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by  Gupta
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Developments in Mathematics Vijay Gupta Gancho Tachev Approximation with Positive Linear Operators and Linear Combinations Developments in Mathematics Volume 50 Serieseditors KrishnaswamiAlladi,Gainesville,USA HershelM.Farkas,Jerusalem,Israel Moreinformationaboutthisseriesathttp://www.springer.com/series/5834 Vijay Gupta • Gancho Tachev Approximation with Positive Linear Operators and Linear Combinations 123 VijayGupta GanchoTachev DepartmentofMathematics DepartmentofMathematics NetajiSubhasInstituteofTechnology UniversityofArchitectureCivilEngineering NewDelhi,India andGeodesy Sofia,Bulgaria ISSN1389-2177 ISSN2197-795X (electronic) DevelopmentsinMathematics ISBN978-3-319-58794-3 ISBN978-3-319-58795-0 (eBook) DOI10.1007/978-3-319-58795-0 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2017940878 MathematicsSubjectClassification:41A25,41A30,30E05,30E10 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2017 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof thematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation, broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionorinformation storageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodology nowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevant protectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthorsandtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbook arebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsor theeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinorforany errorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregardtojurisdictional claimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Preface Approximation of functions by positive linear operators is an important branch of theapproximationtheory.Toincreasetheorderofapproximationausefultoolisthe methodoflinearcombinationsofpositivelinearoperators(p.l.o.).Themostknown example of p.l.o. is the famous Bernstein operators introduced by S. Bernstein [26,27],whichforf 2CŒ0;1(cid:2)isgivenby n ! X n B .f;x/D p .x/f.k=n/; p .x/D xk.1(cid:2)x/n(cid:2)k: n n;k n;k k kD0 In1932ElenaVoronovskaja[193]—adoctoralstudentofS.Bernstein—provedthat iff isboundedonŒ0;1(cid:2),differentiableinsomeneighbourhoodofxandhassecond derivativef00forsomex2Œ0;1(cid:2)then x.1(cid:2)x/ lim nŒB .f;x/(cid:2)f.x/(cid:2)D f00.x/: n n!1 2 If f 2 C2Œ0;1(cid:2) the convergence is uniform. This result shows that the rate of convergence B .f;x/ (cid:2) f.x/ ! 0 as n ! 1 is of order not better than 1=n n if f00.x/ ¤ 0: In this sense the theorem of E. Voronovskaja is a first example of saturation, i.e. the optimal rate of convergence is 1=n: To increase the rate of convergence, it was P. L. Butzer [34] who introduced in 1953 the following linear combinations: .2r(cid:2)1/B .f;x/D2rB .f;x/(cid:2)B .f;x/;B .f;x/(cid:3)B .f;x/: n;r 2n;r(cid:2)1 n;r(cid:2)1 n;0 n Butzershowedthat,forsmoothfunctionsf;B .f;x/(cid:2)f.x/tendsto0fasterthan n;r B .f;x/(cid:2)f.x/: More general combinations are considered by Rathore [163] and n v vi Preface C. P. May in their PhD thesis and in the year 1976 in [145]. The kth order linear combinationsL .f;k;x/oftheoperatorsL .f;x/;discussedby[145],aregivenas n djn k X L .f;k;x/D C.j;k/L .f;x/; n djn jD0 where k Y dj C.j;k/D ;k¤0IC.0;0/D1 d (cid:2)d j i iD0 i¤j andd ;d ;:::::;d arekC1distinctarbitraryandfixedpositiveintegers. 0 1 k Z. Ditzian, the scientific advisor to C. P. May, in the famous book Moduli of Smoothness [50] written jointly with V. Totik in 1987 generalized the known methodsoflinearcombinations(seeChapter9inthebook).Thelinearcombinations L forr2NoftheoperatorsL aregivenby n;r ni r(cid:2)1 X L .f;x/D ˛.n/L .f;x/ n;r i ni iD0 wherethenumbersn andcoefficients˛.n/satisfythefollowingfourconditions: i i (a) anDn <n <(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:4)n (cid:5)An; 0 1 r(cid:2)1 (b) Pr(cid:2)1j˛.n/j<C; iD0 i (c) Pr(cid:2)1˛.n/D1; iD0 i (d) Pr(cid:2)1˛.n/n(cid:2)(cid:3) D0;(cid:3)D1;2;(cid:4)(cid:4)(cid:4)r(cid:2)1: iD0 i i The last two conditions represent a linear system for the coefficient ˛.n/ with i uniquesolution r(cid:2)1 Y ni ˛.n/D : i n (cid:2)n i k kD0;k¤i NotethatL DL (foraD1).Inourbookwefollowthismoregeneralframework n;0 n oflinearcombinations.InChapter9in[50],DitzianandTotikamongothersproved thefollowingequivalenceresult(seeTheorem9.3.2) jjL f (cid:2)fjj DO.n(cid:2)˛=2/,!2r.f;h/ DO.h˛/; n;r B ' B 0 < ˛ < 2r; where the space B and weight function ' are defined as follows: for p L D B —Bernstein operator, B D CŒ0;1(cid:2);'.x/ D x.1(cid:2)x/I for L D S — n n p n n Szász–Mirakjan operator B D CŒ0;1/;'.x/ D xI for L D V —Baskakov n n Preface vii p operator B D CŒ0;1/;'.x/ D x.1Cx/ and lastly for their Kantorovich variants the weight functions remain the same, where B D L Œ0;1(cid:2) for BO and p n B D L .0;1/;1 (cid:5) p < 1 for SO;VO and L are the linear combinations p n n n;r of these classical p.l.o.