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Fix a Finish that Just Won’t Dry APRIL 2008 ISSUE #168 Learn How. Discover Why. Build Better. 7 Band Saw UpgradeS Cut Clean With ■■ A 50-cent Fence ■■ Wooden Guides ■■ Blade for Meat! 1 8-volt drillS The Lithium-ion Tools to Buy (And Avoid) Hand plane primer The Basic Strokes for US $5.99 3 04 Key Tools 0 74470 01355 6 popularwoodworking.com Display until April 6, 2008 MADE IN ISO 9001 FACTORY! INCLUDES FREE SAFETY PUSH BLOCKS INCLUDES FENCE & CAST IRON MITER GAUGE MADE IN ISO 9001 INCLUDES FACTORY! FENCE INCLUDES FREE SAFETY PUSH BLOCKS INCLUDES FREE SAFETY PUSH BLOCKS G9860 INCLUDES FREE H2404 KNIFE SETTING JIG MADE IN ISO 9001 FACTORY! INCLUDES FREE SAFETY PUSH BLOCKS POP0803 MADE IN ISO 9001 FACTORY! INCLUDES FREE SAFETY PUSH BLOCKS INCLUDES FENCE & CAST IRON MITER GAUGE MADE IN ISO 9001 INCLUDES FACTORY! FENCE INCLUDES FREE SAFETY PUSH BLOCKS INCLUDES FREE SAFETY PUSH BLOCKS G9860 INCLUDES FREE H2404 KNIFE SETTING JIG MADE IN ISO 9001 FACTORY! INCLUDES FREE SAFETY PUSH BLOCKS POP0803 CIRCLE #123 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD. No one knows more about making one-handed bar clamps than the company that invented them. IRWIN® QUICK-GRIP® designs more innovative features in more sizes with more quality than anyone. Quick Relea se ™ That’s why more serious hobbyists, pros and DIYers choose Trigger IRWIN QUICK-GRIP clamps than any other. Keep them handy. The Handiest Clamps On Earth www.irwin.com/quick-grip © 2008 IRWIN Industrial Tools. All Rights Reserved. CIRCLE #126 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD. Learn How. Discover Why. Build Better. APRIL 2008 F eatures 36 56 62 36 56 68 Greene & Precision 18-volt Lithium- Greene-inspired Band Sawing Ion Drill Test Storage Chest When properly tuned and set up (with a We ran seven 18-volt Lithium-ion drills through blade usually used for slicing raw meat plus the gauntlet by driving hundreds of lag screws, Proud finger joints, ebony plugs, cloudlifts shopmade guide blocks cut from oily wood), drilling dozens of 1" holes and testing out the fit, and other classic hallmarks of the Greene & your band saw is capable of extremely precise feel and finish of each. here, we share the hole Greene style are combined in the design of work. english woodworking teacher david truth about our test results. this handsome chest that pays homage to the charlesworth shares his setup procedures for his by ouR stAff brothers’ early 20th-century masterpieces. personal machine. by dAvId mAthIAs by dAvId chARLesWoRth 42 American 62 Planecraft: Using Cabinet Scrub, Jack and A simple carcase and face frame combine to Smooth Planes create this easy-to-build multi-purpose cabinet that can stand on its own as a sideboard – or before the advent of powered planers, bench become the bottom of a stepback cupboard, planes were crucial for surfacing rough entertainment center or more. lumber. today, their versatility is still useful by tRoy sexton to make woodworking easier, more efficient 47 and sometimes even more pleasant (no ear Miter Saws protection required). by mIchAeL dunbAR woodworking essentials Power miter saws are just about the handiest 68 power saw in the shop. they’re portable, easy to set up, relatively inexpensive and dead accurate. but they’re also dangerous if not used Number 168, April 2008. Popular Woodworking (ISSN 0884-8823,USPS 752-250) is published 7 times a year in February, April, June, August, October, November and December by F+W Publica- correctly. Learn how to cut wood (not your tions, Inc. Editorial and advertising offices are located at 4700 E. Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236; tel.: 513-531-2222. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and artwork should include fingers) on this shop workhorse. ample postage on a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE); otherwise they will not be returned. Subscription rates: A year’s subscription (7 issues) is $19.96; outside of the U.S. add $7/year ■ Canada Publications Mail Agreement No. 40025316. Canadian return address: 2835 Kew Drive, Windsor, ON N8T 3B7 ■ Copyright 2008 by Popular Woodworking. Periodicals postage paid at by mARc AdAms Cincinnati, Ohio, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send all address changes to Popular Woodworking, P.O. Box 420235, Palm Coast, FL 32142-0235 Canada GST Reg. # R122594716 ■ Produced and printed in the U.S.A. popularwoodworking.com ■  APRIL 2008 r egulars 26 32 74 10 26 82 Which Church is Junk to Jewel Slow Drying The Best Value? arts & MYsteries FleXner on FiXing by AdAm cheRubInI by bob fLexneR oUt on a liMB by chRIstoPheR schWARZ 30 88 Pegged My New 12 Laying Out Shoe Rack Apprentice Arc Cuts i Can do tHat oUt oF tHe woodwork by meGAn fItZPAtRIck by jeff skIveR letters fRom ouR ReAdeRs 32 Bridge City 18 A Sliding Light at Multi-plane Your Bench tool test by ouR stAff triCks oF tHe trade fRom ouR ReAdeRs 74 Best Band Saw Fence Jig JoUrnal by RobeRt W. LAnG 76 A Century of Gerstner on the great woodsHoPs APRIL by RobeRt W. LAnG coveR band saws are important shop workhorses. 