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“Call to the path of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with people in the best manner.” (Holy Quran, 16:125) The Light AND ISLAMIC REVIEW Exponent of Islam and the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement for over eighty years April - June 2006 In the spirit of the above-cited verse, this periodical attempts to dispel misunderstandings about the religion of Islam and endeavors to facilitate inter-faith dialogue based on reason and rationality. Vol. 83 CONTENTS No. 2 Women: Love, Marriage and Property – A Rebuttal to Chapter 8 of the book Unveiling Islam . . . . .3 By Dr. Hamid Rahman Religious Freedom in Islam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 By Dr.Zahid Aziz Slavery in Islam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 By Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din Published on the World-Wide Web at:www.muslim.org u Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore Inc., U.S.A. u P.O. Box 3370, Dublin, Ohio 43016, U.S.A. 2 THELIGHT ANDISLAMICREVIEW n APRIL – JUNE2006 The Lightwas founded in 1921 as the organ of the AHMADIYYAANJUMAN ISHA‘AT ISLAM (Ahmadiyya Association for the Propagation of Islam) of About ourselves Lahore,Pakistan. The Islamic Reviewwas published in England from 1913 for over 50 years, and in the U.S.A. from 1980 to 1991. The present Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore periodical represents the beliefs of the worldwide branches of the has branches in many countries including: Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam,Lahore. U.S.A. Australia U.K. Canada ISSN:1060–4596 Holland Fiji Editor:Fazeel S. Khan Indonesia Germany Suriname India Assistant Editor:Fatima Z. Rahman Trinidad South Africa Circulation:Mrs. Samina Malik. Guyana Contact information: Achievements: ‘The Light’,P.O. Box 3370,Dublin,Ohio 43016,U.S.A. The Anjuman has produced extensive literature on Islam,originally in English and Phone:614 – 873 1030 • Fax:614 – 873 1022 Urdu, including translations of the Holy Quran with commentaries. These books E-mails:[email protected] are being translated into other languages, Website:www.muslim.org including French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic. The Anjuman The main objectiveof the A.A.I.I.L. is to present the true,original message has run several Muslim missions around the of Islam to the whole world — Islam as it is found in the Holy Quran and world, including the first ever in Western the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, obscured today by grave mis- Europe. conceptions and wrong popular notions. History: Islam seeks to attract the hearts and mindsof people towards the truth,by means of reasoning and the natural beauty of its principles. 1889: Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad founds the Ahmadiyya Movement. HazratMirza Ghulam Ahmad (d. 1908),our Founder,arose to remind the 1901: Movement given name Ahmadiyya world thatIslam is: after Holy Prophet Muhammad’s other International:It recognizes prophets being raised among all nations famous name Ahmad. and requires Muslims to believe in them all. Truth and goodness 1905: Hazrat Mirza appoints central body can be found in all religions. God treats all human beings equally, (Anjuman) to manage the Movement. regardless of race,nationality or religion. 1908: Death of Hazrat Mirza. Succeeded by Peaceful: Allows use of force only in unavoidable self-defence. Maulana Nur-ud-Din as Head. Teaches Muslims to live peacefully under any rule which accords 1914: Death of Maulana Nur-ud-Din. them freedom of religion. Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Tolerant: Gives full freedom to everyone to hold and practise any founded atLahoreas continuation of the original Anjuman. Maulana Muhammad creed or religion. Requires us to tolerate differences of belief and Ali elected as Head. opinion. 1951: Death of Maulana Muhammad Ali Rational:In all matters,it urges use of human reason and knowledge. after fifty yearsof glorious service to the Blind following is condemned and independence of thought is cause of Islam. Maulana Sadr-ud-Din granted. (d. 1981) becomes Head. Inspiring:Worship is not a ritual,but provides living contact with a 1981–1996: Dr Saeed Ahmad Khan,an emi- Living God,Who answers prayers and speaks to His righteous ser- nent medical doctor and religious schol- vants even today as in the past. ar, led the Movement, at a time of intense persecution. Non-sectarian:Everyperson professing Islam bythe words La ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammad-ur rasul-ullah (There is no god but Allah, 1996–2002: Prof. Dr Asghar Hameed, a and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) is a Muslim. A Muslim distinguished retired University Professor of Mathematics, and learned cannot be expelled from Islam by anyone. Islamic scholar,served as Head. