotion annual International Music & different radio or TV stations simultaneous- and radio programming. Media Conference (IM&MC). ly, 24 hours a day, with an accuracy of 98.9% For the first time, media delegates will be Here we profile some of the and can be programmed to recognise some able to let each other hear what they are Are commercial stations reconsidering their week's highlights. 60.000 songs, jingles or advertisements. arguing about in workshops and panel ses- marketing approach to advertisers and BDS, already operating in the US, is proving sions. Station to Station using the I.D.ea Ex- The 'In The Face Of Competition... Pro- to be of particular interest to record com- change, is a new facility, provided by Otari gramming Radio' discussion will feature the panies, performing rights societies, advertis- Deutschland. With the Exchange, delegates ideas and opinions of Richard Park (pro - ing agencies and radio stations. can share station jingles, promotional ideas and popular music programmes with inter- Key Notes: Our Keynote line-up promises national colleagues. some unusual and controversial material, in- cluding Al Teller (chairman, MCA Music The Russians Are Coming The IM&MC will Entertainment Group) on 'World Radio: welcome the largest and most varied delega- Mirror Image Of America - Or An Original tion ever from the Soviet Union to this year's Statement; Frank Zappa on developing conference. Already registered are represen- music industry relations & opportunities in tatives from record company Melodiya, 'Rock Around The Bloc' and Cohn Walters Muzyka Publishers, daily newspapers Prav- (MD, Laurel Benedict Ltd/Walters and da and Moskovsky Comsomolets, the Pollack) who will discuss European radio Moscow State Theatre For Pop Entertain- developments in the coming decade in ment, Aerofirst Joint Venture, Radio 'Radio Europe 2000'. Moscow and Gosteleradio. Although Western companies are rushing to invest in Tim Blackmore Eastern Europe, the actual opportunities for listeners in view of the rapidly changing investment and co-operation are still far European broadcasting scene? This will be from clear. Distinguishing between vague one of the questions raised in 'A Sound Ap- Gillian Reynolds promise and true potential will be the focus proach To Marketing Radio'. Tim of 'A World Full Of Eastern Promise'. Blackmore (programme director, Unique gramme director, Capital Radio) and Chris Chaired by Tony Hollingsworth (MD, Broadcasting Company) will chair the panel. Lycett (senior producer, BBC Radio 1). UK - Tribute Productions), participants will in- Other panellists include Stan Park (Indepen- based Gillian Reynolds (broadcaster and clude Holger Mueller (MD EMI Austria), dent Radio Sales) and Martin Schmitz Daily Telegraph columnist) is also confirmed Martin Brisac (director-general, Europe 2), (Star*Sat). to participate along with Rachel Steele Armen Oganesyan (editor -in -chief English (director, Question Air) and Jeff Pollack (chairman/CEO, Pollack Media Group). MTV will hold a special club night on Wednesday, May 30, due to be broadcast on the station at a later date. 'Talent For The 90s' will take place in Amsterdam's Escape Al Teller Theatre, and features live performances by six acts, including a selection of artists per- forming in IM&MC's 'Amsterdam Rocks' 'Amsterdam Rocks', is the conference's live showcase. showcase programme. Added is an extra per- formance venue, the Melkweg, in response to The workshop session 'Broadening Musical the increased number of acts being featured Horizons', will cover the world when it deals this year. The programme will focus on the with the issue of exporting and marketing Continent's most promising up-and-coming European talent. The obstacles to breaking artists, while introducing a select number of into the insular Anglo-American territories new international acts. West Germany's will be examined, but its main focus will be Dierks Studio will be present with a mobile the new possibilities in booming markets studio to record some of the