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Approximation algorithms for QMA-complete problems Sevag Gharibian JuliaKempe† ∗ Abstract Approximationalgorithmsforclassicalconstraintsatisfactionproblemsareoneofthemainre- search areas in theoretical computer science. Here we define a natural approximation version of 1 theQMA-completelocalHamiltonianproblemandinitiateitsstudy. We presenttwomainresults. 1 Thefirstshowsthatanon-trivialapproximationratiocanbeobtainedintheclassNPusingproduct 0 states. The secondresult(whichbuildson the first one), givesa polynomialtime (classical) algo- 2 rithmprovidingasimilarapproximationratiofordenseinstancesoftheproblem.Thelatterresultis n basedonanadaptationofthe“exhaustivesamplingmethod”byAroraetal.[AKK99]tothequantum a setting,andmightbeofindependentinterest. J 0 2 1 Introduction and Results ] h In the last few years, the quantum analog of the class NP, the class QMA [KSV02], has been exten- p - sively studied, and several QMA-complete problems have been found [Liu06, Bra06, LCV07, BS07, t n Ros09, JGL10, SV09, WMN10]. Arguably the most important QMA-complete problem is the k-local a Hamiltonian problem [KSV02, KR03, OT08, KKR06, AGIK09]. Here, the input is a set of Hamilto- u q nians (Hermitian matrices), each acting on at most k-qubits each. The task is to determine the largest [ eigenvalue of the sum of these Hamiltonians. This problem generalizes the central NP-hard problem 1 MAX-k-CSP, where we are given a set of Boolean constraints on k variables each, with the goal to v satisfyasmanyconstraints aspossible. ThelocalHamiltonianproblem isofsignificantinteresttocom- 4 plexitytheoristsandtophysicistsstudyingpropertiesofphysicalsystemsalike(e.g.[BV05,AvDK+07, 8 8 BDOT08,AALV09,CV09,LLM+10,SC10]). 3 Moving to the classical scenario, the theory of NP-completeness is one of the great success stories . 1 of classical computational complexity [AB09]. It was soon realized that many natural optimization 0 problems are NP-hard, and are hence unlikely to have polynomial time algorithms. A natural question 1 1 (both in theory and in practice) is to look for polynomial time algorithms that produce solutions that : are close to optimum. More precisely, one says that an algorithm achieves an approximation ratio v i of c [0,1] for a certain maximization problem if on all inputs, the value of the algorithm’s output X ∈ is at least c times that of the optimum solution. The closer c is to 1, the better the approximation. r a The investigation of approximation algorithms is, after decades of heavy research, still a very active area (e.g., [Hoc97, Vaz01]). Formany central NP-hard problems, tight polynomial timeapproximation algorithms areknown. InthecontextofQMA-completeproblems,itisthusnaturaltosearchforapproximation algorithms for these problems, and in particular for the local Hamiltonian problem. The question we address here is: Howwellcanoneefficiently approximate thek-local Hamiltonian problem? DavidR.CheritonSchoolofComputerScienceandInstituteforQuantumComputing,UniversityofWaterloo,Waterloo ∗ N2L 3G1, Canada. Supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), NSERC MichaelSmithForeignStudySupplement,andbyEU-CanadaTransatlanticExchangePartnershipprogramme. †Blavatnik School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel and CNRS & LRI, University of Paris-Sud,Orsay,France.SupportedbyanIndividualResearchGrantoftheIsraeliScienceFoundation,byEuropeanResearch Council(ERC)StartingGrantQUCOandbytheWolfsonFamilyCharitableTrust. 1 It should be noted that a large host of heuristics has been developed in the physics community to approximatepropertiesoflocalHamiltoniansystems(see,e.g.,[CV09]forasurvey)andthisareaisex- tremelyimportantinthestudyofphysicalsystems. However,thesystematiccomplexitytheoretic study ofapproximationalgorithmsforQMA-completeproblemsisstillverymuchinitsinfancy,andourwork is one of the first steps in this research direction. We note that there has been a lot of interest in re- centyears[AALV09,Aar06]inestablishingaso-calledquantumPCPtheorem(e.g.