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approximation algorithms for facility location problems PDF

148 Pages·2013·1.61 MB·English
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APPROXIMATION ALGORITHMS FOR FACILITY LOCATION PROBLEMS AthesissubmittedtoUniversityofDelhi fortheawardofthedegreeof Doctor of Philosophy by Manisha Bansal Department of Computer Science University of Delhi Delhi-110007, India October, 2013 (cid:13)c UniversityofDelhi,2013 AllRightsReserved. APPROXIMATION ALGORITHMS FOR FACILITY LOCATION PROBLEMS AthesissubmittedtoUniversityofDelhi fortheawardofthedegreeof Doctor of Philosophy by Manisha Bansal Department of Computer Science University of Delhi Delhi-110007, India October, 2013 Declaration Thethesisentitled“APPROXIMATIONALGORITHMSFORFACILITYLOCATIONPROB- LEMS”, which is being submitted for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is a record of original and bona fide research work carried out by me in the Department of ComputerScience,UniversityofDelhi,Delhi,India. The work presented in this thesis has not been submitted to any other university or institutionforanyacademicaward. ManishaBansal DepartmentofComputerScience, UniversityofDelhi, Delhi,India. Certificate Thisistocertifythatthethesisentitled“APPROXIMATIONALGORITHMSFORFACIL- ITY LOCATION PROBLEMS ” being submitted by Manisha Bansal in the Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi, Delhi, for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy is a record of original research work carried out by her under the supervision ofDr. NeelimaGupta. The thesis or any part thereof has not been submitted to any other University or institutionforanyacademicaward. Supervisor Head Dr. NeelimaGupta Mr. P.K.Hazra DepartmentofComputerScience DepartmentofComputerScience UniversityofDelhi UniversityofDelhi Delhi,India. Delhi,India. Acknowledgment IwouldneverbeabletoadequatelythankDr. NeelimaGupta,mysupervisorandmentor, for helping me in developing my research topics. Her continued guidance and support during last four years has helped me accomplish this work. She allowed me to work freely, but was always there whenever I needed advice or guidance. I want to thank her not only for her tremendous guidance and encouragement throughout my study, but also herendlesstrustandunderstanding. IthankProf. NaveenGargforhiscontinualsupportduringalltheseyears. Hewould neversaynowheneverIsoughttimefordiscussion. I also thank members of my advisory committee, Dr. Naveen Kumar and Dr. Va- sudhaBhatnagarfortheirguidanceandsupportinthelastfouryears. I am grateful to The Principal of my college, Dr. Babli Moitra Saraf, for her coop- erationduringtheseyears. Sheinspiresmeinmanyways. I am also deeply thankful to my head of department, Mr. P.K. Hazra, for his coop- erationduringtheresearch. My deepest appreciation goes to my entire family, including my husband, Deepak, my kids, Jiya and Manu, my mother, my brothers and my father-in-law. I could not have finished this research without their support, love, and encouragement. Most specially, I want to thank my husband, who has always supported me in my endeavors and my kids who have silently lent me all the support they can. I wish my father was here to see my achievement. I thank my friends, Geeta, Seema, Veenu, Vikas, Rampal, Ritu, Archana, Manoj, andmanyotherswhohaveinsomewayortheotherhelpedmethroughthisjourney. Last but not the least, my sincere thanks also goes to support staff at Department of Computer Science who were always ready to help with smiling faces and supported me throughoutstudies. ManishaBansal

others who have in some way or the other helped me through this journey. cost fi for a facility i and cij, the service cost of assigning a client j to facility i, uniform capacitated facility location problem or just capacitated facility .. we also assign them to other facilities in our solution
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