Apricot Melanoidins Prevent Oxidative Endothelial Cell Death by Counteracting Mitochondrial Oxidation and Membrane Depolarization Annalisa Cossu1., Anna Maria Posadino1., Roberta Giordo1, Costanza Emanueli5, Anna Maria Sanguinetti3, Amalia Piscopo4, Marco Poiana4, Giampiero Capobianco6, Antonio Piga3*, Gianfranco Pintus1,2* 1DepartmentofBiomedicalSciences,UniversityofSassari,Sassari,Italy,2CentreofExcellenceforBiotechnologyDevelopmentandBiodiversityResearch,Universityof Sassari, Sassari, Italy, 3Department of Agriculture, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy, 4Department of Biotechnologies for Agricultural Food and Environmental Monitoring,MediterraneanUniversityofReggioCalabria,FeodiVito,ReggioCalabria,Italy,5LaboratoryofVascularPathologyandRegeneration,RegenerativeMedicine Section,SchoolofClinicalSciences,BristolHeartInstitute,UniversityofBristol,Bristol,UnitedKingdom,6GynecologicandObstetricClinic,UniversityofSassari,Sassari, Italy Abstract The cardiovascular benefits associated with diets rich in fruit and vegetables are thought to be due to phytochemicals containedinfreshplantmaterial.However,whetherprocessedplantfoodsprovidethesamebenefitsasunprocessedones isanopenquestion.Melanoidinsfromheat-processedapricotswereisolatedandtheirpresenceconfirmedbycolorimetric analysis and browning index. Oxidative injury of endothelial cells (ECs) is the key step for the onset and progression of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), therefore the potential protective effect of apricot melanoidins on hydrogen peroxide- induced oxidative mitochondrial damageand celldeath was explored in human ECs. The redox state of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial compartments was detected by using the redox-sensitive, fluorescent protein (roGFP), while the mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) was assessed with the fluorescent dye, JC-1. ECs exposure to hydrogen peroxide, dose-dependently induced mitochondrial and cytoplasmic oxidation. Additionally detected hydrogen peroxide- induced phenomena were MMP dissipation and ECs death. Pretreatment of ECs with apricot melanoidins, significantly counteractedandultimatelyabolishedhydrogenperoxide-inducedintracellularoxidation,mitochondrialdepolarizationand celldeath.Inthisregard,ourcurrentresultsclearlyindicatethatmelanoidinsderivedfromheat-processedapricots,protect humanECs against oxidativestress. Citation: Cossu A, Posadino AM, Giordo R, Emanueli C, Sanguinetti AM, et al. (2012) Apricot Melanoidins Prevent Oxidative Endothelial Cell Death by CounteractingMitochondrialOxidationandMembraneDepolarization.PLoSONE7(11):e48817.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048817 Editor:FerencGallyas,UniversityofPecsMedicalSchool,Hungary ReceivedJune4,2012;AcceptedOctober1,2012;PublishedNovember8,2012 Copyright: (cid:1) 2012 Cossu etal. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding:TheworkwassupportedbygrantsfromtheItalianMinistryofEducation,UniversitiesandResearch‘‘PRIN05/08’’,RegioneSardegnaLRn.7-2007and BancodiSardegnaFoundation.Thefundershadnoroleinstudydesign,datacollectionandanalysis,decisiontopublish,orpreparationofthemanuscript. CompetingInterests:GianfrancoPintusisaPLOSONEAcademicEditor.Thisdoesnotaltertheauthors’adherencetoallthePLOSONEpoliciesonsharingdata andmaterials. *E-mail:[email protected](GP);[email protected](AP) .Theseauthorscontributedequallytothiswork. Introduction of the NEB reaction high molecular-weight heterogeneous polymers called melanoidins are formed [2]. Melanoidins are Aninversecorrelationbetweenadietrichinplantfoodsandthe widelydistributedinprocessedfoodsandmayhavevariousinvitro occurrenceofcardiovasculardiseases(CVD)hasbeenreportedin functionalproperties,includingantioxidant[3,4],antihypertensive several epidemiological studies [1]. The vasculoprotective effect [5] and metal-binding activities [6]. The antioxidant activity of associatedtofruitandvegetableconsumptionisthoughttobedue melanoidins is of particular interest since it can influence the to fresh plant-contained phytochemicals, including antioxidant oxidativeandshelflifeofseveralfoodsduringstorage[7,8].Inline substancessuchasphenoliccompounds,carotenoidsandvitamins with the observed antioxidant activity, some biological effects, [1]. However, a remarkable amount of the food intake in the including cell protection against oxidative damage, have been human diet comes from processed foodstuffs, and whether reported for coffee, biscuit and prune melanoidins [9–11]. processed plant-foods provide less benefit than unprocessed ones However, because of the huge complexity of both reactions and remains an area ofinquiry. productsduringtheirchemicalpathwayofformation,onlypartial One of the main food unit operations is based on thermal structuresofmelanoidinshavebeenelucidatedsofar[2].Thusitis treatments. Heat-based food transformations often result in non- very difficult to address a specific health effect to a distinctive enzymaticbrowning(NEB),whichoccursthroughsugarsthermal melanoidin chemical structure; therefore a deep and accurate degradation,or,underacidicconditions,bytheMaillardReaction explorationisneededformelanoidinsderivedfromdifferentfoods. (MR)betweensugarsandorganicacids[2].Duringthelaststage PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 1 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e48817 