[AS98,ALM+98]), which amounts to showing that for some constant c < 1 close enough to 1, approximating the k-local Hamiltonian (or related problems) to within c is QMA-hard. Our results can also be seen as a natural continuation ofthatinvestigation. Ourresults: LetusstartbypreciselydefiningtheoptimizationversionofthelocalHamiltonianprob- lem,whichisparameterized bytwointegers kandd,whichwealwaysthinkofasconstants. Definition1(MAX-k-localHamiltonianproblemond-levelsystems(qudits)). Aninstanceoftheprob- lem consists of a collection of (n) Hermitian matrices, one for each subset of k qudits. The matrix k H corresponding tosome1 i i nisassumedtoactonthosequdits1,tobepositive i1,...,ik ≤ 1 ≤ ··· ≤ k ≤ semidefinite, and to have operator norm at most 1. We call any pure or mixed state ρ on n qudits an assignment and define its value to be TrHρ where H = ∑ H . The goal is to find the largest i1,...,ik i1,...,ik eigenvalue of H (denoted OPT), or equivalently, the maximum value obtained by an assignment. We saythatanalgorithmprovidesanapproximation ratioofc [0,1]ifforallinstances,itoutputsavalue ∈ thatisbetweenc OPTandOPT. · Thisdefinition,webelieve,isthenaturalquantumanalogoftheMAX-k-CSPproblem. Wenotethat it differs slightly from the usual definition of the k-local Hamiltonian problem. Namely, we consider maximization(asopposedtominimization), andalsorestrictthetermsof H tobepositivesemidefinite, and have norm at most 1. As long as one considers the exact problem, these assumptions are without loss of generality, and do not affect the definition, as seen by simply scaling the Hamiltonians and addingmultiplesofidentityasnecessary. However,whendealingwiththeapproximationversion,these assumptions are important for the problem to make sense; for instance, one cannot meaningfully talk about approximation ratios if the optimum can take both negative and positive values. That is why we require the terms to be positive semidefinite. The requirement that the terms have operator norm at most 1 does not affect the problem and later allows us to conveniently define dense instances. Finally, changingthemaximizationtoaminimizationwouldleadtoanentirelydifferentapproximationproblem: the quantum analogue of MIN-CSP(e.g. [KSTW01]). Minimization problems are, generally speaking, harderthanmaximization problems, andweleavethisresearchdirection forfuturework. Beforestatingourresults,weremarkthatthereisatrivialwaytogetad k-approximationforMAX- − k-local Hamiltonian. Observe that themaximally mixed state has atleast d k overlap withthe reduced − density matrix of the optimal assignment on any k particles. A similar thing holds classically, where a random assignment gives (in expectation) a d k approximation of MAX-k-CSP. We now describe our − twomainresults. Approximation byproductstates. Oneinherently quantum property of the local Hamiltonian prob- lem is the fact that the optimal state might in general be highly entangled (and hence not efficiently describable in polynomial time). This is why we do not require outputting the assignment itself in the abovedefinition. If, however, the optimal assignment (orsomeother good assignment) wasguaranteed tobeatensorproductstate,thenwecoulddescribeitefficiently. Thefollowingtheoremshowsjustthat. Theorem 2. For an instance of MAX-k-local Hamiltonian with optimal value OPT, there is a (pure) productstateassignment thathasvalueatleastOPT/dk 1. − 1Termsactingonlessthankquditscanbeincorporatedbytensoringthemwiththeidentity. 2 This result is tight for product states in the case of 2-local Hamiltonians (we remark that 2-local Hamiltonians are often the most relevant case from a physics perspective). For example, consider the Hamiltonian on 2-qubits that projects onto the EPR state 1 ( 00 + 11 ). It is easy to see that no √2 | i | i product stateachieves valuemorethan1/2. Forgeneral k,wecanonlyshowthatproduct statescannot achieveanapproximation ratiogreaterthan1/d k/2 (seeSec.3). ⌊ ⌋ Ifwecouldefficientlyfindthebestproduct stateassignment, wewouldobtainanalgorithm achiev- inganon-trivial d k+1 approximation ratio. Unfortunately, thisproblemisNP-complete,sinceitwould − allowonetosolve(e.g.) thespecial caseofMAX-k-SAT,andhence wedonothave suchanalgorithm. Still,thetheorem hasthefollowing interesting implication: Itshowsthatunless NP = QMA,approxi- matingthelocalHamiltonianproblemtowithinafactorlessthand k+1 isnotQMA-hard. Thisfollows − simplybecause productstateshavepolynomial sizeclassical descriptions. A polynomial time approximation algorithm for dense instances. Our second result gives a clas- sical polynomial time approximation algorithm for dense instances of the local Hamiltonian problem. This result is perhaps our technically most challenging one, and we hope the techniques we develop mightturnoutusefulelsewhere. Denseinstancesofclassicalconstraintsatisfactionproblemshavebeenstudiedindepth(seee.g.