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad taught that noprophet,old or new,is to arise 2002: Prof. Dr Abdul Karim Saeed Pasha after the HolyProphet Muhammad.However,Mujaddidswill be raised by elected Head. God to revive and rekindle the light of Islam. APRIL– JUNE2006 n THELIGHT ANDISLAMICREVIEW 3 Women: out reference and provide their own interpretations. Before discussing the above issues in detail, it is essen- Love, Marriage and Property tial to establish the rules of interpretation and the Islamic – context of relationship between the sexes – men and women generally and husbands and wives particularly. A Rebuttal to Chapter 8 of the book Unveiling Islam Rules of Interpretation Rule #1 By Dr. Hamid Rahman Quran is the fundamental source of Islamic faith, [The U.S. branch of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement practice, and law. Muslims believe it to be the final has been compiling responses to each chapter of the word of God for the guidance of mankind. The Quran popular book ‘Unveiling Islam” by Caner and Caner was written down as it was revealed and memorized in for the purposes of publishing a detailed response to the full by thousands of people from the earliest times. For common allegations made against Islam found therein this reason,the Quran has been preserved in its pristine and repeated by others as authority. In this article, Dr. purity and the 1.1 billion of Muslims in all corners of the world read from the same Arabic text. The Quran is, Hamid Rahman, Professor of Finance and Economics therefore, akin to the constitution of the Muslims. Just at Alliant University in San Diego California, provides as the U.S. Constitution is one document but has been a rebuttal to the chapter that deals with the status of understood differently at different times and even differ- women in Islam. He first reviews the rules of interpreta- ently by different Supreme Court Judges at the same tion required to examine the various contentions in their time, so too Muslim groups have interpreted some por- proper context. He then systematically provides an tions of the Quran differently. However, the fundamen- overview of the Islamic position on each topic tal rule hereis thatthe interpretation must be consistent addressed by Caner and Caner,evaluates the validity of i.e. no interpretation is acceptable if it contradicts a the specific allegations made,and finally,as a compar- clear rule given in the Quran. ative analysis, reviews the Bible’s position on each of the topics. Part 1 of this article is produced herein and The second source of Muslim practice and law is the part2will be published in a forthcoming issue] Hadith. These are books compiled by various scholars, after whom theyarenamed for ease of identification,and Summary consist mostly of reports about what Prophet Muhammad said (Hadith)and what he did (sunnah). The The authors Caner and Caner make the following early Muslims during the time when the Quran was points in this chapter: being revealed and for many years afterwards were so • Islam teaches that women are inherently inferior careful not to compromise the integrity of the Quran that to men – spiritually and intellectually. the writing of any religious text except the Quran was • Women are regarded as both harmful to men and strongly discouraged. The Muslims incorporated the abad omen and arebynature unclean. sunnah into their daily practices immediately and this • Unequal treatment of men and women: women part of the tradition was therefore preserved very well. have fewer rights and privileges in Muslim soci- The hadithwere transmitted by narration and it was not eties - property rights and evidence in lawsuits, till about a centuryand half after the Prophet thathadith unequal punishment in adultery. were written down and it was another century and half • Polygamy is sanctioned in Islam. before a systematic compilation of the hadith and sun- • Criticism of Prophet Muhammad on account of nah took place in the form that is used generally today. his marriages – multiplicity of the Prophet’s During this time, some hadith were distorted and some wives, marriage with Aishah and Zaynab and invented.The compilersof the hadithapplied some tests “super-normal”marriages. of authenticity to weed out the non-genuine from gen- • Wives are considered as the husband’s sex objects uine hadithbut no one can categorically state that all the in marriage and abusive treatment of wives is hadithincluded in the books of hadithare genuine. The sanctified. widely used and eminently reasonable test of acceptance • Islam prescribes a code of dress for women. of a hadithis thatit should be accepted if it does not con- Insupport of the above contentions,the authors quote tradict the Quran. If there is an apparent contradiction,it from the Quran and Hadith,make some statements with- should be interpreted in a way that it does not contradict 4 THELIGHT ANDISLAMICREVIEW n APRIL – JUNE2006 the Quran and if such an interpretation is not possible does not mean that the religion sanctifies it. What is pre- then the hadith should be rejected. It may be added that sented here is the correct position of Islam on issues under this is the same test that courts use when the constitu- discussion. Many countries purport to be Islamic but their tionality of federal or state laws is challenged. conduct is not. It is not the intention here to defend the actions of such tyrannical and repressive regimes even if Rule #2 they allege to be acting according to Islam. The wisdom of these rules is self-evident and it is in Islam lays the highest emphasis on the sanctity of this context that the issues raised by the authors of marriage and a moral and stable household. The exis- Unveiling Islamwill be discussed. tence of such an environment is essential not only for the husband and wife to maximize their spiritual potential Contention No. 1:Islam teaches that women are but also to lay the foundations for the spiritual growth of inherently inferior to men,spiritually and their children. For this reason Islam encourages Muslim intellectually adults to stay in the married state and considers marriage as the best antidote against sexual permissiveness and a Under the title,“A Woman’s Genetic Inferiority,”the morally debased