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Approval of Phase II Liquidation returnable October 13th, 2017 PDF

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Preview Approval of Phase II Liquidation returnable October 13th, 2017

Court File No. CV-l7-11846-00CL ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE COMMERCIAL LIST IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES' CREDITORS' ARRANGEMENT lCZ, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, AS AMENDED AND IN THE MATTER OF A PLAN OF COMPROMISE OR ARRANGEMENT OF SEARS CANADA INC., CORBEIL ÉrpcrrueuE INC., s.L.H. TRANSIORT INC., THE cur [NC., SEARS CONTACT SERVICES INC., INITIUM LOGISTICS SERVICES fNC., INITIUM COMMERCE LABS INC.,INITIUM TRADING AND SOURCING CORP., SEARS FLOOR COVERING CENTRES INC., 173470 CANADA INC., 2497089 ONTARIO INC., 6988741CANADA INC., 1001I711 CANADA INC., 1592580 ONTARIO LIMITED, 955041 ALBERTA LTD., 4201531 CANADA INC., 168886 CANADA INC., AND 3339611 CANADA INC. APPLICANTS MOTION RECORD OF THE APPLICANTS (Motion for Approval of Phase II Liquidation, returnable October 13, 2017) October 10,2017 osLER, HOSKIN & HARCOURT LLP Box 50, 1 First Canadian Place Toronto, ON M5X 188 Marc Vy'asserman LSUC# 44066M Tel: 416.862.4908 Jeremy Dacks LSUC# 4185lR Tel: 416.862.4923 Tracy Sandler LSUC# 32443N Tel: 416.862.5890 Karin Sachar LSUC# 599448 Tel: 416.862.5949 Lawyers for the Applicants TO: SERVICE LIST Updated Ocl. 10,2017 at 4:49 PM Court File No. CV-17-l1846-00CL ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE (COMMERCIAL LrST) IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES' CKEDITORS ARRANGEMENTICZ, R.S.C. 1985, c.C-36, AS AMENDED AND IN THE MATTER OF A PLAN OF COMPROMISE OR ARRANGEMENT OF SEARS CANADA INC., CORBEIL ELECTRIQUE INC., S.L.H. TRANSPORT INC., THE CUT INC., SEARS CONTACT SERVICES INC., INITIUM LOGISTICS SERVICES INC., INITIUM COMMERCE LABS INC., INITIUM TRADING AND SOURCING CORP., SEARS FLOOR COVERTNG CENTRES INC., 173470 CANADA INC.,2497089 ONTARIO INC., 6988741 CANADA INC., IOOI I711 CANADA INC., I592580 ONTARIO LIMITED, 95504I ALBERTA LTD., 4201531CANADA INC., I68886 CANADA INC., AND 333961I CANADA INC. Applicants SERVICE LIST TO osLER, HOSKIN & HARCOURT LLP Box 50, 1 First Canadian Place Toronto, ON M5X lB8 Marc Wasserman Tel: +1 416.862.4908 Jeremy Dacks Tel: +l 416.862.4923 Tracy Sandler Tel: +l 416.862.5890 Michael De Lellis Tel: +l 416.862.5997 Shawn Irving Tel: 416.862.4733 Martino Calvaruso Tel: +1 416.862.6665 Karin Sachar Tel: +1416.862,5949 Fax: +l416.862.6666 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Lawyers for the Applicants AND FTI CONSULTING CANADA INC. AND NORTON ROSE F'ULBRIGHT CANADA LLP TO: TD Waterhouse Tower TO: Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower 79 Wellington Street West 200 Bay Street, Suite 3800, P.O. Box 84 Suite 2010, P.O. Box 104 Toronto, Ontario MsJ 224 Toronto, Ontario M4K lG8 Orestes Pasparakis Tel: Greg Watson +1416.216.4815 Paul Bishop Virginie Gauthier Tel: +l Jim Robinson 416.216.4853 Steven