[dlV96, FK96,GGR98,AKK99,dlVK00,AdlVKK02,BdlVK03,dlVKKV05]). Ourresult isinspired bywork of Arora et al. [AKK99] who provide a polynomial time approximation scheme, or PTAS (i.e., an ef- ficient 1 ε approximation algorithm for any fixed ε > 0), for several types of dense constraint sat- − isfaction problems. In the classical case, dense (for 2-local constraints) simply means that the aver- age degree in the constraint graph is Ω(n), or equivalently, that the optimum is Ω(n2). In analogy, we define an instance of MAX-k-local Hamiltonian to be dense if OPT = Ω(nk), or equivalently, if Tr(HId) = Ω(nk).2 dn It is not hard to see that the (exact) dense local Hamiltonian problem remains QMA-hard (see Sec. 3.3). The dense case might be of practical interest to physicists who study systems of particles by incorporating all possible interactions between them. Note that such instances are dense even if the interactions between particles are weak, so long as the interaction strengths are constants independent ofn. Oursecondmainresultisthefollowing: Theorem 3. For all ε > 0 there is a polynomial time (1/dk 1 ε) approximation algorithm for the − − denseMAX-k-localHamiltonianproblem overqudits. Thm. 3 follows immediately by combining Thm. 2 with the following theorem, which gives an approximation schemefortheproblem ofoptimizing overthesetofproduct states. Theorem 4. For all ε > 0 there is a polynomial time algorithm for dense MAX-k-local Hamiltonian that outputs a product state assignment with value within 1 ε of the value of the best product state − assignment. Proof ideas and new tools: The proofs of Thm. 2 and Thm. 4 are independent and employ different techniques. Toshow theproduct state approximation guarantee, weshow aslightly stronger statement: Foranyassignment Ψ ,thereisawaytoconstructaproductassignmentofatleastd k+1itsvalue. The − | i proof isconstructive (given Ψ ): weuse atypeofrecursive Schmidt decomposition of Ψ toobtain a | i | i mixtureofproductstateswhosevalueisoffbyatmostthedesiredapproximation factor(seeSec.2). Our second result is technically more challenging and introduces a few new ideas to this problem, inspiredbyworkofAroraetal.[AKK99]intheclassicalsetting. WeillustratethemainideasforMAX- 2-localHamiltonianonnqubits. RecallthatourgoalistofindaPTASforthelocalHamiltonianproblem 2Theequivalencefollowsfromthefactthatthemixedstateassignment Id/dnhasvaluebetweenOPTandOPT/dk. 3 overproduct states. Thevalueoftheoptimalproduct stateassignment, OPT ,canbewritten P n OPT = max ∑ ∑ Tr(H (ρ ρ )) s.t. ρ 0andTr(ρ ) = 1 for1 i n, (1) P i,j i j i i ⊗ (cid:23) ≤ ≤ i=1j N(i) ∈ where N(i) isthesetofindices jforwhichalocalHamiltonian term H ispresent. Wemightcallthis i,j aquadratic semidefinite program,asthemaximization isquadratic intheρ (andassuchnotefficiently i solvable). Note, however, that if the terms in the maximization were linear, then we would obtain a semidefiniteprogram(SDP),whichisefficientlysolvable[GLS93]. To“linearize” ouroptimization, we use the “exhaustive sampling method” developed by Arora et al. [AKK99] (a method which was later key in many developments in property testing, e.g. [GGR98]). We write each Hamiltonian term in a basisthatseparates itstwoqubits, forinstance thePaulibasis σ ,σ ,σ ,σ , H = ∑3 αijσ σ. { 0 1 2 3} i,j k,l=0 kl k⊗ l Fori = 1,...,nandk = 0,1,2,3,define ci := ∑ ∑αijTr(σρ ). k kl l j j N(i) l ∈ Ifweknewthevaluesofci fortheoptimalρ ,thensolvingtheSDPbelowwouldyieldtheoptimalρ : k i i n 3 max ∑ ∑ ciTr(σ ρ ) s.t. ρ 0andTr(ρ ) = 1 for1 i n, (2) k k i i (cid:23) i ≤ ≤ i=1k=0 ∑ ∑αijTr(σρ ) = ci for1 i nand0 k 3. kl l j k ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ j N(i) l ∈ Ofcourse,thisreasoningiscircular,asinordertoobtaintheci weneedtheoptimalρ . Thecrucialidea k i is now to use sampling to estimate the ci. More precisely, assume for a second that we could sample k O(logn) of the ρ randomly from the optimal assignment. Then, by standard sampling bounds, with i high probability over the choice of the sampled qubits we can estimate all the ci to within an additive k error εn for some ε. If we had these estimates ai for the ci, we could solve the SDP above with the ± k k slightmodificationthatthelastconstraintshouldbeai εn ∑ ∑ αijTr(σρ ) ai +εn. With k− ≤ j∈N(i) l kl l j ≤ k high probability overthe sampled qubits, this SDPwillgive asolution that is within an additive εn2 of the optimal one (more subtle technicalities and allcalculations can befound inSec. 