and depraved society. Islam shares authors state that Islam teaches that women are inher- these values with the Judeo-Christian tradition and ently inferior to men. In support, they quote one verse indeed with most of the religions of the world. of the Quran and a few hadith.The Quranic verse quot- ed is from Surah 2:228 as follows: “Women shall have In order to ensure harmonious relationship between rights similar to the rights against them, according to husband and wife, Islam defines the rights and responsi- what is equitable; but men have a degree over them.” bilities of the twoparties to a marriage contract. It encour- Before this verse,which is really the Magna Charta for ages that decisions affecting the family be made by mutu- women’s rights, is discussed more fully to understand al consent but provides rules for tiebreakers where the par- its meaning and import, it is conducive to discuss the ties cannot agree on a common course of action. status imparted to woman by Islam and to compare it The husband has been made responsible for the eco- with those of other religions. nomic welfare of the household and the woman for its Islam enunciates the greattruth thatman and woman efficient operation. These two roles are not mutually have come from the same essence and are one and the exclusive but each party can help the other. Thus, same in that respect: women can work to supplement the household income and men can performhousehold tasks to help the wives O people, keep your duty to your Lord,Who cre- in the running of the household. ated you from a single being and created its mate of the same (kind), and spread from these two Rule #3 many men and women. And keep your duty to Allah,by Whom you demand one of another (your Islam lays the highest emphasis on moral behavior. rights), and (to) the ties of relationship. Surely This emphasis is a corollaryofwhatIslam states as the Allah is ever a Watcher over you. (Surah4:1) objectiveof creation i.e. to serve Allah and thereby ele- vate oneself spiritually for His blessings in this world It is obvious that if man and woman are created of the and the next. In order, to achieve a moral society con- same kind or essence, which is another significance of ducive for moral behavior,Islam puts restrictions on the the Arabic word nafs1used in this verse,then there can free intermingling of sexes. It does not prescribe a seg- be no question of genetic inferiority either spiritual or regationist society but only one in which men and intellectual. women do not deliberately expose themselves to situa- Spiritually, Islam raised woman to the position of tions that may be destructive for their spiritual develop- man. No other religious book and no other reformer has ment. Thus, Islam allows women to work, go to places done one-tenth of what the Holy Quran or the Holy of worship,help out in the field and even to accompany Prophet Muhammad has done to raise the position of men to war. In doing this, they should be properly woman. The Quran accords good and righteous women attired so as not to be deliberately provocative. the same position as good and righteous men. Both sexes are spoken of in the same terms. The highest favor that Rule #4 God has bestowed upon mankind is the gift of Divine Many criminal acts have been done in the name of reli- revelation, and the Quran accords several instances of gion. Just because an act is done in the name of religion women receiving revelation. Some examples are: APRIL– JUNE2006 n THELIGHT ANDISLAMICREVIEW 5 And We revealed to Moses’mother, saying: Give In Islam,therefore,there is no moral or spiritual dif- him suck; then when thou fearest for him,cast him ference between men and women,and morally and spir- into the river and fear not, nor grieve; surely We itually they can rise to the same eminence. shall bring him back to thee and make him one of The authors,Caner and Caner,also insinuate by quot- the messengers. (28:7) ing some hadith that women are considered in Islam to When We revealed to thy mother that which was be deficient in intellect. This is prima facie against the revealed. (20:38) teaching of Islam for if women possessed an inferior intellect than men,then a different yardstick would have And when the angels said:O Mary,surely Allah has been applied in judging women as compared to men. chosen thee above the women of the world. (3:42) Even man made laws do not judge between a person Where the Holy Quran speaks of the great prophets of deficient in intelligence and one of normal intelligence God, saying: “And mention Abraham in the Book” alike. Moreover,facts belie such an assertion. (19:41),“And mention Moses in the Book”(19:51),and so Islam owes a great favor to the wives of the Holy on,it speaks of a woman in exactly the same terms:“And Prophet for remembering and reporting many hadith. mention Mary in the Book” (19:16). No other religious Many finer points of religion may not have been amplified book has given such a high spiritual position to woman. in the same way without their reporting. In particular,the The Quran makes no difference between man and Lady Aishah had a marvelous memory and was,in addi- woman in the bestowal of reward for the good he or she tion, gifted with a clear intellect, by virtue of which she does: refused to accept anything that she did not understand. After the Prophet’s death, his wives were considered I will not suffer the work of any worker among authorities on religion because they had observed the you to be lost whether male or female, the one of Prophet at close range and were consulted on matters of you being from the other. (3:195) religion. They taught and explained important aspects of And whoever does good deeds, whether male or religion and both men and women learnt from them. female, and he (or she) is a believer – these will When Caliph Umar, a devoted Companion of the enter the Garden,and theywill not be dealt with a Prophet, desired to ban big dowries during his reign, a whit unjustly.