Bissell Alan Merskey Tel: Linda Kelly +1416.216.4805 Kamran Hamidi Evan Cobb Tel: +1416.216.1929 Toll Free: 1.855.649.81 13 Alexander Schmitt Tel: +1 416.649.8100 Tel: +l 416.216.2419 +1416.649.8113 Catherine Ma Fax: Tel: +1 416.649.8101 +l416.216.4838 Fax: +1416.216.3930 searscanada@ft iconsulting.com greg.watson@ft iconsulting.com orestes.pasparakis@nortonrosefulbri ght.com paul.bishop@ft icon su lting.com v irgin ie. gauthier@nortonrosefulbri ght.com j im.robinson@ft iconsulting.com alan.merskey@nortonroseful bri ght.com steven.bissell@ft iconsulting.com evan.cobb@nortonrosefulbri ght.com I inda.kel ly@ft iconsulting.com alexander. schmitt@nortonrosefulbri ght.com kamran.hamidi@ft iconsulting.com catherine.ma@nortonrosefulbri ght.com Monitor Lawyers to the Monitor, FTI Consulting Canada Inc. AND BENNETT JONES LLP AND KOSKIE MINSKY LLP TO: 3400 One First Canadian Place TO: 20 Queen Street West, Suite 900, P.O. Box 130 Box 52 Toronto, Ontario M5X 144 Toronto, Ontario M5H 3R3 Gary Solway Andrew J. Hatnay Tel: +l 416.777.6555 Tel: +l 416.595.2083 Sean Zweig Mark Zigler Tel: +l 416.777.6254 Tel: +1416.595.2090 Fax: +l416.863.1716 Fax: +l 416.977.3316 solwayg@bennettj ones. com [email protected] zw ei gs@b en n ettj one s. co m [email protected] Lawyers to the Board of Directors and Representative Counsel for Active Employees and the Special Committee of the Board of Retirees of Sears Canada Inc. with respect to Directors of Sears Canada Inc. pension matters regarding the defined benefit component of the Sears Pension Plan, the Supplemental Plan and the post-employment benefits 2 AND GOODMAi\S LLP AND CASSELS BROCK & BLACKWELL LLP TO: Bay Adelaide Centre TO: Suite 2100, Scotia Plaza 333 Bay Street, Suite 3400 40 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 2S7 Toronto, Ontario M5H 3C2 Joe Latham Ryan C. Jacobs Tel: +l Tel: +l 416.597.4211 416.860.6465 Jean Anderson Jane O. Dietrich Tel: +l 416.597.4297 Tel: +1416.860.5223 Dan Dedic R. Shayne Kukulowicz Tel: +l Tel: +l 416.597.4232 416.860.6463 Graham Smith Tim Pinos Tel: +l 416.597.4161 Tel: +1416.869.5784 Jason Wadden Lara Jackson Tel: +l 416.597.5165 Tel: +1416.860.2907 Ryan Baulke Ben Goodis Tel: +1416.849.6954 Tel: +1416.8695312 Fax: +1416.979.1234 Fax: +l416.360.8877 [email protected] rj [email protected] j anderson@ goodmans.ca j [email protected] [email protected] skukulowicz@cassel sbrock.com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Lawyers to Wells Fargo Capital Finance Lawyers to GACP Finance Co., LLC as DIP Term Corporation Canada as DIP ABL Agent, Loan Agent and Term Loan Agent, as well as the as well as the Lenders thereunder Lenders thereunder AND ALVAREZ & MARSAL AND KSV ADVISORY INC. TO: Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower TO: 150 King Street West, Suite 2308 200 Bay Street, Suite 2900, P.O. Box 22 Toronto, Ontario, M5H lJ9 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Jl Douglas Mclntosh Bobby Kofman dm c i nto sh@ alv ar ezandmarsal . com [email protected] Al Hutchens Noah GoldsteÍn ahu