Appropriators Not Position Takers: The Distorting Effects of Electoral Incentives on Congressional Representation Justin Grimmer AssistantProfessor DepartmentofPoliticalScience StanfordUniversity March 21, 2012 JustinGrimmer (StanfordUniversity) AppropriatorsNotPositionTakers March21,2012 1/19 John Kerry Amendments: Immediate redeployment of troops Carl Levin Jack Reed Both fail Examine debate after vote June 22, 2006: Defense Appropriations Bill in Senate JustinGrimmer (StanfordUniversity) AppropriatorsNotPositionTakers March21,2012 2/19 John Kerry Amendments: Immediate redeployment of troops Carl Levin Jack Reed Both fail Examine debate after vote JustinGrimmer (StanfordUniversity) AppropriatorsNotPositionTakers March21,2012 2/19 John Kerry Amendments: Immediate redeployment of troops Jack Reed Both fail Examine debate after vote Carl Levin JustinGrimmer (StanfordUniversity) AppropriatorsNotPositionTakers March21,2012 2/19 John Kerry Amendments: Immediate redeployment of troops Both fail Examine debate after vote Carl Levin Jack Reed JustinGrimmer (StanfordUniversity) AppropriatorsNotPositionTakers March21,2012 2/19 John Kerry Amendments: Immediate redeployment of troops Both fail Examine debate after vote Carl Levin Jack Reed JustinGrimmer (StanfordUniversity) AppropriatorsNotPositionTakers March21,2012 2/19 Amendments: Immediate redeployment of troops Both fail Examine debate after vote John Kerry Carl Levin Jack Reed JustinGrimmer (StanfordUniversity) AppropriatorsNotPositionTakers March21,2012 2/19 Both fail Examine debate after vote John Kerry Amendments: Immediate redeployment of troops Carl Levin Jack Reed JustinGrimmer (StanfordUniversity) AppropriatorsNotPositionTakers March21,2012 2/19 Examine debate after vote John Kerry Amendments: Immediate redeployment of troops Carl Levin Jack Reed Both fail JustinGrimmer (StanfordUniversity) AppropriatorsNotPositionTakers March21,2012 2/19 John Kerry Amendments: Immediate redeployment of troops Carl Levin Jack Reed Both fail Examine debate after vote JustinGrimmer (StanfordUniversity) AppropriatorsNotPositionTakers March21,2012 2/19