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McGRAW-HILL SERIES IN ADVANCED CHEMISTRY Senior Advisory Board W. Conrad Fernelius Louis P. Hammett Harold H. Williams Editorial Board David N. Hume Gilbert Stork Edward L. King Dudley R. Herschbach John A. Pople AMDUR AND HAMMES Chemical Kinetics: Principles and Selected Topics BAIR Introduction to Chemical Instrumentation BALLHAUSEN Introduction to Ligand Field Theory BENSON The Foundations of Chemical Kinetics BIEMANN Mass Spectrometry (Organic Chemical Applications) DAVIDSON Statistical Mechanics DAVYDOV (Trans. 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Free Radicals RAAEN, ROPP, AND RAAEN Carbon-14 ROBERTS Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ROSSOTTI AND ROSSOTTI The Determination of Stability Constants SIGGIA Survey of Analytical Chemistry WIBERG Laboratory Technique in Organic Chemistry Approximate Molecular Orbital Theory JOHN A. POPLE Carnegie Professor of Chemical Physics Carnegie-Mellon University DAVID L. BEVERIDGE Associate Professor of Chemistry Hunter College City University of New York McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO DUSSELDORF LONDON MEXICO PANAMA SYDNEY TORONTO APPROXIMATE MOLECULAR ORBITAL THEORY Copyright © 1970 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 70-95820 07-050512-8 45 678910 KPKP 78321098 Preface Since its inception in the early days of quantum mechanics, molecular orbital theory has become a powerful method for studying the electronic struc ture of molecules, illuminating many areas of chemistry. In quantitative form, it has developed both as an ab initio method for computing molecular wavefunctions directly from the fundamental equations of quantum mechanics and also as a semiempirical technique for interrelating various physical proper ties of atoms and molecules using a simplified formalism as a framework for parameterization. Until recently, ab initio calculations dealt mainly with very small systems while the semiempirical methods were oriented toward the 7r electrons of larger planar molecules. In the last few years, however, both approaches have become more concerned with general polyatomic mole cules and they now overlap somewhat in their areas of application. This book has the limited objective of presenting the background of self-consistent molecular orbital theory and following this with a description of certain elementary semiempirical schemes which use the general theory as a basic framework. These are methods based on zero-differential overlap (complete neglect of differential overlap, or CNDO, and intermediate neglect of differential overlap, or INDO) which are simple enough to be applied to a wide range of chemical problems without major computational effort. The necessary general theory is covered in Chaps. 1 and 2 leading up to simple examples of molecular orbital calculations for diatomics. In Chap. 3, the approximations involved in the semiempirical schemes and the corresponding parameterizations are discussed in detail. In Chap. 4 we survey applications of the methods which have been made to date, including studies of electronic charge distributions in molecules, dipole moments, equilibrium geometries, nuclear hyperfine structure in the electron spin resonance spectroscopy of organic free radicals and the spin coupling constants measured by nuclear magnetic resonance. Many of the conclusions based on the simple methods described in this book will undoubtedly be modified by larger and more sophisticated calcula tions which are rapidly becoming possible. Nevertheless, we believe that theoretical studies at this simple level do provide a first approximation which is realistic, informative, and direct enough to allow widespread application. 11- is to facilitate such applications that we have collected the material in this volume. Much of the work described herein has been the result of a collaborative rITort with a number of colleagues at Carnegie-Mellon University. These include David P. Santry, Gerald Segal, Mark S. Gordon, Paul A. Dobosh, Neil S. Ostlund, and James W. Mclver, Jr. Helpful discussions with Herbert V vi PREFACE Fischer and Keith Miller are also acknowledged. The efforts of Kathryn Severn in preparing the typescript are greatly appreciated. Permission to reproduce material has been granted by the Journal of Chemical Physics and the Journal of the American Chemical Society. The support of the U.S. Public Health Service, Grant 1-F2-CA-21,281-01 is gratefully acknowledged by David L. Beveridge. JOHN A. POPLE DAVID L. BEVERIDGE Contents PREFACE v Chapter 1 QUANTUM-MECHANICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 The Schroedinger Equation 3 1.3 General Properties of Operators and Wavefunctions 7 1.4 The Variational Method 11 1.5 The Orbital Approximation 12 1.6 Electron Spin 14 1.7 The Antisymmetry Principle and Determinantal Wavefunctions 16 1.8 Electronic Configurations and Electronic States 19 1.9 Atomic Orbitals in Molecular Orbital Theory 22 Chapter 2 SELF-CONSISTENT FIELD MOLECULAR ORBITAL THEORY 2.1 Introduction 31 2.2 The Energy Expression for a Closed-shell Configuration 32 2.3 The Hartree-Fock Equations for Molecular Orbitals 37 2.4 LCAO Molecular Orbitals for Closed-shell Systems 41 2.5 An LCAOSCF Example: Hydrogen Fluoride 46 2.6 Molecular Orbitals for Open-shell Systems 51 Chapter 3 APPROXIMATE MOLECULAR ORBITAL THEORIES 3.1 Introduction 57 3.2 Invariant Levels of Approximation 60 3.3 Complete Neglect of Differential Overlap (CNDO) 62 3.4 The CNDO/1 Parameterization 69 3.6 The CNDO/2 Parameterization 75 3.6 Intermediate Neglect of Differential Overlap (INDO) 80 3.7 Neglect of Diatomic Differential Overlap (NDDO) 83 Chapter 4 APPLICATIONS OF APPROXIMATE MOLECULAR ORBITAL THEORY 4.1 Introduction 85 4.2 Molecular Geometries and Electronic Charge Distributions 85 vll vlii CONTENTS 4.3 Electron-spin-Nuclear-spin Interactions 128 4.4 Nuclear-spin-Nuclear-spin Interactions 149 4.6 Further Applications of Approximate Molecular Orbital Theory 159 Appendix A A FORTRAN-IV COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR CNDO AND INDO CALCULATIONS 163 Appendix B EVALUATION OF ONE- AND TWO-CENTER INTEGRALS 194 B.l Basis Functions 194 B.2 Coordinate Systems 195 B.3 The Reduced Overlap Integral 197 B.4 Overlap Integrals 199 B.5 Two-center Coulomb Integrals Involving s Functions 200 B.6 One-center Coulomb Integrals Involving s Functions 203 B.7 Implementation of Integral Evaluations in CNDO and INDO Molecular Orbital Calculations 204 NAME INDEX 207 SUBJECT INDEX 213 1 Quantum-mechanical