3). Moreover, itis possible toderandomize thesamplingprocedure toobtainadeterministic algorithm (Sec.3.3). Ofcourse, wearestillintherealmofwishfulthinking, becauseinordertosamplefromtheoptimal solution, wewould need to know it, which is precisely what weset out to do. However, the number of qubitswewishtosampleisonlylogarithmicintheinputsize. Thus,tosimulatethesamplingprocedure, we can pick a random subset of O(logn) qubits, and simply iterate through all possible assignments on them (with an appropriate δ-net over the density matrices, which incurs a small additional error) in polynomialtime! OuralgorithmthenrunstheSDPforeachiteration,andweareguaranteedthatatleast one iteration will return a solution within εn2 of the optimal one. Because the denseness assumption guarantees that OPT is Ω(n2), our additive approximation turns into a factor (1 ε)-approximation, P − as desired. All details, the runtime of the algorithm and error bounds for the general k-local case on quditsaregiveninSec.3. Previous and related work: We note that many heuristics have been developed in the physics com- munity to approximate properties of local Hamiltonian systems and this area is extremely important in the study of physical systems (e.g. [Whi92, Whi93, O¨R95, RO¨97, Sch05, PWKE98, CV09]). Our focus here is, however, on rigorous bounds on the approximation guarantee of algorithms for the gen- eral problem. In this area, to our knowledge, few results are known. In a first result on polynomial 4 time approximation algorithms, Bansal, Bravyi and Terhal [BBT09] give a PTASfor a special class of the local Hamiltonian problem, socalled quantum Ising spin glasses, forthe case wherethe instance is on a planar graph (and in particular of bounded degree). This PTAS is obtained by dividing the graph into constant size chunks, which can be solved directly, and ignoring the constraints between chunks (thisincurs anerrorproportional tothenumberofsuchconstraints, whichissmallbecause thegraph is planar). More recently, there has been work proving rigorous approximations to ground states of one- dimensional quantum systems under well-defined conditions using techniques such as density matrix renormalization group [AAI10, SC10]. To our knowledge, we are the first to establish a bound on the approximation factorbyoptimizing overthesetofproductstates. Discussion andopenquestions: Ourtworesults giveapproximations tothelocal Hamiltonian prob- lem. Although at first glance, our approximation ratio of 1/dk 1 may appear an incremental improve- − ment over the trivial random assignment strategy, there are two important notes that should be kept in mind: The first is that many classical NP-hard problems, such as MAX-3-SAT (a special case of MAX-k-CSP where each constraint is the disjunction (“OR”) of k variables or their negation), are ap- proximation resistant (e.g. [Ha˚s07, AM08]), meaning that unless P=NP, there do not even exist non- trivial approximation ratios beyond the random assignment strategy. For example, for MAX-3-SAT it is NP-hard to do better than the approximation ratio of 7/8 achieved by random assignment [Ha˚s97]. Thus, showing the existence of a non-trivial approximation ratio is typically a big step in the classical setting. Moreover, it could have been conceivable that for MAX-k-local Hamiltonian, analogously to MAX-3-SAT, outperforming the random assignment strategy would have been QMA-hard. Yet our re- sultsshowthatunlessNP=QMA,thisisnotthecase. Thesecondimportant notethatshouldbekeptin mind is that the currently best approximation algorithm for MAX-k-CSP gives an approximation ratio of only about 0.44k/2k for k > 2 [CMM07] (for k = 2, one can achieve 0.874 [LLZ02]) and this is, moreover, essentially the best possible under a plausible complexity theoretic conjecture (namely, the unique games conjecture [Kho02]) [Tre98, Has05, ST06,AM08]. This isto be contrasted withour 2/2k-approximation ratioforthecaseofd = 2(i.e. qubitsystems),whichweshowcanbeachieved by productstateassignmentsforarbitrary(i.e. evennon-dense) MAX-k-localHamiltonianinstances. This raisestheimportantopenquestion: isourapproximation ratiotight? Ourproductstateapproximation showsthatapproximating thelocalHamiltonianproblemtowithin d k+1 is in NP. It would be interesting to know if this approximation ratio could also be achieved in − polynomialtime. Ifnot,itmightleadtoanintriguingstateofaffairswhereforlowapproximation ratios theproblemisefficientlysolvable,formediumratiositisinNPbutnotefficientlysolvable,andforhigh ratiositisQMA-hard(assumingaquantumPCPtheorem exists). To obtain our results for the case of dense local Hamiltonians, we have introduced the exhaustive sampling technique of Arora et