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Preview Approximating open quantum system dynamics in a controlled and efficient way: A microscopic approach to decoherence

Approximating open quantum system dynamics in a controlled and efficient way: A microscopic approach to decoherence Giulia Gualdi and Christiane P. Koch Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t Kassel, Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40, D-34132 Kassel, Germany (Dated: November 18, 2011) We demonstrate that the dynamics of an open quantum system can be calculated efficiently and withpredefinederror,providedabasisexistsinwhichthesystem-environmentinteractionsarelocal and hence obey the Lieb-Robinson bound. We show that this assumption can generally be made. Definingadynamicalrenormalizationgrouptransformation,weobtainaneffectiveHamiltonianfor the full system plus environment that comprises only those environmental degrees of freedom that are within the effective light cone of the system. The reduced system dynamics can therefore be simulated with a computational effort that scales at most polynomially in the interaction time and 1 the size of the effective light cone. Our results hold for generic environments consisting of either 1 discrete or continuous degrees of freedom. 0 2 PACSnumbers: 03.65.Yz,03.67.-a,89.70.Eg,05.10.Cc v o Introduction The interaction with its environment duced dynamics of the system, N causes a quantum system to loose energy and phase – dρˆ (t) (cid:110)(cid:104) (cid:105)(cid:111) 7 this is termed decoherence [1]. Since a quantum system S =−itr Hˆ,ρˆ(t) , (2) 1 can never completely be isolated from its environment, dt B decoherence poses a severe challenge to the application at finite times, for example in femtosecond photochem- ] h of quantum technologies such as quantum information istry, the complete description can faithfully be replaced p and communication [2]. The effect of the environment by a ’surrogate Hamiltonian’ [10–12]. This is due to the - t is not necessarily detrimental. For example, it can be fact that at finite times, the system can only resolve a n usedforrobustimplementationofquantumprocesses[3]. finite part of its environment. a u Whether one wants to fight or exploit the effect of the Herewecombinetheconceptsofthe’surrogateHamil- q environment, a profound understanding of the system- tonian’ and the Lieb-Robinson bound [13, 14] to devise [ environment interaction and the ensuing open quantum a general approach to model decoherence starting from 1 system dynamics is indispensable. a microscopic description of the system interacting with v The challenge for a rigorous treatment of open quan- its environment. Our existential proof yields an efficient 9 tum system dynamics is due to the system and envi- algorithmtocalculatethereduceddynamics. Weusethe 5 ronmental degrees of freedom (DOF) becoming entan- Lieb-Robinsonboundtotranslatetheinherentlocalityof 0 gled because of their interaction. This entanglement is quantum dynamics into a quantitative estimate for the 4 . neglected when invoking the Markov approximation [1]. information propagation speed [15]. The notion of an 1 Non-Markovianeffectsareabundant,inparticularinthe effective light cone can thus be used to set up a dynam- 1 condensed phase. Examples of current interest include ical renormalization procedure for the generator of the 1 1 solid state devices that interact with defects modelled ’surrogate’ evolution. : as two-level fluctuators [4, 5] or excitons of the light- Graph representation of the full Hamiltonian Assum- v harvesting complex immersed by proteins [6]. While un- ing the interactions between system and environment to i X der specific assumptions, theoretical methods to tackle bebilinearandboundedandtheenvironmenttobecom- r non-Markovian environments can be derived [7–9], a nu- prised of discrete DOF, the Hamiltonian (1) can be de- a merically feasible and generally applicable method to fined on a generic lattice in arbitrary dimensions, study the dynamics and control of open quantum sys- tem is lacking. Hˆ =Hˆ +N(cid:88)SintN(cid:88)BintΦˆSB + (cid:88)NB ΦˆB, (3) A complete microscopic quantum description of both S ij ij system and environment, i=1 j=1 i≤j=1 with N system and N environmental (or ’bath’) DOF S B Hˆ =HˆS ⊗11B +HˆSB +11S ⊗HˆB, (1) (NB → ∞). We will later generalize our results to con- tinuous environments, e.g., comprised of harmonic