tch en s @ alv arczandmarsal . com ngoldstein@ksvadv isory.com Joshua Nevsky Financial Advisor to the Special Committee of the j [email protected] Board of Directors of Sears Canada Inc. Steven Glustein s gluste in@ alv ar ezandmarsal. com Advisors to the DIP ABL Lenders and DIP Term Loan Lenders 3 AND DAVIES \ryARD PHILLPS & AND AIRD & BERLIS LLP TO: VINEBERG LLP TO: Brookfield Place 155 Wellington Street West 181 Bay Street, Suite 1800 Toronto, Ontario M5V 3J7 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2T9 Robin B. Schwill Steven L. Graff Tel: +1416.8635502 Tel: +l416.865.7726 Natasha MacParland Fax: +l 416.863.1515 Tel: +1416.863.5567 sgraff@airdberl is.com Fax: +l 416.863.0871 Lawyers to Beauty Express Canada Inc [email protected] [email protected] Lawyers to The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited AND URSEL PHILLPS FELLOWS AND PALIARE ROLAND ROSENBERG TO: HOPKINSON LLP TO: ROTHSTEIN LLP 555 Richmond Street West, Suite 1200 155 Wellington St West, 35th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5V 3Bl Toronto, Ontario M5V 3Hl Susan Ursel Ken Rosenberg Tel: +1416.969.3515 Tel: +1416.646.4304 Max Starnino Ashley Schiuitema Tel: +l 416.969.3062 Tel: +l 416.646.7431 Lily Harmer Saneliso Moyo Tel: +1416.969.3528 Tel: +1416.646.4326 Kristen Allen Lauren Pearce Tel: +l 416. 416.9693502 Tel: +l 416.646.6308 Katy O'Rourke Emily Lawrence Tel: +1416.969.3507 Tel: +1416.646.7475 Fax: +1416.968.0325 Fax: +1416.646.4301 [email protected] ken. ro senbe r g@paliar ero I and. com ASchuitema@upflrlaw. ca m ax.starnin o@paliarer oland.com [email protected] li ly.harm er@pal iareroland.com [email protected] lauren. pearc e@paliarcr ol and. com [email protected] em i I y. I awre nce@paliarero land. com Representative Counsel for Current and Lawyers to the Superintendent of Financial Former Employees Services as Administrator of the Pension Benefits Guarantee Fund 4 AND THORNTON GROUT FINNIGAN AND BLAKE, CASSELS & GRAYDON LLP TO: LLP TO: I Place Ville Marie, Suite 3000 100 Wellington St. West, Suite 3200 Montreal, Quebec H3B 4N8 TD West Tower, Toronto-Dominion Centre Bernard Boucher Tel: +l Toronto, Ontario M5K lK7 514.982.4006 Sébastien Guy Tel: D. J. Miller +1514982.4020 Tel: +l 416.304.0559 Fax: +l 514.982.4099 Mudasir Marfatia Tel: +1416.304.0332 bernard.boucher@bl akes. com Fax: +1416.304.1313 sebastien. guy@b lakes.com [email protected] Lawyers for Ovation Logistic Inc. [email protected] Lawyers for Oxford Properties Group Inc. AND MILLER THOMSON LLP AND SEALY CANADA LTD. TO: Scotia Plaza TO: c/o Tempur Sealy International, Inc. 40 King Street West, Suite 5800 1000 Tempur Way P.O. Box 1011 Lexington, Kentucky 40511 USA Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Sl Joseph M. Kamer Jeffrey C. Carhart SVP, General Counseland Secretary Tel: +l Tel: 416.595.8615 859.455.2000 Sherry Kettle j oe.kamer@tempurseal y.com Tel: 519.931.3534 Fax: 416.595.8695 jcarhart@mi I lerthom son. com skettle@mi llerthomson.com Lawyers for Sealy Canada Ltd., Gestion Centurian Inc., 1390658 