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Prentice-Hall Series in Automatic Computation George Forsythe, editor ANSELONE, Collectively Compact Operator Approximation Theory and Applications to Integral Equations ARBIB, Theories 0/ Abstract Automata BATES AND DOU(JLAS, Pro/!ram",I,,/! Lall/!IIUIlC/OllC 2nd cd. BAUMANN, FELICIANO, BAUER, AND SAMELSON, Introduction to ALGOL BLUMENTHAL, Management In/ormation Systems BOBROW AND SCHWARTZ, editors, Computers and the Policy-Making Community: Applica- tions to International Relations BOWLES, editor, Computers in Humanistic Research APPROXI MATE CRESS, DIRKSEN, AND GRAHAM, FORTRAN IV with W ATFOR and WATFIV DANIEL, The Approximate Minimization 0/ Functionals EVANS, WALLACE, AND SUTHERLAND, Simulation Using Digital Computers CALCULATION FIKE, Computer Evaluation 0/ Mathematical Functions FORSYTHE AND MOLER, Computer Solution 0/ Linear Algebraic Systems GAUTHIER AND PONTO, Designing Systems Programs GEAR, Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations OF GORDON, System Simulation GREENSPAN, Lectures on the Numerical Solution 0/L inear, Singular and Nonlinear Differential Equations HARTMANIS AND STEARNS, Algebraic Structure Theory 0/ Sequential Machines MULTIPLE INTEGRALS HEAPS, An Introduction to Computer Languages HULL, Introduction to Computing JOHNSON, System Structure in Data, Programs, and Computers LORIN, Parallelism in Hardware and Software: An Introduction to Considerations in Real and Apparent Concurrency MARTIN, Design 0/ Real-Time Computer Systems MARTIN, Future Developments in Telecommunications MARTIN, Programming Real-Time Computer Systems MARTIN, Systems Analysis for Data Transmission MARTIN, Telecommunications and the Computer MARTIN, Telep'ocessing Network Organization A. H. Stroud MARTIN AND NORMAN, The Computerized Society II MATHISON AND WALKER, Computers and Telecommunications: Issues In Public Policy Department of Mathematics Me KEEMAN, HORNING, AND WORTMAN, A Compiler Generator Texas A cl M Univer:sity ~YfC~unmo~i~amtInfinffe~c~s~--------------------------~>~.. MOORE, Interval Allalysis PYLYSHYN, editor, Perspectives Oil the Computer Revollllioll RUSTIN, editor, Computer Science SALTON, The SMART Retrieval System: Experiments in Automatic Document Processing SAMMET, Programming Languages: History and Fundamentals SIMON AND SIKLOSSY, editors, Representation and Meaning: Experiments with In/ormation Processing Systems STERLING AND POLLACK, Introduction to Statistical Data Processing STROUD, Approximate Calculation 0/ Multiple Integrals STROUD AND SECREST, Gaussian Quadrature Formulas TAVISS, editor, The Computer Impact TRAUB, Iterative Methods for the Solution of Equations VARGA, Matrix Iterative Analysis VAZSONYI, Problem Solving by Digital Computers with PLIJ Programming Prentice-Hall, Inc. WILKINSON, Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey PREFACE © 1971 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. The theory of approximate calculation of single integrals is known in Englewood Cliffs, N. J. considerable detail. There are three books on this subject in English: V. I. Krylov, Approximate Calculation of Integrals, The Macmillan Com pany, 1962 (translated from first Russian edition, 1959, by A. H. Stroud); All rights reserved. No part of this book A. H. Stroud and D. Secrest, Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice-Hall, may be reproduced in any form or by any means Inc., 1966; without permission in writing from the publisher. P. J. Davis and P. Rabinowitz. Numericallnlexralion, Blaisdell, 1967. A second Russian edition of Krylov's book was published in 1967. The Current printing (last digit): biggest change in this edition is the inclusion of four chapters on multiple 10 9 8 7. 6 S 4 3 2 integrals. these chapters were written by I. P. Mysovskih. In addition there are a number of Russian books by V. I. Krylov and several co-authors devoted mainly to tables of one variable formulas. There is also a book in 13-043893-6 Romanian: - - ------ - - - ---.. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 77-1S9121 D. V. lonescu, Numerical Quadrature, Bucharest, 1957. The earliest interesting integration formulas for more than one variable were given in 1877 by J. C. Maxwell. However the Bibliography lists only Printed in the United States of America about 15 papers before 1945. Therefore most of what is known about this subject has been discovered fairly recently; in fact, a significant amount has been published since work was begun on this book four years ago. Much remains to be done. This book is meant to be a research monograph and reference work. PRENTICE-HALL INTERNATIONAL, INC., London As such we have tried to include all of the important information presently PRENTICE-HALL OF AUSTRALIA, PTY. LTD., Sydney known on this subject. However, in certain cases, which will be mentioned PRENTICE-HALL OF CANADA, LTD., Toronto below, it has not been possible to do this. Some of our results are previously PRENTICE-HALL OF INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, New Delhi PRENTICE-HALL OF JAPAN, INC., Tokyo unpublished. vi PREFACE PREFACE vii The first part of the book mainly discusses theoretical questions: through 5.13. Essential to this theory are some fundamental theorems about existence and construction of formulas and error estimates. The second part linear functionals defined on a Hilbert space; statements of these theorems is mainly tables of formulas and computer programs. are included. In Chapter 2 we discuss product formulas. The results of Sections 2.8 Chapter 6 on quasi-Monte Carlo methods is also a survey. A com and 2.9 are new. Section 2.8 shows how a formula for a solid star-like prehensive treatment of the so-called "number-theoretic methods" is given n-dimensional region can be obtained if a formula is known for its surface. in This generalizes the previously known result for the n-sphere. In Section 2.9 N. M. Korobov, Number-Theoretic Methods in Approximate Analysis (in we derive a formula for a torus provided a formula is known for its cross Russian), Moscow, ]963. section. Although most applications of this result are in three dimensions, the result applies in n dimensions, n ;;::: 3. We summarize some of Korobov's results and also results due to E. Hlawka, Chapter 3 is devoted to nonproduct formulas. Sections 3.2 through 3.4 S. K. Zaremba, S. Haber and V. L. N. Sarma. concern Newton-Cotes type formulas. In Section 3.2 the evaluation of a In recent years S. L. Sobolev and other Russian authors have developed certain determinant related to the existence of these formulas is new. (We a theory of "formulas with a regular boundary layer." This is the only major omit discussion of an algorithm, due to F. Stenger [3], for the construction topic we do not discuss. The reason we omit this is that we understand of such formulas.) Section 3.3 gives Tchakaloff's result concerning the Sobolev is preparing a book also titled "Approximate Calculation of Mul existence of formulas with all points inside the region and all coefficients tiple Integrals" which should give a complete discussion of this theory. Part positive. Section 3.4 gives one of the constructive proofs of Tchakaloff's of the review article by S. Haber [6] discusses Sobolev's work. result due to P. J. Davis. The most important topic in the remainder of Chapter 7 defines the regions for which formulas are tabulated in Chapter 3 concerns the relation between the points in a formula and common Chapter 8. We tabulate almost all formulas known to us which have some zeros of sets of orthogonal polynomials in n variables. This investigation was practical or theoretical importance. (There has not been space to include started by Radon (see Section 3.12); additional results have recently been all the formulas tabulated by F. Stenger [I], [4].) Some of these formulas obtained by Stroud (Sections 3.7, 3.11, 3.13). Hopefully these results can be have not been published previously. With some formulas we also give con expanded into a still more complete theory. A lower bound for the number stants needed for the error estimates discussed in Chap. 5. It is believed that of points in a formula of odd degree given in Section 3.] 