oscil- accountsforanytypeofsystem-environmentinteraction. lators, and unbounded interactions. In Eq. (3), each de- Using Eq. (1) is, however, prohibitive due to the expo- greeoffreedomisdefinedonafinite-dimensionalHilbert nential scaling of the Hilbert space dimension with the space,H ,withNint(Nint)denotingthenumberofthose i S B number ofDOF.Typically acomplete descriptionisalso system (environment) DOF that interact with the envi- not needed. In particular, if one is interested in the re- ronment(system). TheinteractionsΦˆ canbeexpressed ij 2 in terms of operators Oˆ belonging to the algebra B(H ) with r > 1 a damping factor penalizing longer paths. i i of bounded linear operators on H , It follows from the boundedness of J that F (d(i,j)) i r satisfies the uniform integrability condition, (cid:107)F (cid:107) ≤ r Φˆ =dim(B(cid:88)(Hi))−1 dim(B(cid:88)(Hj))−1JµνOˆµOˆν, (cid:80)∞ (cid:104)(cid:13)(cid:13)J¯(cid:13)(cid:13)d(i,j)r−1(cid:105)d(i,j) ≤ 1 . For a given ij ij i j d(i,j)=0 1−r−1 µ=0 ν=0 dampingr,(cid:107)Fr(cid:107)quantifiesthemaximuminfluenceofthe graph on a single node and vice versa [29]. F (d(i,j)) where the diagonal terms represent on-site interactions r clearly satisfies the convolution property with convolu- and |Jµν|<∞. The Hamiltonian (3) defines a graph, i.e., ij tion constant C equal to one. an ordered pair G=(Γ,E) of nodes and edges. The set Lieb-Robinson bound To assess the quasi-locality of of nodes Γ={N +N } consists of all the system plus S B the dynamics generated by Hamiltonian (3), consider a environmentDOFandhencecanhaveaninfinitenumber finite subset X of G, surrounding the system nodes S, of elements. The set of edges E = {J (cid:54)= 0} represents ij together with the truncation of Hˆ on this subset, Hˆ = all non-zero couplings J = (cid:104)(cid:80) (Jµν)2(cid:105)1/2. The bare (cid:80) (cid:80) Φˆµν. Denoting the boundary of the regXion ij µν ij µ,ν i,j∈X ij structureofthegraphisencodedintheadjacencymatrix S (containing the system nodes) by ∂S and that of the A=A(G) whose entries A (A =0,1) are the number regionX (containingtheenvironmentnodesclosesttoS) ij ij of edges connecting i and j. by ∂X, the graph distance between ∂S and ∂X defines Regularity of the graph To apply a renormalization the radius of X, RXS = d(∂S,∂X). The boundary ∂X procedure to Hamiltonian (3), the associated dynam- consists of those elements of X that interact with DOF ics has to be quasi-local. This corresponds to the outside of X. Approximating Eq. (3) by the truncated graph being regular. Regularity of the graph G is Hamiltonian HˆX gives rise, in the Heisenberg picture, to equivalent to the existence of a non-increasing func- an approximated time evolution, OˆSX(t), for any system tion F, F(d(i,j)) : [0,∞) → [0,∞), acting on a met- operatorOˆS. Theerrorintroducedbytheapproximation ric d(i,j) defined on G, that is uniformly integrable, is bounded, (cid:107)F(cid:107) = sup (cid:80) F(d(i,j)) < ∞, and obeys the con- (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) volution prio∈pΓertyj,∈Γsup (cid:80) F(d(i,z))F(d(z,j)) ≤ (cid:13)(cid:13)OˆS(t)−OˆSX(t)(cid:13)(cid:13)≤2(cid:13)(cid:13)OˆS(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:107)Fr(cid:107)|∂S|e−(RXS−vrt), (5) i,j∈Γ z∈Γ CF(d(i,j)) with C<∞. The proof requires us to assume where v =2(cid:107)Φˆ(cid:107) e and (cid:107)Φˆ(cid:107) =sup (cid:107)Φˆ (cid:107)F (d(i,j))−1. that the graph, although infinite, is locally finite. Defin- r r r i,j∈Γ ij r Thedifferenceistakenintheoperatornormand|∂S|de- ing the connectivity c of the i node as the number of i th notes the number of elements of ∂S. Equation (5) states edges emanating from it, local finiteness implies c < ∞ i the Lieb-Robinson bound [13–15] for open quantum sys- for each i. The connectivity encodes both the dimen- tem dynamics (see the supplementary material for de- sionality and the range of interactions on the physical tails),reflectingtheapproximatelocalityofthedynamics lattice which therefore have to be finite. Local finite- generatedbyHˆ. Atanyfixedtime,thefullgeneratorcan ness of the graph is necessary and sufficient for the ad- therefore be approximated by a truncated one. The ap- jacency matrix A to be bounded in the operator norm on G, (cid:107)A(cid:107) ≤ sup c = sup (cid:80)∞ A = c¯[16]. The proximation improves exponentially with increasing ra- i∈Γ i i∈Γ j=1 ij dius, RS, of the effective support, i.e., the contribution boundedness of A ensures