ApricotMelanoidinProtectagainstOxidativeDeath Apricotfruitsareconsideredasarichsourceofphytochemicals, dried fruits, thus confirming melanoidins presence in the extract which are mainly polyphenols and carotenoids [12,13]. Phenolic obtained from the processed samples (Fig. 1C). Among all the compounds,inparticular,byactingasantioxidants,arethoughtto melanoidins fractions, Fraction I showed the highest amount of provide various invivo health benefits including hepato- and NEBPs as measured at 420nm (data not shown), and was cardio-protective effects [14,15]. The antioxidant properties of therefore chosen to be tested for its antioxidant activity on cells polyphenolsinapricotshavebeenstudiedinrelationtoripening, exposedtooxidative stress. cultivarandpureepreparation[13,16,17],andcontrastingresults about the antioxidant activity of fresh apricot fruits have been Hydrogen Peroxide Induces Mitochondrial Damage and often reported [18,19]. However, 40–45% of the total world Cell Death productionofapricotsisprocessed,mainlybydryingandthermal Inordertomimicoxidativedamageweinvestigatedtheeffectof treatment[20].Similartoourpreviousfindingonprunes[3],we different doses of H O on ECs death measured as cell viability foundthatdryingapricotsathighprocessingtemperaturesresulted 2 2 in a significant increase of antioxidant activity, even though the phenol content was significantly reduced [21]. We hypothesized that the increased in antioxidant activity observed in the dried apricots might have been due to the formation of NEB products (NEBPs), after drying (e.g. melanoidins). Thus, as reported for prunes[3],melanoidinsappeartobetheprevailingcontributorsto themaintainedantioxidantactivityofdriedapricotinvitro.Inthis regard, although the antioxidant properties of melanoidins have been studied invitro for several years their potential antioxidant effects on human biological systemsremains largely unknown. The finding that oxidative stress is a common feature in many aspectsof CVDpathogenesis [22],suggeststhat itscounteraction with antioxidants may prevent disease occurrence or ameliorate a patient’s pathological condition. For this reason a great deal of attention is now focusing on naturally occurring antioxidants as potential candidates for CVD prevention and/or treatment. Endothelial cells (ECs) play a crucial role in the integration and modulationofsignalswithinthevascularwall[23]andperturba- tionofsuchhomeostasisbyoxidativedamageisthetriggerforthe development of CVD [24]. We have previous reported that melanoidins obtained from prunes protect human ECs from hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress and cell death [11], but whether such kind of cellular protection is also provided by melanoidinsisolatedfromapricotsiscompletelyunknown.Indeed, chemical characteristics, both quantitative and analytical, of compounds that participate in melanoidins formation in prunes and apricots are known to differ and thus different melanoidins mayoriginate from theirprocessing[21,25,26]. Hence, the present work was undertaken with the intent to investigate whether the food melanoidins isolated from dried apricots might protect human ECs against H O -induced 2 2 oxidative stress andcelldamage. Results Thermal Treatment Increases NEB in Processed Apricots A significant increase in antioxidant capacity was elicited by fruitdrying,whichstronglycorrelatedwiththeparalleledincrease ofcolorfoundinthesamepolyphenolicextract(Fig.1A).Colour was indeed dramatically changed by the drying process with a significant reduction of tonality (Fig. 1B). In particular, the blanching of sample resulted in a significantly lower reduction of thedrying-inducedvariationofcolor,whichisexpressedasahue angleintheHunterscale[27,28].Infact,amorepronouncedshift toaredderanddeeperzoneintheHunterscaleisevidentinthe dried, control fruits, with respect to the blanched ones, which Figure 1. Changes in chemical parameters elicited by fruit might depend on the enzymatic browing contribution [29]. processing.(A)Changesinantioxidantactivityandcolorexpressedas However, in blanched fruits where no enzymatic browning is hue variation (tan - 1 b*/a*). (B) Changes in color expressed as hue variation (tan - 1 b*/a*). (C) Changes in color expressed as browning present[30],theobservedcolorvariationcanbeexplainedonlyby index (Abs at 420nm g21dm of fruit). Fresh, fresh fruits; M, theformationofNEBduringthedryingprocess(Fig.1B).Browing melanoidins; B, blanching. Data are the mean 6 SE from four or five index analysis of the melanoidin fractionsisolated from fresh and measurements.