5 is new. From this none of these error constants has been published previously. it follows that a formula of degree 3 for the n-simplex must have at least Chapter 10 gives computer programs for a few selected formulas and + n 2 points. (We have omitted the result of 1. P. Mysovskih [5] that a programs for computing error constants. formula of degree 3 for the n-sphere and n-cube must have at least 2n points.) " I am indebted to James Brooking, now at Knolls Atomic Power Chapter 4 discusses ways in which a formula for the m-cube can be Laboratory, Schenectady, New York, for his plotting routines which drew used to obtain a formula for the n-cube, n > m, by methods other than the 3-dimensional graphs of the Sard kernel functions in Chapter 5. Also product methods. I thank Bob Barnhill and Frank Stenger for comments on parts of the Chapter 5 is a survey of topics on error estimates. It contains only the manuscript. I thank Mark Morgante who assisted in computingusome of outlines of a few proofs. Sections 5.2 through 5.10 discuss theorems on the error C()Ilstants and Mrs. Liz Mciver, Mrs ..J une Cassidy, Miss Joyce representations of linear functionals given by Staskiewicz and Mrs. Kristine Johnson for typing parts of the manuscript. Some of the new results contained in this book are results of research A. Sard, Linear Approximation, Amer. Math. Society, ]963, Chap. 4, performed with support of the National Science Foundation under Grants and estimates for the error in integration formulas derived from these GP-5675, GP-7364, GP-8954 and GP-13287. The computations were also theorems. Sard's theory generalizes that of Peano for one variable. The com supported in part from these grants. The remainder of the computations plete theory is given by Sard and there is no need to reproduce it here. It were supported by the State University of New York and were carried out on has not been used for practical work in the past mainly for two reasons: the IBM 7044 and the CDC 6400 at the Computing Center of the State (i) the lack of an easily readable account of the general ideas, and (ii) lack University of New York at Buffalo. of tabulated constants for specific formulas. We have tried to provide these two things. There is a second type of error estimate for analytic functions. A. H. Stroud This theory is due to R. E. Barnhill and is summarized in Sections 5.]] CONTENTS Part I THEORY 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 The Approximations 3 1.2 Some Notation and Definitions 4 1.3 Contrasts Between One Variable and More Than One Variable 6 1.4 Affine Transformations of Formulas 7 I.S Desirable Properties of a Formula; Choice of a Formula 12 1.6 Regions for Which Formulas Are not Known 14 1.7 Unsolved Problems 17 1.8 Intersections of Plane Curves 18 1.9 Convergence of a Sequence of Formulas 21 Chapter 2 PRODUCT FORMULAS 23 2.1 Remarks 23 2.2 The n-Cube 25 2.3 General Cartesian Product Formulas 26 2.4 The n-Simplex 28 2.S n-Dimensional Cones 31 2.6 The n-Sphere 32 2.7 Surface of the n-Sphere 40 2.8 Formulas for a Region from Formulas for Its Surface 43 2.9 II-Dimensional Tori 46 2.10 The Ellipse 49 2.11 Regions Bounded by Orthogonal Parabolas 51 Ix x CONTENTS :ONTENTS xl Chapter 3 NONPRODUCT FORMULAS 53 Chapter 6 MONTE CARLO AND NUMBER-THEORETIC METHODS 193 3,1 Remarks 53 3.1 Existence of Formulas 54 3.3 Existence of Formulas with Positive Coefficients 58 6.1 Introduction 193 3.4 Construction of Formulas with Positive Coefficients 63 6.1 The Discrellancyof a Set of Points nnd the Error 3.5 Orthogonal Polynomials in n Variables 67 in a Quasi-Monte. Carlo Method 195 3.6 Some Particular Orthogonal Polynomials 70 6.3 Number-Theoretic Methods 198 3.7 Integration Formulas and Orthogonal Polynomials 75 6.4 Stratified Sampling Methods 209 3.8 Second Degree Formulas 79 6.5 Qunsi-Monte Carlo Methods for Large n 210 -",- 3.9 Third Degree Formulas with 2n Points 88 6.6 Examples 212 3.10 Fifth Degree Formulas with nZ + n + 2 Points 92 6.7 Other Results 216 :~' l.U Formulas of Degree 2m - 1 with mZ Points for Two Variables 96 3.11 Radon's Firth Degree Formulas 100 3.13 More on Integration Formulas and Orthogonal Polynomials 110 3.14 Some Formulas for the n-Simplex 114 3.15 A Lower Bound for the Number of Points in a Part II Formula 118 3.16 Minimal Point Formulas 120 TABLES 217 3.17 Richardson Extrapolation for the n-Cube 121 Chapter 4 EXTENSIONS OF FORMULAS 127 Chapter 7 THE REGIONS 219 4.1 Introduction 127 7.1 Introduction 219 4.1 Extensions of an Arbitrary Formula for C 129 m 7.1 C.