boundedness of the coupling X of environmental DOF outside of the effective light cone matrix J. We can thus define the metric on G as the of S to the system dynamics is exponentially small. The shortest path connecting two nodes, bound (5) is fully general since it relies only on the cut- d(i,j):=min{n∈N :[An] (cid:54)=0}, off imposed by the discrete graph structure [30]. For a 0 ij prespecified error (cid:15) , Eq. (5) defines a time window, 1 whichdoesnotnecessarilycoincidewiththedistancebe- t∈(cid:104)0,t =max(cid:8)0,(cid:0)ln(C )+RS(cid:1)/v (cid:9)(cid:105) (6) tween sites on the physical lattice. A walk of length RS r X r X n from node i to j can then be defined as a sequence with C = (cid:15) (2(cid:107)Φ(cid:107) (cid:107)F (cid:107)|∂ S|)−1 ∈ (0,1). The value πn(i,j) = [i = i0,i1,··· ,in = j] of n adjacent nodes. r 1 r r Φ Defining J¯= J/(cid:107)J(cid:107), the weight of the walk π (i,j) be- of r can be set to 2 by maximization of tRS and the n X comes w(π (i,j)) = (cid:81)n−1J¯ , with the weight of subscript r =2 will be dropped below. Within the time n k=1 ik,ik+1 window (6), the full generator, Hˆ, can be replaced by the zero-length walk set equal to 1. The set Π (i,j) n a surrogate one, Hˆ . The bound t accounts for the of all paths of length n between nodes i and j contains X RS X worst-case relation between interaction time and radius |Π (i,j)| = [An] elements and weights w(Π (i,j)) = [J¯nn] . Theweighit,joftheshortestpath(s)betwenennodes of the effective support. Therefore, the full environment i andijj is [J¯d(i,j)] and can be usedto define the desired isneededatmostinthelimitofinfiniteinteractiontime. ij Truncation of the environment: dynamical renormal- non-increasing function F, ization group The ability to truncate Hˆ for finite times [J¯d(i,j)] providesthebasisforarenormalizationproceduretode- Fr(d(i,j))= rd(i,j)ij , (4) termine,giventand(cid:15)1,the’surrogateHamiltonian’HˆX. 3 Reordering the environmental DOF according to their graph distance d from S in an onion-like fashion, the full Hamiltonian (3) is rewritten, ∞ Hˆ =(cid:88)(hˆ +hˆ ), (7) d d,d+1 d=0 where hˆ accounts for the interactions between all DOF d at a distance d from S, i.e., within the layer ∂X = d X \ X , while interactions between two successive d d−1 layers, ∂X and ∂X are grouped within hˆ . The d d+1 d,d+1 lowest order terms include the system DOF, hˆ =Hˆ , 0 S hˆ =Hˆ . After the reordering, the DOF in X are 0,1 SB 1 labelled by indices i = (1,··· ,Nint), those in ∂X by B 2 i=(Nint+1,··· ,Nint+|∂X |),andthoseinthed layer B B 2 th ∂X byi=((cid:80)d−1|∂X |+1,··· ,(cid:80)d |∂X |). Truncat- d j=1 j j=1 j ing the sum in Eq. (7) yields a set d Hˆ =(cid:88)(hˆ +hˆ ), (8) Xd k k−1,k FIG. 1: (color online) Pictorial representation of the renor- k=1 malization transformation (Eq. (9)): When t reaches t , the d which approaches Hˆ in the limit d→∞. Correspond- effective generator HˆXd−1 is updated by adding the interac- tions with the environmental DOF in the d layer and the ingly,thebound(6)definesasequenceofincreasingtimes th new local terms. {t }∞ with t =max[0,(ln(C)+d)/v]. d d=0 d Then the following dynamical renormalization group transformation for the generator holds ∆t=(cid:15) /(tc2K2). The characteristics of the microscopic t=t ⇒ Hˆ →Hˆ =Hˆ +hˆ +hˆ 2 Φ d d Xd−1 Xd Xd−1 d d−1,d description(3),dimensionalityandinteractionrange,de- (cid:13) (cid:13) ⇒ (cid:13)(cid:13)OˆS(t)−OˆSXd(t)(cid:13)(cid:13)≤(cid:15)1 termineonlyKd. Anincreaseineitheroneofthemthere- fore increases only the number of Trotter steps m but ∀d∈N , t∈[t ,t ), (9) d 0 d d+1 not the size of the operators. For any time t the full dy- namicsofsystemandenvironment,|Ψ (t)(cid:105),canthusbe which ensures that the error in the simulation is kept Xd determined according to Eqs. (9) and (10). The state of fixed by retaining, within each time interval, the corre- the system, ρˆ (t), is obtained as tr [|Ψ (t)(cid:105)(cid:104)Ψ (t)|] sponding minimal set of environmental DOF, cf. Fig. 1. S B Xd Xd anddiffersfromthetrueoneevolvedaccordingtoEq.(2) Clearly, the number of environmental DOF required at by at most (cid:15) +(cid:15) /2. each step is model-dependent. 