(4:124) woman in the audience silenced him by repeating the And whoever does good, whether male or female, verse,“… and you have given one of them a heap of gold, and he is believer,these shall enter the Garden,to be takenothing from it,”(4:20). The great Caliph Umar had given therein sustenance without measure. (40:40) to take back his orders saying that, “the women of Madinah had moreunderstanding than Umar.” Whoever does good,whether male or female,and is a believer,We shall certainly make him (or her) Next we look at the specific Quran and Hadithrefer- live a good life, and We shall certainly give them ences used by Caner and Caner to justify their charges: their reward for the best of what they did. (16:97) Quranic reference The Quran leaves no doubt that women can possess Only one Quranic reference is cited under this the same good qualities as men can and with exactly the charge. The verse reads: same consequences: Women shall have rights similar to the rights Surely the men who submit and the women who against them, according to what is equitable; but submit, and the believing men and the believing men have a degree over them. (2:228) women, and the obeying men and the obeying women, and the truthful men and the truthful The context of the verse in the Quran shows that this women, and the patient men and the patient verse relates to the mutual rights of husband and wife women, and the humble men and the humble and not of any woman against any man. The rights of women,and the charitable men and the charitable women against their husbands are here stated to be sim- women, and the fasting men and the fasting ilar to those that the husbands have against their wives. women,and the men who guardtheir chastity and The statement must, no doubt, have caused a stir in a the women who guard, and the men who remem- society that never recognized any rights for the woman. ber Allah much and women who remember – This declaration brought about a revolution not only in Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a Arabia but in the whole world, for the equality of the mighty reward. (33:35) rights of women with those of men was never previous- 6 THELIGHT ANDISLAMICREVIEW n APRIL – JUNE2006 ly recognized by any nation or any reformer. The when she has her periods?’They said, ‘Yes.’ He woman could no longer be discarded at the will of her said,‘This is an imperfection in their faith.’2 “lord”, but she could either claim equality as a wife or Caner and Caner quote three snippets from this demand divorce. The statement that “men are a degree Hadithas follows: above them” does not nullify the rights asserted in the previous passage. The words are added simply to show “Muhammad asked some women, ‘Isn’t the wit- that superior authority to run the house must be given to ness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?’ either the husband or the wife,and it is given to the hus- The woman said, ‘Yes.’He said, ‘This is because band for reasons given in (4:34): of the deficiency of the woman’s mind.’”(3.826) Men are the maintainers of women, with what “I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelli- Allah has made some of them to excel others and gence and religion than you.”(2.541) with what they spend out of their wealth… “I was shown the hell-fire and that the majority of its The economic sustainability of the household has dwellers are women.”(Quoted without reference but squarely been made the responsibility of the man. alleged to be occurring “Three times in the hadith”) Women may voluntarily share this burden but the prime The Books of Hadith are replete with repetitions. responsibility for providing for the family rests on the There are two main sources of repetition. The first aris- husband. Matters in the Islamic household must be decid- es because the Books of Hadith are arranged by sub- ed by mutual consultation and consensus but where a jects. If a saying of the Holy Prophet contains material consensus is not possible,a method has to be provided to relevant to two different subjects,the saying is repeated break the tie. Since a large majority of disputes between under both the subjects. Secondly, if two different nar- husband and wifehave economic consequences and since rators narrate the same saying then again the saying is the husband is responsible for ensuring the economic reported separately attributing it to the relevant narra- well being of the family,therefore,the tiebreak vote has tors. Thus a report occurring three times does not neces- been accorded to the husband. This is just a matter of sarilyindicate three different incidents or conversations good common sense and has none of the insinuations of but could all be the result of the same one but reported “genetic inferiority” and “women are inherently inferior by different narrators, each narration differing a little to men”that Caner and Caner would like to impute. The according to the understanding of the narrator. It is easy fact that this is the only Quranic verse Caner and Caner to see that the Caner and Caner quotes are all found in quote about their charge of woman’s genetic inferiority is this single incident. ameasureoftheir desperation to find something to sup- port