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Reza N. Jazar Approximation Methods in Science and Engineering Approximation Methods in Science and Engineering Reza N. Jazar Approximation Methods in Science and Engineering RezaN.Jazar SchoolofEngineering RMITUniversity Melbourne,VIC,Australia ISBN978-1-0716-0478-6 ISBN978-1-0716-0480-9 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-0480-9 ©SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC,partofSpringerNature2020 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof thematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation, broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionorinformation storageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodology nowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevant protectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthors,andtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbook arebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsor theeditorsgiveawarranty,expressedorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinorforany errorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregardtojurisdictional claimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC partofSpringerNature. Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:1NewYorkPlaza,NewYork,NY10004,U.S.A. Therearethreetypesofscientistsinthe world: Thosewhowaitforsufficientdata, thosewhocanextrapolateinsufficientdata Dedicatedto Mojgan, Vazan, Kavosh. Preface SinceIfinishedmyeducationinengineeringandappliedmathematics,Ihavebeen observingthattherearesomesubjectsthatarenotbeingfullycoveredbytextbooks, instructors, or curriculum. The subjects and topics that looked important to me as a curious student were omitted fully or partially from the educational program. Topicssuchasdimensionalanalysis,continuedfractions,recursivemethods,Monte Carlomethods,RitzandGalerkinmethods,appliedcomplexmethods,operational mathematics,energymethods,andseveralothermethodsaresamplesoftopicsthat students may nearly miss in their educations. Among those topics, I wish I have been taught “dimensional analysis” to the level that I feel I have mastered model and prototype and nondimensionalization. Ihave seen thatthis topic isthe lack of knowledge of not only graduates, also most of engineering instructors. Continued fractionistheothertopicthathasbeendroppedfromthemathematicalcourses,and there is almost nothing new in textbooks of engineering and applied mathematics. I have learned the continued fractions from the book of Battin, An introduction to the mathematics and methods of astrodynamics on astrodynamics and the book of McLachlan,TheoryandApplicationofMathieuFunctionsindeterminingstability chart of Mathieu equation. The potential and domain of applicability of continued fractionmethodhasalwaysbeenaquestiontobeanswered.Thecontinuedfraction is in connection with several other methods such as series solution, recursive methods,anddeterminantmethodswithgreatadvantageinapproximationsolution of differential equations. This book has been developed to address the lack of knowledgeineducationalprogramsofgraduates.Icoveredthreetopicswithanew vision, “dimensional analysis,” “continued fractions,” and “approximation tools” related to differential equations and continued fractions, plus a new method in determining the stability chart of parametric differential equations called “energy- rate method.” I wished to be able to cover more topics like Monte Carlo method, but spending 3 years and around 2500 hours on this book was long enough and the prepared materials were rich enough to be sent for publishing. The purpose of this book is to give the required information to engineers and researchers to becomemastersondimensionalanalysisandsomeapproximatemethodsforsolving differentialequations. ix x Preface Scienceandengineeringstudentsareusuallynotpatientenoughtowaitforexact mathematical solutions to be discovered. They are also not very well appreciating thecomplicatedmathematicalsolutionswhenavailable.Furthermore,inmanycases we are able to show that analytic solution is impossible to develop. They mostly prefer to work with simpler mathematical solutions that are exact enough. The simplersolutionsareusuallyapproximatesolutionsthatareexactenoughfordesign and prediction of physical systems. Approximation methods are vast different methods. A few number of approximation methods are general such as Taylor seriessolutionforapproximationoffunctionsorsolutionofdifferentialequations. However,majorityofapproximationmethodsarebuiltforparticularapplicationand arenotconsideredgeneralenoughtobeusedforalargenumberofproblems. Dimensional analysis is the topic in the first part of the book. It is divided into static and dynamic dimensional analysis. In static dimensional analysis, we will cover the concepts of physical quantities, units, scales, as well as the principles behind the method of observation, describing, and modeling natural and synthetic phenomena. Dimension, physical quantity, homogeneity, and units are all man- made concepts. There are no such things in nature; however, these concepts help scienceandengineeringstudentstounderstandnaturebetter.Weseethatalthough dimensional analysis does not provide a solution, it is an exact analytic method