showcases. elsewhere. Stuart Watson (VP, MCA Inter- Groups confirmed to date include The WEA Holland staff gather with The Creeps and their manager, John Gray (far right) national) will discuss marketing to South - Creeps, Sanne, Thomas Helmig, Pepe Ahl- to confirm their participation in the IM&MC. Also pictured is conference organiser Jan Abbink (back row, 2nd left) and WEA Sweden's international label manager Mat- East Asia, where MCA's sales have tripled in qvist, Titiyo and Leila K, plus Toten Hosen, tMs Wachtmeister. the last year. Chairing the session will be Re- Rausch and Bond. becca Batties (creative director). Language Service, Radio Moscow), en- Reactions to last year's Lunchtime trepreneur and performer Frank Zappa, who Showcases were so enthusiastic that this par- A new element in this year's IM&MC will be The two-part 'Broadcasting, Narrowcasting last year formed a consulting firm to set up ticular artist presentation platform will now the professional audio presence. A portion Or TYpecasting' radio workshop promises to joint ventures in the USSR and Marialina be given an even higher profile at IM&MC of the Music -In -Media Marketplace will be be something completely different. Co - Marcucci (president, Super Channel). '90. Delivering live musical interludes in the turned into a 'Hardware Street' where ex- presenter Steve Saltzman (MD, Rock Over Wang Hall this year will be Jill Sobule, Cohn hibitors will display their latest products in London) plans to play 'talk -show' host, rov- 'Rock Over Europe', the worldwide James and Colours. There will also be a digital audio for radio, and automated radio ing the aisles with a microphone, turning pop/rock television gala, is being streamlin- special presentation of Mano Negra's new programming, which delegates will be able everyone who attends into a participant. ed and moved to bigger quarters. This year's video. to experiment with. The implications of this Saltzman is also putting together an audio show will be staged in the course of a single new technology will be discussed in the presentation, which he says will convince evening before an audience of 10.000 in the workshop 'Radio 2001, A Digital Odyssey?' everyone who hears it that further specialisa- Ahoy, Rotterdam. The event will feature during which technical experts, including tion of format radio is "inevitable". Another about 10 acts of international reknown. Peter Jackson (chief engineer, Capital topic will be the relationship between Kim Wilde has already confirmed. The show Radio) will discuss the current impact of recognisable DJ personalities and station im- is being produced by Veronica, Holland's the 5th IM&MC runs from digital audio on radio, and the techniques of age. Where are the new 'radio stars' coming largest broadcaster in co-operation with Sunday May 27 to Wednesday automated programming. from? Do stations even want them? Super Channel. 30. Details are available from Machgiel Bakker (Music & Media) will co - Karen Holt on 312116691961. The revolutionary new airplay monitoring present with Saltzman. Special guests on Promoter Harvey Goldsmith (MD, Allied MUSIC & MEDIA - April 21, 1990 I S AmericanRadioHistory.Com UPCOMING MUSIC MUSIC SPECIALS MEDIA Issue 20 BUDGET/MID PRICE MEDIA PROMISING ACTS CD & MC Publication date The Family Stand 19 - 5 - 1990 Ghetto Heaven (Mantic .1L1k). Advertising deadline ConUct.Arlanticillary Hootthri/re1:44.1.3715633/fax:37155f8 * * *2 4 *- 4 - *19 9*0 * * A sublime slice of soul with a cool, mid -tempo gromt and a erileiR1 remix by iazle 13 and Nel le Hooper of Soul II Soul On the Eurochart andmoving rapidly up the UK chart. No licence but sub - Issue 21 publishing available for UK and Europe. BENELUX RADIO SCENE Raptori Anna Oxa Publication date Tuhansien Sulojen Maa (Megamania/Finland). Donna Con Te (CBS/Italy). Contact:CBS/Leo 26 - 5 - 1990 Contact:Megamania/Anne Koskinen/ DeRosa/tek39.2.8536/fax:860175/te1:332806 tek358.0.7015152/fax:7013802 This song, produced and arranged by Fio Advertising deadline A new group from