30 In this issue, we show you how to tune yours to perfection and tool it for maximum performance. coveR Photo by AL PARRIsh  ■ Popular Woodworking April 2008 CIRCLE #136 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD. APRIL 2008 O nline VViiddeeoo NNeeww TThhiiss MMoonntthh BBllooggss Video Gallery New This Month: On the Blogs A Trip Back in Time Per Your Request: New Chuck from Jacobs Our “Great Woodshops” story in this issue Woodworking Magazine In late January, representatives from the shares the history of the century-old Gerstner Jacobs Chuck Company visited our shop to Available by Subscription company (page 76), which is renowned for demonstrate the “SoftGrip Chuck,” a new drill Woodworking Magazine will be published four machinists’ tool chests. Join us online for a chuck that increases the grip torque and lowers times in 2008. But the most exciting news is that video tour of the company’s historic building the overall chuck weight. We test it out and this sister publication to Popular Woodworking in Dayton, Ohio. report the results on our editors’ blog. is finally available by subscription. popularwoodworking.com/video popularwoodworking.com/blogs To find out what makes Woodworking Magazine different, to download a free issue And More! and to subscribe, please visit the magazine’s web site. Visit popularwoodworking.com/apr08 for a popularwoodworking.com woodworking-magazine.com complete list of online resources for this issue, ■ Contact Customer Service including videos and additional instruction. popularwoodworking.com/customerservice You Could Win a ■ Free Project Plans popularwoodworking.com/projectplans Steel City Granite-top ■ Article Index Table Saw! popularwoodworking.com/articleindex You’ll be eligible to win a Steel City Tool Works ■ Tool Reviews 10" Granite-top Table Saw, just for answering a few popularwoodworking.com/toolreviews questions about the saw on our web site. ■ Magazine Extras This saw, which won a “Best New Tool” award from popularwoodworking.com/magazineextras us in 2007, has a unique 44 mm-thick solid granite tabletop ■ Editor Blogs that is quite literally rock-solid and dead flat. It’s harder popularwoodworking.com/blogs than stainless steel, absorbs vibration better and helps keep ■ Writer’s Guidelines the cuts smooth and the blade alignment accurate. It’s not popularwoodworking.com/writersguidelines affected by heat, cold or humidity. In other words, it’s virtually maintenance-free. ■ Contact the Staff To enter, visit popularwoodworking.com and click on the contest link to answer the questions. All popularwoodworking.com/contactus visitors who submit correct entries will be eligible to win. Hurry – the contest ends March 31, 2008.  ■ Popular Woodworking April 2008 TODAY I DISCOVERED NEW GORILLA WOOD GLUE IS TOUGH ENOUGH FOR EVERY WOODWORKING JOB AND THAT A PERFECT DOVETAIL JOINT CAN MAKE A GROWN MAN CRY 1 O W F G W ny a p m o C e u Gl a orill G 8 0 0 2 © FOR THE TOUGHEST JOBS ON PLANET EARTH.™ 1-800-966-3458 • GORILLATOUGH.COM CIRCLE #120 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD. C ontributors ®® LLeeaarrnn HHooww.. DDiissccoovveerr WWhhyy.. BBuuiilldd BBeetttteerr.. APRIL 2008, VOL. 28, NO. 2 popularwoodworking.com EDITORIAL OFFICES 513-531-2690 Publisher & GrouP editorial director Michael Dunbar After earning a Steve Shanesy degree in French and an early career editor Christopher Schwarz as a newspaperman, since 1971 Mike has X1407 ■ [email protected] completely immersed himself in art director Linda Watts the craft of Windsor chairbuilding. X1396 ■ [email protected] He’s built hundreds of chairs and has senior editor Robert W. Lang taught thousands of students the craft X1327 ■ [email protected] at The Windsor Institute in Hampton, senior editor Glen D. Huey N.H. Now, he also shares his