their preconceived notions. This hadith is reported by Abu Saeed Khudri and In support of their contention, Caner and Caner also begins as follows: “The Messenger of Allah, peace be quote some snippets from hadith; they give three refer- upon him,was proceeding towards the Eid congregation ences but the major points they make are all found in the ground either on the occasion of the Sacrificial Eid or Eid following hadithand will be discussed in its context. ul Fitar…”This beginning is indicative of the lack of pre- ciseness in the reporting of the hadith.If the narrator can- Abu Saeed Khudri narrated: The Messenger of not remember with clarity at which one of the two impor- Allah was proceeding towards the Eid congrega- tant festivals of Eid the reported incident took place then tion ground either on the occasion of the it throws into doubt the accuracy of the detailed conver- Sacrificial Eid or Eid ul Fitar when he passed by a sation reported in the incident. However,we will assume group of women; he said,‘Indulge in acts of char- for the sake of argument that the rest of the narration is ity because you (women) have been shown to me accurate and proceed to examine it on thatbasis. to be in the majority amongst the inhabitants of hell.’They asked, ‘Why, O Messenger of Allah?’ As the hadithshows,the Holy Prophet was proceed- He replied,‘You curse a lot,are ungrateful to your ing towards the ground where the multitude had gath- husbands; I havenot seen anyone more wanting in ered to offer the Eid prayers when he passed by a group knowledge and faith than you.’ They enquired, of women. Ever the preacher, he found a teachable ‘What is the imperfection in our faith and knowl- moment to preachagainst two evils commonly associat- edge,O Messenger of Allah?’He said,‘Is the wit- ed with the women of that society,namely,cursing and ness of a woman not half that of a man?’ They lack of appreciation for their husband’s efforts on their said,‘Yes.’He said,‘This is because of imperfect behalf and on behalf of the whole household. Both these knowledge. Does she not stop praying and fasting traits cut across the fundamental basis of Islam, which APRIL– JUNE2006 n THELIGHT ANDISLAMICREVIEW 7 rests on the dual principle of fulfilling obligations to sibility. While this is a necessary requirement for the God and to mankind. Cursing negates the latter and survival of the human race, it does take her away from ungratefulness the former. Ungratefulness is a trait that prayer and fasting – two efficacious methods of spiritu- God does not love. If these traits are allowed to contin- al development and strengthening of the faith. ue unchecked, the ultimate result would be hell-fire. It Thus,this roadside sermon is full of wisdom. It points must be emphasized here that the Islamic concept of out a couple of destructive traits in those women, which heaven and hell is not just confined to the next world. if unchecked will create a veritable hell for them. Heaven and hell are states that exist within a person in Prescribes a method to counteract these traits and finally this world and will assume a more palpable form in the explains why these traits are more likely to develop in next. A woman who is ungrateful to her husband and women than men. To infer ‘genetic inferiority’ and to cursing her neighbors and others is not a woman who is assume that women are ‘consigned to hell’ from this at peace with herself. She is, in fact, in hell. The Holy hadith is not only farfetched but totally incorrect. Prophet warns against these traits and advises acts of Interpretation of the hadith must be according to the charity as an effective antidote. Quran and if such an interpretation is impossible then the Now there are two things that can effectively check hadithshould be rejected. Our discussion from the Quran such behavior – knowledge and/or faith. An intelligent above has already demonstrated that spiritually men and person knows that such behavior is self-destructive and women are created equal and can aspire to, and achieve will create a veritable hell for oneself. If a person is not the same heights of spiritual development and nearness to very intelligent but has a strong faith, he or she would God. This is the fundamental and basic premise of Islam. also reach the same conclusion because this is the les- Bible on the inferiority of women son that religion teaches as well. Thus, letting these traits persist indicates a lack of knowledge and faith. “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. The rest of the conversation is an explanation of the But I suffer not a woman to teach,nor to usurp authori- environmental factors that result in these traits being ty over the man,but to be in silence. For Adam was first found more commonly in women then men. formed,then Eve. And Adam was not deceived,but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”—1 Based on the division of labor in a traditional house- Tim. 2:11-14 hold,man is the breadwinner and the woman is the care- taker of the house and children. The normal housewife For a man ought not to cover his head,since he is the is therefore not as business savvy as a man nor does she imageand gloryof God,but woman is the glory of man, get the opportunity to become street smart and experi- for man was not made for woman, but woman from ence the rough and tumble of life like a man does. man, neither was man created for woman, but woman Further, giving evidence in court and the subsequent for man. [1 Corin. 