1 2 Efficient simulation Foragivent, thecomputational Extension to continuous environments The above complexity of simulating the open quantum system dy- renormalization scheme generalizes to both fully con- namics can be further reduced by applying the Suzuki- nected and unbounded interactions. Indeed two stan- Trotter expansion: For td ≤t<td+1, the effective prop- dard models of decoherence, the central spin model and agator defined by HˆXd can be approximated as the harmonic bath [1], fall into these categories. As a benchmark example, consider a system interacting with  md e−iHˆXdt ≈ (cid:89) e−iΦˆij∆t , (10) a continuous bosonic environment, {i,j}∈Xd (cid:90) ωc (cid:90) ωc where ∆t = t/m and the product runs over all the Hˆ =Hˆ +Oˆ h((cid:15))(aˆ +aˆ†)d(cid:15)+ g((cid:15))aˆ aˆ†d(cid:15), d S S (cid:15) (cid:15) (cid:15) (cid:15) interacting pairs {i,j} belonging to X taken in arbi- 0 0 d (11) trary order. The generator Hˆ contains K ≤ |X |2 terms. TheerrorintroducedbyXadpproximatingde−iHˆXdd∆t wmhoedreeoaˆf(cid:15)(eaˆn†(cid:15)e)rgdyen(cid:15),otaensdthωe aisnnaihcuiltaotfforfr(ecqreuaetnocry).fTorhae bbaatthh c within each ∆t by a product of Kd terms is of the dispersiong((cid:15))andthesystem-bathcouplingh((cid:15))arere- (cid:13) (cid:13) order (cid:15)2 ≤ 12c2ΦKd2(∆t)2 with c2Φ =sup{ij}∈Xd−1(cid:13)(cid:13)Φˆij(cid:13)(cid:13) lated to the spectral density J((cid:15)) = πdg−d1(cid:15)((cid:15))h2(g−1((cid:15))) [17, 18]. A prespecified error (cid:15) /2 for the whole time t is [19]. By a proper choice of basis using orthogonal poly- 2 achieved by taking m = c2t2K2/(cid:15) Trotter steps, i.e., nomials, every Hamiltonian of the form (11) is unitarily d Φ d 2 4 equivalent to a semi-infinite chain [20, 21], Hilbert space vector |Ψ (cid:105) scales exponentially with the Xd number of DOF in the effective light cone. This scaling ∞ Hˆ =Hˆ +J Oˆ (ˆb +ˆb†)+(cid:88)ω ˆb†ˆb +t (ˆb†ˆb +h.c.). canbemadepolynomialbyrestrictiontoexcitationsub- S 0 S 0 0 n n n n n n+1 spaces [11]. Our result can be extended to account for n=0 (12) arbitrary time-dependent bounded interactions applying This establishes local finiteness for continuous environ- available generalizations of the Suzuki-Trotter decompo- ments and holds also for discrete Hamiltonians of the sition [23]. While generalizations of the Lieb-Robinson functional form (11). Since (11) is quadratic in the bound to dissipative dynamics exist [24, 25], they have bath operators, a Lieb-Robinson bound holds even for neverbeenappliedtothefullsystem-bathevolution. Our unbounded interactions [22]. In the supplementary ma- work thus provides a novel and very natural application terial, we present a direct derivation of the bound. It is of the bound. basedonHˆB beingquadraticsuchthatthefreeevolution Thebipartitionofsystemandenvironmentintrinsicto of the environmental DOF is mapped into that of wave our renormalization scheme makes it more powerful for functionsf ∈l2(Γ)onthegraph,ˆbn(t)=(cid:80)∞k=0fnk(t)ˆbk, modelling decoherence than t-DMRG [26–28]. This is with fnk(t) = [e−iJBt]nk and JB the bath coupling ma- due to the existence of an effective light cone that can trix. The wave functions are bounded, be fully exploited in terms of an optimized truncation of the environmental DOF if one only cares about the |f (t)|≤F (|n−k|)e−(|n−k|−vrt), (13) nk r dynamics of a small subsystem. Our renormalization with vr = er(cid:13)(cid:13)J¯B(cid:13)(cid:13)/J¯m−i1n,B, J¯min,B = min(JB,ij)/(cid:107)JB(cid:107). schemeallowstogobeyondone-dimensionallatticeswith In the interaction picture, OˆI(t) = eiHˆBtOˆe−iHˆBt, the nearest-neighbor interactions while keeping the quality of the approximation throughout time. By resorting to generator becomes hyper-graph theory, our proof is extended to arbitrary ∞ k-local interactions (as shown in the supplementary ma- HI(t)=H +H (t)=H +J Oˆ (cid:88)(f (t)ˆb +f∗ (t)ˆb†), S SB S 0 S 0k k 0k k terial). Our method thus opens the way to study a huge k=0 range of open quantum systems, including those in non- (14) Markovian environments, and their control. and, using the Suzuki-Trotter expansion, the cor- responding propagator is written as VˆI(t) = We would like to thank D. M. Reich, S. Gualdi and lim (cid:81)m V(t ,t + ∆t), with V(t ,t + ∆t) = R. Kosloff for valuable discussions. Financial support m→∞ j=0 j j j j from the EC through the FP7-People IEF Marie Curie e−iHˆS∆te−iHˆSB(j∆t). As shown in the supplementary action QOC4QIP Grant No. PIEF-GA-2009-254174 is material, the bound (13) yields the following estimate gratefully acknowledged. for the accuracy of the effective propagator defined by HI(t) accounting only for the first d bosons in the d chain (14), ∞ (cid:90) t (cid:107)VI(t)−VI(t)(cid:107) ≤ (cid:88) |f (s)|2ds [1] H.