Ontario lnc. ola TEMPUR Canadaand MTD Products Limited 5 AND THORNTON GROUT F'INNIGAN AND BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP TO: LLP TO: 1000, rue De La Gauchetière Ouest, 100 Wellington St. West, Suite 3200 Bureau / Suite 900, TD West Tower, Toronto-Dominion Montréal, QC, H3B 5H4 Centre Francois D. Gagnon Toronto, Ontario M5K lK7 Tel: +1514.954.2553 Eugénie Lefebvre Leanne M. Williams Tel: Tel: +1514.954.2502 +1 416.304.0060 Fax: +l 514.954.1905 Puya Fesharaki Tel: +1416.304.7979 Fax: +1416.304.1313 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Lawyers for BellCanada [email protected] Lawyers for Whirlpool Canada Inc. AND BISHOP & MCKENZTELLP AND SHIBLEY RIGHTON LLP TO: Suite 2300, 10180 - 101 Street TO: 250 University Avenue, Suite 700 Edmonton, Alberta T5J lV3 Toronto, Ontario M5H 385 Jerritt R. Pawlyk Charles Simco Tel: +1780.421.2477 Tel: +1416.214.5265 [email protected] Fax: +1416.214.5465 Isabelle Eckler Tel: Lawyers for Clifton Associates Ltd. +1416.214.5269 Fax: +1416.214.5469 charles. simco@shibl eyri ghton.com [email protected] Lawyers for the Respondent, 152610 Canada Inc carrying on business as Laurin and Company General Contractor AND AND COMINAR REAL ESTATE GILDAN TO: TO: INVESTMENT TRUST 1980 Clements Ferry Road Complexe Jules-Dallaire - T3 Charleston, SC 29492 2820 boul. Laurier, bureau 850 Québec QC GIV OCl Andrew E. Colvin Director, Legal Affairs Andrée Lemay-Roux Tel: 843.606.3627 Tel: +1 418.681 .6300 ext.2268 [email protected] Fax: +1418.681.2946 andree. lemayroux@com inar.com b AND SPORTS INDUSTRY CREDIT AND CANADIAN DOWN & F'EATHER TO: ASSOCIATION TO: COMPANY INC. 245 Yictoria Ave., Suite 800 135 St. Regis Crescent South Westmount, Québec, H3Z 2M6 Toronto, Ontario M3J lY6 Brian Dabarno Ashwin Aggarwal Tel: +1 514.931.5561 Tel: +1416532.3200 Fax: +1514.931.2896 [email protected] [email protected] AND LITESPEED MANAGEMENT LLC AND COWEN SPECIAL INVESTMENTS, LLC TO: 745 Fifth Avenue , 6th Floor TO: 830 Third Avenue, 4th Floor New York, NY l0l5l USA New York, NY 10022 USA Irene E. Tarkov Neil Desai Tel: Tel: +l +1212.808.7418 646.616.3079 Fax: +1212.808.7425 [email protected] [email protected] AND FOGLER, RUBTNOFF LLP AND MINDEN GROSS LLP TO: Lawyers TO: 2200 - 145 King Street West 77 King Street West, TD Centre Toronto, ON M5H 4G2 Suite 3000, North Tower Toronto, Ontario M5K I G8 Timothy R. Dunn Tel: +1416.369.4335 Martin R. Kaplan Fax: +1416.864.9223 Tel: +1416.941.8822 tdunn@m indengross.com Vern W. DaRe Tel: +1416.864.8842 Lawyers for NADG (LPM) G.P. Ltd. and I.G. Fax: +l416.941.8852 Investment Management, Ltd. (Lynden Park Mall- Brantford, Ontario), Partners REIT [email protected] (Cornwall Square Mall - Cornwall, Ontario), [email protected] Acrylic Fabricators Limited, Serruya Private Equity Inc. (Promenade Mall, Vaughan), Lawyers for Metroland Media Group Strathallen Acquisitions Inc. (1000 Islands Mall, Ltd. Brockville, ON and Truro Mall, Truro, NS) and NatuzziAmericas Inc. 7 AND LPLV Avocats, s.e.n.c. AND KATTEN MUCHIN ROSENMAN LLP TO: TO: 480 