Hyvikaa, 45 kilometres out- Zanotti, was one of the more popular numbers - 5 - 1990 side Helsinki. Their debut single went straight performed at this year's San Remo Festival. It * * 1 * * to the top of the Finnish charts and as a bonus is presently top 20 in both the RAI and Musica most stations were also playing the B-side Dischi charts. Some rights maybe available. Issue 22 OiBeibi. The group's debut LP will be released Sos Fenger in May. Licence and sub -publishing free except RETAIL 3 / SPAIN Finland. Hvor End Jeg Gar Hen (Genlyd/Denmark). Contact:Genlyd/Jesper Bay/ IM&MC Panthera te1:45.86.149700/fax:149707 Presently climbing rapidly up the Danish sing- The Music Takes U Away (lndisc/Belgium). Publication date les chart. Fenger is an ex -session singer with a Contact:lndisc/Katrin Klansing/ 2 - 6 - 1990 powerful, raw voice and an increasingly suc- te1:32.2.2680010/fax:2680987 cessful solo career. Her debut LP Vinterdage Advertising deadline Panthera are a new Belgian band fronted by has sold 130.000 copies since its release last singer Sandra and three dancers. The 12" ver- * * 8 - 5 - 1990 * * autumn. Licence and sub -publishing free ex- sion has been receiving extensive club outings cept Scandinavia. and airplay. Licence and sub -publishing free Issue 23 except Benelux. Luis Beethoven Caminando A Tu Lado (EMI/Portugal). JINGLE COMPANIES Wolf Contact:EMI Publishing/Jan Van Dijk/ Drums Of Fire (CBS/Austria). Contact: CBS/ te1:351.1.7269011/fax:7269985 'PUBLISHING & TALENT Like Raul Orellana this artist mixes a tradi- Andy Zahradnik/te1:43.1.6015770/fax:6023615 Publication date Riding high in the Austrian airplay charts, tional flamenco approach with a dance/house 9 - 6 - 1990 about to enter their singles chart and also pick- rhythm. The debut solo release from the ex - ing up significant airplay in southern Ger- lead singer of Banda Opera Nova. Powerful at- Advertising deadline many. Plenty of crossover potential. Licence mosphere and good chorus. Licence free for the * * * 15* - 5 - 1990 * * may be available where affiliates refuse option world and sub -publishing free except Portugal. and sub -publishing free except GAS. La Guardia Issue 24 Cuando Brine El Sol (Zafiro/Spain). MC Kemppainen & Contact:Zafiro/Alida Genta/ Lindelltronics UK RADIO SCENE te1:34.1 .2479700/fax:2421410 Rappilan Hatauara (Megamania/Finland). Their debut LP Vamonos sold a very healthy Contact:Megamania/Anne Koskinen/ 250.000 copies. Now their second LP, which RADIO SERVICES te1:358.0.7015152/fax:013802 charted nationally at no. 7 two weeks after Publication date Following closely behind label mates Raptori release, reinforces the band's popularity. This 16 - 6 - 1990 this Helsinki -based group have made a record is the title track from that second LP, which is that parodies both traditional Finnish music currently a powerplay on the highly influential Advertising deadline and rap. Licence and sub -publishing free ex- SER network. Licence and sub -publishing still 22 - 5 - 1990 cept Finland. free for most of Europe. Records mentioned on this page are by promising acts which hove potential for breaking into the pan- FcrAcaf details European market. The selection is done by the editorial team of Music & Media. Radio & TV programmers wanting to ploy the material mentioned here should be aware that not all records are necessarily released call (20-6691961) in every territory. International A&R managers and music publishers on the look out for new deals should contact the original master/publishing owners. Country of origin and contact numbers are listed as known. Those wishing to submit material to this section should send their records, biographies and photos to Music &Media Gary Smith, PO Box 9027, 1006 AA Amsterdam, Holland. 16 MUSIC & MEDIA - April 21, 1990 AmericanRadioHistory.Com A NEW MUSIC MUSIC MEDIA INFO MUSIC I Detno do Soo, 2 G're2e. KA, SERVICE FOR 5 T.ncir.rn 6 7 Lille Ed, ACTI 1 TALENT 9 Tore N.., $0 LUIS MEDIA SCOUTS. 