(A–C)a;b,significantlydifferentfromthefreshsample. processed apricots indicated that NEBPs were present only in doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048817.g001 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 2 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e48817 ApricotMelanoidinProtectagainstOxidativeDeath and mitochondrial metabolic activity (MMA). As expected, 2 hr- treatment of ECs with H O resulted in a dose-dependent 2 2 reduction of cell survival as indicated by the significant decrease in the number of viable cells in comparison with the untreated control group (Fig. 2A). Consistently a significant decline of the MMA was concomitantly observed with the increasing doses of H O (Fig.2B).Theoxidant-inducedcellimpairmentwasindeed 2 2 associatedwithasuperimposablelossofmitochondrialmembrane potential (MMP), clearly indicating mitochondria implication in the hydrogen peroxide-induced cellular damage (Fig. 2B). Based on these experiments, around 50% of H O -induced mitochon- 2 2 drialimpairmentandcelldeathwasobservedat100mMofH O , 2 2 andthereforethisconcentrationwasusedtomimicoxidativestress in thenextexperiments. Apricot Melanoidins Protect Endothelial Cells from Hydrogen Peroxide-induced Mitochondrial Damage and Cell Death We first testedapricot melanoidins forpotential toxicity inour human endothelial cells model. Based on previous observations concerningmelanoidinsfromothersourcesoffoodsuchascoffee [9] and biscuit [10], we tested apricot-melanoidin at the concentrations of 2, 6 and 12mg/ml at 48hrs of stimulation, thenmelanoidin-treatedcellswerecomparedtountreatedonesfor both cell viability and MMA. Results shown in figure 3, which depict respectively lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release and 3- (4,5-dimethythiazol2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide(MTT) reduction, clearly indicate that apricot melanoidins did not producetoxiceffectsforthecellsundertheemployedexperimen- talconditions.Wehaveprevious demonstratedthatpretreatment of human ECs with prune melanoidins [11] exerts remarkable protection against oxidative-induced cell death. However, mela- noidins from different foods may have different structures and activities [2].Indeed,theexactsequence of reactionsfromwhich melanoidins originated, as well as their chemical structures, in different food remain largely unknown [2]. We therefore asked whether, aswiththose isolated fromprunes,melanoidins isolated from apricots could exert a protective effect on the observed H O -induced cell impairment. To this end, cells were treated 2 2 with apricot melanoidins for 6 hrs and then H O was added 2 2 during the last 2 hrs of incubation to induce oxidative stress. As shown in figure 4A melanoidins pretreatment was able to dose- dependently counteract the decrease in cell viability induced by 100mM H O . Failure of oxidant in eliciting MMP and MMA 2 2 impairment in melanoidin-pretreated cells strongly indicates , a protective effect of these compounds against oxidative stress and mitochondrial-mediated ECs death(Fig.4B–C). Hydrogen Peroxide Induces Oxidation of Both Cytosolic and Mitochondrial Compartments Tofurtherinvestigatethemolecularmechanismsunderpinning apricot melanoidins protection, we use two human EC lines constitutionally expressing the redox-sensing green fluorescent Figure 2. Hydrogen peroxide induces mitochondrial damage protein(roGFP)inboththecytosolic(cyto-roGFP)andmitochon- andcelldeath.Dose-dependenteffectofhydrogenperoxide(H O ) 2 2 drial (mito-roGFP) compartment (Fig. 5A–E). In particular, the on (A) cell viability, (B) mitochondrial metabolic activity and (C) mitochondrial membrane potential. Data are the mean 6 SE of four fluorescence photo shown in figure 5B corresponds to ECV304 experiments.(A–C)*,significantlydifferentfromthecontrol. cells expressing the cyto-roGFP, while the fluorescence image doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048817.g002 shown in figure 5D represents ECV304 cells expressing mito- roGFP. Expression of the mito-roGFP in the mitochondrial WhilethetwoimagesdisplayedinpanelsAandCoffigure5, compartmentisconfirmedbytheimageshowninfigure5F,which depict the merged photos of ECV304 cells expressing the depicts the merged photo of ECV304 cells expressing the mito- cytoplasmic (A) and the mitochondrial (C) form of the roGFP roGFP (D) and ECV304 cells stained with the mitochondrial (green),alongwiththebright-field(40Xmagnification).FromA– marker MitoTracker Red(E). PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 3 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e48817 ApricotMelanoidinProtectagainstOxidativeDeath Figure 3. Apricots melanoidins are not toxic for endothelial cells. Effect of different concentrations of melanoidins on (A) cell viabilityand(B)mitochondrialmetabolicactivity.Dataarethemean6 SEoffourexperiments. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048817.g003 F, the nuclei are stained with hoechst (blue). These two cell lines allowed us tospecifically followpotential changesof thecytosolic and mitochondrial redox state during our experimentation. As shown in Figure 6A–B, the treatment of roGFP expressing cells with H O concentration-dependently shifted the intracellular 2 2, redox status toward a more oxidative condition in both the mitochon- drial and cytosolic compartment, indicating that under our experimental conditions roGFP has a significant dynamic range andrespondslinearlytoincreasingdosesofawell-knownoxidant. Apricot Melanoidins Protect Cytosolic and Mitochondrial Compartments from Hydrogen Peroxide-induced Figure4.Melanoidinsprotectendothelialcellsfromhydrogen Oxidative Redox Changes peroxide-inducedmitochondrialdamageandcelldeath.Dose- We next wanted to determine whether the cellular protection dependenteffectofmelanoidinsonhydrogenperoxide(H O )-induced 2 2 elicited by melanoidins was due to the counteraction of H2O2- (A) cell death, (B) mitochondrial metabolic activity and (C) mitochon- induced intracellular oxidation. To this end, roGFP expressing drialmembranepotential.Dataarethemean6SEoffourexperiments. cellsweretreatedwithmelanoidinsfor6 hrsand100mMofH O (A–C)*,significantlydifferentfromthecontrol. 