expertise X1293 ■ [email protected] (and humor) with weekly online posts manaGinG editor Megan Fitzpatrick on his blog, The Windsor Chronicles X1348 ■ [email protected] (thewindsorinstitute.com/blog). PhotoGraPher Al Parrish In this issue, for the first part of his contributinG editors article on planecraft, Mike writes about Adam Cherubini, Bob Flexner, Troy Sexton proper use of scrub, jack and smooth F+W PUBLICATIONS INC. planes (page 62). chairman & ceo David H. Steward cfo John Speridakos vP, manufacturinG Barbara Ann Schmitz David Charlesworth is a furniture maker executive vP, interactive media John Lerner director, it Mike Kuehn and the author of three woodworking books. Since 1977, he’s specialized in helping others learn his F+W PUBLICATIONS, INC. MAGAZINE GROUP craft. David lives in Devon, England, where he President David Blansfield teaches at Harton Manor Workshops. His blog, at vP, consumer marketinG Sara DeCarlo davidcharlesworth.co.uk/blog, includes wood- director, business PlanninG Tom Wiandt working articles and techniques, personal stories conference director Sara Dumford and the occasional history lesson. In this issue, he circulation director Linda Engel shares his expertise on using the band saw as a pre- newsstand director Susan Rose cision machine (page 56). director, diGital media solutions Michael Kushner Production coordinator Debbie Thomas AdvERTISING David Mathias By day, David teaches advertisinG director Don Schroder 331 N. Arch St., Allentown, PA 18104 computer science courses at the Ohio State tel. 610-821-4425; faX 610-821-7884 University. By night (and whenever else possible), [email protected] he’s a hobbyist woodworker with a particular disPlaY and classified advertisinG love of American Arts & Crafts furniture. David sales coordinator shares his plans for a storage chest in the Greene & Nancy Miller Greene style (with a few design twists of his own) tel. 513-531-2690 X1228 [email protected] beginning on page 36. Read more about David and his woodworking journey on his blog at web.mac. SSUUBBSSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN SSEERRVVIICCEESS:: SSuubbssccrriippttiioonn iinnqquuiirriieess,, oorrddeerrss aanndd aaddddrreessss cchhaannggeess ccaann bbee mmaaddee aatt ppooppuullaarrwwooooddwwoorrkkiinngg..ccoomm com/dmath/Woodworking. ((cclliicckk oonn ““CCuussttoommeerr SSeerrvviiccee””)).. OOrr bbyy mmaaiill:: PPooppuullaarr WWooooddwwoorrkkiinngg,, PP..OO.. BBooxx 442200223355,, PPaallmm CCooaasstt,, FFLL 3322114422--00223355.. OOrr ccaallll ttoollll--ffrreeee 887777--886600--99114400 oorr 338866--224466--33336699.. IInncclluuddee yyoouurr aaddddrreessss wwiitthh aallll iinnqquuiirriieess.. AAllllooww 66 ttoo 88 wweeeekkss ffoorr ddeelliivveerryy.. NNEEWWSSSSTTAANNDD DDIISSTTRRIIBBUUTTIIOONN:: CCuurrttiiss CCiirrccuullaattiioonn CCoo..,, 773300 RRiivveerr RRooaadd,, NNeeww MMiillffoorrdd,, NNJJ 0077664466 AATTTTEENNTTIIOONN RREETTAAIILLEERRSS::TToo ccaarrrryy PPooppuullaarr WWooooddwwoorrkkiinngg iinn Linda Watts Although her name doesn’t appear often in the magazine, Popular yyoouurr ssttoorree,, ccaallll 880000--889944--44665566 oorr wwrriittee MMaaggaazziinnee RReettaaiill SSaalleess,, PP..OO.. BBooxx 55001144,, IIoollaa,, WWII 5544994455--55001144.. Woodworking’s art director has more experience in woodworking journalism than any BBAACCkk IISSSSUUEESS aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee.. CCaallll 880000--225588--00992299 member of our staff. She began her design career in the late ’70s at Shopsmith Inc., where ffoorr pprriicciinngg oorr vviissiitt ppooppuullaarrwwooooddwwoorrkkiinngg..ccoomm.. SSeenndd cchheecckk oorr mmoonneeyy oorrddeerr ttoo:: PPooppuullaarr she produced Hands On! magazine. Linda then partnered with author Nick Engler to WWooooddwwoorrkkiinngg BBaacckk IIssssuueess,, FF++WW PPuubblliiccaattiioonnss PPrroodduuccttss,, 770000 EE.. SSttaattee SStt..,, IIoollaa,, WWII 5544999900.. produce more than 60 books on woodworking before joining the PW staff in 2002. PPlleeaassee ssppeecciiffyy ppuubblliiccaattiioonn,, mmoonntthh aanndd yyeeaarr.. Copyright ©2008 by F+W Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Popular Woodworking is a registered trademark of F+W  ■ Popular Woodworking April 2008 Publications.

Apr 6, 2008 MANAGING EDITOR Megan Fitzpatrick. X1348 □ megan.fitzpatrick@fwpubs. com .. on the table saw, using over-long stock for safety. Or,.
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