—Bernstein, Szász–Mirakjan and Baskakov operators and their Kantorovich [126] modifications. The case of Post–Widder operators was also considered. Since then in the last three decades, hundreds of papers have appearedandconsideringdifferentproblemsconnectedwiththemethodsoflinear combinations of p.l.o. We only mention the dissertation of M. Heilmann [115] published in 1992 which may be considered as a second systematical study of linearcombinationsattachedtoDurrmeyermodificationsofthreeclassicaloperators mentionedabove.Itishardlypossibletomentionallresultsonthistopic.Together withknownresultsinthepastweincludealsothenewresultsobtainedveryrecently in our joint papers and also results obtained by many other mathematicians in the past 5–10 years. Some of the results are formulated and the reader may find the proofsinthereferencesgivenattheendofthebook. Thebookconsistsofeightchapters.Inthefirsttwochapters,wegivetheknown results about the closed expressions (when it is possible) of the moments and the central moments of the operators L , two expressions which are crucial tools for n further investigation of approximation by linear combinations. Direct and inverse estimates for a broad class of p.l.o. are considered in the next chapters. The cases offiniteandunbounded intervalsofthereal-valuedandcomplex-valued functions areconsidered.Welistalsotheresultsforapproximationbylinearcombinationsin a pointwise form, obtained very recently. The known strong converse inequalities of type A in the terminology of Ditzian–Ivanov [51] for linear combinations of Bernstein and Bernstein–Kantorovich operators are also included. We represent alsovariousVoronovskaja-typeestimatesforsomelinearcombinations.Someopen problemsarealsooutlined,concerningtheapproximationbylinearcombinationsof p.l.o. Quantitative estimates for the sequences of p.l.o. play an important role not merely inapproximating thefunctions, but also infinding the error of approxima- tion.Oneofthemostimportantconvergenceresultsinthetheoryofapproximation is the Voronovskaja-type theorem, which describes the rate of pointwise conver- gence. The quantitative version of the Voronovskaja theorem for any p.l.o. acting oncompactintervalswasobtainedin[80].AlsoAcar–Aral–Rasain[7]established quantitativeresultsforweightedmodulusofcontinuityintherecentyears.Paˇltaˇnea in[156,157]introducedtheweightedmodulusofcontinuity.Herewediscusssome oftheresultsappearedintherecentyearsonsuchproblems.Alsointhelast3years somepapersonnewhybridoperatorsappeared;wealsodiscusssomeofthem. In the recent years R. Paˇltaˇnea in [155] proposed the generalization of Phillips operators based on certain parameter (cid:3) > 0, which has a link to the well-known Szász–Mirakjanoperatorsinlimitingcase.Afterthatalsomanysuchoperatorshave been appropriately modified so that they depend on certain parameters and in the limitingcasetheyreducetothewell-knownoperatorsavailableintheliterature.We alsodiscusssomeofthepapersinthisdirection. viii Preface Itisourgoalinthisbooktodescribethemostinterestingfeaturesconnectedwith approximationbylinearcombinationsofp.l.o.Wehopeourbookmaynotonlybe considered as a systematic overview but also be served as a basis for future study anddevelopmentofthismethod. NewDelhi,India VijayGupta Sofia,Bulgaria GanchoTachev Some Words The first author works as a professor in the Department of Mathematics, NSIT, New Delhi. His area of research is Approximation Theory, especially on linear positive operators and application of q-calculus in approximation theory. He has collaboratedjointlywithmanyresearchersglobally.Thefirstauthorisinspiredby the work of many researchers specially of Prof. Zeev Ditzian, Prof. Ulrich Abel, Prof.MargaretaHeilmann,Prof.MirceaIvan,Prof.HeinerGonska,Prof.Gradimir V. Milovanovic´, Prof. Octavian Agratini, Prof. Radu Paˇltaˇnea, Prof. Sorin Gal, Prof.PurshottamNarainAgrawal,Prof.Th.M.RassiasandProf.AliAral.Hegota chancetomeetsomeofthempersonallyduringhisvisitstoJaenUniversity,Spain; IndianInstituteofTechnologyRoorkee,India;LucianBlagaUniversity,Romania, andKirikkaleUniversity,Turkey. ThesecondauthorworksintheDepartmentofMathematicsattheUniversityof Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria. His attention to the theoryofpositivelinearoperators,especiallyonlinearcombinations,wasbrought tohimduringhisvisitstotheUniversitiesofDuisburg-EssenandWuppertalinthe period2000–2012andcollaborationwithProf.HeinerGonskaandProf.Margareta Heilmann. The participation at Romanian-German Seminars on Approximation Theoryinthelast15yearshasgiventheopportunitytoestablishscientificcontacts and collaboration with Prof. Radu Paˇltaˇnea, Prof. Ioan Gavrea, Prof. Sorin Gal, Prof. Daniela Kacso and others. In the last 4 years as a result of the joint work of boththeauthorsseveralpapershaveappeared,dealingwithapproximationbylinear combinationsanddirectestimatesofp.l.o. The authors believe that the book will motivate other mathematicians to obtain new exciting results on this topic. They are thankful to their collaborative researchers, friends and also students for valuable suggestions. The authors thank the Springer-Verlag team for publishing the book timely. They are grateful to the reviewers and Ms. Razia Amzad for valuable suggestions leading to overall improvementsofthemanuscript. ix

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