-P-Breuer and F. Petruccione, The Theory of Open d 0k Quantum Systems (Oxford Univ. Press, 2007). k=d 0 [2] M. A. Nielsen and I. L. 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(5) in the main text is sketchedforthesakeofself-containedness,followingRefs. τt(Aˆ)=eitHˆAˆe−itHˆ . (17) [14, 15]. Two steps are required: (i) proof of the Lieb- Robinson bound in its original formulation as a bound Intuitively, the spread of the support of an observable on the commutator of two observables taken at different Aˆ due to its dynamical evolution should depend on the times[14],and(ii)demonstrationthatthisboundimplies surface area rather than the volume of its support. The that the time-evolution of any observable can be well surface of a set X ⊂Γ is the subset of Γ having non-zero approximated by an operator acting only on degrees of intersection both with X and its complement Xc, freedom within its light cone [15]. S(X)={Z ⊂Γ:Z∩X (cid:54)=∅ and Z∩Xc (cid:54)=∅}. Lieb-Robinson bound The boundary of a set ∂X is then defined as the subset of X whose elements interact with degrees of freedom outside of X, Consider a set Γ of degrees of freedom, labeled by the index i, each corresponding to a finite Hilbert space ∂X ={x∈X : ∃Z ∈S(X)withx∈Z andΦ(Z)(cid:54)=0}. H . The full Hilbert space of the system is then H = i Γ (cid:78) H . Foreachdegreeoffreedom,theobservablesbe- i∈Γ i Finally, given a metric d on Γ, the distance between long to the algebra B(H ) of bounded operators on H . i i two sets X ⊂ Γ and Y ⊂ Γ is defined by d(X,Y) = Given a finite subset X ⊂ Γ, the algebra of observables over X is defined as A = (cid:78) B(H ). By identifying minx∈X,y∈Y d(x,y). Equipped with these definitions the X i∈X i following holds [13]: anoperatorAˆ∈A withAˆ⊗I ∈A , itthenfollows X Γ\X Γ that AX ⊂ AΓ. If the set Γ is infinite, AΓ is defined by Lieb-Robinson bound. Given a set Γ and a met- the inductive limit AΓ = ∪X∈ΓAX. The support of an ric d on it, if there exists a non-increasing function observable Aˆ ∈ AΓ is defined as the minimal set X ⊂ Γ F :[0,∞)→[0,∞) with the following properties forwhichAˆcanbewrittenAˆ=Aˆ(cid:48)⊗I withAˆ(cid:48) ∈A . Γ\X X A local observable is therefore an observable whose sup- 1. uniform integrability: port is a finite subset of Γ. (cid:88) TheinteractionsamongelementsofΓcaningeneralbe (cid:107)F(cid:107)=sup F(d(i,j))<∞, defined as a map from the set of subsets of Γ, {X}X⊂Γ, i∈Γj∈Γ to the algebra A , Φˆ : {X} → A , which obeys the Γ X⊂Γ Γ following properties 2. convolution: • Φˆ(X)∈AX; ∃C ∈R+ <∞: sup (cid:88)F(d(i,z))F(d(z,j)) <C, • Φˆ(X)=Φˆ(X)∗. F(d(i,j)) i,j∈Γ z∈Γ A generic Hamiltonian on Γ can then be written thenforanyµ∈R+∪{0}andanypairoflocalobservables Hˆ = (cid:88) Φˆ(X) (16) Aˆ∈A and Bˆ ∈A with d(X,Y)>0, X Y X∈Γ (cid:13)(cid:104) (cid:105)(cid:13) 2(cid:107)Aˆ(cid:107)(cid:107)Bˆ(cid:107) (cid:13)(cid:13) τt(Aˆ),Bˆ (cid:13)(cid:13)≤ C (cid:107)F(cid:107)min{|∂X|,|∂Y|}e−µ(d(X,Y)−2(cid:107)Φ(cid:107)µCµ|t|) (18) µ with 7 1. (cid:107)Φ(cid:107) =sup (cid:80) eµd(i,j)(cid:107)Φ(X)(cid:107)(F(d(i,j)))−1, µ i,j∈Γ i,j∈X 2. the convolution constant C corresponding to F (d(i,j))=e−µd(i,j)F(d(i,j)). µ µ Equation (18) states that the support of a given ob- The first term on the right hand side of Eq. (19) is norm servable spreads at a velocity v with preserving. Using the properties of first order inhomoge- nous differential equations, one obtains 2(cid:107)Φ(cid:107) C v ≤ inf µ µ . µ≥0 µ (cid:107)f(t)(cid:107)≤(cid:13)(cid:13)[Aˆ,Bˆ](cid:13)(cid:13)+2(cid:107)Aˆ(cid:107) (cid:88) (cid:90) t(cid:13)(cid:13)[τ (Φˆ(Z)),Bˆ](cid:13)(cid:13)ds. (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) s (cid:13) To prove Eq. (18) the following quantity needs to be es- 0 Z∈S(X) timated (20) (cid:13)(cid:104) (cid:105)(cid:13) Due to inequality (20) and the fact that τloc(·) is norm (cid:13) τ (Aˆ),Bˆ (cid:13) t (cid:13) t (cid:13) preserving, C (X;t)= sup B A∈AX (cid:107)Aˆ(cid:107) (cid:80)assumin(cid:80)g that (cid:80)i∈∂X(cid:80)j∈Y F(d(i,j)) ≤ CB(X,t)≤CB(X,0)+2 (cid:88) (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)Φˆ(Z)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:90) |t|CB(Z,s)ds, F(d(i,j)) (if this assumption is not 0 j∈∂Y i∈X Z∈S(X) fulfilled the proof below needs to be carried out for (21) (cid:13)(cid:104) (cid:105)(cid:13) (cid:13) τ (Bˆ),Aˆ (cid:13)). ItisusefultoisolateinHamiltonian(16) whereC (X;0)=0sinceweassumedd(X,Y)>0. Iter- (cid:13) −t (cid:13) B the on-site terms hˆ , ating the same argument used in (21) for the integrated i function yields Hˆ =(cid:88)hˆ + (cid:88) Φˆ(X)=Hˆloc+HˆΦ. i i∈Γ X∈Γ C (X,t)≤2(cid:107)Bˆ(cid:107)(cid:88)∞ (2|t|)nan , B n! The dynamics generated by n=0 Hˆloc+HˆΦ =(cid:88)hˆ + (cid:88) Φˆ(Z) X i with coefficients a (n≥1) n i∈Γ Z∈X ltehaevepsrotphaegaaltgeedbroapAerXatoorfodbesfienrevdabfloersAoˆn∈XAin,variant,i.e., a = (cid:88) (cid:88) ··· (cid:88) δ (Z )(cid:89)n (cid:13)(cid:13)Φˆ(Z )(cid:13)(cid:13) , Γ n Y n (cid:13) i (cid:13) Z1∈S(X)Z2∈S(Z1) Zn∈S(Zn−1) i=1 τtloc(Aˆ)=ei(Hˆloc+HˆXΦ)tAˆe−i(Hˆloc+HˆXΦ)t, (22) where δ (·) = 1 if Y ∩ · (cid:54)= ∅ and zero otherwise. To Y will again be in AX, τtloc(Aˆ) ∈ AˆX, if Aˆ ∈ AX. Using put an upper bound on the coefficients an requires exis- the property of the commutator, one can then write tence of the function F(d(i,j)). After some algebra and employing the convolution property of F, the following f(t)=[τ (A),B]=(cid:2)τ (τloc(A)),B(cid:3) . t t −t estimate is obtained, Differentiating f(t) with respect to time yields the fol- lowing differential equation, a ≤(cid:107)Φˆ(cid:107)nCn−1 (cid:88) (cid:88)F(d(i,j)), (23) n f˙(t) = i (cid:88) (cid:104)τ (Φˆ(Z),f(t)(cid:105) i∈∂ΦXj∈Y t Z∈S(X) where (cid:107)Φˆ(cid:107) = sup (cid:80) (cid:107)Φˆ(X)(cid:107)(F(d(i,j))−1. In- −i (cid:88) (cid:104)τ (τloc(Aˆ)),(cid:104)τ (Φˆ(Z)),Bˆ(cid:105)(cid:105) .(19) serting (23) into (2i,1j∈),Γonei,jo∈bXtains t −t t Z∈S(X) (cid:13)(cid:13)[τ (Aˆ),Bˆ](cid:13)(cid:13)≤ 2(cid:107)Aˆ(cid:107)(cid:107)Bˆ(cid:107)(e2C(cid:107)Φˆ(cid:107)|t|−1) (cid:88) (cid:88)F(d(i,j)) (24) (cid:13) t (cid:13) C i∈∂ΦXj∈Y whichisthefirstformoftheLieb-Robinsonbound. Note that if the supports of the observables Aˆ and Bˆ have a 8 non-empty intersection, i.e. d(X,Y) = 0, then one only the form I ⊗Oˆ. Using (18) and (26) one obtains Y needstosubstitute(e2C(cid:107)Φˆ(cid:107)|t|−1)bye2C(cid:107)Φˆ(cid:107)|t|in(24). To (cid:13) (cid:13) recast(24)intheformof(18),itsufficestonotethatthe (cid:13)(cid:13)τt(Aˆ)−(cid:104)τt(Aˆ)(cid:105)Yc(cid:13)(cid:13) properties of F(d(i,j)) are obeyed also by any function (cid:90) (cid:13) (cid:13) of the form Fµ(d(i,j)) = e−µd(i,j)F(d(i,j)) with µ > 0. ≤ (cid:13)(cid:13)[τt(Aˆ),U](cid:13)(cid:13)dµ(U) Indeed,(18)isobtainedbyreplacingF byF inEq. (22) U(Yc) µ and, correspondingly, (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)Φˆ(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) by (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)Φˆ(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) , ≤ 2(cid:107)Aˆ(cid:107)(cid:107)F(cid:107)|∂X|e−µ(d(X,Y)−2(cid:107)Φ(cid:107)µCµ|t|), µ Cµ (cid:107)Φˆ(cid:107) = sup (cid:88) (cid:107)Φˆ(X)(cid:107)(F (d(i,j)))−1, which is precisely a Lieb-Robinson bound of the form of µ µ i,j∈Γ Eq. (4) of the main text. i,j∈X and noting that LIEB-ROBINSON BOUND FOR HARMONIC   ENVIRONMENTS  (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88)  min F (d(i,j)), F (d(i,j)) µ µ   This section is devoted to the proof of Eq. (13) in i∈∂ΦXj∈Y j∈∂ΦY i∈X the main text. In Ref. [1] a Lieb-Robinson bound for ≤e−µd(X,Y)(cid:107)F(cid:107)min{|∂ X|,|∂ Y|} . Φ Φ quadraticHamiltonianswithunboundedinteractionshas been obtained. Here we present an alternative simpler proof of the bound tailored to the kind of quadratic Approximate locality of quantum dynamics Hamiltonians that is used to model decoherence due to an environment consisting of harmonic oscillators. The second step consists in showing that the The goal is to obtain an explicit estimate of the bound (18) implies quasi-locality of the dynamics gen- quasi-locality of the dynamics generated by the follow- erated by H of Eq. (16). In other words, the dynamical ing Hamiltonian evolution τ (Aˆ) of a local operator Aˆ with support in t (cid:16) (cid:17) X ⊂ Γ can be well approximated by an operator acting Hˆ +Hˆ +Hˆ =Hˆ +J Oˆ ˆb +ˆb† S SB B S 0 S 0 0 only on the degrees of freedom within the effective light cone of Aˆ. As shown in Ref. [14], this operator can then +(cid:88)∞ ω ˆb†ˆb +t (cid:16)ˆb†ˆb +h.c.