11:7] cross-examination is often brutal and far removed from The leaden cover was lifted,there was a woman sitting, the everyday experience of a housewife. Therefore, and he (the angel) said:this is wickedness. [Zech. 5:7] Islamic law provides that business contracts, wills and the like be witnessed by two men or one man and two And I find more bitter than death the woman who is women in verse (2:282). This is only a concession to a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are environmental-social concern rather than a condemna- chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but tion of women as being intellectuallyinferior.The Holy the sinner she will ensnare....while I was still searching Prophet’s reference to, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman but not finding,I found one upright man among a thou- equal to half that of a man,’is meant to indicate the lack sand but not one upright woman among them all”. of vision and foresight in women as a result of experi- [Eccless 7:26-28] ence confined to the house that does not enable them to “...Christ is the head of every man,and a husband the see how destructive cursing and ungratefulness is. head of his wife,and the head of Christ is God. (NIV)”. Islamic ordinances exempt women from prayers and Corinthians 11:3 fasting while they are menstruating. Daily prayer at “Give me any plague,but the plague of the heart:and least five times a day is the preferred method in Islam to any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman.” stay focused on God and stay within the confines of His (Eccles. 25:13)3 commands. According to nature’s division of labor, the responsibility of childbearing is that of the woman and “Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and nature prepares her once a month to fulfill this respon- through her we all die.”(Eccles. 25:22) 8 THELIGHT ANDISLAMICREVIEW n APRIL – JUNE2006 “For from garments cometh a moth,and from women is the best of them in moral excellence, and the best of wickedness. Better is the churlishness of a man than a you are the kindest of you to their wives.’” courteous woman, a woman, I say, which bringeth Besides being ill omens, Caner and Caner allege shame and reproach.”(Eccles. 42:13-14) women are considered unclean by nature and quotes “Adam was not deceived but the woman was” (1 Surah4:43 to prove his contention. This verse states: Timothy 2:11-14) O you who believe, go not near prayer when you “Woman will be ruled over by the male”(Genesis 3:16) are intoxicated till you know what you say, nor after sexual intercourse – except you are merely Contention No.2:In Islam,women are regarded as passing by – until you have bathed. And if you are both harmful to men and a bad omen and are by sick,or on a journey,or one of you come from the nature unclean privy, or you have touched the women, and you cannot find water,betake yourselves to pure earth, Under a title, “Consigned to Hell,” Caner and Caner then wipe your faces and your hands. Surely Allah state that in Islam, “…women are regarded as both is ever Pardoning Forgiving.6 harmful to men and a bad omen. ‘Muhammad said, “Bad omen is in the women, the house and the The ‘touching of women’is a euphemism for sexual horse…after me I have not left any affliction more intercourse.7Islamic law requires both men and women harmful to men than women.”’” to take a bath after sexual intercourse and before prayer can be offered. Surah5:6 essentially reiterates the same. This hadith is rejected by no less an authority than To impute from this that women are by nature unclean Lady Aisha,the wife of the Holy Prophet. When it was is a travesty because the rule applies both to men and mentioned before her that Abu Huraira had narrated that women. It could equally then be argued that men too by the Holy Prophet had said that “Bad omen is in the nature are unclean because women have to take a bath women, the house and the horse,” she was very angry too. A hadith is narrated below to show that there is and said, “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) never said nothing unclean about contact with a woman: this. What he said was that people in the Days of Ignorance (Pre-Islamic Period) considered the women, Aishah said: The Messenger of Allah PBUH the house and the horse to be bad omens.”4Apparently, would cause his head to get to me while he was in the narrator of this hadithmisunderstood or only partly the mosque,and I would comb his hair; …8 heard the Holy Prophet’s discourse where he said that Bible on the uncleanness of women women,house and horse were considered as bad omens “Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a in the Pre-Islamic days. This hadithis,therefore reject- woman have conceived seed,and born a man child:then ed by commentators of the hadith and forms no part of she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days the Islamic faith because it goes against the fundamen- of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.” tal principles of Islam. The Quran states that man and (Leviticus 12:2) woman are made from the same essence and not that one is made from a blessed essence and the other from “But if she bear a maid child, then she shall be an ill-omened one. The Holy Prophet granted the great- unclean two weeks, as in her separation: and she shall est respect to women. Just three of the many incidents continue in the blood of her purifying threescore and six that can be narrated are given below: days.”