al. [AKK99] to the setting of low-degree semidefinite programs. We linearize such programs using exhaustive sampling in combination with a careful analysis of the error coming from working with δ-nets on density matrices. We remark that it seems we cannot simply apply the results of [AKK99] for smooth Polynomial Integer Programs as a black-box to our setting. This is due to our aforementioned need for a δ-net, as well as the requirement that our assignment be a positive semidefinite operator. We address the latter issue by extending the techniques of [AKK99] to the realm of positive semidefinite programs by introducing the notion of “degree-k inner products” over Hermitian operators to generalize the concept of degree-k polynomials over real numbers, and performing the more complex analysis that ensues. We hope that this technique will be of much wider applicability, particularly considering the growing use of semidefinite programs in numerous areas of quantum computing andinformation (e.g.[DPS04,JJUW10,LMRS10]). Another open question is whether similar ideas can be used to approximate other QMA-complete problems, such as the consistency problem [Liu06]. Moreover, can we obtain polynomial time algo- rithmswithoutthedensenessassumption? AndaretherespecialcasesofthelocalHamiltonianproblem 5 for which there is a PTAS (other than for planar Ising spin glasses [BBT09])? Of course, we do not expectaPTASforallinstances ofthelocalHamiltonianproblem,asthiswouldcontradict knownhard- ness results for special classical cases of the problem. However, perhaps there exist other classes of physically relevantinstances oftheproblem forwhichaPTASdoesexist. Structure of this paper: In Sec. 2, we prove our result on product state approximations (Thm. 9 and the ensuing proof of Thm. 2), show its tightness in the 2-local case and provide the upper bound of d k/2 for the best possible approximation by product states. Sec. 3 gives our polynomial time −⌊ ⌋ approximation algorithm and develops the general sampling and SDP-based technique we use. It also showsthatthedenselocalHamiltonianproblem remainsQMA-complete. Notation: We use A 0 to say operator A is positive semidefinite, and denote by L( ), H( ), (cid:23) X X and D( ) the sets of linear, Hermitian, and density operators acting on complex Euclidean space , X X respectively. Wedenote theFrobenius and operator norms of A L( )as A = Tr(A†A) and ∈ X k kF kAk∞ = max|xi∈X s.t. kxk2=1kA|xik2,respectively. p 2 Product states yield a 1/dk 1-approximation for qudits − Wenowshowthatproductstateassignments achieveanon-trivialapproximation ratioforMAX-k-local Hamiltonian,i.e. Thm2. TheheartofourapproachiswhatwecalltheMixingLemma(Lem.7),which we use to prove Thm. 9. Thm. 2 will then easily follow. At the end of the section, we discuss the tightness oftheapproximation guarantee givenbyThm.2. Webeginwithtwodefinitions. Definition 5 (Recursive Schmidt Decomposition (RSD)). Wedefine the recursive Schmidt decomposi- tionofastate ψ (Cd) n astheexpression obtained byrecursively applying theSchmidtdecompo- ⊗ | i ∈ sitiononeachquditfrom1ton 1inclusive3. Forexample,theRSDfor3-qubit ψ is − | i ψ = α a (β b c +β b c )+α a (β b c +β b c ), | i 1| 1i⊗ 1| 1i| 1i 2| 2i| 2i 2| 2i⊗ ′1| ′1i| ′1i ′2| ′2i| ′2i forα2+α2 = β2+β2 = β 2+β 2 = 1, a anorthonormal basisforqubit1, b and b 1 2 1 2 ′1 ′2 {| ii}i {| ii}i {| ′ii}i orthonormal basesforqubit2,and c and c orthonormal basesforqubit3. {| ii}i {| ′ii}i Definition6(Schmidtcut). Forany ψ (Cd) nwithSchmidtdecomposition ψ = ∑d α w v , | i ∈ ⊗ | i i=1 i| ii| ii where w Cd and v (Cd) n 1, and for any φ (Cd) m, we refer to the expansion φ i i ⊗ − ⊗ | i ∈ | i ∈ | i ∈ | i⊗ ∑d α w v as the Schmidt cut at qudit m+1. We say that a projector Π crosses this Schmidt i=1 i| ii| ii c(cid:16)utifΠactsonq(cid:17)udit m+1andatleastonequditi m+2,...,m+n . ∈ { } The heart of our approach is the following Mixing Lemma, which provides, for any assignment ψ (Cd) n, an explicit construction through which the entanglement across the firstSchmidt cut of ⊗ | i ∈ ψ can be eliminated, while maintaining atleast a (1/d)-approximation ratio relative tothe value ψ | i | i achievesagainstanylocalHamiltonian H H((Cd) n). ⊗ ∈ Lemma 7 (Mixing Lemma). Given state ψ on n qudits with Schmidt cut on qudit 1 given by ψ = | i | i ∑d α w v , where w Cd and v (Cd) n 1, define ρ := ∑d α2 w w v v . i=1 i| ii| ii | ii ∈ | ii ∈ ⊗ − i=1 i| iih i|⊗| iih i| Then, given projector Π acting on some subset of the qudits, if Π crosses the Schmidt cut, then S Tr(Πρ) 1Tr(Π ψ ψ ). Otherwise, Tr(Πρ) = Tr(Π ψ ψ ). ≥ d | ih | | ih | 3This definition is relative to some fixed ordering of the qudits. The specific choice of ordering is unimportant in our scenario,asanydecompositionoutputbysuchaprocesssufficestoproveThm.2. 