thatprovidestheminimumnumberofvariables.Indynamicdimensionalanalysis, we will cover the practical and engineering use of this area mainly to derive nondimensional constitutive equations, π-groups, and the minimum number of variablestowardunderstandingthemodel–prototypeinvestigation. The second part of the book will cover continued fractions, which is divided into two topics: numerical continued fractions and functional continued fractions. In the numerical chapter, we will review the concept and method of continued fractions, its notations, and convergent and fundamental concepts. It also covered thehistoryandunderstandingofrational,irrational,geometric,andtranscendental numbers.Inthefunctionalcontinuedfractions,wefocusonsolutionofdifferential equations in continued fractions as well as the methods of converting a power seriesintocontinuedfraction,consideringcontinuedfractionsprovidemuchbetter approximationthanpowerseries. Thethirdpartwillcoversomeapproximationtools,inwhichweusetheMathieu equation and Mathieu functions as the foundation to introduce and compare dif- ferentmethodsconsideringthatdevelopingstabilitychartofparametricdifferential equation is crucial to engineers and scientists. The book has been written for the technologist,anditisnotaddressedinanysensetothepuremathematics,forwhom Iamnotqualifiedtowrite. Maybe the most important method of treating differential equation is the “perturbation methods.” We have not touched this topic in this book because of two reasons. Firstly, perturbation methods is a topic that is being taught in many universitiesandisnotconsideredasamissingtopic.Secondly,perturbationmethods isrichenoughtobepresentedasanindividualbook. Preface xi Level ofthe Book This book has been developed from nearly two decades of research and teaching in engineering and mathematics. It is addressed primarily to cover the missing knowledge in the curriculum of graduate students in engineering. Hence, it is an advanced level book that may also be used as a textbook. It provides fundamental andadvancedtopicsneededincomputerizingsomeapproximatemethodstosolve differential equations. The whole book can be covered in one course in 14–16 weeks.Studentsarerequiredtoknowthefundamentalsofcalculus,kinematics,and dynamics, as well as acceptable knowledge in numerical methods and differential equations. The contents of the book have been kept at a fairly theoretical–practical level. Allconceptsaredeeplyexplainedandtheirapplicationemphasized,andmostofthe related theories and formal proofs have been explained. The book places a strong emphasisonthephysicalmeaningandapplicationsoftheconcepts.Topicsthathave beenselectedareofhighinterestinthefield.Anattempthasbeenmadetoexpose studentsandresearcherstothemostimportanttopicsandapplications. Organizationofthe Book The book is organized in such a way that it can be used for teaching or for self-study. Chapter 1 contains basic information on dimensional analysis, phys- ical quantities, and units. It also includes the main theory behind mathematical modeling of physical phenomena. Chapter 2 develops the knowledge of modeling engineering systems and nondimensionalization, develops π-groups, and develops thetechnics ofmodel–prototype simulation.Chapter3introduces anewtopicand reviews the concept and methods of numerical continued fractions with a view on number theory. The material in this chapter are required to understand the next chapter. Chapter 4 is about continued fractions that derive approximate solutions ofdifferentialequations.Itshowsthatcontinuedfractionsarebetterapproximations thanpowerseries.Chapter5notonlycoversthetheoryofMathieuequationsandits stabilitychart,butitalsocoversseveralmethodsinderivingthetransitioncurvesand developingthestabilitychartoftheequation.Chapter6introducesanewanalytic- numericalmethodtofindstabilitychartofparametricdifferentialequationswitha focusontheMathieuequationtocompareitsadvantageswithrespecttothemethods inpreviouschapter. xii Preface Method ofPresentation Thisbookusesa“fact-reason-application”structure.The“fact”isthemainsubject weintroduceineachsection.Thenthereasonisgivenasa“proof.”Theapplication of the fact is examined in some “examples.” The “examples” are a very important partofthebookastheyshowhowtoimplementthe“facts.”Theyalsocoversome otherfactsthatareneededtoexpandthe“fact.” Prerequisites Since the book is written for researchers and advanced graduate level students of engineering,theassumptionisthatusersarefamiliarwithmatrixalgebra,numerical analysis, calculus, differential equations, as well as principles of kinematics and dynamics.Therefore,theprerequisitesarethefundamentalsofkinematics,dynam- ics,vectoranalysis,matrixtheory,numericalmethods,anddifferentialequations. UnitSystem Thesystemofunitsadoptedinthisbookis,unlessotherwisestated,theinternational system of units (SI). The units of degree (deg) or radian (rad) are utilized for variablesrepresentingangularquantities. Symbols • Lowercase bold letters indicate vectors. These vectors may be expressed in an n-dimensionalEuclideanspace.Forexample: r , s , d , a , b , c p , q , v , w , y , z ω , α , (cid:4) , θ , δ , φ • Uppercase bold letters indicate a dynamic vector or a dynamic matrix, such as forceandmoment.Forexample: F M

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