-the n-Dimensional Cube 220 4.3 Extensions of Symmetric and Fully Symmetric 7.3 C:holl-the n-Dimensional Cubical Shell 220 Formulas 133 7.4 S.-the n-Dimensional Sphere 220 4.4 Regions Other Than Cm 136 7.5 S:boll-the n-Dimensional Spherical Shell 221 7.6 U.-the Surface of S. 221 7.7 G.-the n-Dimensional Octahedron 221 Chapter 5 ERROR ESTIMATES 137 7.8 Tn-the n-Dimensional Simplex 222 7.9 E~' -Entire n-Dimensional Space with Weight 5.1 Introduction 137 +-'----cSIr.I The SpaceuofFu-nclions B". 138 Function exp (-xi - ... - .;) ~'~n,----~~~ 5.3 Estimates for I Elf) I 146 7.10 FE~u-nEcntitoinr eex np-(D -.im.;ex nis i+on a..l .S p+a cxe! }w ith2 2W2 eight 5.4 Examples 148 7.11 Hz-the 2-Dimensional Hexagon 223 5.5 The Space of Functions B" •• , 157 7.1Z ELP-the 2-Dimensional Ellipse with Weight 5.6 Examples 159 Function [(x - c)Z + y2J-IIZ[(x + c)Z + yZJ-I/Z 223 5.7 General Spaces of Type B 168 7.13 PAR-First Parabolic Region 224 5.8 Nonrectangular Regions in Two Dimensions 169 7.14 PARz-Second Parabolic Region 225 5.9 Error Constants for Some Product Formulas 172 7.15 PAR3-Third Parabolic Region 225 5.10 Regions in Three Dimensions 176 7.16 CN: Cz-A 3-Dimensional Pyramid 225 5.11 The Hilbert Space £Z(~ p x 8 p) 178 7.17 CN: Sz-A 3-Dimensional Cone 226 5.U Error Bounds for Analytic Functions 180 7.18 TOR 3 : Sz-A 3-Dimensional Torus with Circular 5.13 The Hypercircle Inequality and Integration Formulas Cross Section 226 Obtained From It 184 7.19 TOR 3 : Cz-A 3-Dimensional Torus with Square 5.14 The Sarma-Eberlein Estimate of Goodness SE 188 Cross Section 227 xii CONTENTS CONTENTS xiii Chapter 8 TABLES OF FORMULAS 228 AUTHOR INDEX 419 8.1 Notation 228 8.2 C.-The n-Dimensional Cube 229 SUBJECT INDEX 423 8.3 C:hol1_The n-Dimensional Cubical Shell 266 8.4 S.-The II-Dimensional Sphere 267 8.S S:bol1_The n-Dimensional Spherical Shell 293 INDEX OF SYMBOLS 427 8.6 U.-The Surface of S. 294 8.7 G.-The n-Dimensional Octahedron 303 8.8 T,.-The n-Dimensional Simplex 306 8.9 E~'-Entire n-Dimensional Space with Weight Function exp(-xf - ... - x;) 315 8.10 E~-Entire n-Dimensional Space with Weight + ... Functionexp(-v'xt +x~) 329 8.11 H z-The Two-Dimensional Hexagon 335 8.12 ELP-The Two-Dimensional Ellipse with Weight + + + Function [(x -'c)l yZ]-I/2[(x c)l yZ]-I/2 336 8.13 PAR-First Parabolic Region 338 8.14 PARz-Second Parabolic Region 338 8.1S PAR3-Third Parabolic Region 338 8.16 CN: Cz-A Three-Dimensional Pyramid 339 8.17 CN: Sz-A Three-Dimensional Cone 339 8.18 TOR3: Sz-A Three-Dimensional Torus with Circular Cross Section 340 8.19 TOR3: Cz-A Three-Dimensional Torus with Square Cross Section 340 Chapter 9 REGULAR POLYTOPES IN n DIMENSIONS 342 Chapter /0 COMPUTER PROGRAMS 346 10.1 Introduction 346 10.2 Iterated Integrals 346 10.3 Integrals over the Square, Circle and Sphere 350 10.4 Integrals over the n-Sphere, 2 ~ n ~ 8 353 10.S Integrals over the Circumference of the Circle and the Surface of the Sphere 359 10.6 Integrals over Tori 362 10.7 Integrals over the Triangle, Tetrahedron and the n-Simplex, 2 =::;; n ~ 8 366 10.8 The Progressive Procedure (Richardson Extrapolation) for the n-Cube, 2 ~ n ~ 5 374 10.9 Computation of Error Constants 376 BIBLIOGRAPHY 390 -«l - « 0 <1: ...J U ::J ...J I- Z I . L ::J ~ a.-...J z I-IJJ (j 0::: <:( .:J JIwoer - t : , Chapter I NTRODUCTION 1.1 The Approximations The purpose of this book is to discuss methods for approximate calcula tion of multiple integrals. Most of the approximations we consider have the form J .. J .~ w(x ,x.)f(x, •...• x.) dx, ... dx. i • ••• (I.I-I) :::::::: LN Bt!(v"I"'" v".) Is I Here R. is a given region in n-dimensional Euclidean space E. and w(x = =l= • . ',' • x.) is a given weight function-often w(x x.) I. The v, l ••••• (v,.!' •.. .• v, .•) are points which lie in E. and are called the points (or nodes) of the formula; the B, are constants which do not depend on f(x x.) I' •••• and are called the coefficients of tlte formula. Throughollt this book we shall >- assume w(xl ••••• x.) 0 on R. unless stated otherwise. Most of the formulas we discuss are exact (o~ ~ y~rlltlll class o[ pol~ - ·ri1farsln x~.