6 Proof. Case 2 follows easily by noting that the given Schmidt decomposition of ψ implies Tr (ρ) = 1 | i Tr ( ψ ψ )andTr (ρ) = Tr ( ψ ψ ). Toprovecase1,weobservebystraightforward expan- 1 2,...,n 2,...,n | ih | | ih | sionthat Tr(Π ψ ψ ) = Tr(Πρ)+∑α α w v Π w v +α α w v Π w v . (3) i j i i j j i j j j i i | ih | h |h | | i| i h |h | | i| i i<j Then,bydefiningforeachivector a := α Π w v ,wehavethat i i i i | i | i| i ∑α α w v Π w v +α α w v Π w v = ∑ a a + a a . i j i i j j i j j j i i i j j i h |h | | i| i h |h | | i| i h | i h | i i<j i<j Applyingthefactsthat Π2 = Πand a b + b a a 2+ b 2 for a , b (Cd) n implies h | i h | i ≤ k| ik2 k| ik2 | i | i ∈ ⊗ ∑ a a + a a ∑ a 2+ a 2 = (d 1)∑α2 w v Π w v = (d 1)Tr(Πρ), h i| ji h j| ii ≤ k| iik2 | ji 2 − ih i|h i| | ii| ii − i<j i<j i (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) fromwhichtheclaimfollows. Thefollowingsimpleextension ofLem.7simplifiesourproofofThm.9. Corollary 8. Define ψ := φ ψ , where φ (Cd) m for m > 0 and ψ is defined as in ′ ⊗ | i | i⊗| i | i ∈ | i Lem.7,andletρ D(Cd) n beobtained from ψ asinLem.7. Then,foranyprojector Πactingona ⊗ ∈ | i subset ofthequdits,ifΠcrossestheSchmidtcutof ψ atquditm+1,wehaveTr(Π φ φ ρ) ′ S | i | ih |⊗ ≥ 1Tr(Π ψ ψ ). Otherwise,Tr(Π φ φ ρ) = Tr(Π ψ ψ ). d | ′ih ′| | ih |⊗ | ′ih ′| Proof. ImmediatebyapplyingtheproofofLem.7withthefollowingmodifications: (1)Define a := i | i α Π φ w v , and (2) if 1,...,m m+2,...,m+n (i.e. this is one of two ways for Π i i i | i| i| i S ⊆ { }∪{ } nottocrossthecut—theotherwayisfor 1,...,m+1 ),observethatbythesameargumentsas S ⊆ { } in Lem. 7 for case 2 and the product structure between φ and ψ in ψ that Tr ( φ φ ρ) = ′ m+1 | i | i | i | ih |⊗ Tr ( ψ ψ ). m+1 ′ ′ | ih | Lemma 7 shows that the state ρ obtained by mixing the d Schmidt vectors of ψ , as opposed to | i taking their superposition, suffices to achieve a (1/d)-approximation across the first Schmidt cut. By iterating this argument over all n 1Schmidt cuts, wenow prove thatamixture of all(product) states − appearing intheRSDof ψ achievesanapproximation ratioof1/dk 1. − | i Theorem 9. For any n-qudit assignment ψ with RSD ψ = ∑dn−1√p φ , where ∑ p = 1 and | i | i i=1 i| ii i i φ dn−1 is a set of orthonormal product vectors in (Cd) n, define ρ := ∑dn−1 p φ φ . Then, for {| ii}i=1 ⊗ i=1 i| iih i| any projector Π acting on some subset 1,...,n of qudits with = k, we have Tr(Πρ) S ⊆ { } |S| ≥ 1 Tr(Π ψ ψ ). dk−1 | ih | Proof. Let Π be a projector with = k, and define c 0,1 n−1 such that c(j) = 1 iff Π crosses |S| ∈ { } theSchmidtcut atqudit j. Forexample, ifΠ acts onqudits 1,2 ,then c = (1,0,...,0). Notethat in { } general c = k 1. WeproceedbyiterativelysteppingthrougheachSchmidtcutintheRSDof ψ . k k1 − | i Letρ(0) := ψ ψ ,andconsider firstthecutatqudit 1,i.e. ψ = ∑d α w v ,for w Cd and | ih | | i i=1 i| ii| ii | ii ∈ v (Cd) n 1. Definingρ(1) := ∑d α2 w w v v ,wehavebyLem.7that | ii ∈ ⊗ − i=1 i| iih i|⊗| iih i| Tr(Π ψ ψ ) dc(1)Tr(Πρ(1)), (4) | ih | ≤ i.e. weloseafactorof1/diffΠcrossesthefirstcut. Moving on to the second Schmidt cut, consider the state w v Cd (Cd) n 1 appearing 1 1 ⊗ − | i| i ∈ ⊗ in the expression for ρ(1). Observe that it satisfies the preconditions for Cor. 8 with m = 1. Hence, 7 via Cor. 8 there exists a state σ acting on qudits 2,...,n such that Tr(Π w w v v ) 1 1 1 1 1 dc(2)Tr(Π w w σ ). Wecananalogously fin{dstates σ}corresponding to| wihv |⊗for|alli1h |i ≤ 1 1 1 i i i | ih |⊗ | i| i ≤ ≤ d. Thus, d d Tr(Πρ(1)) = ∑α2Tr(Π w w v v ) dc(2) ∑α2Tr(Π w w σ) . (5) i | iih i|⊗| iih i| ≤ i | iih i|⊗ i i=1 "i=1 # Hence,bydefining ρ(2) := ∑d α2 w w σ,wehaveviaEqns.