(cid:17),(27) be identified with the time evolution of Aˆ generated by n n n n n n+1 n=0 those terms in (16) that are supported on the effective light cone. In the following section, we will establish an where Hˆ can be written as Hˆ = ˆbJ ˆb† with ˆb = B B B analogous result for continuous systems. (ˆb ,··· ,ˆb ) and J the coupling matrix of the environ- DenotingbyYc ⊂Γthesetofdegreesoffreedomhav- 0 n B mental degrees of freedom with entries ω and t . Then ing at least distance d¯from X, the (normalized) partial the normal mode representation of Hˆ , n n traceofτ (Aˆ)overYc isanoperatoractingonH ⊃H B t Y X defined by Hˆ =(cid:88)λ aˆ†aˆ , B l l l l tr (τ (Aˆ))⊗I (cid:104)τt(Aˆ)(cid:105)Y = Yctrt (I ) Yc ∈AY . (25) can simply be obtained by diagonalizing JB, Yc Yc Itisconvenienttorepresentthepartialtraceasaninvari- λl =(UJBU†)l , ˆbk =(cid:88)Uklaˆl , aˆl =(cid:88)Ul†kˆbk. antintegrationoverthegroupofunitarytransformations l k U(Yc) acting on the Hilbert space corresponding to Yc, Since the normal mode free evolution is given by (cid:90) (cid:104)τ (Aˆ)(cid:105) = (I ⊗Uˆ†)Aˆ(I ⊗Uˆ)dµ(U) (26) τt(aˆl)=e−iλltaˆl, t Y Y Y U(Yc) the operators in the original basis (27) evolve according with normalized Haar measure dµ(U), to (cid:90) τ (ˆb ) = (cid:88)(cid:2)e−iJBt(cid:3) ˆb dµ(U)=dim(H ). t k kn n Yc n U(Yc) = (cid:88)(cid:2)Udiag(e−iλlt)U†(cid:3)knˆbn Equations (25) and (26) define indeed the same opera- n tor since both expressions, starting from τt(Aˆ), uniquely = (cid:88)(ψ (t)ˆb +ψ∗ (t)ˆb†), (28) nk n nk n define an operator which commutes with all operators of n 9 where λ denote the eigenvalues of J . Hence, for any In the interaction picture defined by l B initial linear superposition of bosonic operators, OˆI(t)=eiHˆBtOˆe−iHˆBt, (33) (cid:88) b(f)= (f b +f∗b†), k k k k k the generator of the evolution of the states becomes with f =(f ,··· ,f )∈l2(Γ), one can write ∞ 1 ∞ HˆI(t) = Hˆ +J Oˆ (cid:88)(f (t)ˆb +f∗ (t)ˆb†) τt(b(f))=b(Ttf) = b(cid:0)(cid:2)Udiag(e−iλlt)U†(cid:3)f(cid:1) S 0 Sk=0 0k k 0k k = (cid:88)ψnk(t)fkˆbn+ψn∗k(t)fk∗ˆb†n = HˆS +HˆSB(t). (34) k,n = (cid:88)f (t)ˆb +f (t)ˆb†. (29) EmployingtheSuzuki-Trotterexpansion[17,18],thecor- nk n nk n responding propagator can be written k,n m It follows from Eq. (29) that the existence of normal VˆI(t) = lim (cid:89)e−iHˆS∆te−iHˆSB(j∆t) modesallowsformappingthedynamicalevolutionofop- m→∞ j=0 erators on the Hilbert space HΓ into that of wave func- m tions on Γ. = lim (cid:89)Vˆ(t ,t +∆t), (35) j j m→∞ The task is now to bound each |fnk(t)|. To do so we j=0 set where∆t=t/m. Thepropagatorassociatedtothetrun- F (d(i,j))= [J¯Bd(i,j)]ij , cated generator, r rd(i,j) d where J¯ =J /(cid:107)J (cid:107), r >1 and Hˆd (t)=J Oˆ (cid:88)(cid:16)f (t)ˆb +f∗ (t)ˆb†(cid:17) , (36) B B B SB 0 S 0k k 0k k k=0 d(i,j)=min{n∈N :[An] (cid:54)=0} 0 ij is expressed analogously. Setting withAtheadjacencymatrixofJB and(cid:13)(cid:13)J¯B(cid:13)(cid:13)≤(cid:107)A(cid:107)≤2 since A is tridiagonal. Defining Hˆd¯ (t)=J Oˆ (cid:88)∞ (cid:16)f (t)ˆb +f∗ (t)ˆb†(cid:17) , SB 0 S 0k k 0k k F (m)= sup F (d(i,j), (30) k=d+1 r r i,j:d(i,j)=m the error made by employing the truncated generator we can estimate within an infinitesimal time interval can be estimated (cid:18) r (cid:19)m as (F (m))−1 ≤ =φm (31) r J¯min r (cid:107)Vˆ(t ,t +∆t)−Vˆ (t ,t +∆t)(cid:107) j j d j j with J¯min = min(i,j):JB,ij(cid:54)=0J¯B,ij. Using Eqs. (30) and ≤(cid:107)e−iHSB(j∆t)−e−iHSdB(j∆t)(cid:107) (31), the following bound is obtained =(cid:107)e−iHSB(j∆t)−e−iHSB(j∆t)e−iHSd¯B(j∆t)(cid:107) |fnk(t)| = (cid:12)(cid:12)[e−iJBt]nkfk(0)(cid:12)(cid:12) =(cid:107)e−iHSd¯B(j∆t)[eiHSd¯B(j∆t),e−iHSB(j∆t)](cid:107) (cid:12) (cid:12) = (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:88)∞ (−it)m[Jm] f (0)(cid:12)(cid:12) ≤(cid:107)[eiHSd¯B(j∆t),e−iHSB(j∆t)](cid:107). (37) (cid:12) m! B nk k (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ≤ (cid:88)m∞=0mtm!(cid:12)(cid:12)[JBm]nke−µmFr(m)eµm(Fr(m))−1(cid:12)(cid:12) RWeecyolgonpizeirnagtotrhsastinceeiHtSdh¯Be(yj∆atr)eaonfdthee−foiHrmSB(j∆t) are two m=0 (cid:88)∞ tm W(f)=exp(cid:2)ib(f)+b†(f)(cid:3) ≤ e−µ|n−k|F (|n−k|) ((cid:107)J (cid:107)eµφ )m r m! B r m=|n−k| with f ∈l2(Γ) and hence obey the Weyl relation ≤ Fr(|n−k|)e−µ(|n−k|−vrµt) (32) W(f)W(g)=W(f +g)e−iIm[(cid:104)f,g(cid:105)] with µ > 0 and vµ = (cid:107)J (cid:107)|eµφ /µ. Equation (32) is r B r with (cid:104)·,·(cid:105) the inner product on l2(Γ), one obtains the analogous to (18) and provides the key to estimate the following estimate for Eq. (37) approximate locality of the dynamics. The freedom in ythieeldcshoµic=e o1f. µ can be removed by minimizing vrµ which (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)[eiHSd¯B(j∆t),e−iHSB(j∆t)](cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)≤|(cid:104)f0(∆t),g0(∆t)(cid:105)| (38) 