(Leviticus 12:5) When Halima,who had wet-nursed the Holy Prophet “Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not as a baby, visited him, he would spread out his own one . . .”Job 14:1-4 shawlfor her to sit on. Maryis unclean after the birth of Jesus. Luke 2:22 Muaviyah ibn Jahimah reported: Jahimah came to When a woman has a discharge of blood which in her the Prophet (PBUH)and said,“O Messenger of Allah! I regular discharge from her body,she shall be apart seven intend that I should enlist in the fighting force and I days. And whosoever touches her shall be unclean until have come to consult thee. He said, ‘Hast thou a moth- the evening. And every thing that she lies upon in her er?’He said, yes. He said, ‘Then stick to her, for para- separation shall be unclean. Every thing also that she sits dise is beneath her two feet.’”5 upon shall be unclean. And whosoever touches her bed Abu Hurairah said: “The Messenger of Allah shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water,and be (PBUH) said,‘The most perfect of the believers in faith unclean until the evening. And whosoever touches any- APRIL– JUNE2006 n THELIGHT ANDISLAMICREVIEW 9 thing that she sat upon shall wash his clothes,and bathe her to a position of perfect freedom as regards her prop- himself in water,and be unclean until the evening. erty rights and her right to inheritance,a position which, among other nations, she has only partly attained and And if it be on her bed,or any thing whereon she that after centuries of hard struggle. sits when he touches it: he shall be unclean until the evening. And if any man lie with her at all,and There is good logic behind fixing the share of a her flowers be upon him: he shall be unclean daughter at half that of a son. Islam makes the econom- seven days,and all the bed whereon she lies shall ic well being of a household the responsibility of the be unclean. man. Thus the son has to support his family with his inheritance and thus share it with his wife and children. And if a woman have an issue of her blood many The daughter gets her share without any such strings days out of the time of her separation, or if it run attached. She is the sole benefactor from her inheri- beyond the time of her separation:All the days of tance, as she has to be maintained by her husband. the issue of her uncleanness shall be as the days of Under the circumstances, the share of the woman is her separation, she shall be unclean. Every bed generous. whereon she lies all the days of her issue shall be unto her as the bed of her separation,and whatso- Bible on women’sproperty rights ever she sits upon shall be unclean,as the unclean- Say to the Israelites,‘If a man dies and leaves no son, ness of her separation. turn his inheritance over to his daughter...’”Numbers 27:8 And whosoever touches those things shall be The Tenth Commandment considers a wife to be unclean and shall wash his clothes and bathes property: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, himself in water, and he be unclean until the thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife,nor his manser- evening. But if she be cleansed of her issue, then vant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor she shall number to herself seven days, and after anything that is thy neighbor’s.”Exodus 20:17 that she shall be clean. And on the eighth day she Evidence in lawsuits shall take unto her two turtles or two young pigeons,and bring them unto the priest to the door Caner and Caner write under the title ‘Consigned to of the meeting tent. [Levi. 15:19] Hell’,“In judicial proceedings,awoman’stestimonyis given one-half the value and credibility as that of a If a man lies with a woman and has an emission of man.” The relevant verse quoted is 2:282, which is semen both of them shall bathe themselves in water, given below in somewhat greater detail than the brief and be unclean until the evening. [Levi. 15:18] snippet provided bythe Caner brothers: Contention No.3:In Islam women are treated Oyou who believe, when you contract a debt for a unequally to men – they have fewer rights and fixed time,write it down…And call to witness from privileges in Muslim societies,particularly among your men twowitnesses; but if there are not pertaining to property rights,evidence in lawsuits, two men,then one man and two women from among divorce and punishment for adultery. those whom you choose to be witnesses, so that if one of the two errs,the one may remind the other… Caner and Caner make a number of charges regard- ing unequal treatment of men and women. These are As the context shows,witnessing a contract by either addressed below: two men or one man and two women is a concession to the unfamiliarity that most women have with business Property rights dealings. It does not imply that “a woman’s testimony is Under the title ‘Consigned to Hell’, it is stated, “In given one-half the value and credibility as that of a apportioning inheritance, a woman should receive half man.”The idea is to provide witness support for women of what a man receives.” The Quranic verse quoted is: when faced with witnessing the technicalities of a busi- “Allah enjoins you concerning your children: for the ness contract and later when giving evidence in a court male is the equal of the portion of two females;…” of lawif the need arises. (196:11). Woman, in Arabia, had no rights of property; Let us examine the Islamic lawof evidence in anoth- in fact, she was part of the inheritance, and was taken er context – adultery. Verse 24:4 provides: possession of along with other property. She had no right to the property of her deceased husband or father. And those who accuse free women and bring not The Quran took her from this low position and raised four witnesses,flog them (with) eighty stripes and 10 THELIGHT