2 2 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048817.g004 was added during the last 2 hrs of incubation. At the end of the experiment both mito- and cyto-roGFP fluorescence were induced by 100mMH O maintaining an intracellular redox 2 2 recorded. Data shown in figure 7 A–B indicate that melanoidins statesimilartothatofcontrolcells.Fluorescentmicroscopyresults were able to dose-dependently inhibit intracellular oxidation confirming the protective effect of apricot-melanoidins on H O - 2 2 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 4 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e48817 ApricotMelanoidinProtectagainstOxidativeDeath Figure5.ECV304cellslinesconstitutivelyexpressingthecytoplasmic(cyto-roGFP)andmitochondrial(mito-roGFP)formofroGFP. Cellsweregrowninglasschamberslidesatconcentrationstoallow50–70%confluencein24hrs.Onthedayofexperiments,cellswerewashedwith PBSthreetimes,counterstainedwiththemitochondrialmarkerMitoTrackerRedandthenuclearmarkerHoechst,fixedwith4%paraformaldehyde andmountedforfluorescencemicroscopyvisualization.Images(A)and(C)depictrespectivelymergedphotosofECV304cellsexpressingthecyto- andmito-roGFP(green)protein,Hoechststaining(blue)andbright-field(40X,NA=1.00).Images(B)and(D)depictrespectivelymergedphotosof ECV304cellsexpressingthecyto-andmito-roGFP(green)protein,counterstainedwithHoechst(blue)(100X,NA=1.35)).Thefigure5F,depictsthe mergedphotoofECV304cellsexpressingthemito-roGFPprotein(D)andECV304cellsstainedwiththemitochondrialmarkerMitoTrackerRed(E). (100X,NA=1,35)). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048817.g005 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 5 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e48817 ApricotMelanoidinProtectagainstOxidativeDeath Figure 6. Hydrogen peroxide induces oxidation of both cytosolic and mitochondrial compartments. Dose-dependent effect of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on mitochondrial (mito-roGFP) Figure 7. Melanoidins protect human endothelial cells from andcytoplasmic(cyto-roGFP)ro-GFPoxidation.Dataarethemean6SE hydrogen peroxide-induced intracellular oxidative stress. offourexperiments.(A–B)*,significantlydifferentfromthecontrol. Dose-dependent effect of melanoidins on H O -induced cytoplasmic 2 2 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048817.g006 (cyto-roGFP)andmitochondrial(mito-roGFP)roGFPoxidation.Dataare themean6SEoffourexperiments.(A–B)*,significantlydifferentfrom thecontrol. induced intracellular oxidation are reported in figure 8. A yellow doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048817.g007 fluorescencepattern,whichistheoverlapping ofthemito-roGFP (green)andMitoTrackerRed,isclearlyvisibleinbothcontroland Discussion H O -treated cells pretreated with apricot-melanoidins (Fig 8A 2 2 andD).Onthecontrary,H O -inducedmitochondrialdamageis 2 2 Oxidative cellular damage during lifetime is emerging as an clearly evident in oxidatively stressed cells, which lack theabove- important factor in the onset and development of many mentioned yellow pattern. H2O2-treated cells, have indeed clear pathological conditions including CVD [22]. Although endoge- mitochondrial damage, and therefore unable to take the Red nousantioxidantsplayanimportantroleinprotectingcellsagainst MitoTracker dye inside (Fig. 8B). As indicated in figure 8C oxidativeinsults,additionalantioxidants(e.g.dietaryantioxidants) melanoidin alone did not produce intracellular oxidative stress in appear to be required to prevent or to protect living cells from cultured ECs. Quite similar results are shown concerning ECs oxidation [1]. In this context, health benefits exerted by plant- expressingthecyto-roGFP(Figure8E–H),althoughaclearyellow derived compounds and extracts have been mainly ascribed to pattern is not visible due to the expression of roGFP in the their antioxidant potential and the resulting capability to cytoplasm. However, a bigger and clearer, punctate red patter is counteractoxidative-induceddamage[13].However,duringfood evident in both control and H O -treated cells pretreated with 2 2 processing and storage, chemical reactions among food compo- apricot-melanoidins(Fig.8EandH),ascomparedwiththeH2O2- nentsleadtobothdestructionandformationofphytonutrients[8], treated ones (Fig. 8F). This is due to the compromised thereforewhetherprocessedplantfoodsprovidethesamebenefits mitochondrial function in H O -treated. No oxidative damage 2 2 as those ascribed to unprocessed ones is uncertain. For instance, has beenproduced bymelanoidins alone (Fig.8G). melanoidins are heterogeneous polymeric structures formed during food processing in the last stage of the MR whose effects on human health are largely unknown. PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 6 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e48817 ApricotMelanoidinProtectagainstOxidativeDeath PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 7 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e48817 ApricotMelanoidinProtectagainstOxidativeDeath Figure8.Melanoidins protecthumanendothelialcellsfromhydrogenperoxide-inducedintracellular oxidativestress.Cellswere growninglasschamberslidesatconcentrationstoallow50–70%confluencein24hrs.Onthedayofexperiments,cellsweretreatedwithapricot melanoidinsfor6hrsandthenH O wasaddedduringthelast2hrsofincubationtoinduceoxidativestress.ThencellswerewashedwithPBSthree 2 2 times, counterstained with the mitochondrial marker MitoTracker Red and the nuclear marker Hoechst, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and mountedforfluorescencemicroscopyvisualization.Images(A–D)depictmergedphotosofECV304cellsexpressingthemito-roGFP(green)protein, counterstained with both MitoTraker Red and Hoechst. Images (E–H) depict merged photos of ECV304 cells expressing the cyto-roGFP (green) protein,counterstainedwithbothMitoTrakerRedandHoechst.FromA–H,magnificationwas20XandNA0,70). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048817.g008 Using a previously published procedure [11,21,25], fresh forms of melanoidins may originate from the processing of these apricots were processed by standardized drying and heating twofruits [21,25,26]. conditions,thenbothfreshandprocessedfruitswerecharacterized FluorescenceimagingofROSinlivecellshasbeenwidelyused on the basis of commonly recognized parameters namely the to assess oxidative stress in different cellular compartments and variationofcolorandthebrowningindex,whicharebothsignsof under various experimental conditions [32]. However, many of NEBPsformation[27,29].Aspreviouslyreportedforprunes[11], the methods so far employed to determine the levels of the processing-induced elevation of antioxidant capacity was intracellular ROS suffer from various pitfalls [32]. A new accompaniedbyasignificantincreaseinthecolor,asindicatedby approachwasthereforeusedinthisworktofollowH2O2-induced the decrease of hue angle; suggesting NEBPs may be responsible intracellular oxidation and its possible counteraction by apricot for the rise in chain-breaking activity observed post- fruit melanoidins. By employing two ECs lines [11], which constitu- transformation. Indeed, the decrease of hue angle value, which tionallyexpresstheredox-sensitiveproteinsmito-andcyto-roGFP represents the color variation, is an important parameter for the (Fig. 5), we were able to selectively follow changes of the redox presenceofNEBPsandisrelatedtothebrownpigmentformation stateinthecytosolicandmitochondrialcompartment.Duetothe caused by NEB reaction during fruit processing [29]. Confirma- ability to measure the ratio between the oxidized (GSSG) and tory data of NEBPs formation during apricot processing comes reduce form of glutathione (GSH), these two cells lines provided from the results obtained after sample blanching. Blanching is ausefultoolforassessingthevariationofintracellularredoxstate, a common treatment used to prevent enzymatic browning [30], showing significant dynamic range and linear response to in- creasing doses of the well-known oxidant, H O . Of note, the and therefore variation of color under these experimental 2 2 increased oxidative conditions induced by the applied doses of conditions can be explained only by the formation of processing- oxidantwereparalleledbyacorrespondingdose-dependentrisein elicited NEBPs. Results depicting the absorbance at 420nm, mitochondrialdamageandcellulardeath,suggestingarelationship which represents the browning index, are further confirmatory between these H2O2-induced phenomena. Under these experi- data related to NEB due to processing-elicited NEBPs formation mental conditions, apricot melanoidins were able to counteract [29]. Importantly, these data indicate that NEBPs were presents H O -induced oxidation, maintaining the intracellular redox only in the melanoidins fraction extracted from dried samples. 2 2 conditions similar to that of control cells. Consistent with this Indeed,aswithwholefreshfruitsamples,NEBPswereabsenton antioxidant effect is the observed dose-associated protection themelanoidinsfractionisolatedfromfreshfruit,confirmingboth exerted by apricot melanoidins against the H O -induced the processing-induced NEBPs formation and the successfull 2 2 mitochondrial impairment and cell death, indicating a tight link isolation of melanoidin components by the extraction technique between theirantioxidant activityandcellular protection. employed. Toourknowledge,thisisthefirstreportontheprotectiveeffect Giventhepivotalroleplayedbytheendotheliumincardiovas- of apricot melanoidins against oxidative-induced cell death. cular homeostasis and the involvement of oxidative-induced EC Moreover, using a novel genetically engineered fluorescence dysfunctioninCVDpathogenesis[24],itwasreasonableforusto protein to ratiometrically assess the intracellular redox state in use a human ECs line to investigate the effect of apricot living cells, our data confirm and reinforce previously published melanoidins on H O -induced oxidative damage. A pathology- 2 2 observations using coffee [9], biscuit [10] and prune melanoidins associated rise of ROS can trigger mitochondrial membrane [11]. Melanoidins indeed, appear to work as antioxidants by permeability promoting the dissipation of MMP and ultimately positively modulating the GSSG/GSH ratio in favor of the cell death [31]. Also in our experimental model of oxidative cell reduced form, and thus favorably preparing the cell to face death we found a superimposable loss of both MMP and MMA, oxidative insult. In addition, we also detailed the mechanism of whichclearlyindicatedtheimplicationofmitochondriainthecell cellularprotectionaffordedbymelanoidins,whichclearlyinvolves death induced byH O . 