(4)and(5)that i=1 i| iih i|⊗ i Tr(Π ψ ψ ) dc(1)+c(2)Tr(Πρ(2)). | ih | ≤ Since by Cor. 8, the σ are mixtures of Schmidt vectors from the second Schmidt cut, we can now i iteratively apply the sameprocedure tothe (at most d2)pure states appearing inthe expression for ρ(2) when considering the third Schmidtcut. Notein particular that each of these terms willhave aproduct structure betweenqudits 1,2 and 3,...,n ,asrequired byCor.8forthenextiteration. { } { } Moregenerally, whenconsidering the pthSchmidtcut, weapply Cor.8withm = p 1toeachof − theatmost dp 1 termsappearing intheexpansion of ρ(p 1). Wecontinue iterating inthisfashion until − − wehave exhausted all n 1Schmidt cuts, at which point the resulting mixture ρ(n 1) weare left with − − isinfacttheρ fromthestatement oftheclaim(seen bynoting thatourprocedure essentially iteratively computes the RSD of ψ , mixing the Schmidt vectors it computes at each step). Moreover, due to the | i repeated application ofCor.8,wehave Tr(Π ψ ψ ) dkck1Tr(Πρ(n−1)). (6) | ih | ≤ Recallingthat c = k 1completestheproof. k k1 − Proof of Thm. 2: Simply apply Thm. 9 to each projector in the spectral decompositions of each (positive semidefinite) H in our MAX-k-local Hamiltonian instance H = ∑ H, and let ψ denote i i i | i the optimal assignment for H. It is important to note that we can exploit Thm. 9 in this fashion due to thefactthattheρconstructed byThm.9isindependent oftheprojector Π—i.e. foranyfixed ψ and | i k, thestate ρ provides thesame approximation ratio against any k-local projector Π encountered in the spectral decompositions of the H. Finally, note that one can find a pure product state achieving this i approximation guarantee since ρisaconvexmixtureofpureproductstates. Upperboundof d−⌊2k⌋ for productstate approximations. Isthe result ofThm.2tight? Inthe case of MAX-2-local Hamiltonian on qudits, yes — consider a single clause projecting onto the maximally entangled state 1 ∑ ii , forwhichaproduct stateachieves value atmost1/d. Ontheotherhand, for √d i| i MAX-3-localHamiltonianonqubits, theworstcaseclausefora3-qubitproduct stateassignment isthe projector onto the state W = 1 ( 001 + 010 + 100 ) [TWP09]. But here product states achieve | i √3 | i | i | i value4/9[WG03],implyingtheboundof1/4fromThm.2isnottight. Asimpleconstructionshowsthatthetrueoptimalratioisupperboundedbyd−⌊2k⌋. Toseethis,con- sider asingle clause which isthetensor product ofmaximally entangled bipartite states4. Forexample, forn = 4,considertheclause φ+ φ+ φ+ φ+ ,where φ+ = 1 ( 00 + 11 ). Themaximum | ih |⊗| ih | | i √2 | i | i valueaproductstatecanattainis1/4,asclaimed. Inthequbitsetting(d = 2),onecanfurtherimprove this construction for odd k by replacing the term φ+ φ+ I on the last three qubits with W W . | ih |⊗ | ih | Forexample,fork = 5,settingourinstancetobetheclause φ+ φ+ W W yieldsanupperbound | ih |⊗| ih | of (1/2)(4/9) = 2/9 < 1/4 = d−⌊2k⌋ (where weagain use the value 4/9 for W from the previous | i paragraph). Forgeneral oddk > 1,thisimprovedboundgeneralizes to2−k2+7/9. 4Foroddk,weassumetheoddquditoutprojectsontotheidentity. 8 3 Optimizing over the set of separable quantum states Section 2 showed that there always exists a product state assignment achieving a certain non-trivial approximation ratio. In this section, we show how to efficiently find such a product state. Our main theorem ofthissectionisthefollowing (Thm.10),fromwhichThm.4followseasily(seediscussion at endofSec.3.3). Theorem 10. Let H be an instance of MAX-k-local Hamiltonian acting on n qudits, and let OPT P denotetheoptimumvalueofTr(Hρ)overallproductstatesρ D((Cd) n). Then,foranyfixedǫ > 0, ⊗ ∈ there exists a polynomial time (deterministic) algorithm which outputs ρ ρ D((Cd) n) 1 n ⊗ ⊗···⊗ ∈ suchthatTr(Hρ ρ ) OPT ǫnk. 1 n P ⊗···⊗ ≥ − WefirstoutlineourapproachbygeneralizingthediscussioninSec.1,introducingtoolsandnotation wewillrequire along the way. The optimal value OPT over product state assignments for anyMAX- P k-local Hamiltonianinstance canbeexpressed asthefollowingprogram, denoted P : 1 n OPT = max ∑ Tr(H ρ ρ ) s.t. ρ 0 and Tr(ρ ) = 1 for1 i n. (7) P i1,...,ik i1 ⊗···⊗ ik i (cid:23) i ≤ ≤ i1,...,ik AsdoneinEqn.(2),wenowrecursivelydecomposeourobjectivefunctionasasequenceofnestedsums. Let σ d be a traceless, Hermitian orthogonal basis for the set of Hermitian operators acting on Cd, { i}i=1 such that Tr(σσ) = 2δ (for δ the Kroenecker delta) (see, e.g. [Kim03]). Then, by rewriting each i j ij ij H intermsof σ d ,ourobjective functionbecomes i1,...,ik { i}i=1 n d2 ∑ Tr ∑ ri1,...,ikσ σ ρ ρ = ik,...,i1 " jk,...,j1=1 j1,...,jk jk ⊗···⊗ j1! ik ⊗···⊗ i1# ∑Tr(σ ρ ) ∑ Tr(σ ρ ) ∑Tr ∑ri1,...,ikσ ρ , (8) ik,jk jk ik "ik 1,jk 1 jk−1 ik−1 "···" i1 j1 j1,...,jk j1! i1!### − − where each ri1,...,ik Rd2. We henceforth think of the objective function above as a “degree-k inner ∈ product”, i.e. as a sequence of k nested sums involving inner products, in analogy to the degree-k polynomialsofRef.[AKK99]. Inthissense,adegree-1innerproductwouldrefertoonlytheinnermost sumsoveri and j ,andadegree-k inner product woulddenote the entire expression inEqn.