20 HOT TIPS EVERY 2 WEEKS ON CASSETTE. CALL GARY SMITH FOR ME ALL INFO, AMST1RDAM W RT 7H WATCHING (0)20 - 6691961 BEETHOVEN Blind James Experience are touring the Conti- by Gary Smith nent starting April 17 in Hamburg, going on Reachin' Records, the to Cologne - 18, then Switzerland 19-20, Spain company set up by ex - 20-23, France 25-26 and Holland 27-28. The UPDAIE Greater London Radio label is releasing Shadow Hunter, the third presenter Dave Pearce and ex-Polydor A&R man turned writer/producer Mike Morrison, has just released an eight -track compilation album. Crucial dance material that includes a Fresh Four -style cover of Rose Royce 's Love Don't Live Here Anymore and one of the best dance tracks for ages by The Boneshakers call- ed Don't Go Away . The LP also contains two tracks that have been on the Talent Tracks cassette; Take Me Higher by Pisces (cassette no. 38) has been licensed to the large Ger- man/Austrian independent label Bellaphon. TDP 's (Two Different People) excellent track, Ladies Let's Go , (cassette no.39) has been li- censed to the new outpost of the mighty PWL empire in the Benelux and there is serious in- terest from companies in Spain, France and Scandinavia. And to top it all the record, thanks to heavy club play in London and the TDP - soon to be touring the UK UK provinces, has just entered the Record Mirror Dance Chart. You can catch TDP do- solo I ,P of Uillean pipe player Davy Spillane . ing a series of PAs in the UK at the end of Spillane, who has guested on albums by Van April. The company is moving on April 9, its Morrison, Kate Bush and Elvis Costello, will new telephone number is London 01-7498619. be appearing at the Irish Music Festival in Cooking Vinyl, one of the independent sec- London on June 3 alongside Van Morrison, tor's best and most successful labels, is mov- The Pogues, Hothouse Flowers, Mary Cough- ing into top gear for the summer. The Colour lan, Brian Kennedy and Andy White. 0 CAMINHANDO , 0 A TU LADO -I- P 2 0 U K Independent Charts (Walking by yourside) Singles LPs FADO - HOUSE From Sunny Portugal THIS LAST THIS LAST WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK I 5 Step On You Happy Mondays (Factory) I I Violator Depeche Mode (Mute) 2 I This Is How It Feels Inspiral Carpets (Cow) 2 2 Repeater Fug (Dischord) 3 6 Blue Savannah Erasure (Mute) 3 3 Stone Roses Stone Roses (Silvertone) 4 3 Stnivfierry FteldsFerever Candy Flip (Debut) 4 7 Hallelujah Happy Mondays (Play It Again Sam) 5 2 Loaded Primal Scream (Creation) 5 Indie Top 20 Volume 8 Various (Beechwood) 6 7 Mama Gave Birth 2 6 5 Salt Lick Tad (Glitterhouse) The Soul Children Q Latifah & De La Soul (Gee Street) 7 II Bummed Happy Mondays (Foetal) 7 - Fli6berdy Dibberdy Doh Snuff (Play Hard) 8 9 The Comloits Ol Madness Pile Saints (4AD) A HIT BY 8 18 Pro Gen Shames (One Little loam) 9 8 We Care A Lot Faith No More (Madan) 9 4 She Bangs The Drum Stone Roses (Silvertone) 10 4 SMpecItrum Sonic Boom (Silvertone) 10 - Hang On To Your Love Jason Donovan (PWL) I1 16 Erasure (Mute) II II Better World Rebel MC (Desire) 12 14 Shouting Quietly Bradford (Foundation) ANY OTHER 12 - Big New Fast Automate Daffodils(Flaytime) 13 6 *rehouse Roes Niume 3 Various (Rumor) 13 - Play Ride (Creation) 14 12 Squirrel And G -Man Happy Mondays (Factory) H - Thee Goes My Happy... Mega Ciky Four (Dec)l IS 15 Hell With The Lid Off MC 900 feat Jesus With (Network IS 8 Made Of Stone Stone Roses (Silvertone) DJ Zero Europe) 16 9 Elephant Stone Stone Roses (Silvertone) 16 10 Saw Lush (4AD) NAME! 17 10 Enjoy The Silence Depeche Mode (Mute) 17 17 3 Feet High And Rising De La Soul (Big Life) 18 - She Sings Alone See See Rider (Lazy) 18 - Re Sur* Rosa Nies (4AD) 19 13 Mad Love Lush (4AD) 19 20 House Of Love House Of Love (Creation) 20 12 Mother Universe Soupdragons (Raw TV) 20 - Sex Packets Digital Underground (BCM) compiled by MRIB MUSIC & MEDIA - April 21, 1990 17 AmericanRadioHistory.Com T h e CM 081 976-3aptain Swing Richelle Shocke ed v ie w V D fi L P O LL Y G R- A ML M USIC,ZEN V ID\ EZ O O MV TV 1 O 081 974-3he Concertan Morrison 1'.:^VATT"...rn RRISONAN f; AmericanRadioHistory.Com