2 2 protection against intra-mitochondrial oxidation and oxidative- In this context, we have previously reported that melanoidins induced mitochondrial impairment assessed as MMA and MMP isolated from prunes exert remarkable protection against oxida- depolarization.Webelievethisworkaddsnewinsightconcerning tive-induced ECs death [11], but whether melanoidins from theeffectofprocessedplantfoodsoncellularphysiology.Indeed, apricots possess the same functional proprieties was so far melanoidins from different sources could have different effects, unknown. Only the partial structure of melanoidins have been andbecauseofthelackofknowledgeinthisfield,itisimperative elucidated so far and the chemical precursor species responsible thatvariousmelanoidinsbeevaluatedunderdifferentexperimen- remain largely undefined [2], thus melanoidins from different tal conditions to determine their effects. Although further studies foodsmayhavedifferentstructuresandactivities.Inthiscontext, are required to better characterize the molecular mechanism of we believe our results may be of importance, since they indicate melanoidin protection, our findings support the general observa- forthefirsttimethatmelanoidinsisolatedfromdriedapricots,as tion that natural antioxidants from fruits and vegetable can have previously reported from those of prunes [11], exert a significant a cardiovascular protective effect against oxidative stress. To our cellular protection against H O -induced oxidative stress and knowledge, plasma, organs and tissue levels of melanoidins in 2 2 mitochondrial-mediatedECdeath.Inparticular,consideringthat peoplearesofarunknown,thereforewhethertheprotectiveeffect compounds that participate in melanoidin formation in prunes exertedbymelanoidinsinculturedcellsmaybetranslatedinvivo and apricots differ both analytically and quantitatively, alternate remains to be elucidated. However, there is circumstantial PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 8 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e48817 ApricotMelanoidinProtectagainstOxidativeDeath evidence of melanoidin absorption in vivo [33], and consistent piecesoffruit,wasfractionIV.Theyieldofeachfraction(asgper with this observation, their antioxidant activity in human 100g ofdried fruit) was recorded. volunteers has indeed been reported [34–36]. In addition, data obtained with gravimetric techniques allow estimation of a daily Determination of Non-enzymatic Browning (NEB) intakeofabout10gofmelanoidinsinaWesterndiet[33].These NEB was assessed by both browing index and color variation. observations indicate that melanoidins may reach invivo con- TheformationofbrownpigmentduetotheNEBreactioncanbe centrations comparable to the ones we used in vitro, suggesting estimated as a brown index from spectrophotometric readings at that our results could be representative of a physiologically 420nm[29].Forthisreasontheselectedsamplesweresubjected relevant invivomechanism. toaspectrophotometricreadinginabsorbancemodeat420nmin a 1 cm glass cuvette (Beckman DU 640 spectrophotometer). The Materials and Methods samples were appropriately diluted in water to give absorbance valuesof,1.Thesevalueswereusedtogiveanabsorbancevalue Chemicals pergdmofeachdilutedfraction.Fivemeasurementsweremade UnlessstatedinthetextallthereagentsusedwerefromSigma foreachsample.Thecolorimetricanalysishasbeencarriedoutas (Sigma, StLouis, MO). proposed by Mastrocola and Lerici [27]. The peel colour measurement were assessed with a tristimulus colorimeter Sampling, Dehydration and Blanching (Chromameter-2 Reflectance, Minolta, Osaka, Japan), fitted with TheexperimentswereconductedontheCafonaapricotvariety, a CR-300 measuring head. The colour tonality was expressed as which has been chosen for its very high content in polyphenols. L,a*,b*Hunterscaleparameters,and‘‘a’’and‘‘b’’wereusedto Thefruitswerepurchasedlocallyatanoptimumstageofripening computehueangle(tan-1b*/a*)[28,39].Themeasurementshave andthoseshowingdefectswerediscarded.Fruitsweresize-graded, beenalwaysdoneonthesamesetof10fruitsselectedatthestart so that size difference would not affect drying times. Fruits were of theexperiment, inorder tominimisefruit colourvariability. cutinhalfalongthesuturelinewithaknifeandthestonecarefully removed by hand. At the end of this procedure, the fruits were Cells Culture Treatments immediately checked to eliminate those that had been damaged ECV304isanendothelialcelllineestablishedfromtheveinof and then, pre-treated and dried at 75uC as previously described an apparently normal human umbilical cord. This cell line has [21]. Before analysis, the dried fruit was packed in co-extruded beenproposedasasuitablemodelforprovidingnovelinsightsinto plastic bags and kept in a freezer 220uC. The blanching was the mechanisms governing ECs biology under both physiological executedaspreviouslyreportedbyboilingtheselectedsamplesin and pathological conditions [11,40,41]. ECV304 were provided water at 90uC for3 minutes[37]. by the European Collection of Animal Cell Cultures (ECACC Salisbury,UK).CellsweregrowninmediumM199supplemented Determination of Total Antioxidant Activity with10%fetalbovineserum(Invitrogen,Carlsbad,CA),100mg/ The polyphenol fraction, which was used to assess the m1 penicillin, and 100mg/m1 streptomycin (Invitrogen,). Cells antioxidant activity, color variation and browing index, was were maintained ina standard culture incubator withhumidified extracted as previously reported [26]. Antioxidant activity was aircontaining5%CO at37uC.Thedaybeforeeachexperiment, 2 evaluatedusingtheradicalDPPHmethodaspreviouslydescribed cells were plated in 24-well plates (Corning, Lowell, MA) at in detail[26] andexpressed as-Abs23 min21g21of dm. a concentration of 100,000 cells per well and pretreated with melanoidins for 6 hrs before oxidative stress was induced in the Melanoidins Extraction last 2 hrs, by treatment with the indicated concentration of The extraction of melanoidins was carried out in triplicate, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In accord with our previously study followingapreviouslypublishedmethod[3,11,38].Indetail,100g usingprunemelanoidinsonhumanECs[11],thedosesof2,6and of pitted and ground apricots were defatted with CHCl while 12mg/mlwere tested inour vascularmodel. 3 stirring. After solvent evaporation, the operation was repeated twice. Solvent traces were eliminated by rotary evaporation. Cell Viability and Metabolic Assay 200mlofbi-distilledwaterwereaddedtothisresidualsolid,and Cellviability,fortreatedanduntreatedcells,wasassessedafter the resulting slurry was sonicated for 30 minutes at 40uC. The 24hrs by checking the leakage of the cytoplasmatic lactate water fraction was collected and the operation repeated on the dehydrogenase(LDH)fromcellswithadamagedmembrane.The solid phase. The two water fractions were combined and amount of LDH released in the medium by death cells was centrifugedat8400gfor15minutesat15uC,andthesupernatant assessedusingthekitCytoTox-ONETM(Promega,Madison,WI). wasthenevaporatedundervacuumatthemaximumtemperature A standard curve with definite amounts of cells (200m/well) was of 50uC (fraction I). The residual solid was added to that of made,andthereleaseofLDHinthemediumwasmeasuredafter fractionIanddissolvedin200mlofethanol/water (60:40V/V), the application of lysis solution (4ml/well). Plates containing andtheresultingslurrywasthensonicatedfor30minutesatroom samples were removed from the incubator and equilibrate to temperature.Thisoperationwasrepeated.Thetwoethanol:water 22uC,andthenthereleaseofLDHfromdeathcellswasmeasured fractionswerecombinedandcentrifugedat8400gfor15minutes by supplying lactate, NAD+, and resazurin as substrates in the at15uC,andthesupernatantwasthenevaporatedundervacuum presenceoftheenzymediaphorase.Generationofthefluorescent at the maximum T of 50uC (fraction II). The residual solid was resorufin product, which is proportional to the amount of LDH, added to that of fraction II and dissolved in 200mL of 2- was measured using a GENios plus micro-plate reader (Tecan) propanol/water (50:50V/V), and the resulting slurry was then withexcitationandemissionof560nmand590nm,respectively. sonicatedfor60minutesatroomtemperature.Thisoperationwas Byusingthestandardcurve,theamountofLDHreleaseintreated repeated. The two propanol/water fractions were combined and anduntreatedcellwasconversedinnumberofcellsperwell.The centrifugedat8400gCfor15minutesat15u,andthesupernatant Mitochondrial Metabolic Activity was assessed as previously was then evaporated under vacuum at the maximum T of 50uC reported in 96-well plates (BD Falcon) by using the colorimetric (fraction III). The remaining solid fraction, which consisted of assayMTT(Promega,Madison,WI)[42].Thiscolorimetricassay PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 9 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e48817 ApricotMelanoidinProtectagainstOxidativeDeath measures the reduction of the yellow 3-(4,5-dimethythiazol2-yl)- Measurement of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential 2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide by mitochondrial succinate Measurementofmitochondrialmembranepotential(MMP)was dehydrogenase. The yellow tetrazole compound enters the cells performed with the JC-1 stain (Invitrogen), a lipophilic cation and passes into the mitochondria where it is reduced to an fluorescent dye that accumulates in mitochondria in a MMP- insoluble, purple colored, formazan product. The reduction of dependent manner, showing red fluorescent JC-1 aggregates MTT in isolated cells and tissues is regarded as an indicator of (590 nmemissions)athigherMMP.WhenMMPdecreases,JC-1 ‘‘cellredoxactivity’’[43].AlthoughevidenceexiststhattheMTT aggregates depart from mitochondria and change to green reduction in mammalian cells is also catalyzed by a number of fluorescent JC-1 monomers (535 nm emissions). Therefore, the non-mitochondrial enzymes, this reaction is attributed mainly to ratio of the red signal to the green can been used to detect the mitochondrial enzymes and electron carriers [43–45]. After occurrenceofMMPdepolarizationintheearlystagesofcelldeath treatments cells were added with 20ml MTT solution (5 mg/ml) duetomitochondrialdamage[49,50].Aftertreatmentscellswere inmediumM199andincubatedat37uCinacellincubatorfor60 incubatedatroomtemperatureinthedarkwith5 mg/mlJC-1in minutes. At the end of the incubation period, the medium was HBSS for 30 minutes. The cells were then washed twice with removed and the cell monolayer was washed twice with HBSS. HBSS and fluorescence levels were immediately acquired with Theconverteddyewassolubilizedwithacidicisopropanol(0.04N