(8). More 1 1 formally, we denote5 a degree-b inner product for 1 b k using map t : H(Cd) n R, defined b × ≤ ≤ 7→ suchthat6 t (ρ ,...,ρ ) := ∑ Tr(σ ρ ) ∑ Tr ∑ ri1,...,ikσ ρ . b 1 n ib,jb jb ib ··· i1 j1 j1,...,jk j1 i1 Ourapproach isto“linearize” theobjectivhe fuhnction o(cid:16)f(cid:16)P1 usingexhau(cid:17)stive(cid:17)isaimpling andrecursion toestimateitsdegree-(k 1) innerproducts. Todoso,wewillrequire theSamplingLemma. − Lemma11(Sampling Lemma[AKK99]). Let(a )beasequence ofn realnumbers with a M for i i alli,andlet f > 0. Ifwechoose amultiset ofs = glognofthe a atrandom (withreplac|em|e≤nt), then i theirsum qsatisfies ∑ a nM f qn ∑ a +nM f withprobability atleast1 n f. i i− g ≤ s ≤ i i g − − q q The proof of Lemma 11 follows from a simple application of the Ho¨ffding bound [Ho¨f64]. To use the Sampling Lemma in conjunction with exhaustive sampling, we will discretize the space of 1-qudit density operators using a δ-net G H(Cd),such thatfor all ρ D(Cd),there exists σ G such that ⊆ ∈ ∈ ρ σ δ. Wenowshowhowtoconstruct G. k − kF ≤ 5SeethebeginningofApp.AformoreelaboratenotationusedintheproofsoftheclaimsofSec.3. 6Notethatt implicitlydependsonparametersi ,...,i andj ,...,j . b b+1 k b+1 k 9 Toobtain G,weinsteadconstruct aδ-netforasubsetof H(Cd)whichcontains D(Cd),namelythe set7 (Cd) := A H(Cd) max A(i,j) 1 . Creatingaδ-netover (Cd)issimple: wecasta i,j A ∈ | | | ≤ A (δ/d)-netovertheunitdiskforeachofthecomplexd(d 1)/2matrixentriesabovethediagonal, and (cid:8) (cid:9) − likewise over [ 1,1] for the entries on the diagonal. Letting m and n denote the minimum number of − pointsrequiredtocreatesuch(δ/d)-netsforeachofthediagonalandoff-diagonal entries,respectively, we have that G = md(d2−1)nd. For example, simple nets of size m d/δ and n d2/δ2 can be | | ≈ ≈ obtainedbyplacinga1Dand2Dgridover[ 1,1]andthelength2squareinthecomplexplanecentered − at(0,0),respectively, implying G O(1)whend O(1). Toshowthat Gisindeedaδ-net,wenow | | ∈ ∈ bound the Frobenius8 distance between arbitrary ρ D(Cd) and the closest ρ˜ G. Specifically, let ∈ ∈ A := ρ ρ˜. Then: − δ A = Tr(A†A) = ∑ A(i,j) 2 ∑(δ/d)2 = (d) = δ. k kF | | ≤ d q s ij s ij Finally, we remark that our dense assumption on MAX-k-local Hamiltonian instances is only nec- essary to convert the absolute error of Thm. 10 to a relative one [GK1] (this conversion is detailed in Sec. 3.3). The remaining sections are organized as follows: In Sec. 3.1, we show how to recursively estimate degree-b inner products using theSampling Lemma. Wethen usethis estimation technique in Sec.3.2tolinearizeouroptimizationproblem P . Sec.3.3bringseverythingtogetherbypresentingand 1 analyzing thecomplete approximation algorithm. Toease reading oftheremaining sections, alltechni- calproofsarefoundinApp.A. PleaseseethebeginningofApp.Afordefinitionsofthemoreelaborate notation usedintheseproofs. 3.1 Estimating degree-k inner products using the Sampling Lemma Ourrecursive procedure, EVAL,for estimating adegree-k inner product using the Sampling Lemmais statedasAlg.12. Therearetwosources oferrorwemustanalyze: theSamplingLemma,andourδ-net over Cd. We claim that EVAL estimates the degree-b inner product t (ρ ,...,ρ ) to within additive b 1 n error ǫ nb,whereǫ isdefinedasfollows. Set∆ := √2d(1+δ),forδfromourδ-net. Then, b b ± f ∆b 1 k ǫb := d2 sg +δ! ∆ −1 . (9) (cid:18) − (cid:19) The following lemma formalizes this claim. We adopt the convention of [AKK99] and let x y z ∈ ± denote x [y,z]. Alg.12isouroperator analogue ofthealgorithm EvalinSection3.3of[AKK99]. ∈ Lemma13. Lett : H(Ck) n Rbedefinedusingset H H((Cd) k)(asinEqn.(8)). Let k × 7→ i1,...,ik ⊆ ⊗ S 1,...,n suchthat S = glognhaveitselementschosenuniformlyatrandomwithreplacement. ⊆ { } | | (cid:8) (cid:9) Letρ ,...,ρ D(Cd)besomeassignmentonallnqudits,and ρ˜ : i S asetofelementsinourδ- 1 n i ∈ { ∈ } netsuchthat ρ ρ˜ δforalli S. Then,for1 b k,withprobability atleast1 d2bnb f, k i− ikF ≤ ∈ ≤ ≤ − − wehaveEVAL(t ,S, ρ˜ : i S ) t (ρ ,...,ρ ) ǫ nb,whereǫ isdefinedasinEqn.(9). b i b 1 n b b { ∈ } ∈ ± 3.2 Linearizing ouroptimizationproblem Ourprocedure, LINEARIZE,for“linearizing” theobjectivefunctionofP usingEVALfromSec.3.1is 1 stated as Alg. 14. Alg. 14takes as input P and aset ofsample points ρ˜ , and outputs asemidefinite 1 i { } program (SDP)whichweshallhenceforth refertoas P . WeremarkthatLINEARIZEisourversionof 2 7Note:Anetover (Cd)mayallownon-positiveassignmentsforaqudit.SeeSec.3.3forwhythisisofnoconsequence. 8WeusetheFrobeAniusnormasitallowsasimpleanalysis. Itisstraightforward,however,toswitchtosaythetracenorm usingthefactthat X √d X forallX Cd. k kF ≤ k ktr ∈ 10

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