ANDISLAMICREVIEW n APRIL – JUNE2006 never accept their evidence, and these are trans- Caner and Caner further state:“A man may divorce his gressors- wife, however, by simply verbally declaring his intent. If he changes his mind, he must wait until his wife has In a charge of adultery, there has to be four witness- remarried and divorced again before he can marry her.” es to prove the charge. Thus,if there are three male wit- nesses accusing a woman of adultery and the woman The correct process for divorce according to the Quran denies the charge, the charge will fail. The evidence of has been given above. Given the seriousness of divorce, one woman negates the evidence of three men. Her the Quran has laid down a procedure,equally applicable credibility is given three times the weight of a man. to men and women, that provides for arbitration and ensures that divorce is not pronounced arbitrarily. Further The idea in both the cases is to protect women. safeguards have been provided for reconciliation and Neither implies the genetic inferiority or superiority of every chance is afforded to the parties to maintain the one sex over the other. conjugal tie,even after differences have arisen leading to Divorce divorce. Every divorce must be followed by a period of waiting.11 This waiting time is for about three months. Writing under the title ‘Wives as Play Things’Caner The waiting period, among other purposes, affords the and Caner state, “According to the Quran, women are parties a chance of reconciliation. Though they are not permitted to divorce their husbands under any cir- divorced, they still live in the same house, the husband cumstance.” No Quranic verse is quoted to support the being plainly told not to expel the wife from the house in above contention. The reason is that none exists. The whichshe has been living unless she is guilty of miscon- principle of divorce in the Quran is described thus: duct,and a similar advice is given to the wife not to leave And if you fear a breach (shiqaq) between the the house.12This injunction clearly aims at restoring ami- two, then appoint an arbiter from his people and cable relations between the parties. In fact,reconciliation an arbiter from her people. If they both desire is recommended in plain words during the waiting peri- agreement, Allah will effect harmony between od,“And their husbands have a better right to take them them; surely Allah is ever Knowing,Aware (4:35) back in the meanwhile if they wish for reconciliation.” (2:228) Even after the period of waiting has passed, the This verse gives us not only the principle of divorce, two parties are allowed, even encouraged to remarry: which is shiqaq or a disagreement to live together as “and when you have divorced women and they have husband and wife, but also the process to be adopted ended their term of waiting,prevent them not from mar- when a rupture of marital relations is feared. The two rying their husbands, if they agree among themselves in sexes are here placed on a level of perfect equality. A a lawful manner…” (2:232) The condition is also laid “breach between the two” would imply that either the down that such a revocable divorce, can be pronounced husband or the wife wants to break off the marriage twice: “Divorce may be pronounced twice: then keep agreement, and hence either may claim a divorce when them in good fellowship or let them go with kindness.” the parties can no longer pull on in agreement. In the Before Islam, however, while the wife had no right of process to be adopted, both husband and wife are to be divorce,the husband had an unchecked license to divorce represented on a status of equality; an arbiter has to be the wife and to reassert conjugal rights during the waiting appointed from his people and another from her people. period as many times as he pleased.13Thus women were looked upon as merechattel that could be discarded and Hadith makes the woman’s right of divorce even taken at will. This had demoralized the whole institution clearer. The wife of Thabit ibn Qais came to the Prophet of marriage. Islam not only gave the wife a right of and said: “O Messenger of Allah! I do not find fault in divorce but also checked the husband’s license to divorce Thabit ibn Qais regarding his morals or faith but I can- as often as he liked. When a man and a woman have not pull on with him.” The Prophet said: “Wilt thou found by two experiments that they cannot live together return to him his orchard (which he had settled upon her as husband and wife,it is absurd on their part to think of as a dowry)?” On receiving a reply in the affirmative, remarriage again. Hence the Quran lays down that they the Prophet sent for Thabit and ordered him to take back shall not remarry after the second failure of the union, his orchard and divorce his wife.9 except in one case: “So if he divorces her (for the third The right of the wife to claim a divorce is not only time),she shall not be lawful to him afterwards until she recognized by the Quran and Hadith but also in marries another husband. If he (the second husband) Jurisprudence (fiqh). The technical term for the wife’s divorces her,there is no blame on them both if they return right to divorce by returning her dowry is called khul.10 to each other (by marriage), if they think that they can

Published on the World-Wide Web at: www.muslim.org. ◇ Ahmadiyya Anjuman the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, obscured today by grave mis- conceptions and .. Next we look at the specific Quran and Hadith refer- ences used by
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