10 with f (∆t) = {f (∆t)}∞ , g (∆t) = {f (∆t)}∞ . the node, c = (cid:80) Ah. If all nodes have the same con- 0 0k k=0 0 0k k=d+1 i j ij Together with Eq. (32), Eq. (38) yields the following es- nectivity c, then the hypergraph is c-regular, in analogy timate to the notion of homogenous graphs. Analogously to the adjacency matrix of a graph, Ah is bounded if and only (cid:107)[eiHSd¯B(j∆t),e−iHSB(j∆t)](cid:107) ≤ (cid:88)|f0k(∆t)|2 if the hypergraph is locally finite, i.e., ci < ∞ for each k>d i∈Γ, and we obtain (cid:13)(cid:13)Ah(cid:13)(cid:13)≤c¯=sup (cid:80)∞ Ah. The i∈Γ j=1 ij ≤ (cid:107)F2(cid:107)e−2µ(k−vr∆t) =(cid:15)(∆t). metric on the hypergraph can then be defined in terms r of the shortest path connecting two nodes, Taking the limit m → ∞, one obtains Eq. (15) of the main text, d(i,j):=min{n∈N :[(Ah)n] (cid:54)=0}. 0 i,j (cid:90) t (cid:107)VI(t)−VI(t)(cid:107)≤ (cid:15)(s)ds≤(cid:107)F2(cid:107)(2v )−1(cid:15)−2(d−vrt). One choice for F(d(i,j)) is then d r r 0 [(A¯h)n] F (d(i,j))= ij GENERALIZATION TO k-LOCAL r rd(i,j) INTERACTIONS with A¯h = Ah/(cid:13)(cid:13)Ah(cid:13)(cid:13). With these definitions we can proceed analogously to the case of bilinear interactions We now show how the renormalization procedure gen- and define the dynamical renormalization group trans- eralizes to Hamiltonians exhibiting arbitrary k-local in- formation (Eq. (8) in the main text). Once an effec- teractions. Since the Lieb-Robinson bound is fully gen- tive propagator for t < t < t has been obtained, it eral, the only step required is to define an appropriate d d+1 canbe approximatedusingthe Suzuki-Trotter decompo- metric d on the set of degrees of freedom Γ and a non- sition [17, 18], increasingfunctionF(d(i,j))obeyingbothuniforminte- grability and the convolution property.  md Consider a generic k-local Hamiltonian e−iHˆXdt ≈ (cid:89) e−iΦˆi1,···,ikt , Hˆ =Hˆ +N(cid:88)Sint N(cid:88)Bint ΦˆSB + (cid:88)NB ΦˆB , {i1,···,ik}∈Xd S i,j1,···,jk−1 j1,···,jk i=1 j1,···,jk−1=1 j1,···,jk=1 where the product is over all time intervals ∆t = t/md (39) and all k-tuples belonging to X . We find that for a d where, without loss of generality, we have assumed all Φˆ prespecified error (cid:15) /2 the effective propagator for time 2 to be k-local (instead of at most k-local), tcanbeapproximatedasaproductofn =(c tK )3/(cid:15) d Φ d 2 (cid:13) (cid:13) terms where c2 = (cid:13)Φˆ (cid:13) and K ≤ |X |k the num- k Φ (cid:13) i1,···,ik(cid:13) d d Φˆ = (cid:88) Jµ1,···,µk (cid:89)Oˆ . (40) ber of k-local unitaries. One can then use the Solovay- i1,···,ik i1,···,ik ij Kitaev algorithm [3, 23] to further decompose each k- {µ1},···,{µk} j=1 unitary into a product of one- and two-body unitaries In Eq. (40), {µ } denotes that each index µ varies be- chosen from a suitable set. To achieve an accuracy (cid:15) for i i tween 0 and the dimension of the finite Hilbert space of each k-unitary transformation, n = alogb((cid:15)−1) oper- SK 2 the(j ) degreeoffreedom,dim(H ),andOˆ standsfor ations are required with a, b constants. If one chooses i th ji ji the tensor product of the operator Oˆ ∈B(H ) and the (cid:15) = (cid:15) /(2n ), the effective propagator is simulated with identity over the other degrees of frejeidom. Tjihe Hamil- an ac2curacyd (cid:15) employing n(cid:48) =an logb(n /(cid:15) ) one- and 2 d d 2 d 2 tonian (39) defines a hypergraph, i.e., an ordered pair two-bodyunitaries,i.e.,withacomputationaleffortthat G = (Γ,E) where the set of nodes Γ represents the de- scales polynomially in time and size |X | of the effective d grees of freedom and E is the set of non-empty subsets light cone. of Γ, called hyperedges or links, for which Jµ1,···,µk (cid:54)=0. i1,···,ik Since we have assumed all the interactions to be k- local, all hyperedges have size k and the hypergraph is k-uniform. A graph can therefore be regarded as a 2- [1] B. Nachtergaele, in XVIth International Congress on uniform hypergraph. The adjacency matrix Ah of an ij Mathematical Physics, edited by P. Exner (World Sci- hypergraph G is defined as the matrix whose entries Ah ij entific, 2009), pp. 391–396. correspondtothenumberofhyperedgescontainingboth [2] J. A. Rodriguez, Appl. Math. Lett. 22, 916 (2009). degrees of freedom i and j [2]. The connectivity of a [3] C. M. Dawson and M. A. Nielsen, Quant. Inf. Comput. node c is given by the number of hyperedges involving 6 (2006). i

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