excitation and emission wavelengths set at 535 and 590nm, HClinabsoluteisopropanol),andplateswereanalyzedat570nm respectively, for red fluorescence, and 485 and 535nm, re- usingaGENiosplusmicro-platereader(Tecan)withbackground spectively, forgreen fluorescence. Measurements were performed subtraction at 650nm. Results were expressed as percent of in clear 24-well plates (Corning, Lowell, MA) on a fluorescence untreated control cells. plate reader GENios plus (Tecan, Ma¨nnedorf, CH) from the upper side using multiple reads per well (the read pattern was Determination of the Intracellular Redox State square,andthenumberofreadswas262).Foreachsample,the Intracellular redox state was investigated by using the redox- results were calculated as the ratio (red/green) of fluorescence of sensinggreenfluorescentprotein(roGFP),whichreportstheredox sample,averagedafterthefluorescencevalueshadbeencorrected stateoftheGSH/GSSGpoolinvivoinbothplantandmammalian forthebackground andprotein content. cells[46,47].PlasmidscodingforroGFPexpressionwereobtained startingfrompCVU55762-roGFP2(kindlyprovidedbyDr.Andreas Staining and Fluorescence Visualization J. Meyer, University of Heidelberg, Germany). Cyto-roGFP was MitoTracker Red CMXRos (Invitrogen, catalog # M7512) is obtained by restriction cloning using BamHI and NotI restriction the oxidized form of a dye that can be taken up into the enzymes into pcCDNA3 vector (Invitrogen); mito-roGFP2 was mitochondria oflive cells utilizing theiruniquely highmembrane obtained by cloning a PCR amplification product into pCMV/ potential. This dye is retained in the mitochondria after fixation myc/mito(Invitrogen)usingPstIandXhoIsites.Plasmidscontain- andthereforecanbeusedtolabel/stainmitochondriafollowedby ing cytoplasmic roGFP2 (cyto-RoGFP) and a mitochondrial additionalimmunocytochemistry.Forthestaining,cellshavebeen targeted roGFP (mit-RoGFP2) were transfected in HCV304 by grown on glass coverslips inserted inside the multi-wells. At the using the lipofectamine 2000 reagent following the provider endofexperiments,theculturemediahasbeenremovedandthe protocol (Invitrogen). Transfected cells were selected using cells monolayer washed with pre-warmed PBS. Then the pre- 0.8 mg/mL of G418 in the media for 3 to 4 weeks. Positive warmed solution containing the MitoTrackerH probe has been stably transfectants were selected by serial dilution of G418- addedtoeachwell(finalprobeconcentrationof300nM)andthe resistant clones which constitutively expressed both cyto- and mito-RoGFP2 under a fluorescence microscope (Olympus XI70). cells have been incubated at 37uC for 30 minutes. After the staining was complete, cells were fixed with a solution of 4% RoGFP has two fluorescence excitation maxima at 400 (oxidized form)and485nm(reducedform)anddisplayrapidandreversible formaldehyde in complete growth medium at 37uC for 15 ratiometric changes in fluorescence in response to changes in minutes,andthepermeabilizedfor10minutesinPBScontaining ambient redox potential. The ratios of fluorescence from 0.2%TritonHX-100.Hoechst33342(SIGMA,catalog#B2261), excitation at 400 and 485nm indicate the extent of oxidation ispartofafamilyofbluefluorescentdyescommonlyusedtostain and thus the redox potential while canceling out the amount of DNA. After fixation/permeabilization, the Hoechstdye has been indicator and the absolute optical sensitivity [47]. In place of addedtothecellsatafinalconcentrationof0.12 mg/ml.Thedye confocal imaging analysis we used a recently developed fluorom- hasbeenlefttoincubatewiththecellsfor15minutesandthenthe eter-based method for monitoring roGFP oxidation [11,48]. cells monolayer has been washed for five times with PBS before Fluorescence measurements were performed in clear 24-well visualization. Fluorescence visualization of fixed cells has been plates (Corning, Lowell, MA) on a fluorescence plate reader performedonaOlympusBX51microscope,usinga20,40,and GENios plus (Tecan,Ma¨nnedorf,CH) fromtheupper sideusing 1006objectiveswithNumericalAperture(NA)of0,70,1,00and multiple reads per well (the read pattern was square, and the 1,35 respectively. number of reads was 262). Cells were excited by using 400 and 485nm filters and fluorescence values were measured using Statistical Analysis 535nm emission filter. For background correction emission Data were expressed as means 6 S.E.M. of three or four intensities were determined for non-transformed cells (4 discs different experiments. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) each experiment) exposed to same excitation wavelengths under followedbyapost-hocNewman-KeulsMultipleComparisonTest the same conditions. These values were averaged and subtracted were used to detect differences of means among treatments with fromthefluorescencevaluesofroGFP2.Thedegreeofoxidation significancedefinedasP,0.05.Statisticalanalysiswasperformed of the roGFP2 was estimated from the ratios of light intensities using GraphPad Prism version 5.00 for Windows, GraphPad obtained during 1-min intervals under 400- and 485-nm Software, San DiegoCalifornia USA. excitation. Treatment-induced variations of roGFP2 oxidation were estimated by comparison with roGFP oxidation in control untreated cells. PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 10 November2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 11 | e48817