boul Saint-Laurent, bureau, 200 575 Madison Avenue Montréal Québec H2Y 3Y7 New York, NY 10022-2585 Nadia Guizani I)arius J. Goldman Tel: +l 514.798.6671 Tel: +1212940.6355 Fax: +1514.798.5599 Fax: +1212940.8776 [email protected] d ar i u s. go ld m an@kattenlaw. co m Lawyers for 9145-0767 Quebec Inc. (Owner of the shopping centre known as "Place du Saguenay") and 9145-0718 Quebec Inc. (Owner of the shopping centre known as "Centre Alma") AND MCLEAN & KERR LLP AND BLANEY MCMURTRY LLP TO 130 Adelaide Street West, TO: 2 Queen Street East, Suite 1500 Suire 2800 Toronto Ontario M5C 3G5 Toronto, Ontario M5H 3P5 Walter R. Stevenson John C. Wolf Tel: +l 416.369.6602 Tel: +l 416.593.2994 Linda Galessiere David T. Ullmann Tel: +l 416.369.6609 Tel: +1 416.596.4289 Fax: +l Gustavo F. Camelino 416.594.2437 Tel: r1416.369.6621 Fax: +1416.366.8571 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] galessiere@mcleankerr. com Lawyers for the Respondents, Bentall Kennedy I gcamel ino@mcleankerr. com (Canada) LP/ QuadReal Property Group, Primaris Management Inc. First Capital Asset Management Lawyers for the Respondents, ULC and Westcliff Management Ltd. 20 VIC Management Inc. on behalf of OPB Realty Inc., Ivanhoe Cambridge Inc., Morguard lnvestments Limited, Crombie REIT, Triovest Realty Advisors Inc. HOOPP Realty Inc. and Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust I AND CHAITONS LLP AND MILLER THOMSON LLP TO: 5000 Yonge Street, lOth Floor TO: Scotia Plaza Toronto, Ontario M2N 7E9 40 King Street West, Suite 5800 P.O. Box 101I Harvey Chaiton Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Sl Tel: +l 416.218.1129 Fax: +l 416.218.1849 Craig A. Mills Tel: George Benchetrit +1 416.595.8596 Tel: +l 416.2l8.ll4l Fax: +1 416.595.8695 Fax: +1416.218.1841 [email protected] [email protected] Lawyers for Cherokee Inc [email protected] Lawyers for TravelBrands AND WEIRF'OULDS LLP AND LAWSON LUNDELL LLP TO: 4100 - 66 Wellington Street West TO: Suite 1600 Cathedral Place PO Box 35, TD Bank Tower 925 West Georgia Street Toronto, Ontario M5K 187 Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3L2 Edmond F.B. Lamek Heather M.B. Ferris Tel: +l 416.9475042 Tel: +1604.631.9145 Lisa Borsook Fax: +1604.669.1620 Tel: +l 416.947.5003 hferris@lawson lu nd el l.com Danny M. Nunes Tel: +1416.619.6293 Lawyers for 0862223 B.C. Ltd., Shape Fax: +l 416.365.1876 Brentwood Limited Partnership, Brentwood Town Centre Limited Partnership, 1854 Holdings Ltd., elamek@we irfoulds.com Shape Properties (Nanaimo) Corp., NNTC lborsook@weirfould s.com Equities Inc. and Catalyst Pulp and Paper Sales d nune s@weirfoulds. com Inc. Lawyers for RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust, Fiera Properties Core Fund LP and CT REIT Limited Partnership AND REVENUE QUEBEC TO: Alain Casavant Tel: +l 514. 415.5083 A lai n. C asa v ant@r ev enuquebec. ca 9

S.L.H. TRANSPORT INC., THE CUT INC., SEARS CONTACT SERVICES Directors of Sears Canada Inc. Lawyers for Toronto Concrete Floors.
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