-. -:-: ,-i ..- We say-that-formula (I~ I-I> has degree d (or degree of -< exactlless eI) if it is exact for all polynomials in XI' •• • • x. of degree d + and there is at least one polynomial of degree d I for which it is not exact. In other words, (1.1-1) has degree d if it is exact for any linear combination of monomials xi'xi' ... x:- (1.1-2) (l .. (lz ••••• (l. nonnegative integers o <IXI + IXz + '" + IX. < d + and there is at least one monomial of degree d I for which (I.I-I) is not exact. In Part I of this book we discuss the theory of these formulas. In Chapter 3 4 THEORY Par' I Ch. 1 INTRODUCTION 5 8 of Part Ii we tabulate the most important known formulas of the form of defined in the Riemann sense, and with some of its simpler properties. We (1.1-1). Formulas are given for the following regions: . also nsslIme ral11ilinrity with relnted ideas, such as a Riemann sum in II C. the unit n-cube, dimensions and an II-fold iterated integral: C:hOIl the n-cubical shell, "" f""("') f f"'··'( .. f ,·····x.o.> S. the solid unit n-sphere, . . . f(x., ... ,x.) dx• ... dx. ,. ".(.Y,) ' .... (~I ......' ,. I) S~holl the lI-sJ"lhericnl shell, v. All vectors are delined by lowercase boldface letters, for example. V, the surface of the unit n-sphere, x, v" The components of a vector are written as follows: G. the n-octahedron (or n-crosspolytope), = T. the n-simplex, x (x., x2, ••• , x.) EE~" eennttiirree nn--ssppaaccee wwiitthh wweeigighht tf ufunnctcitoionn e xepx(p -( ,-.xj~ x t- + ...... -+ xx!!)).. v, = (v, .• , v,. 2' ••• , V, •• ) All matrices are denoted by boldface capital letters, for example, X, A, C, TOR: S2 the three-dimensional torus with circular cross section, and I. The symbol XT denotes the transpose of X. The symbol X-I denotes the TOR: C the three-dimensional torus with square cross section. 2 inverse or X. Given a matrix X we shall not use any systematic notation for Precise definitions of these regions are given in Chapter 7. Formulas the elements of X. are also given for a few other special two- and three-dimensional regions, E. denotes real n-dimensional Euclidean space. which are also defined in Chapter 7. R. denotes a region in E• . The approximations we give for integrals over U• • the surface of the n is the dimension of E., usually n > 2. unit II-sphere, have a slightly different form than (1.1-1). We write these in Usually N denotes the number of points in a formula (1.1-1) and the the form coefficients in the formula will be denoted by B ..... , BN (sometimes by (1.1-3) A., ... , AN)' A weight function is denoted by w(x., ... , x.). Usually we assume The integral on the left side of (1.1-3) is an (II - I )-fold integral ;f(x., ... , x;,) w(x., ... , x.) > 0 on R •. is assumed defined in terms of II-dimensional Cartesian coordinates, which For short we write are restricted to lie on U.: = xf + xl + .. , + x: = I J(f) J[J(x., ... , x.») , The points V, which appear on the right side of (1.1-3) are also usually given in terms of Cartesian coordinates and also lie on U• . Special cases of this are Each formula given in Chapter 8 has an individual label. auch as C2: 2-4 f·;: f or S.: 5-1. The system of labeling is explained at the beginning of Chapter 8. == w(x~~x.) /(1) dx • ... dx. We give one formula, Ca: 2-1, which ~ses~arti~derivatives of the f·;.· f integrand. - x:.) == J(x1'X!' : .. w(x., ... ,x.)x1'X1' '" X:. dx. '" dx. (1.2-1 ) 1.2 Notation and Definitions Unless stated otherwise the exponents 11., in a monomial As mentioned in Sec. 1.1, definitions for the regions we consider are given in Chapter 7 and the system for labeling the formulas tabulated in are assumed to be nonnegative integers. In Chapter 8 we write Chapter 8 is explained in Sec. 8.1. The main purpose of this section is to define the symbols and basic notation to be used. V= /(1) We assume the reader is familiar with the concept of a multiple definite We always assume that the region and weight function are such that the integral, monomial integrals (1.2-1) are finite. - The symbol (.I'J denotes the largest integer which is less than or equal to the positive real number .1'. .

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