Background 1.1 INTRODUCTION The main objective of any theory of molecular structure is to provide some insight into the various physical laws governing the chemical constitution of molecules in terms of the more fundamental universal physical laws governing the motions and interactions of the constituent atomic nuclei and electrons. In principle such theories can aim at a precise quantitative description of the structure of molecules and their chemical properties, since the underlying physical laws are now well understood in terms of quantum theory based on the Schroedinger equation. However, in practice mathematical and computational complexities make this goal difficult to attain, and one must usually resort to approximate methods. The principal approximate methods considered in molecular quantum mechanics are valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory [1]. Valence bond theory originated in the work of Heitler l 2 APPROXIMATE MOLECULAR ORBITAL THEORY and London and was developed extensively by Pauling. Molecular orbital theory has its origins in the early research work in band spec troscopy of diatomic molecules and has been widely used to describe many aspects of molecular structure and diverse molecular properties such as electronic dipole moments, optical absorption spectra, and electron and nuclear magnetic resonance. Among those involved in the original works were Hund, Mulliken, Lennard-Jones, and Slater. We are concerned herein exclusively with molecular orbital theory, and particularly with the theories and problems encountered in carry ing out the calculation of molecular orbitals for large molecules. Molecular orbital theory provides a precise description of molec ular electronic structure only for one-electron molecules, but for many-electron molecules it provides a sufficiently good approximate description to be generally useful. The full analytical calculation of the molecular orbitals for most systems of interest may be reduced to a purely mathematical problem [2], the central feature of which is the calculation and diagonalization of an effective interaction energy matrix for the system. The digital computer programs that have been prepared to carry out these calculations have been mostly the result of extensive work by highly coordinated research groups. A number of these groups have generously made their programs available to the scientific community at large [3], but even with the programs in hand the computer time involved in carrying out sufficiently accurate calculations is often prohibitively large, even for diatomic molecules. On the other hand, many applications of molecular orbital theory do not necessarily require accurate molecular orbitals for the system. In many chemical and physical problems, a qualitative or semi quantitative knowledge of the form of the molecular orbitals is suffi cient to extract the necessary information. Thus there is considerable interest in the development of good approximate molecular orbital theories to serve this purpose, and this constitutes the subject of the present book. Approximate molecular orbital theories are based on schemes developed within the mathematical framework of molecular orbital theory, but with a number of simplifications introduced in the compu tational procedure. Often experimental data on atoms and prototype molecular systems are used to estimate values for quantities entering into the calculations as parameters, and for this reason the procedures are widely known as semiempirical methods. Approximate molecular orbital theory may be approached from two basically different points of view. One approach involves choosing appropriate values for the elements of the aforementioned interaction QUANTUM-MECHANICAL BACKGROUND 3 energy matrix from essentially empirical considerations, and is char acteristic of the so-called Huckel [4] and extended Huckel [5] methods. The other approach is based explicitly on the mathematical formalism, and involves introducing approximations for the atomic and molecular integrals entering the expression for the elements of the energy inter action matrix. The latter approach is referred to as approximate self-consistent field theory [6]. Both Huckel theory and approximate self-consistent field theory were originally developed within the frame work of the 7r electron approximation, treating the w electrons of planar unsaturated organic molecules explicitly with the remaining a electrons and atomic nuclei considered as part of a nonpolarizable core. Huckel T electron theory has been given a most definitive treatment by Streitweiser [4], and likewise ir electron self-consistent field theory is developed in considerable detail in the recent books by Salem [7] and Murrell [8]. We thus restrict our consideration to more recent approxi mate molecular orbital theories applicable to all valence electrons of a general three-dimensional molecule. In the following presentation, we have attempted to give the essentials of quantum mechanics and molecular orbital theory pertinent to the understanding and application of approximate molecular orbital calculations to chemical problems. The remainder of this chapter is a cursory and informal discussion of certain quantum-mechanical principles and an introduction to the orbital description of electronic structure. In Chap. 2, the methods of molecular orbital theory are introduced and illustrated in some detail. Chapters 3 and 4 are concerned with approximate molecular orbital theory, presenting first the formalism of acceptable approximation schemes followed by a discussion of applications reported to date. Appendix A contains a description and listing of a digital computer program for carrying out calculations by some of the more extensively tested approximate molecular orbital methods. 1.2 THE SCHROEDINGER EQUATION [9] According to classical mechanics, the energy E of a system of inter acting particles is the sum of a kinetic-energy contribution T and a potential-energy function V, T + V = E (1.1) Hchroedinger suggested that the proper way to describe the wave char acter of particles was to replace the classical kinetic- and potential-

McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1970. – 221 p.Before John Pople did the work in ab initio quantum chemistry that won him a Nobel Prize, he worked with what are today called semiempirical computational chemistry methods, methods that replace some intensive numerical operations with data derived from expe
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